World Tree MUSH

Supply & Demand

In this case, the concept of supply and demand is pretty simple. The First Order has starship parts. The Rebel Alliance wants them. Come and see galactic economics in action*!

A major shipment of Imperial starship parts are due to pass through a large nebula in a remote area of space. The plan is to ambush the freighter, seize the goods, and flee. General Eclipse wisely decides to bring in some offworld help for this one.

Need a hook? Feel free to assume Juno, or "Blackout," hired you. The Rebel Alliance always needs numbers. Want to run with the First Order instead? Sure. Those guys use mercenaries, too. Go nuts with that, Antagonists! Something else? Sure. Send me @mail.

This Tuesday, drop by the Outer Rim Territories for a chance to beat up some Imperials and take their stuff. Or just beat up some Imperials. Juno isn't picky.

* Note: This is not at all how galactic economics work.
Character Pose
Juno Eclipse

"PROXY. No mistakes. The foundling mustn't fall into Imperial hands." Her mouth quirks, amused. "'...This is the way.'"

"We'll be waiting here, General Eclipse. In the meantime, I shall prepare the cargo bay."

"Thanks, PROXY."


The Itani Nebula is a vast expanse of gas and dust spread over the Hydian Way. It's visually stunning but dangerous to traverse. Sensors are blinded by the cloud, and no starship can jump to hyperspace inside it. It's big, though, so some ships cut through to save time. Like an Imperial freighter carrying valuable goods.

Dumb and reckless. General Juno Eclipse is betting on that.

The target Imperial freighter is here. The Mandalorian has already disposed of the escorts and stranded them deeper in the nebula. By the time he comes back the hangar bay is empty. She's hacked into the freighter, knocked out its engines, emptied the Rogue Shadow, and instructed her droid to make way for the Razor Crest.

Juno's also handed out radios to everyone.

"Dante. Higashikata. I want you two belowdecks to sabotage the ion drive. PROXY or I can guide you." The pilot checks her blasters; glances from her weapons to the closed bay doors. She considers; makes a few snap decisions. "Kiyama. Jones. I want you two to head for the cargo hold. Secure the area. Don't break the door. It might be trapped." She pivots on her heel. "Mando. With me. I'm heading for the bridge. I need access codes to the hold and intel."

Stormtrooper armour and boots clatter just beyond the door. The vanguard will have their work cut out for them, but stormtroopers are easy prey. Quantity over quality.

"Now let's get on before they storm the hangar--"

The lights cut out. Everything except the Razor Crest's running lights; the ticking metal of its cooling engines.


<<Oh dear.>> The polite droid sounds worried. <<I certainly didn't do that. Do be careful, General Eclipse.>>

"Excellent," Juno declares, serenely.

This wasn't part of the plan.
Hyouka Kiyama
    'Don't break the door.'

    Hyouka could almost pout. That's one of the most fun parts of any job! But if it's likely to cause more problems, she'll just have to bear with it. "Got it." There's a pause, and then she glances at Celesta. "Ah, I'm Hyouka, by the way. Hyouka Kiyama."

    She's just turning to leave for the cargo hold when the lights go out. "Either the crew can see in low light and decided to make an advantage of this, or we aren't the only intruders on board," DARGN comments. Hyouka, though, is already reaching into her pocket and pulling out a cellphone; she quickly switches on the light, and keeps it in her left hand. "The battery won't last forever, but this should hold for a little while, at least." Her eyes turn Juno's way. "Are we sticking to the plan?"
Celesta Jones
     Celesta isn't here on *official* business, at least anything that the NYPD knows about. This is more like a side gig, a little bit of fun on a day off while making some extra cash. And hey, getting paid to go on a swashbuckling space adventure? Sounds good to her.

"Jones. Celesta Jones." she introduces herself to Hyouka in kind, in something approaching an impression. The smile on her face is accompanied by a cheeky wink, though it turns to mild surprise as the lights go out. Switching on the flashlight attachment on her stun pistol, she sighs and says, "Well, at least I know I made the right choice when I was pilfering equipment from the armory. Something always goes wrong with the lights in the movies, after all."
    Probably the first time Dante's ever been in space, and it's with these two. He pops his neck and grins cheekily, nodding. "Gotcha, oh Generallady." He says with a lazy salute, with absolutely zero grasp on military decorum. Or maybe Dante knows exactly how to salute and he's just being a troll. In any case, he doesn't argue. He gives Josuke a clap on the arm and motions for the teen to follow.

    "C'mon, let's go break some shit and hurt some bad guys."

    Annnnnd the lights go out. "Crap."

    Fumbling in an invisible pocket, Dante produces Agni, a red scimitar with a wicked blade and a pommel shaped like an oni's head, blazing with fire. "Yes, Master, I shall li-" Dante glares at the pommel with a cold stare. "Shut. Up."
Josuke Higashikata
    Josuke is indeed here, and he's on the ship, listening to the briefing. For once he's not dressed in one of his FABULOUS outfits; no, earlier he found an outfit closer to what the people in this world wear. The idea was that he didn't want to stick out too much. He even took the time to cover his distinctive hairstyle with a hood!

    He won't need these preparations soon enough... but at least he thought to make them, so it won't be so difficult next time!

    Juno starts divvying up the responsibilities, and Josuke nods. "Right. Any way we should do that, or do we just wreck it?" he asks. "I don't really know too much about spaceships, so--"

    And then the lights go out.

    "...Shit," he mutters. About the same time Dante expresses a similar sentiment, actually.

    Dante's clap on the arm gets a nod. "Yeah. Just watch out -- I don't think frequent blackouts are a usual problem in space, so there's probably something wrong."
The Mandalorian
    Stepping off the Razor Crest with the soft flink of boot spurs and heavy beskar armor, The Mandalorian is as ready as ever. She may be old, but the ship still has the speed and maneuverability to fly circles around TIE fighters in his hands, and after leaving the security detail in the dust of space, he joins the boarding party.
    He's still not quite keen on the idea of leaving the Child in the care of a droid, but it's a better option than dragging the kid along with him into a live fire zone.
    Like right now.
    No sooner than the lights go out he presses a button on his gauntlet, visor swapping over to thermal scanning vision mode.
    It's so he can see the stormtroopers better in the darkness.
    The beskar-clad mercenary spends a beat examining the ship's schematics from a small holo-puck in his hand before he draws his blaster from its holster at his hip.
    He gives no introduction to the others. He's simply a man in a beskar mask. He doesn't even check the charge on his blaster, he's just ready.
    "We can still stick to the plan."
    That's not optimism.
    That's him ready to kill any stormtroopers in the way of said plan.
Juno Eclipse
  "The First Order's taken a few liberties from their Galactic Imperial roots, but I'm fairly certain the stormtroopers are still human. Not particularly skilled humans, at that," Juno adds. She waits until Hyouka's phone lights the area, before beckoning with one of the two blaster pistols in her hands, before twisting her head in distinct 'woman, listening' posture. "...Listen."

Stormtroopers. Sounds like they're panicking just outside the bay doors, too.

"This wasn't their doing, either. Stay on your toes. Let's get on, then, while we have the element of surprise. We need to be done quickly and out of here as fast as we can."

Juno gestures with her pistol to disperse the group, but she grins at Josuke's question. It's not a particularly nice grin. "Wreck it," she says, crisply. "I don't care how as long as they can't fix it. Not within the next few hours, anyway. Kiyama, Jones, the codes may fail. If they do, I'll let you know, and if that's the case, you'll need to find a way to break the cargo hold's blast doors. I'll let you know when I find the codes."

"I plan to," she asides to The Mandalorian.

Juno reaches up to touch her earpiece. <<Sabotage team. You're going to head in the opposite direction. Go aft, and then take the turbolifts down to the engineering level. There should be markings on the wall. Expect some resistance, but try to avoid engaging before reaching the engine room if you can help it.>> The path is pretty easy, if choked by stormtroopers. The instant they sense someone coming toward them that isn't one of their own, they're probably gonna start shooting. Even if they aren't terribly great marksmen.

<<Bridge team, we're going to make our way up and forward. We're going to cut ourselves a path, but don't stay to engage; there are too many of them. Instead we're going to run. Ready? PROXY, open the bay doors.>>

The blonde glances over to the others, before lunging forward into a low, crouching advance. Both her blasters are in hand, flashing brightly with each crackling bolt of energy they throw. It's clear she intends to run like a rabbit and break through the line, zig-zagging back and forth between cover and shooting at those stormtroopers unfortunate enough to be in her way.

At this point pretty much everyone is being shot at indiscriminately by a platoon of anxious and trigger-happy stormtroopers, so hustling towards the agreed-upon locations is probably a great idea!
Hyouka Kiyama
    --- The Previous Night ---

    "Aaah, DARGN, the mission's already tomorrow. Should I swap elements, do you think...?"

    "Affirmative. Intel indicates our most likely problem will be Stormtroopers. It's probable that even magical lightning will be reduced in effectiveness by their armor."

    "Mm. Fire, maybe?"

    "Negative. The most common weapon in their universe is blasters, which essentially cause heat damage."


    "No, ice is also a bad choice. For the most effective weapon against armor, think medieval Europe."

    "DARGN, you know history's not my strong suit."


    --- Now ---

    "Fisto, ON!"

    The guy in armor says they stick to the plan. Juno says there's Stormtroopers. So it's time to fall right back into the plan of 'beating up Stormtroopers'. Hyouka's arms come apart with her verbal command, the components of her massive gauntlets assembling themselves outwards. As the FISTEAU units lock in place, lines of orange mana trace along the twin smashing weapons, flooding them with power aspected to the element of Earth.

    Extra battering force never goes amiss against armored opponents.

    "I only have so many ways to deal with sealed doors, you know!" she calls over her shoulder as the bay doors open. She might end up having to batter the cargo doors apart, traps be damned. But that's a concern for later; now is time for smashing stormtroopers. And smash she does, swinging her fists to and fro whenever she comes in reach. And despite being such a powerhouse, she moves through the halls faster than a human, her reaction times far faster than an ordinary opponent. She'll do a fine job acting as the vanguard for Celesta as they advance.

    By the time the duo reach the cargo bay doors, she's singed by a few blaster bolts, but the damage is light; her skin really is like armor in and of itself.
Hyouka Kiyama
>> SUMMARY[Hyouka Kiyama] >> Adding the element of stone to a pair of oversized robofists and battering armord dudes like it's 1199.
Celesta Jones
     "Low-grade mooks, got it." Celesta remarks, checking the magazine on her pistol one more time as she follows Hyouka's lead. "I just hope the rest of you guys can pull it off too. Best of luck!"

The smashing begins. At least, it does for Hyouka, with Celesta casually jogging along behind her and taking potshots whenever a Stormtrooper manages to survive the initial fisting. Stun bullets might not be very effective against armor, but they provide a nice distraction for her to run in and take the poor bastards down with a dropkick here, a judo throw there, keeping up quite well for her relatively slight frame. "Best exercise I've had all week!" she quips.
    "Yeah, no kidding." Dante nods to Josuke, and takes point for the moment. He makes his way through the halls with Josuke, as they're confronted by a group of Stormtroopers. These guys look different in subtle ways. Sure they're all wearing white and black armor, carrying laser rifles and such, but these guys look a bit shinier?

    In any case, Dante elects to rush the goons, drawing Rudra. "Alright, assholes, first come first serve!" HE grins at Josuke, trusting the stand user to back him up, before he throws himself into melee range with the Stormies, cutting them down with his swords, batting away blaster bolts with contemptuous ease. If these guys didn't know better they'd think he was a Jedi Knight, but that's ridiculous. They're all supposed to be dead, right?

Josuke Higashikata
    With the instructions to just wreck the ion drive any way they can, Josuke feels better about this. Wouldn't do to hit something he shouldn't and create a black hole or something right?

    Now, he can't see in the dark. He's just human, and there probably isn't much in the way of ambient light -- it's pretty dark in space. But fortunately, he has some help. Roberta has sensors, and this is doubtless going to make navigating in the dark a lot easier! Also she might be able to map the best route to where they're going, one that will take them past the fewest patrols.

    Juno's directions on the radio get an affirmative, <<Right. We'll try.>> And yes, he IS going to be trying to keep out of sight as much as possible, because he doesn't want these guys to twig to where they're going. What patrols they do come across, Dante can probably rush down. but they can't be allowed to contact anyone.

    Dante goes into melee with the first group, and Josuke... looks at the walls. "...Metal." And then he gets an idea. "Maybe I can..." He trails off. He doesn't know if this is going to work, but he might as well try, right?

    As Dante rushes the group, Josuke stills. A deep breath in... out. Breath in... out. Out. Out. Get aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall of that air out. Hold. Hold...


    'Kooooooooooooh...!' The sound of a sudden deep breath in, and flecks of golden energy spark lightly around him. Crazy Diamond appears... but only halfway, and seeming to be poking up from his back, now also slightly sparking with that golden energy.


    Wham! The Stand's fist slams lightly into one of the metallic walls -- not hard enough to punch through the walls, no. Just enough to send the 'payload' of that golden energy scuttling through the walls in the immediate area. It's not likely to stick around long, that energy charge, but hopefully it'll disrupt communications just long enough for Dante to focus down the group of Storm Troopers and keep them from calling reinforcements or revealing their location.
Josuke Higashikata
>> SUMMARY[Josuke Higashikata] >> Trying to use Hamon in the metallic walls to temporarily disrupt communications while Dante becomes the roadroller.
The Mandalorian
    No sooner than the word is given, Mando is on the move.
    And as 'Bridge Team' consists of him and Juno, that's the direction he heads. He's already behind cover as soon as the blaster fire starts, opting to not risk the integrity of his puissant albeit precious beskar armor against that much blaster fire. Now and again he darts out of cover, snapping off shots that drop a trooper here and there, clearing a path for Juno as she moves before he moves to the next available piece of cover himself.
    Blaster bolts go flying everywhere, and the ones that do hit him spang off his pauldrons and chestplate with the distinct tinny sound of laser deflecting off the beskar entirely. When the opposing fire gets to be too much even for him... He lashes out with his right gauntlet, a cord of steel cable launching from the integrated cable launcher and loops around a stormtrooper.
    With a YANK he tugs the trooper close hooks an arm around the man's neck, and holds him in front of himself, turning the stormtrooper into quite the effective human shield as blaster shots start slamming into the trooper's white plastoid armor.
The Mandalorian
>> SUMMARY[The Mandalorian] >> Stormtrooper Human Shield.
Juno Eclipse
  Having a battering ram around is never a bad idea. Juno takes advantage of the large opening left by Hyouka, keeping her pistols close and herself tucked into as small a target profile as she can manage. There's a hell-storm of blaster bolts in the corridor, but the group has plenty of determination. And firepower.

The firepower part is pretty important.

<<PROXY, hurry up and get us some light in here.>> Juno snaps into her headset as she lopes just behind The Mandalorian. When they do have to give up their precious cover, she makes a point of staying behind him. He's armoured. She isn't.

<<I will do my best, General Eclipse. Their systems are strangely... shielded.>>

Juno growls something that might be a curse, fetching up against Mando's back as the bounty hunter reaches over and seizes a handy stormtrooper shield. She lets him lead the way. They're panic firing at this point because their blasters have no real effect on the beskar. The rank-and-file are too terrified to have much sympathy for their fellow.

Whenever the opportunity presents itself, Juno pops out from behind Mando to snap off a shot, dropping Imperials here or there.

It's not long before they reach the bridge. It likely won't take much effort for The Mandalorian to clear the bridge of 'non-essential' personnel. Which means everybody but them, really.

Only once it's safe does Juno slither around him and into the nearest chair at a console, fingers tapping an anxious staccato over the controls. Her eyes are fixed on the screen, blue light reflected from her face. She's looking for something...


Stormtroopers scatter like bowling pins as Hyouka crashes into the front lines. They're flung in all sorts of directions, some of them even skidding backwards down the corridor as she advances. Others collide with each other, knocking both poor unfortunate souls out of commission. Some of them get lucky with their aim, but they're grazes at best, not nearly powerful enough to get through that earthen armour. More are advancing, but very slowly. They don't have neat helmet sensors.

Meanwhile, Celesta's potshots are pretty effective, because most of the mangled stormtroopers Hyouka leaves in her wake have obvious damage to their armour. It's not made to bend or flex. It just kind of splinters, which leaves plenty of open gaps to fire into. Some of them are smart enough to stay down, covering their heads.

The blast doors are big and formidable, but not unbreakable. Right now they're as silent and dark as the rest of the ship.
Juno Eclipse

The stormtroopers are a little hesitant to rush Dante and Josuke, if only because that's what the two seem to want. There's also a snowball's chance on Tattooine that they can actually aim enough to be a serious threat to either Dante or Josuke. It doesn't stop them from trying. Their own superiors are more horrifying.

They go down pretty easily in melee. They go down pretty easily in ranged, too. Honestly, they don't even have time to bicker over whether Dante is a Jedi or not. It doesn't really matter, because Dante is busy laying waste to the platoon.

Crazy Diamond slams a fist into the corridor, as much of a mighty battering ram as Hyouka's formidable fists.

And then a bunch of stormtroopers fall off the radio.

The sound of panicked bickering and terrified gibbering increases, their voices tinny and electronically filtered. They're throwing everything they've got at Dante and Josuke. It won't be enough, but it doesn't stop them from trying to concentrate their fire on both intruders. The corridor quickly stinks of burnt ozone under the hailstorm of blaster bolts.

<<Dante. Higashikata. I don't know what you did, but it worked. I'm seeing a large portion of the frigate's stationed stormtroopers dropping off the comm network. Take them out. The engine room should be just in front of you.


<<Found it. Kiyama. Jones. There's a panel near the cargo door.>> She'll feed them the precise alphanumerics. It's obnoxiously long and complicated, but Juno's voice is calm throughout. <<From what I'm seeing up here, there shouldn't be any resistance inside the hangar. Go ahead and open the doors.)]>> They're not locked. So sad for the crew of the frigate. <<Tell me when you've got them and Mando and I will be on our way to the cargo hold. Dante. Higashikata. Once you're finished with the engine, rendezvous outside the Razor Crest. We'll be along shortly.>>
Hyouka Kiyama
    "Code received," DARGN confirms. "Hyouka, I will display it on your HUD." Hyouka nods once, a sharp movement, then adds, "Officer Jones, could you cover me? I'm going to-"

    Her hand stops halfway to the panel, one massive finger extended.

    She's just realized that in this state, her finger is big enough to hit every button at once.

    "Fisto, off."

    When her hands have returned to normal, the faux-elven woman goes about inputting the code as quickly as she can.
Celesta Jones
"Yeah, I'll let you handle that one, Ms. Kiyama. I'm not good at hacking." Celesta says with an apologetic shrug, before taking up position behind a support strut for cover. It may be noticed that she has snagged one of the Stormtroopers' blasters in the process, holstering her own stun pistol in favor of the sci-fi gun. More punch *and* it looks (and sounds) cool, what's not to love?

"Heh, I never get to use lethal force on the job. Not that I'd actually kill anyone, mind you." This is accompanied by a nervous chuckle as she checks to make sure this weapons has the usual gun parts on it. Barrel, grip, trigger, all check. Shouldn't be too hard.

A moment later, she snickers and mumbles, "Fisto..."
Hyouka Kiyama
    As Hyouka works on entering the code, DARGN speaks up. "Fully Integrated Smash-Type Energized Arcane Unit. 'FISTEAU' for short. It is the name for Hyouka's gauntlets, and the system that feeds elemental mana to them." Pause. "I do not know who to blame for the acronym."
Josuke Higashikata
    Aha, good -- the engine room's just up ahead. <<Good. Be there as soon as we can.>> Josuke catches up to Dante as he takes down the last of the Troopers. "Right, looks like we're almost done here," he notes to Dante. "Let's wreck the drive and find the others."

    Hopefully there won't be much behind the next door -- hopefully for it. Because it's going to meet with a nice big solid PUNCH. If there's no opposition, Josuke will just go to wreck that ion drive, letting Crazy Diamond just go to town.

    But he's not just breaking it. He's trying to break it AND warp it, trying to make extra certain that the ion drive will just be that much more difficult to fix.
    Dante passes through the remainder of the Stormies. There's no real point in kicking them while they're down, they're practically harmless, and scared shitless too. "Let's."

    He kicks the door down, or rather just boots it open with superhuman strength, using his swords to deflect blaster bolts and cover Josuke. "Do your thing fast, kid! Juno doesn't strike me as the patient type!"
The Mandalorian
    Mando is armored, but you know who else is?
    The poor stormtrooper that he hasn't let go of. Plastoid is supposed to be great against blaster weapons; absorbing and dissipating the heat of impacting bolts through its layers. In theory.
    In practice, it's not exactly great when one guy in stormstrooper armor eats as much fire as the one The Mandalorian is forcibly dragging along, grunting with every bolt that slams him in the chest until he finally goes limp and Mando drops him at the foot of the door to the bridge.
    "Here, let me." He says to Juno, pulling an explosive charge from his belt.
    He sets it to 'stun' and rolls it into the bridge first.
    The resultant explosion of sound and light go off like a police flashbang on steroids, blinding and deafening the bridge crew before he steps in and starts putting blaster bolts into the 'non-essential' personnel.
    One trooper though... One bridge trooper gets froggy and tries to leap-- attempting to stagger at the beskar clad mercenary while still stunned.
    He's met with The Mandalorian's right gauntlet. ... And a plume of devastating flames that burn him to a crisp.
    "Bridge is clear." He says matter of factly over the smoldering corpse, for Juno to go do her thing.
Juno Eclipse

The blast doors loom huge and dark in the hallway. They're large, although not too large for the corridor to accommodate. Reinforced durasteel and other materials make up their bulk, so they're heavy enough that trying to force them open without power might be difficult.

As the code is entered, a series of deep metallic sounds narrates the bolts sliding open on the door's locking mechanisms.

Beyond the door, the cargo hold smells faintly metallic. The sharp tang describes newly-minted starship parts and their durasteel shipping containers. Some are marked in angular Galactic Basic glyphs, but some are also identified by schematic drawings showing what they are and where they're supposed to go on a given starship model.


<<Are the parts there?>> General Eclipse sounds just a whiff anxious. <<If they are, there should be a freight sled somewhere nearby. Just start loading crates. Especially anything that looks like it goes in an engine. I can sort it out later. When the sled's full bring it down to the hangar, and we'll dump it aboard the Razor Crest.>>

The freight sled is basically like a cargo truck, only it uses repulsorcraft to hover. Neat. If it's loaded too much it'll start floating lower and lower to the ground, though.


Up ahead of Dante and Josuke looms the engine room. It's as drab and uninteresting as anything else aboard this ship. The engines themselves are enormous: Room-sized constructs dominating the far end of the chamber. All sorts of diagnostic screens and gadgets line the walls. Access hatches and scaffolding line the engines themselves.

As it turns out, Crazy Diamond and Josuke have an unexpected knack for wrecking starship engines! It doesn't take long for them to reduce the freighter's ion drives into a smoking, sparking wreck. The ion drive doesn't sound so good.

<<Blackout here. I see the engines going down on the diagnostics reports. Good work, you two. See if you can get back to the hangar. We'll rendezvous soon.>>


Juno is quick to step back when an explosive charge is brought to bear, melting back against the wall with both blasters at the ready. She flinches at the report of the blast; veteran she may be, but there are certain things she just can't get used to. The concussive shockwave of an explosion is one of those things.

She steps around the cindered stormtrooper. It takes a few minutes to rip through the data, but after a few minutes Juno smiles, grimly. "I've got what I need. Thanks, Mando." Pushing off from the console, she swipes from the surface a few data cylinders the Imperials had left, pocketing them.

"Time to get the ship loaded and get out of here."

No sooner is it said than she's running, a little stiffly, for the door. Time to get back to the ship.


<<All right. I've got everything I need. Everyone rendezvous back at the TIE fighter bay. Bring the freight sled and we'll unload it into the Razor Crest's hold and get out of here. Those escorts won't stay down forever.>>
Hyouka Kiyama
    "Start loading, right."

    Hyouka really is the right person for this job; she's strong enough to lift and throw a couple of tons, after all. With her here to load the bigger parts, they'll have the freight sled piled up in no time. And she can run vanguard again all the way back to the Razor Crest, so that works out quite nicely.
Celesta Jones
     Celesta proves no slouch either when it comes to lifting, though it's nowhere near the order of 'a couple of tons'. She does pitch in all the same though, blaster holstered in her belt as she works, until they've got all they can fit on the freight sled. "Alright, looks good to me! Let's get moving, I'll keep you covered."

Ooh, what if she *dual wields* both pistols...
    Dante nods in terse approval of Josuke's handiwork. "Good to know you got a future in sabotage, kiddo>" He grins cheekily, before he checks the hall outside, sweeping it with his pistols. "Okay, think we're clear. Let's bug out before our buds leave us aboard to entertain the Stormies. I didn't exactly bring my guitar."

    If Josuke has no objections, he'll take off after the hangar bay to board Razor Crest. No reason to stick around here.
Josuke Higashikata
    <Right. Heading that way now,>> Josuke replies over that radio. And he nods to Dante. "Yeah, good idea," he agrees, and heads back with Dante.

    The way back should hopefully be clear, if communications from that hallway stayed jammed long enough for them not to pick up any cries of pain or calls for reinforcements. If not, hey -- punching works for a lot of things, right? Also there's Roberta too, the Shinki can probably detect any opposition in front of them.
The Mandalorian
    It sounds like everything is going off without a hitch.
    That's either very good or very bad.
    Whether or not there's some secret Imperial or First Order plot in the background that makes this into a trap-- Mando prefers not to think about it. Less to worry about that way even if it is a very real possibility.
    Blaster drawn, he keeps Juno covered while she pores over the terminals for what she needs, nodding curtly when she says she has it.
    He'll keep her covered all the way back to the Razor Crest.
Juno Eclipse
  Aside from directing traffic, Juno is mostly quiet until all the goods and personnel are back aboard the Razor Crest. It isn't until they're on their way to rendezvous with the Rogue Shadow that the old general slumps in her chair. She rests her elbows on her knees, head bowed. She rubs at her face, wearily, before blowing out a sigh.

"...Good work, everyone."

Curt but heartfelt. Everybody did well. Their cuts will reflect this; a few more credits or material goods for everyone on the proverbial payroll.

She doesn't actually tell them, so some of them may not find that out until later.