Anna Freeman (Dropped)

Anna Freeman
World: Hopeland Heroes-1
Actual Age: 19
Quote: "I may be new at using my magic. But sometimes, hope is all you need!"
Role: Fledgling Magical Girl
Species: Human
Theme Song: Sonic Adventure 2 - City Escape ("City Escape" is also the name of her Pseudo-Stand)


A trans woman attending Brighton Community College in the city of Brighton, Massachusetts. Anna's magical ability of super-speed caught the attention of a magical catlike alien named Spiral, who offered her the opportunity to become a magical girl to fight monstrous beings called Curse Phantoms using powers beyond those of others. Anna promptly agreed ... but eventually, rather than becoming a Star Paladin under Spiral's auspices, she decided to become a more independent and self-expressive type of magical girl called a Heart Mage, using powers that came from her own magical abilities and determination, and leveraging her super-speed as a weapon. Nevertheless, Anna and Spiral's shared natural curiosity has led them to explore the multiverse together, which has somewhat distracted Anna from her other duties.


Windrunner: Anna has the magical power to run like the wind.
It is not unheard of in her world for an otherwise ordinary person to suddenly gain a magical ability. In Anna's case, it was the power to run at super-speed; this only tires her out as much as taking a leisurely stroll. Her legs seem to be "protected" somehow so that she doesn't hurt herself just by running, but colliding with an object with any other part of her body would hurt her normally; she could kick someone or something using super speed, but punching or ramming might hurt her more than her target. When she transforms into a Heart Mage, her entire body is mostly protected, her upper speed is nearly doubled, and she can glide through the air with greatly-reduced gravity. With experience, she might learn to actually fly freely, but she's nowhere near being able to do so yet.
Windy Overcharge< Edge >: The magical girl's super finishing move.
By gathering a large amount of Heart Power together at once and pushing herself beyond normal limits, Anna is able to fire a great big laser. Perfect for topping off a difficult fight! The downside is that it leaves Anna exhausted afterward, due to both her relative experience handling Heart Power, and her relative lack of power. (For this reason, it also tends to make Spiral worried and annoyed.)
Heart Mage: Magical girl with superhuman physical abilities, whose power comes from within.
Anna is a Heart Mage. Like all magical heroes from her world, while she is transformed, she has enhanced speed, strength, durability, and supernaturally-fast healing (well, once she's given the chance to rest up from battle, at least). Her main job is to fight the Curse Phantoms which plague her world, but she doesn't have any compunctions about fighting to defend people in other worlds. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Heart Costume: The magical girl costume isn't just cute, it's functional magic armor!
Though it looks just like a frilly dress, Anna's costume comes with a thin, invisible forcefield which can take anything short of explosives, and is also effective against magical attacks. It merely reduces damage, rather than nullifying it, and repeated blows can cause it to shatter, though it will regenerate a few seconds later.
Heart Power: All magical warriors from her world can shoot lasers.
When transformed, Anna can shoot omnidirectional beams of light, and wrap magical energy around her fists or feet to give more oomph to her physical blows. A more skilled magical warrior would be able to direct the movements of the energy beams and change their direction in midair, or create ephemeral force fields to block individual attacks, but Anna's too inexperienced to try this.


Spiral< Named F-Tier >: Every magical girl needs an invisible-to-normies talking animal companion.
Spiral is a Starbringer, a starfish-like magical alien shapeshifted into a small golden-furred catlike creature, and a part of an initiative by the Starbringers to explore the World Tree. She would have been Anna's "case worker" and teacher if Anna had decided to become a Star Paladin, and wouldn't have any reason to stick around since Anna chose to be a Heart Mage; however, even before Anna made her decision, Spiral took it upon herself to be Anna's friend and confidant, and she now stays in regular contact regardless, especially for the purpose of traveling the multiverse together. Spiral can hover, measure someone's magical aptitude, summon Star Gems, communicate telepathically with other Starbringers and people with Star Gems, and become invisible and inaudible to those without the aptitude to become a Heart Mage or Star Paladin (or any other aptitude in the case of heroes from other worlds, i.e. someone with a Quirk or a Stand, or in general anyone who isn't perfectly ordinary and thinks they ought to be able to see her).


Differently Lawful: Her sense of fair play doesn't take things like rules or honor into account.
Anna has a problem with authority. Well ... not really a "problem" so much as a sort of friction. She has an instinctive distrust of unilateral rules or "just the way things are", which is at least partly a result of being transgender, and she insists on acting casually towards royalty and nobility, or at least approaching them as if they were on equal terms. On the other hand, she cares deeply about other people, and particularly loathes bullying or taking advantage of other people, and she has a sense of fair play which revolves entirely around results. The upshot is that she doesn't care about any rules that aren't reasonable guidelines for safety and suchlike, and she'll do whatever she thinks will get results even if they aren't "honorable" or "courageous" or anything like that.
Lows Are Lower: She's weak against negative emotions.
Magic in Anna's world is influenced by emotion. Things like hope and love can raise a magical effect to vastly higher heights in the long term, but negative emotions can have stronger immediate effects. And if your powers are based entirely on positive emotions, negative emotions would simply cancel them out. If Anna lost herself to pure rage, she would soon become unable to any of her abilities until she recovered; if she fell into complete despair, she might lose them instantly. Even feeling sad or upset can lower her effectiveness to a noticeable degree, or leave her unable to use her stronger abilities.
Hero-itis: Reckless when it comes to helping others, and worries even about enemies.
Anna is incredibly selfless, almost to the point of neglecting her own needs. If someone around her needs help and she's able to do so meaningfully, she'll throw herself into it without hesitation, and indeed to the point of recklessness; if she isn't able to help, she'll feel bad about it. She is therefore under a great deal of self-imposed pressure. If someone attacked her and she hurt them in the process of fighting them off, she'd actually feel worried about them, even if she was hurt even worse in the exchange.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
534 One Mother of an After-Party Jul 02 2019
530 Raven's first Thanksgiving Jun 25 2019
529 Cluster One Jun 23 2019
516 A New Challenger Arrives Jun 07 2019
515 Ghost Riders of Sutter's Fort Jun 06 2019
495 A Massachusetts Chili Dog May 23 2019
485 Back To Something Resembling Sanity May 13 2019
484 Interracial Cooperation May 12 2019
477 Lords of the Underworld May 09 2019
474 Don't Worry, It's Not Mushroom Cake May 01 2019
See All 45 Scenes


Title Date
When Mom Finds Out Nov 24 2018
Reason May 22 2019
See All 2 Cutcenes