World Tree MUSH

Rest and Reflection

Character Pose
Luke Gray
    Malie Garden, a calm, pleasant location for people wanting to simply relax, enjoy the peace and quiet. (Barring the rare pokemon battles held here and there), and visit the tea shop for warm beverages and snacks. Luke was currently settled down on a picnic blanket, next to his Bewear, carefully checking on the damage from Luke's most recent, and probably badly conceived challenge so far, with the large, fluffy beast now showing spots of partially shorn fur, and some bandages.
     Yet, on a closer, seems the Trainer is the one more concerned about the task, while the pokemon just looks aside with a somewhat upset look on its face, perhaps thinking on the defeat leading to this point.
     Suiren is surprised she doesn't come here more often and would normally be enjoying the sights and perhaps a nice cup of tea, though that can still come later perhaps. She was here primarily to see a friend and see how he and his Pokemon are doing after the brutal battle they had with Frost. She walks along the path, Iona out of her Pokeball as usual and perched on her head and shoulders. At the sight of Luke and Bewear, she quickens her pace, and once she's approached the blanket, she closes the gap and moves to give Bewear a gentle hug, careful not to touch any wounded spots, and then does the same for Luke, as tears start flowing from her eyes. "I... I'm so sorry. I..." She starts, then frowns, not really sure what to say. She knew Frost was capable of fighting like that, but she had no idea the woman would be so relentless, especially against an opponent she knew Suiren's friend. "Are you both OK?" She finally asks, sounding concerned as she looks at Bewear's injuries, which she clearly have healed some since the fight.
Luke Gray
    Luke seems to be the first one to notice the 'pair' approaching, and smiles to Suiren and the adorable Iona. "Suiren!" he calls, looking glad for the visit. Bewear seems somehow surprised by the hug, and slowly, gently trying to hug back, his chest, one arm and paws bandaged, letting out a soft rumbling noise. Luke hugs back far more firmly, before blinking as he can see the tears in Suiren's eyes. "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault!" he tries to reassure his friend, while the big pokemon reaches one paw to 'pat' Suiren's head. "I just didn't... know much about Frost and was taken by surprise by the... way she fights... it might be my fault for joining combat in a place like that without thinking...". The Bewear nods when asked if it was ok and stands up, flexing both arms and letting out a deep growl. "Bewear is fine, if anything, I think it wants a rematch, now that it knows just... what to expect... part of me wants that too, but I don't want to risk any of my pokemon in a battle like that... especially if it is just for... money.". The boy goes silent, "I mean... pokemon battles can get violent... can be quite harmful to the involved... but even wild pokemon stop once they realize they lost... or their opponent is unable to continue... never considered what might happen if I ran into an opponent unwilling to stop..."
     Suiren wipes her tears away while Iona tries to gently pat her trainer with her flippers, trying to make her feel better. "That's the part that scares me. I don't think she would have stopped if you hadn't forfeited when you felt it had gone far enough... Bewear could have been even more seriously injured, or worse..." She shudders a bit but decides not to bring up the nightmares she had that night. If Bewear wants a rematch, at least I don't have to worry about whether Frost broke their spirit. But I'm going to have a serious talk with Frost... There is no reason to go to such lengths in a battle for money and sport... If you're out in a desperate situation outside the world of battle arenas, and literally fighting for your life, that's different. If that's really how she thinks a fight in a tournament should go, then... I don't want to be her student anymore, because I will never fight like that in such a setting."
    There are footfalls of yet another approaching the small gathering combined with the jangling of chain and the rustling of fabric. It would only take a single glance to see who it is. Unmistakable image that the Digimon strikes, half-hidden eyes beneath the visor of his cap scans each of those present. He says nothing. He does not rush. He shows no flare of emotion or outward concern. 

    Pausing near Bewear, Rez the Bancho Leomon reaches into the draped folds of his GAKU-RAN and removes what looks like a large bread roll. He then stares at it in his hand for a lingering moment before bringing his other hand up to it to tear it in half. Steaming from within, this white bun seems to be stuffed with a dark red paste in the center. Wherever Rez managed to score a Red Bean Bao, it wasn't locally. The outside has cooled, but the inside is still warm and delicious.

    There's another moment of hesitation before the lion uncharacteristically holds out half of the bun to Bewear. His gaze lifts to possibly make eye contact and give a knowing nod. Rez never shares his food, but- This is a special case. If the children have anything to say to him, he doesn't immediately acknowledge or reply. Bewear comes first. Besides, the trainers seem to have a lot on their minds.
Luke Gray
    Luke is very aware of what went down, and keenly aware, "Yes... I saw... she scared me and I am sure she considered trying to attack me when I retrieved Bewear, but I am quite sure if she got any closer..." he glances down at his belt. "I am sure Agni, Dynamo and the others might have stopped her, by any means... but I am glad she didn't try to chase me..." He hugs Suiren harder, shuddering for a moment. "She seems to listen to you from what you said... perhaps you can reach her with those words..." she glances back at Bewear that looks at his bandaged paws again nad growls. "I think if anything Bewear now wants to get stronger.". 
    Meanwhile, the pokemon does notice the tall lion approaching, and offers a short wave, followed by a confused look at the sight of the snack before carefully reaching for it, nose twitching at the interesting scent. The big bear pokemon gets closer and tries to give Rez a one armed hug in thanks, before taking a bite of the curious bread roll.
     Iona notices Rez before Suiren, and feeling the shifting of her partner perched on her head, she turns to look at Rez. She offers a wave, happy to see the Digimon had come, knowing he is another of Luke's friends, and while they've only spent a brief time together, she hoped to get to know him better, as Luke does. She smiles as she watched Rez share his food, not knowing how much that meant, but still finding it a sweet gesture. Finally, she turns back to Luke.

     "It's funny how Pokemon often take a loss as a sign that they have room to improve and strive to get stronger so that they can win next time. We can sure learn a lot from their determination." She says with a smile, reaching up to rub her hand against one of Iona's flippers. "Iona has gotten a lot stronger since we met, and so has our bond. I do have Frost to thank for some of that growth, so I do hope she will listen... I'll talk to her soon, and let you know how it goes."
    An arm from the lion slips around the bear's shoulders as Bewear, in turn, gives him a one-armed hug. It's like a return hug plus macho support at the same time. In this motion, the tall leomon turns and looks over the children and other companion pokemon. Iona eventually gets a nod in acknowledgment. 


    "That's a lot of conviction," echoes the memory of the lion's voice from a time not too terribly long ago. "Are you truly ready to stand against injustice?" These questioned events concerned a gang of troublemakers, but the devotion behind such goes far deeper than any one goal. "Take a moment. Look around. Listen... This is where you spoke your oath to pass on your strength to another so that you can inact justice upon the cruel and misguided."

    Cruel and misguided? You can be those things without being evil. You can be those things without meaning to be those things -- after all, that's the nature of being misguided. Lost.


    Brilliantly beautiful azure eyes pass from Iona to Luke and then to Suiren. He has things to say, but he does not yet speak them. For now, he lets his presence alone do the talking. After all, Suiren knows full well who her next opponent is in the ring following the violent clash between Luke and Cyber Frost that have them potentially concerned and thinking.
Luke Gray
    The Bewear eats the treat quickly, certainly seems quite hungry, and tightens the hug with the one fluffy arm. IT happens to be the one that got sliced in the fight, bandages, and the portion of cut fur still visible, but seems he recovers unnaturally fast, perhaps in just another couple days there might be no real visible sign of damage!. Thankfully it was all superficial damage. The pokemon seems to be quite well, already, and after finishing the bread, lets out some friendly growls to the digimon, perhaps trying to say something, given it motions at Luke, one has to wonder what. 
    "I mean, I also learned that.. from being a trainer this long, I guess perhaps... Frost comes from a place where things are simply done differently, but still..." he mumbles, "I hope she listens, if she does... let her know of a potential rematch, if we can agree to it.". Luke smiles and waves to the lion person, "Glad to see you again, I know you are in one of the next battles... well, you two actually." he says, glancing between his two friends.
     It was indeed true that Frost may not be truly evil, just lost, misguided by her feelings and the path her tumultuous past has set her down. Suiren may not know the full detail of what Frost has been through, but she has at least gathered that the woman hasn't had much in the way of friends and that alone is enough to make her sorry about the woman's past. Maybe when they talk, Frost will open up more. 

     Suiren nods to Luke. "Maybe she does, she hasn't really told me much about her past, maybe it's a painful subject. I wish I knew more so I would know where she's coming from with things like this, but I don't want to pry if she's not comfortable talking about it either... Depending on how our conversation goes, I will let her know you and Bewear are interested in a rematch."

     At the mention of her and Rez being in one of the next battles, she nods, as Iona leaps off her back and walks over to Bewear, greeting the larger Pokemon by rubbing her big round nose against Bewear's fluffy belly. Chuckling at the interaction, Suiren looks back to Luke, then Rez. "Something tells me it will be a tough battle, but Iona and I will give it our all, and win or lose, the experience will make us stronger."
    Unlike most, Rez can handle as much strength of hug that Bewear has to offer and he really doesn't seem to mind. The Bancho Leomon tips his head to the side as he regards what Bewear has to say concerning Luke before eyes fall upon the boy as directed. "Rikai shimasu," says the feline brawler in low enough volume to be almost entirely meant just for Bewear to hear. 

    Luke's relationship with the Digimon has been unique. Rez's lack of a personal trainer and his inability to be confined to such limited digital memory such as in a Digivice makes it difficult to make personal improvements beyond what data is assimilated naturally. However, this is the same lion that managed to talk some scared children into attacking demons that threatened the well-being of the trading post Clerk's Ferry and Luke was there to see that. Luke was also present in New Neopolis in the Trunk of the World Tree when Eggman made a declaration of intent with a show of force and violence upon the peaceful peoples there and may have later learne about Rez's attempts to place himself in the line of fire to protect civilians.

    Rez speaks up at long last:

    "Ame ni mo makezu, kaze ni mo makezu." The grass stalk in the lion's mouth moves as he recalls the data that he intends to share.

"Not losing to the rain,"
"not losing to the wind," begins the poem by Kenji Miyazawa.
"not losing to the snow nor to summer's heat."
"With a strong body"
"not fettered by desire,"
"by no means offending anyone,"
"always quietly smiling."

    To Rez, the poem resonates deeply and to most children the profoundness might be lost, but he shares anyway because these children are far more mature than their peers. He watches those present for any care of understanding for what the heck he's talking about, but follows up by letting go of Bewear to instead take a step forward near the two, kneels down, and points a finger to the embroidered letters on the coat that always drapes over his shoulders like a cape:

    Tenjou tenge yui ga dokuson. "In Heaven and on Earth, I alone am the Honored One." This is something he tried explaining to the Archangemon Tyrael, but it seemed to be lost on the prideful yet powerful being. Perhaps children might prove wiser. "It means I am the highest in this world; I am foremost in this world; I am the best in this world, no matter the world I am in, because there is no alternative."

    "Are you not the best in your world, Luke? Are you not the best in your world, Suiren? You must be. You MUST be. As am I."

    There is a beat, then Rez repeats with a deeper sterner voice: "Are you not the best in your world?"
Luke Gray
    The Pokemon nods slowly to Rez, apparently understanding, before the popplio gets his attention!. The bear lets out an amused growl and reaches to pick up the small seal in both arms, placing it on its shoulder now, watching what the lion person tells to its Trainer and the other human with interest. There is a small nod here and there, and using the arm not holding the Popplio, taps his chest in response to the question. 
    Luke seems quite intrigued by the poem his friend recites, not the first time he hears him speak in that language, or offer such interesting verses, and seems to enjoy it, smiling, and indeed, thinking of Rez's own displays of strength and Bravery, Luke (and his pokemon.) had their own share, "That's a very nice poem." he praises the Digital lion, before looking at the cloak, and the letters. "I try to be the very best I can be, for my own sake, my pokemon and my friends who might depend on me..." he says, before nodding, "I am, Rez, and try to help others be better too." he adds, smilin to Suiren, "If you need another training partner, always happy, same with helping catch other pokemon."
     Suiren listens thoughtfully to Rez's poem, and the words he speaks afterward. It was quite deep in a philosophical sense. She seems confused for a moment, wondering how both she and Luke can be the best in their world when they share the same world, but then an idea pops into her head and she thinks she understands what the Leomon actually means, but listens to what Luke says first, and smiles before turning back to Rez. "Does it mean, to be the best version of ourselves? Something like that?" 

     Looking back to Luke, she nods. "I would love to train with you, and actually, I have been thinking about expanding the roster a bit. Kaiko can't really do much if there isn't a good body of water for him to swim around in, and Iona has grown a lot but I think I should get some more Pokemon to compliment her in battle, and both of us would enjoy having more friends around."
    "There is no such thing as 'try'." 

    Rez stands up once more and crosses his arms. "Your conviction must be resolute, solid, unbreakable. You must always face each battle before as your greatest. Watch your opponent. Study. Never assume there will be mercy, for there are more ignoble souls than not." Finally, Rez decides to take a bite of his half of the bao and he chews in thought before shaking his head. "Being helpful to others and unbothered by the sting of daily conflict is not a measure of the weak. It does not disallow concession. To be the best in your world is not a matter of winning or losing. It is not a matter of living or dying. It is about sticking to your own rules and never wavering. It is about standing up to injustices, be they of our foes or our friends. It is about understanding the data that makes us what we are, even if we have little control over which data we assimilate. It's about understanding the data of our foes that makes them act the way they do."

    The lion turns away. "You may win your fight against Frost's perceived injustice with words, but you will not win the match between us with them. Now, if you wish to settle your differences with your friend in front of thousands of spectators, you'll have to prove to me you have the strength to face her. If you are unable to uphold your oath, Suiren, then facing Frost in the ring will become my burden to bear." Rez takes a step. Then another.

    "Consider my words carefully and decide your path before you face me." The sound of a fist smacking the palm of the other hand punctuates this statement.
Luke Gray
    Luke is not sure what he said was wrong, he said he was the best he can be, and wants to help others be their best too, he feels that is a correct answer. While he likes winning, he never considered that to be related to how good a trainer he is, if someone needs his help, he will do his best to help, he tries to stand up for what he thinks, and for what his friends. For now, he just nods to the Lion, even if he is unsure on what he might say, before glancing back to Suiren again. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that, I have a feeling a fight between those two might end up badly, if things don't get solved before that..." 
    The Bewear meanwhile, was still holding Suiren's pokemon and was offering it a pokeblock, those small pieces of 'candy' made mostly just from berries, apparently Luke had managed to get a small bag of mixed ones, certainly not something one sees in Alola. The fluffy bear offers the digimon some of them, if the Lion tastes them, they simply taste like fruit, thankfully they were the sweeter kind, rather than the spicy or bitter berries.
     Suiren nods after Rez speaks, a determined look on her face. "I understand what you mean, and take it to heart. Those are words I would aspire to live by, to shape my future actions around... and I accept your challenge. When we face you in that arena, Iona and I will show you what we're made of, and as you said, it'll be decided then who will have the honor of facing Frost next." Iona was playfully nosing Bewear's ear, but hearing what Rez and Suiren are talking about, she gives a firm nod and shares Suiren's determined gaze, letting out a bark of agreement with her trainer. She then notices Bewear offering the Pokeblock and eyes it curiously, giving a questioning bark before sniffing it and determining it is food. She eats it happily and claps her flippers together, apparently a fan of sweet berries. 

     Suiren looks back at Luke and tries to reassure him. "I think if they fought while Frost was in the same mindset as when she fought you and Bewear, we'd indeed have reason to worry about how serious the battle would be, but hopefully things will be different after I talk to her. Though I do wonder even outside of that if she would have fought me and Iona with the same ferocity as she showed you and Bewear.
Luke Gray
Luke nods to Suiren, and lets out a soft sigh, stretching a bit. "I can only hope she might have been.. nicer to you, she does seem to like you... perhaps even care about you." he says softly. There is a pause as he thinks a bit more, turning to look at Bewear. "But I don't know, Frost seemed.... too focused on the battle to hold back, no matter what happened." he says softly, glancing back at Bewear's bandaged chest. "That really scared me back then... the moment she just started to charge again after that last attack... The way she glared at me after the fight, as if ready to jump out of the ring and attack me" he shudders, before trying to shake that thought. "But perhaps I was just seeing things... back then."
     Suiren nods, echoing Luke's sigh. "I think she does too. We've done a lot of nice things together, and she was really nice to my little sisters, as annoying as they can be sometimes. The woman I saw in that arena seemed like a different person somehow. I did see the way she looked at you in the end, it was like she wanted to keep fighting, and you took that away from her mid attack, and in the heat of the fight, she almost took her frustration in that out on you directly. I wish I really knew what was going through her head." She says with a shake of her head, looking over at Iona and Bewear, and grinning as she lets out a giggle at what she sees. Iona has formed several small bubbles and one big one, and carefully arranged them atop Bewear's head, like a bubble crown. "Those two are really adorable together. Bewear is so friendly and gentle, you really have a special one there, or maybe Bewear just has a really special trainer... Maybe a little of both." She says with a wink as she turns back to Luke and leans in to give another hug.
Luke Gray
    Bewear seems amused, and happy to pet the friendly water type on its shoulder, trying to look up at the bubbles, the 'tiara' twitching as it lets out another growly chuckle, petting the friendly thing a bit more with the bandaged paw, and slowly sitting down, without disturbing the passenger, or the crown!. Luke smiles at the comment, "Yeah, It is a bit surprising, for a pokemon with that reputation... It even started trying to train Pangshi, but I am not sure it will work well." he chuckles. The hug is returned, with a hint of a blush, "I am not special... I don't think, but thank you... I think you and Iona are great too." he replies after a moment.
     Suiren smiles as she receives a return hug, then turns and continues to watch, and the bubbles don't pop easily as Iona has been training a lot to make them tougher, but she had no idea her Popplio was so creative. "So humble. You have a great personality, you're quick to help anyone in need, and if you need any more proof, you have six great Pokemon who adore you. You may not think that makes you special, but I do." She says with a smile and reaches over to ruffle Luke's hair a bit, while Iona barks her own agreement. She then stretches a little and looks around as her stomach growls a bit. "We've been sitting here a while, want to get some tea and snacks? My treat."
Luke Gray
    The Bewear is still careful!, things have a history of breaking if he touches them in any way but hte gentlest possible way he can... and Luke is witness of doors, glasses, boxes and other assorted things carelessly broken by the bear. Luke is now blushing at the praise, and rubs the back of his head a bit, it's almost cute, "Thank you." he manages after a moment, chuckling at the ruffle, "Ok, ok!" he protests, gently ruffling her hear in return, before starting to get up. "That sounds good, I haven't eaten anything in a while."