World Tree MUSH

Hero(?) in Green

Character Pose
  There are many vines that are permanent fixtures within the Kingdom of Hyrule. They lead to a variety of places, including the vast central plains of Hyrule Field, the abandoned Gerudo Desert, and the water-rich Zora's Domain.

Comparatively few open on the high mountains of the Death Mountain range; fewer still open higher up. Some have in recent years, though, seeing fairly regular use.

Up on the roof of Hyrule is Peak Province, a relatively desolate place of jagged peaks, high mountain trails, and alpine meadows. It's beautiful in a rugged sort of way, a place untouched by humanoid hands. Not many bother to settle in these places, where life is difficult and the winter is a deadly threat, but there are some roads that cross the area.

One of them leads from Kakariko Village, a fairly sizable settlement further down the mountains, right where it start to rise from the plains to the red stone of Eldin Province. Further up, where Eldin Province becomes the grey stone of Peak Province, there is a semi-permanent Vine that sometimes disgorges the odd traveller onto the mountain path.

A short way above that is Snowpeak Garrison, an ostensibly abandoned post where soldiers were meant to maintain vigil. Why, nobody seems to know, and stories circulate that the place is haunted, cursed, full of monsters, and all manner of terrible stories. It's the kind of place that Kakariko residents use to scare their children into good behaviour.

Hylians look pretty normal compared to some humanoid races; their only difference from the wholly human is their long-tapered and pointed ears, and their occasional penchant for minor magic.

So it is that near the Vine about two thirds up Peak Province's tallest mountain, down from where Snowpeak Garrison is supposed to rest, there is a single figure leading a horse down from the heights. The horse's tack is plain enough to suggest a commoner, with saddlebags stuffed with what seems to be herbs, fresh rushes from the mountain rivers, and all manner of herb-things.

Leading the animal is a lone figure in a black hooded robe. Embroidery in silver flashes in the sun in subtle, geometric designs that seem less sinister and more like elegant flourishes to an otherwise plain garment. The hood is swept back to reveal a young woman in her mid-twenties, maybe; hair a rich chestnut, almost but not quite blonde in the sun, eyes the blue of a pale summer sky. Her features are slim almost to the point of delicacy; her bearing purposeful. Under the robe she wears simple riding clothes. Slung over her shoulder is a bow with ornamentation so rich it borders on royal, and at her hip is a much more plain-looking quiver, bristling with grey-fletched arrows. At her other hip is a scabbarded rapier, but much like the bow, they're so ornamented and rich in both craftsmanship and detail that they must have once belonged to either high aristocracy or royalty.

The horse is massive beside her, and its sheer size speaks to a horse bred to carry a man in full armour. Funny that such a horse should be used to carry simple things like herbs, though. Every so often it looks off to the side of the path and sweeps its ears back in threatening display, and when she notices, the young woman reaches up to soothe the animal with a pat to its neck. "Saa," she whispers from time to time. "Peace, there is nothing there." Her eyes are wary, though, and she's constantly glancing towards the direction of the Vine. Expecting trouble, maybe?
This weird collection of 'fruits' connected by Vines may just be intent on making a liar out of the blonde woman, though, and perhaps the horse has reason to be nervous. It's after this latest reassurance to the spooked horse that the Vine comes to life with a bright flash. But the first thing that comes through is a sound, one that starts quietly and slowly grows louder.


And in short order, a humanoid shape falls out of the bright glow. Something green. The screech is immediately cut off as the shape hits the snow, falling through it with a powdery 'poomp!'. And once things slow down, there is a short, pudgy human male... with his upper body stuck in the snow, and his brown-shoed feet flailing, making muffled sounds of distress under the snow.

At least he can more or less be seen now. Green shirt, dark blue overalls, brown shoes. After a moment, he wiggles himself free enough to place his white-gloved hands on the snow next to where his head's still stuck, twisting around to put his feet there too. How he manages it is anybody's guess, but he manages to pull himself free, and he falls back onto his rear. He's an older fella, it looks like, with some well-mantained facial hair, and short brown hair.

"Whew!" he declares, reaching up to straighten his... nonexistent hat. "Oh no!" he yelps in distress... and then dives right back into the snow, like a fox hunting for mice. After a few moments of wiggling around, he manages to pull himself free again, this time with a green 'poorboy' style hat with a white patch and a green 'L' inside the patch. This hat he places on his head with a sigh of relief.

It's also worth noting that he's got something on his back -- something that looks like a red backpack with a hose attached, and a spout on the end of the hose. This spout attachment is hooked onto the side of the red backpack. He also doesn't seem to have noticed the blonde woman yet.
  At about the same time that a flare of light issues from the distant Vine, both horse and woman snap their attention to it. The horse's ears prick forward, nostrils flaring with a huff of misty breath. The woman's eyes narrow suspiciously, as she drops the rein she'd been leading the horse by, and in the same breath she has her bow slung from her shoulder, an arrow nocked to the string, and the fletching pulled back to her delicate, pointed ear.

She holds the shot with admirable stamina, blue eyes widening as she observes the tableau before her.

Luigi falls out of the bright glow, flailing and screeching, where he lands body-deep in a puff of snowdrift. The horse's ears flick back and he grunts like a boar, bracing himself and pawing at the earth with a hoof the size of a dinner plate. When the powdery snow clears, his legs are flailing upside-down.

The young woman holds her shot and her eyes are as sharp as a hawk's. The arrow gleams beyond the straight line of its shaft and the pointed forefinger of the hand that holds the bow. She eases her shot, frowning, at the muffled sound of his voice.

Finally, it lowers by degrees. The young woman looks back at the horse, before her eyes snap back to the half-buried man. Gradually, her head tilts as she sizes him up, and he might feel the uncanny sensation of the appraisal of a soldier; a warrior, despite being such a slip of a girl.

The eyes suggest a different story.

She may seem like a reasonably intelligent young lady, but those are the eyes of an ancient soul.

He dives back into the snow after his hat.

As her regard wanders over him to note the details, she squints at the backpack he's wearing, raising her bow incrementally again. It would be more satisfying to be trusting and welcoming, but dark times have come to Hyrule, and she can't afford to trust.

"Mind the roads, friend," she calls, and there is a thread of sarcasm to her tone. "Losing them in the snow is easy."

"I do apologise for such a cold welcome -- literally and figuratively, I'm afraid -- but the roads are not safe, and one can never quite be too cautious." The arrow has not wavered. "May I inquire as to the nature of the equipment you are carrying? I have not seen its like, and I fear I cannot afford the luxury of trusting too easily."
"Yaah!" Luigi startles at the sound of Zelda's voice, jumping high into the air in surprise. Fortunately he doesn't fall over this time -- no it's with an almost acrobatic turn in the air that he moves to look in her direction, landing more lightly than a man his size should be able to manage from that height. And he also notices, finally, that she's got an arrow pointed at him!

He hunkers down, pulling his hat down around his ears a little more, and curls up into an amazingly compact ball, shaking. "P-please don't-a shoot!" he pleads. There's an accent there, one that's pretty clear with his fear. He also registers that question of what he's carrying, too. "It's-a the P-P-Poltergust 5000," he explains. "It's just-a for catching ghosts..."
  "Mm." At the plaintive fear in the man's voice, the woman sighs and lowers her bow. The arrowhead flashes as it moves, but she doesn't yet take it from the string. She stares at him, unblinking, watching his acrobatic antics. Her brow arches; his acrobatics are actually impressive.

When he pleads with her, she sighs. It's the no-I'm-not-going-to-shoot-you sigh.

"I suppose I could see how that may be useful. However, these are threatening times in Hyrule, of late, and one can never exercise too much caution." She doesn't take the arrow off the string, but she does keep it pointed to the earth underfoot. "Why you would venture into Hyrule in search of ghosts, however, I cannot say.

"It would be better if you did not use that, here, stranger." The woman sets her jaw. Those are the spirits of my people, she wants to say, but she remains silent. "Please."
Luigi breathes a relieved sigh, slumping a bit when the arrow is pointed elsewhere. That's a lot off his mind. And he seems to calm down now that he's not in danger of being perforated! He stands up straight now, releasing his grip on his hat.

He nods in response to her advice/very strong suggestion that he not use the Poltergust here. "Oh, it's just for misbehaving ghosts, just to hold them until the source of the misbehaving is fixed. Then I let them out again," he reassures. "Some of my best friends are ghosts -- I wouldn't just harass them without a reason."

As for being in Hyrule for ghost-busting? He looks around. "Is that where this is?" he asks. Well, that probably answers the question... in all likelihood, he's here accidentally. Also he shivers. And this time it's not out of fear. "Brrrr!"
  "Hm." The woman lifts a brow, but refrains from comment. She lifts her hand from the bowstring to gesture at the lowlands down the steep slopes of the Snowpeak range. "Yes. You are in the Kingdom of Hyrule, although this place is beyond the bounds of Hyrulean authority.

She stares intensely at him for a long moment, before shaking her head, turning to swing herself aboard her horse. The animal tosses its head and eyes Luigi evilly.

Tugging the reins aside, she gently pulls the horse's head away from Luigi, glancing down at him. "Come. I will take you somewhere safe. Can you ride, stranger?" She is, if nothing else, incredibly polite. The young woman offers a hand. She wears an archery gauntlet. "I will take you somewhere warm, and lend you shelter from the road, but make your decision quickly, if you please. I am reluctant to be here when the sun sets. Night is dangerous here in Peak Province."
Luigi notices that the horse is eyeing him so, and backs up a little from it, holding his hands close to his chest. Eep, evil horse! Zelda's offer, though, draws his attention back to her, and he looks worriedly at the horse again. Though he does look a bit scared when she mentions where they currently are not being safe. "Oh, then I definitely don't want to be here after dark!" he agrees.

Though as he steps a little nearer the horse, he eyes the creature. "...Is it safe?" he asks. Too bad he didn't bring the Poltergust 4000! Then he could have just followed the lady on the horse. Who... he realizes he doesn't know the name of. But, well... getting out of here is more important at the moment!
  "It is safer than lingering here." The woman glances down at him, flicking her fingers in impatient gesture. "There are dangerous things in the night."

She glances sidelong toward the darkening skies before her gaze slides back to Luigi.

Luigi nods, looking more than a little nervous. Lesser of two evils, he figures -- get on a horse that might throw him (and let's be completely honest, it's not like falling on his head is going to really hurt him; he does that all the time), or stay here and possibly get EATEN by something. No contest there.

So he nods and takes hold of the offered hand to scramble up ont ot he horse. He's actually a lot lighter than he appears, so the horse shouldn't have much trouble bearing both of their weight.

There... might or might not be something a little weird about him as Zelda takes hold of his hand though. He is one of the Star Children, and that's likely to, pardon the pun, shine through pretty easily to the sense of magic.

And, depending on how accurate and fine-tuned her sense is, Zelda may sense a little something... unsettling, buried incredibly deep in his soul. Far outshone -- again, pardon the pun -- by the sense of magic and destiny, but it is there, nonetheless.
  It looks like there would need to be a lot more weight to trouble the horse. The animal looks to be bred for carrying a full complement of armour, plus an armoured knight. The very size of the steed makes its rider seem much smaller than she is, by comparison.

Zelda gives another impatient flick of the fingers on the hand she offers for Luigi to vault up. Her grip tightens around his when she feels him take it, and with a wrench that might be surprising in its strength, the rider pulls Luigi astride. It's not entirely comfortable on the fore of the saddle, and that puts him sitting in front of Zelda. She cinches an arm around his waist and kicks her heels to the horse's ribs.

The horse leaps forward with a jolt.

If Luigi can sense magic, the woman behind him on the saddle would be like staring at the sun. Her presence burns bright, and she must have some kind of powerful talent.

Her eyes lift to the path, and her attention slides away from Luigi and to the task of keeping the horse in control as he plunges upslope, tearing great clods of earth from the road. "Itw ill not be far!" Zelda shouts, over the wind. "There are few places to stay, this high above Hyrule Field!"
Luigi is also polite enough to shift that backpack around to his front too, so it's not getting in the way here. She's got hold of him, he's got hold of the backpack, so neither one of them are going anywhere. Though this close, if Zelda's seen a modern vacuum cleaner... well, that thing Luigi's carrying with him, the thing he called a 'Poltergust'? Yeah, it's a vacuum cleaner. At least visibly.

The horse lurches forward, and Luigi startles. And for a moment there, the sound of his startled, "YAAAAAAH!" trails back behind them as the horse charges up the slope! Jumpy one, this guy. At least he doesn't fall off. Though that's probably mostly due to Zelda keeping a good grip on him moreso than anything on his part.

Her words are reassuring, at least -- he won't have to worry about the horse much longer. "Thank you!" he calls over the wind and thunder of the horse's hooves.
  At the sound of all that pestersome screaming, the horse swivels its ears back and redoubles its gait, tearing up clods of half-frozen earth and snow as it charges up the path. Zelda crouches low, holding the reins and keeping her eyes riveted on the path. It's a bit like driving a car, along these treacherous roads. It's not safe to take one's attention away from the galloping horse.

"Do please stop screaming," Zelda request, with a thread of annoyance in her voice. "Avalanches have been known to start with less."

It isn't long before the stallion charges through the front gates of Snowpeak, slowing to a halt in the snowed-in courtyard. Even in summer, snow still lies on the peaks.

Zelda twists and slides off the saddle, gesturing for Luigi to jump down.

"Welcome to Snowpeak Garrison."
Terra Branford
    Snowpeak isn't the quietest of places, though certainly far from the noisiest. Wind also does things to sound, carrying and distorting speech to sound like ghostly whispers or the calling of animals to plaintive, chilling cries. When it doesn't drown them out completely. Though Terra doesn't have especially keen hearing, hers is good enough that she takes to one of the walls to cast about. Zelda's out there somewhere and her worry shows, though perhaps not particularly well from her usual deadpan.

    So it's there her red garb may be most easily spotted from afar, though her wind blown cloak and green hair may also contrast well against the sky.

    The half-esper doesn't budge from her perch until Zelda warhorse arrives, passengers astride. Though, at the sight of a stranger she does have to force herself not to be weird and try to hide. She comes down, though she very pointedly says nothing. She does, however, provide quite a lot of staring. At the man. The contraption.

    Still struggling with speaking up, but at least she's here. That's nice?
"S-sorry!" Luigi notes, at the request to shush with the screaming. And he does indeed shush with the screaming. Fortunately with the horse moving so fast, it's not long before they get where Zelda's taking them. He tries not to look too relieved as the horse stops. Though as he slides down off the horse, he makes to lightly pat the horse's front shoulder, where its neck is. "Thank you too," he says, to the horse, addressing the creature as he would another person.

It's at her words of introduction of the place that he looks to the area proper, as he shifts the Poltergust back to his back. "Ooh... this place looks really old," he comments. "But in really good shape!" Technical skills talk! And they say 'wow!'.

He's startled by Terra's sudden appearance, since she arrives without making any noise. So he offers noise of his own, a rather involuntary blubbering noise, and jumps. Though when he realizes Terra isn't threatening him, he calms. "Ah, h-hi?" he offers hesitantly.
  Although the horse's ears swivel back at the touch to his shoulder, and his head jerks around to fix Luigi with one dark eye, the stallion doesn't try to bite. Not this time, anyway.

Zelda circles around to take the reins, leading the horse toward the small but functional stable. She beckons with one hand for Luigi to follow; and Terra, too. Hylian and horse both leave deep prints in the snow of the courtyard. It will melt again in a week or two, but until then, it's a little bit of a struggle.

Then again, it's been an unseasonably cold summer.

Whether the others follow or not, Zelda doesn't look to see; she sets about slipping off the horse's gear and brushing the enormous destrier down. "This was a place for soldiers, once, but now it is our home," the Hylian explains. "It seems to be safe from the creatures of the Twilight, at least for the time being."
Terra Branford
    Terra doesn't quite get close enough to reach out to the horse, though she probably wants to. Close enough to cringe slightly at Luigi's reaction to her appearance. It takes a moment but she bobs her head once in answer to Luigi's greeting. Another moment and, as Zelda is leading the group away, she manages, "Hello." Then, it's off through the snow.

    Hurray for boots, or something. Though the snow doesn't seem too much trouble, she nevertheless picks her path carefully. Stonework and snow can be treacherous, afterall!

    Zelda's further explanation is more than adequate, so she offers little, other than to take up a brush and join in grooming the horse. Whether he tolerates her is another matter, though she can only hope! How long as it been since she got used to this place, she wonders. Is she? Anyway, despite what she's doing with her hand she keeps stealing quizzical looks at Zelda's newest guest. Should she offer things? Should she ask questions? Zelda gets a look next. What should she do?! This is highly unusual! ... Or is it?

    Doubt doubt fret fret.
Whew. Good, the horse didn't bite him. He follows Zelda into the stables; it might be worth mentioning that his feet don't seem to sink into the snow as much as they should. He's 5'7" and got a bit of a belly; his feet should be disappearing up to the ankles. But his feet are only sinking about halfway into the snow with each step.

Though Zelda says something that interests him. "...Twilight?" That doesn't sound like just a normal sunset. So of course he asks, "What's the Twilight?"

It's almost funny, how Luigi's kind of standing off to the side a little, not wanting to interfere with things. Terra not wanting to speak up for fear of doing or saying something wrong, and Luigi not wanting to get too close to the horse for fear of upsetting the creature or one of the two women.

Oh, but he does have something to say. "Oh! Sorry about that. Didn't give my name. I'm-a Luigi," he offers, tipping his hat. "It's-a good to meet you!" The introduction is a cheerful one.
  "A curse, of a fashion," Zelda explains, brushing dust from the black stallion's pelt. "It spreads and tains the land. Wherever it goes, the people become as helpless spirits. Hope withers and dies with the greenery."

She doesn't take long to finish, leading the horse over to his stall, shutting him in and shaking out a measure of hay for the trough, lifting it with no apparent trouble. Clearly she's used to an athletic lifestyle.

"I recommend going the other way, if you encounter it. You will know if you do. It can be dangerous for the things that roam within its shadow." Zelda tilts her head towards him, before turning her attention back to the horse. "I am Sheik. I was a servant of the royal family, once." It has become such a casual and easy lie, she reflects. "And that is Terra Branford, though encouraging her to speak may be something of a... challenge, some days."

Those summer-blue eyes flick to Terra, and a brow arches. Well? Gonna speak up? Say hello to the guest? "Miss Branford...?"
Terra Branford
    The Twilight. An awful thought. Terra hasn't even really, truly seen the worst of it either. Such thoughts worry her mind as she occupies every moment with something like the horse! Then Zelda's putting him away.

    Her excuses for remaining quiet are running low. Then, there it is. Introductions. Mental preparation is required! She braces, inhales and as she turns toward Luigi and starts to speak, Zelda comes in with the save! Yes. A fleeting moment of relief plays across her features, she dips her head in a quick nod, even as she's kindly called out for being quiet.

    If she had the nerve to pout she absolutely would right now. Well, she supposes, she did ask for this. "Sorry, hello. If you need anything please ask." She even executes a somewhat stiff, snappy bow.

    Should the silence stretch overlong after her awkward attempt at being friendly she might actually explode, you know.
Luigi listens to 'Sheik's' explanation of the Twilight. He of course reacts with fear at the mention of 'things that roam within its shadow'. Weirdly, it's the same level as when Terra startled him. Or when Zelda did. When he fell through the Vine. It's all the same. If he's afraid of everything, at least he's afraid of everything EQUALLY!

Though he does get a curious look on his face, and starts inspecting the 'spout' of his Poltergust. Click. There's a weird black-light. "Hm... I wonder..." he intones quietly, murmuring under his breath.

Terra's greeting gets a smile -- he doesn't seem to hold her apparently awkwardness against her. But then again in his case... those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw Thwomps. So instead, he just answers brightly, "Thank you!"

Though he does offer, "Sometimes this light on the Poltergust can deal with curses. If this Twilight is spreading across the whole world, though, I doubt it will be a huge help. But it might help in fighting some of the... the things in it!"
  Once it's clear that the horse is seen to and doesn't need anything else, Zelda turns away, dusting off her hands and beckoning for the others to follow her inside. "Come. We have refreshment, and you will be shown a room you can stay in for the night."

She pushes open the front door, waiting long enough for the others; once they're in, she secures the bolts and starts for the stairway. "I will leave Miss Branford to explain more of this place to you, although with the caveat that she, too, is a stranger in this land. I am afraid I must leave you, Master Luigi. There are responsibilities of mine I must attend to."

"Goddesses watch over you." She offers a shallow bob at the waist, not quite a bow, and turns to make her way up the stairs. Pretty soon she's out of sight.
Terra Branford
    At least this person seems friendly. That helps the half-esper not to be too, ah, skittish. Still, talk of the Twilight and the darkness that lies within. It can hamper the mood, somewhat, certainly. Somehow, Terra finds it in her to not panic when responsibility is placed upon her to accommodate the sudden guest!

    Still, silence reigns for the few moments after Zelda departs, leaving us in the not particularly cheery light of the garrison's halls. To help banish the gloom, she cups a hand and raises it, a torchlike flame rising up and licking at the air to cast light.

    "I'm certain, should you choose, you'll be very helpful." Sometimes it's the small things that can be done that matter afterall, right? Now... Deciding.

    "Food? Or..." She casts a look down one dimming corridor. Well, the other option is arranging the room. There are plenty in this empty place, afterall.
Luigi follows Sheik into the castle, shutting off the black-light of the Poltergust and stowing the attachment on the back of the backpack. It's probably warmer indoors, even if that's only because it's sheltered from the wind. Though just as soon as they're inside, Sheik makes to take her leave. Luigi nods, and offers, "Thank you! Take care!" And a merry wave as she heads up the stairs.

Apparently Luigi's Poltergust has a flashlight too! Since when he notices that the room is dim, he retrieves the spout attachment again. Click! There's a flashlight! It's pretty bright, but he's considerate enough to point it upwards, at the ceiling. Not only so it won't blast Terra in the face -- that is a legitimate attack, after all -- but so the light will scatter evenly and light up the place a little.

"Oh, I can help!" he volunteers when Terra mentions food. He's pretty good around a kitchen. He is, perhaps not surprisingly, the brother with the culinary talent.
Terra Branford
    That equipment does warrant another glance. Luigi gets a curious look from the half-Esper. Black lights and such are foreign even to her. So, she ventures, "Is it magitech?" Referring to the Poltergust, even as it's brought out as a handy light source. A bit less alarming than a fistfull of fire, to be sure.

    She drops her hand, letting the flame dissipate into a few gentle wisps of smoke.

    "This way." Terra tries her best not to sound cold or anything, but being curt tends to leave that impression regardless. She leads the way along to the kitchen, though it's a rather primitive affair compared to what she's presuming Luigi might be used to. Primitive but certainly functional and though the cooking emplacements are currently cold that's easily alleviated when there's someone on hand that can provide fire seemingly at will, no? "I'm not sure what you like but there is plenty."

    As for the stores it involves a lot of preserved meats, grain and enough fruits and vegetables to round out the stores. ... There's probably still an obscene amount of apples for some reason, too.
    "Magi... tech?" Luigi emulates. It's not a word he knows, clearly. "Professor Gadd made it -- it's kind of his best invention, I think. It's the one he seems to like the most. He's always tweaking it, and gets really worried when it's not working right."

    If he thinks Terra sounds curt or upset with him, Luigi doesn't show it. He merely follows her into the kitchen and starts to look around. "Hmm..." Grain, meats, vegetables... "You got flour?" he asks. It looks like an idea is forming here...
Terra Branford
    "Sorry, I'm not sure I can explain it well. Machinery powered by magic, I suppose." Really, her grasp of that knowledge is seemingly lost. She doesn't seem to mind, the only type she vaguely remembers was purely designed to cause harm anyway.

    Terra is truly lost in the kitchen, though. While she knows enough to feed herself, she's never really explored her options or experimented for fear of causing waste. "Flour...? I, um... Not many grow this high up the peak, sorry." ...

    Oh dear.
The explanation of 'magitech' gets a nod. "Oh, I see. I don't think it is, no... Professor Gadd isn't a wizard or anything like that. He makes some pretty incredible stuff, but it's not magical, I don't think." Little does he know it can duplicate some magical effects.

He blinks a little, though, at the mention of flour 'not growing this high up'. He's lost too for a moment, until it registers what she's talking about. "Oh! No no, not flowers. Flour. The stuff you make bread out of. Powdery and white, but not sugar or salt?" The last two are crystals anyway, but he wants to make sure to cover his bases. "You make it by grinding up wheat." He does know about pre-industrial technology, after all.
Terra Branford
    That explanation is a good one. Good, but Terra nonetheless looks at a loss. Still, she turns to the stores and looks about before hefting a sack about the size of a sandbag. It appears full and somewhat solid. "Maybe one of these?" Yep, she got it. The stores here are relatively basic so there's not a ton to search through.

    It's not a huge sack or anything, just a plain tightly woven burlap sack with a drawstring that is indeed full of fresh flour. She places it atop one of the tables, opens the string and peers down into the sea of puff. "You want to eat this, then?"
Luigi puts the spout attachment back onto the Poltergust to hold it secure, the flashlight still on. "Aha, there it is!" he notes as Terra finds the flour. As for eating it? He blinks at that. "No, I'm-a gonna use it to make something," he explains. "It's not good to eat like this."

He does need a few more things to do what he's planning. Butter and milk, specifically. It's cold enough in this area that there should be some of those somewhere. "What about butter and milk?" he inquires. It's cold enough that they should be able to find some place to store things like that temporarily.
Terra Branford
    Terra looks away from the flour to Luigi, back the flour. If it's not food then what is it for? Well, it's probably important enough since it's present, so she simply nods and steps away. "Hm? Oh, right." Butter and milk. She sweeps away, out of the room for a few moments. Presumably to the larder and she does indeed return with milk and butter. This time, weirdly, they're in more modern packaging. These are probably thanks to Yumi somehow.

    "I think these are correct. What.. Sorry. What is it that you're preparing to do?" Cooking, so far, has consisted of roasting, frying or sometimes simply heating things until they're safer to eat. Whatever's going on has her somewhat baffled and weirdly attentive. Someone's gonna try to learn a thing!
Luigi smiles broadly as Terra returns with butter and milk. "Ah, good! Thank you!" he offers, since she went and got the stuff. And as for what he's planning? "Pizza!" he announces happily. "I've got my own recipe for the dough!" There's a lot of ways to make a pizza, after all, and with the amount of vegetables here, there's probably enough at least for 'stuff on a flatbread'.

So that's what he'll be teaching Terra to make! Most of the work will go into the dough for the crust, and whatever he mocks up for sauce, both of those are likely to be time-consuming. Not too much, particularly if Terra is willing to help as well as watch. Dough will need to rise and proof a little, sauce will need to simmer with ingredients, vegetables will need to be chopped, and the whole thing will need to go into the oven.

But at least, after all the work, there will be something yummy to eat! Admittedly Luigi usually has premade dough, but he does know how to make it if he has to. So, the pizza's maybe a bit bootleg, but it'll still be yummy, and very much worth the work.