World Tree MUSH

A Behemoths Tail

A notice for a hunt has gone up in Leide, one that's supposedly quite dangerous. A big beastie was seen tromping around causing problems in the desert there and any willing parties are being offered a personal reward from one of the affected. First attempt at grouping up and putting it down is <insert local time of area>. Scene may go forward slightly ahead of or behind the scheduled time to work with schedules.
Character Pose
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    Late evening in Leide, not far from the Calleagh Steps, was the supposed meeting spot for the hunt to take on what was known as a Behemoth. At least by the posters best guess. The Longwythe Rest Area - a simple outpost with a motel, a diner and not terribly much else. A group of several hunters - men and women dressed in comfortable, utilitarian clothing that were mostly dark to black in color, were talking with a tall non-human fellow.

    A Pandaren specifically.

    The Pandaren, while normally armored to the teeth - at the moment didn't look so. Instead he had two large swords hung over his shoulders that looked to easily weigh over a hundred fifty pounds each - though that's just by looks alone. Not to mention his attire was more whatever could be cobbled together to fit him, after his previous set of clothing had been ruined trying to get away from the behemoth when it first came about.

    It wasn't quite time yet for the hunt to take off, though there was a truck parked nearby - a simple flatbed thing that looked more for transport than much else.

    But really, the posting had been simple. 'There's a Behemoth that needs to be killed. Bounty is being supplied on-site once items are recovered, more details given at time of departure. Very dangerous, come only if skilled or dumb.' Seems like the poster had a bit of grim humor in that regard.
Having taken a break from the slums of various Worlds. David has been searching, hunting, for what he does not know. Just wandering, exploring seeing what he can find. He's not against helping people, he is no hero. But at the same time word of this monster, this Behemoth. 

He's curious. And knowing people are in trouble is enough for him to at least investigate what the situation is.

Moving through the area information on the creature is Vauge at best. So walking up David is in his jean out fit, as he nears the meeting place. Once he has enough space in his pace he says, "Guyver." instantly in a flash of light, he is encapsulated in emerald green armor, as he continues on foot.
    Sitting atop a crate at the meeting site - or, more accurately, sitting while floating an inch or so above it - is a bespectacled human youth, flipping pages in a book while absently sipping at a cup of instant noodles. A strong contender for Team Dumb, he is not very heavily equipped for this hunt: no armor to speak of, an unwieldy and somewhat frail staff for a weapon, and he's certainly not impressing anyone with his physique.

    This is Oberyn - scholar and self-styled adventurer at large. His mission for the day: Get up close with a rare and deadly behemoth and collect some valuable notes about this elusive breed of monster. Oh, and maybe not die, that would probably be a good idea too.
Hunter Okada
After seeing the posting, Hunter went and got permission to go. After all, it's not like he can just run off on whatever foolhardy adventure he wanted to at the drop of a hat. After getting permission, with the asurance that there would be several far more skilled individuals present, he quickly made his way off world and navigated to the site.

Gone was the school uniform, replaced by his costume, though the wolf boy still probably looked pretty out of place, with the dark blue and black armored jumpsuit.

He knows he's lagging behind his peers in 1-A, that's why he's looking into extra curriculars like this. Sure it's dangerous, but being a hero is dangerous by default. You can't play it safe if you want to succeed. Plus with this strange gathering of off worlders, it'll give him the ability to watch and learn from some of the best.
Emily Nyx
A staticky portal opens up, and out floats Emily Nyx in the form she's been taken lately, of a lavender-skinned demoness with four arms, glowing purple eyes -- at the moment, she has four of them arranged in a diamond pattern -- and with hair that seems so black, it's like a hole in space, or some sort of graphical glitch. She's wearing a black Victorian military uniform with silver trim and golden epaulets. And, of course, she has an amused and faintly smug smile.

She floats over to Oberyn. "Oh, hey there," she says; her voice, if nothing else about her, is instantly recognizable to anyone who's met her before. "Long time no see! Found any good swamps lately?"
    Behemoth. A name that sends shivers and fear through Blue Earth. A name that mothers tell to bad children to keep them in line. A name that Rydia of Mist has heard before. One that immediately has her attention when she hears through various channels that, somewhere, a Behemoth needs to die.
    Of course the last Summoner of Mist doesn't come alone when she arrives. Having tugged on someone she could trust to come along with her and keep her alive, she's pulled Terra along for what's likely going to be one hell of a trip.
    That's why it's not too long before a chocobo comes trotting up to the Longwythe Rest Area, the tiny, green-haired, rider tugging the reins to slow the bird to a halt before Rydia hops off her avian steed.
    "We're here about the Behemoth."
    'We' being a seven year old girl and the waif she's brought along with her.
Terra Branford
    A behemoth? Like Terra remembers what those are. Maybe on some level but she has no useful recollection of the things beyond 'if silhouette matches a number of much-studied shapes' vaporize it at range with heavy weapons fire. Super useful.

    Still, it's no problem at all for the half-Esper to accompany Rydia on this little trek away from death and danger and toward ever more of the same. Upon her own chocobo, she nods at Rydia's words after pulling up short. No need to repeat what the small girl already said, though gosh she finds herself hoping more and more that there'll be a bit more information available and that everyone present will be okay when all's said and done.

    But why, given the general look of everyone here so far, does she have a bad feeling about this?
Rou-ri Arrowpaw

    One of the hunters cell phones rings, the older human fellow taking it out of his pocket and answering it simply enough with a curt 'Yes?' - stepping away from the group to be able to hear. Rou-ri watched him before pausing to turn and look over the others that were gathering. Some armored, some not. Some looking like they stood a chance, others not. Really, he wasn't one to judge what others looked like or what they were capable of, though he still had his concerns.

    "Alright, let me take the chance to make a few things clear. While I am taking the lead in fighting the beast, I am not going to be calling shots or giving orders. I'm not here to treat you like soldiers, or pawns. We're all equal, and hopefully we're all coming out of this alive. I don't want any blood to be spilled when it couold have been prevented. First things first, you can call me Ruri. Rou-ri Arrowpaw, but it's a mouthful, so Ruri shall suffice. I was the one who first encountered the damn thing, and I'll tell you about it to the best of my knowledge."

    He took a breath and paused before continuing, "I'm told it is called a Behemoth, though apparently it is a variant kind. And possibly daemon-infected, from what these hunters have told me. Means it doesn't like strong light, prefers the dark. Means it's not fully living despite looking like it. Means it's also a much bigger problem than a normal Behemoth apparently. This particular one seemed to spawn behind me while I was camping out, and came to life with my entire armory in it. I was unfortunately cleaning my equipment when the thing appeared. It's got a whole bunch of my weapons stuck to its back, it's got armor on and to make it even worse, I think a set of really dangerous weapons are stuck somewhere in it. I'm not going to ask any of you to put your lives in danger over trinkets of mine, it can all be replaced. My concern, however, is the damage that can be caused by a very specific set of weapons I have that are apparently inside the beast. I can't risk letting them go. So once I get those weapons, or I find a way to fight it on my own - you're free to go."

    Wait, was he serious? Seriously trying to say he'd just fight it on his own? There was a certain tone of 'I don't want to get anyone else hurt over my problems', certainly. "But thank you regardless for agreeing to help, and if you stay after that I will compensate you extra once the task is done. We have a hunter skilled at tracking keeping an eye on it, it's up in the mountain region last we heard. That's probably who he is talking to on his device now." Ruri hooked a thumb towards the hunter who had hung up his phone not long ago. "Yeah, but it's gotten interesting. Apparently the thing is fighting with other monsters now. Another Behemoth. Seems one came across yours while it was hiding out from the sun and now they're beating the hell out of each other, so we may be in luck. If it's done some of the work for us, that's good." He nodded at that. "Any questions? If not, hop in the truck and he will take you as close as you can get. Or if you have your own mount..." he looked towards the Chocobo and the small rider that was on it. "...please stay out of harms way." It wasn't really /directed/ at Rydia, but... it was directed in her general direction.
David is in no need of a Mount as he will actually listen carefully. Magic as he seems to nod as he will not under estimate the thing. "Understood." He will Extend one of his sonic swords and then retracted it, showing he is Melee. "Call me Guyver, While it is not likely, if I go down and start getting back up with Red eyes it's a berserk mode of sorts. So stick clear of me in that state. I can't tell friend from foe." David has no intention of allowing himself to go into hyper protection mode. But he will always make sure that those he is with know it.

AS he will listen to her on the Details of it as he lifts up and will start to hover himself. "I can get there no issues." Yes he can fly.
Hunter Okada
The wolf kid has a notepad, and seems to be taking notes as the Pandaren tells them what is going on. He makes special note about Behemoths being daemon infested. Which sounds very bad, "I have a question." He says, raising his hand, then asking the question anyway, "What do these weapons we are trying to retrieve look like? We will need to know in order to be able to properly identify them if we see them on the creature, yes?"

He'll jot down a description of them in his notebook once they get one. He doesn't look like he's all that strong, and looks really young compared to some of the others, but like with a lot of stuff, looks can be deceiving.
    Oberyn starts the unexpected voice, and fumbles his noodle cup, spilling some of the precious broth. "Swamps... wha? ... oh. Oh! Oh, you're one of... you were at that, um. That thing, with the plants monsters! Yeeaaaah... didn't really see much point sticking around there after those kids were safely home. Kept a few samples of the booming voice potion, but the side effects, ew. After that, I kinda wanted to stick to places where my journals wouldn't need drying for a while, so I did a few desert surveys - I think I'm still shaking out sand from that - but they didn't turn up anything too interesting. Been thinking of doing a few"

    Mercifully, the time-to-roll announcement interrupts Oberyn's droning; at the instruction to get in the truck, he snaps his book shut, takes one last sip of noodles, and heads for the vehicle. As he walks, he takes out another book and scribbles some quick notes in it, apparently getting a head start on his notes from the information provided.
    Those are some details to take in. A variant Behemoth? Demon infested? Porcupined with weapons?
    Rydia purses her lips as she takes in the most important of the details though: It dislikes bright light.
    Green eyes lock on the Pandaren as he explains the situation and his role in everything, and the fact that another Behemoth came upon the first and they're already fighting.
    "Why not just wait until one actually wins, and then deal with the victor?" The little Summoner suggests. "It'll already be injured, maybe even on its last legs by the time we make a move." But then. Then the girl frowns.
    "What? It's not like I'm planning to run down it's gullet, I'm small, not stupid."
    Nope looks like she took that as 'directed at her'.
    "The side effects of that potion were pretty nasty." She asides to Oberyn and hops back on her chocobo.
Terra Branford
    So, a large angry monster bristling with weapons. Demon infested? She makes a small, fretful noise. It's going to be difficult for her to do much without scaring the daylights out of Rydia, possibly others but she keeps a neutral expression. If the situation weren't so potentially grave, she'd be staring awfully hard at Hunter or Ruri in particular. It's the ears.

    For now, she'll resist the temptation to pet fuzzy people in favor of keeping extra close to Rydia. In case, you know, she needs to snatch her up and flee. Better an angry summoner than a partially chewed summoner, yes?

    "I think they just mean we should all be careful." And waiting for the two creatures to fight their fight and wear each other out a little is well thought and she looks up, nodding. It would seem like the best case scenario; wait until there's a victor and move in at that moment to reach a swift, safer conclusion. She grips the reigns of her bird, walking it a few paces askance. No sense running off ahead or anything but she wants to show she's as ready as she's going to get!
Emily Nyx
Emily glances over towards Rydia, and gives her a wave with one of her left arms, the other on her hip. She pauses when she sees Terra, however. Hmm. Her expression doesn't change, but the way she tilts her head, she almost looks ... interested. Curious, maybe. Or maybe she just wants to pet her, who knows?

Oberyn's droning, however, causes her to have an expression which can only be described as completely unamused. Even her smile looks slightly strained! But then the call to head out happens, and she rises back off the ground. "Well, glad to hear you're enjoying yourself," she says, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Let's see ..." She glances around at the assembled group. "Eh. Releasing capacitor seals three and two." She's surrounded by three distinct auras: one gold, one silver, and one pearlescent. The first two shatter, and the second simply fades.

And then, accompanied by a swirl of silvery glitter, she transforms into ... a markedly more human-looking shape. Still with the same Vantablack hair, with the normal set of eyes now (but still glowing purple), but now she has cat-ears and two tails.
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    "A pair of swords known as the Thunderfuries. They're... two large one-handed swords. Well... one-handed for me, but two large swords with a glowing ball of lightning in the middle of them. The rest of the weapons are fairly mundane, you'll know these by sight. But I suggest you don't grab them and leave that to me, though if you can dislodge them somehow great. They're dangerously powerful, especially to those who aren't expecting it." Rou-ri paused after talking to Okada and looked towards Rydia, "And that was what I hoped would happen, probably what the hunters were hoping for too?" he looked towards the hunter, who nodded and responded, "Yeah, by the time we get there chances are they'll have fought it out."
    Ruri nodded, "Good. And yes, I just mean for everyone to be careful." As he said that, Rou-ri reached behimd himself and pulled out a metal wedge - dropping it to the ground. It popped open and a cloud formed quickly beneath it, hovering above the ground as he stepped onto it and sat down, floating into the air a little. "I can take one of you with me if you don't mind cozy seating arrangements, I'm going to fly ahead since the truck has to take the road and take a look around." He waited to see if anyone wanted along with him instead of the truck, but otherwise - they took off.

    The truck ride was easy enough, giving plenty of time for sight-seeing as they drove the shortest route up towards the mountainous area. Plenty of horn honking now and then to let those they passed by to watch out - speeding along because they wanted to make sure they got there before it got too dark. Dark in this world wasn't good!
    Rou-ri flew up ahead and went to look around, observing from up high to try and figure out the layout of things. Also giving those who were in the truck after they parked and got out an idea of where to head to, given they could see him on his cloud disc hovering above the area. It was maybe a ten minute hike up the trail before it descended into a craterous area, but once there...

    Well, it looked pretty rough. There had been a fight, and one behemoth clearly lost. It wasn't the one they were after. The losing behemoth had already been killed, the Weapon Keeper instead standing nearby, idly eating from the shoulder of the downed beast while in the shade of the peaks overhang. Seems it did take some damage, though, a bit of a shadowy silhouette around the beast. And indeed, they would be able to see something 'interesting'. It was almost like it was clad in armor, a gold and blue set of full armoring that looked more fitting for a humanoid. All along the back, weapons were stuck along its form, swords, maces, so forth - though no signs of the Thunderfuries previously mentioned. Its' tail was a gigantic axe head, and there were chains wrapped around its' body, hanging off of it. Certainly an intimidating beast, Rou-ri coming down to the trail when the others finally got there and saying, "We should probably get a sneak attack in on it. I'll take the opening attack, and you all can go off that, yeah?"
The Wolf kid (Hunter Okada) has him concerned as David Flys close to him from the side of the truck as he asks. "Hey Will sonic weapons mess with your ears?" It will limit him but he can still deal some serious Physical damage and he still has his pressure cannon.

"I actually Do like that Idea of waiting till it is weakened." David says. His sensors are on full alert as he flies hoping he can get a good idea of how far it is away from them.

He's not gonna simply let the pandaren fight this thing on his own, no he will stick around until the threat has been neutrilized. But he knows that if he sees a weapon in the hide he should try to remove it and get it away from the creature.

David will fly next to Rou-Rai and as he looks over the battle with the looser as he says, "Impressive destruction."

"Would you object to me Joining you. give it something to help distract it my good sir?" David doesn't want throw one's style off as he extends his sonic swords but doesn't power them up just yet. He is also keeping very keen eye on Hunter Okada, if the sound hurts him he will need to stop using them.
Hunter Okada
Taking a second to look over the Guyver, Hunter considers his question for a moment, "My ears can be very sensative, yes. However are we talking a focused sonic attack or general loud noises?" He asks, as he rubs his ear a little bit, "I'm sure I'll be fine. We're working to make sure this creature does not harm innocents, so if I have to be put at risk to do so, then so be it."

He joins the rest of the goup, "Heroes always need to be willing to put themselves in harm's way."
    As the truck arrives near the day's hunt, Oberyn disembarks and immediately fixates on the still-safely-distant form of the Weapon Keeper. Oh my... that is quite the monster there, isn't it? Fascinating. But... yeah, yeah no, the staying alive part, right.

    For the first time, the scholar actually tries to take stock of the ragtag team he's signed up with. Ruri... obvious melee. Armored guy talking about sonic stuff, probably techno-fighter. Oh, the green-haired kid from the swamp incident... caster, right? Older green-haired girl... looks a bit swordy, maybe? Wolf guy... probably more melee? And Emily; attack type: yes. Okay, so that's... pretty much a run in and beat it up party, yeah. Lots of damage, not a ton of support. Probably needs a primary healer more than anything else. ... so yeah, it's decided then.

    Moving to safe engagement range to wait for everyone to make their move, Oberyn pulls a small black tome from a coat pocket; as he opens it, it suddenly becomes a large floating black tome instead, hovering faithfully just to his left as he walks. Yeah, fine, we probably need a healer... but being the black mage is just more FUN!
    Well that fight sure is over now. 
    Hopping off her chocobo once more when the group reaches the site of the kill, she waves the bird off.
    "Go. We don't want that thing smelling you. Come back when I give the whistle."
    "No, I've been over this with you before."
    "Kweh kweh!"
    "Yes, but you need to remember that you are delicious to a lot of things."
    "Wark wark WARK!"
    "That's FINAL." The girl says, ending the heated argument with her steed, before the chocobo gives a huff, noses her on the cheek and starts trotting off, and the girl unslings a hunting bow from off her back and knocks an arrow at the ready.
    "I'm ready whenever you all are. I'll stick to the back row."
>> SUMMARY[Rydia] >> Back Row.
Terra Branford
    The trek is almost uneventful and they don't even wind up in an ambush, surrounded by the things after they team up! Terra can be thankful for small boons, right? Unfortunately, it seems that while the worst case scenario is past, so is the best-case.

    Frowning to herself, she likewise dismounts and sends her own mount off with Rydia's. It's probably more than happy to be gone from the immediate area of such a beast. Chocobos are certainly nothing to scoff at in a fight but not much stacks up to a behemoth in the wild. Much less one so... Altered.

    "I..." She grips the hilt of her light, curved blade and steps closer to Rydia, "I'm not sure I'll be able to..." Do much without horrifying her small companion? She thinks it but doesn't finish saying aloud. "Sorry, I'll do my best." There, changing mental gears. She'll set the thing on fire if she has to but perhaps it will be enough that she remains ready to heal anyone who's injured. Focus on what you can do!
Emily Nyx
Emily grins at the Behemoth, and nods to Rou-Ri. "A sneak-attack, I can do!" she murmurs. She peers at the Behemoth as if trying to memorize its location, then glances back the way they came. Then she opens another staticky portal and slips through, coming out the other side some ways back the way they came.

There, she seems to gather up ... a whole bunch of that swirly glitter and materializes ... a huge black sword. Huge-huge. Probably ten feet long, and nearly four feet wide. ... Wow.
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    "I'll take the help I can get. Let me strike first, though you can easily see me getting into position. I trust you all as it is, so let's do this. Stay safe, stay alive. Don't be a hero, be alive." Which might unintentionally be annoying for Okada but hey, Rou-ri didn't know his story. The Pandaren flew up on the cloud fairly high op over the Weapons Keeper, the others there would be able to see the tall fellow pull both weapons out of the straps that held them on only to do something unthinkable for one who couldn't fly. He leapt off the cloud mount and descended straight down towards the Behemoths head with the giant swords.



    The daemon beast let out a scream that was a mixture of pain and rage as the swords lodged into its' head - one managing to slice a large hunk down its eye and leaving it half blinded, while the other unfortunately slides off its form entirely. The giant beast bucks Rou-ri and swats him out of the air, causing the Pandaren to bounce across the ground with a grunt, dropping his swords as it raised up and bellowed out a field of shimmering darkness. Not enough to entirely block out the light, but it certainly made it dark and misty, the sound of its' giant footsteps echoing through the area as it breathed heavily and snorted, looking for signs of whatever attacked it.
David explains, "The Blades generate a sound aura around them a few milimeters from the surface of the blade. And it is extreme high freq sounds." The Electro aura around the creature could be a problem. But still as the Attack is launched David will Lunge at the creatures head Sonic swords shimmering in the light and As the monster is taken off guard by the sudden high aerial attack, David will drop to the ground and lunge on foot, hoping that as the creature goes down, it will rear up exposing the underside of the head.

Using one arm to shield his head from the wind and debris he slashes with his Right sonic sword!
Emily Nyx
And then a staticky portal opens up, and the gigantic sword glides out hilt-first, with Emily riding on the handle sidesaddle! She hops off and points dramatically with both of her right hands, as the sword ponderously rotates up ninety degrees, and then just ... falls onto the Behemoth, sharp edge first.


The sword then disintegrates into that silvery glitter, and reforms as a pair of much more reasonably-sized swords, each with a glowing pink circuit-board pattern on the flat of the blade. And a heart-shaped emblem near the base. "I should use that opener more often," she says cheerfully, as she grabs the two swords with her upper hands.
    A small hand sets on Terra's hip re-assuringly. But Rydia doesn't say anything. She knows that the main reason the half-esper holds back so often is... Well. ... Her, really. Partly she's thankful for it. But at the same time it leaves her feeling somewhat guilty, being the cause for Terra being so limited in situations like these.
    "It'll... Be fine. ... I'll be fine. I hope. Just. As long as it doesn't catch blaze and come right at me."
    That won't happen, right?
    Whatever, there's no time to dwell on it as Rou-ri begins the assault-- and is smacked out of the air. A foul curse flies from the child's lips as she draws her bowstring back and lets her arrow fly. She doesn't quite care where she hits a target that big, as long as she hits it is all that matters as she gauges her chances of making it to the pandaren to check his wounds, and wether or not she should take the chance now that the Behemoth is on the lookout.
Hunter Okada
"Don't worry about me." Hunter replies to David, giving him a thumbs up, before the proverbial shit hits the fan. He dives for cover, and then lets out a howl. His body swells, growing larger with each passing moment, as his body takes on a decidedly more wolf-like shape. His costume seems designed to stretch around his growing form, and once he finishes transforming, lets another howl loose, and then drives forward.

Running on all fours, he moves to slash with his claws at the one of the beast's legs. He knows that if the beast can't move around, it can't pose as much of a threat, so taking out one of the legs would be his best bet.
    ((So many swords... there's some school that involves casting on swords or something, isn't there? That would be handy right now. Okay, so what do we know? It doesn't like light. It has metal sticking out all over it. It has powerful, probably unstable lightning swords... somewhere. Simple.))

    Sometimes, there are a number of pieces in a fight that just fit together to form a perfect solution. Oberyn lives for these moments, when the exact right move at the right time can turn a battle. This... doesn't look like one of those times, unfortunately. But it DOES look like a setup with an obvious exploitable weakness built in. Which... probably means a trap. But hey, try it and see, right? So, in that spirit, he runs in to what is HOPEFULLY still not quite 'get eaten by a behemoth' range, and peers down at his trusty tome for a minute. The pages ruffle by themselves, opening to the page he needs. A page marked... Thundara. "So, we're done being stealthy now, right?"

    Let's see what happens when a bit of lightning sparks down between all those weapons...
Terra Branford
    Terra may be held back but she also doesn't mind. She's rather not be seen as frightening at all! Not to potential foes even but certainly not her friends. The very thought is enough to make her shiver more than the monsters pained, rage-filled bellowing. Still, she finds a moment to return Rydia's contact with a touch of her own.

    Afterword, it's time to move. Rou-ri gets swatted back by the beast and though he's not down for the count, she flings a hand out toward the pandaren. All she can offer is a somewhat soothing pulse of healing magic. Certainly not enough to cure severe injuries but plenty to steady a rattled fighter, right?

    The half-esper doesn't move any further to close the distance. She's happy to provide cover for Rydia while tossing out heals as needed. So far, things seem to be going quite well so she's content not to get in anyone's way!
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    The combined sword assaults from David and Emily, while taking advantage of it paying attention to other things, meant the underside of its' mouth and side got sliced open(And piercing the armor), followed by an arrow piercing deep into the wound caused by Emily - hitting a rather heavy hit despite just being a bow.
    The Behemoth flailed, raising up on its' hind legs and spinning around with the axe-bladed tail towards Emily before swatting down towards David with its fore legs. Somehow it was even more imposing standing up like it was - making it seem more intelligent than not.
    The armoring, as Okada would find out, even went down the forearms and legs - even leaving it looking like it had gauntlets on. However, it did have gaps that he was able to take advantage of, piercing into it with enough effort.
    Though it seems that Thundara from Oberyn didn't have too much of an effect, sadly. Some, leaving the beast sparking, but not noticably bothered!

    Rou-ri hissed out and started to raise, nodding to Rydia and realizing someone had healed him. "Thanks, didn't expect it to react so damn fast." He started to stand up only to wobble and brace himself. Wasn't falling over yet, but he /was/ taking a look at it. "Those swords aren't going to penetrate that armor at all, it's elementium. Damn, if only I could get... ...... around its' neck!" Wait, what was around its' neck?! Well, if they looked, the group could see a large collection of chain and a couple of handles hanging off. "My mageblades! Child, you have a bow, right? Distract it if you can while I try to get up it!" Breaking into a run, he steadied himself and took a long way around before climbing up its' side with a strong leap, grabbing onto a chink in the armor and getting shaken around as the beast tries to dislodge him. Though he was able to grab onto the handle of one weapon and swung around, winding up holding onto the chain almost like he was riding a giant animal! Though with a bit more shaking he managed to dislodge it and grabbed the handles after yanking them up to his hands - glowing blue blades of magic emerging as he went straight for the beasts neck as he swung around by looping a chain around the tip of a horn and using it as leverage to siwng.
Realizing that he is being swing at David will actually Back flip out of the Way and Dash backwards. He is listening to Rou-Ri. Oh Shit... And with it David realizes that he will "Let me help Grab the bull by the Horns!" David will run up as he will need to use his speed and reflexes to try and avoid being crushed by this thing. Using the Gravity controler to amp up his personal gravity and mass David will channel as much power into his strength. His Goal is to try and Grab one of the Creatures horns to try and Hold it still! It also makes him a target
>> SUMMARY[David] >> No attack, attempting to Grab the Bull by the horns.
Emily Nyx
Emily starts to open another staticky portal --

The tail sends her flying. At the exact moment of impact, she plays the sound effect of dying in some arcade game somewhere. 'PCHOOOoooon' She rights herself in midair, clutching her side with her lower hands; she sort of has wounds, but they seem to be made of that silvery glitter she uses to shapeshift. "Hah! Nice!" she says, grinning. "Almost hit my ..." She glances around at the group, and her voice trails off. She shrugs, and doesn't continue.

She jerks her head around as Rou-ri calls out, then takes careful aim, and summons a phalanx of golden bolts of light, carefully firing them at the beast's head in such a way that they don't hit David. Might be a little scary for him, though!
Hunter Okada
That beast is tough, there's no doubt about that. Hunter's claws will need to dig deep in order to reach the beast's flesh. But finding those weak points, those he can exploit.

Reaching in with both claws, he flexes hard to try to rip the armored plates open, to tear them apart and reveal the muscles and tendons below.

Once he gets the armored wall open, he's going to lean in and try to bite open the muscles there and rip them apart.
    ((Well, that didn't work. But the weapons are sparking. Double down? ... mm, no, what if... haha, yes!))

    As the Weapon Keeper attacks, Oberyn jots down a few quick notes - can't hurt to have more information, right? - and then... sprints in closer? That's not a good, safe plan! Casters stay in the back row! But no, he's got to rush in, getting... almost into melee range, trying to take up a place to the side of its head. Should be distracted enough not to notice, right?

    Just in case this wasn't a bad enough idea, though, he dashes off another Thundara for good measure. Let's get them weapons good and sparky, now...
    It's true, Rydia has a bow, but the look she gives Rou-ri when he asks her to distract the beast is one of pure lunacy.
    "Wait you want me to distract that thing? Are you nuts?!" She barks. But then the girl pauses.
    She could shoot the thing, but that might draw undue attention her way. She's likely not survive even a grazing blow from that beast. The fact of the matter is she's way too low level to be taking on a boss monster like this.
    A thought strikes and the girl snaps her fingers as it comes to her. Rydia slings her bow on her back and begins to chant as a trance falls over her. This... This is different from casting a simple spell. This is no use of Blizzard or Thunder, or Fire. This is a different kind of magic entirely, if anyone pays attention to the child as she whispers and hisses to herself. But when she's done, her voice rings out...
    "'White Wolfos! Come NOW!"
    Then and there, the air grows cold... An arctic wind blows across the field as a winter mist rises from the ground, and a baleful howl floats across the sky.
    And then it comes. A beast as large as a man is tall, made of lean and wirey muscle and yet still as wide as a door. Ice crystals grow from the massive alpha wolfos' snowy fur as it charges, eyes glowing red like hate filled coals and mouth tugged into a rictus leer as it lunges at the behemoth with bone-crushing force and aims to start tearing into its leg with a violent frenzied gnashing of jaws that could pulverize a man's body...
    Before its attention shifts.
    The White Wolfos detaches from the Behemoth and lands with a heavy WHUMPF as Rydia's eyes widen with horror.
    "N-not again! NO, don't you do it!"
    She means of course, how the Wolfos has turned its attention upon one of their own, those hateful eyes and leering ear-to-ear grin focused... On Hunter Okada.
    In that instant it lashes out, a massive clawed foreleg lunging at the heroic youth with a cackling snarl before the Wolfos turns tail to rush away from the battlefield.
>> SUMMARY[Rydia] >> Summon: White Wolfos. It attacks the Behemoth! ... Then it attacks Hunter before running off.
Terra Branford
    Things are already so hectic! The behemoth is putting up an incredible fight already and even from Terra's relatively safe vantage the beast is quite intimidating. Certainly nothing to take lightly even if it weren't twisted and warped with all of the confusing, strange magic emanating from it.

    The very thought that Rydia should be distracting anything gets a look of reproach even from the mild mannered half-Esper. She won't be having that if she can have anything at all! Rydia gets a look as well, as if it's half expected Rydia might just run in guns blazing.

    No, it's magic coming from the small girl. A small relief, that, so she draws her weapon and turns to face the fight once again. With Rydia, there's really no telling how things might turn out and she half expects something to come charging back their way. Only, not quite what she expects to come down the trail at them, the girl in red nevertheless begins to channel an infusion of healing magic with the intent to center the effect on Hunter and spread it lightly amongst nearby allies.
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    This time, that Thundara does more! Causing the creature to lock up - and while the impossibly heavy guyver unit combined with Rou-ri swinging down and slicing through its' neck - Emily's careful arrowing of light at the head, and Hunter Okada's going after the legs - the beast topples!

    It's not down for the count, but it certainly looked to be struggling to push itself up, especially as that White Wolfos appears and mauls on a leg, leaving the front left leg entirely unable to support its' weight. And with David on one horn leaving it nearly pinned - the behemoth roars out in frustration and out of nowhere manages to open it's mouth and a deep, dark glow begins to form - energy and wind whipping up around the beast, electricity crackling through the air.

    "Focus!" Rou-ri calls out, "It's charging up for an attack, go for the head as hard as you can!" He could already feel the electricity building and the wind starting to push him away, holding onto the chain that he was using as leverage but having a hard time overcoming it. Pulling himself close with the chain like a rope, Rou-ri lunges forward and slams one of his blades deep into the head of the beast, trying to punch straight through one eye with the blade and do a proper amount of damage. "Don't worry about us, bring it down or we may all suffer a worse fate!"
the Energy Blast is detected and tracted by the sensor orbs on his head. And he knows he is not In danger. What he is in danger from is the Beast it's self, attempting to grapple with thos ehorns and then hold it's head in place? He is the party Tank. David also has something else he can do that should cause it serious pain.

With the Wind and lightning coursing through him he needs to make sure that his control metal doesn't get hit by a physical attack, much less an electrical one.

The voltage is not enough to force his unit to disengauge... but it will hurt like 9 hells.

The Energy build up has him realize this is bad and so he unleashes a powerful sonic attack from his sonic Buster as he holds the creatures head stable his target is the inner earths. All animals balance is governed by the inner ears...
>> SUMMARY[David] >> Focused sound attack to disrupt inner ears
Hunter Okada
The werewolf hears the sound of the growling behind him. Different from the large beast. He has to move out of the way of the beast going down, but cannot move out of the way of the wolfos attacking him. The beast digs into his armor, and draws blood. He swipes at it with one of his own claws, and prepares to chase, but is stopped when hea hears Rou-ri call out.

Right. Focus. Take the big beaast down. The other one may be a threat but it's not as big of a threat. Shifting back onto all fours, he runs towards the front of the beast, and then leaps, trying to latch onto the side of it's head and dig in with his claws and teeth, to tear into the beast with the others.
Terra Branford
    Something's up. Terra feels the prickles of the monster's magic attack right away and she paces, unsure if more healing effort is needed or if she should step up and just do anything.

    There's another magical sensation that makes her spine tingle, that familiar, undeniable Something.

    Despite all better sense, the half-Esper turns and watches Rydia, eyes shining weirdly. Like an animal's irises reflecting a flood light.

    She finally draws her relatively light sword, the blade glowing faintly. She makes no move, not yet, instead standing with certain poise, words at the tip of her tongue, weapon almost aching in her tight grip. She's waiting, whether for her tiny companion or for the behemoth and its final struggles is hard to say.

    She's been so helpful. Can I roll need?!
Emily Nyx
Emily smiles faintly. "Hmm, I can do that!" she says. "Let's see here now ... Well, what worked before ..." In that swirl of glitter, her swords transform into a spike with spiral grooves. She thrusts her hand forward, and it flies into the side of the monster's head.

And then the grooves slide open, revealing that it's a drill. It whirs to life and starts boring into the behemoth!

"... tougher nut to crack than the juggernaut," she mutters.
    From his vantage point alongside the Weapon Keeper, Oberyn just barely manages to catch a glimpse at the tiny summoner summoning summons; ordinarily, this would capture his undivided attention (a new school of magic! Need to study!) but this time... well, the positioning is just all wrong. He can't get a clear look at the spell, because his line of sight keeps getting interrupted by some big, stupid, angry, deadly... disturbingly close... boss... monster.

    This was not a good plan, was it.

    But hey, at least now Oberyn is in a good position to see the behemoth building up its own nifty attack! It's not QUITE a magic spell, from the looks of things, so there's no sense taking out the spellcraft notebook right now, but this is still going to be pretty interesting stuff for the monster compendium! If... if it's, you know, survivable...

    Well, nothing for it. Not enough time to switch grimoires to toss up a lifesaving buff, or to run back to safety. Time to do something crazy instead! Reaching into his inventory, Oberyn fishes out a thunder rod, with odd markings engraved up and down its length. Last one... better make it count. Taking a deep breath, he infuses it with a bit of magic, and then... tosses it straight at the behemoth's open maw, as hard as he can. Wherever it hits, it's going to unleash its entire charge of lightning magic in one massive surge. But... can he even throw that far?
    Rydia winces as the White Wolfos disobeys her orders and turns upon Hunter. A look somewhere between terror and shame crosses the girl's face as Terra has to make up for her mistake with more healing work, and there's an imperceptible mumble of 'Sorry...' amid the din of chaos. Whether it's to Hunter or Terra, or the both of them... It doesn't quite matter in this exact second.
    The Weapon Keeper is gearing up to unleash something massive upon them and everyone has to act fast.
    Rydia hesitates. What should she do? Whyt can't take that thing on. Her bow will do nothing. Going up to it with a dagger would be suicide. She can't take it in a direct fight like Emily. Her Black Magic isn't as well-learned and practiced as Oberyn's... The only thing the last Summoner of Mist can do is...
    Call for help.
    Jade eyes snap open.
    The words come to her lips unbidden. Chanting once again, lost in a fugue and this time with fervent urgency upon every syllable as she calls out, not from practice or study. But from the heart.
    "King of stone... Earthreaver..."


    The very earth itself shakes. The ground quakes and stone splits. Fissure form as a massive hand breaks through the earth's crust and reaches towards the sky. This hand grips the edge of the newly formed fissure in the ground and pulls up... And absolutely gigantic man. Made of nothing but pure muscle and the rage of the lands themselves, he storms towards the Behemoth, every step rocking the grounds with the force of a small earthquake.
    For Titan's strength is Gaia's Wrath. And the land's fury is as unbridled as a mudslide, as unyielding as a mountain, and unstoppable as an earthquake.
    The massive figure reaches down, bodily lifting the struggling Behemoth, hoisting it over head...
    Before Titan brings the beast down hard over his knee, intent on simply breaking the monstrous daemon's back and ramming those weapons embedded in the Weapon Keeper even deeper.
>> SUMMARY[Rydia] >> Ahhhh yes... I was wondering what would break first. Your spirit... OR YOUR BODY.
>> SUMMARY[Rydia] >> Also because it won't show up in the log: I spent a point of Edge to do that.
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    The combination of attacks from Rou-ri, David and Okada weren't enough! Even with Oberyn shocking it from the inside so hard and Emily practically drilling into it, the tough bastard was still charging up! At this rate, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it! They'd lost, whatever attack this thing was going to unleash they couldn't take it down in time, there simply wasn't enough damage! "Don't give up, we have to... have to..." The wind was finally too much and the Pandaren was blown away as the charge continued to build, probably blowing away everyone who wasn't terribly heavy or latched on.

    Which was a good thing as Rou-ri, sore as he was, wound up staring at the summoning as it took place. He'd never seen anything like it, and he'd taken part in many, many ordeals on Azeroth. Summoning a titan?! /Titan/? He might not know who Titan was, but he could figure it out, turning to stare at the child who had practically summoned a deity to do their bidding. But just as the Weapons Keeper was about to unleash its attack, the mouth was clamped shut by a massive hand, as was grabbed by the tail - picked up and broken.

    A sickening crunch can be heard as the Weapons Keeper went limp and the energy discharged all at once - a small explosion of electricity and wind causing a rather messy result. Thankfully most of it vanished into dark wisps, leaving the occasional nasty chunk of inedible flesh around on the ground. And where it was... a collection of armor, weapons and various equipment - including a toolbelt and satchel could be seen. "...well then." Rou-ri could be heard mumbling in surprise.
David As he watched this thing get picked up by this titan David lets go and leaps back, flipping and jumping as he reaches to grab one of his breast plates opening it up as a light glows.

He knows it was an ally that summoned that... thing. But he has no idea if it will be enough to kill it.

As the Creature is smashed, broken and killed David Aborts his charge closing his breast plate. A burst of steam ejects from his mask as he watches the thing melt and turn into vapor and mist, or wisps. "That... was an experiance."
Emily Nyx
Emily, on the other hand, watches the Titan exactly as if it's just another reasonably interesting thing, like many others she's seen before. "Well, that worked," she says. She shoots Rydia a grin. "Nice work there, kiddo!"

She stretches, even though her muscles are just nanocolonies and this has absolutely no effect. Even her ears and tails stretch! "That was fun!" she says lazily. "Reapplying capacitor seals three and two." The pearlescent glow reappears, the silver and gold auras reconstruct themselves, and then all three fade again.

Then she floats over to Terra. "Hey, could you try healing me?" she says. "That tail-attack, uh ... lowered my health points, as it were." She's still being kind of cagey about what, exactly, injuries do to her; there's just still bits of silver glitter on her.
Terra Branford
    Terra looks upon the violence without really reacting. Almost like she's set to join in should things not play out. However, it would seem even that wildly empowered monster was no match for such a catastrophic attack.

    Then someone's approaching! Even as the thing's chunks are tumbling about, the woman kind of snaps out of whatever going on and she almost looks frightened. "Ah?!"

    Then she remember she can actually help with that- maybe- and she lifts her hands, "Yes, right, sorry." Then, the healing magic begins to flow. Quite the infusion that she initially targets only Emily with before widening the area affected. Small doses to soothe scrapes, bumps, rattled eardrums. Again, such widespread healing is hardly miracle-level but it should help a little.

    Then, she turns and moves to either catch or simply pick Rydia up if needed. The possible fussing be damned.
    ((... you know, in hindsight, maybe lightning just wasn't the way to go. All those metal bits sticking out... it was too obvious. Shouldn't have fell for it. This attack's building up too much, it's going to be a complete battlefield wipe. Well... I guess this is a pretty cool way to go, at least.))

    As the Weapon Keeper charges its desperate attack, Oberyn feels... strangely calm. Panic is for situations where you might be able to do something; when you know, with absolute certainty, that death is inescapable and inevitable, well, all you can do is wait for it. So, with this resigned tranquility, he just stands and waits as the building winds push him - still floating just above the ground - back, into the blast zone.

    This time, there is no obstruction preventing Oberyn from seeing the magic of Mist put to use once again. "... seriously have to learn how to do that..."

    And then! Apparently, thanks to the massive smashtastic power of Titan, Oberyn (and company) will get to survive long enough for that to happen!


    What else is there for Oberyn to say? There's... there's no reaction to a giant of living stone snapping a demonic quasi-undead behemoth's back.
    Unfortunately. Most praise is lost on Rydia.
    As the Weapon Keeper is broken and dissolves, Titan returns to the earth from whence he came. ... And the child... Wobbles.
    The last Summoner staggers in place, stuggling to remain upright. Breathing heavily and sweating profusely, the girl looks a sickly shade of pale.
    "Unh..." Is her only reply.
    Yeah. Terra will need to catch her, because she goes limp then and there as she passes right out.
Hunter Okada
That kind of power, it's insane. Hunter just does what he can to get out of the way as Titan appears and goes to town on the monster. After finding cover, once things seem to settle down, he reverts back to his smaller, but still wolf-like form, and peeks out from behind his cover, "Wow." He can't really say much else. Even All Might would have trouble with something like that, he thinks.
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    Rou-ri stood up and trotted over to check on Rydia, having seen her collapse. "H-hey, is she... okay?" Well, just on a glance it seems like she was asleep, but for the moment he just checked on her before a soft 'ah', turning and saying, "Damnit, the weapons!" at which point he ran for the clump and started digging through them, tossing aside the equipment and weapons to reveal a pair of rather crazy-looking swords. 'One-handed' was a bit of a misnomer, they were easily as long as a two-handed sword each, but apparently light enough to be considered one with how things were weighted. But indeed, they both exhuded a /massive/ amount of magical energy, practically pulsating with thunder and wind.
    Especially as he held them, arcs of electricity sparking off him and causing him to wince as he stood and walked over to the satchels of his to insert them one at a time deep inside. Enchanted satchels?
    Once they were put away he sighed, all of his fur standing on end and leaving him looking extra fluffy. "Thank the Celestials those things didn't cause anyone more harm than they did. I never expected some creature to manifest in this place. Oh, right, all of you." he turned, "On that note, if you aren't of this world - apparently daemons manifest out of the darkness here at night. So always have a blazing fire or bright lights around you to prevent that. I found out the hard way." at which point he began to start collecting and putting on his equipment what he could. Though his attention fell on the partially eaten Behemoth that had picked the wrong fight. "Anyone here practiced in skinning or harvesting? The back leg of that behemoth over there would probably have quite a bit of meat on it! Don't know if it tastes any good though."
David looks and says, "uhhhhh yes. Actually I do. I was training to be a professional chef before my life went to hell... um... I coudl try to do something with it. Not sure it's edible but I could try."
Emily Nyx
Emily's body ... is a colony of nanomachines. However, the healing magic still works. Somehow(?). The glittery cuts and scrapes close themselves. "Thank you!" she says. And then she just gets out of Terra's way as she hurries over to Rydia.

She considers Rou-ri's warning for a moment. And then in a glitter of light, a yellow work-helmet appears on her head with a brightly-glowing dome on top. "Boom," she says cheerfully.

... It looks kind of incongruous with her military uniform. But then, that might be the point.
Terra Branford
    Terra does her best not to get too anxious. For Rydia's sake, she musters her courage and offers nods. First to Rou-ri. Rydia should be fine, she supposes. This has happened before and it's never been more than a little trouble to get the small summoner back on her feet.

    The results of Emily's healing of course draw her eyes but what can she say? She doesn't even understand her own power, much less the complexity of a sentient network of nanomachines. "Sorry I wasn't more help." David and Oberyn and Hunter each get looks in turn. She's guessing at whether they may need any further attention but it would seem, at least, that everyone is hale and whole if not perfectly happy with the outcome.


    After letting out a sharp whistle, possibly the loudest noise she's ever made aside from exploding the engines of an ocean liner, she'll gather up the returning chocobos and depart. Rydia must rest! Let nothing stop her!
    Sometimes, shock is a good thing. When your mind stops working, instincts can take over much more efficiently. And years of practice playing white mage - whether he liked it or not - have instilled Oberyn with at least a bit of the healers' code: when people start falling down, you start casting cure. Rydia has barely had time to start falling before he's broken into a sprint toward her, deftly closing his black magic tome to replace it with its white-covered twin. Of course, since he doesn't know any reviving spells, there's not much he can do at the moment... but hey, it's the drilled response that counts, right?