Once as aloof as other sphinxes, Isperia was thrust into the spotlight when the Azorius Senate elected her their new Guildmaster. As Guildmaster, Isperia has been trying to change the guild, hoping to have its members understand that the spirit of the law is more important than the letters. Apart from them, Isperia's curious nature causes her to venture to other planes and worlds when the opportunity arises. As a part of the Azor, she has an affinity for white and blue mana magic. White gives her the ability to strengthen herself and others while blue acts to control the field through counter-magic and supression. And as for other magic, it is wise not to use darker abilities near this sphinx. Such actions will earn you her ire.
Sphinx: Isperia has access to flight, strength, sharp claws, and a bipedal form.
Across the planes of Dominia, Sphinxes are typically aloof creatures that desire solitude. Isperia is an exception out of necessity for Ravnica. As one of these creatures, she has an affinity for blue mana magic, flight, order, and enjoys riddles when presented to her. Additionally, she possesses two forms, one bipedal that stands six feet tall, and one quadrupedal, which is six feet tall at the shoulder. The former is often used when she presides as a judge, wants to greet someone properly, or otherwise wants to not appear as intimidating as her other form. Her true form is often used when on exploration to other worlds, in combat, or when she simply feels comfortable in her current environment.
White Mana Magic: White Magic allows Isperia to use spells that fortify herself, others, and heal.
White magic provides Isperia with the ability to fortify her allies. Her spells focus on temporarily enhancing strength, vitality, and healing the injured and inflicted. This healing is limited to ensuring someone can survive long enough to reach proper healers or doctors. This is achieved by drawing mana from places she has been before. Across Ravnica, memories of wide open areas give her access to white mana that can be formed to cast the above spells.
Blue Mana Magic - Control: Control magic that attempts to stop or redirect attacks and abilities.
By drawing on mana from lands surrounded by water, Isperia can conjure spells to counter attacks from others. With a swift enough reaction, and realization she's being attacked, the sphinx can redirect or possibly negate an attack headed toward her or an ally. Depending on the strength of the attack, she may need to tap into more mana to stop it. This may also stop powers that require conscious activation, and does not stop innate passive abilities, or effects already underway. She must choose to act when the action starts or lose the chance.
Blue Mana Magic - Suppression: Control magic that can slow mobility and increase resources needed for goals.
Using mana from islands, Isperia can also use magic from these places to slow and hinder her opponents by using it on the environment around the, typically by increasing the gravity of an area. Similarly, if she can strike an opponent with one of these spells, they may force them to exert more strength or energy to do as they wish as they will be weighed down.
Azorius Senate< D-Tier Basic >: Soldiers, Griffon Riders and Mages that aid allies and weaken enemies.
While often at odds with the Senate over interpretation of their laws, Isperia is still the Guildmaster of the Azorius and they will answer her beck and call when the situation demands it. Most often this is limited to altercations within the Azorius District on Ravnica. Their forces consist of soldiers, sky riders on griffons, and law mages who excel at magic that delays, complicates, and reinforces. When at odds with other greater individuals (PCs), they will fall quickly.
Insaitable Curiosity: Isperia's curiosity about other worlds and people knows no bounds.
After Isperia became the Guildmaster to the Azor, she found herself obsessed with the people of Ravnica and how they lived their lives. She believed knowing how these people lived would help her learn what laws would be best to make their lives better. As new worlds, within and outside of Dominia, became known to her, she was eager to see them and the people that lived within them just as much. As a result, it is very common for the Sphinx to venture out into these worlds with anyone else that's interested. (Often the explorer's league of the Izzet.) At times, she will even ponder upon how people live, what they use to live, and how they use those things, distracting herself from focusing on a situation at hand.
Order for All: Wherever she goes, Isperia prefers order to anarchy.
For Ravnica, and for every world Isperia visits, the sphinx ponders on just what kind of law would work best for a world. As guildmaster, she desires to impose the best law and order that can be made for wherever she is and may work toward it if the situation is amiable. On the opposite hand, Isperia has a true hatred for those that prefer chaos and anarchy. She may try to convince them to change their ways, but if unsuccessful will move to work against such individuals with all the resources she has.
Aversion to Darkness: Isperia hates black magic. It's use will cause her to act recklessly.
As a creature of light, magic, law, and order, Isperia has both a hatred and disgust of darker magic, necromancy, and the use of such things near her will cause her anger to rush to the forefront. She hates these types of magic, be it of Dominia's own or of other worlds, and will act to defeat such powers by any means necessary.