Hunter Okada (Dropped)

Hunter Okada
World: My Hero Academia-1
Actual Age: 15
Apparent Age: 15
Role: Hero in Training
Species: Human (With Quirk)
Theme Song: The Animal - Disturbed


The son of an American heroine who moved to Japan to be with the man she had fallen in love with, Hunter was born with an interesting combination of their quirks inherited from his parents. He has the ability to transform into a werewolf. With his quirk, and his heritage, he was bound to try to make a go of being a hero. From a young age he wanted to follow in his mom's footsteps, and once he had the chance to do so, worked to get into the UA High School. His quirk can be hard to control, affected by his emotions. If he gets too angry, scared or otherwise or overly emotional it can cause him to transform against his will, and when transformed, has to deal with the instincts that come with the form. His desire to become a hero stems from his upbringing, and because of his mixed heritage, he wants to be able to prove he can stand on his own.


Werewolf: His quirk allows him to turn into a werewolf, enhancing strength and senses.
Hunter's quirk is a combination of his mother and father's. His mother was a shapeshifting hero from the United States, and his father was a wolf-like police officer in Japan. He developed the ability to turn into a much larger werewolf form, while retaining some wolf-like qualities when not transformed. He has minor enhanced senses of hearing and scent normally, but these are vastly improved when he is transformed. In addition, when transformed he gains immense strength and speed, as well as dangerous claws and teeth.
Filled With Determination: Hunter is determined to live up to the legacy of his family.
Hunter's mother was a top 25 hero in the United States, and his grandmother was also a highly ranked hero before. He has a lineage to uphold, and will do what it takes to prove that he has every right to be a hero like his family has done before him. This will to prove himself means he won't give up easily, and will keep pushing himself because he knows he has something to prove.
Hero Costume: A costume designed to work with and enhance his quirk, including armored plates.
Designed by the UA Support division, Hunter's hero costume is built specifically around his quirk. It's designed to stretch around his body when he transforms into his larger werewolf form, and offer him protection. Several armored plates are built into the armor to protect vital organs, and over all it's designed to give him full mobility and enhance his quirk.
Family Funds: His family has been in the hero business for a long time, and they've done well.
Because Hunter's family has been doing the professional hero thing for a long time, they have managed to put away a sizable sum of money. Not the richest in the world, but they live comfortablly and he's never wanted for anything. He doesn't try to take advantage of this fact or flaunt it, but he can afford anything he needs on a day to day basis without any real issue.


Probationary: Hunter a student, not a licensed pro, and getting involved is risky.
As a student at UA High, Hunter has not been authorised to actually perform heroic actions. He's a student, learning to be a hero, and he still has a lot to learn. This means that any time he DOES go out and do heroic activities, unless expressly instructed to do so, he runs the risk of getting in trouble by the authorities in his world. He needs to make sure that if he does use his quirk for heroics, it's because of a deseperate need, until he gets his license.
Emotion Driven: Extreme emotions can trigger his quirk.
Hunter's werewolf quirk can be very powerful, but his emotions help him use the quirk. If he gets overly emotional, it can trigger the quirk to activate when he doesn't want it to, and when he is transformed, can cause him to go into a more feral-like state, meaning he can lose control over the animal instincts that come with the quirk. This doesn't mean he can't experience emotions, however. It's specific ones like anger or fear that have a much higher chance of triggering his quirk.
Legacy: Coming from a long line of heroes, he feels immense pressure because of it.
He comes from a long line of heroes. At least two generations back, his family has been professional heroes. Because of this, he knows full well that his name means something, and anything he does, good or bad, will reflect on his family. His family is extremely important to him, and as such, he doesn't want to do anything that could potentially embarass them. This can cause him to second guess himself in situations, because he has his family to think about.
No Killing: Heroes don't kill, and despite his monsterous form, neither will he.
Straight forward for him, he wants to be a hero. Heroes don't kill. He will pull strikes, go for non-lethal attacks, and go out of his way to make sure that despite his monsterous appearance, he doesn't kill anyone, no matter how much of a threat they may present. This can be particularly hard when his primary means of attack are his claws and teeth, so he has to take extra time to make sure he trains himself to fight non-lethally.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
411 The Impossible Mashing Jan 23 2019
398 A Behemoths Tail Jan 12 2019
393 Lazy Afterschool Days Jan 06 2019
See All 3 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.