Juno Eclipse (Dropped)

Juno Eclipse
World: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed-1


As a youth, Juno Eclipse traded her unhappy family life for years of sterling Imperial Navy service. She led Darth Vader's personal starfighter squadron and piloted for "Starkiller," Imperial agent Galen Marek. The two grew close and rebelled against the Empire. Galen gave his life to save the fledgling Rebel Alliance, and a heartbroken Juno carried on to put thirty-five years of service into the cause. Now, General Juno Eclipse serves as a pilot, soldier, and strategist aboard Galen's ship, the Rogue Shadow. Ethical and just, she does the right thing despite the weight of her losses, though she can come off as abrasive, cynical, and paranoid. The Rebel Alliance has since ordered Juno to seek allies beyond the World Tree to save the woman from her own slow, self-destructive downward spiral.


Mechanic: Juno can maintain, upgrade, and rebuild small starships and machines.
Juno's pilot training included maintaining starships. With a knack for detail work and engineering, she's proven a clever and resourceful mechanic. She can diagnose problems, maintain, repair, and upgrade most Imperial starfighters of her era. Her skill covers smaller machinery as well, from small personal vehicles to pocket watches. She can strip a ship apart to troubleshoot it and put it back together again in working order, but she's can't manufacture ships whole-cloth. Furthermore, while Juno can learn to work with foreign designs, she isn't as capable with them as natives of the technology's home realm.
Operative: Juno is an expert stealth operative and stealth pilot.
As a versatile Rebel operative, Juno has a number of skills when it comes to using subtlety and avoiding capture. She's experienced in making the most of her ship's active stealth systems, and she's gotten to be very, very good at staying off the radar of other ships. On the ground, she knows how to sneak around, how to end conflicts quickly and quietly, and how to think on her feet to avoid detection or capture.
Pilot: Juno is one of her world's finest unaugmented starfighter pilots.
Juno is one of the finer pilots in her galaxy. She's honed her skills over a lifetime of training and use, with no supernatural help. Though able to competently fly large or small starships, her specialty is the use of small atmospheric and orbital starfighters, using decades of razor-honed instinct. Though she can learn to work with designs from beyond the World Tree, she'll never be as capable with them as the technology she's familiar with.
Slicer: Juno can hack into computers to seize and sort important data.
Juno is a competent hacker, even if that isn't her primary focus. She can use computers to defeat electronic security and assume control of surveillance systems. Her favourite trick is to hijack local security cameras to guide allies and spy on areas. When she needs information, she can access moderately secure databases to steal Imperial intelligence and forward it to the Rebel Alliance. Such 'slicing' is done so as to avoid detection where possible. (Consent is required to slice into PC-owned machinery, or to gather information on PCs.)
The Rogue Shadow: Juno's fast, light cargo starship can cloak and defend itself.
A light transport ship modified for stealth operations, the Rogue Shadow was designed to run fast with cutting-edge engines and hide in plain sight with a unique cloaking system. There's no other ship in the galaxy quite like it, and Juno is the only person who knows it thoroughly enough to fly and maintain it. While equipped with a blaster cannon, its defenses are minimal, and Juno prefers to flee dangerous situations. (Consent required to avoid PC detection or enter PC-owned areas via stealth.)
The Salvation: This Rebel capital starship is Juno's mobile home base.
This Rebel capital starship is the place Juno calls home when she isn't acting independently aboard the Rogue Shadow. It's a large ship, with enough space in its holds to store the Rogue Shadow. It even has enough space for Juno to put her ship into drydock, roll her sleeves up, and really get to work on it. The Salvation also serves as a place where she can rest and recuperate. Although Juno technically has the authority to order the ship and its crew, she prefers to act independently, relying on it only as a mobile base of operations.


PROXY< D-Tier Named >: Juno's aide and co-pilot droid. Uses holographic disguises.
This droid once belonged to Galen Marek, but he obeys Juno just as loyally as his former master. He helps Juno to fly, maintain, repair, and upgrade the Rogue Shadow. He can fly the ship autonomously, keeping it safe and hidden from enemy view while Juno tends to business on the surface; he's also skilled enough to fly the ship through combat zones to drop her off or pick her up. PROXY's unique holoprojectors let him assume a variety of disguises, even if his behaviour might give him away. (Consent required to assume PC appearances.)


Early Frost: Juno's getting older. She can be... overly sensitive about it.
Juno has fought for the Rebel Alliance for thirty-five long, hard years. She's a valuable operative, but she's beginning to wind down. Fatigue clouds her judgement, or costs her precious reaction time, and there are times when she physically can't do certain things. All of this is natural, but the problem is that General Eclipse is incredibly... stubborn. She gets defensive about the possibility of losing her edge. She'll even get confrontational if the issue is pushed. The best way to grind her gears is to imply she's old or obsolete. She won't be thinking clearly for as long as her blood's up, and those runaway emotions can get her into all sorts of trouble until she cools down.
Financial Black Hole: The Rogue Shadow is an expensive date, and Juno's usually broke.
As a prototype stealth transport modified from Imperial designs, there's nothing quite like the Rogue Shadow out there in the galaxy. This also means Juno and PROXY are the only people who can keep the ship maintained, repaired, and flightworthy. Nobody else in the Rebel Alliance has the expertise to work on it, and Juno wouldn't let them; since the ship was originally Galen's, it has deep sentimental value to her. She doesn't mind sacrificing credits to keep the ship flying, but it is a definite drain on her finances, which can limit her options and resources. It also means she's willing to take on dangerous work on the side if it means keeping the Rogue Shadow in the fight.
Perfectionist: Juno will do anything to get things right, even at great personal cost.
In keeping with her highly efficient and organised nature, Juno is driven to do things as correctly as they can be done. This isn't just a desire to present herself as professional, but also a deep-seated cornerstone of her psyche. If she's going to spend the effort to do something, it absolutely must be done right. It can be a dangerous distraction to her if she feels she hasn't done something to her usual standards. Juno will waste resources, time, and effort to fuss at it until she feels it's correct; even going so far as to put herself in danger if she's fixated enough on the mistakes, whether perceived or real.
Rage Against the Machine: Juno passionately hates any kind of institutionalised oppression.
Having first served and then turned against the Galactic Empire, and now taken up the fight against the First Order founded on the ashes of the Empire, Juno carries a passionate hatred of oppression in all its varied forms. If she has an opportunity to act against an establishment she perceives as too restrictive and oppressing to a given population, she will do so, even if it endangers herself directly. If her inaction or silence are the difference between risking the lives of other people with her, though, she will hold her tongue, grudgingly; but the stress on herself at letting slide something she's so passionate about will put her into such a temper that she may well make mistakes and compromise herself regardless.
Ravages of War: Old grief and losses drive Juno to fatalistic, personal recklessness.
Thirty-five years ago, Juno's lover sacrificed himself for the Rebel cause. His death and the horrors of war she's experienced since have shattered Juno. She's become increasingly detached as she pours her grief and anger into Rebel service. Her bleak cynicism can push others away; her stubborn disregard for her own life makes her act recklessly, no longer caring about the personal cost. Juno's emotions run much deeper than they look, and they can represent enormous leverage against her. With the right words she can fly into a rage, shut down from the weight of her grief, or hesitate at a crucial moment: It takes only a light hand at tugging the right strings to manipulate her reactions.
Walking Security Risk: Juno is annoyingly, irrationally paranoid; especially in the Tree.
Over the past thirty-five years General Eclipse has proven her worth in the roles of ground operative, pilot, and strategist. As one of the Rebel Alliance's founding members, her seniority makes her a security risk, and if caught she could compromise the Rebellion. Juno is painfully aware of this and considers it her responsibility to avoid capture. She treats every new place, situation, and thing with extreme suspicion. This makes her a brilliant Rebel... and an awful social acquaintance. Dealing with the General's paranoia can be exhausting and frustrating for others.

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908 The Foundry Oct 29 2021
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