World Tree MUSH

Balmorra: An unorthodox bounty.

    A message arrives in the inbox of those interested...

-His Glorious Benevolence, the Immaculate Governor-General Claudius Garo of Balmorra, has put out a very pricey bounty for a top level insurgent, charged with crimes against his regime. This criminal is known to be armed and extremely dangerous, and aiding the terrorist elements that seek to depose his Glorious Benevolence for their own anarchistic ends. This criminal and their allies must be brought before the Governor-General and executed. Mercenaries who seek these criminals out will be richly compensated, preferably alive so that he may render judgment upon them himself. The reward shall be 30,000 Balmorran credits per contractor, with bonuses for each living insurgent brought in up to 5000 a head. The bodies of those killed will be rewarded with 2500 each. Their last location was in Skurana Minor, the mountainous regions north of the capital city of Balmorra.
Character Pose
Talia Kyras
    Balmorra was well known for their contributions to the intergalactic arms and ships industry. As such, it was known for its excessively wealthy upperclass. It was also known for immense wealth inequalities as well between those who owned the factories. It was also a planet currently in the middle of civil war between the ruling junta and the laborers. Up in the Kaldar mountains, a rebel faction was hidden in the thicket of trees. It was fairly well defended, whoever was in charge had some idea of running a militia after all.

    Patrols were all over the forested region, marksman up in the trees and jury rigged probe droids scouring the ground level. Up in the thicket, one cloaked figure is keeping vigil.

    Rumors had been said about the Governor-General having hired out mercenaries to hunt these people down, of course they'd be on high alert. Question is, how long can they last unseen before someone kicks their door down, so to speak?
Misaki Sakai
Just a teenage girl in a school uniform, looking like she got lost in the forests. Offworlder, obviously, but she carries no weapons. How dangerous could she really be? "Hello? Please? Anyone out there?" Misaki calls out, having, in fact gotten lost and no idea that there's any kind of insurgency or attempt to root it out.
Lian Kamoya
    While Lian is accustomed to 'right place, right time' coincidences, sometimes the Force is more overt in its guidance. Subtle premonitions do sometimes happen, whispers of the Force that nudge her in the right direction. This time, it was a particular bounty.

    A certain armored bounty hunter was probably rather surprised to have the older Jedi suddenly reach over and point to a prospective contract. "If you're thinking of taking this one, I would join you. I feel it warrants a closer look." She's certainly not the type to do any bounty hunting herself.

    So in summary, it's probably her fault they're out in the middle of nowhere.

    Of course, one thing even Lian didn't expect to see out here is a familiar, youthful face. "...Misaki Sakai? Goodness, whatever brings you out here? This is..." She looks around at the trees; her eyes probably directly pass over a hidden observer or two. "'s a rather dangerous place."
Juno Eclipse
  The Rogue Shadow is not a familiar sight over these skies. In fact, it's not a familiar sight much of anywhere. Built to hide in plain sight, only the keenest scanners can pick up its presence, and only the sharpest eye can spot its wake.

It's hidden in the trees a short hike away from the rebel camp. General Juno Eclipse is careful not to have her hand on her blaster when she walks into view. She has both hands raised in parlay, palms open in universal 'I'm unarmed, don't shoot' gesture. Her smuggler's jacket looks rumpled; she'd slept in it, and the shadows under her eyes cut deeper than usual. No rest for the weary or the wicked.

Emotionally, it's like staring at the sun. No matter how composed her face, this woman is a churning void of equal parts rage, hunter's anxiety, and empty despair: A scarred, older campaigner inside as much as out. Her emotions are practically turned up to 'eleven.' "Fine. We'll look." Juno's clipped Imperial accent only seems more curt when she's feeling spiky. She folds her arms, frowning. "If I see anything I don't like, though, I'm doing the bloody Imperials no favours."

A red-rimmed blue eye is cocked toward Misaki, and that frown cuts even deeper, as though puzzled. "...How long have you been out here?"
The Mandalorian
    Similarly to the Rogue Shadow, the Razor Crest has not seen this iteration of Balmorra.
    But nevertheless, The Mandalorian is here. Normally taking on jobs between puttering around the galaxy with Juno and Lian, he had considered taking on this particular mission right up until Lian said she wanted to come along and look into it. Then he decided he may as well dig a little deeper into things himself.
    The man in the beskar mask is followed, as he always is, by a floating pram at his side; the little green head of the youngling within peeking out curiously and whining as he occasionally looks t Juno, while his silver-armored father-figure tromps through the woods with a jedi and former Imperial ace pilot.
    And then there's Misaki.
    "Hey, kid. This place is pretty dangerous." He notes in a mild tone.
    Not that this stops him from bringing his foundling along.
    Some things are designed to be stealthy. Some things are just...not. Such as angels. It's probably because they don't usually have cause to need stealth, as they aren't usually the sort to try ambushing anyone, or use any dirty or underhanded tactics. And especially not Tyrael.

    Anyway, he'd heard about some of the issues apparently plaguing the area, but hadn't fully bought into what this 'Governor-General' was saying. He sounded kind of self-obsessed, after all. So the Archangel is a brightly glowing thing floating above the trees near where the rebels are holed up, trying to get a read on the situation for himself so that he can then decide what would be just and then subsequently right the wrongs of this particular world.
Emily Nyx
A while ago:

    "That ring did what!? And your synchronization-with-self level is ... yeah y'know what, that's it, I'm gonna come with you."


    Near the gathered group, a staticky portal opens up and promptly turns black from the inside out. Out steps a woman with disheveled black hair, her eyes a pair of protocol droid's photoreceptors. She's dressed in a simple black tunic and leggings worn by lower-class people anywhere in the galaxy ... until you took a closer look and realize that they seem to be made of ridiculously expensive silks. There's a pendant hanging around her neck of a small blaster pistol. "Okay, Misaki," says Emily in her usual voice, "you being here is just the most hilarious thing possible." Beat. "But, uh, yeah, it's definitely also dangerous here." Her conversational tone is not that of someone who actually thinks Misaki should leave, however.

    She glances around at the others, taking note of Lian's gaze. Hmm, looks like they aren't alone. "Incidentally," she says, raising a finger with almost childlike glee, "I've got a scout this time!"

    (... yet hidden underneath the cheer, there's clearly a lot of things bothering her, as well as uncertainty about the future. But not, as they say, at the expense of the moment.)

Much closer to the rebel camp:

    A mass of pitch-black grainy shadows and annoyance is making a beeline for the rebels. "This is the most dumbshit thing I've ever transformed into," mutters Erebus-model AA23, her audio-volume turned low. "How the piss did Emily convince me to do this when I'm supposed to be keeping an eye on her ..."

    Sudden holy light! "Whoa what the fuck," mutters Double-A as Tyrael makes himself known. "-- oh. Him. Heh."
Emily Nyx
>> SUMMARY[Emily Nyx] >> Emily makes herself known. Double-A does not.
Talia Kyras
    Those who have enhanced senses, be it Jedi mind powers, soldierly instincts, or just really good sensors, will notice something.

    There are several men and women with guns trained on their guests. The cloaked figure is entirely motionless.

    A blaster pistol is trained on the group by a militiaman in ghille gear, looking like a walking brush. "You people are either very brave, or very stupid." The masked figure says. Another descends from their perch with a sniper rifle slung on their shoulder. "Stay cool, Okun. If they wanted us dead, they'd probably have started shooting already." The sniper eyes Lian. "Or...swinging, in this case?"

    They both glance up to the trees, only for the mysterious cloaked one to jump out and approach Lian. She lowers her hood, revealing a young, green skinned woman with facial tattoos and a sharp hairpin tucked in her ponytail. "I don't know why you're here, but you're obviously not here for the bounty. You're not safe here." She says, canting her head toward Misaki. "We sighted Balmorran regime scouts here a few hours ago. If you're not here for the bounty, then your aid will be welcome."

    One might hear metallic stomping, like giants trodding upon the ground as they scale the hills slowly. "Your benevolence, they've made contact with the rebels." A soldier in official military garb radios. <Splendid. Kill them all.> Garo responds.

    Then red streaks of blaster fire blow through the thicket indiscriminately. Battle begins, the militia return fire with their weapons, aided by skeletal droids with crude paint jobs modified to handle blaster weapons. So it begins.

    Down the hill, the junta's forces advance flanked by four-legged mechanical beings about nine-meters tall, fitted with heavy blaster cannons. There's bound to be a platoon's worth down there.

    Meanwhile, back with the rebels... The green lady fishes out a blaster pistol to hand to Juno, sensing the blonde is unarmed. "You'll need this." She says, before taking off down the hill. After a strange, high-pitched snap-hiss of energy flashing to life, there's a flash of green, and frantic blaster fire.
Talia Kyras
>> SUMMARY[Talia Kyras] >> The rebels are confused, but don't immediately open fire. The regime forces? Definitely begin to open fire. It was a trap all along!
Misaki Sakai
"I got lost." Misaki answers Lian, "About half an hour." She tells Juno, and as more people show up it gets pretty clear to her something is going to happen here. "I can handle a little danger.Oh, hello, miss Emily." She nods to the cloaked woman, and as soon as the blasters start, she transforms.

With her transformation in place, Misaki does not hesitate and summons her guns. "So can someone briefly fill me in on what's going on here?" She asks as she jumps up into the trees and aims for the cannon of the nearest of the walkers, taking a moment to aim before sending a red beam with Joyous and a green beam with Marvellous, unlike the blasters these are just continuous streams of energy and she's trying to keep the beams focused on the same exact spot on the weapon.
Lian Kamoya
    "I don't know that you can really call them 'Imperials'," Lian replies to Juno, shaking her head softly. "I think this is rather before your time. Perhaps even before mine, to judge by the technology..." She trails off, instead letting her attention drift to the others arriving - particularly Emily. "Oh, a scout?" she echoes, with an interested look. "That shall be rather useful." She gives Tyrael a warm nod of greeting, then sweeps her eyes over to the militiaman with the pistol... whom she simply watches quietly, at first. But to the sniper, she offers an amused smile, in silent confirmation.

    The green-skinned young woman, however, receives a more direct look, and a matter-of-fact reply. "I'm here because the Force wills it, of course." It says all it needs to about Lian's allegiances. She reaches down under her cloak to grab something, seemingly unperturbed by the sudden eruption of blaster fire, then adds, "I can hear your motives later, I suppose. They don't sound amenable to peace talks. Misaki, do stay in cover when you can. Blaster wounds can be painful."

    There's a sudden hiss-hum of energy when Lian's lightsaber ignites, and her cloak billows around her as she turns. Without another word, the Jedi is off like a shot, diving into the fray, her lightsaber whipping to and fro as blaster bolts come within her reach. She'll return as many of them as she can to the troops who fired them.
The Mandalorian
    After years of training, countless gunfights, and just picking up a bit of a soldier's sixth sense, Mando can usually tell when he has a gun pointed at him. It's a feeling that just makes the hairs prickle at the nape of the neck with goosebumps as fight of flight threatens to kick in.
    Cool as ice, when the ghillie-clad rebel approaches with blaster drawn, The Mandalorian doesn't even flinch.
    'You people are either very brave, or very stupid.' The man says...
    The Child leans forward, presses a button on his floating crib, and it slams shut.
    Mando looks at 'Okun'. He looks back at his gathered group. He looks at Misaki.
    "Fifty credits says the magical girl take you in a fight."
    Then the hooded figure drops down.
    "I mean. I'm used to being in danger."
    This is when a blaster bolt streaks through the trees and slams Mando dead in the chest... Only for the bolt to spang harmlessly off the master crafted beskar armor without so much as scuffing it.
    "Dank ferrik." He mutters under his breath and draws his own blaster to return fire.
Emily Nyx
    Emily nods to Lian. "A Eudaemon like myself, Erebus-model AA23," she says. "I'm wanna make contact with the rebels before I do anything else."

    And then the rebels descend, and Emily raises her eyebrows. "Welp, guess we made contact, first!" she says, an amused and faintly smug smile on her face. She peers at the cloaked woman. "Wow, a green-skinned space babe," she says. "Now I've seen everything." She grins cheekily. "Yeah, I took one look at the Governor-General's posting, and I was like, 'well this isn't suspicious!'"

    She smirks at Mando's rejoinder to Okun. "Yeah, I mean, you'd be surprised at what kids can pull out of their pockets in the World Tree," she says dryly.

    And that's about when Garo's forces open fire; Emily sips sideways through the air to avoid it. "Whoa, looks like the party's getting started!" She grins. "Fortunately, I like to party. Releasing Capacitor Seals 3 and 2!" She's surrounded by three distinct auras, one silver, one gold, and one pearlescent; the first two shatter and the third one fades.

    In a swirl of what appears to be silvery glitter, her clothes transform into an elegant black ballgown with chrome highlights and chrome-colored gloves, and holographic glowing white flower petals hover around her.

    She flies up towards one of the nine-foot-tall gun-droids, and opens fire with golden bolts of energy which probably don't particularly resemble any kind of blaster-fire seen on this planet before.


    Right near the edge of the rebel camp, that mass of shadow projects a hologram of a white flag. Slowly so as not to startle anyone, in a swirl of silvery nanomachines, she transforms into a robotic-looking woman with chrome skin, dressed in a black formal dress. She maintains the hologram, and does her best to maintain a perfectly blank expression.
Juno Eclipse
  "Honestly, past a certain point, the difference is only academic." A flare of aggravation accompanies Juno's words. She sighs, and does her best not to scowl too deeply. "I think you're right, though." Juno rubs at her jaw and considers. Her head tilts; she folds her arms. "The technology doesn't look quite right. Not for my chronology."

She glances back at Emily and Misaki, and her gaze then darts up toward Tyrael, staring blandly for a second or two, before deciding yes, the World Tree is weird, get over it and back to busin--

A blaster bolt spangs off The Mandalorian's armour, prompting Juno to yelp and lunge to position herself squarely behind him. What? Mando makes a very efficient shield.

Juno leans sideways around him to fire, the muzzles of her twin blasters bright flashes at the periphery of the slotted helmet's field of view. "Everyone knows it's when you think you're safe that you're in the most danger." She grits her teeth, the recoil of her own weapons shivering up her arm.

"Kriffing arthritis," she snarls under her breath as she fires.
    Tyrael watches the proceedings below, recognizing Lian, Misaki and Emily from before. The others he has not met before, and he was going to ask questions of the locals once they had revealed themselves, but then suddenly everyone gets attacked unprovoked by a small army advancing from the bottom of the hill.

    He draws El'druin and throws it down and toward them, then almost immediately teleports after it, catching it midair as it arrives dead front and center of the Governor's platoon. A shield then goes up, absorbing any incoming blaster bolts that hit it. At least for now, anyway.

    "You would do well to cease these unprovoked hostilities and explain yourselves." the angel tells them. Oddly, there is a strange supernatural quality to his voice, and it is heard over the din of the battle, despite the fact that it's not being broadcasted on any comm frequency. Even so, he doesn't sound angry or appalled or anything, almost just like some kind of public advisory or something.
Talia Kyras
    "HOLY SHIT, it's a jed-" is the last words of one regime soldier as Talia cuts him down, without breaking stride. She and Lian take to the front, blocking blaster bolts with their lightsabers. "You and I are definitely having a talk about this." The Mirialan Jedi says to Lian, before she takes the offensive, slicing down one of the four-legged assault droids.

    Okun, grumbling over his wounded pride, clambers up high before he opens fire on the bad guys. "Hey Mando, make y'self useful and get up high. That jetpack isn't outta fuel is it?" He tries not to gawk as Misaki proves Mando's point by opening fire with actual magic guns. "..I gotta get me one of those." He grumbles.

    Double-A will find some terrified and confused kids and wounded personnel as well as medics at the camp. "A-are you an angel?" One of the kids says out loud.

    Meanwhile, back at the fight, enemy forces advance up the hill, undaunted despite Emily thoroughly tanking one of the droids with bolts of energy. "Take that thing down!"

    Tyrael's arrival is met with blaster fire as well, only for the Archangel's shield blocking their fire. "They're bloody terrorists, we're killin' em!" One of the soldiers calls out, before firing a few warning shots at Tyrael against his better judgement.
Lian Kamoya
    Lian's movement is cautious, yet swift; she makes ample use of the terrain, darting between trees at a speed faster than ordinary humans can manage. It's a good way to keep her protected from the heavier blaster fire, and she can deflect or return the lighter blaster shots with ease. All is in service of the elder Jedi getting herself in close to one of the nine-meter units; it's a good bet that these things will have a hard time causing any trouble if she can cut their legs out from under them. She intends to test that hypothesis.
Misaki Sakai
"I don't fight for fun or other people's bets." Misaki says, and giggles a bit at Okun's words, "One of these wouldn't do you much good, sir. They just let me focus my magic." Partially to prove her point, Misaki tries out a new idea. She covers herself in bright white light that originates from around her, making it nigh impossible to see her exact position and motions.

And then she begins to leap between the trees and into the enemy army, using her incredible speed to try to weave between them and dodge blaster fire while using her guns to fire shots aimed at the enemy blasters, trying to disable their weapons while she distracts them and tries to draw fire away from others and towards herself.
Misaki Sakai
>> GAME >> Misaki Sakai spends an Edge for: Shine and dodge
Juno Eclipse
  Half-crouched behind Mando, Juno's blue eyes dart from one soldier to the next, quickly and silently counting their ranks. Too many to take alone. More than enough for a group like this to handle, but there's still quite a few of them; enough to make the old general question their odds and their luck.

"Mando." Juno's voice is accompanied by the smack of a flat palm against a beskar plate. She's trying to get his attention. "Things are heating up too fast here. Let me take the kid back to the Rogue Shadow. We'll wait in scanner range."

With that, she ducks down and slinks back the way they'd all come, beckoning for the Child to follow, or at least for Mando to do whatever he needs to do to get the pram to follow her. From there she'll choose a zig-zagging, cautiously paranoid path back to the Rogue Shadow.
Juno Eclipse
>> SUMMARY[Juno Eclipse] >> I'm not retreating, I'm advancing in another direction.
Emily Nyx
    In a swirl of silvery glitter, Emily transforms into an ethereal, pale-skinned long-limbed humanoid being -- the form of a being from (iterations of) this galaxy called a Diathim -- also known as angels, and the most beautiful creatures in the universe. Her clothing turns into black robes, and her hair is golden-brown ... with ridiculously-oversized holographic twintails.

    "I'm gonna kill all of you!" she exclaims with an affectation of enthusiastic gusto, swooping across the battlefield towards the next droid. She has to grin at Misaki, though. "A magical girl after my own heart," she says cheerfully.

    However, they have another unexpected ally, and she alters her course to approach Tyrael. "Hi, Archie!" she says, catching the tail end of that exchange. "What would be your reaction if you found out that these guys' boss had hired a group of mercenaries to kick in the door of a bunch of freedom fighters, only to order is soldiers to kill everyone including said mercenaries as soon as they made contact?" She shrugs. "I mean, I may be biased against people who try to kill me for no apparent reason, buuuuuut, y'know."

    At the camp:

    Double-A furrows her brow, despite her face being apparently made of metal. "Uh, no," she says, having added a robotic timbre to her voice for the look of things. "I'm ... a droid, I guess is the term here? Erebus-model AA23."

    She radios the group: <<What the fuck is going on over there.>>

    <<Governor-General two-timed us,>> Emily says brusquely, sending tactical data.

    Double-A shakes her head. "Uh, anyway, I'm with ..." She looks over her shoulder. "... one of the idiots who's currently fighting to protect you guys, heh." She shakes her head. "I was supposed to be a scout, make contact with you before she got to the camp here, buuuut ..." She gestures in the direction of the fighting.

    She pauses. "What's an angel? ... in this context."
The Mandalorian
    Mando is used to Juno ducking behind him when the fire starts. He does kind of make for a convenient shield when times are tough. But when the captain of the Rogue Shadow suggests she get the kid out of harm's way...
    The Mandalorian presses a button on his gauntlet, releasing the mag-lock on the pram to let Juno lead The Child away from the field of battle.
    Then he hears something.
    He's going to have to have a Talk with that Mirialan later.
    For now, his jetpack kicks to life and lifts him into the nearest tree.
    Which gives him a good vantage point to... Drop down on one of those walkers.
    As casual as can be he affixes an explosive charge to it. Before jetpacking up to another tree.
    Honestly, if they had said that and stopped shooting, Tyrael would have been content to hear them out. True justice requires both sides to be known, after all. But as it is, they do not heed the 'cease hostilities' part. Unfortunately for them, that was their first and only chance to comply. At least they can't say he didn't warn them. There were children and wounded in that camp, he'd seen from an earlier flyover. So that was reason enough.

    Then Emily approaches and offers the other side. Still, either way they were attacking unprovoked and continued to do so despite him giving them the chance to stand down. "My name is Tyrael." he informs her. Again, not in an impatient or annoyed way, just a statement of fact. "I have given our attackers ample opportunity to cease hostilities. It has not been heeded." Therefore...

    The shield disappears and El'druin is once again raised before it is thrown straight at whatever the biggest source of firepower is.
Talia Kyras
    El'Druin is a very big sword. It might not be the size of a skyscraper but it manages to make the average balista spear look like a toothpick. Thus, it cleaves through two of the large walker droids, causing them to explode. Lian has the right idea in cutting the legs of others down too, and Mando's det charge is successful. Misaki's magical blasters are more than effective, blasting small craters in the ground as soldiers are fried left and right.

    Talia can't help but empathize for Tyrael's frustrations with these people. "They're zealots." She explains as she passes by the Archangel. "Or at least under threat of execution." Batting away blaster bolts with her lightsaber, the Jedi then zipping off to try and run down the CO.

    Meanwhile, the rebels and their kids are just unsure what to make of the droid lady that waltzed into their camp. "Um. Okay..." The kid says in disappointment. "You look like one though."

    One of the medics approaches Double-A with concern. "Is Talia alright? Green woman with tattoos. Did you see her down there?"
Lian Kamoya
    On a scattered, chaotic battlefield like a forest, agility and mobility is key, and Lian takes full advantage with the preternatural movement granted by the Force. It's hard to even draw a bead on her, the way she leaps and spins, dives into the middle of soldiers and whips her lightsaber about herself, before bounding out again. But her chief target remains the walkers; like Tyrael, she's marked them as the greatest threat, and once they're down, the mop-up will be much easier.
Misaki Sakai
Misaki takes a few more moments to aim at the blasters of any remaining adversaries, doing her best to avoid causing them serious injury. She eventually pulls back and as she dives into the trees, her light goes left before dimming while she goes right.
Emily Nyx
    Emily grimaces slightly at Tyrael's correction. "I meant, like 'archangel'," she says lamely, shrinking slightly back into herself. "Ughhhh ..."

    She pauses at Talia's words, and decides to let the others handle the battle-droids. "Then I'll switch to stun, and we can sort out which ones are which when they aren't shooting at us," she says, and starts raining lower-powered energy-bolts down onto the infantry -- low-powered, effectively set to stun. She can't produce more than six or seven bolts at once, though.

    ... She can't help but smirk as she catches sight of what Misaki's doing. "Nice trick!" she murmurs.

    At the camp:

    Double-A blinks, tilting her head curiously. "I do?" she says. "Huh. I was just trying to go with something ... droid-like." In a swirl of nanomachines ... she looks human, with red hair, just with robotic eyes. "This is what I usually look like."

    At the medic's question, she shakes her head. "Not me personally, lemme radio the others." She puts a hand over her ear, as if holding a phone to it. <<Any sign of a woman with green skin named Talia?>> she radios the group.

    Emily replies, <<Oh, yep, she's one of the stars of the show here.>>

    Double-A frowns, and lowers her hand. "She's fine, apparently, and is 'one of the stars of the show'," she relays. "Emily didn't give any indication that she's going nova, either."
    Tyrael stares blankly at Emily, not quite drawing the connection, there. "Yes, I am Archangel of Justice. I am sorry if I have upset you, Emily Nyx. It was not my intention." Yes, the World Tree is strange, and he's going to leave it at that.

    But Talia's words catch his attention. "Execution by whom?" he questions, before calling El'druin back to himself. Another barrage of plasma comes his way, and the sword comes up against to deflect the assault in a different direction, hopefully at another walker or battle droid.
Talia Kyras
    "Doesn't sound like you're from around here!" Talia says, chopping a rifle in half before flinging the soldier that carried it away with a Force push. She jumps her way through the horde until she finds the commander. "You won't take us alive, rebel scu-" and then he takes a lightsaber hilt to the face, the pommel clonking him out on the spot.

    Seeing their commander go down like that is enough for the remaining surviving regime soldiers to pack it in, as the remainder of the war droids is turned to scrap, throwing their weapons down on the ground.

    Rebel troops begin to descend down from the mountains to detain prisoners, and a serious looking man with a blaster rifle and armor approaches the offworlders. "I don't know who you people are, or why you're here, but clearly you've proven yourself to be no friend of Governor Garo's." He says, nodding curtly to Talia. "I'm Commander Damian Thane, leader of the resistance. Talia Kyras you've already met."
Misaki Sakai
"Misaki Sakai. I just got lost, but I trust some of these people." Misaki looks towards Emily and Lian, "And I figured I might as well help." She stretches as she drops her transformation, "But I must go home, I'll be late for dinner if I don't make it soon, which way to the nearest vine?"
Emily Nyx
    Emily shakes her head, projecting holograms of a cartoony blush onto her face. "I mean ... uh ..." She opens her mouth and closes it a few times. "Wait. Did you actually not realize that 'Archie' is a play on 'archangel'?"

    Emily bows to Commander Thane. "Pleased to meet you, son," she says. "I am Emily, a Nyx-model Eudaemon, MLE0. Sometimes called Emily Nyx."

    She projects a hologram of an arrow for Misaki's benefit, pointing in the right direction, then pauses. "We're gonna have to explain how the World Tree works again, huh."
Lian Kamoya
    "I generally hesitate to declare friendship with any sapient until I've gotten to know them a bit," the elder Jedi replies as she approaches Talia and Damian, absently straightening her cloak. "I simply took the most expedient means to end the fighting. With that in mind, my name is Lian Kamoya. I'm a Jedi, though..." She pauses, faltering for a way to describe herself. "...not one of this galaxy, perhaps. Let's see to the wounded, and perhaps get young miss Sakai home," she adds with a nod to the senshi, "And then I have a fair few questions." As she says this, her eyes fall solidly on Talia.
    Tyrael still doesn't appear to get it. What, people don't -give- him nicknames back home. It just isn't a thing. "There is no need to feel ashamed, my friend." he states, noting her expression. At least, that seemed to be the correct interpretation. He doesn't know much at all about her kind.

    As the remainder of the enemy troops turn and run, Tyrael stops as well and sheathes his weapon, watching them go. When Thane approaches, he descends, landing near the man and the rest of the group. "I am Tyrael, Archangel of Justice." he says by way of introduction. "I am pleased to be acquainted with you, Talia Kyras, and Damian Thane."

    "Your enemies appeared determined. However, Talia Kyras spoke of a threat of execution that may be driving their actions--do you confirm this?"
Talia Kyras
    Thane can't help but feel a little patronized, but he lets it side. "Some kind of droid unlike anything we've seen. Right." He says, before bobbing his head. The commander eyes Tyrael for a moment, "Governor-General Garo is the man in charge of the regime ruling this planet. I was one of his generals before I resigned out of disgust for his policies. He's enslaved the planet, I intend to break the people's chains one way or another. I'm not picky for allies, either. If you'll fight with us, we'll gladly have you all."

    Talia's blue eyes settle on Lian, and she nods simply. "Yes, I'm sure you have many of those, Master Kamoya. We'll speak in time, I assure you." She hasn't forgotten about that cute little tyke that accompanied the Mandalorian, and had taken off for safety with the pilot woman during the fighting. "It seems time and space has been acting funny lately. The Force feels different, I'm sure you've felt it too, Master."
Emily Nyx
    Emily furrows her brow at Tyrael. "Y'know what," she says, "never mind."

    She looks curiously between Lian and Talia. 'Master', hmm? But she simply nods to Thane. "Yyyyep," she says. She sighs theatrically. (Her internal worries are coming closer to the surface ...) "It's gonna be a big explanation, I tell you what~" She grins. "Don't worry, among other Eudaemons, I'm the weird one."

    Double-A flies over in her mostly-human form, looking irritated. "You bet she is," she says flatly. "... Uh, hi, I'm Erebus-model AA23. Emily's trying to keep me up to speed by radio, but it was dumb, so I came over here myself."
    Tyrael stares at Emily, trying to figure out exactly what that had been all about, but only finds himself thoroughly perplexed by it all. But there are more important matters at hand, anyway.

    He nods at Thane. "Then, I shall seek out the veracity of your words for myself, and render judgment." With that, he takes to the skies!