Celesta Jones

Celesta Jones
World: Kiwi Blitz-1
Actual Age: Mid to late 20s
Apparent Age: Early 20s
Quote: "You'll waste a lot of energy if you care about people who don't care about you, cuz."
Role: Rookie Cop
Species: Human
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/Fs7ZDtHdiYQ


A rookie NYPD cop in her twenties, Celesta Jones is known for being cute, perky, and always ready for action! Don't let her youthful looks deceive you though; she's a crack shot with her world's regulation stun pistols and aced the academy's close quarters combat training. She would be a rising young star in the world of law enforcement, if the criminals in her world weren't packing cybernetic and biological augments that place them above what the police can reasonably handle. She doesn't let it get her down, though! Always ready with positive words and a chipper attitude, Officer Jones is on the case!


Crack Shot: Really good at shooting things with guns.
Celesta is professionally trained in the use of firearms and similar equipment, and seems to have some history with them outside the police force as well. Her weapons of choice tend to be pistols in various forms, able to fire quickly and accurately, but she can be reasonably expected to show competence with anything that fits in the hands and has a trigger.
CQC: Good at taking down criminals with her bare hands.
Celesta is professionally trained in military-style close quarters combat, focusing on quick takedowns, restraint, and removing weapons from her target's hands. She is very quick and surprisingly strong for her size.
NYPD: Access to police cars, body armor, stun guns, portable radios, etc.
Celesta has access to the New York Police Department's resources for use when on a case... though she doesn't seem to think much of "borrowing" them in less official capacities. This can include pistols which fire electric stun bolts, batons for close quarters combat, bulletproof body armor, portable radios, police cars, and the like. Actual firearms with lethal rounds are more heavily restricted than in real life, thus difficult even for the police to requisition some for use. Grenade launchers with tear gas are almost entirely the domain of SWAT teams, but with a little finagling, Celesta could get her hands on one... maybe.
Positive Reinforcement: Infectious charisma and psychology training. Great with kids.
Celesta has some measure of psychological training, particularly with children. Coupled with her natural charisma, she is remarkably capable of keeping morale high among her comrades and helping victims through traumatic events. (This is mostly a flavor perk, and is up to player discretion how effective she is for them.)
Blaster Pistol: Standard Stormtrooper blaster pistol from the Star Wars universe.
An SE-14r light repeating blaster pistol that Celesta snagged from an Imperial Stormtrooper. It fires bolts of particle beam energy and is capable of full auto, but risks overheating with prolonged fire. Comes with an attached scope for improved accuracy at longer ranges.


Overconfident Rookie: Will charge off alone and take unnecessary risks.
Celesta is a rookie cop, and like many rookies on the force, she thinks she's capable of much more than her experience allows. As such, she may run off on her own to chase a bad guy down or investigate an odd noise. While her skills are certainly impressive, she can easily find herself diving headfirst into a trap or meeting trouble she can't handle by herself.
I Am The Law: Non-lethal weapons only and limited ability to intervene against criminals.
Celesta's world restricts what she's able to do in order to deal with threats. She is only allowed to use non-lethal weapons with no alternative if her arms prove ineffective against a perp, and she is not allowed to interfere in matters more severe than a drunk driver without orders. She isn't even allowed to bring any of her equipment with her offworld, whether she's on the clock or not... but sometimes does it anyway if she feels she needs to for whatever reason, leaving it only a matter of time before it catches up with her. There's also the fact that the police aren't very popular in a lot of places, so going out in uniform may attract some rather negative attention.
Bleeding Heart: May let criminals and villains go with enough of a sob story.
Celesta is an emotional person at heart, and can certainly understand the plight of those less fortunate than herself. Thus, in her youthful naivete, she may very well choose to let an evildoer go instead of bringing them in, should they garner sympathy with her. They're just trying to make their way in a harsh and uncaring world, after all.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1173 The Great (Hover) Train Robbery Sep 17 2023
1043 Is anyone there? Jun 24 2022
936 Tasty New Beginnings. Dec 06 2021
903 Peacely at Peace Oct 25 2021
799 Supply & Demand Feb 23 2021
770 The Glitch Nov 22 2020
724 Vulpes ex Machina Aug 19 2020
See All 7 Scenes


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