World Tree MUSH

Oh No, More Machinings!

Character Pose
    It's a fine day in Manhattan, New York, by the South Street seaport. At least as fine as a day in Manhattan can get with a swirling vortex of mass destruction looming over Midtown. But the resident wizards and witches of the city have not fled. New York is the city that never sleeps, and the elves that live here are a hardy folk who have a tendency to not give a damn about their looming demise. At least for now, while the brightest minds in the witching and wizarding world are putting their heads together to figure out how to stop it.
    You know who else is trying to figure out how to stop the giant, ominous, black hole in the sky?
    Salome Highscribe.
    The dark elf gunwitch is settled in a curbside seat at a local pizza joint, ruminating how to stop her world's apocalypse over a hot slice and a frosty mug of beer, as a Machine lifeform in a cowboy hat comes ambling by.
    She puts it out of her mind after a moment and returns to her pizza when another, in a pointy witch hat wanders in the opposite direction.
    Then there's another. And another. And another, as Machines come pouring into the streets from the direction of the docks. Where they got the cowboy hats, witch hats, and wizard robes, is a complet, baffling, mystery, but here they are, buzzing monotonously.
    Salome watches all of this with a horrified fascination for a moment before she can put her feelings to words as one just up and swipes her pizza.
    "What in tarnation...?
Yumi Tachibana
    Ah, how fickle the Vines. Yumi had meant to go out and pay a visit to the Apache of this world. But the same Vine may not always lead to the same place, and that probably explains why Yumi finds herself staring up at a looming black hole. The reason she finds herself staring at a mob of inane machines, however, is a lot more explicable; she was there for one of their previous jaunts, after all. So while a certain witch might be utterly baffled, a redheaded magical girl has a much different reaction.

    "Oh, not again..."

    Just like that, she's off down the street, hoping to head off this particular rowdy band at the pass.
Nort and Scar
    Nort is not a fan of magic.

    Yet here he is, for several reasons. "Easy, buddy," he murmurs to the massive saddled wolverine next to him as they check out the city. No, Nort is not a fan of magic, but magic worlds often lack one thing he absolutely loathes: robots. And this world somehow despite that managed to put itself in peril. It's sigh-worthy but he's just here assessing the possible damage.

    At least he was. Now strange machines are wandering by. TALKING machines. Though their monotone makes him wonder if they're the sapient machines he hates even MORE, so he doesn't go on an immediate shooting spree with laser beams. Instead he'll intercept one and the large, 2 meter tall man in power armor will just... grab one of the smaller ones and LIFT to inspect, letting Scar plod over and sniff it too.
Emily Nyx
One of the Machines with a cowboy hat, one of the taller ones, has glowing purple eyes. And a white flower painted onto the side of its head. And a cape with an emblem of the same type of flower on its back. And a black dress painted onto its body. ... It's also dancing, with much more flexibility than any of the others. And beatboxing. "Yee to the haw! Haw to the yee!" it suddenly raps, in the voice of Emily Nyx. "We're all cowboys and we're gonna be -- Oh, hi, Tachibana! Would you believe that the past couple of weeks have been really interesting for me, for the exact same reasons as the last time we saw each other?" ... It's Emily.
Emily Nyx
>> SUMMARY[Emily Nyx] >> ... Machine Lifeformily.
Temulin Dotharl
Temulin, being between jobs, decided to visit a... contact? Friend? Repeat Customer? One or more of those things. So, she's sitting there sharing pizza in jeans and leather jacket when that happens. "I think I best get changed, huh?" She asks Salome, getting up and walking over to the predatory bird she'd tied to a hitching post nearby and pulls off the bag with armour and weapons, ducks into the pizza place's restroom and comes back out geared and ready to go. "Friendly rates?" She suggests to Salome, optimistically.
Mariam Highscribe is also trying to figure out how to close the gigantic looming death hole over Manhattan. She has a book 'Stitching Magical Holes Shut' that she found deep deep deep down in the Library and is reading it. "So..." she mutters, as if reading the book aloud as she traces a finger as she walks down the street. "This spell, should close... magical holes!......" pause as she continues reading. "Under a one foot diameter. Any larger and you may be in... trouble..." she sighhhhhs a bit and flips flips flips through the book rapidly. She is about to hand it to Hooty so he can transcribe and remember any important parts for her when she hears a commotion and---

It's the same robots from that 'Hero' world. She blinks a little rapidly.

"O..Oh dear!" she says to Hooty. "Do you know what this means!?" she says to Hooty. Hooty shrugs. "THIS IS ELSEWHERESVILLE." she says.

She picks up her broom, slung around a shoulder on a strap at any given point, and zooooooms past Salome down the street. Gotta corral robots.

Hooty hastily and pantingly is flying after the broom, perhaps comically a few moments lagged.
Sonia Belmont
... ah, yes. This was what she was expecting after the great boating of the machine lifeforms. The way the Vines can be are as ever, a fickle, whimsical thing. There's a moment where a hooded figure, a slight feminine sihoulette given the size and the long blonde ponytail that trails out the front, is greatly contemplating turning back the way she came due to the... peculiarity of what passed before. Never you mind the apocalyptic aspect which is... something that actually draws personal curiosity and, frankly, alarm. 

Dismissing those thoughts from 'what can I do about this', she's quite likely to be spotted by Yumi given she too, is of a similar mindset because while the Machine Lieforms aren't... necessarily hostile-- "..."

...Okay, Emily's apparently inside one, if she didn't mishear.

...the thought about turning back and heading home begins to surface again, but /no/, no, there's a problem here and she can help. And actually think about helping herself to a drink after all this for the first time ever.
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> Still a 50/50 chance of 'yeah someone else can deal with this', but the odds are probably in someone else's favor.
Weiss Schnee
    Unlike some of the people here, Weiss is just arriving, and she MEANT to come here. A casual question got her thinking about the machines in Kaipo, and now she couldn't help wonder where they went. A few questions at the local guild of the world she was in at the time were fruitless, but Weiss is more than a little stubborn once she has her mind set on an idea.

    Long story short, she's skating in on a glyph and coming to rest on the other side of the street. Except the machines, which she expected, are dressed up. "I... really don't know what to make of this," the former heiress remarks, too confused to take action right away.
    Nort just lifts a Machine Lifeform. Even the smallest of them are quite heavy, but he really shouldn't have much of a problem thanks to his power armor. The Machine wiggles and continues to move when hefted, but ultimately remains docile. Docile and stupid. It smells like rust and oil, and buzzes a confused "YEEHAW?" At the man and his wolverine.
    Others arrive at the seaport, and Salome, surrounded familiar faces, slowly rises from her seat when she sees Yumi, Weiss, Emily-as-one-of-these-things, and Mariam of all people blazing clean by her on her broom.
    "..." The elf witch's eyebrow twitches for a beat as she draws a deep, cleansing, breath.
    "Y'know, Temulin, darlin'. I don't quite know what these things are... But I do declare, I don't think I want them in my city." She decides as she casually reaches into her coat and draws a revolver. The resounding report of a single bullet is audible all through the street as she pulls the trigger.
    And a single Machine Lifeform keels over, very dead, with a hole in its head. Given the chance, Salome will likely start killing them all in a moment, if something isn't done, but this is the seaport. The boat these dumb things came from is probably still nearby.
Yumi Tachibana
    It's as Yumi's dashing down the street that she catches sight of a pair of familiar figures - one in armor, she wishes she could call a friend, but that water's getting muddier by the day. The other, she knows full well is a walking problem in the shape of a person. Either way, this just got-

    "...complicated," Yumi mutters to herself in the wake of the gunshot.

    There's a split-second golden-white flash, and then Yumi's footsteps are pushing her far faster down the street. She's already yelling, "Don't shoot! Don't shoot don't shoot!" with one hand extended in a 'stop' gesture. "They're... they're complete and total idiots, but if you get them aggressive they're really strong! We can get them out of here without a fight, but if you start smashing them people could get killed!"

    She's not even bothering to look in Salome's direction; by reputation, she already has an idea that her words will fall on deaf ears. No, her eyes are locked entirely on Temulin while she yells for a stop.
Yumi Tachibana
>> SUMMARY[Yumi Tachibana] >> HEY NO CUT THAT OUT D:
Emily Nyx
"... yeah." In a swirl of what appears to be silvery glitter, the Emichine Lifeform changes back to a humanoid form with four arms and glowing white hair. She still has a dress in the off-medieval style of the town of Kaipo, and the cape and cowboy hat are still there. "So, third verse, same as the first two. Just with ... a different countdown timer. Uhh ..."

For a moment, she's torn. Throwing Salome at the Machines was the entire reason she had the shipment redirected to Pandemonium, but ... now it doesn't seem as funny. And Yumi, once again, brings up a good point.

So she lets out a theatrical sigh. "Releasing ... all capacitor seals." She's surrounded by three auras, one gold, one silver, and one pearlescent; all three shatter, and then another swirl of nanomachines appears around her.

So the figure that suddenly rises into the air behind Yumi has six glowing eyes, six arms, and appears to be made out of a roiling mass of shadows as black as the black hole, so black it makes her look like a humanoid rip in space, or a graphical glitch. ... And still with a cowboy hat, cape, and Kaipo-dress. "HEY, SALLY!" she calls out, her voice seemingly coming from everywhere on that form at once.

She conjures up several dozen bolts of golden light, all pointed directly at Salome, and then says the words which, essentially, started their rivalry: "THINK FAST!" And with that, the bolts descend upon their target.
Temulin Dotharl
"Tachibana." Temulin yells in response, as she hears that, and changes her mind some, leaping forwards with haste to try to tank the bullet Salome fired, darkness flaring up to increase her pace. "This was your free sample. If you want me to keep myself in between shots like this, I'm gonna need you to pay me. Reasonable rates, we can work it out later." She promises, then addresses Salome. "I'm not gonna touch you, but I trust Tachibana, so if she agrees they'll be going out of this town her way. You can help her, or I can keep doing this." She explains her intentions.
Weiss Schnee
    "Don't start shooting in the middle of a city!" Weiss says, not even trying to be more diplomatic about it. Frustrated noises at Salome, that's all she can stand to make when the shorts start flying. "Emily is here, too?" she mutters, whipping her sword out. She doesn't attack though, instead forming some glyphs on a building, a black gravity glyph to guide the dumb bots. Hopefully in a circle, that's to put them right back on the boat.
Sonia Belmont
Between Salome, the pending apocalypse, the wandering lemming-like Machine Lifeforms, there's any number of just... problems here. Sonia exhales slowly, her eyes fixing upon Emily as... well. That's... that's a hell of a sight when it gets down to it. Never you mind someone from the timeframe she originated from finds a /lot/ of new things, it's revisiting them at times that sees things that one perhaps didn't before.

Even still, beyond Emily and Weiss, she didn't have much more than a passing familiarity with some of the others she's spotted here so far, though the notion of drubbing Salome a few rounds doesn't seem like the worst idea to her mostly since she... doesn't necessarily like doing the herding the bots as much this time around again.

Yumi's remarks about antagonizing the wandering lil' Machines are in line with what she expects, never you mind about a fight in the middle of the city.

"Perhaps that boat can be used once more, before they get into the city proper," Sonia calls out aloud to those looking for a more peaceable solution as she takes a position not too far from where Temulin is, marking the bots, marking in her mind where Salome is, and given some old research that was once done on her? She gathers her magic to her, which results in that cloak billowing a bit, her hood drawn back as a pattern of green and white light appears under her feet. She isn't... seemingly doing anything yet, but she is prepared, it seems.
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> Defensive magic preparations.
Mariam tips her broom upwards into a straight spiral and looks overhead. Okay. Robots. From the docks. Then... gunshots. She looks downwards as Hooty finally lands on the broom and starts panting. Reaching into himself and pulling out a water bottle and just chugging it.

Mariam finally spots Salome when she follows the Gunshots as she angrily huffs. Okay. Others are handling her. She doesn't need to worry about that instead and gently looks down at the rancorous city street and---

Time freezes as she activates the Highscribe family gift, the Deadeye, everything slows, for her, as she starts slowly picking out Robots from the crowd.... using her wind evocation to tug robots up into the air and backwards, away from the crowd. Back towards the docks and their boat.
>> SUMMARY[Mariam] >> Picking robots out of crowds, and putting them somewhere over -> there.
    Things have gotten complicated very fast indeed. Salome blinks as Temulin intercepts her shot and the Machine is spared.
    "Well dang." The witch says, tapping a finger to her lips. "I guess it's just business, then, Temulin." She says, before stuffing the schofield back into her coat.
    "That said, I will open fire where I please." She retorts to Weiss as she draws one of her special revolvers, a heavily engraved Colt Single Action Army, and she thumbs the hammer back.
    Only for a familair voice to call her name.
    "Nyx..." She near hisses, before realization dawns. She should move.
    Salome's scarlet eye glows red and, for her, her perception of time slows to a crawl. It takes everything she has to evade the golden bolts lancing her way, several backflipping handstands, a cartwheel, and tumble roll later and she lands on her feet, duster singed and smoking as she flashes a fanged scowl.
    Already work is underway on dealing with the Machines though, some of them getting turned right around by Weiss' glyph, while others are plucked right up and turned about by Mariam's wind, a very frustrated Salome raises her gun. Of course, now, she would just be doing this to spite everyone as she pulls the trigger, an arrow of green light and dripping noxious, caustic, fluid goes flying from the barrel, leaving a wake of acid droplets sizzling the ground as she aims the acid arrow for a small cluster of Machines.
Yumi Tachibana
    "Emily!" Yumi's greeting is simple, but she's glad Emily's here. Gladder still is that Temulin is offering to be on her side - for a fee or otherwise. "I'll cover your fee and throw in an owed favor besides," the magical girl replies, skidding to a stop. Before she's even stopped moving, the young knight is whipping her hand in a horizontal arc, causing a series of bright, fiery runes to quickly erupt into being. She reaches out to grab the empty air beside the runes - and then suddenly her hand is closing around a greatsword's grip, and the runes are etched into either side of its blade.

    Whipping Prominence around herself, Yumi turns her eyes to the acrobatic display of Salome. That's going to be difficult to deal with. But a gunshot goes off, and she's not in position to stop it. She can only trust it to Temulin, and try to stop more shots from happening. This she does by hurling herself straight at Salome like a stampeding bull, the runes on her greatsword starting to glow again. The swing is simple, horizontal... and swung back around into a spin, letting her bring it upward in anticipation of Salome's dodge.
Temulin Dotharl
"Just business, ma'am." Temulin answers Salome before blowing a whistle, and jumping right as a giant bird of prey passes. The claws dig into her armour and she uses some form of signaling to guide the bird's path. "On it." She answers Yumi, and changes course. She is trying to catch the acid fluid with her body, that's going to bite through her armour and sting, but she can take it.
Nort and Scar
    When the shooting starts, Nort drops the machine. He looks around, grumbling to himself, while Scar growls. He's itching to just blast them, then Scar, the giant wolverine, speaks. "Put them on the boat and blow them all up at once, maybe. Away from the city."

    Nort makes a frustrated noise. "... fine." He has no real like of humans(or elves, for that matter), but killing civilians is definitely not on his agenda. Sadly he has none of his troops here, or he'd be able to wrangle things much more easily. Which leaves him with options of... shoot something, or do zoology at something.

    The latter is unlikely to help.

    He can't bring himself to try to stop Salome from shooting machines, so he'll sigh and instead, pick up some of the slower ones and toss them over Scar. Yeah, he's just gonna... carry them to the boat.

    He's also eying Emily, but it's hard to say, behind the visor, if it's approval or disapproval.
Emily Nyx
Emily grins. That is, a glowing purple grin appears right below those six eyes. "Yumi!" she replies, matching Yumi's tone of voice; it's good to be appreciated. And then she watches closely at what Yumi is doing; don't want to have any kind of friendly fire, after all! But okay, she's got this. All at once, the entire shadowy figure seems to start collapsing in on itself, as if it was being sucked into a smaller point ...

... until she has entirely disappeared into the staticky portal she opened in the midst of her mass.

Another staticky portal opens up, and Salome suddenly has six fists swinging at her from behind!
Mariam isn't close enough to hear her sister says she's gonna shoot who she wants to shoot and if she was there, she would tell her that, that's why everyone thinks she's at fault but really, it would just lead into firing spells at one another like always so INSTEAD, Mariam is concentrating on pushing robots backwards.

She sighs and grumbles. "Do you have any idea. How rude it is. To come in her pretending to be witches!? And cowboys!?" she screams loudly. "Well it's very!" she calls out at the robots, throwing her hands back and commanding more wind to blow the mass she accumulated earlier backwards even more.

Get them on the boat and-- send them somewhere else. Without hurting them. Hopefully.

Hopefully they don't end up on some robot eating world next.
Sonia Belmont
Well, that is ... one way to do things--part of Sonia's magic was gathering to the surface to deal with Salome's attack in another way--and frankly, still remains there. But with Temulin directly facetanking things? She simply alters her plan slightly, lifting her hands forward, clapsing together, and then spreading them in a wide motion, the same motion making the winds suddenly pick up rapidly--a cool wind, almost wintry one might note. 

But instead of stinging winds, it's winds that, frankly, are soothing to wounds and practically working to wick away that very same acid that threatens Temulin, whilst reinforcing her armor's protective qualities.
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> I'm not a scholar, I swear. Probably.
Weiss Schnee
    A lot of these people are... not people Weiss knows. A giant cyborg, a strange witch... and Emily of course. "This isn't really what I'm good at!" Weiss calls out to the others who don't know her. She may be kind of a spoiled brat, but he is mature enough to admit she's out of her league, and guiding the machines is something she's running out of tricks for.

    "No you stupid... nnngh! I wish Penny were here!" Weiss laments... only to wince as she remembers her friend. In frustration she just... shoves some of them into line, which may help but is hardly the most effective way of handling this.

    Maybe she should try helping the others instead.
    This is really not going in Salome's favor. Then again she's acting out of a petty need to spite everyone else right now, and usually when she slides into that mindstate, things rarely go well for her.
    "Oh come no now, that's not right." See, she doesn't want to actually shoot someone she's on fairly good terms with, business or not, which means Temulin's tanking is making things significantly harder for her. Let alone the fact that she has Yumi and Emily actively attacking her.
    Yumi charges in, that greatsword swinging mightily, and Salome vaults over it- only for the continued spin and upswing to force her to jerk in the air to avoid getting cleaved, it leaves her wide open for Emily to catch her from behind and slam her to the ground. With a grunt, Salome picks herself back up, dusting her hat off. "Well I'll be damned. This just ain't fun."
    Between Nort and Scar carrying the machines, Weiss getting pushy, and Mariam still using her wind, the Machines are starting to get turend around in the direction of the boat.
    "HOCUS POCUS?" A Machine buzzes at Mariam, glowing eyes regarding her questioningly when the with says just how rude they're being. But for a squad of rude things, they at least still docile thanks to the efforts put forward in keeping Salome from killing them. Speaking of... The witch snaps her fingers and digs into her coat, pulling out a glinting silver coin.
    Flipping it into the air she draws another revolver-- and shoots the coin. The spell stored in the bullet impacts the mirrored surface and rebounds, bouncing back to hit the witch herself.
    Salome's movements become... Jerky... Erratic. Her eye is still glowing, and she was fast before.
    But now that she's Hasted?
    She moves like a blur.
Emily Nyx
Emily raises her eyebrows. "Don't be too hasty!" she says. "... yeah, uh, no, that was a bad one. Uhhh ..." Well, as long as Salome isn't killing anything at that moment, she's less of a danger, but they don't want to get too complacent. Emily starts exuding towards Salome; it's hard to see what she's doing, due to how featureless her current form is, but it seems as though she's creating new limbs as she sets them down before herself and then withdrawing other ones behind. She's also, it seems, spreading herself out to try to cover more ground. And she approaches Salome, two large jaw-like entities extend out from her, and attempt to slam together -- with Salome at the middle!
Yumi Tachibana
    "Go figure," Yumi replies with a look somewhere between 'faint smirk' and 'faint grimace'. "Just shooting things instead of thinking it through leads to having a bad time. Who'dve thought." But Salome is doubling down, and doing it with a Haste spell. That's a problem. If there's any area in which Yumi is weak, it's speed. Oh, sure, she's much faster than an ordinary human, but her package leans towards durability and strength. A true master of speed is going to leave her in the dust.

    But fights are won by playing to one's strength, and compensating for one's weakness. She doesn't have to match Salome's speed. She just has to slow Salome down.

    Yumi starts watching Salome's movements. Trying to spot a pattern. A tendency in the witch's dodges. Anything she can use to predict just when... there! Suddenly, the magical knight lunges to the attack, dashing forward to converge on Salome's path. She lifts up her hand, gathering magical energy as if to fire a blast from her palm... an 'attack' intended solely to make sure the witch is looking right at said palm.

    Because the palm suddenly erupts in a blindingly bright light, a brief but powerful directional flash meant to momentarily rob Salome of the most important asset to using super speed - her sight.
Temulin Dotharl
Temulin also does not like hurting people she knows. So, she doesn't. As Salome switches tracks, she just gets ready, guiding her bird to throw her and then dive to catch her, landing in the saddle at the end. That done, she tries to stay in between Salome and the machines as they're being shepherded, looking a little less worse for the wear than she imagined to be thanks to Sonia's aid.
Temulin Dotharl
>> SUMMARY[Temulin Dotharl] >> Ready to tank as needed.
Air is her best element to use in this situation. She might fry some of the poor things to death if she uses her Lightning too much, and Water won't... do much. Maybe bother them a bit. And Fire is just... basically killing them. So she sticks to using gusts of wind, pushing them away, as she answers the robot. "Yes, Rude!" she says, as if she assumes what the robot was asking was 'wait, really!?'. She's assuming the robots are polite to some degree. She may be wrong. She's still trying.

She starts to pick up the pace, using stored magic in her broom as she grips it's handle a moment to blast out a strong burst of wind to literarily pick them up and fling them through the air into the boat, guiding it with her hand as she mutters her evocations lightly, moving as fast as she can, quickly, from target to target. There, there...

She occasionally peeks over. They're still handling her sister. Good.
Sonia Belmont
A slight grunt from Sonia as she watches--more than watches, really--what Salome's doing, both in terms of attack and countering, as she supports Temulin and the others with the readiness to shift to say, direct attacking. Keeping an eye on Yumi and Emily respectively, it seems she doesn't have to supply her magical support to them. 

It's when Salome shoots herself--something she remembers from that time in the forest with Lucatiel as well, come to think of it, and the movements are... ah, yes. That--that magic she senses and picks up on. Careful not to get caught in the crossfire of attacks being thrown by all three of them, a wreath of arcane circles wraps itself around Sonia's arms as she suddenly sprints forward towards Salome.

When she gets closer, there's a strange sense that might forewarn Salome just a bit--despite the appearence it's raw, singularly destructive magical energy that's meant to simply annhilate whatever magic, whatever else it might come into contact with. And what Sonia seeks to make contact with, is that very same magic Salome used to enhance herself with.
Nort and Scar
    Great strength will only carry(heh) things so far, and Scar is already growling when he drops the tin-cans on the ground in the direction the duo wants them to go. This isn't totally effective, but it's the best he can do. At least, the best Nort can do. He tugs his sidearm out and considers the ongoing fight.

    Scar rumbles, "Best not get involved." Then the wolverine turns and bounds to the side, snapping at the machines. This is basically... herding, like a sheepdog. At least, that's the idea, but the fur ruffles and the wolverine digs in his claws with a growl, as the sudden storm tumbles several machines forward at once.

    "Magic," he grumbles.
>> SUMMARY[Mariam] >> Just kind of image robots flying through the air with a potato gun-like popping sound effect or something. :I
Weiss Schnee
    A wind blast! A helpful little thing, and one that whips Weiss's hair about in a silver flutter. The pale girl huffs, shielding her face with a hand then flicking her hair back. That was... isn't that the witch she fought? No, wait, Salome is over there and the attitude and look are way different than her first glimpse. "Thanks, I guess!" She calls out, as much as the little tsun can to a stranger!

    This makes it easier for her! All Weiss has to do is keep the machines from wandering off course... and THAT she knows how to do. Her sword Myrtenaster twirls about and the tip impacts the ground, with a flare of light... and the cylinder spinning to land on a blue line. With a sudden chill in the air, a shuddering and crisp blast slices forward, ice crystals erupting.

    To Nort and Scar she shouts, "I think we've got this!"
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> Stripping Salome of her buffs and being extra disruptive towards the body that carries it.
    Nope, not going well for Sally in the least. Though she manages to avoid getting turned into a witch-sandwich by Emily, she is blinded for her efforts and counterspelled, leaving the elf snarling in distraught fury.
    But really that's all the opening the others need to finish wrangling the Machine Lifeforms. With Scar herding them, Weiss' ice, and Mariam conjuring a great gusting storm of wind, the last of the Machines are rounded up and shoved onto the boat-- which is already starting to break away from its moorings and float off.
    They're waving again.
    But Salome scowls, one hand covering her blinded eyes.
    "PIERCE." She shrieks, causing her faithful black cat to come trotting out of the nearest alley. "Eyes. Now."
    With a blink, the cat's eyes turn blue-red as she hijacks her Familiar's vision for her own and-- follows him back into the alley to bail.
>> SUMMARY[Salome] >> All I wanted was a slice of pizza. ._.
Emily Nyx
For a moment, Emily is tempted to just ... give Salome one last little flick.

Instead, she shrugs, and sighs with a cheeky smile. "Reapplying all capacitor seals," she says, and the three auras reconstruct themselves before fading away. In a swirl of silvery glitter, she's back in the humanoid form with just two eyes and four arms. "Man," she says. "I should probably ... figure out where those guys are headed next."
Mariam huffs. "And go... somewhere else...! And don't... bother more people!" she says as she waves off at the robots. She then floats downwards and hits street level. "Everything is okay! Sorry about the problem um!.. e--everyone go about their business!" she says.

She'll make sure everyone is okay. Apply healing magic where needed and all that.
Nort and Scar
    Nort and Scar watch the boat go... and then both look at the others. Nort grumbles, "I don't know what that was all about..."

    Scar takes over then, the huge quadruped growling, "Messy things. We'll follow them and make sure to take care of the problem." From the dripping hate in his voice, the duo probably intends on wrecking them all as soon as it's safe.
Yumi Tachibana
    She's... she's leaving. Thank goodness, she's leaving. Yumi holds a guarded posture for a handful of seconds more, but then releases her grip on Prominence, and the weapon fades from existence; to be followed shortly by her armor, turning itself to sheets of light and then dispersing. She first turns to give Temulin a grateful nod, and then turns around to look Sonya's way, then Weiss' as well. "That's twice the two of you have pitched in with these things. I don't think I've caught either of your names, though...?" A glance at Nort and Scar, "Both of you, too. Thank you. Those machines have been wandering around from world to world. They're... they're very harmful in their own world, but out here they seem to be mostly just, uh... stupid. Bumbling around doing weird imitations of people wherever they are."
Sonia Belmont
"Sonia." the woman so named answers somewhat tersely, though not in a hostile fashion. Just keeping things simple, as she gathers herself after making sure Salome wasn't inclined to double back, and watching as the machines departed via boat. She didn't miss the venom dripping in the voice of Scar. "Would be cautious if you intended to do so without anyone else." the blonde offers. "Whilst quite idiotic as mentioned, when antagonized they can become quite vicious. Perhaps at this point we might needs to find a way to drop them in a pit." the Belmont concludes as she bobs her head once towards some of the others. "See that you do, Emily Nyx. I have this troubling suspicion it won't be long before chance and fate has some of us dealing with them yet again." 
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss glances at Yumi. "I-I mean it isn't my business, but... I don't like to leave a job half-finished, you know? And I wasn't sure if they'd start hurting people." She puffs and sheaths her sword. "Weiss. Weiss Schnee." She looks at Nort and Scar, frowning before sighing. "Just don't get yourselves killed..."

    She moves up next to Sonia, nodding to Emily a late hello while taking a look at who else is here. So many unknown faces...
Emily Nyx
Emily nods to each of the others in turn. "I'll do my best to make sure they end up someplace sensible," she says. "The dangerous ones are dangerous, yes." She nods to Weiss and Sonia, fellow veterans of ... Simone. "The dumb ones are ... dumb. Including most of the smart ones." She shrugs with all four arms. "But ... yeah, I'll try to get them pointed more-or-less back in the direction of the world they came from." She grins. "Man, I can't wait to see 2B's face ..."