World Tree MUSH

The Impossible Mashing

    A continuation of the first plot scene, the elves that are under threat of extermination are warily agreeing to some sort of meeting with offworlders to cite their grievances... and intended solution. This will start off as a negotiation scene, and anyone interested can come, regardless of previous participation. Talks may devolve into violence.
Character Pose
    Some time ago, William had called for assistance in preventing what he called a 'genocide' of a local people: humans. Demihumans such as elves were the common people in this world, and the humans were limited to a few tribes, primitive in nature. The Empire had been negotiating for a powerful source of magic in the forest, and the tribe was refusing to be relocated so the Empire could further their magitechnology. A little interference in the local military outpost and some sabotage of the logging machine had been lightweight, but enough for the whole mess to be called off for a few weeks while an investigation was done... and to allow William to arrange for meetings for people to talk with the local tribe.

    Strangely, before this the Gardeners had no postings at all regarding this world. That was... actually still true, but the postings for jobs in the nearest Gardener center had gone up in number quickly. All of them were for tasks quite far away from here. This had started some talk, but other avenues that were less official had put in requests to settle this dispute peacefully if possible, though there were a few calling to wipe out the local garrison of the military in the colony... and a few more requesting to forcibly move the tribe that was being so stubborn.

    Which lead to now. William himself had appeared to meet people, this time carrying a spear across his shoulders in a lazy slouch. With him is a painted or tattooed(it's hard to tell) tribesman, at the edge of the forest, carrying a large bone club that was, inexplicably, a neon blue in color.
David is no stranger to helping people, he recalls some of his own ancestors, The native americans supplanted by his other ancestors, The Whiteman. And right now David sees the potenial for this to happen again. David is not going to let this stand, he understands the situation, the desire. But in the end he will side with the humans.

Right now he is heading into the area he's more than willing to talk to people. Even point out his own history, of how one group of his ancenstors the Cheyenne were forced off their lands by the Whiteman. He also vividly recounts the massacures and wars that happened. Like the humans here they were primitive in their weapons... but they Learned and adapted. And there was much boodshed.
Aurelia Argent
    The girl with weird armor has come along with William, having pledged to help (and has been directed to do so by her mentor/patron). She actually has a shortish sword in a scabbard to go with her rather ornate reddish-gold plate armor. Her face is protected by some kind of white mask as well.
    "Why's your club blue?" the young-sounding woman asks of the tribesman. She greets David. "Hello, mister. I go by Metallia, how about you?"
    It had been a while since Isperia had set out from Ravnica with a job to do, rather than just wondering about a newly found culture that she wanted to learn about. A particular individual had found her around the streets of Prahv, asking about the posts of the Gardeners, as well as wondering where in the world they had ended up. Not wanting to leave the off-worlder lost and alone, she decided to see where their mutual road would lead to.

    This resulted in Isperia's arrival in this new world, coming upon both William and the 'primitive' human with a club that could light a path in the night. "It seems more than us have responded to the post.."
    "Genocide? Really? That's kind of harsh just because some humans won't move from one place to another." 9S conjectures as he walks along to the meeting spot, hands folded behind his head. "I think that's going a little far, don't you, 2B?" He asks the woman in black at his side.
    "None of my concern. They're not our humans to be worried about. We have a mission, and we're only here to observe." She says curt and clipped as the YoRHa android pair make their way along. "I'm curious to see how humans from other worlds are viewed at large by... Other... Races?" She does admit before the pair come to a halt on reaching William and the tribesman.
    "Oh! Right! Hang on 2B, I can initiate greetings." The Scanner android says, walking right up to the blue club-wielding tribesman, making fingerguns at the pair before he holds up his hand. "Hey, how you doin', gimme five!"
    If the tribesman reaches for his hand, the poor guy is going to get roped into a high five, leading into a fistbump followed by elbow-daps, a fistbump again and then a fireworks fadeaway. And he's not going to get a choice in the matter.
    2B looks on at this in aghast silence.
    That is to say her unamused expression does not change in the least.
>> SUMMARY[2B] >> This is how humans greet each other, right???
Renya Rimehart
    A flamboyant sky pirate probably wasn't one of the interests the Gardeners intended to get. But when you have Adventurers regularly trying to claim a bounty on your head, you go through their stuff after putting them in their place, and in doing so she found one of those notices. Enough to perk her curiosity if nothing else. Leave no potential oppritunity unturned.

    A shadow briefly passes by as a landing boat suspended under a zepplin passes overhead. But rather than stop a long roap is slung over the side, and it's down the length of corded fiber than Renya Rimehart herself comes sliding down, the line gripped in one hand and coiled on an ankle to support her while the other arm is thrown out in an extravegant wave. "Avast and ahoy! The Pirate Princess has come grace your presence in a time of need!"

    As she slips off the end of the line she gives it one last tug and it recoils back up, the airboat continuing off to wherever and await the Captain to finish her shenanigans.
Hunter Okada
Wandering around between worlds has proved to be quite an educational experience. Of course when Hunter Okada showed up in Ravnica, he was fascinated by a world of magic and technology. He was looking for someone who would be willing to serve as an olfworld mentor, even if only briefly, so he could have an excuse to go off and be a hero.

Once he found Isperia, and she agreed to escort him, he was quickly able to change into his hero costume and follow her. Now lingering a bit behind her, he watches the display of...Well truthfully he's not even sure what that is. It looks like the kind of greeting someone would give in a goofy movie and everyone around would look some mixture of perplexed and disappointed.

A quick glance around reveals that this is in fact the case, which means that he's probably on the right track to finding a heroic adventure. He quickly pulls out a sketch pad and begins to sketch a few drawings in it, trying to do his best to document some of the strange off-worlders that are here...Even though he's technically the off worlder now as well.
Holly Winn
Well, Holly's certainly interested in magical artifacts. Her being a human might make this a bit awkward though she's also a witch and haunted by two ghosts. She's not exactly the most observant type either, 2B might get her question answered though she's not the most normal human. Then again given the crowd person she's likely not the weirdest person here either. Genocide tends to lead to vengeful ghosts though and she doesn't like upsetting up the undead.
    William smiles when people arrive... including a familiar face. "Metallia, nice to see you again! How's it hanging!" So... cheerful? He shrugs his spear off his shoulders and then waves to everyone. "Yo. Thanks for coming out, guys. This is the tribe's spokesman, who uh... whose name translates into the unfortunate but pretty accurate phrase of 'Devil's Advocate' in brief. He's here to explain concerns and what they want. I'll just stand over here. I call him Dee-Ay for short."

    William wanders off, snickering, because he did catch what 9S was about to do. Fortunately(?) DA seems to know what a high five is, and while he looks bewildered, he is rapidly able to go through the motions, even ending with a 'pshaaaw!' of the fireworks. "Hello, young one." Well, 9S looks young!

    Aurelia actually asks a question, and he looks surprised. "My club has been infused with the spirits of Gammosh, empowering it." Despite his primitive dress, his words are enunciated cleanly, and he appears to be speaking the same language as the colonists, with only a slight accent. Obviously he is their spokesman because of linguistic talent.

    Also stubborn. "Thank you for hearing us out, offworlders. We cannot move. Our god is beneath our home, abandoning him is impossible. The elves wish to drain our god of his vitality."
David will bow respectfull as he says, "Yes I can understand. My own ancestors were driven off their lands for various reasons, by another group of my ancestors. So I can speak with experiance of the horrors that can come from this sort of thing. I am David Jackson."

"Yes this will be difficult to deal with." Of course David has doubts of the god. But... Looking at those here he recognizes 2B, Hunter, Renya he will actually offer a respectful nod to the Vixen she did stop him from getting shot in the fight pit. The Others Aurelia, Isperia, Holly he does not recognize. Still he will greet them respectfully
    After coming to an appropriate distance, the (currentl bipedal) sphinx comes to a stop, glances over to check on Hunter, takes in the rest of the group, and settles back on William and his friend. "Well met, sir. I came due to Hunter here having an interest in assisting you both. And I was curious," which seems like an obvious statement when it comes to a sphinx. 

    After the advocate's explination, Isperia seems to nod, "Mmm. I'm familiar with sort of dispute. The dominant culture wants something, but the natives value the land and refuse to move. I take it there is no compromise here, seeing as it is the deity the larger culture wants, resulting in violence." She sighs, "These are always terrible situations.."
Holly Winn
"Devil's Advocate? That's a great name, it sounds completely trustworthy." Holly actually isn't being sarcastic when she says that. "It's kind of lacking something without the outfit though." Holly waves her lollipop staff around a bit and produces a santa outfit complete with hat and boots. "Oops...oh I'm Holly by the way." The way she's dressed should make it pretty clear why she's called that. "Why do they want to drain his vitality?"
    The human high five greeting ritual now complete, 9S looks pretty satisfied with his ability to pick up on human mannerisms, and flashes something of a sheepish grin.
    Right until 2B frowns particularly hard at him. It wipes the smile off his face, as the younger-looking android clears his throat and starts listening intently.
    Devil's Advocate is a fairly interesting choice of name in this case, but the androids do not comment on it. Instead, now, they take the moment to start observing the others around them, the sight of Isperia spurring 9S to tug on 2B's sleeve and point pretty blatantly at the sphinx like he's... Never seen a sphinx before.
    2B looks over, but does not comment. No, she cuts right to the point instead.
    "What is your god?"
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia listens to the people who have arrived, as well as Devil's Advocate. "Your god's magical, I think. That's why the empire wants it." At least, that's what she remembers from prior conversation. It has been a busy few weeks with school, so Aurelia's a bit fuzzy on details.
Renya Rimehart
    Renya... has to try REALLY hard to not snicker at the unfortunate yet fitting name translation. In the end she resorts to covering her muzzle for a moment with one hand. Then gets distracted as she sees at least one familiar face amongst the gathering. "Lady Isperia!" She sashays over to give the sphinx a hearty slap to the back in greeting. "Guess I ain't the only one that let curiousity get the better of her!" She peers past her at Hunter briefly. "And picked up a cabin boy of some kind I take it." She waves to David as well when she notices him.

    Then at least turns part of her attention to the matter being discussed. Especially when the 'kid(?)' asks something pointed. "Well now ain't that a loaded question..."
Hunter Okada
"It's been happening for a very long time, in a whole lot of different cultures. When Renya walks up, seeming to know Isperia, he tilts his head a little bit, "I'm not a cabin boy, ma'am. My name is.." He pauses for a second, right. Hero names when out on internahips, "My name is Warwolf. I'm here to learn under the tutalage of Lady Isperia."
    DA listens, staring at various introductions before nodding his head. The subtle relaxing of his shoulders is interesting, showing he was on edge from people like Renya... probably because this world has airships of their own, and they are usually not friendly to his kind. He grunts.

    "Our god is powerful and old, but the elves seek his vitality. His magic." He holds up his club in a demonstration, affirming Aurelia's point. "They have asked us many times. Offered riches. Civilization. Our time here is old, and we are not just worshippers, but keepers. Ancient tales speak of awakening him, and of the despair caused to our enemies... and the destruction."

    Now DA fidgets, looking at everyone hopefully. "We must find peace, for the younger faction of shamans in my tribe are wishing to awaken him again. The elders have an ill feeling for this. The elves have treated us poorly, betrayed us many times. Yet we do not wish to destroy them. That is why we ask for offworlders."
    Tricky. Very tricky situations, as Isperia had slightly mentioned before. Often conflics between the Gruul and various other guilds on Ravnica resulted in this situation again and again and again, hence her familiarity. At least DA's tribe was not nearly as violent as the wildland lovers of Ravnica. "I must say, it is refreshing to hear you want peace in this situation. I'm also sorry that these elves seem hellbent on getting what they want without thinking of the implications of their actions." Then she turns to William. "I am going to assume there is no elven representitive here," she says as she considers it all. 

    A light smile is shown at both Renya and Hunter as they speak, "Ah, Renya, how ... interesting to see you again." Then to the one that found her. "If you wish to call it that, Warwolf. Do be careful, I may have you in a library for hours if knowledge is what you seek."
With a nod David says, "Yes The Whiteman came to the land of my ancestors promising much of the same. Often for a substance called Gold. or for land to farm. Lies, deception, even tricks. And this inturn lead to great sorrows and acts of carnage that are.... were told among my kin." David sighs as he looks down, "Eventually my native ancestorss were uprooted, and forced to live on reservations."

The Talk of awaking the God makes him wonder as he says, "Perhaps we can avoid that. I will explain what horrors befell my people. What the White man did, and we did in return. Perhaps this cycle can be stopped before it begins." Clearly this weighs heavilly on his heart.
Holly Winn
"A god of magic, maybe I can learn a thing or two from him...what type of magic?" The witch couldn't help but to wonder as she looks at the others , "Wow a werewolf, a sphinx, a kitsune, androids, and someone dressed as that lady from that one comic. This is going to be the best party ever!"

"Yo Holly, if these guys want to drain magic you might want to rough them up before they go after you too!" Lavaux suggests to the witch as he tries to get her back on topic.

"Is violence your solution to everything?" Servis sighs as he speaks.

"Hey, it's well-scripted and choreographed violence!" The wrestler defends his choice of actions.
Renya Rimehart
Renya Rimehart cants her head a little. "Aye, yes, a student would seem more suitable to you." She just grins at the sphinx, recalling their previous encounter as well. "But for now it is neither of our worlds we meet at, yet important all the same." She briefly flashes one of her charming yet makes you wonder just what she's up to smiles in Holly's direction. "Strange times make for stranger bedfellows lass."

The various explaintions have her raising one hand to rub her chin. "So you could revive your god in defense... But it would most likely do more harm than good for all. Last resort sort of thing. Parlay would be a suitable course to sail, but getting the buggers to listen, that sounds to be tricky."
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia shifts a bit in her armor, thinking. "I could ask my superior if the Beacon Society will send help. We're all mages and we're pledged to defend people."
    2B had been hoping for a more concrete answer than that. But it seems that the god is some kind of actual entity. This makes the android purse her lips.
    Already 2B andd 9S are in way over their heads in this situation. And she had originally come intending just to observe.
    "Finding peace isn't always easy." She murmurs, at length.
    "Come on, 2B, you can't tell me we're not going to get involved in this." 9S says.
    "9S. Is emotion clouding your judgment? Do I need to remind you again that emotions are prohibited?"
Hunter Okada
"I'm a bit more of a hands on kind of trainee." Hunter says in response to Isperia, though he does laugh, "Besides if Mister Aizawa had his way he'd probably make sure I spent the whole time in the library getting pelted by books."

He considers for a moment about the whole situation, "Should we be prepared in case they decide they don't want to be friendly?" He wonders.
    William looks up from where he is, quite literally, poking a gopher with a stick. "Huh? Oh, no, no elf diplomats right now. If you want to arrange that, it'll have to be you guys. I'm a Keeper, and the elves are friendly with the Gardeners. Different ideologies, you know. The Gardeners just don't want to touch this place, I think I'd like to save the people here."

    Those who pay attention to the propaganda will notice something a little off about this statement.

    DA continues, "We would like peace, but we fear they will not stop. The more moderate ask for the removal of the colony. We all... cannot find a better solution. And we lack the power to do that one without forbidden magics."

    William looks up again. "Yeah I could call in some help to just wipe out the colony, but you know, 'kill everything' isn't my first reaction so I thought I'd get some help. Most of the other Keepers aren't really on my side on this one. Short-sighted hobos."
"WEll then I suggest we make for this colony of elves." David votes. "With so many people here chances are they may be willing to talk with outsiders before simply attacking." DAvid is not the leader, nor is he the most diplomatic. But he does look to those here, Isperia as she seems to be the most educated and diplomatic as well. "I do hope that we can avoid violence as well."
Renya Rimehart
"Never hurts to be ready to fight, even when tryin' to avoid it," Renya comments off-handedly to Hunter.
Aurelia Argent
Aurelia ers.. "I think I could help your people make your buildings sturdier, Devil's Advocate."
    With no elves here, "Hrn, that makes negotiations difficult. It's always best to have both parties present if a real solution is to be found. Maybe I will look into that, then," Isperia decides as she continues to ponder on the situation. "I imagine moving your source of magic is not so easy, at least not without waking it and bringing its wrath down upon your enemies." She glances to the others, "Do any of you have any ideas? Or perhaps something to entice the elves into some sort of compromise."
Holly Winn
It's likely going to take more than free candy to get the elves to listen them. Even if some elves do have a sweet tooth. The only elves that Holly is familar with is the Christmas elves Holly summons once in a while. "Can't they just find some other energy source? Mot that I'm offering, I need all the magic I can to get to become a great mage!" Not to mention the issues she has with her magic likely would cause problems.
    DA listens, and the one that surprises him most is Aurelia. "To defend ourselves better? We dislike technology of the elves, but if you have other means we would welcome it. I know we are thought of as primitive, but my people are open to new ideas. We simply cannot abide the technology of the elves." William looks surprised at that, but keeps his mouth shut.

    "If you wish to speak to the elves, I can go with you, but many attempts have been tried. They have sent delegationss as well, but my people grow hostile while the elves grow impatient. Why they want our magic is a mystery." He shrugs. "Moving is not possible. This is how it must be. We already share the forest with them, our home should be sacred." He sighs. "Perhaps if we reinforce our homes just in case... but thank you for hearing me out."
Aurelia Argent
The girl explains that she would use magic to reinforce the buildings with metal parts to DA. "So a /bit/ like the elves, but more of a 'bones of the earth' kind of thing."
"OR, And no offence to your beliefs." David says to DA, "a very powerful magical creature one that has been in hibernation for a very long time. The very fact that it is there and can be awakened means it is very real. And not worth the risk of disturbing it."
    "This is not a solution that we will arrive upon tonight, I think. I appreciate your time, Advocate. I will think on it, as will everyone else, I'm sure. I will consider what you've said and possibly see about visiting these elves to try and understand why they are so determined to obtain this land," Isperia says before offering a small bow. "I hope we can figure this out."
Hunter Okada
Hunter has been listening to the others, and quietly sketching in his book, making sure to get the looks as best he can, "I'm sure that with the right things, we can make sure that both sides come to an agreement that will benefit everyone...Without waking up an ancient evil monster."
Renya Rimehart
    Let them try to negotiate first. It might work, though it likely won't. Miracles do occasionally happen though.

    Renya is content to bide her time. There is other ways to approach the problem if and when a peaceful resoluation is off the table.

    And maybe get her paws on some elven magic treasure while she's at it.
Holly Winn
"So does the god have any kind of magic in particular or is just magical energy?" Holly wonders if it's possible to provide them with another source. Then again it might be right difficult to find that much magic without difficulty.
    DA chuckles at David. "You may not believe, and perhaps it is not a god at all, but it is powerful and grants us boons. What then is the difference?" He shrugs lightly, then smiles to Aurelia. "Your offer will be given to the elders, thank you." IT sounds like he may actually think it will be accepted!

    To the others, he bows lightly at first, and then murmurs, "We do not know the kind, simply that it is. The tales are old, and dividing magic like the elves do seems... limiting to our kind. We wish you luck in negotiations. I will be there as well, if allowed by the elves."
David nods as he says, "Either way, Sir. I would prefer such not to be disturbed. Perhaps... perhaps if they can be shown undenible proof of it. Are there caves that can allow you to see its slumbering form? I know that allowing outsiders may very well be taboo to such. But... I do know one thing. Change is unstoppible. Some times it comes slowly, some times it comes swift and painfully. Those who can accept change and bend like the Reed, will survive, while those who are the mighty oak, may break with the winds of change."
    DA shakes his head to David, "No... we know the location, but would have to dig for it. And we do not want to disturb our god for... obvious reasons. I am more open about such suggestions than the others may be, as well. My people are not primitive like many think, yet neither are we completely without our offenses. Be very careful making such suggestions." He smiles. "But I know that you mean well. I will try to convey this to the others."