World Tree MUSH

One, Two -- Two Digital Foxes. Ah ah ah!

Bewul and White Paw drop by a trading hub located on a farm in the Digital World where they encounter Rez. What could go wrong?
Character Pose
     It's not a very large town, this location in the Digital World. In fact, it's less like a town and more like a small trading community built on the backbone of a farming orchard and the Digimon that tend it. There isn't much that stands out around the small hub of those willing to trade whatever wares they've gathered. What once started as a simple farm socially grew into a center for the locals, much to the surprise of the ones who founded the farm. Still, it is what it is and there's no changing it now. 

     The small 'square' at the center of the cluster of smaller buildings is full of even smaller kiosks along the paths inbetween and some Digimon simply barter what they have from bags to those interested in them. All manner of digital types can be seen wandering around, many voices heard calling out what they have available, lending to a very friendly, albeit loud, atmosphere. It's busy right now because it's time for market! On other days it's not nearly as bustling.
White Paw
    The town had developed the name 'TradeTop' at some point in its evolution, which had as many unusual stories as it had unsuusal kiosks. Much of the market's goods were scrounged up and refurbished bits, found lost in the Digital lands. Some if it almost looked good as new, and a rare selection was actually something even more exotic - real goods from real places - not those digital imitations (seriously, that's how the Digimon showing them off hawks them)!

    In fact, the Digimon 'hawking' those goods is an actual Hawkmon, complete with a half-cracked monocle as he looks over his wares for imperfections or 'forgeries.' There is a Digimon of gray coloration in front of his stand, holding a rucksack at his side as he holds out another item for inspection. It looks like a friendly bit of trading may be going on!

    "No, no, it's definitely a fake. You found this on some other layer."

    Then again...

    "I assure you I definitely found this in the material world." The odd-colored Renamon countered calmly, not seeming upset over the claim of illegitimacy. "But if it is not to your liking, I have other things."

    Several more items are produced. An electric toothbrush, a light-up twirlygig that spelt out 'Cool,' Even A little wind-up Chick in an egg that wobbled around on deformed feet as its head bounced up and down with loud whirring.
    Bewul liked coming around to the market now and then, just to trade some of the things he obtains in the 'human' world. Many digimon seem fond of instant ramen, chips and other snacks (plus obvious tools and even toys) , and in turn he gets supplies for his own small farm. Plus he just gets to check if anyone found anything cool to trade!. The small gabumon is poking at a stand trading some 'toys' from the human side, haggling over some trading cards, even as he keeps an ear perked at the nearby Hawkmon trying to argue about the source of items. 

    Hearing of another digimon visiting the 'material' world finally gets him to turn and face the Renamon, rather curious, and moving closer to get a better look, even moving next to the Hawkmon, "You also visit the Material world?" he asks curiously, his tail wagging. Curious Gabumon.
White Paw
White Paw  turns and looks down towards the source of the voice - sure enough, there was Bewul, with those big eyes and desire for wonder.

    Naturally, White Paw had no idea who Bewul was! But anyone interested in trading was fair game. "That's right. I go looking for treasures and intrigue." He reaches into his rucksack and pulls out A shiny egg-shaped thing. Compared to the earlier items it actually looks quite ornate (it just might not be obvious to Digimon). He turns a little key on the side and... The egg top slides open, revealing a tiny Elvis figure wobbling around to 'Ain't Nuthin but a Hound Dog' in musical chime.

    "H-Hey! Why didn't you show me that one first!?" Hawkmon cries out.

    White Paw looks back to the Hawker and shrugs. "I was saving it for last?" Oh well~
    The Gabumon is certainly impressed, that is not a common item that he has seen, moving a bit closer to check at the egg, only to see it was some sort of music box!. "That's quite a nifty device!" he says, "I haven't seen a music box like that before." he replies with a grin, "I'm certainly interested in trading, I have some Bits, some snacks and instant food, and a calculator." he replies, pointing to a bag he was carrying. "I also visit the material world now and then, but don't tend to find much on the way of rare things."
     From nearby comes a yawn, although the sound may be drowned out by the noise of the conversations and activity around. From underneath a makeshift counter, amidst a pile of soft cloth and things, something stirs. A head pops out, looking groggy, and then the critter slowly wiggles free before flopping onto their back. It's a Liollmon! 

     This Liollmon almost seems ready to go back to sleep (but who could sleep amidst this noise!?) but a sudden rumbling sound stirs the lion once more. He grimaces and rolls about until he can sit up and boy does he look miserable.

     "So hungry," says the cat to himself with a frown.
White Paw
    Producing several more odds and ends from his bag onto the Hawkmon's, White Paw responds. "It's all about knowing where to look and where they hide things. Humans store the most absurd things where they never look at them. Although it can be simpler to look at where they throw them away and clean them up too." Given the offer of trading, and the Hawkmon's own flustered look at possibly losing out on some things he actually wants, White Paw rubs at his chin a moment. "I haven't considered food yet, I can see about trading in that regard, but you may have to figure out what Hawkmon wants as well, as I think he will be competing for some of these now that he thinks they're real."

    Hawkmon looks a bit afronted at being called out, trying to brush it off. "W-Well! Of coruse it's all real!" Mutter mutter, grumble, stare, appraise. It looks like serious business mode has been activated on Hawkmon. Is there anything else amidst the trinkets that could draw Bewul's attention? Even things unmentioned?

    And look what the cat dragged in! Would the enticing smells of food likely on Bewul's person/digison Lure in the feline?
    Indeed Bewul has some food that the small lion can likely detect, both from his farm adn other food that might or not be familiar for Rez!. Still, his attention is with White Paw and the Hawkmon, so he tries his best at bartering, rubbing his chin a bit and smiling. "Let's see... how about this calculator?" he says, showing the bird digimon a simple scientific one, "It's good for handling math problems." he explains, "It's solar powered too, so it works if there is light... but also runs on batteries! I even got a couple extra." he replies, perhaps such a thing might get the Hawkmon's attention?. He can handle trading with White Paw afterwards.
     The Liollmon slowly pushes free of the makeshift bed and wanders along, stepping around others, making his way along in some hope that he can find an opportunity to get something to eat that doesn't require more work. He doesn't mind the work, but you can't work on an empty stomach! 

     "How can I be so hungry? I ate all my food and went to sleep with a full belly," he wonders to himself aloud; he finished moving some stuff around and was so tired afterward that he degenerated back to Liollmon and absolutely -had- to get some sleep. After eating. Everything he earned. All of it.

     Rez is so preoccupied thinking about food that he doesn't even notice one Digimon until it's too late. He bumps into them, apologizes humbly (in Japanese), and sidesteps to avoid being in the way, turning the corner, and right into a Renamon. "Oof!"
White Paw
    The first one bumped into was Hawkmon and his table. Naturally, everything on it wobbles! Some things fall over, some roll. Plenty of little thunks of varying tones. This naturally has everyone distracted as Rez turns his corner - around the table, and thus into the Renamon. Pokemon sizes can vary a bit, but chances are Rez was big enough to at least reach hip height, so being walked into gives teh Bipedal fox a reason to stagger a bit as he catches his balance.

     White Paw is okay! Really. He totally was expecting to be bumped into, and is not flustered at all... Totally! He did drop his ruck sack, alas, but it appears to be empty at this point. He waits a moment to see if the Liollmon is going to bump into him again, more prepared for dodging this time about. "Are you alright? You seem to be running into everything."

     hawkmon is too busy making sure nothing was broken from the table shake earlier to comment - directly at any rate. The Barter has been temporarily delayed!
    Bewul is not familiar with this form of Rez, so he is surprised when a distracted lion bumps into the bussiness bird!. He tries his best to catch any falling shinies, no point letting things get broken!. After makign sure nothing of value got destroyed, he turns to face the visitor, tilting his head, "Are you ok?" he asks, almost at the same time as the Renamon, and handing the Hawkmon the things he managed to 'save' from the Liollmon.
     "Gomen'nasai," repeats the lioncub-looking mon, this time freezing fully in his tracks, and takes the time to actually bow his head. The lion's voice is different in this form, of course, but some similarities in speech might still be there. "I am weakened by my hunger and have allowed it to make me a clumsy fool." 

     As if on cue, he gets another growl from his belly, louder this time, that might actually make a few other traders and shoppers pause to glance over. The Liollmon seems to blush, despite being fuzzy, and /carefully/ moves over to the side to have a seat upon his haunches. Head lowered, Rez shakes his head. "Again, I apologize for interrupting your business. Do not mind me."

     Self-aware of such social predicament, the lion seems to do his best to ignore his being hungry for the sake of not causing any greater of a scene because of it.
White Paw
    White Paw looks to Bewul, then to Hawkmon. "I thought this place was built along a farm? Shouldn't there be more food about if there is trading going on?"

    The Hawkmon shrugs, looking towards the embarrassed Liollmon. "Don't look at me. I just fly in for the business! Maybe he's just a growing mon?" It seems everything on the table was alright, including those things Bewul had picked up. Which leaves taht awkward moment of peering at Rez when he's trying not to draw attention.

    More awkward silence, at least from the Renamon. Eventually, he speaks up again. "perhaps I will try trading later." He starts gathering his things back into the rucksack. Poor Hawkmon tries to object. "W-Wait! Wait! At least trade me the electric toothbrush!"
Bewul seems concerned at the hungry lion digimon, especially at the comment about being weakened by hunger, "Do you need some food?, i was going to trade some of it, but I am more than glad to share if you need it." he tells Rez, not quite aware who the cublike digimon was yet. He even reaches around to offer one of those 'meats' as they call it, the large cooked meat around the bone, "Here.". As the Hawkmon and White Paw talk some more, he nods a few times, "Yeah, finish your trade with Hawkmon." he says with a grin, "It's not his fault we got interrupted."
     Heavily embarrassed, the Liollmon doesn't want to further cause imposition on those he has unwittingly interrupted. On the flip side, the lion is not one to turn down food. The struggle can be seen on his face and in his eyes as he juggles the pros and cons of each. In the end, however, hunger wins out. 

     The lioncub critter bows his head and offers, "For this I owe you a debt of gratitude, Gabumon." He leans forward to grab the meat with his mouth and withdraws backward a couple steps to nestle himself out of the way in-between two stalls: the Hawkmon's spot and the next trader over. Being in a quadrupedal Rookie form helps slip into harder to fit places. With any luck, he won't bother anybody else being in the way now while he busies himself with eating.
White Paw
    Hawkmon gets his toothbrush at least, after a bit moment of intense haggling. Whtie Paw has the straight face, and Hawkmon normally has his own calm demeanor, but all the little distractions have apparently taken their toll on the bird Digimon. White paw acquires himself several new things in trade for the toothbrush. That satisfies his objective for the moment, at least...

    Which brings things back to focus on Rez, as the Renamon leans over part of the table to watch the other one eat. It sems privacy is a rare commodity in this sort of market place. "It seems to me that a Digimon like yourself would be out in the wilder parts, hunting or foraging. Why are you hanging around here if you're so hungry and have nothing for trade?"
    Resists the urge of petting Rez, despite how cute looks, instead leaving the food for the smaller digimon to eat, a second 'meat' at least, hopefully that was enough!. By that time, his attention goes back to White Paw while he rubs the back of his head, "He kind of seems familiar." he muses, before shaking his head, "Who knows, maybe he just snuck around to rest on the stuff from another vendor?" he says softly at the Renamon. 

     "By the way, I am Bewul." he says with a grin, offering one hand in greeting, his tail wagging a little bit. "Are you new in this town?".
     Blue eyes peer upward at the Renamon as the lion is addressed while eating, but before he has a chance to reply the Gabumon speaks in speculation, as well. The Liollmon might speak, but it can be rude to speak with your mouth full, so he doesn't. Not yet. Perhaps when he's done eating he'll feel in a better position (and whole enough) to explain himself. For the time being, however, the extra attention merely makes him more self-conscious. As subtly as possible, he inches back a bit further pulling that meat along with him with his sharp teeth. Rez misses the introduction from Bewul to White Paw, since food is a priority, which saves him a bit of added embarrassment. Such ignorance likely won't last...
White Paw
    Well, for now, not much that White Paw can do about it! With one question unanswered, but theories given, he looks to Bewul as he introduces himself. He reaches up to scratch idly at his chest fluff a moment as he regards the handshake over. Using the Hawkmon's table as a lean, the scratching hand goes to prop him ata lean, as the other Sets the rucksack back down and takes the handshake. He knows about these. "So you have yourself a name? Many Digimon don't, but I go by White Paw these days. It helps when dealing with humans. This is not the first time I have been to this town, but only to trade. I am nomadic for the most part."

    Meanwhile, between the tables and beside the red, juicy meat (or salty, preserved flesh? whatever is more apt) a small bit of technology clatters quietly to the ground in front of Rez. A usb stick wrapped in what can be best described as 'bacon' lays there, compelte with a little note with 'Eat Me' written on it. Now where could that have come from...?
Bewul nods, "Yeah, guess I just picked it up once I started to visit the humans, and talked with some computer people." he says, smiling and wagging more, shaking the paw vigorously. "Pleased to meet you White Paw." he replies, "I live in another layer, but not too far from here otherwise, I just come around to trade now and then, when I wat to get some supplies or just check for new things, like that music egg you showed me!" he says eagerly. The fox pelt wearing gabumon does not seem to notice the fancy usb stick, his attention being in the tall digimon in front of him, "Wish I had something more valuable to share than some ramen or that calculator." he says with a chuckle. "I still wonder where did you get that thing."
     So, not only does Bewul give the Liollmon two meats in total, but something else seems to be gifted along with it. There's little to be seen or heard from the lion as he eats. He may be socially embarrassed, but his appetite is not something that shames him. The Rookie chows down first on one, then works on the other. 

     This takes up the majority of time that the others nearby spend on social pleasantries and introduction. It'll take a bit of effort for the groggy Digimon to make it through both and wind up with a mystery item. It gets a bit of an odd looking over at first, but that doesn't stop it from getting nomfed, finally.
White Paw
    The USB stick, to give it properly background and purpose, seems strangely rejuvenating. While it's nothing compared to eating food, a sense of energy seems to flow from it as its consumed, which, if nothing elsem should certainly help Rez feel less tired...

    "That one I found around, getting dusty in some forgotten shed." White Paw notes offhandedly. It's certainly true - it just might raise other questions of where that shed was. Mystery upon mystery! "I'm afraid I've already taken apart a calculator, but I already know how the music egg works, so What I trade it for is not of major issue. I do need to get some food for myself..." He reaches back down for the bag and fishes out the egg - the better to present it! "So maybe if you ahve more food at your farm, we might have a trade as well... and the leftovers can go to the small one between the tables, if he is still hungry?" Whtie Paw double checks between the two, just to make sure Rez is still there.
    The Gabumon examines the egg again, as if considering the offer, "I think that sounds fair, I don't have a music box like that, and I do have more than enough food." he replies with a grin, before glancing back at Rez, "Sure, we can havfe a nice meal!." he says happily.
     For one that is tired and hungry, the addition of food and an energy boost is just what one needs to feel better. As such, the Liollmon certainly feels able to start crawling out from his hidey-hole between those vendor stalls to deal with whatever repayment is going to be required for the 'breakfast'. "Hey, I don't know quite what that other thing was, but I'm feeling kind of pumped," come the words from the partially reemerged lion cub. His head pokes free just enough to look up at the Renamon and Gabumon, but then his eyes go wide. Not from recognition, either. 

     It's too late to do anything at that point. The Liollmon glows as he begins to undergo Warp Digivolution. The size change is massive comparatively. In a flash, the tiny space in-between those stalls is filled beyond capacity with a lion man, a BanchoLeomon, which likely doesn't bode well for the stalls.

     In all likelihood, this is going to bring the entire market to a standstill as sudden calamity, noise, and damage is done in the midst of it. And, at the center of the mess?

     Everybody else surely stares at the BanchoLeomon, the Renamon, the Gabumon, and the Hawkmon. Or is it just the largest target that matters?
White Paw
    Sooooo most likely most of the stares are going to be on BanchoLeomon just because he is the biggest, but Hawkmon likely makes a great deal of noise, as would the other vendor, who is going to be a purveyor of vintage cardboard boxes. Flattened ones, built ones, stackable ones - all the boxes! Naturally they go everywhere with teh catapulting action, making some poor Wormmon run around frantically to collect them.

    White Paw, meanwhile, is trying to figuring just what happened as well. Granted, 'what' happened is obvious, 'how' it happened is not! He's feeling through his chest fur as if to confirm something, and seems more concerned as a thoughtful look appears on his usually calm face.

    "Uh, I guess I congratulations are in order?" He starts with, looking towards the new Rez. "You have now gotten stronger and can now strive for more challenging and fulfilling things, like reaching for fruit in trees so you don't get so hungry?" Talk about growth spurts...
    The Gabumon spends the next moments just staring at the huge creature replacing the small lion out of a sudden. There is a gasp as the poor stands get shoved away and the ensuing chaos, yet the first thing the Gabumon does, after recovering from the surprise, is to approach the Bancholeomon, and wags his tail a fair bit faster, "Rez? is that you?" he asks, "Wait, what happened to you, why were you in that form a moment ago?, did you get in some sort of fight?" he asks curiously.
     The tall lion man looks somewhat mortified by this change and result. All eyes on him (except those trying to recover from the sudden large mess) leaves the BanchoLeomon looking about with widened eyes. His clenched jaw firmly holds onto the stalk of grass poking from his mouth. Gesturing with his hands, apparently trying to find the right words to apologize or offer help, nothing comes out of his mouth. Then Bewul seems to recognize him and calls out his name. The Digilion turns his distressed stare toward the Gabumon, embarrassment compounded, and after one more look at the mess around himself... He turns and, in a hurry, leaves. 

     There is a beat or two after turning the corner of a building and going out of sight on the way toward the nearest 'exit' from the farmland hub, then he suddenly comes back around the corner in a jog and reaches down to snag both Gabu and Rena to pick up (one in each arm, potentially!) and turns to leave once more.

White Paw
    It had to be said - in all of White Paw's time in existence, he couldn't recall a situation like this ever happening to him before. Oh, he has had his share of hijinks where runnign was the logical courseo f action, but he had never been picked up and carried away before.

    The initial retreat was not unexpected. The fact that Bewul knew the Liollmon-now-BanchoLeomon_otherwise-known-as Rez was a fair surprise, and White Paw had been intending to ask about that, but it was a moot point now. Egg and rucksack still in hand, he quickly put the egg away as he was carried - either over a shoulder or just up in an arm. There was not much else to do just yet - He was rather curious where Rez was going to go with them after the would-be kidnapping. It certainly didn't feel like he had any hostile intent, at any rate...

    He probably wasn't going to visit this market for awhile though, just in case he did get blamed for it.
    Bewul is a bit surprised at Rez suddenly running away on his own!. Just like White Paw, he had soem questions to ask, but those were delayed, as his 'friend' came around and picked him like a forgotten bag. He can't help chuckling faintly, holding onto his bag tightly even as they take off in a random direction. "With some luck no one saw where the Bancho came from." he says softly, "So at least he can return if he is small." he calls outloud, trying to glance back to see if anyone was after them.
     It's not a glorious exit, but there you have it. The Leomon doesn't stop until he has completely left the hub, jogging the entire way, and gets a comfortable distance away before slowing to a stop. Turning, the lion looks to see if anybody is following; there isn't. It wasn't really that huge of a deal overall and it was an overreaction, but... Rez felt social trapped. Still, he didn't want others getting in trouble, either, and the Hawkmon was likely witness to Bewul giving the Liollmon food before things went south. 

     Actually, the Gabumon and Renamon seem somewhat forgotten as the lion stands there, each held where they've wound up being held, as Rez's blue eyes search carefully for any signs of pursuit. After a moment, he sighs. Nobody could have predicted that would happen.
White Paw
    White paw, being the taller of the two and at least somewhat more comparable to Rez in size, most likely go tthe over the shoulder treatment of a scoop-up. he hangs there patiently as the runaway broods and questions things, but eventually he makes a little movement and pokes at part of his back. "Could you put us down?" It's a polite enough request!

    Presume such is a safe method of getting down, White Paw and Bewul find themselves on their own feet again. he takes a moment to look inside his bag and confirm nothing seemed broken, then looked back to Rez and his faraway look. "It was an accident you know. I would tell you that it's normally a thing to celebrate when you grow enough to digivolve..."

    Aaaand his gaze turns to look at Bewul now, eyebrow arched! "But he seemed to recognized you when you changed. Which means this isn't your first time like this. Did you really get into a fight? Were you hiding in that town?"
    The Gabumon is certainly small enough to be carried almost any way Rez wanted!, the small critter wriggling faintly as White Paw politely asks to be put down. The 'fox' spends a few moments fuzzing his coat, and checking nothing from his own backpack was broken, before placing it down and nodding to the Renamon's words, "Yeah, I don't think they can blame you for the damage... it just happened!" he says softly. " before nodding back to White Paw, "I did, he appeared near my home, shared some food and allowed him to rest as well, we talked about training."
     "I wasn't hiding." 

     Another sigh comes from the BanchoLeomon before he lifts his arms in a weak shrug while turning fully away from the farmland hub. "I did some work there. Wore myself out completely. I earned some food, ate it, fell asleep, woke, as you saw me. And you know the rest." In other words, they'll know BanchoLeomon -better- than Liollmon.

     Lifting a hand to scratch just behind his nose atop his snout, Rez remarks, "I didn't even know there was going to be a crowd. It was confusing." The scratching stops and he offers another shrug of the shoulders, although this one is more firm. "I didn't want them blaming either of you. I didn't think about it. It just...happened."

     So, here they are.
White Paw
    It was a moment that easily qualified as silent awkwardness, at least for White Paw. He understood the explanation, and he could tell that Rez was upset over it, just dealing with it in his own way as best he could. It least the answer gave White Paw an idea of why things had happened as they did - the USB stick he had dropped down had contained 'eenrgy' in it, and it must have been enough to help help Rez change forms again - an unexpected side effect.

    That also meant that he was, in a sense, responsible for Rez's embarrassment in the situation. It was a stretch, but if he hadn't offered it, It would have likely been a Liollmon following them to Bewul's farm than a brisk jog from an incident.

    "Well... What is done, is done. It can't be helped now." The Renamon says with his own shrug. He gestures towards Bewul as he looks to Rez. "Are you still hungry? I'm trading for some food with him, and since I probably won't be able to eat it all, you can have the rest of it. I try not to carry too much on me at once."

    An offering of food and shelter at a place Rez has been before: Would that be tempting enough, despite the situation? Nevermind the fact they're not White Paw's places to offer, buuuuuuuut chances are Bewul isn't gonna care about that part. He seemed pretty concerned as well!
    The small Gabumon nods when White Paw speaks, his tail twitching, "Sure, you are welcoem to come with us and take a break at my place!." it would not be the first time he made that offer after all!. He smiles back to the Renamon, "Of course, I can help you carry things if you need to." he says softly, making sure to make that offer as well. "You are welcome to stick around a bit as well." he adds, stretching a bit and reaching for his things. He pauses to glance back at Rez, "He is right, you can't feel bad for what it happened, i twas an accident."
     The BanchoLeomon frowns in thought as he crosses his arms over his chest. With closed eyes and a chance to clear his head following the scene, Rez is able to recompose himself and have a good think. With a tousle of his white mane, he shakes his head. "I can't just leave. Not yet. The right thing to do is to go back and help." 

     Cracking open a single eye, that blue gaze peers first at Bewul and then White Paw before closing again. "If you are heading back to your home and wish for me to join you, I should be able to find my way there from here." It's...been a while, but maybe he can manage.
White Paw
    "You just ran away from there, dragging two others with you." White Paw points out in a straightforward manner. "Even if you go back by now, chances are they have already fixed the tables and collected their things. All they would have for you to do is be yelled at if they blame you, or more questions you would not enjoy dealing with right now. At the very least, you can eat before you go back, so you are not at risk of being hungry and changing back to your lower stage." Ahhh, he caught that bit about changing last time and remembered! "Besides, what would they have you do right now? They will probably have other work later if they make you pay for things."
    Bewul nods a few times, "White Paw is right, it might be just better to return later, once you are well fed and feel with energy, apologize and offer to pay them back, perhaps once they are more calm." he replies, smiling, "I mean, I enjoy having you around." he says with a wag of his tail and glancing back at White Paw, "And that is a good point."
     With a grunt, Rez opens both eyes and peers directly at the Renamon as an argument is made against going back. He begins to grow more and more disapproving of the notion -- this detail easily seen on his face -- that is suddenly dispelled when Bewul agrees. Rather, his facial expression turns to one of shock, arms uncrossing, jaw dropping, before recoiling and taking a half step backward. "Nani?!" 

     "Anata wa ima shinkokudesu ka?!"

     Look back and forth between the two, however, the BanchoLeomon slumps his shoulders with a defeated puff. "Fine. I will trust your word for now and will test your wisdom when I next return." He frowns in thought and raises his gaze to the sky. "Lead the way and I will follow and keep you safe on the journey. Um..."

     Rez looks between each once more and curls his mouth into an anxious smile. "Can I carry your things for you?"
White Paw
    Whether it is wisdom or not will be seen then! For now, it is a case of White Paw looking to Bewul. "Lead the way?" It is Bewul's farm, after all! As far as the ofer to carry his bag goes, White Paw shrugs. "It is not heavy. I am fine." SImple, matter of fact. no hostility or smiles for it. We'll see how that goes down since Renamon can be a little strange about stuff.
    The small Gabu tries to comfort Rez, noticing the distress, barely able to pat the side of the large Bancho, "I will come back with you to help explain, I feel part of it might have been my fault, after all, even help pay for anything that happened." he replies, his tail twitching slowly. The offer to carry things is welcome with a grin, offering his back, "Thank you." he finally says, before slowly guiding the two towards his home. The trip was simple enough at least! maybe not too close but doable.