World Tree MUSH

No Way San Jose!

Character Pose
Aurelia Argent
    The year is 2019! The place: SAN JOSE, a city of sky-scrapers and technology! With the University of California's spring break in full force, there's a geeky convention in town, with outworlders and natives alike gathered at the San Jose Convention Center to celebrate film, television, comics, fiction, games, and toys alike. It's also one of the few instances that the world's mages can wander around in full costume and get away with it.
    All Dante gets is the odd request from con-goers to do poses, or dish out one-liners. It's weird, really weird, seeing this kind of attention from so many people, some of them in costume too.

    He jumps in place seeing a girl dressed identically to Lady sporting a perfect replica of the walking armory's assortment of weapons, including her rocket launcher. The blade's sadly a foam prop, which throws him back to reality.

    "...hey is that me? What the hell?" He says aloud, eyeing someone dressed -exactly- like he did, during the Temin Ni Gru affair. Seems the doppelganger's got a bit of a gut, but props for being ballsy enough to go with it anyway so Dante lets it go with a fingergun and a wink.

    At least he gets free pizza, given all the admirers. Beer would be nice, still.
Jenny Sparks
Jenny Sparks is from a world where costumed superheroes exist, although she's always eschewed the costumed part. Not to the same degree as her friend Jack, but her "uniform" is pretty simple. Right now, it consists of a Union Jack tank top, a white blazer and white dress slacks. She's weaving her way through the crowd, her face marked by something that started out a frown but is rapidly approaching a scowl.
Luke Gray
    A videogame and comic convention?, he always wanted to go to one, he was quite interested in videogames, even got a portable console on his bag!. Having a high power electric pokemon usually meant it was easy to keep a battery charged, after all!. While he is not from a world with superheroes... he has met more than a couple of people that might qualify as such, and even had an encounter with someone acting as if... his world was similar to a videogame!. 

    And thus, Luke made his way to the convention center, carrying a small panda wearing what seems like a Jiangshi costume, and... cloak?, mixed vampire costumes. The pair made their way inside, with people likely curious about the 'plush' in his arms, even as it waves and looks around curiously, and some people, recognizing the outfit, pointing the 'fake' pokemon being carried by the supposed trainer, which just confuses Luke for a moment. Otherwise, seems more than a couple of the younger kids get drawn by the panda.
Aurelia Argent
    These sorts of multi-media conventions are a bit like Halloween from other worlds in that the weirder denizens of the world can move about freely. That one might be a genuine slender man, or a tech wiz with a lot of free time and money.
    Aurelia herself is dressed as the titular pony from the "Bree-Ha and the Ponies of Power" cartoon, itself a reboot of a cartoon nearly thrice as old as the teen. It just feels appropriate to the young woman, given her alter-ego. The pony costume is a tawny gold color with white mane. She approaches Dante, curious. "Neat sword!"
    At some point, Dante bumps up against Jenny, "Whoa hey, sorry babe." He mutters in passing. To be fair, he's not exactly the kinda person who has time to crack open a comic book for more than five minutes so he has no idea she's the real article. Unfortunately, so many people are just shouting memes at him right now. Also one blonde chick is getting a little tooooo friendly for his tastes.

    "What the hell is with all these guys?"

    He recognizes Aurelia pretty easily despite the colorful costume. "Don't tell security but it's definitely the real deal. You never seen Rebellion before?" He clutches the blade from his back, despite there being no sheath to hold it there, and shows it off deftly. "It's a family heirloom. Brother got another of dad's swor-" His eye is drawn towards a blue clad gentleman with a katana and white hair. It couldn't be that easy. Could it?

    The guy in the blue coat just hisses, "Foolishness, Dante!" before approaching and...striking a pose. "'re supposed to strike a pose, my girlfriend's got the camera."

    Dante stares blankly before seeing the girl in question, and he shrugs, pointing Rebellion at the cosplayer as they stare each other down. It gets...a bit too real, for Dante's liking, but thankfully the moment passes as the cosplayer and his GF thank him and amble off.

    "...this is -weird.-"
Jenny Sparks
Jenny Sparks gets bumped into. Her scowl deepens but she doesn;t DO anything. The guy has a sword, which she makes note of. And the white hair, which makes him look distinctly...Kherubim-like. She scowls more, looking around. Reaching into a pocket, then she spots a "No smoking" sign and sighs loudly.
Luke Gray
    For the most part, all Luke does is walk around, looking at the different costumes and stands, and inspecting a couple of them, even getting into a couple discussion with 'fans' about strategies. At the request of a group of 'trainers' he proceeds to show-off one of his actual combat pokemon!, that might draw a bit of attention to himself, as there is a flash of red light and a large, round looking tiger seems to materialize next to Luke, sparking for a few moments before it calms down, and then is besieged by people trying to pet it, and taking photos. Cue deep purring.
Aurelia Argent
    The crowd is sharp enough that they quickly realize Luke's got real pokemon, so he gets besieged with questions and requests for photo ops with his pokemon. A few outworlders who're also pokemon trainers chit-chat and politely help Luke deal with the convention-goers. They suggest maybe a kind of showcase tournament out in the convention center plaza.
    "Hey, you should try smiling." says one smarmy dude who is probably going to get hurt in a moment. The comment is aimed at Jenny. "'Sides, who're you supposed to be? A Spice Girl?"
    Aurelia's got the large pony mask in her hands. It gets hot in conventions. She glances over at the loudmouth hassling Jenny, expecting the guy to get decked. "Might be a ruckus in a bit." She says to Dante.
    Dante grins, "Oh yeah. Place your bets now, kiddo. This might be a quick one." He says cheekily as he watches someone try to be charming...except to come off as the opposite of that. Watching Jenny, he can tell she's not somebody to mess with. So Dante's content to just let her handle herself with this toolbox.
Jenny Sparks
Jenny Sparks narrows her eyes a little bit. Just a faint bit. She looks maybe nineteen, which probably isn't helping when it comes to getting the sleazeball to respect her. No, she doesn't deck him. She just smiles, brushing past him...and zapping him JUST a little. Enough to make him think twice.
Luke Gray
    Luke is happy to discuss a bit with other trainers, and also chat about pokemon with 'fans'. Dynamo and Pangshi are happy to be in photos, or be petted, or offered snacks. Dynamo is specially fond of the last option, purring surprisingly loud and trying to look cute. The discussion of a tournament gets the boy excited, "I'd be happy to, there was goign to be one in a festival I tried to help run but didn't quite work out." he chuckles, "I mean, are we sure the organizers of this place won't mind?" he says, glancing back at Dynamo who was glancing at one of the 'fans' that had a hotdog, eyes fixated to the food as if the cat might be able to pull it closer just with it's mind.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia hehs as the douchebro is zapped and mumbles about the dry spring air and lots of static electricity. Despite the warmth of all the bodies making the convention hall muggy and warm. There's a few convention goers that ask Jenny for a selfie, commenting that she looks like... well, any number of comic-book characters. Never quite the same one though for some reason.
    Aurelia recognizes Luke amid the crowd and waves him over towards Dante and herself. She thinks for a moment, glancing over at Jenny curiously.
Jenny Sparks
The ones who ask *really* nicely get a selfie. Anyone who's rude? She walks away. If Jenny has to zap somebody, she will, but she does seem to be trying to be discreet.
    Dante also spies Luke, offering him a wave. "Hey kid!" He chuckles, wandering over and clapping the trainer on the arm softly. "You're already pretty popular, huh? Any friends from home?"
Luke Gray
    Since it was just a bit of planning at this point, Luke eventually breaks from the others, slowly dragging Dynamo with him,the cat having quite a bit of interest in a nearby snack stand. "No, you had your share of snacks, I'll get you something soon." he says, while the thunder tiger huffs. Pangshi actually broke ahead, drawn by Aurelia's and Dante's wave. If Dante has some kind of special sense for the supernatural, he might notice there is something weird about the levitatign small panda with the chinese vampire costume (and a red cloak). IT seems quite intrigued on the Son of Sparda and the weapon!.

    Luke chuckles as he is bumped, trying to return the gesture, "Thanks, guess Pokemon just draw attention." he says, rubbing th eback of his head, "No one I personally know, but there seem to be other trainers here as well." he muses, smiling, "How about you?, any friends around here?"
    "Eh." Dante glances toward the crowd of cosplayers and other con-goers. "Nobody you'd know, kid." He says with a shrug. He hasn't forgotten the small panda. Obviously a pokemon, though the way it keeps staring at him does make Dante concerned. "Somethin' your friend likes?" he wonders, pointing a finger to the cosplaying Pokemon.
Jenny Sparks
Jenny Sparks then spots Luke...or rather, she spots Dynamo. She changes course, her eyes on the electritiger or whatever it is. Well, *huh*.
Luke Gray
    The small 'panda' seems just curious, waving back as Dante looks at it, trying to look cute, even with those red eyes and visible fangs poking from the upper lip. "I think he just thinks you look rather neat." he says with a grin, before the Ghost floats through Luke, and finally floats around to settle on Luke's shoulder. "IF it wasn't because you like to use swords, I'd ask if you might ever want to spar with my pokemon." he says with a grin.

    One thing electric pokemon are good at, is detecting electric fields, at least unusual ones, and Jenny seems to get the tiger's attention, the large, round creature turning for a moment to look at the 'human' glancing back, tilting it's head curiously, clearly a bit intrigued more than anything.
    "Guess so." Dante does perk up at the offer. "Well, kiddo, if they're game for it I'll take a round or two with anybody." He smiles. "Could be fun, interesting too. Pokemon are somethin' else, wonder if they'd be any good against demons?" Pause. He eyes the crowd of fellow trainers and other fans, before he smirks. "Oh who am I kiddin'?"
Jenny Sparks
Jenny Sparks definitely has an unusual electric aura. She's tugging at the electric currents through the walls, just a little, likely subconsciously. She grins a bit at the tiger...yeah, that's no ordinary cat. The grin only lasts a moment before it fades, though.
Luke Gray
    The electric pokemon has a sizable electric charge on it, even when it's not actively zapping people, it goes as far as producing a couple of visible sparks, perhaps showing off, uncertain if the 'human' can sense electric auras either. The feline nods at the smile, apparently deciding Jenny was not really dangerous, and wondering if there are other electric humans!. 

    Luke is focused on Dante, smiling, "I'm sure Agni and Dynamo are game for a good battle, as long as you are ok with fire... or electricity, or... other elemental abilities.". He pats the big cat, who gets distracted from watching Jenny and turns to offer a growl at its trainer and Dante. "That's an interesting question." Luke adds with a chuckle.
Jenny Sparks
Jenny Sparks finally reaches the two. She's mostly looking at the tiger-cat thing. "Well, huh," she says, then glances at Luke.
    Dante laughs, hard. "Kiddo, I've been shot, stabbed, set on fire, frozen, electrocuted, even ATE...I can take it, trust me." He grins, and something about that tone indicates he's not just trying to talk tough. "He's not kidding!" says a helpful con-goer before going back to her business. That was awfully helpful of her.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray turns his attention towards the new arrival, smilng and waving one of his hands. Same happens with the small pokemon on his shoulder, "Heya!" he offers, while Dynamo moves closer and bumps against the stranger, a moderate shock transmitting from teh fur of the tiger. Of course, the comment from Dante gets a curious blink, "That sounds crazy... then again, I think my pokemon can say the same on some of those... except the ATE, and... not sure the bullets bit." he muses.
    "Crazy starts to be something of a constant in my life. You get used to it, kid. Then it just becomes varying degrees of normal." Dante says, smirking. "You said one of your Pokemon was named Agni huh? Sounds familiar." Somewhere, back at Devil May Cry, the blazing sword Agni sneezes. Somehow. He and his brother Rudra spend the entire day chattering about this experience.
Jenny Sparks
Jenny Sparks absorbs the shock. Which the tiger might notice. If Dynamo allows, she'll actually reach out to pet him. IF he lets her. "Who are you?" she asks, mostly of Dynamo.
Luke Gray
    "Well, I have seen undead, robot dinosaurs, weird monsters that apparently cause bad emotions... aliens, yeah crazy is just relative." Luke says after a moment, rubbing the back of his head before nodding, "Yeah!, a big fire pokemon." he says, "Pretty strong, at least physically.". Dynamo certainly notices, but does not quite mind, even leaning into the petting while keeping a steady purr, meowling in response to the question. The human teen grins to the arrival, "That friendly thing is Dynamo, he is an electric pokemon... I'm Luke, a pokemon trainer." he says with a grin.
    "Sounds like a hell of a guy." Dante quips, before he eyes Jenny curiously when she inspects Dynamo. "Dante. I hunt demons." He introduces himself casually.

    Given his choice in wardrobe and white hair, not to mention the sword, he might make a decent copy of Zhanna's species alright, if Jenny gets a good enough look at the devil hunter.