World Tree MUSH

The Great (Hover) Train Robbery

In the snow-capped Darhun drifts of Balmorra, a supply train carries much needed ammunition and weaponry to soldiers across Balmorra. The massive train is heavily defended by military escort, dozens of well trained soldiers who will fight to the death for the convoy. The revolution intends to hijack one of these trains, mess up supply lines and equip their numbers.

Just a quick action caper, hoping for about five taggers, tops! It'll be great!
Character Pose
Talia Kyras
    The hover train streaks across the sandy plains with a fleet of speeders with big guns affixed to them. It's a whole convoy, and there's plenty of security taking care of it. There's also the revolutionary forces. They're definitely in force too, with their ships and speeders streaking after one of the rebel gunships strafes up front the slow the train down. Said gunship carries Talia and her strike team, as it begins to match speed with the train.

    The Jedi makes her descent, landing on top of the train, greeted by droid troopers with blasters. Her lightsaber comes to life, and she blocks blaster bolts when she's not dismembering the angry robots.

    The objective is to stop the train and neutralize all security by any means necessary. Easy enough, right?
    One of the speeder bikes breaks formation as the pair of riders seem to be gearing up to jump aboard the train from the other end, breaking up the defense.

    Stelle taps the rider on the shoulder, before she hops up on the seat, and launches herself up onto the trailing car.

    Her bat appears in a burst of blue particles, and the droid fighters that come to stop her get their sensor clusters caved in with a metallic CRANK. "Batter to Saber, I'm in." she says, touching the earpeice as she moves to drop into the car from the roof access.
>> SUMMARY[Stelle] >> Not!Jedi with a spaceball bat goes BONK.
Lian Kamoya
    "My, it's been quite some time since I boarded a speeding train."

    Unsurprisingly, Jedi Master Lian Kamoya is placid in the moments before they board. And she is indeed here as a Jedi - her staff and adventurer's clothes are nowhere to be found, the woman clad instead in the attire of a Jedi from her own time period, with both her sabers clipped to her belt. As the gunship swoops in close, the woman gives everyone else on the gunship a light smile, then says simply, "It looks to be our stop."

    She's out the side right after Talia, falling into an easy sync with the younger Jedi; a bar of sky-blue light whirls and weaves around her almost casually, returning bolt after bolt back to its sender.
Celesta Jones
     It's Celesta's second time in this world, and ironically she's helping to rob a supply train. One would think a police officer would be trying to /stop/ that sort of thing, but as she drops down after Talia with her own blaster pistol in hand (looted from a Stormtrooper last time), the grin on her face is like a kid in a candy shop who just got her allowance.

"Couldn't ask for a more cinematic vista!" she shouts over all the noise, returning fire at the droids from behind Lian and Talia. They seem pretty adept at the whole "deflecting energy weapons" thing, so why not let them play tank for a bit? Saves Celesta the trouble of trying to dodge. "Man, I gotta get me one of those laser swords though. Those things are nifty."
    So someone here, the pale girl with the pointy ears, came prepared to meed a mighty foe. Head to toe kit that one might /swear/ came off of a high end police unit or special forces soldier. Dark cargo pants, long sleeve top and tactical gloves. An undersuit of some kind that's overlapped by a balaclava, helmet and mirrored goggles. She throws everything on, including the chest rig right before go-time and huffs. "Go time! Woo!"

    Marceline leaps out of the ship, heedless of blaster fire and immediately she dives on a droid. Her outfit swells a little bit as she musters enough muscle to try pulling off one of their heads.

    "Hey, yeah, those laser swords are pretty great!" She makes sure to raise her voice high enough to be heard. Almost. Maybe.

    "Ever try shaving your legs with it? I've been looking for something that's less hassle!"
Talia Kyras
    The security and staff aboard the train react with shock as a THIRD laserblade wielder seems to join the fray. "Oh crap, there's THREE OF THEM?" "KILL 'EM!" Stelle will find several goons greeting her with blasters, firing in a blind panic. THey don't really know Stelle's weapon is more BONK than CUT, to them a hilt that makes some kind of hardlight weapon is as much a lightsaber as any!

    Talia and Lian remain on top, with Talia fending off blaster toting droids while a few with melee weapons, cartosis-weave vibro blades, rush Lian with inhuman speed and agility. They may actually give her a workout.

    "They're not for sale." Talia asides to Celesta as she pushes ahead. Marceline...well, let's just say Talia's not exactly brave enough to use her lightsaber to shave. Getting it mixed up with an actual hair removing laser would be bad. Very bad.

    We don't talk about what Eval did.

    "Lian's got this, let's go!" A quick nod to the Battlemaster, and Talia's off rushing to the next car, leaping inside just in time for a speeder to match speed with the car. With a heavy repeating cannon buzzing up, Talia takes the opportunity to duck.
    Blaster bolts aren't being deflected by this 'jedi'. They strike home, burning holes in the Trailblazer's outfit and burning skin... but that seems to only be making her stronger. The bat isn't permanently glowing, but is starting to trail motes of blue-white light as she ducks around and roundhouse BONKS a goon hard enough that his family feel it. She then steps into the KO'd guard and shoulders him through the door, and into his buddies while using him like a shield.

    Once out of the killzone and into the middle of more guards she shoves the limp goon into a few of his friends, then leaps across the car, aiming to disable and disarm as many ranged combatants as she can.
>> SUMMARY[Stelle] >> Destruction Path is a hell of a drug.
Lian Kamoya
    "Bit too hazardous even for a Jedi, that," Lian calls out to Marceline as she continues, blade twitching this way and that with the precision only a Jedi can manage. "Rather likely to scorch the skin. I'll find my own way in after I sort these two out," she adds to Talia. Her steps and stance shift just a half-second before the two droids make their appearance, a subtle shift from the Shien side of Form V over into the more melee-focused Djem-So.

    High overhead and behind herself, the Battlemaster holds her blade, waiting for the twin droids to approach... until one hand suddenly comes away from her blade and flicks to the side, hitting the rearmost droid with a hefty sidelong push through the Force. It's a quick bid to cut her number of opponents in half by pitching one of them off the side; and then without skipping a beat, she steps in and begins battering the frontmost droid's guard with steady, powerful strikes. She's gauging its defenses as much as anything, but if she can get in a good strike, she certainly will.
Lian Kamoya
>> SUMMARY[Lian Kamoya] >> Never fight a Jedi next to a drop of any kind.
    Holding the head of a droid in one hand, she lifts her visored gaze. Watching the Jedi fight is pretty tempting but with a couple of blaster bolts skipping off of her 'borrowed' armor she hisses, "Sorry, dude." to the droid's head. 

    She straightens, briefly presenting a bigger target of herself before she hurl's the droid's body at the speeder with the spooling autocannon-blaster. Without thinking, she shoves the head in a pocket and laughs, "I'm down to try if you won't!" She... is joking right?

    She leaps from the first car to the next, pushing forward with anything she can scoop up and use as a shield. Or, barring that, just her body. Though the more she gets shot the angrier she'll be when she makes it to whoever's pulling that trigger!
Celesta Jones
     "Aww, really? What a shame. I could think of a ton of uses for one." Celesta remarks to Talia, then nods as Marceline pitches in her idea. "Yeah, see? That's one example."

She ducks as some more blaster fire comes her way, returning it with expert precision. A crack shot with top marks in the academy, and she's showing it off here. Though with that said, as one of her meat shi- er, friends has decided to enter the train proper, and the other one is locked in melee combat with one of those droids, Celesta takes a moment to slink around Lian toward the droid's flank. Staying low, staying quiet, and then... sweep its leg while it's busy fighting Lian!
Talia Kyras
    One of the droids is promptly and unceremoniously chucked off the edge of the train, falling helplessly until it shatters to pieces, likely for some lucky scavenger to find some time in the future. The other droid parries and dodges with programmed precision, reaction times somewhere in the nanoseconds. There's a lot of .000000s in that. Eventually it slips up with an error message, missing Lian's head by centimeters with the vibroblade. Celesta's sweep helps a lot, as the droid staggers, wide open for a lightsaber to the braincase.

    Meanwhile Marceline finds that these guys in close-quarters are pretty cowardly, and they find out that vampire-cambions only get madder when you shoot them. Poor guys.

    The speeder firing on the train car gets hit by the droid, knocking it off balance and the driver hurdling against the train car with an explosive impact, jolting everyone and everything inside it, a crate falls on a guard's foot, and Talia rushes to finish him off with a single swipe of her lightsaber, then cutting down his comrades. Up ahead is a surprise.

    "Do your karking job and kill them already, you alien scum!" The very much -human- commander of the train convoy demands to an imposing klon'gan mercenary. The alien scoffs, very much the kind of guy who'd kill someone for a remrk like that. But they have more pressing concerns.

    He and his brothers square up and take formation with their melee weapons and energy sidearms when Talia rushes in, it becomes a fracas quickly with the Jedi engaging the alien mercs.
    Stelle finds her way mostly blocked by Goons. Hired Goons. Their Blasters are dealing damage, but each shot makes each subsequent bat strike seem to cause even more damage. Her yellow eyes start to glow faintly as she finishes off that car, and kicks the doors through on the next one. "Heeeeeres Stelley!" she crows, looking a little bit unhinged with all the blast points on her body, exposed skin charred black. Her bat is now glowing a faint, but steady pale blue-white.
Lian Kamoya
    Lian Kamoya is a machine in and of herself, one strike flowing into the next in a way most humans would find impossible. She already knows where to swing her next blow, and the next after that, and she seems content to keep swinging and striking - and then the instant Celesta sweeps the leg, the Jedi manages to be entirely out of the cop's way. She doesn't miss the chance, either; her next saber strike goes right through the droid's CPU, and a double step back. She looks around quickly, and then says quickly to Celesta, "I'd suggest you join the others. I'll be along in a bit."

    Without any further explanation, she turns and starts running up towards the front of the train - heading for the engine, still up on the roof.
    The first shots that wing Marceline are painful but fine; enough shots hit that stolen body armor that it quickly stops functioning and the last few shots before she closes in and grabs at one of the weapons.

    First, she smashes the butt of it into the poor sod's face, rips it loose of that slackened grip and zaps one of his buddies in both knees before stepping over. "He'll live." Beat. "Khahaha. Damn!" She kicks the guy in the jewels, "That's for shooting me so much, dillweed!" Then she turns the weapon on further goons and-

    "Wait, what the dip- Is that Stelle down there? She's gonna die or somethin." Ahem. "Hey! Stop getting shot and get that sweet booty cracker down here so we don't accidentally shoot you too!"
Celesta Jones
     Celesta winks at Lian as the droid is swiftly disposed of, though her grin falters when the Jedi battlemaster decides to go solo. "Pfft, you're welcome!" the rookie calls after her, before the sudden jerking of the train from the speeder's impact causes her to lose her balance, slipping over the side...

And managing to find a small handhold, swing herself towards the back of the car, catch another handle, and pull herself to safety. All to calmly walk in and stride through Stelle's little path of destruction until she catches up. "Heya, look like you might need some help there. Or... not?"
Talia Kyras
    It's going to be an absolute slobberknocker with these Klon'gan warriors. A klon'gan swipes at Stelle with his punching dagger, squaring up with her with fearsome jabs and thrusts with his punching weapons. No guns for him, he likes going up close and personal. "Ragh!" Stelle's bat strikes true, managing to knock him on the head, but he's still going even as his attacks are more clumsy and frenzied from blurry vision.

    Talia's own opponents strike with sickles and axes, one of them being the leader of the bunch. If she were to guess, the bounty car is just ahead. Knowing Lian, she's probably already right atop of it, and can secure it while the goons are distracted.

    Celesta will find markings indicating she's just short of reaching the cargo hold, it's just a precarious jump between cars and hitting the switch.

    "Marceline, help Stelle!" Talia orders, just as a Klon'gan with a massive war club swipes at the demon-vamp, roaring with fury. "You won't be so fortunate just yet!"
    Stelle grins wickedly as those punch daggers slice through cloth, find flesh and draw blood. She does parry a few punches, finds an opening to bonk the alien's head... but is being pushed back from the fury of that flurry.

    Right up until she plants her feet, and draws her hand along the bat, charging it to a blinding white shine. "Rules. Are made to be BROKEN!" she snarls coldly, before spinning around in a full 360 round-house and 'slashing' through the air. Her bat seems to rend reality itself as she then bring another swing from below, sending a plus-shaped reality break through the Klon'gan puncher, and anyone else behind him that might get in the way.
>> GAME >> Stelle spends an Edge for: Rules are made to be Broken!
Lian Kamoya
    Certainly, Lian intends to secure the arms and ammo - but she doesn't go down into the car just yet. Instead, she goes right up to the edge of it, looking down between that car and the next, considering her range for a moment, and focusing her mind. Then, she unclips her other lightsaber from her belt and ignites it, only to throw both blades straight downward... and take hold of them with the Force.

    She guides both blades through the air, spinning like saw blades, and guides them to saw through each binding maintaining the connection between the bounty car and the next car forward. Severing physical bindings, destroying the emitters for any magnetic links, completely severing their prize from the car ahead.

    Naturally, if she can pull this off, it's going to mean the entire back end of the train is disconnected from the engine, with nothing pulling it.
Lian Kamoya
>> SUMMARY[Lian Kamoya] >> The Old 'Disconnect The Train Car' Trick
    The train car bucking looks pretty strange from the perspective of being 'in' something that's moving while you aren't. Things topple over, everyone needs a moment to steady and that- That's the advantage she gets to enjoy as that klon'gan lunges in with a club. "Yeah, sec-" She explodes the frame of the weapon she's holding on the club, pieces falling away and rolling about the car. "Rrrgh!" 

    Her helmet comes off in the tussle and she grabs on, face splitting as her mouth opens impossibly wide, green eyes blazing with fury. "That HURT!" She lunges in and bites ahold of the poor fool, then drags him along to-

    She spits, releasing her bite, "I think she's got it, dude! It's a total rager over there. Hup!" She whips the bit alien over and slams him into the floor and sits down, her features returning to normal. "We gonna hit any more mad cray bumps or we good to keep going? Also, where's your friend with the laser-" The car lurches again as it's cut free from propulsion and she ahs. "Nevermind!"
Celesta Jones
     Stelle seems to have things well in hand even despite her injuries, and Talia's ordering that vampire girl Marceline to help out. So where's that leave Celesta? Well, as it happens, comfortably in a position to just bypass all this silliness and go straight for the cargo hold. "Alright, you guys have fun there. I'm just gonna mosey along."

Carefully avoiding the battle going on with the Klon'gans, she carefully considers the distance between cars and holsters her blaster, taking a few steps back. "Well, here we go then." she says, taking a deep breath, and makes a running leap to the next car, grabbing onto whatever she can manage. After that, it's just a simple switch press away, right?
Talia Kyras
    Talia hears a shuddering and a sudden stop as the train car begin to hit the ground and skids across, knocking over and tumbling. It's a whole chaotic mess as bodies knock into one another. Talia embeds her saber into one of the Klon'gan mercs, while Stelle up and punches her opponent so hard she causes a sickening crunch. His ribcage is more like a ribdent now, really.

    Celesta will find emergency handholds to grip onto as the train begins its messy spiral, while Lian will doubtlessly navigate with her Jedi agility. Everyone better brace 'cause it's gonna be a bumpy ride!
    Stelle's footing goes out from under her as the train derails and starts to spiral. She finally manages to catch onto a handhold, dangling from it as the train does its best impression of a tumble dryer. Her bat flashes away in a cloud of motes, freeing her hand up to grab onto another hold. Loose cargo, and fallen aliens fly around her, smacking into her on occasion, which only seems to bolster her even more.
Celesta Jones
     At least, Celesta THOUGHT it would be as simple as hitting that switch, but no sooner has she found her footing than the whole damn train starts bucking around, forcing her to hold on for dear life with a white knuckled grip on those emergency handholds! "God dammit, who broke the train!?" she shouts over all the noise, if she can be heard at all.
    Since she was less doing what she was called to do and more just, distracted by some goon with a big stick, Marceline is good to go when the train starts to really lurch. She grips onto the wall, grabs her Klon'gan with one suddenly batlike foot and anyone unlucky enough to fall past.

    The noise is probably more than enough that it's not worth trying to shout and be heard, so she hangs on and waits, confident she'll be a-OK through this crash. ... So long as the hull doesn't get ripped open and let any sunlight in while she's abusing her shapeshifting powers.
Talia Kyras
    As the train comes to a stop, Talia groans and weakly gets to her feet. "Gnnnngh, I'm going to ask Lian NOT to do that next train raid." She mutters. It looks like the Klon'gan are either dead, or are using their teleport beams to leave. Unfortunately, the rest of the guards weren't so fortunate to have those emergency teleports. Talia uses her lightsaber to try and cut a hole in the train car for the others to climb out, rubbing her sore neck. She's got a nasty case of whiplash.

    Instead of being greeted by a firing squad, rebel forces come to pick her and the others up with a medic checking over injuries. "Nice work, Kyras. The guard fleet is bailing out and they're cutting their losses. Anybody hurt and need help walking?"

    "I'll manage." Talia says, as she hobbles toward the transport.

    Stelle makes her own exit from the train car, pummeling a hole with her bat like one might dig their way out of a mineshaft with a pickaxe. Her bat stops glowing once the danger is over, and the grey-haireed human wobbles a bit. "Could use, a patch up..." she says, before toppling over face down on the floor... finally succumbing to her fatigue and accumulated wounds.
Celesta Jones
     As soon as she's sure the train has come to a stop, Celesta lets go of the emergency handle and promptly topples over onto her face. Sputtering as she uses the handholds to steady herself, she steps down and starts following Talia. "Ugh, it's like getting off a really crazy rollercoaster. I think I'm gonna throw up..."
    "Yeah, whuff. Never bite one of those dudes it's horrible." Marceline hisses to herself, releasing the alien goon she'd mauled so he can depart in peace. She resumes her base form, her stolen duds looking baggy on her slim, girlish bod which is honestly beneficial. She pokes around as she ties off some of the rips and burn holes from the blaster fire, "Hey- Anyone got a hat around here somewhere? Kinda need it. Sunlight...!" The helmet she'd brought? Pfft. Who knows, probably out in the sand a kilometer or so that way. 

    "I'll settle for a really deep pocket!"
Talia Kyras
    Rubbing her head, Talia hands Marceline her cloak as the medics help everyone aboard, rebels fishing through the train carrying the loot they need. Foodstuffs, weapons, armor, even droids are carried off to cargo transports, and once they're done picking at the trainwreck like crows, the rebels are off with their friends in tow. Pretty successful all things considered.
Lian Kamoya
    "Apologies for the bumpy ride," Lian greets, hopping out from between the cars as if it were the most normal thing in the world. "I thought it the best way to ensure we didn't meet any reinforcements. And to buy some extra time for the offloading of goods," she adds, with a glance back at the car full of their goods.
Talia Kyras
    "None of us are dead, so I think we can call it good, master." Talia says, taking an icepack one of the medics offers to rub it against her head. "There is no death, there is only the Force." She repeats the mantra almost on reflex, as they travel off.
    Throwing on the cloak, Marceline eventually crawls out of the car, squinting from in the shadows of a hood at Lian. "Bruh. Next time, like- I dunno. Yeah, I got nothing that was hella cool." She WAS going to complain but nah, crashing a crazy space train was rad as hell.

    Quick look at Talia. "Nobody?" Snrk.