World Tree MUSH

Ruffled Feathers, Magic, Maps, and Void

Character Pose
After helping a group of Toads with home construction Ash was actually feeling fairly psoitive as he trecked backto the princess's castle. More specifically he headed for the royal library because he had some ideash e wantedto look up. His end goal would be the garden attached to the library proper. However that would come after finding the books he wanted.

In the meantime he had asked a Toad attendent if anyone minded getting him tea out in the garden, even insisting on giving the servant several coins he had earned from the job he took on earlier in the day. He liked these little Toads, and didn't want them to feel like he was looking down or somehow just acting high handed, especially since they were Peach's staff and he was a guest ofsorts.

His time in the stacks would leave him just... around for awhile. He wasn't even sure what he was looking for in spite of having help searching.
Anna Freeman
Anna has jogged back to the library with Spiral on her shoulder. This time, there's a flicker of blue light around her legs, she's a little faster than she was jogging before, and she doesn't get completely winded. The librarian at the front desk gives her a book she'd reserved titled "On The Medical Applications of Transformation Magic"; Anna thanks her, checks out the book, and makes her way out to the garden.

"Yeah, knowing this kingdom, there's a two hundred percent chance there'll be a whole chapter on the stuff you're looking for," says Spiral.
    A flash of light in the sky. It might be mistakeable for lightning-- actually, no. There's not a single cloud in the sky here and there most definitely isn't a thunderstorm anywhere close enough to observe lightning flashes.
    What follows is much more obvious, though. An unidentified object falls in at a high velocity from the sky into the garden, with such force that grass and soil and likely some very carefully planted beautiful flowers are sent flying in a wave of earth blown away.
    In the wake of it, a trail of of dug-off ground is left across the garden in the wake of what fell in. And at the end of it-- some kind of glowing dust floats up into the air?
    And closer inspection, thus, reveals not a meteorite, but rather a person. A tall, teenaged boy in jeans and a leather jacket, left there laying on his back limply while a low, pained groan reverbates from his throat, open eyes *trying* to stare at something but instead mostly focusing up at the top of his skull. Strangely enough, despite the mess his landing made, his clothes don't seem to have any dirt on them. ... Also even more strangely maybe, he is in fact still in one piece rather than a splatter.
At first the toads thought this was something Ash had done. One toad ran off to yell at him. OK more 'politely explain damaging the princess's garden was a no-no please stop' as other Toads scrambled to see what made the crater. Oh the Princess was not going to like this. What had that crazy tenno done this- Waaait ther'es a person in that crater!

Toads wearing white with little hats that had a red cross on them trundled out with a streacher to put Sieger on. It would almost be comical except for how serious the situation was, and the fact they seemed like they kne to keep Sieger's head and neck immobile until they could tell if anything was broken. It seemed comical clumsiness and competent training were not mutually exclusive here. These were, after all, the Princess's own staff.

A diffrent toad pulled out a spyglass and looked up at where Sieger fell from to see what aused the commotion.

Ash would arrive at some point explaining, again, that he didn't do anything. Ordis wasn't- It only hit him then Ordis might have accidentilly dropped something, but since Ordis wasn't talking to him there was no real way to check. That's when he saw the pair of Toads trying to gently lift Sieger onto a waiting stretcher.

Seiger himself would notice even though these short people had stubby limbs and funny accents and weird body proportions, their hands were steady and their voices low as they reassured him over and over again he was safe. Don't move, etc.
Anna Freeman
Anna nearly stumbles and drops the book! She frowns, and hurries over, legs flickering with a slightly more sustained light, but ... well, as usual, there isn't really anything for her to do at the moment. "... Wait, what in the world?" she murmurs, as the toads begin to lift Sieger up onto a stretcher.

Spiral floats over, peering down at the unconscious boy. "... Huh." Her eyes flicker with a pearlescent light -- "Wait a minute!" she whispers urgently into Anna's ear. "He's reading almost exactly like a full-fledged Star Paladin! Except ... he doesn't have a Star Gem."
    At first, the moving of Sieger to triage goes just fine...
    But midway of being settled onto the stretcher, green eyes suddenly snap to look at the mushroom people surrounding him. Uh oh.
    What follows is a quick forearm shove to one side, and a roll over to the other, off of the stretcher, and in a move much more smooth than should be allowed for someone who JUST HIT THE GROUND LIKE A METEORITE, Sieger is sliding backwards across the destroyed soil of the garden on his feet, whole body tense.
    "Where the hell am I now?!" the boy blurts out, eyes sweeping from side to side to take in his surroundings, and the toads. "What are these?!"
    He shifts back instinctively a little bit, even if he is straightening up somewhat. "What the hell are these?! WHAT'S WITH THESE MUSHROOMS?!"
    Well he definitely doesn't have a mouth fitting for courtroom.
Ash was there when the Toads were shoved aside. Almost reflexivly he toook a defensive posture, extending his righth and outward palm forward as his stance widened. "You're safe," Ash's tone was hard as his mind was suddenly thrown from 'ok make sure injured guy is fine' to 'guy got thrown from orbit cursing and screaming. What is going on. "This is the Mushroom kingdom and you are in the princess's royal library." A slight bobble of his head, "Well the adjacent garden."

The toads looked confused and backed away, those nearest the ones that got shoved around helped the fallen up before backingaway as more guards were called.

Ash looked at the toads then skyward. "Were you pursued? How likely are we to get more people dropping in from On High?" He glanced upward and muttered, "oooh the princess is not gonna like this." And yet he kept his palm forward, making sure it was always aimed at Sieger.
Anna Freeman
Anna glances up in the direction Sieger fell from, then back at the altercation. "Well, it looks like Ash has things well in hand at the moment," she murmurs.

Spiral murmurs back, "And yet you're still planning on stepping right in between them if things get too hot to handle."

"Which is all the time," says Anna. "But yes."

Spiral sighs, and floats off Anna's shoulder. At least this is a distraction from the whole Raven issue.
    Sieger's attention promptly turns over to Ash when he approaches and takes over the talking. He stares. He blinks.
    "What kingdom?!"
    After alittle bit more internal processing, his hand comes slapping against his forehead, with a sharp groan of frustration, palm rubbing along one of his temples. "Christ... and I thought the last one was weird... Eh?" His eyes turn back over to Ash again, with just the briefest peeks sent to Anna. "... No. At least not that I know of. Unless that one girl got a bit too invested in my situation. Which I don't think she did, anyway. Ugh. What do you mean a princess isn't going to like this? What did--"
    Just then, a tree in the path of his crash-landing falls over with enough of an audible cue to draw Sieger to look back over his shoulder at the damages done.
    "... Oh."
Ash nodded at Seiger's explaination and relaxed, straightening as he started to approach. "What has me curious is thefact a Vine opened way up there," He mused almost as if to himself even as he approached the boy, "But you don't look like you can fly. They seem to have more or less an ability to tell the sort of context to open in."

He shrugged and then picked up a half full teacup that had been set out for him. "Well since you seem to be alright why not sit down and have a bit of tea. Rest a bit." He then looked to Anna and Spiral. "Either of you recognize this guy?" He didn't think so but it was worth asking.
Raven had been studying in the castle, secluding herself in the room that she had kind of made her own. Sorta. she wondered if the princess would let her.... no. e'd be leaving in a few days. There was no way she could ask for the generous woman to make her room more.... hers. She couldn't be that selfish. Especially considering Peach would probably do it.
rAnd then a boom. Her eyes went wide as she felt... magic. Someone was using magic nearby. Someone was-- An attack? Her eyes narrowed and then her body was enveloped in darkness....

Moments later, from the shadows, Raven's bird form appeared, swirling about before the girl stepped out from it. Managing to find the ONE bit of non-sunny section by the library. She stared between them for a moment. Taking in the stretcher. Then Ash and Anna. Finally, the wounded figure. Or rather... not wounded figure. The destruction and just... She sighed.

"What did you do?" she asked, INSTANTLY blaming Ash. Mayyyyybe she was a bit biased at this point. She glanced back to Sieger and narrowed her eyes. He.... didn't seem hostile?

Meh. Probably nothing masjor. Either way she was certain it was Ash's fault.
Anna Freeman
Well, at least things seem to have settled down somewhat. "The World Tree knows what it's doing better than we do, I guess," says Anna; her voice is just a little bit androgynous. She smiles to Sieger. "I'm Anna, and this is Spiral," she says

Spiral nods. "Pleased to meet you!" says the golden-furred catlike creature. "I've --"

And then Anna jumps at the sudden arrival of Raven, and she seems to sort of ... shrivel up as she turns to face her. Raven's empathy isn't necessary in order to see that Anna's emotional state just collided head-first into a wall of solid guilt.
Temulin Dotharl
The dark knight who has been staying in town is making another walk, despite the clear discomfort with doing so and the cane. When the noise happened, she headed to investigate; it's just at her pace, it takes a bit for her to get anywhere and she was a good chunk away. "Pray tell me what's going on?" She asks, loudly, when she arrives.
Ash saw Raven's shadow construct form and then the girl herself appear. Deep breath as he looked up. Rather than challenge the accusation he merely shrugged. "Well if it were actually important Ordis would have gotten hold of me, automated status reports keep coming in so I'm sure he's fine. Still mad enough at me to leave me grounded here, so whatever's going on happened in atmosphere.."

Then he turned from looking at the sky to Raven herself. "Look if you want to yell at me for being reckless. Fine. I deserve it, but if you'd please holdoff a few minutes to make nice with the guy that literally crashed from what looks like low orbit I'll be..." Sure outwardly Ash was fine, but even GLANCING at Raven would have a massive wall of guilt come from the Tenno. He looked around before starting to try walking off, "Anywhere else."

Amazingly enough it wasn't fear at Raven's response to him that had him wanting to be anywhere else. This was apparently Magic. he wasn't someone that understood magic and would bea distraction for people that had that understanding. Hence. be Somewhere Else.
    "...Ugh," Sieger lets out in frustration, despite the calm offer for tea that is given to him. "I was just trying to get back home. Damnit, damnit damnit. This is the furthest thing fro--"
    And then suddenly a Raven. Instinctively, he takes a step back, with his knees bending ever so subtly in response to the dark girl's presence. "... Okay and who the hell are you then?!" In the middle of all this, he doesn't really even have a chance to acknowledge Anna's question. Even less so when Temuling comes along asking loud questions. And Sieger's palm ends up finding his face again.
    "...I am surrounded by weirdoes."
Raven sighed and glanced between Anna and Ash. "Guilt? Ah. Of course. You can... let that go," she said before stepping forward. While what you did, Ash, was incredibly stupid, I do acknowledge that you were trying to help. Foolishly. As in I would expect such behavior from an animal of the rodent variety. That had eaten soap. Not from someone from such an advanced civilization. And I have learned that your judgment skills are not something to be trusted. Ever. And you, Anna... Again. Trying to help. I can forgive both of that." Oh, wow. So Anna doesn't get told off...

"So until further notice, neither of you are to touch me. Ever. Under any circumstance. If you are able to maintain this directive, then I will consider the matter dropped."

Then to Sieger... WEIRDOS?! SHE wasn't a weirdo! Her internal anger thrashed at him to turn him inside out. She then walked up to him and glared at him. "My name is Raven. I am a sorceress of Azarath. I may be able to help you return home, as may Ash and Anna. Possibly Temulin. But please at least try to endear yourself to us a little so we can muster some desire to aid you. Unless your goal is to be so rude and obnoxious we become desperate to get rid of you. In which case... Congratulations. I don't sense any hurt from you, and you don't appear to be frightened. You are lost and confused, mildly annoyed. You require answers. Which means you should try being somewhat a... positive personality so you can gather the information you seek."
"Well I may be.. uh.." Ash was still trying to wrap his head around the mouthful of insult Raven threw at him, "Whatever all that was but..." He then looked from Raven toSieger. "He survived a drop that had him going fast enough to literally go through atmospheric reentry. tht he survived points at some sort of strong defense. That it happened at all points at being rather weird events going on." His voice was calm as were his manners as he reached for a teacup. His emotions however were a complete frayed mess, and yet Raven would probably clearly tell he was trying to shove the whole mess into a box. Now was NOT the time Thank You.

"So I expect since all that didn't punch his ticket home I mean just... even with everything going on with me leaving 'home' a bit of a mess?" To put exceedingly mildly, "Being a bit grumpy is to be expected."
Temulin Dotharl
"You're being far too nice to him, Raven." Temulin shares her opinion, shooting Ash a dark look. She turns towards Sieger after and smiles. "I am not a weirdo. I am Temulin, of the Dotharl tribe. An adventurer. Pray tell me what kind of upbringing you had that made it so that you think it's anything other than suicidal to drop into a place, causing such a racket, and then accusing the people who come to investigate as weirdos? You sound like you don't even have an ilm of self-awareness."
Anna Freeman
Anna glances at Temulin and Sieger, but she isn't really paying attention to anyone else at the moment. She flinches back from Raven's words, but she nods. "R-right, got it," she mumbles; yep, her voice has turned completely androgynous now. "I ... I'm sorry." For a few seconds, there's a tiny fragment of relief mixed up in the guilt ... but then it immediately gets buried under a hazy cloud of despair.

At that moment, with a faint ting like a light bulb, her sapphire star pendant turns completely black.

Anna and Spiral both jump, startled, and Anna takes a few deep breaths to steady her nerves. Soon, she gets her emotions back under control, and her pendant turns blue again. "I'm sorry," she says again, bringing her voice back to normal. She still doesn't feel great, but, well, her despair didn't really last long at all.
    Sieger squints at Raven. SQUINT. "... Lady, you just called your friend over there a *rat* over what I presume perfectly good intentions, and you wanna talk to me about being pleasant?"
    And there's a huff sent at Temulin. "I didn't exactly *choose* my point of entry into this dimension or whatever, okay? I was just going through that vine or whatever you people call it thinking I'd get closer to home and suddenly I fall from the BLOODY CLOUDS and crash land into some - what is this, a castle? - filled with weird mushroom people and not even a little closer to home SO EXCUSE ME IF I AM JUST A LITTLE RATTLED."
    With a frustrated groan, he throws his hands up in the air, and turns-- whichever way seating is to be find. "UGH. Look-- I'm sorry, okay? I just--" He takes just a few steps forward before he discovers that he is, in fact, preeetty wobbly on his feet after making an impression of a human meteorite. "...Whooboy. I'm just gonna sit down for a hot second, okay? Or ten. Yeah ten hot seconds sound good."
Raven stared for a long, long moment. "See. The key difference is that I am not pleasant, nor do I need anything from him. Now. If you'll sit down I should be able to tend to any injuries you may have. So long as you're able to maintain this level of tolerable," she said flatly. She'd then turn towards the destruction. Things would begin to right themselves, before one of the chairs, wrapped in dark energy, would fly over to them besides Sieger.

She then glanced to Anna. "There is no need for you to be sorry any more. What's done is done. I have forgiven yourself. Some self-depraciating yourself, it isn't healthy." OH LIKE SHE WAS ONE TO TALK! She was so curt today...

She did glance back to ash. "Through... Atmospheric re-entry? Like... your ship? That is impressive," she mumbled, glancing to the man. "You're lucky to be alive. Or at least of a different type from many here. Now, if you would sit, I will attempt to heal you," Assuming the guy did, she would then reach out and put her hand on his arm and would begin to check for any damage, to check how severe it was....
"Hey look," Ash's voice was a whole lot calmer than his emotional state. As he tried to shove the stew of guild, Loathing, and now aggrivation into The box he looked at the new arrival. "In her defense? She's an empath and I've got a lot of baggage and well intended or not I put a hand on her while her defenses were down giving her a nice look at all that baggage right when she was vulnerable." he paced, eyes peering through glass-less half-specticals that gave him an interesting mosh of useless details about their visitor. Sadly his technology couldn't make sense of magic, but Ordis was gettign a nice recording for later. "Plus if that wasn't enough Ordis put his foot down and essentially dumped me here til my ship gets patched up." His voice had a tint of aggrivation to it, at himself or Sieger he wasn't sure, "Ordis never puts his foot down for anything. I could order him to go skim a star in spite of him hating all the extra radiation and heat." A beat as his expression and emotions became thoughtful, "Y'know there was that business with Solar that comes awefully close to that. Would feel guilty butthat was a rescue mission." Ashrug. "Point is if Ordis is upset enough to put his foot down and yell at me, and MEAN it. the lady has right to be angry at what i've done."

A deep breath because all that was a bit of a mouthfull.

"Also hi I'm Ash. No last name that i"m aware of, unless at this point Tenno counts. I dunno. Anyway Ther'es Anna," He pointed to Anna and Spiral," He gestured in Anna's direction before looking to Temulin, "And Temulin there has a point. Given she was the person Raven here was patching up from where somthing nasty tried to make her insides into soup."

He was rambling, and knew it. "Anyway... Look I'm sorry for being mouthy." Given he was emotionally wound tight perhaps thiswas unsurprising. "And yes I am quite weird. Like... you wouldn't even believe how weird this treeof worlds gets, but hi welcome to the multiverse."
Temulin Dotharl
"Thal's balls." Temulin narrows her eyes, and her darkness infuses her aura as her face turns into a cruel sneer. "You're lucky I'm still recovering from my wounds, or I'd be inflicting some punishment on you for your insolence. You are calling people weird for no reason, you are making judgments on situations you know nothing about, and all you have to say in your defense that you can't find your own bloody home? If I knew where my home was, I wouldn't be here. Pray never utter such idiocy again."

Her attention is thoroughly on Sieger, not really acknowledging the presence of anyone else.
Anna Freeman
Anna nods and sighs. "Sorry, it's just ..."

"Anna gets hit really hard with the idea that she might have hurt someone," Spiral interjects. "And she's always a pessimist on that front, too, especially since she doesn't really have a way of gauging it precisely."

Anna laughs weakly. "Whatever," she says, before turning back to Sieger. "Yes, hi. Uh, yeah." She shakes her head and grins weakly. "Wow, this must be one hell of a first impression for you, huh? Welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom."

And then she turns on Temulin. "Hey! Lay off, will ya? He's obviously new to the whole scene, and he didn't know how we hurt Raven!"

Spiral sighs softly. "Like I was saying ..."
    Yeah. Chairs are Sieger's saviour right now. He all but flops into one, and ungracefully slumps into it. For whatever it's worth, he doesn't stop Raven from getting close to him or even from touching him. Though he does eye her a bit. "... At least you're honest about it. I guess. 
    Shockingly, he doesn't have any significant damage to him. Bruising, probably. Though he might have rattled his brain pretty well from the whiplash.
    He can't help but direct a wry half-smile into Ash's general direction, in the meantime. "...You're fine, dude, don't worry about it. I probably need real quick infodumps anyway.
    Temulin, though? Towards her, his eyes narrow. "...You go threatening violence on everyone who says something you don't even vaguely like? Tch. You musta found everything around you weird when you got shoved outta wherever you came from too, yeah? Just let me have my couple moments of trying to deal with about a thousand things *completely alien to me* crammed into my life in the span of a single goddamn day."
    And finally, his eyes find Anna and Spiral. And he ends up staring at the latter for a moment. "... Well. At least there's one thing here that I'm not seeing for the first time. Nevermind that it's just the second time, but still."
    Sloooowly, he slumps just a little bit more into the chair, with a pained grunt, even under Raven's attendance. "... Sieger. My name's Sieger. I'm just some guy." Nevermind that 'just some guy' in this case fell from orbit and, for the magically-inclined present, clearly has some magic to him himself. "... Once I'm on my feet I'm gonna get out of ya'll hair, okay? Sorry for the... you know. Mess. I didn't mean to make any trouble."
Raven blinked a few times. "Actually... I wanted to ask about that. How IS Ordis? I know I kind of lashed out when I was in pain. I didn't do too much damage, did I?" she asked, sounding a little guilty.

She then glanced to Anna, and her tone went back to calm and quiet. "I am fine. I assure you. While it was painful at the time, that time has long passed. After I managed to recover, my doubts and anger over it cooled as well." she then returned to her work. "In fact, your worry about upsetting me is far more annoying and likely to upset me."

"Please, do not let your anger get away from you. I didn't heal you fully and while the injuries are no longer fatal. Or at least shouldn't be. Getting over emotional can lead to damage."

Once she was done, she nodded and pulled her hand back. "You will be fine. There is very little damage. I would advise resting for a little bit and trying to process the things you're seeing, but you should be fine."

She then turned to walk off and... "Temulin, I would like to examine you again, if you do not mind? Since our last session was... interrupted." If she got permission, she would touch the girl's arm and get to work.
Ash shrugged. "Nothing more than superficial damage. I'd say he's already got the mess cleaned up, but he hasn't talked with me since I got off the ship. So... I'm er... Grounded I think is the right word." A shrug from Ash as he considered the brewing argument between Sieger and temulin and now no way to make loud noise other than maybe Void Beam. He was more concerned for Temulin than Sieger. Plus the lady that healed her was standing Right There, so.. yea. Might be SLIGHTLY ANNOYED at someone putting more woundson them.

"When thingssettle Raven I would like to talk with you about things. since time to think and no warframe whatsoever has kinda forced me to look at stuff and since I"m kinda thin on ideas about the whole void thing. Any chance you could pencil me in in the next... whenever?" He wasn't even sure what that meant, but he'dh eard the turn of phrase at some point and it felt appropriate.

A look oto Sieger. "I'd... kindly ask that you and Temulin quit trying to antagonize eachother. Even after gettign literally chewed apart by some kind of freaky wolf deer hunter spirit she took on a freaking Dragon. Plus I kinda want to remind everyone we're in someone else's house. It'd suck to have to explain why all the books burned down."
Temulin Dotharl
"When they are being so unapologetic? Yes. There's no better way to teach a child the embers from a fading fire are hot than by having them touch them. You are the child reaching out for the smoldering embers, and I am the embers." Then Raven offers to examine her again and she shrugs. "Sure." Upon contact, Raven would experience something rather unpleasant. Barely restrained anger and fury, with power behind it, a lot of power struggling to break loose and wreak havoc. And the distinct impression that the only thing holding that power back is the fact the body containing it is wounded.

Ash gets no response.
Anna Freeman
Spiral peers at Sieger in sudden interest. "Really?" she says. "Well. I don't think I'm exactly what you're recognizing, but I'm pretty sure you're not what I'm recognizing either." She pauses, then adds, "Let's leave it at that for now."

Anna takes another deep breath. "Right, sorry," she says after a moment. Well ... when she isn't anxietying over which type of magical girl she wants to be, it seems she's actually fairly in-control of her emotions.

She rolls her eyes at Sieger and Temulin's antics. "All right, you two, break it up! You can get in a fistfight when she isn't hurt and we aren't in the middle of a freaking library!"
    "Well no not like you specifically," Sieger confirms to Spiral, with a slow blink. "Just thinking this is the second time already in the span of one day I've seen a girl with some kind of magic creature for a companion, is all."
    His focus returns pretty quickly to Temulin, and it's not entirely clear if he's even very well aware of everyone's protests over their interactions. But, he lets a frustrated groan, and... "For shit's sake, if you're going to take that so personally then go and punch me after she's done healing you and be done with it so we can move on. Just spare me from the high and mighty shit."
Raven glanced to Ash and... "Fine. We can do it sometime in the next few days. When we begin training to use our powers more effectively," she said curtly. Oh, she was still going to do it, yes!

She examined Temulin quickly, before yanking her hand back. "You'll be fine. Just rest, for the time being," she said quickly as she brought her shields back up. Ow ow ow ow. It was... too much... So much.... She didn't need anger now...

She glanced to Anna and narrowed her eyes, slightly. The control was a surprise. then... "Yes. please do not fight here. The librarian here is very kind and gets upset when you ruin his things." She started walking around the garden, righting and fixing what she could with her magic...

She blinked. Magical girl with companions? She glanced to Anna for a moment. Did... magical people normally have... Nah. Temulin didn't. Once she had righted... msot of it, she turned. "If there is nothing else, I will retire to my room. I have a book on ancient Mushroom kingdom demons that is absolutely fascinating." She was reading a collection of horror stories...
Ash felt a little surge of happiness at the confirmation the whole training thing wa still going to happen. Sure fine he was going to be happy to explore and see if he could do more than fire death beams, but the fact all this hadn't caused Raven to swear off on poking more at her own inner workings was what caused that momentary blip of joy. Might not be what she would think caused the emotion, but eh.

then a look of mild concern at Raven's sudden move away from temulin. His whole body twitched as if he were going to rush to her, before he rammed that idea into a box alongside the giant guilt demon brewing in the back of his head. The lady said No Touch. That means DO. NOT. TOUCH.

And then he watched Raven start to levetate things. "HUH..." That was rather impressive looking. "Don't mind me but right now about how many things can you work at a time normally?" His curiosity had gotten the better of him. It was nice to see Raven fixing instead of angrily turning people into pinballs.
Temulin Dotharl
It's not Ash's words, nor Sieger's, nor even Anna's that cause Temulin to calm down. It's Raven's reaction. The darkness of hers fades, and she looks at Raven with concern. "Are you alright?" She sounds worried, but refrains from reachout out to touch Raven. She knows better than that. She doesn't really bother responding to Sieger or Anna, but instead turns to Ash as she notices that twitch. "Don't even think about it." It's not anger. just a mildly frustrated 'you can't be that stupid' tone.
Anna Freeman
Spiral nods. "Oh, okay," she says, privately making a note that there may or may not be a third category of magical girls/boys/warriors with which she's unacquainted.

Anna still has an undercurrent of nervousness and guilt in the back of her mind, but it's nothing as bad as it was when Raven first arrived; Raven said it was over, and she's focusing on the here-and-now instead of what happened before, so it's just not at the forefront. She nods. "Well ... we should probably get going back to Earth," she says. "Got a test tomorrow."

"And you're gonna study for it instead of distracting yourself with the book you just checked out from here?" says Spiral, completely deadpan.

"... Yes," says Anna.
    "...Well," grunts out Sieger, as he starts pushing at the armrests of the chair he'd been settled on for a while now in order to get himself up standing. "Sorry... about the mess. Again. I'm just gonna get out of your way now."
    He takes one step forward.
    "...Whoop nevermind I guess I'm falling over now."
    And just like that, he's laying face on the floor. Mostly unmoving. And completely unconscious.
    Well then.
Raven blinked and looked at the things she was lifting. Then bqack to Ash. And then shrugged. "I don't know. All of the things? Depends on how focused I am, I guess?" she mumbled with a shrug. "I can only really focus on so many things at a time, though. But covering an area and grabbing everything in that area is pretty easy, at least."

She glanced to Temulin and nodded. "I am fine. I merely... Require my shields." She held out her hand and a portal of dark energy formed in front of her. "The caretakers can take care of the rest, I've fixed what I can. And..." And then sighed. "Of course." She walked to Sieger and touched him to check for anything serious. She then stood and sighed.

She held out her hand and her portal disappeared. A new one appeared under Sieger... which she then dropped him into.

In the castle, Sieger fell, face first, onto a couch.

Raven then nodded and reformed her portal. "I have books to read. Good bye." And then she'd step through her own portal to return to her room. Ugh. Why were all these rooms so bright and cheerful? She needed someplace darker to fully relax... Still... at least the bed was nice.
AsSieger was carried off Ash looked to Anna and smiled. "Well that wasn't so bad." Could've been worse. "I'll see you around maybe?" He hopedanyway. She seemed nice enough. And then he went back to trying to find books he wanted.