World Tree MUSH

'Saka Secret Santa

    Arasaka has been moving merchandise and prototype tech in secret since the start of the month. This'll be an easy in the bag snatch and grab, or so they say but this mission will break more laws against the corpos than a Judas Priest song.

    This will also be Twintail's intro scene! Let's welcome her to the MUSH!
Character Pose
    "Aite so here's the plan." Rebecca says, popping the tab on a can of Joja cola. The drink machines have been showing up more and more frequently around Night City in the past month. This peculiar soda branding and marketing aside, however, the diminutive Solo is looking pretty serious right now, clutching a heavy machinegun in her arms like it weighed less than an infant.
    "Arasaka's been running some seriously clandestine merch through the city and we're gonna hit 'em for it." She says. "They're swinging a convoy through Watson tonight, headed for Corpo Plaza, it's a small detachment; just two guard cars and a behemoth truck with the goods in it."
    "We've already got a plan to take out the guards, so that just leaves stopping and getting into the truck. That might be Hyouka's job if she's up for it~." Rebecca says as she climbs into one of the two getaway cars for the mission, the one she's in is driven by a man with a cowboy hat and a mustache right out of the wild west as she takes the shotgun seat in Falco's car. People can pile,in with her or board the other car, either way, once everyone's on board they start to roll on out, heading for Night city's Watson district.
Anneka Stojespal
  Agent Stojespal is all business for the briefing, checking her equipment and testing the reception of her comm headset as she listens. There's a bit of a frown as Hyouka is voluntold to truck commandeering duty, and she shrugs. "I will go with Miss Kiyama." She might need protection, laughable as that may be. Or another pair of eyes... oh, wait.

She chooses a car at random, and she's more or less silent through the ride into Watson District. She's flicking through things on her phone. In someone less responsible it might be social media feeds, but no, the SHIELD agent is flipping through maps and informative schematics of their immediate surroundings. (Thanks, Agent Coulson.)

"Can drive the truck, too, though... you may not want me driving the truck."
Hyouka Kiyama
    "Mm..." It's a thoughtful noise from Hyouka, pondering the task offered to her. "I'm going to have to give that a maybe, actually. I'm strong enough to pick up a regular car and throw it, but if this is a big, heavy truck, it's probably a bit too much for me. I could try and get onboard, though," she adds. "Maybe smash a tire or something so it slows down. I brought lightning tonight, though, so that might be tough."
    Scavenger nods to the brief... briefing. "If you can get close enough, I could board the truck." she suggests, adjusting her cleaver as she takes a seat in the other car, then adjusting a comm-set to her ears. <"That might be our best bet, Hyouka's methods of stopping vehicles seems a little more destructive than we might want.">

    She doesn't sound accusatory, just matter-of-fact, considering the last vehicle Hyouka stopped got turned into confetti on impact.
    "I mean, I can always drive. I did a good job last time, right?" Catra asks, picking the car that has room enough for Melog to lounge in, too. "And if we're driving it, we can at least have Melog cloak it so we're not so easily chased..." she puts her hands up behind her head after fiddling with whatever comms she's been given. It seems she's slowly been collecting fun things while in Night City, though. Not only is the kanabo hanging at her belt, but the heavy revolver is hugging one thigh, wrapped in a holster while a belt contains a handful of reloads for it.

    "If we've got a place to drive the thing anyway..."
    "Just take out the driver, get in the seat and bring it to a stop."

    The voice comes from an agitated organizer of this little gig, already seated in the passenger seat of the second car, a sleek heavy duty looking Thorton Mackinaw 'Warhorse' truck that looks like a zombified mess of off color panels and graffiti sprays all over. Exotic fox ears pin back as she leans out of the window, looking behind her and to the other car. "Take care of the cargo escort however you want, truck gets what I need looted and dropped off at a chopshop on Northeast Watson, they'll make it disappear to those 'Saka fucks go after a ghost for a while. Then you all get your eddies, extra if we make this nice and quick with little fuss."

    The small yet intimidating sounding fox girl relaxes in her seat as she pulls out that desert eagle of hers, pulling back the slide and making sure it's ready to roll with a full magazine. "You're my first bunch of people I'm hirin' outside the usual batch, do me a favor and don't give me a bad first impression."
Anneka Stojespal
  It's tempting for Anneka to tell Hyouka to overload the motor with electricity, but they have to be able to use the truck afterward. "Damn," the agent grouses under her breath. "Wish I could fit a quinjet in these alleys. Would make things easier..."

She taps her comm headset, testing it. <<Can probably incapacitate the driver, if someone can get me inside the truck. Have non-lethal rounds.>> That blue eye lifts. Seems like Twintail was thinking the same thing! She pulls her ICER from its holster, checking it. Do me a favour and don't give me a bad first impression, the fox girl says, and Anneka snorts. <<Am a professional,>> she says, almost disdainfully.

There's a pause.

<<...Need that money, anyway. Rent due next week.>>
    "You know." Rebecca says mildly over the collective comm. It's an encrypted channel so there's no worry about Arasaka hearing it or anything. Yet. "It's not every day a fixer swings out on their own job." She muses idly. "Anyway I'll watch your six. Let's get this done, chooms."
    But then the solo pouts.
    "Man, Hyouka, I wanted to see you do that traffic stopper again. But fine fine, if you think it's too much, we'll just burn that bridge when we cross it."
    That is not how that expression goes and Rebecca is full and well aware of it as the cars pick up speed through Watson. Because soon enough the convoy is in sight; two large Chevillon Emperor 620 Ragnars with a Behemoth cargo truck between them with the Arasaka logo on it. "Aite, new plan. Scavenger, Catra or Anneka gets aboard the truck and stops it. Doesn't matter who."
    This is when Rebecca leans out of her car's window...
    She's got a missile launcher in her arms.
    "Heeeeeeehhhhh...! Let's go, let's go, let's GO!" She whoops as she sights down the targeting reticle and waits for that sweet, sweet, [Locked On] chime.
    Once she hears it she squeezes the trigger. With a loud 'FSHOOOM!' the missile streaks from her weapon, which she immediately discards onto the street, and impacts with the back of the first Ragnar. It slows the vehicle down, but doesn't bring the rear car out of the running entirely as several Arasaka mercenaries lean out the windows and open fire on the two cars the assault party have piled into.
    As the cars approach the convoy, and especially when Rebecca whacks the hornets nest with a high explosive warhead... Scavenger glances into the back of the truck. "Hey, you kept the 'cycle." she muses softly. She hops out of her seat, mounts the motorcycle and cranks the engine. "Drop the rear hatch... I'll give them something to worry about."

    When the hatch opens, she releases the brakes and kicks backwards, rolling out the back of the truck. <"Close up, I'm clear... lets do this."> She says as she guns the engine and roars past the two pursuit trucks and approaches the convoy.

    Scavenger has no ranged weaponry, instead drawing her cleaver and using it to soak some stray bullets coming her way.

    The Zalak closes in on the already crippled Ragnar and brings her heavy blade up and over to slash into the armoured hide of the vehicle.
Anneka Stojespal
  Anneka glances over as Rebecca says her name, and starts to look away--


It takes her a second or two of staring to get over that, and then, looking a little bit unsettled, she tries to focus. Rebecca whooping in her ear isn't helping, and she twitches a little at the FSHOOOM! as the solo fires.

She glances down at her ICER, squinting appraisingly, before glancing back out the window at the windscreen of the car closest to their car. She's considering whether ICER rounds are fast or heavy enough to punch through reinforced automotive glass, and with a shrug, she leans around Rebecca, braces herself with a growled "Hold still for a minute," and fires three rounds in clean, staccato rhythm.

She'll just wait for someone to open up that truck like a sardine can, but the quinjet pilot is standing by to drive if it becomes necessary.
Hyouka Kiyama
    Hyouka gives Scavenger a wounded look. "Hey, I can dial back the destruction! I could just stop a car, you know. I don't have to punch it." But both Twintail and Anneka have good advice in the form of 'just hit the driver'. "That's why I usually bring my lightning crystal for this world," the faux-elf declares, looking a touch smug. "Good for taking people out." She gives Rebecca a side-glance, then adds an amused, "I'll try and give you something else that's pretty flashy, then."

    And soon enough, the operation starts. A rocket signals the beginning, and then there is gunfire. It takes only a second for the door on one of the vehicles to swing open, and a figure in rather frugal clothing to come tumbling out. She rolls over several times, but amidst the semi-voluntary somersaulting, there's a declaration of, "Fisto, ON!" and a crackle of lightning.

    And the very instant Hyouka's feet are under her, she explodes into the air.

    It's a high arc. It's probably a very foolish path to take, since it leaves the magitech cyborg hanging in the air for several seconds, probably easy enough to take potshots at. But as Hyouka arcs, her fists begin to arc in a very different sense. And by the time she comes down, her right arm is absolutely crackling with build-up lightning mana. She discharges it all at once as she comes down... right onto the front Chevillon's hood. Once again, it sounds like lightning striking on the streets of Night City. And it's probably equally destructive.
    Not every day a fixer swings out on their own job? True. And it gets a prompt response from Twintail as she kicks back in her seat, one boot raising up and resting on the dash of the Warhorse. "Gotta see the cargo myself, 'Becca. 'Sides, you won't see me passing up a chance at hitting up 'Saka's gonks." The cars speed up through Watson until the cargo is in sight, and TT gears herself a little. Her left hand goes to those goggles, tugging them down over her eyes as she rows down the window, just in time for the blast of that missile launcher to hit on the first Ragnar. A strap from her pants clips onto the door as she sits up and leans out, once Hyouka has the attention of the Arasaka mercs, both arms go up with that Desert Eagle as she focuses on the other Ragnar truck, ready to take careful potshots at anyone coming out to take a shot at the group. Over the collective comm on her holo, she just communicates, "Putting suppressing fire on the other escort Ragnar; They're all expendable, they sold their lives away already."
    Catra drums her hands on the dashboard of the car she's in and watches as everything just. Goes. "C'mon c'mon c'mon get me closer...!" she titters excitedly. "Whoa..." her eyes sparkle, and not just from the missile explosion. There's just so much to take in. That flying hammer-punch from the ever-radiant Hyouka, and of course, Scavenger's bike part two: Highway boogaloo. Then she's just. Climbing out the window. Right on out. On the roof. The catgirl surfs on the roof of her vehicle, claws digging in a little bit to help her with her balance.

    And then the opening she needs starts with a leap. Not for an escort vehicle but for the big dog. The Arasaka armored van. All four sets of claws dig into the side of the van as she presses herself against it, flattening her slender form against the smooth metal to help her dodge bullets. Then she scrambles up on top, clawing and crawling to get onto the roof. "C'mon c'mon..." she laughs, eyes wide, tail wiggling behind her and coat fluttering in the wind as she scampers up the length of the vehicle to get to the cab.

    Down on the passenger side she drops, gripping the roof with one clawed hand, whipping out that revolver and pointing it right at the window. "SUP!" she grins, winking her cyan eye at the people in the cab before firing two rounds through the glass. She lets the recoil of the massive revolver whip her around, up and over the cab of the truck, as graceful and catlike as she can be as she stuffs the gun back into its place. Freeing up both hands, her descent is caught with claws in the roof--and her feet kicking through the driver's side window to quite simply boot the occupant(s) out the other side and take the wheel.
    It's chaos in the streets as a high speed chase erupts in Night City.
    "Keep us steady, Falco!"
    "Yup." The driver replies stoic. Falco is, literally, one of the best drivers in the business, he keeps his truck perfectly steady as Catra climbs to the roof and surfs.
    The Ragnars and their occupants have a hell of a fight to contend with though as Hyouka takes the front car out of the running *entirely* in one thunderous blow, the armored truck swerving around it to leave it and the occupants behind.
    That leaves the crippled rear car now, four guys firing wildly out the windows-- then three as an ICER round pelts one and KO's him instantly. Then two as Twintail's suppressive fire pops a man's skull like a watermelon-- then the rear car is deftly derailed off course with a mighty blow from Scavenger's buster blade, causing it to spin out wildly as the driver loses control and crashes into a nearby wall, taken out of the running entirely.
    hat leaves the big mama of a truck-- and Catra seems to have that in hand as she leaps from Falco's car to the truck and summarily punts the VERY surprised driver out the window and hijacks the truck.
    "FUCK yeah!" Rebecca crows. "Piece of cake! Aite everyone let's slow it down to a stop, crack this thing open and go home."
    Once the truck and cars have rolled to a stop, Rebecca hops out her seat.
    She has a bomb in her hands. An actual and huge hunk of plastic explosive with a timer attached to it and everything.
    "Yeah, I get it. I'm A-OK with punching Arasaka in the throat now and then. So let's see that cargo, make sure it's what you want and--"
    The truck opens up on its own.
    "Uhhhhh. Should it be doing that?"
    Venting mist and steam, the cargo is obscured for a good moment.
    Before bullets start flying EVERYWHERE.
    With a riotous *DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA* the mechanized robotic assault unit that had been inside the truck opens fire on everyone in sight.
    "OH FUCK." Rebecca yelps as she tumblerolls behind a car as the Arasaka Minotaur stomps free of the truck and down its ramp, leaving several crates of precious cargo aboard the vehicle, with intent to kill everyone before returning to it.
Anneka Stojespal
  That blue eye snaps wide at Hyouka's bright and snap-crackling show of electricity, turning up to trace the arc of the cyborg through the sky. "Oh, damn, that's cool," she mutters under her breath, before turning her attention back to the situation. C'mon, Agent Stojespal; focus.

Twintail's direction brings her to swivel her ICER to target the vehicle called out, bracing and training it as close to the Ragnar's driver as she can before closing scarred fingers over the trigger, twice, in rapid succession. No crazy acrobatics from the agent, here. Nope. She's all too human and aware of that... as long as innocents aren't in the crosshairs, anyway.

An ICER round pelts one of the passengers, helpfully, and Anneka's mouth twists in a crooked, savage little half-smile. Bingo. It was at one point jokingly called the 'Night-Night Gun' for a reason. That guy will wake up hours later with a headache and some really trippy dreams to remember later.

She leaps out of her own truck once the convoy slows to a halt, checking her ICER and then looking up and out, keeping a weather eye out for any potential hostiles. The others can deal with the cargo--<<OH SHIT!>> Hello, Arasaka Minotaur! So pleased to make your acquaintance! Anneka abruptly scrambles into a full sprint away from it, and towards the nearest thing she can use for cover. In this case, the truck she'd ridden here in. <<What the hell is THAT!?>>
    "Smooth, smooth. Kind of scary this new places has people like this... Last thing this city needs is the corpos hiring you to protect -their- things." The Warhorse Twintail is in starts sliding to a halt as the girl ejects her magazine, takes a quick ammo count, and slams it back in, unstrapping herself from the door before she pops open the door, waiting for everything to slow to a halt before.

    "-Becca-." She sounds stern, seeing that makeshift plastic explosive coming to the back. At first it may have seemed like concern for the cargo, but now, it's something else, as the truck back starts to open on it's own. ".... No, Becca. It should -not- be doing that." Then, the bullets fly.

    In an instant, that adrenal implant kicks in and Twintail gets an instant flow of artificial adrenaline in her system, her natural adrenaline soon catching up as she zooms like a cyberpsycho over the hood of that big truck, sliding along it to take cover on the otherside. "It's a FUCKIN' MINOTAUR?!"

    For some street fixer, Twintail seems to know her way around combat, now she's taking shots from the back of the truck and using the bed as cover from those machine guns. .50 Action Express can still do damage if you hit the right spots, but no way will it be enough. Given what she knows about this group, though? She formulates a plan. "I don't got any netrunners -- Hyouka! Get an opening and shock the shit out of that thing's circuits! Everyone else, stagger the shit out of it, heavy weapons!"
Hyouka Kiyama
    The front car is down, and everyone else is moving on past it. Hyouka is left to quickly catch up in a madcap scramble... but that turns out not to be an issue, entirely because she can run fast enough on foot to keep up with the trucks.

    Wow, look at her go.

    The magical cyborg with the faux dragon heart is just catching up to the rest of the fracas when the back doors of the truck swing open, and a turret with legs comes ambling out. If you've ever wanted to see an elf skid to a stop from about forty miles per hour, well... now you have. "W-what the...?!" She's forced to lunge to one side when it starts unloading heavy firepower, and Hyouka looks around rapid-fire at the other members of the group. Most of the people here are a lot squishier than her.

    "DARGN, give me constant flow into the FISTEAU." "Done."

    Once again, the FISTEAU units begin to crackle. The lines of purple energy along each one go from occasional pulses to a steady glow. She lunges to one side, then another, and after an evasive roll, she comes up - and gives Twintail a huge thumbs-up. "How about I give it a lot of them?" In the next heartbeat, she's up and charging in again. A full superhuman sprint, a blur of movement to take her right up into the Minotaur's proverbial face.

    And then she swings one punch. And then another. And another, and another. A professional boxer would probably laugh at Hyouka's form. But with the sheer amount of strength she can put into each punch, the speed she can swing them at, and the fact that each blow deals a burst of magical damage and shocks her target besides? Her form doesn't really need to be good.
    Scavenger comes to a stop as the truck does... dismounting and approaching only a few steps behind Rebecca.

    And then, SUDDENLY MECHA!

    Scavenger ducks down, stabs her blade into the tarmac to brace it and hunkers behind the solid slab of metal as bullets rake across the street. As it stands, she's pinned and the Buster isn't going to last long against armour piercing bullets in that kind of quantity.

    She waits for a distraction, something to take the mech's attention off of her for even a few seconds.

    The second its attention gets drawn off of her impromptu rat-hole, she pounces; rolling out from behind the buster blade and yanking it out as she charges in a dead sprint. <Squeeze out every heartbeat... you only have one shot at this.>

    As Twintail yells orders, a simple response comes back. <"Don't get much heavier than my blade."> She times her strike to follow up with Hyouka, letting the Cyborg stagger it with a flurry of punches. When an opening arises in the flurry the Zalak's blade digs a furrow in the street as she swings it in an uppercut swing, aiming to strike its knee joint and into the main body to knock it off balance, if not clean over onto its side. This is followed up by a reversal of the swing to bring the heavy blade down atop the robot's center of mass.
>> SUMMARY[Scavenger] >> Yes! YES! Split it wide open!
    When everything rolls to a halt, Catra laughs. She leans back in the truck's seat and smacks the steering wheel. "Yessss! That's how we get it done!" she leans out and grins at the group, cackling as Rebecca pulls out the BRICK of explosives. "Hey! Whoa! Aren't we supposed to get this thing back in one piece? Not that I'm objecting but--" and then the back opens and she stares at the truck's dashboard. "Hey! I didn't hit anything!" All in the meanwhile, Melog has slunk its way out of the vehicle it was resting in and hops right up into the passenger seat of the cargo van--moments before all hell breaks loose.

    "Oh hell no..." Catra grunts and her ears lay flat. "Never easy, is it..." she shrugs, shares a glance with Melog before sticking her arm out the window. There's a middle finger with a claw pointing up directed right at the Minotaur and then the truck just. Blip. No longer exists. It's gone. It doesn't show up in IR. EM. Nothing. Poor Minotaur is suddenly homeless! And the truck. The truck's gone.

    At least. Until a few moments later when the air shimmers about 20 feet away from where the truck *had* been, and a hail of gunfire explodes from the 'gap' in space. The illusion cloak fades, the truck has been moved, and prone in the open back of the cargo compartment, Catra's got an HMG braced as she empties the belt in the Minotaur's direction.

    Must've come from one of the boxes. Hopefully Twintail won't mind.
Anneka Stojespal
  Off goes the street fixer with the fox tail, and things are happening much too quickly for Anneka to get distracted. She leans back against the vehicle she's using for cover, narrowing her eye as she checks her ICER with a glance. A few good shots left. She's watching as Hyouka reaves her way through both vehicles and the personnel assigned to them, aiming shot after shot at the Minotaur. That's... both really impressive and kind of scary.

And suddenly there is machine gun fire crackling at the Minotaur. Anneka jumps and scuttles more securely behind cover, checking herself. Apparently thinking of something, she slaps her comm headset, barking into it. <<Val! Fix my location! Unload every damn thing you have!>

A smooth, feminine voice that is also obviously computerised answers over the band.

***Vocal identification complete. Identity verified. Level Five Provisional Clearance accepted. Confirmed, Captain Stojespal. ETA one minute, thirty-two seconds. Please use this time to retreat to a safe distance.***

<<Get the hell away from the Minotaur, all of you! I've got an airstrike inbound! We'll soften the bastard up for you!>>

That's at about the minute-mark. Not much more warning than that before the sky... darkens? Why is there a fairly large shadow over the area? It's silent, too. And then suddenly a quinjet looms over the nearest building, tilting and pivoting down into the alley, sweeping the Minotaur with a strafing spray of heavy machinegun fire. No sooner is that done than the aircraft turns, ascending and sprinting off in silence.

Anneka pops out from behind the truck just long enough to squint in the clearing dust (it might have kinda torn up the street more than a little), just enough to make sure Val didn't miss her mark.

The quinjet didn't miss. Val never misses her mark. It's irritatingly consistent that way. Also, it might have torn the street up a bunch. Oops.
    The minotaur is the pinnacle of Arasaka's mass produced mecha technology. With its twin heavy machineguns firing smart projectiles, the only thing that keeps Rebecca from getting mulched is the fact that she's in cover, as the Minotaur pins her in place-- pins Scavenger down- and makes a massive nuisance of itself.
    It's a good thing the party at least has a decent amount of cohesion to work together when Twintail gives the orders.
    In goes Hyouka, rattling the mini mecha with every blow she pummels into it while Rebecca and Twintail lay down a suppressive fire.
    Then. Then the truck VANISHES and Catra re-emerges laying down a hailstorm of lead on the thing, denting its armor plating under heavy ordinance fire.
    One heavy blow from Scavenger is all it takes to topple the thing under all the duress its under, and her buster blade carves deeply into it as...
    Val arrives on scene. Everyone gets their cue to mosey away before the quinjet unloads and mulches the Minotaur, shredding the asphalt, before a small explosion rocks the ground, signalling the end of the miniature mech.
    Rebecca peeks out of cover and whistles.
    "Well daaaaaamn." The miniature solo crows approvingly.
    But she's already motioning for the truck.
    "Cool as that was, it uh. Probably got some bad attention. Check the goods. If they're all in order we better delta. Fast."

    Streetslang Translator's note: Delta means bail.
    <Get the hell away from the Minotaur.>

    That's all the Zalak needs to yank her blade out and haul ass directly away from the robotic guardian, diving behind a parked car with scant seconds to go as the airstrike hits.


    The rat-like woman peeks out after the Quinjet peels away, checking to see it the robot somehow managed to survive that fusillade. *BOOM*

    It did not. This prompts the Zalak to rise out of her cover. She checks her blade, tracing fingers across every new dent and a nasty looking crack along the length of the weapon. "This had better be worth it... this cost more than I'd like to admit." she grouses, slinging the thing over her back into its cradle and approaching the truck.
Hyouka Kiyama
    Hyouka's blows could shatter concrete. Or, y'know, punch an engine block out of a car. This thing is hardier than either of those, but when she keeps punching, and keeps discharging mana with every blow, it's gonna do some damage. With seemingly perfect timing, she's able to step out of the way to let Scavenger follow up, and then Catra unload. It's when Anneka calls in an airstrike, however, that the faux-elven woman truly gets some distance. "An airstrike-?!" Thankfully, she is fast. Fast enough to get the hell out of the way and find some cover.

    By the time Rebecca is suggesting retreat, Hyouka Kiyama is very much of the same mind. "Agreed." She can either hop in one of the cars, or run alongside them - either way works for her.
    Catra's ears lay flat the entire time, and when the call for air support comes, she lets go of the weapon and puts her hands over her head. She's got the shelter of the armored van, at least, but it's still loud and the explosion following is, well, hardly quiet--or boring! She springs to her feet and thrusts her fist in the air, "Yes! Teamwork!" she shouts before carefully stepping over the mess of casings all over the floor of the van--and the gun itself. "Someone else wanna take this home? It's uh. These things are *REALLY* heavy..." she huffs, scooting out of the cargo area and hauling herself back around to hop in the driver's seat.

    "Right! Tell me where we're taking this thing!" she leans out of the window, eyes sweeping the group but lingering on Twintail. She's the one with the directions, after all.
    That all happens a little too fast. What really catches her ears and makes them perk up is what Anneka calls in. "What the hell do you mean an 'airstrike'?!"
    Little too late to bitch about it as the road turns into an urban warzone, the quinjet zooming by and filling the area with an absolute loud shrill of machinegun fire before pulling out. When the smoke is clear and done, TT lifts her head up to see the end of the fight. Still hopped on that adrenaline pumping through her blood, she hops right out and stows the Desert Eagle to her belt holster. "Cargo check first, Catra! If this cargo's hit, it's gonna cost a lot more... Fuckin' airstrike, next time how about you zip MaxTac the deets on--" She's cut off suddenly as her eyes glow a small blue hue -- a holo call. She goes in, going silent as she starts to go through the cargo. "Talk quick, Legion, in a rush here."

A crate opens up, she peeks in. Close, another opens, peeking in. Close, then one more.

    "... There you are. Now it makes sense." She reaches in, tugging out a strange looking pistol with a decorated look, and a fat looking addition along the underside of the barrel. "Right, Legion, ETA?" A pause as she closes the thing up, and starts making her way out of the truck. "... Got it, zippin' you some eddies now. Keep in touch." Her eyes fade as she gives a sharp whistle. She points at the two trucks. "Alright, airstrike's got some heat on us, 'Maxtac' thinks all that noise is a cyberpsycho is on their way, ETA 2 minutes, Delta the fuck out -NOW-. Expect eddies within the next hour or so -- Catra, unless you feel like bailin' now, you're with me, we need to get this thing into the chopshop fast before NCPD gets their eyes on it." She's already closing up the Behemoth cargo truck as she makes for the truck's passenger seat. If anyone wanted to get a quick bit in, now might be the time.
    "Wait shit did you say 'Maxtac'? Rebecca asks, blinking owlishly. "Yeah that's not good."
    That's not good at all. But once Twintail verifies the cargo and everything is good and hunky dory, the diminutive Solo piles into Falco's car.
    "Aite, you heard her, 2 minutes people, we gotta jet, we gotta jet!"
    Once people pile into the cars, Falco and the second getaway driver take off at the speed of yes, while Twintail, and likely Catra drive off with the behemoth, the job turning out to be a pleasant little success.
    Twintail will find that Melog is currently occupying the passenger seat of the van. The weird space-lion-thing just yawns at the fox and does what cats do best: Invade personal space and overall get in the way. At least there's enough room for the fixer to hop in. Catra shrugs, though, "Hey, I don't have anywhere to be," she leans out of the window, "Unless Scavenger wants to grab a snack?" she calls out before glancing back to Twintail. "If not, I've got nowhere else to be. So we need to jet, we can jet."
    Scavenger comes up short as Twintail and Catra button up the Behemoth.

    She's seen MaxTac work over a Cyberpsycho and doesn't need telling twice to delta... she mounts the motorcycle and takes another route away from the area, <"I'll meet you at the chop shop."> is transmitted over to Catra and Twintail.

    The engine of the motorcycle roars, and she peels out of the street and down the more narrow side-alleys to evade any incoming police vehicles.
    "Take a left at the intersection, and a left before Kobo's noodles down an alley. It'll keep us a little out of sight while we get to the chopshop." Twintail makes herself room as she gets in. She hops on the coms at the mention of a snack, but also seems to direct it at Catra. "Anyone wants to talk, I'll be at the Red Dirt bar in Santa Domingo later."
    A hand reaches to the radio controls of the Arasaka behemoth, turning on the actual music stations, and flicking it to a station she knows and loves. 107.3 Morro Rock. As if casually settling in, and not caring if Catra or Melog protest about it, she tugs up a cigarette to her lips, flicks open a zippo and lights it, before leaning back and cracking the window so the smoke can escape. "Wonder how the suit in charge of this is gonna explain to their boss how these classy Jinguji partnership tech SMGS ended up on the streets."
    "Nah, no need for all that," Catra states. She doesn't seem to mind the radio station change, and she grins, waving at Scavenger. She shares a glance with her lion friend and while the van doesn't go all invisible, it changes appearance. From the inside out, the colors shift, as does the livery. "Just tell me where the shop is, yeah?" 

    And just like that, if Twintail glances in the rear view mirror, she'll be able to tell that the van no longer sports Arasaka colors or text. It's all Militech, and the claw marks Catra had left are gone, too! Well, at least, to the eye. "Because if we wait around too long, Melog's going to eat one of us," she jokes. Right as her own stomach growls, making her cheeks turn red. "...just tell me where to go."
    "Huh." Twintail frowns as she looks at the rear view mirror of the truck, turning it to see the Arasaka label being changed to Militch. With a smirk, she sits back and closes her eyes. "Here I was enjoying the irony of playing Samurai in an Arasaka truck. Ah well." She opens her eyes, and just points ahead. "3 intersections down, take a right, blue building on the left. Gate should be open, door will open when you get close." She doesn't seem to care for the joke though -- this is still biz.