World Tree MUSH

May Humankind Be Everlasting

A new world just blossomed, and this one's a real doozy -- for some inexplicable reason, the world didn't blossom until hundreds of years after some sort of calamity wiped out the human population! Dante, Yahiko, and Asato investigate to find whether there's anyone there who counts as an "anyone".
Character Pose
Emily Nyx
A world has just blossomed! Which wouldn't normally be surprising in and of itself; this sort of thing happens all the time, doesn't it?

This particular Blossom, however, seems to consist entirely of overgrown ruins. In the past few days, a few scattered vines have led to regions which seemed at first to be rocky and occasionally jungly wilderness; on closer inspection, the rocks and jungles were revealed to be have grown on skyscrapers, houses, former farmland. Investigators reported a few pieces of functional technology, which were massively advanced beyond that of many worlds. Surviving digital calendars put the date in the year CE 3518; one maintenance record stated that the last time a human interacted with them was in the year CE 2854.

But then, suddenly, for the past few hours, the vines have all been depositing people in what was once a medium-sized plaza in a different part of this world -- and some vines seem to have been redirected to this area as well.

A few buildings stand tall around the plaza; there's a few surviving walls at the edges. In the exact center of the plaza is a raised plinth which once seemed to have a massive statue, but all that remains is a pair of granite sandaled feet proportionate for a statue thirty feet tall. The surrounding grassy rubble doesn't even have anything that can be particularly discerned as having come from the statue. Embedded in the front of the plinth is a plaque with the following text:

    May Humankind Be Everlasting
    Master Julian H. Fisher, c. 2721

    Master Fisher created this statue, depicting the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II wielding a Master Cybernetic, in commemoration of the extent to which humankind has advanced in the 4000 years since Ramses II's reign. It stands proudly in the Capitol City Plaza for all who pass through here to see.

... The plaque seems suspiciously clear and legible, actually, as if it had been cleaned recently.

There's also an eerie feeling of being watched.
    A lot of this world seems eerily silent, especially to Dante. He enters the plaza, hopping off a massive vine as he approaches the statue. Reading it aloud softly under his breath, the Devil Hunter narrows his eyes. "...what kinda Pharaoh would have that kinda gear on him?" He wonders, before his instincts kick in.

    He grips the haft of Rebellion, the massive sword leaving his back as he looks around alertly.
Yahiko Myojin

    Another world, another... future world. But this time things look a lot less pleasant and sparkly than the places Yahiko has been. Even Athena's world was a lot more pleasant than this. Though... Yahiko comes up behind Dante to read, struggling through it because he's still less skilled at reading than most.

    "That's a pretty clean plaque," he observes. "It might look deserted, but there have to be people here." The idea of automated machines isn't new to him, now that he's been wandering the Tree so much, but it still isn't his first thought.

    The samurai boy looks at Dante, then adjusts his sword, moving it from back to side as if to prepare for possible combat. "Myojin, Yahiko. I take it you're not from around here either, huh?" Said to anyone within earshot who happens to be showing up.
Asato really couldn't care less about the calendars. This place, it looks a little like his world. In particular, Ransen, the biggest city in Sisa, which was also built in the ruins of a human city that the humans had long since disappeared from. In fact, humans had long since disappeared from his whole world. Of course, he doesn't know them as 'humans', either. The 'Two-Canes' are creatures of myth and legend in his world.

The weirdness of the statue, whatever this 'Master Cybernetic' was, escapes Asato. Mainly because he doesn't know what a 'sai-burr-net-tick' is. It's anybody's guess if he can even read the plaque on the platform. His ears swivel about as he examines the platform, a clue that he's not as focused on it as his vision might indicate. And he's also not unarmed -- there's a sheathed greatsword hanging from a strap on his back.

He looks up at Yahiko's words. "No," he says simply, in answer to the question. He looks around, his ears still swiveling about for a sound. "...There IS someone here." Granted, Asato's instincts could be wrong, but... better safe than splattered, right?
Emily Nyx
A faintly robotic-sounding woman's voice speaks up, in the tone of someone reciting poetry: "Nothing beside remains. / Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare / The lone and level sands stretch far away." It echoes around the plaza, making it hard to tell where the source is. Maybe towards the north, directly behind the plinth? "It was a metaphor, sword-boy. The whole point was that he wouldn't have."

A faint humming sound of some sort of ... high-tech machinery? The voice audibly moves, and now seems to come from the northeast and southwest simultaneously. "And I guess that depends on how you count 'people', Mister Myojin." It doesn't sound like a friendly sort of 'mister'; nor does she sound like she believes his introduction. "Nyx model Eudaemon, serial M.L.E. Zero. In case you were around for the Castor Pollux incident."

The humming stops. Now it's somehow even harder to tell where the voice is coming from. "So, anyway," she says, with a distinct note of threat in her voice, "care to tell me what your game is here, and what the hell's that dimensional effect I'm detecting off thataway?"
    "Dante." the white haired hunter says as Myojin addresses him. Looking at him for a moment, Dante notes the kid's whole samurai thing going on. God, he misses Virgil.

    In any case, he shrugs a shoulder toward both boys just as a voice addresses them.

    "Relax, babe, we're not here for a fight. Unless there's some big robots you need help fighting." He says, as he calls out. "Call me Dante, Demon asskicker and Son of Sparda!" He introduces himself with a little mock salute, grinning cheekily.

    "Tee-el, dee-arr, your universe got linked to a shitload of other universes on some giant cosmic tree. At least that's how I understand it."
Yahiko Myojin
    While his hand does dart toward the hilt of his sword, Yahiko remains merely wary, not escalating the moment past that. The question makes it clear that the voice is just as wary as he is, though.

    "What Mister Dante said," Yahiko replies, sizing up Asato as well now. The cat ears are odd but without real aggression he doesn't worry for now. It's just good to take the measure of your companions, and Asato and Dante both carry themselves like they can keep out of trouble.

    "Sometimes people wander through," Yahiko explains further. "I stepped through looking for a Tokyo or Edo, around 1880's in the Western Calendar. I can never remember the exact year," he mumbles with chagrin. "This place is pretty strange to... me at least."
Asato's ears perk when he hears that voice. They turn in the direction he thinks it's coming from, each time it moves. And so does he. It isn't until the last part, where the voice sound threatening, that he starts to bristle, though. His ears remain pointed in the direction he thinks the voice is coming from, but his tail starts to fluff up, as though he's beginning to sense the threat.

Names are being given, so the man-cat hybrid offers hesitantly, "...Asato." As for what his 'game' is? "No game. The vine. It brought me here." Dante did explain the whole 'cosmic tree' thing, after all. Probably a good idea too; no telling how Asato would have explained it. Or even if he'd have been able to explain it coherently at all.

He waits as Yahiko speaks up. Those words are unfamiliar, so he remains quiet, nothing more to add. Besides, he doesn't seem like he's got a lot of things to say anyway.
Emily Nyx
There's a silence from MLE0. And then she bursts out laughing. "Wow!" she says. "I mean, I've heard bullshit in my time, and credit where it's do, you've certainly shapeshifted yourselves some excellent organic shells ... And are you completely masking your Eudaemon electronics?"

And then a staticky portal opens up right in the pedestal, a few dozen feet away, and out floats a five-foot-wide orb of black metal, covered in red robotic eyes, and with a much larger robotic eye in what appears to be the front. "I'll go easy on you guys if you buzz off," it says in MLE0's voice. "Releasing Capacitor Seals three and two!"

Three separate auras surround her, silver and gold and pearlescent; the first two shatter, and the third fades away. Then, in a glittery silver light, the orb grows four clawed arms! And then she starts firing golden bolts of light which appear to come from ... midair around her?
Asato has no idea what this person is talking about. All he knows is she's suddenly shooting things at them. Asato really doesn't have any stake in this world either, he was just here to explore. He doesn't want to explore enough to fight over it, and this isn't his territory. Besides, something trying to kill him is a loud and clear 'go away'. So... he does. Once the stuff starts getting shot at him, Asato turns and makes for the nearest vine to escape.
Yahiko Myojin
    "What's a Eudaemo- AH!" Yahiko is good to be wary, because the bolts of light lancing out are dangerous! He diverolls aside, tumbling with a near miss that scorches his leg despite. But even if he doesn't have Kenshin's battojutsu, Yahiko is quick on the draw.

    The reverse-blade that comes out still doesn't attack though. "We don't even know what you're talking about! What are you?" It's a quick shout before he tries diving behind the statue for cover. He isn't worried about the range difference... he's dealt with that handicap before. It's the utterly unknown opponent that he's not a fan of. Especially when their odds just decreased.
    "You serious?" Dante sighs, "Guess there's no chance of talking some sense into you after all."

    Rebellion shines as Dante moves into action. He practically blurs in motion as he evades the energy beams, whooping with glee. He's been raring for a fight, this oughta be good.

    "FORRRRRRRE!" He bellows loudly, as he swats at the energy beam coming closest to him like a baseball bat. Not the right sport, but who cares right?
Emily Nyx
MLE0 extends an eye from its main body to watch Asato leave. "Hmm?"

She takes a returned bolt to the 'face' for her distraction. "OW!" She stares at the sword, backing off a few feet and letting up her assault. "Well, that sword has interesting magic behind it," she says. "Where'd you get it?"

She pauses, turning her attention towards the statue. "Eudaemons?" she says. "The creations and servants of the now-extinct Masters? Which is to say, literally everyone surviving on the halcyon remnant, including the three of us plus the cat?" It seems she still doesn't believe that they've come from another world.
    "It was my dad's. It's a memento." Dante says, twirling the greatsword casually. "Look, Tin Maiden, Lone Cub and me, and the other dude, we're not from here. We're flesh and blood, though technically I'm half-demon, but that's splitting hairs honestly." He says, sheathing the blade. "How's about this, you stop accusing us, and we can all solve this peacefully. Sound peachy? I'm down to throw hands, so don't let that door shut juuuuust yet." He winks.
Yahiko Myojin
    Yahiko peeks around the corner as Dante tries to enter negotiations. With the wild way he speaks maybe that isn't the best idea. He adds his own thoughts to the suggestion, "If we wanted to fight you, I think we'd be jumping into it. I carry my sword for defense, I just want to go home." He's also obviously a little confused by something else...

    "What... exactly do we call you, anyway?" The introduction was a little complicated!
    "That isn't what swords are for, dude." Dante asides dryly to Yahiko, smirking. "You want defense, buy some pepper spray."
Emily Nyx
MLE0 turns to face Dante in a way that seems to be giving him a look, and rotates horizontally back and forth in a way that resembles a shrug. "Well, I'm not going to slam that door in your face," she says, "except in the sense that I'm going to be slamming you in general."

But there's a note of uncertainty in her voice. She looks between Dante and Yahiko. "Hmm. Well, my full serial number is kind of a mouthful, I ... guess I've just always gone by MLE0? I've never met any other surviving Eudaemons with the same four-character prefix."

She withdraws slightly, and lowers the claw-arms. "Well, aside from how ridiculous, improbable, and absurd the whole concept is ... you're certainly self-consistent in your story. I'm not seeing anything that specifically points to the obvious explanation that the three of you were a group of Eudaemons trying to pull a fast one on me." A pause. "Nor can I think of any means of creating that dimensional effect, at least on the scale it seems to be, off the top of my head."
Yahiko Myojin
    The reverse-blade sword slowly gets sheathed, and Yahiko warily scoots out a little further. "I don't know what a Eudaemon is, I'm just a human. Not half-demon either. And I don't really know how the Tree works, I just sort of wander about hoping to find the right place." He rubs the back of his head, looking embarrassed. "I'm just a swordsman, not really good at this stuff."

    He looks at Dante hoping for help, then sighs. "We'd need someone smart like Athena to explain. She's really good at this stuff."
    Dante chuckles, "Well, I'll do better than keep talking about the big portal in the sky. I'm gonna go and show you!" He says, pointing to...

    Jack all.

    "Where the hell is the portal?" He looks around, scratching his head as he begins to go off looking. "Yeah, maybe." He concedes eventually.
Emily Nyx
MLE0 lets out an electronic-sounding sigh. She's surrounded like a glittering light just like the one that produced the claws ...

... she transforms into what appears to be a human woman, except with robotic-looking eyes. She's wearing a black version of Dante's coat but with Yahiko's outfit underneath, and with a silvery non-magical version of Rebellion on her back. "Here, let me see if I can do something with it using my dimensional fields," she says. With a wave of her hand, she opens up a staticky-looking portal like the one she used before.

She peers at it. It's impossible to see anything through the static. "Well, that's interesting!" she says.
    Dante does an about-face just in time to see MLE0 transform, AND also summon up a dimensional portal. "Huh...nice duds. I'd go with a katana if you were going for 'edgy anime protagonist', though." He says with a cocked eyebrow, amused catlike smirk back on his face again.

    Approaching the portal, he nonchalantly grabs both Yahiko, and MLE0 by the arm and leaps in! "TALLY HO!"
Yahiko Myojin
    "What's wrong with a katana?" Yahiko asks in confusion. He really doesn't follow it, but he's seen weirdness enough that Emily's change is just... confusing but not worth getting panicked over. "MLE0... Emilii-Zeroh?" He's trying to get that into his head while she is opening strange portals and-

    "HEY! You can't just-!" Yahiko let his guard down. Dante can grab him just fine, yanking him sharply toward the portal with a flail of shock that someone would be THAT reckless! It's like him, five years younger!
Emily Nyx
MLE0 raises an eyebrow at Dante. "Really?" she says. Another glittery transformation; her hair turns white with a long ponytail, and the sword at her back turns into a katana. "Hmm."

She doesn't resist as Dante pulls them through the dimension field. Everyone's vision becomes pure static; almost immediately, they find themselves on a sidewalk in a reasonably high-tech city the next world over.

MLE0 looks around. There's a bit of shock and a bit of wonder in her expression. "... Well. I know this kind of place doesn't exist in the halcyon remnant!" She pauses. "That's ... what we call our world."

And then she puts her hands on her hips and turns to Yahiko with a lopsided grin. "Anyway, did you just call me 'Emily'?" she says. "I mean, of course I'd noticed that 'M.L.E.' sounds like that name, but ..." She looks around at the city some more. "... heh. I might have to try that on for size. Nyx-model Emily. Emily ... Nyx."
    "Nothin', just...oh nevermind." Dante waves a hand, just as they enter a WHOLE NEW WORLD.

    "First time seeing civilization that wasn't run down to shit? Always a trip." He grins widely at Emily, and nods in approval at the new name. "Dante, son of Sparda. This here," He claps Yahiko on the back with a bit more force than necessary, possibly causing the youth to stumble. "Is Yahiko. He's some kinda samurai dude."
Yahiko Myojin
    Oof! Yahiko stumbles, then rights himself. "That's what it sounded like to me," he admits to the name. "And I don't really know Dante, but I've met a lot of people and seen a lot of worlds. Not many were like mine, but most aren't as um... empty as the one we were just at," he admits.

    He brushes off his kimono. "Nyx. All right, Emily Nyx it is. And I'm not some KIND of samurai dude, I am a samurai! The Myojin family is a proud samurai family!" He doesn't mention that samurai aren't really that important any more even in his time.
Emily Nyx
Emily smirks at Dante. "The disaster happened six and a half centuries ago," she says. "Even the 'run down to shit' ran down to several subsequent iterations of shit, until finally the overgrowth flounced into the winning position."

She nods to Yahiko, oblivious to the sociopolitical results of the Meiji Restoration as it applies to Yahiko, then to Dante again. "Well, it was interesting to meet you both," she says. "And I might have to apologize to the catboy, maybe."

She glances down at herself, and then the sword dematerializes. "Restoring capacitor seals 2 and 3." She's briefly surrounded by the pearlescent aura. The gold and silver auras reconstruct themselves, before all three fade away again. "Two questions," she says. "Do either of you know where I can find more information about this 'cosmic tree' you mentioned?" She smiles thinly. "And do you know how to find your way around it?"
    "Well," Dante says with a laugh. "You might wanna ask someone smarter than us. Look for a chick named Athena, she's the mythical Athena but she's got some new crazy sci-fi tech like you got. Otherwise, keep doing that portal thing like you did." He spins on a heel, finger gunning at Emily and Yahiko, "You kids have fun. I'mma go get a beer and some pizza, then figure out where I go from there. PEACE!" And like that, Dante's off in search of the nearest pizza bar in town.
Yahiko Myojin
    Yahiko blinks, having just realized that Dante knows the same Athena he knows. How weird! But he does have some better advice to give. "There are some places that have these... small leaflets that explain the basics. And some that even give out missions to help people around the tree. Or something. Bounty offices and things. Bigger cities in the more established worlds have them."
Emily Nyx
There's another glittery transformation. And then Emily's apparent age is double that of Dante. "'Kids'?" she says, raising an eyebrow as she watches his retreating back. "Well, I suppose half-demons are older than they look. Of course, if he isn't ... I have half a dozen centuries on him."

She turns and nods to Yahiko. "Thanks for the tip," she says. "I'll have to check it out whenever I can." She shrugs. "In the meantime, see you later."

And without another word, she slips through another staticky portal and vanishes. Oh dear ...