World Tree MUSH

Captain's Log 2997, 3454.4

On routine exploration duty to sector Zeta Epsilon, the Sanctuary encountered a spacial anomaly. All attempts to evade this anomaly have failed, and now we have emerged from FTL in orbit of a planet, initial scans indicate it to be Class-M, with almost identical continental layout to Centria. Lifeform readings indicate several billion inhabitants, sentient Class 2 .. human. Further investigation is in order. I am readying the Ur-Doll Explorer rig for a surface analysis and attempted contact.

    Intro to a very unique character idea! Come investigate the weird alien... robot? Shennanigans ensue!
Character Pose
Justina Thyme
    Three days ago, Draconis Theta frontier station, 'Arcology', setting course for Zeta Epsilon, CEC Sanctuary.

    "Dockmaster, this is CEC Sanctuary, all supplies secured and quarrantined, all Dolls secure and docking clams are released. Requesting clearance to depart." The Half-Elf sits down in her chair, releasing the comm button as the speaking crystal begins to light and flicker with the station master's voice. <Confirming, Sanctuary, you are clear to depart. Three one nine, Omega, you're clear to the dive point, Good Hunting.>

    Three Hours ago, Deep Space, Leyline Zeta-zero one three five five nine. <Justina, I'm detecting a spacial anomaly in our path. Energy readings are off the charts, and my visual feed registers the lightspeed echo as some kind of plant growth.> The Half-elf frowns, pulling herself from the microscope lenses and turning to a display panel. "Show me... have you attempted course corrections to avoid it?" <Already made seven before alerting you. It seems to be tracking us. Intercept is in two hours, fifty eight minutes twelve seconds.>

    "Secure all non-essential systems and modulate the hull plating to deflect as much harmful radiation as possible." <Aye, captain.>


    "Report!" Justina's eyes swim for a moment as the ship emerges from FTL far too close to a planetary gravity well for comfort, though the ship is in a stable orbit thanks to Minerva. <FTL safety interrupt, gravity well detected... it seems the anomaly deposited us in orbit of a Class-M planet with comparable makeup to Centria. Surface scan indicates several billion lifeform readings of Class 2 Sentients... all human.>

    The Half-elf nods. "Bring Alphonse out of storage and have him teleported groundside while I rig up the AP system... I'm going to take a look and try to make contact with the locals." <Understood. Ur-Doll ALP-0N5 deploying.>

    On the surface in the middle of a large open plaza, a flicker of energy marks the arrival of a fairly large robotic construct. It stands at approximately 6'4" tall, is built blockily and robust. It simply stands there unmoving, not taking any notice of those around it for several minutes. Enough time for some curious locals to approach and try and poke the thing, as humans tend to do.
Talia Kyras
    Hyperspace travel is a hell of a thing to experience. Moving at lightspeed like it's a short, two-hour flight. Ever since Talia tracked those coordinates, she'd been talking her guests through the workings of the ship. Of course, her droid wasn't making things easy for the Mirialan's patience.

    "If you'd just not backseat fly with me, we wouldn't be having these discussions!" Aggressive beeping answers her. "Well you don't exactly give the most constructive criticism, En-Dee!" Beep. "Oh, that's just uncalled for."

    It's a very tense flight, as they land on the planet's surface. "Seems we're not the only ones who came." She muses softly, as they begin landing procedures. She begins hailing the ship over comm, "This is the Paragon's Legacy speaking, I have crew with me and we're willing to offer assist in any way we can."
Misaki Sakai
Misaki hasn't been on a spaceship before, she's excited. "So what does this button do?" Is a question she may have asked a few times, or questions similar. She hasn't touched anything beyond her seat, though. Curiosity but not the point of being unreasonable. When they arrive, she immediately transforms, ready to head out for action the moment there's a clue as to what's going on.
Yahiko Myojin
    Although he's from a pretty primitive era where gatling guns and trains are the height of technology, Yahiko has been wandering long enough that the idea of a spaceship, while a little intimidating, is not terrifying any more. Still no idea how it works, but that isn't his business! He understands it's like a very advanced train, at least. But wandering about, looking for his homeworld, and aiding those in need... it calls to his samurai roots!

    Not that a sword does much in space battles.

    He unbuckles as the landing completes, hopping up and strapping his sword into place, then picking up the wooden one for casual use for now. "Any word on what's happening?" He's young - late teens? - but seems to know the procedure for a rescue op.
    You know who doesn't backseat drive?
    Mary Contrary.
    In fact, the little shinki is more than content to sit on Morrigan's shoulder for most of their drives, be it wherever they're going. Right now though the pair don't have much of a set destination in mind. Between fish-men infested fishing villages and a dracolich to deal with, this is an off day as a grey 2003 Ford Windstar pulls into the city.
    "Okay! We're just going to stop for a few supplies and then be on our way." Morrigan says to the shinki on her shoulder. "You need a new battery, I need food- we can probably get some jelly along the way..."
    "Apple please."
    "Yes, yes, dear, I know apple is your favorite." Morrigan says as the car pulls in to a perfectly legel parking spot with complete and utter precision, and she turns the key in the ignition to shut it down.
    The door swings open and the pair emerge and... Immediately pause.
    "Master it looks like something's going on. I'll go take a look." Mary notes as Morrigan peers over, clueless for a moment, as the mechanical tentacle-armored shinki flits off her shoulder to investigate the robot in the plaza a little closer. "Mm'kay just be careful." Morrigan says.
    Morrigan can see and hear anything she sees anyway.
Justina Thyme
    Minerva response to the hail. <This is Minerva, Operator Intelligence of the Centrian Expeditionary Corps ship Sanctuary. All systems are operating within parameters. The Captain has deployed a remote body to contact the local inhabitants. I am transmitting IDent trackers now though I cannot chart our current location relative to any known astrological body, please advise.>

    As people start to show up, and the locals back off as clearly more qualified responders arrive, the robot seems to come to life. The 'eyes' light up and seams in the outer shell begin to pulse with blue light from within. A synthetic voice, androgynous begins to recite in a language the local translation effect doesn't seem able to parse, before that cuts out with a grumpy sounding >Yes yes yes I get it, mute boot sequence until I manually unmute it.< the new voice is clearly feminine, though sounding a bit tinny through the robot's voice modulator. >Testing, testing... is this thing working, hello?< The robot turns, moving much more gracefully than a construct that size really has a right to. The 'eyes' dim intermittently, an analogue to blinking? What even is this thing?
Talia Kyras
    Talia had studied a bit of the samurai culture when she met Yahiko. She identified with the idea of samurai and knights, fitting that other universes had similar ideas to the Jedi. She had as many questions for him as he likely did her. Misaki also gets patient and gentle answers, when she asks about the ship's workings.

    Once they're responded to, Talia perks up. "Copy that, Minerva. I'm landing as we speak, we'll make contact with your droid and move on from there." She says.

    They land next to the crude, mysterious vehicle, and Talia leads Misaki and Yahiko down the ramp. "Let's go, ND. We might need you with us." Beep beep. The boxy droid wheels down the ramp with Talia loyally as she can manage.

    The tall droid up ahead is curious, as is the warlock in the vehicle and her tiny friend, a shinki like the one Piera had. "Are you a shinki as well?" Talia asks the tiny droid. "Curious. Well met to you and your master."

    Talia gets a very threatening aura off of Morrigan, but tries to choke back her hesitation as they keep going.

    The droid up ahead is greeted by both Talia and ND, the boxy droid beginning to hail it in droidspeak. <Can you understand me? It's hard enough to tell when the organics know droidspeak.> ND beeps sourly.
Misaki Sakai
Misaki follows Talia, eyes wide open to see what's going on. She pauses when she notices a familiar shinki, though she hasn't noticed Morrigan yet. "Hi miss Contrary. I guess that means she's around here somewhere, too? I don't suppose you can help me ensure she won't cause any trouble?" She does not know anything about these kinds of robots, or any kind of robots.
Yahiko Myojin
    Even if Yahiko is used to weird high tech now, it's still a relief to be on solid ground. He's being pretty quiet right now, but a close eye will notice the likely cause is due to his eyes darting about, just taking in the local scenery. "Huh." He's not as quick to jump in as he used to be, just keeping an eye on Misaki now, until the body lurches to life.

    While his hand lifts his sword briefly - the wooden one - it appears to be just reflex, because it lowers immediately and he rests the tip on the ground, frowning as the tentacled little robot buzzes in as well. "So you're like the ship's emissary?" Likening it to something he can better relate to.
    There is indeed a shinki examining the much larger robot. Though Mary flits away as it begins to boot, brow knotting at the unintelligible language, she keeps her focus on the larger machine a first. Before her attention shifts as the other arrive.
    "Oh, yes, hello. That's correct. MMS Maryceles Type Tentacles: Mary Contrary." The shinki introduces herself with her full designation to Talia, before nodding at the senshi.
    "Hello, Misaki. Master is here, yes-- she's right by the car. We were just in town to get some supplies." She explains matter of factly.
    Polite little thing. But then she's looking back at the larger machine!
    "Oh! Yes, it's working, we can hear you!" She says as Morrigan shuts the car door, locks it with a ~pip pip~, and starts making her way on over.
Justina Thyme
    Minerva responds <The body is robotic, but the will driving it is not a 'droid'... I'll let her explain.>

    As ND rolls up and starts chirp-warbling at it, the robotic frame shifts, drops to one knee and seems to consider for a moment. >Language syntax is, rudamentary, but subtly complex in many ways. Facinating... no auric trace, no Primus signature...<

    Standing straight again, the body turns to the others. >...< theres more people here than she expected... adapt. >My name... is Justina Thyme. Scientist.< the voice has suddenly become rather clipped. Mary Contrary and ND seem to not trigger this reaction though. >We were intecepted, FTL system shut down when we detected the gravity well of this planet. I came down to contact the locals... attempt to get star charts.<
Talia Kyras
    Talia bobs her head to both Mary and Justina's droid shell. "Talia Kyras, Jedi Knight. This is Yahiko and MIsaki, we're here to help." She explains calmly.

    ND trills, <No idea what any of that is. I'm just a droid.> Beep. <My designation's ND-77, I'm an astromech droid. Repairs, interface, that sort of thing.> Beep beep.

    The droid and Jedi both listen to the briefing with an intent nod, "Intercepted by what exactly?" Talia asks. "Are you being pursued?"
Yahiko Myojin
    Even if Yahiko doesn't understand starships, he does understand navigation by the stars! So the problem is immediately evident to him. "Oh... yeah I think you're going to have some trouble with that." A lot of the rest went over his head, but he gets the general idea. "You're probably in a completely different time, even if your universe has the same layout. Which it might not."

    The question about interception is also good. "And if you are, why?" Is this a defend the innocent thing?
Misaki Sakai
Misaki's going to respond to Justina but then Morrigan approaches, and Misaki manifests both her guns. She aims one at Morrigan's forehead, and the other at Mary Contrary. Both are, for the time being, just emitting very mild lazers, warm enough to be annoying and painting lovely red dots, but not yet dangerous. "Go. Away." Her voice drips with pure vitriol. She even does a little trick with her eyes, creating a bright red glow over her irises.
    Morrigan does approach indeed! Hands folded behind her head as she makes her way over to rejoin her shinki companion and to actually meet this robot scientist from space herself! She had been listening to the entirety of the conversation up to this point through Mary's auditory sensors.
    "Soooo! This is some real science-fiction stuff right here. I can't say I--"
    There is a red dot on Morrigan's forehead now. And she trails off to slowwwwly turn her head to Misaki. Mary looks genuinely hurt and confused by the sudden threat, but her Master crosses her eyes upwards, one hand rubbing at the warm tingling burn on her skin.
    "Goodness, Misaki. It's a pleasure to see you as well. Now last I checked, I've been a good girl. So why don't you put those away and we all talk like civilized people?" The half-elf says, eldritch green glowing eyes narrowing faintly as she looks into the girl's red-glowing eyes.
    "We wouldn't want to ruin my streak now, would we?"
Justina Thyme
    Justuna-mech shakes its head, lifting one arm and opening a holographic panel over the palm. >Playback of incident 29973454.2.< The screen replays the sensor readings and the lightspeed echo map of the anomaly. It's clearly a Vine for those that have used them, only much bigger, and in space. >Spatial anomaly, quantum transdimensional. Minerva posited possible wormhole effect, or a Leyline distortion.< ND-77 earns a response. >Astrogation Doll, facinating, the techbase must be vastly different to Centrian or even the RAIs.<

    Talia, Yahiko and Misaki all get a curt nod in response. >We will need star charts, and any Leyline maps you may have, otherwise, we will have to map the local Lines manually.

    When Misaki suddenly seems to turn hostile, the Doll's features start to manifest. The holographic screen vanishes, the entire arm from the elbow replaced by a long, silvery blade in a sudden flare of bluewhite along the limb. The other arm becomes a hexagonal club, looking like a giant hex-key barrel, made with a dull grey material. >Everyone, stand down. There are civilians present.<
Talia Kyras
    "Ley lines? Places of mystical power you mean?" Talia's been doing some homework it sounds like. "I don't have instruments to track them, but I do have something I can use." She offers. "Star charts I can also provide if you require them."

    Of course, things are interrupted as suddenly Misaki draws her weapons. Talia makes a move to interrupt the confrontation. "MIsaki, no!" She steps between her and the warlock and shinki. "She hasn't done anything to harm us or others. Yet. I can't in good conscience allow you to engage her." She says, tone firm as she raises her arms outstretched.
Yahiko Myojin
    Suddenly things are getting messy! Yahiko blinks, darting forward as well, but his hand just rests on Misaki's shoulder. "Woah! Yeah, the um... scientist is right, if she isn't causing a problem we can't fight here! There could be casualties! And she hasn't done anything!" He huffs, "It's probably breaking a dozen laws or something for you to attack out of the blue."
Misaki Sakai
"You're one to talk about 'civilized,' Morrigan." Misaki drops the honorific. "Go away and I won't have to do anything you'll regret." She's about to say more when the others step in. But then, suddenly, she dematerializes her guns and the light over her eyes, and instead uses her phone to look up local star charts, which she immediately begins to display a reasonable interpretation of with her light, "Couldn't find anything about those Ley Lines, sorry." She sounds a bit awkward like she's deliberately trying to pretend nothing just happened.
    TO HER CREDIT, Morrigan Lor'osa keeps her cool in the face of the younger girl's threats, though she scrunches her eyes as the machine manifests its weapons.
    Her attention returns to Misaki though.
    "Do not test nor stretch my respect for you, Misaki Sakai. Because if you ever threaten me again, without a fine reason, all bets are off."
    Right about now poor Mary is tugging Morrigan by the collar while hiding behind her. But Morrigan holds up a single hand.
    "It's fine. I'm chill."
    That out of the way, she dips her head to Talia and Yahiko for holding the senshi back. "Thank you for being reasonable."
    NOW she rubs her chin as she regards the machine now that she's up close and not distracted.
    "Huh. You're really inside that thing aren't you? Not physically, but you're there nevertheless. Fascinating. I know wizards who would strangle someone to learn that trick."
Justina Thyme
    As the tension fades again, the weapon arms shift back to the basic manipulators again. Those that look closely would see that the arms didn't /change/, just became encased in a frame of the material, which now absorbs back into the chestplate of the robot. Those with a magical sense would be able to taste the amount of power eminating from the robot during the formation and dissolvement of the melee weapons. >Local charts will be fine... a time-displacement was anticipated, we can hopefulyl extrapolate some useful data once we can orient ourselves.< remarks the scientist.

    As Morrigan inspects it, the body turns, looks down and then, nods. >I am using a rig to sustain an Astral Projection spell through a series of baffles and buffers to decrease the stress such a spell causes on the body.< she replies. Talking shop also seems to not trigger the curtness.
Yahiko Myojin
    "Inside? Like, did she shrink herself or something?" Yahiko says, still keeping a wary eye on Misaki and Morrigan just in case. He's seen some weird things but... "Magic isn't really something I know much about, I'm just a normal kid."

    Completely normal.

    "But I think you went through a Vine, which means you're a long way away from home," Yahiko continues. "Same thing happened to me, I'm trying to figure out where 'home' is."
Talia Kyras
    The tension fades, and Talia looks at Misaki with concern. "Are you alright?" She asks the magical girl with a worried expression, putting a hand on her shoulder.

    She nods to Morrigan, but still warily watches her for a while. She will however defer to the more magically inclined, she's not exactly a sorcerer. "Indeed. Master Kamoya's got the same problem, I gathered."
Misaki Sakai
"Just a side effect." Misaki murmurs in response to Talia, "Don't worry about it." Misaki does not respond to Morrigan at all, "Sorry Miss Contrary, I shouldn't have pointed a weapon at you." And then she goes back to pretending none of it ever happened, "What's an astral projection? My magic is a little narrow but it's all very interesting."
    Mary nods quietly from where she hides, peeking over Morrigan's shoulder. The shinki gets a light pat on the head from her Master before Morrigan folds her arms across her chest.
    "I think that young man has about the right of it. You probably hit a vine." She agrees with Yahiko.
    "An astral projection is the art of having your consciousness leave your own body. Most of the time it's to wander around the Astral Plane, but some skilled-- or savvy magic users can apparently use it to enter and control their constructs." She says in a direct reference to Justina here.
    She is explaining for Yahiko's sake, not Misaki's because Morrigan is being petty right now.
Justina Thyme
    >Morrigan has the right of it. I am using a modification of the spell. Minerva is using the main powerplant of the Sanctuary to power the spell, run it through the rig. I cast the spell, while simultaneously activating the rig using a keyphrase... my people have, refined spellwork into a science.< the robot actually folds its arms over its chest, showing a flexibility not common to robotics. >Centria is much like this planet, though where humans dominate here, all the races came together and forged a lasting alliance, even between former mortal enemies.<
Yahiko Myojin
    Yahiko shrugs, "Sometimes that happens here, but where I'm from there are only humans." So they fight amongst themselves, he doesn't add. "I think these others know a lot more about the things you're talking about. I didn't even know you could go into space until a year ago."
Talia Kyras
    Talia nods slowly, before she looks to ND. "Can you bring us a copy of our star-charts, En-Dee?" The droid chirps an affirmative before rolling off towards the ship. "I don't know if my maps are any good, but if you're anywhere near my galaxy they should help."
Misaki Sakai
Misaki listens curiously to the explanations, though she sticks out her tongue at Morrigan when she thinks the warlock isn't looking. "So what's your homeworld like, miss Thyme?"
    "Huh. Using something else as the power source." Morrigan muses, rubbing her chin. "That's not unheard of."
    Not in the least considering her own abilities, but she doesn't say that.
    "What's Sanctuary?" She wasn't privy to the communications between Talia's ship and Justina's earlier.
    "Is Centria where you're from?"
Justina Thyme
    Justina ponders all this. >Centria is the homeworld for the Centrian Alliance... Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Orcs, Kobolds, Trolls and Goblins.< she replies. >Minerva can answer more thorughly than I... as for Sanctuary, it is my ship, my... home.< the voice sounds a little sad at that. >Its all I've known for the last seven years, except for the times I've used these Ur-Doll bodies to explore strange new worlds.<
Talia Kyras
    "Are you unable to leave the ship?" Talia asks curiously. Her theory is some kind of bio-hazard that Justina can't risk exposing herself to. ND wheels on up and beep beeps. <Got the maps. Gimme a dataport to link with, Minerva.> The astro-droid beeps.
Yahiko Myojin
    Yahiko frowns, hearing the description. "You're going to find these places very different from home. I've never heard anything like a Centrian Alliance, but I've heard of a few of those creatures at least. Maybe that can take you closer..." Funny enough, the 'primitive' samurai doesn't seem to have any trouble talking to this strange doll-body, looking at the glowing eyes and chatting. "You've been on your ship for seven years? Is it a big ship? Do you meet other people in your travels at least?"
    Centria seems to be quite the melting pot if Orcs, Kobolds, and Trolls get along with the other races. Morrigan spends a beat rubbing her chin before her brow arches. Something in what Justina says- the tone of her voice- says there's probably a reason she's remaining aboard this Sanctuary.
    Then Talia flat out asks the question. Morrigan pulls out a... CREDIT CARD and hands it to Mary.
    "Mary, dear, go handle our shopping. I'll be by the car when I'm done here." She'll stick around and listen a bit longer before ducking in the direction of her car.
Justina Thyme
    Justina's mech-body kneels down, and offers a port in the side of the torso. it may, or may not fit the astromech's datajack. >Minerva is still aboard the ship. She is currently occupied with plotting our location in the local stellar cluster. This frame can accept a data transfer, though physical connections may not be compatable.< replies Justina. To Talia, afterward. >I suffer from a rare, and currently uncurable disease that means, if I so much as breathe the same air as another organic being, I will die a slow and painful death.< she's blunt and direct about it... >Sanctuary is named such as it is my one and only.<

    >It is a modified Type-7 Modular laboratory ship... they are normally home to a crew of two hundred... though Minerva and her fleet of semi-autonomous Dolls can run it perfectly well for our needs.<
Talia Kyras
    "O-oh." Talia blinks, her cheeks darkening a little as she frowns. "I'm so sorry." She shakes her head with sadness. "I...anyway." ND will begin a wireless connection with the frame, then. It'll be a few minutes for data to transfer, the file size is considerable.
Yahiko Myojin
    Yeah, hearing that makes Yahiko frown as well, and he sighs. Then he realizes what's actually happening. "At least you have a way to go out, if just this much. If you're looking for strange and wondrous sights to see, then you've ended up in the right place though."
Misaki Sakai
"That sounds rather inconvenient, miss Thyme. I suppose that's why you put so much effort in this solution?" Misaki asks as she hears that, "It's interesting, have you met with a lot of people this way?"
Justina Thyme
    >I have come to terms with my situation. It was the driving force behind my research into this Ur-Doll system in the first place. The fact it can allow people without my condition to explore hostile environments in relative safety, barring any horrific damage to the unit which can still bleed through the link... was secondary to my original intentions.<

    the Scientist then starts going into herself a little. >Oh, yes, that's right, I didn't explain... a Doll is a simple machine, they can make meals, perform repetitive tasks, or be slaved to an Operator to act as its own proxy bodies... an Ur-Doll is meant to be 'driven' by remote.<

    Misaki's question breaks her out of that reverie, >Oh, yes, plenty of cultures, strange animals and new worlds... it just, feels artificial, watching it happen through these fake eyes.< she says, sounding a little sad.

    ND's upload completes. >I should get these charts back to Minerva. We need to plot our routes around the local cluster and seek out one of these 'Vines' as you call them to return home. The Alliance will want to hear about this.< With that, the body stands, then in a reverse of what happened on 'start up', it goes inert, then vanishes in a shimmering teleportation spell.