World Tree MUSH

Lazy Afterschool Days

Character Pose
Tsuyu Asui
    Classes at UA Academy are up for the day, meaning most of the students are either in their after school club activities or working on going home. Tsuyu Asui is one such student, though after a long day of classes, the amphibian girl is feeling a little peckish, and it's been a little while since lunch anyway so that led to a single, simple, question.
    "Hey. You wanna go grab something from the McDanny's nearby, Ochako-chan?"
    Smash cut later to the local fast food joint, Tsuyu has already placed her order and has grabbed a seat.
    And is slurping her soda, staring vacantly at nothing in particular for the moment.
Ochako Uraraka
    Classes always take a lot out of Ochako. There's either loads of strenuous physical activity and training or ever more strenuous actual schoolwork. Success in either is always a saga of epic effort for her but she's been hanging in there so far!
    On the matter of fast food on the way home, the girl taps at one of her rosy cheeks with a gloved finger, contemplating what's okay to splurge for. This should be fine!
    "Yeah! Let's do it!"
    While her order is a bit on the simple side, it will still take a little time so she joins Tsuyu at the table and proceeds to swing her legs while seated. "Oh, hey, do you ever dip fries in milkshakes?" She's one of those irredeemable sinners, oh no.
Hunter Okada
Class 1-A has just recently gotten a new student. He was brought in on recommendation, after the school year had already started. A bit bizarre, even for UA, but clearly they must see something in him that's worth bringing him in.

He has decided to come to this same resturant after school, and after ordering quite a lot of food for one person. As he was headed back towards a table, he stopped, having spotted Tsuyu and Ochako, recognizing both of them from class. He turned towards them, "Would the two of you mind if I were to join you?" He asks. They seemed quite nice in class, though he hasn't really interacted with everyone yet. He hopes they'll let him sit with them.
Walking through the branches of the World Tree..Enkidu ends up in a place that is entirely..unknown to him. Green eyes examine his surroundings, taking first the notice of cars driving by, and people wearing very strange clothing (modern) and finally...the fast food place. 

The figure looks...mysterious. and at first glance, it's extremely difficult to tell if it's a man or a woman. Made only more complicated by the simple white cloak it wears over it's torso, with simple pants that are of the same color. Both are extremely loose. But, Enkidu walks across the street, and eventually enters, tilting his head like he has no idea where he is.

"This is...?" he is now poking a napkin dispenser.

WHAT IS IT. He does take notice of Hunter, Ochako, and Tsuyu, and tilts his head at them.
Tsuyu Asui
    "Ochako-chan, dipping fries in your milkshake is a cardinal sin of fast food." Tsuyu replies point blank without so much as an ounce of hesitation, as she settles into her seat, hands folded on her lap and gripping the space on the chair between her legs.
    But then... Enter Hunter.
    "It's the new kid." She announces as plain as day when he makes his approach. Dark eyes stare vacantly at the tall youth. "There's space." She says tonelessly after a beat, indicating the chair nearby.
    "You're... Hunter, right?" She prompts for confirmation before blinking owlishly. "I'm Asui. Tsuyu. Call me Tsu if you wanna be friends." She gives her own introduction before giving Hunter a very pointed warning: "I always say what's on my mind."
    And then there's Enkidu. Offworlders aren't exactly uncommon anymore, with the commerce and travel between worlds that Earth is getting. And Enkidu definitely looks like an offworlder.
    "That's a napkin dispenser."
    Helpful frog is helpful.
Ochako Uraraka
    Order's up. Looks like fries and shakes are easy enough, afterall. Tsuyu's comment on her frankly horrid practice of mixing salty and sweet so flagrantly is returned with puffed cheeks and a defiant posture. "It's awesome! And- and-"
    Rather than get a chance to respond in any kind of self righteous manner, the new guy shows up. She lifts an arm, waving and calling out kind of shamelessly, "Heya! Be right back!"
    She marches from the table to the counter, almost as if unaccustomed to having food brought /to/ her.
    Once she's acquired her food she makes a show of sitting, spreading out her fries a little to select one before plunging it into the milkshake.
    Before biting, she spies the other person mauling the napkin dispenser and glances to her two peers. Well, people from other worlds are weird sometimes. At least there's no laser swords. Omf.
Hunter Okada
Hunter sits down once Tsu gives him the okay, and offers a smile, "Yes, I am the new guy. Hunter." He takes his drink and sips from it, "I didn't really get much of a chance to introduce myself properly in class, but it's good to meet you in a more casual setting." He's still waiting for his food to show up, but he's watching Ochako for a moment, until Tsu directs his attention to the off worlder.

He'd heard about them showing up but hadn't ever met any of them yet, "Well she's not wrong, it allows you to have a convinient source of napkins that are easy to access."
Enkidu looks up from what he was doing, tilting his head. "Napkin...Dispenser?" he approaches the group then, looking between all of them. He places his palm on his chest, and seems to be finding his voice, as it were. "Name...My name is Enkidu." 

Of the Epic of Gilgamesh Enkidu?

He seems to look between all of them, silently asking their names.
Tsuyu Asui
    Annnnnnnd Ochako is dipping her fries into her shake. Tsuyu stares for a good long moment before she just comes out with it.
    "I am judging you so hard right now, Ochako-chan."
    On to other matters though, "You just transferred in not too long ago, right? On recommendation wasn't it?" She asides to Hunter, striking up some casual conversation, before Enkidu introduces himself. The girl spends a beat tapping the tip of her index finger to her lower lip in deep thought. "Asui. Tsuyu." She says introducing herself again for the Heroic Spirit's benefit.
    "That's not a common name. Last I heard it even used was in a really old legend. I'm talking Mesopotamian-tier old."
Ochako Uraraka
    Ochako has to finish chewing her dipped fry before she can speak up. She might feel self conscious about a lot of stuff but she has to be right in this! She won't back down! Ulp.
    "Yeah, sorry, it's nice to meet you! Mister Aizawa really wasn't letting up all day, huh!"
    She sticks her tongue out briefly at Tsuyu before shooting a glance up at Hunter. Not-so-subtly seeking approval from somewhere! Then Enkidu is coming over. Oh? "Ah, hi uh..." Rather than accept the risk of mispronouncing the name, she offers her own, "Ochako! Haven't you ever seen napkin dispensers before?" Next fry dipped, next fry chomped. She will not be deterred. It may be sinful but it's good sinful!
Hunter Okada
Hunter gives Ochako a thumbs up in response to her look. He has no problem with the way she eats her fries, after all! "Oh uh, hello." Enkidu gets a look over for a moment, but then Hunter nods, "My name is Hunter. It is a pleasure to meet you, Enkidu." He gets a notice that his food is ready, and quickly slips off to the counter to get his food, before returning with a tray with several burgers on it. He eats a lot, he can't help it.
Enkid smiles, specifically at Tsuyu. "Tsuyu." Enkidu repeats, and her knowledge of his legend makes him smile brightly. "You know of my legend?" he seems to be speaking more fluently now, with more ease. "How much of it?" he asks her curiously, perhaps excited that he was able to help Gilgamesh to such an extent that his name is remembered forever. 

His eyes glance then to Ochako, and he smiles. "Hello, Ochako. I have not...they are a strange thing to me. What is their purpose?" Finally, to Hunter. "Hello, you hunt animals?"
Tsuyu Asui
    Sorry Ochako. Tsuyu has spoken. You're committing a heinous crime against fast food. You have been judged and found hungry.
    Another slurp on her soda and-- Hunter returns with a load of burgers. "That's a lot. You're gonna eat that all by yourself?" It's a mild question, somehow not sounding as judgmental in comparison to Ochako's fry dipping. But then she's tapping back on her lower lip.
    "Not the entirety. We just started studying Gilgamesh in history class and--" And she pauses. "... Your legend?"
    This gives her pause as she tap tap taps on her lip.
    "You're not like Athena, are you?"
Ochako Uraraka
    Ochako is not sorry! She is however hungry. Still, she does eventually abandon the play after enjoying a smug moment after receiving Hunter's thumb's up. She picks up the shake, pinky out, and sips from it while listening to Enkidu.

    "Huh. Is- Is that what we were learning about?" She rubs at the back of her neck, tilting slightly to one side as she lets out a groan, "But I thought it was supposed to be history! I musta been daydreaming or something. I'm doooooomed." Ochako, thoroughly convinced she screwed up all of the notes she's been taking, slumps in her seat. Defeat.
Hunter Okada
"I...Think I might have missed all the details on that one too." Hunter responds to Ochako, "And no, I...Despite my appearance I do not hunt animals." He says, "Though I mean eventually the plan is to hunt villains!" He seems proud of the fact that his name will fit in with his eventual role.
Enkidu smiles wider to Tsuyu. Though then tiltsh is head. "Like...Athena?" Athena. Goddess of Wisdom, supposedly. But, Enkidu shakes his head. "I am not a God. But merely, like humanity to most people, a creation of one. I am clay, made in the appearance of Man. Though you are...something else entirely. The result of what humanity would call evolution?" he looks between the three of them. They each have...strange distinctions that mark them as perhaps not COMPLETELY human. His eyes then glance to Hunter. "Thank you. Many of the animals are my friends."
Tsuyu Asui
    It's tough being a high schooler. Even in a school for heroes. Who knows what the teachers are going to decide is going to be on the cirriculum.
    "It's in the textbook." Tsuyu asides mildly, to her classmates, "You'll be fine."
    To Enkidu though, Tsuyu purses her lips. "Athena is... Complex. I've interned under her a few times. Learned a lot, but she's kind of a little..." The amphibian girl pauses for a moment to put her words in a more diplomatic light. "Way too pragmatic when it comes to dealing with issues. But I guess that's just how a goddess of wisdom tends to be?"
Ochako Uraraka
    Ehhhh? Ochako sips on shake long enough, listening in on the conversation and worrying about having missed something, that she experiences the horror of too much icecream at once. She pops the shake down, snatches a napkin from one of the holders and dabs at her mouth.
    Were it not for the napkin, she might be making a truly frightening face as she struggles not to spit milkshake while battling the discomfort of brain freeze. She waves a hand to indicate that she's okay, showing off the only apparent thing that makes her distinct from 'normal' humans; her soft pink fingerpads. She lowers the napkin as she recovers and she looks way, way more intense than she means to. Brows knit, eyes slightly cast in shadow, mouth pulled into a fierce smile.
    She's only trying to look reassuring!
    "Sorry, sorry. Th-that's what the napkins are for! So, um, yeah! I only interned with that Vegeta guy for a little bit but wow, some of those guys from off world are super scary! You seem nice, at least!" ... Huh.
Hunter Okada
"I haven't interned with anyone yet, I just started with the school.." Hunter muses, "I was so happy to get in. I thought I might have to wait until next year, or find another school to go to. My mom wouldn't have been happy without me going to the best school, though. So maybe she pulled some strings, I dunno. Even if she did she wouldn't tell me.." He muses, as he digs into one of his burgers, "And I was gonna eat them all but if you want one you can have it.." He replies to Tsu.
"Goddesses are strange." Then he looks to Ochako, with Enkidu giving a tilt of his head when she cleans up her mess. " strange. In the forest, messes such as that usually just means extra food." Clay doesn't understand Flesh! But, He seems to tilt his head. He has no idea who this Vegeta guy is. "He sounds like a very angry person. I am happy you are..alright?" he looks then to Hunter. 

"School? What kind of School?" well, at least he knows what a school is. Babylon had those, right?
Tsuyu Asui
    "Oh huh, you interned with someone else, Ochako-chan?" This sounds like something Tsuyu hasn't heard about as she casts a curious stare over at the other girl. But then she shakes her head at Hunter. "I was just observing." She points out, again, mildly. "You'll get plenty of chances to intern under a lot of offworlders though. But it can get kind of hectic." She warns. Before peering at the lupine youth. "Pulled some strings?"
    Vut she moves on pretty quickly. "Goddesses are pretty different, yeah. Thouh I've only met the one to make any kind of judgment call off of." Stated as she mildly pats Ochako on the back.
Ochako Uraraka
    Hand going right to the back of her head, Ochako manages a little laugh, "Aheh, sorry, it wasn't very uh... He was just helping me with how I get kinda... Well, after I use my Quirk, right?" Overdoing it tends to result in consequences not appropriate for mealtime conversation.
    "Anyway, wow, yeah, I'm sure you'll do fine!" Without really thinking about what she's doing while she's doing it, she reaches up and attempts to pat Hunter on the head. Pinky out!
    "But like, goddesses n stuff? Huh. I'm glad you're really good at learning that stuff. I was only learning how to get punched in the stomach." Back to that grave, intimdating face. Back to the fries. "I wasn't that messy was I? Awww." She does scoot back, making sure she's not actually wearing any milkshake on her lap.
Hunter Okada
"Oh well.." Hunter rubs the back of his head a bit, "My mom is the hero Doppelganger. I don't know how much pull she could have with the UA staff, she didn't go to that school, but she was a pretty highly ranked hero in America so she probably could pull a few favors." 

He goes back to eating his burger for a second, before looking back at Enkidu, "Oh well, it's a school for a whole lot of things, but all of them are related to the profession of being a hero." He explains, "Myself and Tsu and Ochako are all in the Hero course, but there's courses for support and business as well."
"They are, in many shapes and forms." Enkidu smiles a bit to Tsuyu. "You are rather intuitive." a glance then is back to Ochako. "...sYes. One must learn how to defend themselves. In a way, it was good that you experienced such a thing, so it could encourage you to become stronger." His eyes look now to Hunter, tilting his head. "Hero? Like that of a heroic spirit?" he asks curiously.
Tsuyu Asui
    Oh Vegeta was helping with that. "Huh." Tsuyu replies with a faint nod and resumes tapping her lower lip. "Doppelganger? Midoriya might know about her, now that I think about it. He knows a lot about the pros. Even some I've never heard of. He's kind of a fanboy like that."
    "I'm just very observant." She replies to Enkidu. "But yeah, we go to school to learn how to become Pro Heroes." A pause. ... "Heroic Spirit?"
Ochako Uraraka
    Yes. That. Wasn't the most fun ever! Ochako can at least laugh it off though, so it's no big deal! "Ohhh, yep, bet you anything Deku knows that stuff! He's really, uh, yeah. Fanboy's pretty right!" At last, a normal smile!
    "And what they said! About the school. It's awesome but I've kinda had to focus extra hard to keep up so I can be a great hero too!"
    Even if she's not as observant or frankly smart as her friends she's got GUTS!
    Except, "Heroic Spirit? Like that feeling you get when you wanna do something awesome to save somebody? Or the way a hero can make people smile even when there's scary stuff going on? Heck yeah! Just like that!" Suddenly on her feet, fist in the air. Making a scene.
Hunter Okada
He's never heard of a Heroic Spirit before but it sounds like...A state of mine, maybe. He lets the three of them talk, knowing Enkidu will give an explanation for sure.

After a couple of bites, and the mention of Midoriya being a fanboy, he tilts his head a bit, "Was he the weird kid with the messy hair?"
Enkidu tilts his head at Tsuyu. "Do you not know what a Heroic Spirit is? Hm. Must not be skilled in magecraft. We are the summoned spirits of great heroes, villains, and important figures throughout the history of the world, past, present, and future. It is very complicated, and I do not feel that I have the time to explain it all at once." 

Enkidu then turns his head to Hunter and Ochako. "Not quite like that. Different things, but...I applaud you for trying." a gentle smile forms on Enkidu's face then.
Tsuyu Asui
    Nope, not skilled in magecraft at all.
    Tsuyu shows absolutely no sign of being fazed by Ochako making a scene as she taps on her lower lip still. "He's not really weird. I mean okay he's a little bit of a fanboy but Midoriya is okay." Tsuyu points out to Hunter, before she shakes her head. "I don't think we have the same definition that you do for that." She does admit to Enkidu as he gives the Grail War Cliff's Notes, and settles into quietly eating.