World Tree MUSH

One Mother of an After-Party

Character Pose
After Damien's fixing of the space party Raven wanted to have, and by extension the station it was in, Ash had business on the world below. Like many it was 'Earth, third rock from the Sun.' Compared to many worlds and variations it was slightly on the futuristic bend; flying cars, a thriving space program, but sadly no personal jetpacks.

Ash had invited Miwa and Anna to come with him to grab a few things from an isolated and ... legally difficult to reach place one of the station's potential tennants wanted before agreeing to move their business.

Not that Ash brought up the matter of legal issues for this little field trip since nobody should be hurt, and it was more a matter of overlapping borders.

Where did the lander put this trio down at? The place looked european, but the town itself was largely empty. It was also on stilts: Every home, business, everywhere was on foundations sunk into a lake that formed from an earthquake and the locals had been too stubborn to move from.

Ash was dressed in his black tunic and leggings while wearing a tool belt. He would tap a comm bead at his ear, testing to seeif the ones he gave to Miwa and Anna were working. "OK, the locals sorta know about the whole multiverse thing, but otherwise don't get a lot of visitors because like... three diffrent countries technically claim the place so are all busy stonewalling everyone else from getting in. So... yea... You two alright?"

Their job was to find this guy's house, which Ash had the keys for, and get a few things from a basement safe, which they also had the combination for. Should be easy right?
Anna Freeman
Anna is wearing the deep blue sundress she had on at the party, but without the ribbon around her waist. This is pretty much the difference between "Anna being Festive" and "Anna looking casual", although that says more about the former than the latter.

She chuckles softly, and responds back on the radio, "Pretty much as well as can be expected, all things considered!" She shrugs, even though it's audio-only. "How are you holding up?"

She looks around at the houses-on-stilts. "Pretty impressive," she murmurs. "Like ... I only have half an idea of how this engineering stuff might work, but it's obviously a pretty big accomplishment."
     Miwa was also dressed up a little, though being a Pokemon, pretty much wearing clothes at all qualified as such. She is wearing what appears to be one piece swimsuit with a skirt that was custom fitted for her, it's color gradually changing top to bottom from yellow to pink to orange, resembling a sunset. She also has white protective sleeves fit over her flippers. 

     She smiles, spotting Anna, and moves toward her while responding on the radio. "I'm doing ok so far. A few long stares from the locals, but I'm used to that by now in new places."
"Honestly?" Ash frowned at the things his glasses were displaying since the directions given didn't at all match what the place looked like, "No I'm not alright." Yet somehow he managed to sound cheery. He paused to let a pair of locals pass and frowned at his inability to understand the language. Rather it sounded to him disturbingly what might turn into Grinee-Speak in a few centuries. "But to be blunt? I'll live. Whole thing has kinda made me reevaluate a lot of how the Lotus treated all of us back home. Do as I say and no I won't tell you why Tenno," His voice doing a bad job of mimicing a woman's, "No I won't tell you why except it's for your own good." He snorted angrily as he tried reorienting himself. "Also I think I'm lost."

"Operator," Ordis's voice was calm over the radio. "Attemptign to reorient map data with current ariel scans and cross-refrencing with publicly accessabe data shows construction over the past twenty years." Both Anna and Miwa could hear Ordis speak as the cephelon continued. "Also there have been reports of a, and I do apologize for the rough translation, lake hag spotted in the general area."

"Lake hag?" Ash huffed as he dashed from one walkway to another, causing several locals to start taking pictures. "Local?"

"Unknown, but humanoid, roughly human appearing but... not." Ordis sounded annoyed, "Details are annoyingly sparce beyond kidnapping and eathing children..."

"Just.... wonderful." Ash huffed as he tried reorienting himself. "You two getting this?"
Anna Freeman
Anna catches sight of Miwa and waves. "Well, y'know, it's not every day you get to meet a famous singer," she quips. "But yeah, I'm ... not sure how well I'm doing. Although I am glad the mind-control didn't try to make me into a goddamn boy."

And then Ordis pipes in, and Anna lets out a groan as she comes to a stop. "Loud and clear," she says. "Why do I have a feeling our original job is gonna get derailed by a need for a Windy Punch?" A pause. "... That, or defeating it will somehow directly result in finding the guy's house. One of the two."
     Miwa tilts her head a bit at Anna. "Haven't we met before though? Though I'll admit it has been a while I think, it would be nice to spend some more time together.... But more to the task at hand, a lake hag that eats children? Even if it's not in our way I say we see if these reports are true and if so put a stop to it, but hopefully, it can coincide with our main reason for being here."
"I've got money on whatever this thing's got going on, it's hiding at our guy's house." Ash gave a weak chuckle, "And... funny thing is magic seems to be a lot more respectful of metaphysics rather than pure biology." He snorted as he turned a corner, "HUH finally my map's lining up." A dash put him on top of a statue, giving him enough elevation to spot Anna, "Oh hey there you are!" He waved to both girls.

People just sorta took pictures of Miwa, staring, talking in Atroskan at the suited up seal. "Ordis any patterning on this Hag's sightings?"

Ash's glasses flicked as several points popped up, causing him to frown. "Yea looks like hag lady's decided to move right into where we've gotta be." A deep breath. "I could try running interfearance, but right now you two are the better bet i na straight fight. I can try suiting up but it'll take time."

Then an older gentleman gently tapped Anna's shoulder and, in broken english, "You two not from here." Even with the thickness of his accent that didn't sound like a question. "These troubles. There, did they come with you?"
Anna Freeman
Anna blinks. "Oh, no, I meant that was why people are staring," she says lamely. "Sorry, uh, really dumb joke." She just laughs and smacks her forehead as Ash announces what there destination is. "Caaaaaalled it!" she says in a singsong voice.

At the shoulder-tap, she jumps in surprise and turns around in confusion. "Huh? Nnnnno, we just got here!" she says, furrowing her brow. "Like ... ten minutes ago!" (... She isn't a hundred percent sure how long they've been here yet, she hasn't really been paying attention to her watch.) She opens her mouth to say that they're going to help solve the problem, then immediately realizes she has no idea how he'll take this.
     Miwa laughs and blushes slightly, a little embarrassed that the joke went right over her head. "Oh, well I don't think they even know I'm a singer, let alone a famous one, but the first part is easy to fix." She says with a grin and begins singing some random thing she honestly was making up on the spot, something about always trying to do your best because the best opportunities in life might only pass you by once. She also forms a few floating orbs of water in various colors, which move around with the tempo as she sings.

     She trails off with her song and allows her colored spheres to burst into a glittering mist as she turns back to Anna and Ash when the man comes up and speaks to them about the 'problem'. "As she said, we just got here, but I believe we are planning to try and take care of this problem, right?" She asks as she looks to Anna and Ash for confirmation.
The man looked from Miwa to Anna then ack to Miwa and muttered something along the line of 'puppet head' before clearing his throat. "People are whispering about that boy doing handstands over there." 

He helpfully pointed to where Ash was balancing in the palm of a statue of someone from some war or somethingorother.

Then the old man sighed, "This hag. It does not like noise.That is how I survived when it took my wife."

Ash would cheerfully wave at Anna and Miwa before seeming to vanish then reappearing at the base of the statue.
Anna Freeman
Anna manages a smile as she watches Miwa's performance, and she gives her a thumbs-up when the performance ends. She follows the man's pointing to Ash, and furrows her brow with a grin. "... Dude, what are you doing," she mutters, just loud enough for the comm to pick it up.

At the man's description of how he escaped, she raises her eyebrows, and nods. "Thanks for the info!" she says, turning to head towards the house. "That's just what I needed to hear. Miwa, your singing isn't noise, but do you think you can be at least loud enough?"
     Miwa smiles back at Anna, then turns back toward the locals who applaud her little performance and take even more pictures, particularly as Miwa stands briefly on her tail and takes a bow, then waves goodbye and turns back to Anna. "Loud enough for what, and how long? I can sing louder sure, but I don't want to over-strain my vocal cords." She asks as she is very unclear about what Anna is planning, but follows along after the heart mage.
The 'house' was an apartment building .Concrete, unadorned straightlines out of the middle of the last century. Ash frowned up at it. "Uh yea Whatever's in there probably won't like guests. So... uh I'm gonna do something dumb."

He looked at the building and smiled. "Apartment two oh six." He pointed at a closed window and nodded. before dashing off and up. Then the window shattered.

Then the sound of Ash hitting the floor and rolling came thorugh Anna and Miwa's headsets, "OK no lights in here. Soft noises in another room. Think i'm in the master bedroom. Lemme know wh- AUGH!" Then the soundsof something hissing, then screaming.

Gunfire. There was deep blue tentical sticking out of the window. Worse, ash was at the end of it being held by his neck flailing around.
Anna Freeman
Anna shrugs. "I have no idea, I'm making this battle plan up as I go," she says. "But the guy said the hag doesn't like 'noise', so loudness is probably going to help in some capacity!"

She reaches the building a moment after Ash, and just misses seeing him go in. "Okay, looks like we -- Whoa!" Her eyes go wide as she sees the tentacle grabbing Ash.

"Right then!" she snaps, and begins to glow blue as she gathers energy into herself. It's taking noticeably longer to get together than it usually does; a nervous expression crosses her face, and the amount of energy she's gathering actually decreases.

She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, and this time it sticks; in a burst of light, she's a pink-haired magical girl in the blue outfit with pink and white trim.

She dashes over to the side of the building, and positions herself directly beneath the tentacle, then fires a burst of Heart Power directly up. She then starts boosting up the side of the building's outer wall so that she can try to catch Ash if he falls!
Heart Mage Anna
>> SUMMARY[Heart Mage Anna] >> Transform and roll ... up!
     Miwa nods as Anna explains. "Alright, I guess I'll do my best..." She responds but is cut off by the crash of the tentacle bursting out the window with Ash in its grip. "Ash! Hang in there!" She cries up to him before quickly springing into action along with Anna. 

     For now, she stays down at ground level but begins to sing her sparkling aria, forming several large spheres of water in the air which soon rocket toward the tentacle and explode. She tries her best not to hit Ash in the process, and is already planning on quickly forming a bubble to catch him if he falls, so between Anna and her, Ash is likely safe from that danger.
A femanine screech when the monster was hit by Anna. Ash's eyes went wide as it let him go to try slapping at Anna then vanished. Light streaking into the apartment window. "hey lady what's your grief here?!" Ash had a bladed disc in his hand and started hacking away at the tentical trying to slap Anna away.

"WE HUNGER!" It sounded like a pair of voices speaking. One human. The othe.... Not so much. "WE WISH TO BE LEFT ALONE!"

Ash this time got knocked out of the window, only to get encased in one of Miwa's bubbles. "OK... you guys get that?" His voice was shakey. "posession, or possibly something grown into the person and ...." His head shook inside the bubble. "Fire workson ifnested back home." He grumped, "Thinking.... Miwa try putting it to sleep."

The woman in the apartment shrieked, jumping out of the window, looking humanoid, in that it had arms and legs and a head. She even had hair of sorts. Fine tendrils of material waving about as her mouth opened, exposing long needle sharp teeth as it stared out at the trio with wide black eyes that dominated its face. "WHY DO YOU ATTACK US?!"
Heart Mage Anna
Anna tries to dodge the tendril slapping at her, and she lets out a yelp as she ends up going flying off into the air! She manages to regain something resembling 'being upright' a moment later, and boosts around in a wide circle before she lands back on the wall of the apartment building, and boosts her way back to ground level.

When the figure makes itself known ... she stares at her for a moment. "... Holy shit," she says. "Uh ... sorry, it's kind of our policy to fight back against things that eat people!" she says, before gathering up heart-power again and firing a blast at the figure!

... It has noticeably less oomph than the last one.
     Miwa uses her song-powered aquakinesis to guide the bubble Ash is now enveloped by down to the ground for a gentle landing, with the bubble popping when it makes contact with the ground. She notices that Anna's attack seems less powerful than the last, and that can only mean one of two things, either Anna is going easy on the strange hag, or she's tired and her energy is spent, and Miwa would bet on the latter. 

     So when Ash gives the idea to put the hag to sleep, she grins at the great idea, as long as she doesn't put her friends to sleep as well. "Alright, cover your ears, nice and tight, maybe even hum something upbeat in your head, don't want you two falling asleep as well." She calls into the radio. She gives Ash and Anna a moment to prepare, then begins singing a gentle lullaby, one that seems to have some sort of power within its tones as any who hear it begin to feel drowsy before finally falling asleep.
Ash solved the hearing problem by putting a second comm unit in his other ear. "Orids, Music. Loud." It was annoyinly loud, but it drownd out Miwa's own song.

The hag's eyes narrowed as its movements grew sluggish. "We..." Motions jerky, as if puppeted as its tendrils reached for Anna. "....won't go back."

Ash meanwhle tapped Miwa on the back before pointing to himself, then to the building before pointing to her then pointing to Anna.

Then he was off again to see what he could see.

The hag lurched forward before falling on her face. The subtance coating her receeding, tendrils pulling back, absorbing into the body of a woman that vry well looked as if she could have been the elderly man's wife. Silver hair tied up in a bun as her eyes stared unfocused and her breathing evened out.
Heart Mage Anna
Anna grits her teeth, and clamps her hands over her ears. When the tendrils reach for her, her eyes go wide and she leaps backward. "Crap!" She kicks back at it, but not very far; the trouble with fighting back now is that she doesn't want to kick it and her hands are busy covering her ears ...

Fortunately, she doesn't have long to wait. She exhales with relief as she watches Ash go, then looks over at Miwa. "Did we get her?" she says, a slight shake in her voice.
     Miwa continues singing for a bit after the hag stops moving, just to be sure she was out. The induced slumber was only temporary but hopefully would at least keep her down for several minutes. She shoots Anna a smile, glad her lullaby had taken effect before the tentacles could ensnare her. "I hope so, now what are we going to do in the meantime, before she wakes up again?" She asks before forming a bubble around herself and floating upward after Ash.
The apartment itself was unlit save for any light that spilled through. Yet it was mantained. Made beds, everything i na very organized place. The problem was there were a stack of bodies. All missing their heads. All strangely devoid of the sort of bleedout and gore that might be associated with such an act. 
    he woman slumbered, her eyes flicking rapidly back and forth. Then she spoke. "'s... asleep?" Then a string of forgien words. "I'm free?"

There were two other bedrooms, plus a livingroom kitchen area. The safe was in the rearmost bedroom, beneath a stack of discarded clothing in the closet. Ash would spin the dial and on opening it... A box of medals and ribbons. A folded uniform. Aservice pistol. Pictures. Dozens of black and white photoes. All vaguely feeling off world war two era assuming Anna had any knowledge of the era.

Nothing else. No money. No talisman. On top of the pile a black and white photo of a uniformed man embracing a woman in front of the ruins of a burned out house. Words in cyrellic written in the corner.
Heart Mage Anna
Anna stays behind. "I dunno, up to you," she says into the comm. "But, I mean, keep me posted, obviously --"

But then the woman speaks up, and Anna whirls around, obviously relieved. "Oh!" She sits down next to the woman. "A friend of mine has a sort of magical song that can put things to sleep," she says. "Are you okay?" She hesitates. "What was that ... thing?"

It doesn't yet occur to her that the woman might be the old man's wife.
     Miwa floats into the apartment, and gasps at the sight of the pile of beheaded bodies. She stares for a moment before tearing her eyes away and deciding she doesn't want to look in that direction anymore. Thankfully this is when the woman speaks, and she moves to join Anna at the woman's side. "The sleep won't last forever though, we should get out of here."
"It came from..." Her head shook as the woman's head shook. "Lab. It says it came from space, then got put in a lab and fed people..." She sounded half awake at best, as if she had little focus. "I tried talking to it." Her english less heavily accented than the old man's, but it was still clear she wasn't a native speaker. "It is hungry. All the time. Says it had to take over so it could feed." She sat there, drawing her knees to her chest. "I.... I do not know what to do. It was running, afraid. Caged but thethings it made me do...." She looked to Anna, "Child. I do not know if I can ask." THe request unspoken.

Ash grabbed everything from the safe and nodded. "I could ask ordis for a sedative but..." His head shook. He didn't want to voice the alternitive. "Yea."

He trudged out of the apartment, pausing to look out of the window before a streak of light and he was on the ground. Then a look to Anna. "I'm going to signal ordis for pickup. Should... I get my frame?" He dreaded what would happen if he had to go that far.
Heart Mage Anna
Anna frowns as she listens to the woman. "I ... yeah, I really have no idea what to do," she says softly. Her voice is shaking slightly, and sounds more androgynous than usual; cracks of blue light start forming over her costume. "I ... really ... don't think I can ..." Her costume sputters out in a shower of blue sparkles, leaving her back in her civilian form with her brown hair again. "... yeah, I can't do anything directly ... unless ..."

She starts thinking furiously. "It's ... hm. The man said it's weak against sound, and that was how he got away when it got his wife," she says. There's a tiny bit of hope in her voice, but she's clearly trying not to get it up too much. "I wonder if ... we can somehow ... chase it off of her ..."
     Miwa decides to make a correction to the meaning of her previous statement. "Actually I mean we should get her out of here before this entity awakens again. I would like to know that it's not going to cause anyone else any grief after we leave also. If it's sensitive to sound, hmm.... I got it! Hey Ash, think you can get Ordis to give me a loud rock accompaniment and a microphone?"
There was a slow grin as Ash heard Miwa's suggestion. "I can do that yea. Going to need you to sing for a bit to keep that thing asleep while I do setup and suit up."

"You... can fix this?" THere was hope in the woman's voice. "You can make it leave?"

"Ma'am. When we start, it's probably gonna hurt but-"

"If you can kill it. then KILL. IT." She took a deep breath and sat there with her eyes closed. "Just... be quick before it comes back."

Ash nodded slowly. "Ordis. Going to need a few things while I suit up." He then looked to Anna and hugged her gently. "Keep her talking. You're better with people than I am. Keep her focus on you. I'll try to get back as soon as I can,"

Then he lightly touched Miwa's shoulder as he started to walk away. "I'll be back with your concert stuff hon."

Ten he was off in a streak of light. Appearing infrequently to reorient until he was at the top of a building where his lander momentarily de-cloaked to pick him up.

Ordis's voice was calm. "As soon as the ladnder arrives I will begin sending down your gear Miwa."
Anna Freeman
Anna nods, and hugs Ash back. "R-right!" she says. "Thanks, bro!"

She takes a deep breath, and turns back to the woman. "Yeah. We're ... we're gonna kill the monster." She actually manages a smile. "I, I actually think ... we're actually gonna be able to do it without killing you." She sighs. "I'm just gonna need a minute to pull myself together." She glances between Miwa and the woman. "My abilities are sensitive to negative emotions, and, uh ... I ... am not doing too great, heh ..." She shakes her head. "Anyway, uh ... my name's Anna, and this is Miwa. Our friend who just ran off is named Ash. What's your name?"
     Miwa smiles as Ash and Ordis confirm that her idea is within what they can provide. After Ash touches her shoulder and starts to walk away, she blows him a kiss. "Thank you, and Ordis too!" She says before turning back to Anna and the woman, frowning a bit at the talk of death, really hoping her idea works as intended and helps to save this woman. "We're going to do our best, so you can go home and see your husband."
"I'm Illyana.... the... it..." Illyana touched her own chest, "It calls itself Richochet. Says many things. All horrible." She gave Anna a fragile smile, "You are risking everything you have for a orld not even your own. Do not feel sadness. Feel proud." Her smile firmed as she looked to Anna, "Many forget that lesson. Letting others do for them, waiting to be saved instead of doing what they can. It makes me glad you have nod."

"Landing craft docked." Ordis's voice was soft as he gave Miwa and Anna a situation update. Launching materials now. Please remain where you are." A handful of seconds later Miwa would feel the rush of air as a microphone stand hovered a few centimeters off the ground. then another soft rush of air, then another, and another, and another as speakers and amplifiers started to land. "Grav systems functioning. They should be light enough for you to reposition as needed and are already in communication with eachother. A pause. "Lander en route now"

Illyana looked to these things being gathered and squirmed. Her eyes going wide, "Hurry... it is waking..." She jerked as her body suddenly sat ramrod straight, her eyes solid milky white orbs. Teeth grown long, "Should have killed us," the voice, definitely not ilyana's, hissed as the woman lunged at Ana, fingers hooked into claws as it swiped at the mahou.
Anna Freeman
Anna nods to Miwa, before turning back to Iliana. "It's what I do, honestly," she says softly. "I mean ..." She sighs softly and looks away. "Some people tell me I feel that urge ... more than is strictly safe, but ... I ..." She shrugs. "I do try," she says frankly. "I don't know how else to be."

She chuckles at the arrival of the equipment. "Okay," she says softly. "Now, we -- urk!" Illyana's warning only gives her a couple of seconds to jump to her feet, and her legs glow as she boosts back a dozen feet away from the monster. There's no time for her to gather her emotional reserves to transform. "NOW, MIWA!" she shouts, once again clamping her hands over her ears.
     Miwa is already singing some scales to warm up her voice as the microphone and other equipment arrive around her. She leans toward the microphone as the music begins to come through the amplifiers behind and around her. It's a good thing that one of the things Miwa has done since the multiverse opened up to her was to explore music on different worlds. 

     It took her only a few moments to recognize the song even though it was a harder cover, and she begins to sing her heart out into the microphone along with the instrumental accompaniment. Despite it not being her usual style, she seems to take to it well, and suddenly the pearls holding her long aqua hair into a ponytail seem to vanish and her hair fans out behind her as she belts out the hard rock vocals.
The wall of sound hit Illyana causing her body to violently twist, invisible strings turning her towards the offending sound. Tendrils sprouting from a dozen places attemptigng to swipe at Miwa, except as each neared the source they were pushed back. She screached, wailing in ways the human throat was never meant to vocalize.

Then her body started to pitch forward as this... thing made of blue tar reared. Lunging for Anna. Attempting to take a new host.

Except as it lungedfor Anna there was a burst of flame, and Ash's warframe standing there. No words, no quips. Just flames. burning away the creature now that it wasfree from Illyana.

then, and only when it was burnt cindrs, Ash motioned for miwa to stop singing as he looked to Anna, offering her a hand. "You OK?"
Anna Freeman
Anna's immediate reaction to the hard rock at point blank range is to start to boost away -- this time, the light is only around her legs, but it's flickering intermittently, and she stumbles. She freezes up as it lunges for her ... and then immediately deflates as Ash gets between her and the thing.

She takes a few deep breaths, keeping her hands clamped over her ears. She exhales, looking relieved, and gently takes Ash's Warframe's hand. "Wow," she says. "I'm pretty sure now that that thing's dead, I'm doing better than I was a second ago, at any rate."
     Miwa stops singing as soon as Ash signals, the music already cutting out as Ordis stops it. She still hears a bit of a ringing, and imagines it was almost as loud for Anna and Ash, but if it got that... thing, to leave the woman so that Ash could destroy it, without the woman dying, it was more than worth a little ringing in the ears. She quickly makes her way over to Illyana, noting that Ash is tending to Anna. "Are you alright miss? Did it work? You're free now?"
Illyana's eyes focused and she pointed at her ears. "CAN'T HEAR!" Then she patted herself. THen looked to Ash's warframe and even if it as weak, she smiled. "It ... it is gone...." Her voice a whisper she couldn't hear. "I... I think.... Please God I can go home?" She started to stand. Then she hugged Miwa whispering 'thank you' over and over again. Hugging the Primarina close.

Ash smiled even though the warframe couldn't replicate the esture. "Not why we came, but I'm glad we showed up." He patted Anna on the back, "Really am glad for your help." Then softer, "I'm glad Spiral was there to help us both. Thank you."
Anna Freeman
Anna watches Miwa and Illyana with a smile. "... should've asked Ordis for earplugs," she murmurs. She nods to Ash. "Oh, sure, me too!" she says. "You know I have just the most reckless case of hero-itis. Helping people is its own reward, and all that."

And then, at the more quiet comment ... "... yeah," she murmurs. "I gave Spiral an earful of thank-yous myself, so .. yeah."
     Miwa's eyes widen with horror for a moment. "Oh my god, did I make her deaf?" She asks as she looks toward Ash and Anna a moment, but then Illyana pulls her into a hug, and she looks back toward the woman as a smile forces its way through and she hugs back, gently wrapping her flippers around the woman. "We did it..." She says softly.
Illiyana smiled before wandering off, happily chittering away in a forgien language. Ash looked over to Miwa and his warframe tilted its head, "...Huh. Interesting look on you." Then soft laughter. "I think I like it." He then looked to Anna before offering a hand. "C'mon. We got Gregori's stuff let's get outta here."
Anna Freeman
Anna nods to both Ash and Miwa in turn, and this time she lets Ash help her to her feet. "Yeah, excellent," she says. She laughs weakly. "Wow. This has been a hell of an afternoon, I tell you what!"
     Miwa's blinks at Ash's comment about her look, and checks her reflection in the screen of her Poketch, and blinks once more, blushing slightly, then giggling. "I guess I really got into it there..." She turns back and retrieves her pearl hair-bands, for the moment putting them around her flippers like bracelets. 

     She also laughs as Ash mentions they still have to get Gregon's stuff. "Oh, right. Almost forgot why we actually came here in the first place..."
"Actually got it up to the ship so yea unless either of you wanna have a lookaround we can go." Ash's warframe streached after holstering the business end of the flamethrower he had. "I do kinda wanna grab a few pictures, or at least swi m around a bit to see what the foundations are like. Building something that last this long in the water has gotta be a neat trick I wanna see how they pulled it off."