World Tree MUSH

Fighting for Answers

Faced with a need for advice, Rez bumps into an old acquaintance while searching for Luke Gray. Miwa and Rez have a friendly duel while Rez explains part of what is bothering him.
Character Pose
    A day like any other, no doubt, for those that visit the Pokemon Center in Paniola Town for their services. Strangely, though, just outside the door leading in, to the side, stands a tall lion-like creature. Arms crossed, having been there for hours quietly watching the many trainers going in and out, the bruiser of a monster now finds himself staring straight ahead. 

    Opposite him, on the other side of the entryway, stands a Pangoro with crossed-arms staring right back at the lion. Both lion and panda have plant stalks sticking from their mouths. Both seem to chew on it at each other in thought. This silent staring contest last for a few minutes until a young boy steps out of the building.

    "Oh, there you are, I couldn't find you anywhere. Come on, we've got to go find mom. I'm starving!" The youth turns to see what his Pangoro buddy is staring at only to be startled. "Whoa. Uh..." A hand raises reluctantly. "Alola." The boy turns and hurries on his way. Pangoro and the Leomon both nod to each other in respect before the panda follows after. "...wh,what kind of pokemon was that?" he can be heard asking his friend.

    The lion creature turns to watch a young girl enter. That's not who he's looking for either.
Miwa has been doing a bit of traveling and happens to be in town, one of the smaller towns on Ula'ula Island, the largest island in the region, in fact, she's been at the Pokemon center here for a few days after she felt a little sick. Now that she's feeling better she heads out into the main lobby area of the Pokemon Center, walking along on her flippers, She gets herself a bottle of water and slides it into a little pack she's wearing, then heads outside, hearing some young trainers talk amongst themselves about the strange lion-like Pokemon that's outside. She soon comes face to face with him and blinks a bit with surprise. "Uh... hmm. You look familiar, have we met?" She asks curiously as she moves out of the way of the door so she's not blocking it.
    Eyes peer studiously out from underneath the visor of the cap worn in order to fully observe the one speaking to him. There is quiet for a few moments, but then the lion's brilliant blue eyes widen in recognition. "If we've met, then you were the one that battled me on the sand by the water. My friend was there with us." She was also the one that sang that song in that performance that day that had all the children mesmerized. also the same Leomon that held up traffic in the street because the car was beeping at him in an unknown language. 

    It's been a long time.

    The BanchoLeomon uncrosses his arms and offers a bit of a shrug. "I was looking for a boy, but I haven't seen him come through yet. If I stand here long enough, he's bound to show up." It's not really very sound logic. Luke could be training just about anywhere. It's not like this is the only Pokemon Center in existence.
Miwa falls quiet as she thinks for a moment, then her eyes light up with recognition. "Right! I remember that now, it's been a long time. You're Bewul's friend... um... Raz, no... Rez? And you're looking for a boy? There are lots of boys inside, but whether they're the one you're looking for is another matter. What does he look like? Maybe I've seen him. I have been staying at this Pokemon Center for a few days now."
    There is a nod at his name. There is some internal reconfiguration of data; "Miwa," is spoken almost as a confirmation. One arm crosses over the lion's lower chest, scar still visible, while the other hand rubs at his chin in thought. "He is a Human." There's a pause, almost as if that could help clear things up, even though it really really doesn't. "He is young and has a round cat that sparks and a tall bear that hugs. He has given me much food, but now I need his advice." 

    Another trainer walks by, likely with a lingering glance between the two. The Primarina is an absolute beauty to see while the strange Fighting Type looks tough and mysterious. That's not the one, either.
Indeed the description of the boy being a young human doesn't help any more than having already referred to the individual as a 'boy'. However, the description of his Pokemon companions does spark some familiarity. "Oh! That sounds like Dynamo and Bewear, and I only know one young human who has... well Dynamo alone narrows it down. You must mean Luke? He's a friend of mine too. I'm afraid I haven't seen him recently, but maybe we can look for him together? Or maybe I can help you with what you needed advise about?"
    The discussion is suddenly interrupted by a couple of young boys running out of the Pokemon Center, energetically racing, only for the youngest one to peel away the moment he hears the conversation. Rushing over to the lion, the boy barely a third of the Leomon's height bounces up and down. "You can talk? You can talk like Miwa! Say something, say something!" Rez looks annoyed at first and takes a moment to kneel so that the height difference is partially negated. "Oh, hey, you have a hat! I have a hat at home. It doesn't look like that hat. Do you like malasada?" 

    "Yes," answers Rez to the very last question, because of course he does, then points a finger accusingly, albeit somewhat gently. "But it is very rude to interrupt a conversation."

    The young boy takes the gesture as an opportunity to look over the partial gauntlet worn on that hand, hands-on. "Oh, wow. You have armor. I bet you're really good in a fight. Where's your trainer? Do you know Brick Break? I like Water Types the best. What's your favorite Type? I bet it's Fighting Type!" The boy doesn't stop talking in his excitement.

    The Leomon's eyes lift just enough to peer over at the Primarina. He seems to be somewhat unsure how to react.
Miwa grins a bit as she watches the boy pepper Rez with questions, and takes it as a small win when the boy mentions that his favorite Pokemon type is water. She is at first a little surprised that he still gets this reaction, but then remembers that these kids probably don't travel enough to see much of the visitors from other worlds, and he really could pass for a Pokemon in many respects. She smiles softly to the boy and interjects. "Rez is very strong and smart, like me he doesn't have a trainer. Hmm, would you like to watch us have a battle? Then maybe after that we can all go get some malasadas, my treat!" She says with a glance back toward Rez to see how he felt about this idea.
    The young boy's reaction is a solid 'YEAH!' as to be completely expected. Rez, in turn, hardens his gaze with a firm nod. It's not of anger, but of resolute conviction toward the code of training. "I won again!" comes a second voice as the other boy returns only to witness the Leomon scooping up his little brother to get a seat on a broad shoulder. "Wait, where are you going? I wanna go, too!" 

    Half a moment later and the BanchoLeomon has a child on each shoulder and a hand to hold a leg of each in place. The screeching laughter that this brings about is deafening, but Rez seems to handle it with amazing dignity. "Miwa! We are counting on you to lead the way. No warrior should ever be late for a battle." With any luck, the Digimon won't hold up traffic again this time.

    "Yeah, lead the waaaaaaaaaaay~" one child exclaims accompanied by the voice of the other.

    "Never late for a pokemon battle~" Surely people are going to notice.
Miwa grins even more watching Rez carry the two boys on each of his shoulders, it was an adorable image that made her wish she could have a photo of it for later. She chuckles a bit as Rez makes it sound like she's leading him to war, and the kids echo his request in a much more playful manner. "Alright, I know a good place nearby." She says as she begins heading down a path leading away from the Pokemon Center and toward a large park. In one corner of the park, there are a few rectangular areas marked out for Pokemon battles, with the familiar Pokeball outline in the middle of the center line dividing each half of the field. The fields had various terrain, patches of sand, grass, some trees, and a stream running across with a small pond formed across a couple of the battle fields. "This should do nicely." Miwa says with a nod as she looks around. A few young trainers were already battling and training in the area, some of them look at Rez for a moment as he comes into view.
    For some, the glances don't go unnoticed. The breeze blows the Leomon's white mane as he walks along and those brilliant eyes settle upon a park-goer or two with potential to make direct eye contact. Grass stalk bobbing from his mouth, the lion lets go of each boy's leg so that he can offer his hands simultaneously to them. "Grab a hold, hold on tight, here we go!" Arms raising, boys hoisted from their perch, the lion does a little spin in place to swing the pair around for a little before stopping to place them on the ground. They scatter to find good spots. One climbs a tree, but the other boy looks a little too dizzy so he sits down underneath it. They continue to excitedly babble on about all sorts of things, as children do so full of energy. 

    It's probably not often that two pokemon used a designated trainer spot to spar all on their own. Rez takes a moment to stroll just a little to familiarize himself with the layout. "I do not understand Humans, Miwa. I find myself in a position where I am asked to do something that conflicts with Justice." It would seem that despite the playfulness of the children, there's something really bothering the digital creature.
Miwa gets ready to battle, stretching her flippers and tail, and doing some vocal scales to warm up those cords. She looks around, noticing the eyes on them, it certainly wasn't common for two Pokemon to spar like this without trainers directing them, let alone a Pokemon and a Digimon, ahem, 'undiscovered Pokemon'. Miwa smirks, she never had a problem with having an audience, but the last thing Rez says gets a confused look from the Primarina. "Something that conflicts with justice? What might that be?"
    Perhaps in stark contrast to Miwa's warming up, Rez simply stands there as stoic and as stone-faced as ever. The breeze blows the coat draped over his shoulders, GAKU-RAN, with a gentle billowing while the fluff of his white mane accompanies the motion. Other than that, the only real motion comes from the mouthing of that grass stalk. Combined with such a pointed stare, it's clear to any with empathy that there's a lot on his mind. The BanchoLeomon is not really a spectator fighter. Whether spar or battle, his fights are usually far more private. This doesn't bother him, though. Even Digimon like to watch a good match-up. 

    After a silence in thought, the lion nods with a grunt in affirmation. "It might be easier to explain in asking you. Once you are ready." The first time Miwa and Rez had a friendly fight it was on a beach and Rez allowed Miwa to get in a free hit of her choosing. He doesn't outright offer the same thing this time, but there's no fun in getting in cheap shots, either.
Miwa nods and smiles. "Well whenever you think I'm ready, let me know. Though for our battle, I am ready now." She says with a smile, giving a respectful bow to her sparring partner. One of the little boys decides he's going to play referee. "Both Pokemon are ready for battle?" He pauses letting either interject if they aren't, but if there is no objection, he calls "Battle begin!" Miwa smiles and starts off with an icy wind attack, blowing a strong and very frigid gust of wind and snow toward Rez, hoping to cool him off a bit and perhaps even slow him down some since he has the land-speed advantage.
    The leomon's thick arms uncross as the battle starts and one immediately is raised to shield his face as the wind, cold as it is, washes over him. His coat flutters rapidly with a jangle of chain leaving specks of frost clinging to his whiskers, the grass stalk, and his mane. The latter sparkles from the dazzling crystals in the long white fur underneath the day's sun. This display emphasizes his following leap up into the air -- a reflection of their first battle, too -- allowing just a moment of hang time in the air before his right fist streaks with a brilliant light. 

    It's Flash Bancho Punch! If the kids think he's some pokemon from elsewhere in the world, perhaps they won't find the use of such alien moves some form of disqualification. Miwa's position is clearly his landing zone in this punishing signature attack that amplifies the fighter's strength. The brawler likes to close the distance fast and he's not starting off gentle.

    "What if somebody asked you for help finding a loved one, and you found them, but-"
Miwa doesn't remember this move exactly from their first battle, memory is a bit hazy that far back, but that high leap into the air makes her nervous anyway. So she quickly tries to scamper away on her flippers and make a break for one of the streams that cross the sparring fields here. Once there, she uses Sparkling Aria, singing as she creates several spheres of water that float in the air, before suddenly through the control of her voice, are sent flying toward Rez, ready to forcefully explode on impact. The kids watching blink in confusion as they watch Rez attack. "What move was that? Wonder where this big guy is from? He looks strong either way... Oh, Miwa is using her signature move, can she get a hit?"
    The slowing effect from that initial attack buys Miwa the time she needs to avoid the pounce. Not exactly on par with small-time trianing battles, the impact of the shining fist meeting the ground has enough force to blow out a good chunk of soil. Granules of the dirt are sent sprayed upward. Rising from the aggressive assault and spinning to face the direction of his opponent's voice, the bruiser is instead met with a myriad of bubbles. This is far different from the spray of watery foam he was hit with before in the previous match. The combination of explosive points of contact causes the lion to reel backward with each hit! 

    Nearly completely knocked off balance by this elemental barrage, Rez takes a moment to rethink his tactics. "But what if they were sick and the doctor caring for them told you that you can't tell the person's family they were sick," he adds with a bit of a raised voice. It's not something to discuss with the public, but you have to be heard over the techniques on display and distance, too.

    The BanchoLeomon lifts his fist as if he might try the very same thing again, even though Miwa now has a water advantage. "-because learning of the sickness would risk bringing about cataclysm to the entire world!" The fist is brought down to slam hard against the ground resulting in a growing shockwave rippling through the ground, sending debris and soil upward, threatening with damage, disorientation, or maybe even disrupting the stream itself with the sudden force of Chivalry. Is this a battle or a willing battery of the fighting field itself?!
Miwa finds herself wondering how learning of a sickness could cause such a global catastrophe. That was not exactly the way she expected the tale Rez is telling to go, she just had expected the sick person didn't want to worry their family about their dire illness. Either way, it was quite a sad story. "That is quite the conundrum." She agrees, then goes for an ice beam attack, firing a stream of super chilled water that freezes on contact, but the shockwave in the ground knocks her off balance and even causes a splash as the stream flows backward for a brief moment. Her aim fouled, the attack harmlessly flies off to hit a tree while Miwa struggles to regain her footing but is also feeling a little disoriented.
    "I already know that!" comes a reply steeped in frustration, though the sound of it seems to be drawing quicker by the moment. Large claws on his feet tearing at the ground, Rez rushes forward even as he narrowly sidesteps the errant beam of freezing force that almost clips his ear yet leaves a tree near some onlookers with a new wintry makeover. In this blur of movement, GAKU-RAN billowing like a cape, the Leomon pulls out a sword. A sword, from somewhere! If Samurott can do it, then so can a lion version of Pangoro! Suddenly Leomon, the sunlight glints off of his oversized tanto, Otokodama, as he brings it down with enough force to cleave the water itself in a spray. 

    "The father deserves to know his daughter is alive and the Archangemon watching over her tells me to lie and say she's dead. But she's NOT!"
Miwa lets out a panicked 'Eeep!" as she sees that sword coming down. She quickly uses Aquajet, water surrounding her and propelling her forward like a rocket, but not fast enough as the blade comes down, nearly cutting into her tail, but only nicking one of those pink fins sticking out from it, bringing a small trickle of blood. But worse, it chops off the very end of her ponytail. Once she's out of the way, Miwa blinks at the severed cyan locks that used to be attached to her head. "I don't remember asking for a haircut." She says in an angry tone. Her next move isn't going to be pleasant for anyone around her, much less Rez if he stays close. Miwa takes a very deep breath, then lets out a horribly echoing shout that has enough power behind it that it doesn't just hurt your ears, it strikes right to your core with a bang. Every trainer within earshot, as well as the little boys that came with them suddenly cover their ears with a pained look on their faces. "Oh wow, I've never seen Miwa use that move. I think this strange new Pokemon made her angry... It's too bad Professor Kukui isn't here to see this."
    A wild swing comes in from the side in chase after the dodge, but is cut short at the piercing wail. Rez doesn't have eardrums, so it doesn't affect him the same way it does the others in the park nearby. He doesn't try to cover his ears. He stumbles to the side and drops to one knee while his tanto is stabbed into the ground and used for support. Grunting, enduring the sonic attack as much as his fortitude allows, he counters with his own sounds, harmless as they may be. "...the father deserves Justice, asked me for help, and the Archangemon said that she could be saved, but he won't tell me how. I have to help -- I'm compelled to help -- but I don't NNGH!" 

    Whether distracted by thoughts or dazed by the vocal assault (or both), Rez seems to be stunned for the moment. He slowly tries to get back to his feet.
Well, that was new, Miwa is left wondering how Rez can still hear when they're talking, but wasn't affected in the same way by her Hyper Voice attack. It did still seem to have an effect though, so she shrugs."Is there anything you think I can do to help? I think you should tell the father, but keeping the dire consequences from coming to pass is important too." She says before preparing her next attack, a large pink orb forming in front of her mouth as the moon can suddenly be seen shining up in the sky, even in broad daylight. The orb grows to the size of a beach ball before Miwa fires the Moonblast, sending the orb shooting toward Rez.
    Finally managing to pull himself all the way up to his feet, a hand reaches out to grasp the hilt of the large tanto stuck into the ground. "I don't know. If I knew- Ngh, what I could do directly I wouldn't be seeking advice." Pulling the blade free, the Leomon takes an offensive stance with the sword held high and to the side rather than seeking to defend against the incoming glowing pink orb. "Infected by some sort of demon virus the girl may be, but the librarian said she could be cured, but wouldn't. Say. How!" 

    The sword is suddenly brought down, but unlike the previous strike this one glows with energy that not only surrounds the weapon, but it also seems to extend beyond the normal reach. Lion King Slash! It's a very potent sword attack, bringing one attack to bear on the one incoming. Streaks of light begin to shoot from the point of impact, growing in number and intensity, before the collision swells up into a much larger ball of energy.

    It loudly explodes!

    The silhouette of the BanchoLeomon can barely be seen as a distorted shape caught in the blast before being violently ejected backwards. Unintentional as it is, Rez winds up landing, skidding, and coming to a stop just between two far weaker pokemon in one of the other squared off dueling rings, likely with two young trainers just as startled as their companions. There's a glint up above in the sky that seems to be falling. Something spinning rapidly. With a whistle.

    The tanto impacts the ground very near Miwa before going silent and still.
Miwa doesn't really get a good look at Rez's attack before the point where they both collide, creating a large explosion as the two blasts largely cancel each other out. However, the resulting shockwave does have a fair amount of punch and it knocks Miwa backward, landing sprawled on her back in a mess of flippers and hair. She's starting to get back up when that sword comes down and sticks in the ground next to her, making her heart skip a beat. "Well that was a bit close, almost became a kebab there..." She jokes, and starts to ready her next attack but holds off till Rez is away from the young trainers and their starter pokemon, not wanting them to get caught in the crossfire. Instead, she takes a different approach. With a little dance and some vocal musings, the pearls in her hair glow for a moment, and it suddenly starts to rain steadily.
    For the trainers and their pokemon with their interrupted match, there might be some confusion as the dust clears from around the lion. Some of the Leomon's appearance goes...funny? Like mismatched textures on a 3D model, some aspects of how the monster looks seems to shift as, internally, reconfiguring data fights junk and fragmented code in trying to properly maintain looking how he should. It eventually settles in mostly the correct way, although a few minor textures still 'glitch' swapping back and forth between two palettes. 

    Then it starts raining.

    One of the last times Rez encountered the boy he seems to be looking for was actually in the rain. Standing, exiting the intruded upon battle, the Leomon offers the two pokemon a formal bow, hands on thighs, along with, "Gomen'nasai. Please continue." Turning away, he begins the process of walking back over to the area where Miwa chose. He doesn't run. He takes his time and seems to be aimed more toward where the sword lies half-buried. It's plenty of time for Miwa to line up whatever she wants, but Rez has to be aware of this, too. If anything, at least he looks cool on the approach, even with precipitation.
Miwa smiles as she watches Rez bow and apologize for interrupting the match between the young trainers. Such a gentleman. She does wonder though why Rez seems to be so casually walking over to retrieve his sword, and part of her wonders if she should just let him, but no, this was a battle, and if he was going to leave himself open to attack, she shouldn't feel bad about taking advantage of that. She quickly moves toward the stream and draws upon its water, creating a large wave which she ends up surfing atop as it rages toward Rez.
    There's no reason Rez can't see the large wave of water rushing toward him, but it doesn't change his path or his hurry. Taking so many non-physical blows is wearing him down -- especially the last attack that sent him flying -- and part of Rez was honestly happy to call it there, but the one child playing referee of the pair watching hasn't yet said as much to that effect. There is no effort made to say otherwise, though, just as there is no effort made to dodge. The heavy rolling mass of water washes over and swallows Rez up. 

    A brilliant light illuminates the gathered stream water from within before moving rapidly upward in a blink; the fearsome BanchoLeomon aims to break through the cresting surface from below with another of his signature Flash Bancho Punches, even though it's more of a Flash Bancho Uppercut, to emerge from the watery mass in this sneak attack with a tremendous roar!
As her wave crashes over Rez, Miwa thinks that she's won, or at the very least it won't take much more to wrap this spar up. The last thing she would expect is for Rez to endure that wall of water and come leaping out of it with another punch. Thus, she barely has any time to react and only looks downward slightly with her eyes growing wide as that uppercut flies toward her, easily striking her right in the jaw. She lets out a cry of pain as she's sent flying into the air briefly while the wave dissipates, and then she comes back down, once again landing sprawled out on her back, but this time she's not getting back up. She's out cold, eyes closed. The kids both come rushing over, looking from Rez to Miwa, yeah it was clear to anyone the Primarina wasn't doing any more fighting today, but the boys turn their attention back to Rez to see if he can be declared the winner or not.
    Even as contact is made through this crazy feint and counter, the results for both are less than ideal. Miwa may have landed hard atop the damp ground, but Rez doesn't seem fare much better. The remainder of the wave pulls him along and out of view, even as it disappates, but what remains behind sprawled out on the ground not too far away from the Primarina isn't the Leomon that carried the kids over from the Pokemon Center. It's much smaller, resembling a pre-adolescent lion. A Liollmon. This may cause some confusion for the onlookers. Aren't most pokemon evolutions bigger? 

    Eyes closed and sprawled out on his side, this other iteration of Rez seems to be just as done fighting as the celebrity pokemon herself.
Indeed the boys that have been watching the spar look from Rez, to each other. "The big lion man evolved? But he looks smaller and weaker now... Did he devolve somehow? Is that even possible?" One boy asks the other, who shrugs. "No idea. But... they both look like they are not going to be battling anymore... Um, what do we do? Do you have any potions?" One boy asks only for the other to shake his head. "I'm only eight, I don't have any Pokemon and those cost lots of money. Um, let's go get help." The other boy nods and they run back toward the Pokemon Center, leaving the fainted Primarina and Liollmon laying there.
    This is probably quite the spectacle for other trainers and park-goers nearby. First two 'mon decide to fight to put on a show for the kids before promise of tasty food afterward, they don't have trainers, they both talk human-speak, and they both get wiped. It might cause a stir. Additionally, any help brought that tries to use recovery items for them will find that they don't really seem to work on the 'mystery' pokemon. On the plus side, Pokemon Center staff in some cities may be a bit more knowledgeable about the differences in Pokemon and Digimon, but even if they do on this island it's doubtful they'll stock any Digi-Cure. 

    Rez will probably just need rest, but will no doubt wake up with a massive appetite.
Luke Gray
    Luke had gotten a message from Miwa, the first in a long time, and it was an invitation to hang out and perhaps diss some stuff?. He was very eager to reply a yes, and just rush his way towards her location, but... he gets a bit sidetracked in the trip there. Somethign about a few wild pokemon and other trainers deciding he looked like a easy meal ticket.

    Still, eventually he makes his way towards the park, and as he gets closer, he hears the exclamations about the fight, and the mysterious pokemon fighting a Primarina, and he just tries to rush there!.
    The young trainer finally gets in there, walking with his Bewear next to him, to dissuade further novice trainers challenging him, just in time to find the double K.O, and of course rushes to check on the pair!. Luke runs to Miwa's side, fishing in hsi backpack for some potions, while his Bewear moves to check on the small lion beast, quite able to tell it was not a pokemon, and simply checking onto it for wounds.

    "You didn't wait for me!, I wanted to see a fight like this!" he teases the poor Primarina, even as he assists her.
Miwa begins to awaken even before Luke finds his potion, those long white eyelashes twitching a bit before finally her deep blue eyes slowly open, but she still looks very weak. Even so, she forces a tiny grin at his teasing and says softly. "You're late." After the potion goes to work, she feels her strength start to return and the pain subsides a bit. She still feels pretty tired but she's able to sit up on her tail and balance the rest of her body weight on her front flippers. "Thanks Luke." She says with a smile before turning her eyes toward Rez, blinking as she now sees what he's been reduced to. "Oh my, is that Rez? What happened?"
    There are no physical wounds on the Liollmon, at least. He's probably just exhausted. Unable to turn down the invitation for a fight, normally, Rez was up against an opponent that specializes in the types of offense that he's weakest against and Miwa sure doubled-up on her last major attack, too, with the rain. He moves a little, but Rez is otherwise just too tired. He actually hasn't had much rest since his exposure to the moral issue that is eating away at him and the situation behind it.
Luke Gray
    Luke uses the potion, and other medicines on his friend, if she doesn't stop him, he'll use a full restore on the mermaid seal!. "Aww, but I wanted to watch, and I am sure Bewear wanted to fight Rez." he teases, smiling to his friend. "Very welcome Miwa, it's the least I can do.". The surprise from the seal gets him to look back at Rez, "I think he... returned to a previous evolution, Rez is a Digimon, so he works a bit different than you or Bewear." he muses. The boy doesn't sound too sure. 

    The Bewear meanwhile reaches to pet the exhausted lion, if Rez doesn't stop it, the fluffy pink, black and white thing will pick him up and carry him in its arms towards Luke and Miwa, vocalizing stuff at the poor, worn out lion cub.
Miwa feels lots better after the full restore finishes taking effect. She still will take some time to rest before doing any more sparring, but she feels much better. "Sorry you didn't get to watch, I think it was quite the battle. We'll have to have one again later, or maybe I can have a spar with Bewear." She offers before turning to Rez, smiling softly at the exhausted little lion cub. She reaches over to gently pat him on the head with a flipper as she comments. "You have quite the uppercut my friend. Any harder and you might have knocked my head clean off." She says with a laugh.
Luke Gray
    Luke seems pleased for sire, and sits right next to the large water type. "Well, make sure to invite me to watch, when that happens." he chuckles. "I'm sure any of my pokemon will be happy to spar with you, or even Rez." he says. The boy also looks at the tired lion cub, while Bewear sits down, and places the digimon on its lap, simply petting on it like a cat. "I think he is really out for the time being, might need to get some food for him when he gets up."
The two boys that had come along for this spar in the first place, do eventually return with a couple of Chansey from the Pokemon Center, each pushing a stretcher. They are surprised to see Luke and his Bewear, and that Miwa is back up and looking almost good as new. "Oh, did you help Miwa and the lion Pokemon?" The bolder of the two boys asks Luke, while the two Chansey look at each other. "Chansey?" They seem to question if their service is still needed. Miwa smiles at the two boys but lets Luke speak for himself.
Luke Gray
    Luke nods a few times, "Indeed! I am Miwa's friend." he replies with a grin, getting up and offering a polite bow to the boys, "Luke Gray, pleased to meet you." he offers to them, before talking to the Chansey, "Thank you so much for coming over, but I don't think we will need your help."
"Chansey!" The two pink egg-shaped Pokemon respond to Luke before turning and heading back to the Pokemon Center. Miwa looks back toward Rez, then to Luke, and finally to the two boys. "Speaking of food, I did promise a couple of good little boys that I'd get them some malasadas after our spar was over, and I never break a promise." She says with a grin, then finally looks back to Luke. "I just hope Rez wakes up soon so he can have some too. Shall we go?"
Luke Gray
    Luke nods and smiles to the egg pokemon, waving towards it, before turning back to Miwa. "I think be might need more than that, if I remember his... eating habits." he chuckles, "But, Masaladas sound quite good!". Pokeballs on his belt wobble at the talk about the snacks, adn a couple pokemon 'escape', looking around eagerly. A small cream kitten with a coin on its forehead, and a small Panda pokemon wearing a costume of some sort. "I think they want some too." he muses. Bewear seems fairly busy petting poor Rez like some kind of kitten.