World Tree MUSH


Character Pose
Alola. For once Ash wasn't at a beach. Instead he was makin a slow orbit around the parimiter of what could have been taken for either a series of draiend swimming pools, or more likely purpose built concrete shapes and angles meant for skaters. While Ash himself was dressed in fairly local-appearing knee length shorts, tshirt, etc etc... the board he rode on was most definitely not local. Well, what with it having no wheels, having running lights, being about as long as a surfboard, and floating effortlessly about a half meter above a third of a meter above the terrain.

He smile as his weight shifted, feet adjusting and causing his board to angle, slowing til it came to a stop. "OK least I can stay on the thing without diving headfirst at the first sharp turn but," He sounded almost disappointed, "Still can't get the hang of rail grinds."
Ace has found her way to Pokemon world again. About which, really, she's not complaining. She actually kind of likes it here, where the only violence is sparring matches between assorted, random aliens. Backpack slung over one shoulder, so that the Ace on the back of her jacket is clearly visible, she wanders up to the...skate park. Well, *those* are familiar to her, although this is a particularly nice one. Oh, and somebody's using a hoverboard. Her lips quirk as she watches.
     "It helps if you can fly~" comes a voice from above Ash, and if he looks up, it'll turn out to be a pretty short anthropomorphic jackal with deep red fur and black sclera in his otherwise very red eyes. His outfit, which seems to just be a single, overly long black shirt with jagged red trim at the edges, only serves to make him stand out even more as something that just doesn't belong in this world. Oh, yeah, and he's leisurely "laying" on nothing, simply floating through the air while grinning down at Ash as if he were hanging over the edge of a bed or desk or something.

Ace's arrival also gets a wave and a cheery greeting, as the demonic jackal introduces himself. "Hi! I'm Damian. I'm not from around here."
     Miwa has coated one of the somewhat tamer parts of the park in ice and is enjoying sliding around a bit. She was about to voice some words of encouragement to Ash when she hears other voices. She wonders if some local skaters had come along that would want to use this spot, but only for a moment, as when she looks she notes that Ace isn't exactly dressed like a local, and Damian definitely isn't from around here. She makes her way closer and offers a wave with one of her flippers, being the native here she feels obligated to welcome these newcomers to the place she calls home. "Hello! You two new around here I would guess?"
Ash looked up at the voice and quirked an eyebrow at Damian. He hasn't seen the Jackel before, but has seen enough animal/human types to just shrug as he stepped off his board and stomped on the back to kick it into a resting position on his shoulder. 

"Well that one," He gestured to Damien, "Is definately from out of town." Then a gesture to Ace, "Her? Not so sure but I remember her from that thing that happened on Mars..." His head shook as he tried ti discard the memory, "Hi I'm Ash, welcome to Alola."
Ace calls cheerfully back, "Just visiting. This world seems very welcoming." She looks, of course, like a human woman of 20 or so, but yes, her dress sticks out just a *little* bit.
     Damian rolls over onto his back, folding his arms under his head and crossing his legs, his tail lazily swaying to and fro. "Yeah, this is my first time here. Had someone try to throw a ball at me, but they didn't wanna play anymore when I threw it back. Probably just too awesome for them."
Miwa laughs a bit at Damian. "They thought you were a pokemon, the ball was a device used to catch pokemon. It's called a pokeball." She smiles and gives Ace a nod as well. "Anyway, yes welcome to Alola, I'm a native to this region, my name is Miwa. I hope you both enjoy your time here." She says before focusing her gaze on Ace. "Though I guess you know what to expect already and it seems you had a good experience the last time you visited. It is generally a pretty friendly and welcoming place." She offers warmly in agreement.
"Probably mistook you for a pokemon," Ash shook his head at that. Kids here needed to understand not every new not quite human looking thing needed to be shoved into a ball.

"Either of you skate?" He offered, gesturing to the board resting on hisshoulder. "I've had the basics down for awhile but..." He shrugged, "Few of the locals've given it a go figure it's unique enough to share."

Then Ordis decided to chime in, a distinct and more 'proper' sounding voice comming from Ash'svague direction, though Ace would probably recognize it being a transmission of some sort rather than something 'Spooky,' "I've been thinking..." The voice sounded hesitent, almost embarassed at admitting it had been thining, "These league rules say nothing against a team's trainer explicitly being human, and you had mentioned wanting to train and grow stronger havne't you Miwa? It seems far safer than the alternitives. After all what's the worst they can do, tell you no?"
"Not that well," Ace admits. "I've dabbled in it." She does grin at the hoverboard. "That doesn't seem to be local tech, though." Glancing at the alien...sorry, Pokemon...she offers her a grin too. "If you don't ask, the only answer you can get is no.
Damian shrugs as it's explained what probably happened. "Pokemon are those animal things, right? We've got a lot of weird stuff like that where I come from. Nobody tries to capture anybody though, at least... not /usually/." There's a bit of an awkward silence before he shifts to a sitting position, legs crossed. "What's this 'league' thing anyway? Some kind of sports thing?"
Ordis spoke before Ash had a chance, "Operato r Ash similarly is not from this universe." Then a hologram popped up over Ash's shoulder in the form of a softly glowing blue cube with each side covered in a gridwork pattern marred by a series of cracks. "The pokemon league is a combination of arena sport and gladiatorial event here a trainer taks a team of pokemon to battle with another trainer with their own pokemon."
Hissh simply blinked, then looked to Miwa, "Y'know he's right. If the league rules don't mention the trainer being human... hy not ask?" He then chuckled softly, "I've been called inhuman often enough you could possibly get away with registering me as part of your squad..." His head shook as he started chuckling, "Though I'm... pretty sure that would be frowned on to see a guy soccor kick a pokemon off the field."
Miwa blinks at the idea posed by Ordis, a bit surprised by it at first, but then she thinks about it a moment. "Hmm, I doubt that any pokemon has tried to register as their own trainer before. It would of course require being able to talk, which in itself is very rare. I've thought about registering for the more showy contests with you Ash, but doing the challenges and battling the Pokemon league might be fun, whether it's here in Alola, or in another region, that might be even more interesting." She pauses, working through the idea a bit more. "I wonder if they'd let me battle as myself? Would feel like a waste being a pokemon myself and only being able to use other pokemon in battles."
Ash nodded before glancing over at Ordis's hologram, "That... really is an interesting loophole. Mind seeing if you can find any other shennnagins to abuse?It'd be a shame for Miwa to step in and me not help her out," A look to Miwa then before smiling, "that is if she'd want it. Wouldn't want to try shoving her around or worse, try stealing the spotlight.
"I have to admit I'm still getting my mind around the entire pokemon battle thing," Ace muses. "But at least it's controlled violence." Not that uncontrolled violence isn't fun too.
     Damian scratches his chin for a moment. "Huh, is that why most of them could only say one word? Man, Pokemon must be pretty dumb." he says, floating slowly down to the ground but staying an inch or two above it. His face is split into a huge grin again now. "So it's like a fight club. Neat! Do they take bets? I could 'borrow' some cash from my cousin."
Ash twitched at Damian's proclaimation of pokemon's lack of intelligance then closed his eyes. After taking a breath he gestured to Miwa. "She happens to be a pokemon. She is a fairly intelligant lady."
Miwa nods to Ace. "It is a bit strange compared to how things are in other worlds from what I've seen, so I understand. But at least it's usually carefully controlled as you said, particularly when much more powerful pokemon are involved, so serious injury and death almost never happens. I'm not really sure when it all started, but it's been the norm here for a very long time." She explains, then gives Damian a glare, feeling more than a bit offended by that comment. "Just because they can't speak as you and I do, doesn't make them dumb. Many pokemon are intelligent enough to understand spoken words even if they can't speak them back, though some understand more complex concepts than others, and as Ash said, I am a Pokemon myself.
Ace nods a bit. "Oh, sometimes nobody remembers how a custom started, that's just how people work. But it doesn't seem to involve any...well, let's just say I've seen a few dystopias.
     Damian bites his lip. "Alright, sorry, I didn't mean any offense by it." he says, holding his hands up placatingly. "So you guys have teams though? Wonder if I could join. I can do all kinds of cool stuff!"
"Look," Ash looked over at Damien, "you're new here, you see people treating these pokemon like pets, maybe service animals. It's weird to consider the idea these fairly clearly subserviant critters might just... like the arrangement, no coersion, no slavery, no horrible brain parasites or bombs." He reached over to give Miwa a gentle pat on the back, "I mean you could look at most people that wok a nine to five ob the same way right? Dull mindless toiling for the benefit of someone else they're ultimately behelden to. Doesn't make those folk any less People than you or me." A shrug before he looked to Miwa, "I'll try seeing who I'd need to talk to for registration papers, plus I'm kinda curious on how much fuss would be had if I tried to enter as a participant." For a brief moment there was a little light in the palm of his hands, and the sound of inrushning air, then it was gone. "Nice safe controlled enviroment after all, nice way to practice without anyone getting too banged up."
Ace shakes her head a little bit. She glances at Ash as he does that...some kind of psychokinetic ability, obviously. "I'm going to find myself something to eat." Maybe that's the real reason she's here: Somebody's cooking.
Miwa smiles at Ace and nods to Damian. "Appology accepted, though I must say Ash explained it nicely. As for the paperwork for becoming a trainer, yeah, that would be helpful, I can't exactly write, so you'll probably be filling it out for me anyway. As for participating, you mean like a pokemon? I don't think that would be allowed. If they let you they'd be allowing pretty much anyone from other worlds that isn't human play pokemon for battling, and you look too much like a human anyway, unless you're in your frame..." Miwa then waves at Ace as they start heading off. "Enjoy, see you around maybe!"