World Tree MUSH

The Ice Queen, the Hobo, and the Dragon

A little meeting between Shin and Weiss, where Weiss meets a yandere! Let's explain that chart, huh?
Character Pose
Weiss Schnee
    This is a strange town for Weiss, but it's normal for the area. Small, really, but with quaint little cafes and small businesses around. It's only strange from the tech level, for Weiss, which is in some ways advanced and some ways primitive. It's gotten her a place to relax anyway... even if her funds from selling off the wreckage are rapidly draining, after the pilot was taken care of.

    Not so poor that she can't have a drink! She's unmistakeable, with her rapier at her side, and her case of Dust for travelling with. It's surprisingly warm in this part of the Tree, letting her sit just under an awning instead of inside.
Shin Tokuyama
    "So she's pretty neat. I think you'll like her. If her personality holds up, anyway. Last time I saw her, she had a head injury and she collapsed in my arms all exhausted," Shin says to a companion walking along next to him. He's probably not making Weiss's life any easier, but that's not really his job. His job is to describe Weiss to the small person with him. 

    "Oh there she is!" Shin says, looking around the town and spotting her under the awning, "Yo! Weiss Cream Sundae! Weiss Weiss Baby! Vanilla Weiss!" Shin has a few of these he pre-thought up. He's being VERY loud. And waving at her deliberately. And then also pointing at her.

    "I wanted to see if you were still concussed!" He shouts to her.
By now Kiyohime is amused and vaguely distracted by Shin's shena- ... Shinanigans. Yes, that's what they are. Fanning herself and walking demurely beside him, the long-haired woman is the picture of elegance right now, not really matching up at all with Shin... but she is listening. For Reasons.

Seeing Weiss /is/ interesting though. "And what, exactly, did you say that she was?"
Weiss Schnee
    Oh. It's that strange guy. And he brought a friend. Kiyohime's dress is pretty odd, but not that far off from some of the areas of Remnant. Weiss's attention is more on how Kiyohime's attitude is so different than Shin's, and it shows. She sets her cup down with a sigh. "Hello again," she says with a flat tone.

    She stands up anyway. The guy did help her out and now he's brought someone who seems more calm. "I'm feeling a lot better, thanks," Weiss says, rubbing the back of her head. "I didn't know you'd be that worried."
Shin Tokuyama
    "I think she's a human. Unless you mean on the chart. Then she pointed at Yamato Nadeshiko. Upright, princessly, composed. That was how she assessed herself on the girl chart." Shin replies, folding his hands behind his head and walking along with Kiyohime. 

    He turns back to Weiss a moment later, "Of course I was worried! You crashed out of the sky! Gotta check up on that nonsense." Shin replies as he tilts his head and watches her with that heterochromatic gaze.

    "Oh right. Meet Kiyohime. She's my yandere."
Eyes narrow at that description... of Weiss, not of her. Kiyohime is used to this by now, and her lips are tapped by the fan while she contemplates Weiss. "Crashed out of the sky... in a vehicle, or through means more strange?" Is she asking Weiss or Shin?

It doesn't matter too much. She bows politely to Weiss. "It is a pleasure," she says... for now. She has her eye on you, missy!
Weiss Schnee
    "Your... yandere. Isn't that a /bad/ thing?" Weiss asks dubiously. It was right next to the one she picked, she remembers that one! But the polite look and bow is all about the one Weiss picked, so this is something she has to check up on. She did have a head injury at the time!

    "Well..." Weiss hesitates. "You can sit here if you want, I guess this table has spare seats." She gestures to the three empty ones. "I ended up getting some money helping guard a train, so I think I have some time to relax."
Shin Tokuyama
    "Oh no! It's not a bad thing at all! She's very protective of me. She just told me if I lie to her, she'll kill me! So I gotta be careful about that!" Shin says this with a wide grin on his face, as if this was not a very scary proposition that the girl next to him and threatened him with for deception, "So I don't lie to her and it all works out!" 

    He looks towards Kiyohime after this, "She was in a plane-type thing. And it smashed into the ground while being attacked by monsters. My hero app, 'UpLyft', picked up the fare and I went to help her out with someone who was interning under me."

    When Weiss motions that they can join her, he drags out a chair and drops down into it, "So what's your deal, anyway? You been surviving okay? Adjusting? Need to swap cell numbers in case you need help? Not running afoul of any crazy people with monsters?"
Kiyohime seems satisfied by this, taking a seat with a nod. "And you are simply a normal human like Shin-chan, here?" Uh oh, did she just call him that? Seems so. But getting comfortable, she looks Weiss up and down. "Hmm. She does have an air of refinement. And the hair color is very unique..."

Kiyohime leans in, apparently not contradicting what Shin said about lying! "Do you know where your World is? Have someone waiting for you back there?" Important questions! For her... uh... purpose. One of them is, anyway.
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss starts to frown. "It was a cargo transport that agreed to smuggle me out of Atlas," she explains. "I was trying to reach my friends in Mistral, but nobody even knows what these places are, so I think I ended up far away from where I should be. I don't know where it is, but I need to get back. Ruby is with a completely different team, and I... I just know she'll mess up if I'm not there!" What a blush.

    She may have just identified her actual type.

    "Of course I'm human!" Weiss replies! "See? No ears or tail or anything." She pulls back some. "The hair color... runs in the family," with an evasive comment. "What's a cell number? Is that something used to contact? I have my scroll..." She holds up a small device that looks... kind of sort of like a cell, until she 'unrolls' it to show the holographic display between the two metal projectors.

    Not unlike a cell phone in appearance.
Shin Tokuyama
    Shin takes the book out of his jacket, "I'm gonna go ahead and reclassify you as a Tsundere. Potentially in the Yuri-class." He notes, scratching at his notebook with a pen as he nods his head, "But currently undetermined. Could just be undertones." He continues nodding to himself. 

    And then she pulls out her scroll, "Mine's not that fancy!" He takes a cell phone out of his jacket pocket. It's an Android Smartphone! It's not nearly advanced as hers, but it's not a bad model either, "I can play my Gacha Games on it, though!"

    Shin scratches the underside of his chin a bit, "If you need any help, just slide into my DMs and we'll come give you a hand. At least one of us, anyway, depending who is available at the time."
Oh, now this is interesting. Kiyohime seems satisfied with this, and even says, "Hm. In this case, I believe you are safe then, and perhaps I could even aid you in seeking out your home. You see, I travel quite a lot looking for the source of some problems in my own world, and hear many things. That technology is quite distinctive. Could you perhaps elaborate on other features of your World you have not seen here?"

Shin's comment makes her sigh. "He does love those games. Silly things. But I think I like you, Weiss." Such a warm appreciation suddenly!
Weiss Schnee
    That's... sudden. Weiss looks confused, "Yuri-class... what?" Good thing she's oblivious or Shin might get hit or something for that. Maybe. She doesn't get it though, yet, and so she lets it pass as part of Shin's strange nature. "You're like a less clumsy and shy Jaune," she sighs.

    Kiyohime's offer is pounced upon! The girl leans forward, "Really? Thank you!" A sincere one, from the young heiress. Ex-heiress! "The... what's different? My World uses these elements called Dust, too. Most people haven't heard of it. Dust lets people manipulate the elements directly, like lightning dust makes lightning. Most of us have special ways we can use it like with Myrtenaster here." She touches the rapier. "So I can use the same Dust to make people faster. Does that help?"
Shin Tokuyama
    "Don't worry about it. The Yuri-class part is subject to change," Shin says in a reassuring tone as he snaps the book shut and puts it in his suit pocket again, "Either way, thanks, I guess? I dunno what this 'Jaune' is, but it sounds disappointing." Shin says in a slightly flat tone. 

    "I'm glad you approve of her, Kiyohime. Woulda been real bad if you two didn't get along." Shin says with a thumbs up to both girls as they discuss how they can help eachother. And then he falls back to listening to Weiss explain her powers, nodding as if he understands, even if he does not. In the slightest.
"Mmhmm. Something to begin with," Kiyohime replies, all smiles suddenly. "And in return, I could ask a favor sometime, I think~" Oh, there's the real reason. She smiles smugly to herself, flicking the fan open again. "Most productive and interesting."
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss looks a little relieved... and then, surprisingly, scowls at Shin! "Jaune is one of the bravest people I've ever met! He's a little bit of a goofball, but I'm GLAD Ruby is with him, because I know he'll do everything he can to keep her safe. That's just the kind of person he is!"

    It's a little sign of how far she's come that she can blurt that out in defense of the clumsy-seeming boy, huh?

    She taps her scroll. "Okay, I think I have it... here, I guess this works? If my scroll works where I am you should be able to call me. It's been really hard getting a signal sometimes." She smiles. "Ah... th-thank you both."