World Tree MUSH

You've Got Moxie

The Mox, one of Night City's many gangs; comprised of the disenfranchised, anarchists, punks, rebels and night workers, has a problem. Generally non-territorial, keeping to themselves and protecting their own, The Mox usually solve their own problems. But when a squad of Animals, another Night City gang, start becoming a regular problem at Lizzie's Bar and Nightclub, The Mox might need a little help. Calling on a local fixer to hire mercs and muscle, their request is simple. Track the Animals down to their nearby hidout and 'convince' them to back off from Lizzie's. Be as persuasive as you like; words or violence, discretion is up to you. ... But be ready to expect violence at the drop of a hat... Because Animals are known for their 'roided out rages.
Character Pose
    Lizzie's Bar, named after Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Borden, the old and legendary proprietor that started a war with the Tyger Claws before her death. The ensuing riots devastated the Tyger Claws' holdings for a long while to come and formed the beginnings of The Mox; a gang of Night City's disenfranchised punks, rebels, and sex workers.
    Lizzie's bar is the meetup for this job, and Rebecca is waiting outside, talking animatedly with the bouncer about some BS or another while waiting for the others who have taken the job to show up.
    The sun is setting and the bar is kicking into high gear for the evening, but tonight isn't a night to go out drinking. There's work to be done.
Hyouka Kiyama
    There's a lot of potential jobs in this city that Hyouka Kiyama is leery of. That she feels uncertain or skeezy about.

    "Helping a gang of folks that mostly just want to be left alone" is not one of those jobs. This job, she feels perfectly secure about. So perhaps it's no big surprise that she's there to greet the tiniest choom. "Yo, Rebecca~," the faux-elf cyborg greets as she approaches the edgerunner. "Looks like I got here in time, hmm?"
    Scavenger has taken to Night City like a rat takes to the sewers.

    Okay, bad analogy, but she's been hitting up minor fixers, and slipping neatly back into her life as a mercenary. All with the blessings of Rhodes Island to boot.

    So long as she still performs her duties, at least.

    So, the Zalak walks up to Rebecca and the bouncer, but unlike many street punks or even most local mercs, she doesn't speak up outside of a simple announcement of her presence. Arms fold, and yellow eyes look around, taking in the other faces showing up to this job.
    "Right, new goal," Catra is talking to Melog even though she's perfectly capable of communicating with the creature through her mind. It's just better to get words out, and Catra's always been one to like the sound of her own voice. "Make enough money, and get one of those /sweet/ motorcycles!" she grins, jerking her thumb towards the CT-3X that burns out as the light turns green and tears off into the sunset. "I mean it beats walking or taking the train..." she grouses, stuffing her hands in her pockets.

    Then she's walking up to Rebecca and co and flashing that winning grin. "Hey Rebecca~, hey Scavenger~" she says in that trademark tone of hers. Then her eyes light up at Hyouka being there too. "Fist lady! Sup! Come to break some bones with us tonight?!" She's got her kanabo still, at least.
Talia Kyras
    Talia gets a number of funny looks no doubt, thanks to her tattoos and the green skin she has. That said, she minds her business as she enters Lizzie's. "I've business here." She tells the bouncer, and nods to the small girl she's chatting with. "You're the...solo, I take it?" She asks Rebecca, cocking an eyebrow. Still, size matters not. She doesn't recognize the others, but she bows to them as well. "Hello there." She greets with a smile. Despite her Jedi nature Talia's wearing a silvery fishnet top with a pink sports bra, and black leather pants with shitkicker boots. So very, very punk.

    "I take it you're all here for the job too, then?"
Anneka Stojespal
  Today, Agent Stojespal has walked. The talking quinjet might attract uncomfortable amounts of attention in a place like this. Today, it's the slightly less obvious light tactical gear. Agent Stojespal is here, too, but she's about as talkative as she usually is, which is to say not much at all. Although it doesn't look like she has any backup with her, she's wearing light riot gear, minus the shield, and her agency insignias have been removed. It's all quite generic-looking as a result. She has an ICER holstered at each hip and some manner of rifle slung over her shoulder. Of course, the eyepatch, scars, and scowl all mean she probably fits in... reasonably well, in this place.

The job was given to her from above. In fact, she has a comm headset on under that cap, with an uplink to the talking quinjet, and her boss, who's probably aboard the talking quinjet. Her arms fold as she stands off to the side, waiting, though the few individuals she knows here earn nods.
    And thusly, people have arrived.
    "Yo! Sup!" Rebecca greets. Having worked with just about everyone here except Talia, she's pretty chipper with her greeting as she folds her oversized hands behind her head.
    "Yeah this is the place." She doees reply to Talia. "And that's me, I'm the solo." She says already leading the way away from the bar.
    "We're headed to a warehouse on the kabuki waterfront not too far from here." She explains. "The Animals has set up shop there. They've been putting some pressure on the boys, girls, and others, of The Mox at Lizzie's place." She says as the group comes up to the warehouse in question.
    "Be careful. Animals... I grew up in a building full of 'em. They like to try and reach human 'perfection' through steroids, hormones, and muscle bulking drugs. They're led by an 'Alpha'. Usually the biggest and strongest of 'em."
    This is as Rebecca walks right up to the massive slab of muscle guarding the door.
    She looks up. Up. Farther. A little more. Up.
    The guy has to be like almost seven feet tall and made of nothing but beef.
    "What is it?" He growls.
Talia Kyras
    "Right. Well, I'm Talia." She's pretty comfortable with just going, she goes best when lightly equipped. She's got her lightsaber and her blaster on her belt, what's the worst that could happen?

    Night City is awfully hostile to say the least. A lot of vapid consumerism, violent altercations, and body modification. Honestly, it's not that different from Nar Shaddaa, minus aliens.

    This guy's a real meat boulder, and Talia very sweetly smiles as she tries to put on the charm. "Hello there!" She says with a chipper tone, waving a hand. "We're here to go see about a situation you have with some of the locals here."

    Looking at the big guy, he doesn't seem too mentally strong despite his bulk. Talia's already preparing a Jedi Mind Trick. This guy might be easily swayed. "You want to let us in." She says clearly and calmly, waving her hand in front of the roided ganger.
    Scavenger nods to Catra.. and even offers a little smile?

    Can't be, must have been a trick of the light.

    She falls in behind Rebecca and listens to the briefing, before her eyes lock onto the giant slab of beef at the door to their destination. She doesn't speak, letting the others take point there... though a hand moves to grasp the haft of her cleaver as it peeks over a shoulder.
Hyouka Kiyama
    When Scavenger approaches, Hyouka gives her a casual wave. "Yo~." But it's Catra's enthusiastic greeting that seems to get the most animated response. "Well, something like that," she says, standing up a little straighter. "If we don't have to, I'd rather not, but the kind of gang we're going to meet... well, we might have to be a little forceful making our point." Agent Stojespal is a familiar face, and gets a familiar sort of greeting, but Talia is definitely someone new! "Nice to meet you. Hyouka Kiyama," she greets, before falling into step with Rebecca.

    Of course, with Talia waving her hand around... well, the faux elf is confused. However, DARGN makes a soft, curious sort of noise.
    Catra almost does a double take when she's smiled at. Was she smiled at? Nah. Probably not. Melog's got a *grin* on its features though. Catra tries to ignore it as she listens to Rebecca's rundown. "Sup~ I'm Catra," she says, giving a wave and a toothy grin to Talia. She's a cat girl, surely those aren't too strange to the Jedi. "Gang's all here and we brought a plus one, huh?" she asks, waving to Anneka. Only one she doesn't recognize is Talia!

    "So we're going to what, try to talk to these people, or go for the violence? Cuz... Look if I'm aware of my own skills, it's usually pissing people off, you know?" she says with a clearly ample amount of pride. "Throws them off their game. Usually," she shrugs. And then they're getting closer, and she sees the mountain of beef and subconsciously bumps her kanabo with her hand. "Aw man I'm going to need a much bigger bat for this..." she mutters.

    She also looks a bit bewildered when Talia tries to do some space magic.
Anneka Stojespal
  Hyouka earns a nod, and for a brief instant the usual tension around Anneka's shoulders fades for a second. Familiar faces are always nice.

Gloved hands slip into pockets as Anneka trails the group, single eye glowering out from beneath the bill of her cap. She's listening to the details out of Rebecca as she trails the group. Animals setting up shop at a warehouse on the Kabuki Waterfront. Hassling the Mox at Lizzie's Place.

She slows to a halt as Rebecca does, following the solo's gaze up... and up... and up. Anneka's not short, but this guy makes her feel uncomfortably small and fragile.

What is it?

The agent just blinks owlishly, looking unimpressed while trying not to sweat. That gorilla could snap her in half with just one hand. Trivially. Before she can try to negotiate, Talia is on it. Yes, let the Jedi deal with the temperamental slab of meat. That sounds like a better option. Anneka is not a trained negotiator and has all the patience of a half-starved wolf.
    The thing about Animals is... They're known for being muscle. They hire themselves out as bouncers and hired thugs, and this thug is just that. A brutish, musclebound roid rager.
    So when Talia steps in and uses The Force, Rebecca shoots her a strange look. Right up until the bouncer goes slack jawed.
    "... I want to let you in." He says stepping aside to let the party enter the warehouse.
    "That was pretty cool." Rebecca concedes before answering Catra: "I mean. We can try to talk to them. If our words get past all the bulk then maybe we can get somewhere."
    So inside the warehouse and... It looks like the Animals inside are all busy watching a fight happening right now. Two huge men are duking it out in a makeshift ring while most of the others hoot and holler at them.
    Overseeing it is the BIGGEST woman anyone has ever seen. She's bigger than the guy outside.
    Wider than him too, and it's all muscle. So much muscle that it looks almost grotesque on her, but the others look just as hormone'd and roided out as she does.
    "That must be the Alpha." Rebecca notes.
Talia Kyras
    Having to do this and being successful gives Talia mixed feelings: She hates subverting the will of other beings, but on the other hand this guy's just...DUMB. It's pretty obvious through the Force he doesn't have much going through his head. Fighting, food, and fornication are on the man's mind and very sweetly and gently asking him to be let through the gate doesn't seem too bad, right?

    For the record, cat-girls aren't too weird. Talia learned lightsaber combat from an eight foot tall tiger lady! Still, Catra's a good bit different looking to Master Sura Wyre. But that can be discussed later.

    Talia smiles cryptically at Rebecca. "It worked." THe Jedi says as they enter the warehouse. "I've got some special talents. Sorry I didn't explain sooner."

    Walking in is pretty uneventful, but they find themselves in a room with the biggest woman Talia's ever seen.

    "I've got a bad feeling about this. I don't think I can make a repeat performance with her." She mutters softly to Rebecca and the others.

    Clearingh er throat, Talia steps forwards. "Hello there! I'm Talia, and we're here to discuss your feud with the Moxes, if you'd be willing to hear us out?"
Hyouka Kiyama
    "Interesting," DARGN murmurs, after Talia's trick works. And in they go, only to find a very, very obvious target. "...must be," Hyouka agrees with Rebecca. So, how do they play this?

    Well, Talia's approaching in what sounds like a relatively friendly manner. Hyouka can't help but frown just a little. She's got a feeling it's not going to work against the top member of a structure based on physical and psychological dominance. But hey, they can try, right?
    "Look, I've got a great idea, this has worked for me," Catra starts, eyes focusing on the biggest elephant in the room. She looks to Rebecca, then back over to Hyouka. "...we have one of us challenge her to a duel, and when Miss Hundred Ton Punch here wipes the floor with her, we make our demands to leave the Mox alone." The felinoid nods, folding her arms, "She's a gang leader, I earned an entire gang by doing that. Kicked the boss's ass and took his whip, too. Man I miss that whip... I forgot to bring it with me today."

    Then she ponders, " if she loses..." she looks to Hyouka, "...nah you're not going to lose."
    Scavenger glances at Catra. Then Hyouka. "If you're not confident, then I can challenge her instead." she says to the young cyborg. "Though you probably have me beat in raw power."
Anneka Stojespal
  Under the shadow of the brim, Anneka's brow arches sharply as the big lug goes slack-jawed and steps aside to let them in. Intentionally. Willingly. She casts a look at the bouncer over her shoulder as they pass by, just a smidgen freaked out. A neat trick, but also kind of scary. Good thing the Jedi is on their side.

Oh boy. Or... oh girl? The Alpha is given a slightly blank look, and Anneka finds herself trying to calculate how many ICER rounds it would take for the Alpha to not get back up again. Briefly she finds herself wondering if she has enough ammo on her.

Anneka doesn't actually reach for her ICER, but she's ready to. This probably won't go well. (When do missions ever?)

So she waits, ready, watching and listening tensely.
    Into the warehouse and Talia opens up! ... To make everything come to a grinding halt. Even the fight in the ring stops as heads turn. And the gangers stare like hungry animals.
    This is when the Alpha stands up from where she was sitting and watching the fight.
    "You've got guts coming in and interrupting our fun." She growls. "I oughta have you all pummeled right where you stand."
    "TELL 'EM, SASQUATCH!" An Animal growls.
    "Pummelin' time?" Another whoops.
    They devolve into a near frenzy of whoops and growls until 'Sasquatch' snarls, shutting her gang up.
    "You think you can just walk in here and challenge us? For those scrawny Mox?" Demanded as she pokes Becca in the chest hard enough to stagger the diminutive solo.
    "Watch it, bitch!" Becca snaps. But then, Sasquatch smirks.
    "Alright, you've got a challenge... Set up the tables!" She orders her gang, who set up several makeshift tables, and the biggest, brawniest members of the gang all sit down.
    "Show us your STRENGTH." Sasquatch demands. "If three of you can beat my boys and girls, we'll call it square." She says as...
    The Animals set their arms on the tables...
    And get into arm wrestling positions.
    "... The fuck?" Rebecca says, confused as she's shoved to sit down and exchange grips with a ganger four times her size.
    Good thing she has a set of Gorilla Arms.
Hyouka Kiyama
    It feels like Hyouka just got voluntold. "W-wait, why are you looking at me-?!" The former OL seems a bit startled, but seems to settle out a little bit. "W-well, it's not like I'm not confident. I just wasn't expecting..." She trails off because wow that Alpha really is huge.

    For a few seconds, it feels like this is going to turn into an all-out brawl, and Hyouka finds herself glad she brought her lightning crystal again. She's all set to start deploying the FISTEAU when a call is made for... tables? Yes. Tables. The off-world cyborg blinks a few times, baffled... but quickly realizes what's going on. Her lips pull into a look of amusement. "My, my. I suppose I'm up for this." She looks between the three Animals, taps her chin for a second or two, then sits down opposite whichever Animal seems to have the biggest, beefiest wrestling arm.
Talia Kyras
    "Wh-" As Catra suggests a challenge of strength, Talia looks mortified for a second as she sizes up these goons. They're very, very big. They'd probably give wookiees a run for their money in fact.

    She sighs in resignation as she's led to a chair in front of a sizable woman, not quite the size of Sasquatch but still easily dwarfing Talia at around six and a half feet tall. "Fine." She grumbles before presenting her arm. The Force is with her, matter means nothing to a Jedi.
    Scavenger sits down across from one of the huge, roidrage beef slabs. She even goes the extra step to shrug out of her oversized gauntlets, letting them hang down from the rest of her suit.

    She's got really small arms, the left wrist has a shiny new Infection Monitor, glowing a pale green in a steady rhythm.

    Yellow eyes lock with the Animals', her yellow eyes flaring faintly as they lim from within. "Don't cry when I snap your arm off." she says dourly, grasping the mitt that's at least three times the side of her hand and bracing for the go.

    The go is given, and the Zalak's arm refuses to move... her opponent straining, muscles bulging as he puts all his might into it.

    Scavenger is struggling, her own muscles flexing but that light in her eyes gets brighter.. and the pulsing of the bracelet on her other wrist starts getting faster. She holds until she feels a slackening of that fight, then with a sharp kiai, slams the guys arm down onto the table hard enough to break it in half... the table, not his arm.

    Moments later, the bracelet shifts red, and the Zalak looks as winded as if she'd just run a marathon at a dead sprint.
    Catra's ears go flat when the idea of talking falls just as flat. Her shoulders slump and she scowls. "Aw man. I was sure that would totally work, too..." she grumps. Then she looks aruond her and frowns. She's not a creature of high strength. She'd be better at ripping up the muscles of whomever is trying to beat her down, but some of those dense biceps might be thicker than the heaviest stuff she's cut through. So, she flexes one of her other skills: Fucking off.

    "Look, this isn't my scene, you've all got this, I'm going to go find a chair and cheer you all on, alright? Alright. Seeya!" And she sidesteps, does a half-turn, and walks away. She slips behind a shipping crate, probably full of steroids and drugs or synthbeef. Who knows. But instead of coming out the other side with a conveniently placed folding chair... she's just. Gone. With magic enough to spoof starship sensors, Melog's got her covered. Literally.

    Both Catra and space-cat are, functionally, out of the picture. Sight and sound muffled, though, she rubs her hands together, "Alright there's got to be something useful here... money... weapons... who the hell is pushing these chonkers into Mox territory..." Her internal monologue is external for good effect, and she scampers off to find a weapons cache, a mattress full of actual cash, or a computer terminal.
Anneka Stojespal
  All those bestial stares are unsettling, and Anneka finds herself squaring her shoulders, lowering her head a little. That single blue eye glowers uncertainly from beneath the brim of her cap. Her hand starts drifting toward her hip as Sasquatch staggers Becca a pace or two.

She's fully prepared to have to dive for cover and start shooting, and--

--wait, what, tables?

Before she can react, some enormous pressure squashes down on her shoulders. It's not as much fun as gravity, and Anneka snarls at the unexpected and entirely unwelcome touch, but the goon who put her in a chair is already gone. Back to gibber like monkeys with his buddies, no doubt.

She looks left (where Hyouka sat down across from the biggest slab of muscle in the lot) and right (where Becca has been shoved into a chair of her own).

Anneka's about as Force-sensitive as a fencepost. The Force is absolutely not with her. There's absolutely no way that she's going to win, and she already seems to have resigned herself to her fate, with an expression of let's just get this over with on her face. The agent squints at her opponent, sighing and shrugging out of her jacket. Tossing that over the back of her chair, she whisks off her gloves, folding them neatly atop it before resuming her seat. "All right," she grumbles, under her breath. "Let's get this over with."

She offers her right hand. It is, unlike the left, entirely scarred over. They're fourteen years healed, but still suggest the woman went through something gruesome. Her fingers move a little more stiffly than the other side, but it looks like she lost no range of motion, and as she opens her hand to wait for her opponent, that flinty eye settles on the Animal in question. The scarred agent remains stony-faced. With the way her face is scarred, it's an easy look for her to reach for.
    A table smashes. That's the sound of a zalak putting her opponent through wood as Scavenger wins her match.
    Rebecca is cursing enough to make sailors blush as she sits in a dead lock with her opponent, the two unable to get an advantage over the other in a fight of beef muscle versus Gorilla Arms.
    So it's down to Hyouka, Talia, and Anneka as Catra slinks away.
    "You've got guts." Hyouka's opponent says. He's the second biggest person in the room, dwarfed only by Sasquatch and he is ready for her. So he thinks.
    We'll just see if The Force is truly with Talia as her opponent grips her hand and starts.
    Anneka though...
    Her opponent, rather than simply breaking her arm, gingerly takes her scarred hand in his meaty mitt for a closer look.
    "... You've been through a lot." The Animal says, curious and with what might be a surprising gentleness. "Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."
    Oh. Oh he's waxing philosophical. Philosophical indeed as he says. "You've gotta be tough and strong to live with scars like that. I'd say you're stronger than me in that regard."
    So about Catra. Who just sidles behind a crate and vanishes.
    She finds the Animals' weapons stockpile, VATS full of Horse Growth Hormone, and... It looks like whoever used the computer last didn't lock it.
    From the looks of things, the Animals just wanna expand their turf and think the Mox will make easy pickings. Nothing too big brain here, but what was anyone expecting from these guys.
    Oh yeah and there's a mattress full of eurodollars.
Talia Kyras
    Talia takes her opponent's hand and begins to grapple. It's a good struggle. Talia's pretty strong, thanks to physical training as well as the Force imbuing her muscles, but she's still fighting an uphill battle with this one! Staring at the Animal, she continues to make a valiant effort before she finally is brought down, her hand slapping the table as the goon pins her. It's a damn miracle Talia's arm isn't wrenched out of its socket thanks to that Animal's augments.

    "Augh! Bloody kark that smarts..." Talia says, shaking the pain out of her arm as she concedes to the Animal. It's up to Hyouka now, she supposes.
Anneka Stojespal
  Anneka tenses. Going by how tendons stand out sharply against the mottled scars of her arm, she does not like being touched, and only tolerates letting the Animal examine her arm because if she doesn't it's going to ruin the mission. Besides, her veins are singing with adrenaline, psyching herself up to at least lose with a little grace. It would be unfair to the Animal if she didn't at least try--

You've gotta be tough and strong to live with scars like that. I'd say you're stronger than me in that regard.

--welp. Apparently she got the philosopher, and... she...


Anneka stares, completely baffled.
Hyouka Kiyama
    Hyouka settles herself into her seat, and plunks her arm down on the table. From what she's seen of the sorts of enhancements that are prevalent in this world, she's reasonably confident she can win. But as the massive slab of meat locks hands with her, quietly, she muses.

    'How should I play this? No matter what I do, I'll outpower him. Do I make a show of it, or just end it in an instant...?'

    DARGN's voice responds, audible only to her. 'You referred to yourself as a dragon, didn't you? Well. They're challenging you. If you're a dragon, then respond.'

    The match starts. And Hyouka's hand doesn't budge.

    Oh, the strain is visible on the Animal. Harder and harder. He probably thought it would be an easy win. And Hyouka just adopts a thoroughly casual demeanor. A small smile tugs at her lips. And her hand levers over about thirty degrees, before she stops again. "Well~?" Another thirty degrees, and there once again she holds it. Even with the wall of pure beef putting his whole body into it, her hand is just... not... budging. She holds it. She waits. And just at the exact moment when even her opponent is beginning to realize he can't win - at the instant there's defeat in his eyes - that's when Hyouka finally presses the last thirty degrees, slamming his hand into the table.

    She's polite enough not to push it down hard enough to break the table... but in a way, that's just further demonstration of how much she's outpowering the guy. And besides, they've already broken one table tonight.
    While the rest of the party is enduring tonight's Festivus Feats of Strength, Catra is doing more Catra things. The weapons stockpile draws interest long enough for her to find something in passing. The rifles and heavy guns are way beyond her focal point, for sure, but she snatches up a mean-looking revolver and slides it into her belt--and stuffs her pockets with a few boxes of appropriate ammunition. "Something for the road," she nods.

    Then everything else is... not exactly strange to her. She grew up in places with weird vats and strange machinery and gods know what. She's also futzed around with computers more than enough to navigate Night City's primary OS enough to find... "...Jack and shit..." she grouses. " the biggest fish to fry are the ones that are here already. Fun. Oh well. C'mon, let's see if we can make the rest of this worth our while..." she roots around some more and finds... a jackpot, apparently.

    Grabbing a gym bag, she stuffs the eurodollars into it and heads back to the main area to watch the tournament play out. A little something for everyone at least, and part of a down payment on that Kusanagi she was ogling.
    While Catra is making easy bank, others are working for their earnings tonight! Though one Animal looks particularly proud of himself for beating Talia everyone looks over to watch as...
    Hyouka Kiyama absolutely, completely, and utterly destroys a man's pride in the way only a dragon can.
    That makes two clear and decisive victories until-
    "YEAH THAT'S RIGHT! EAT IT!" Rebecca crows as her Gorilla Arms win out over the Animal she was up against.
    Sasquatch doesn't look too pleased but. She and her boys and girls lost fair and square.
    "Fuck." She spits. "Fine, fine, we'll leave the Mox alone." She eventually relents after a grudging beat. "... Y'all are pretty badass though, I'll give you that."
    Meanwhile Tinyheart releases Anneka's hand.
    "I know the nicest little tea shop in Night City. Care to join me?" He asks.
    "So.. do you guys just... eat the stuff?" Catra asks. She's outside of the warehouse, with the door guard. Melog has the bag of goodies, the gun included, as to not arouse suspicion. She's waiting for the victirious group and posing questions to the bouncer. "Or is there some kind of training regimmen? Like. I'm small. I get that. But at what point do you stop? You'll run out of crap to lift eventually... right?"
Anneka Stojespal
  The ginormous fist wrapped around her hand and a good part of her wrist opens up, and Anneka snatches her hand back as though she'd just placed it in an industrial vise. Same difference, right? These guys are probably strong enough to shatter bone with trivial effort.

Shaking her hand out a bit in the manner of one who just dodged a terribly large bullet, Anneka eyes Tinyheart, blinking owlishly. Well, that sounds acceptable enough, and the contract didn't really say that she had to stick around to finish things out. Agent Coulson can take care of the loose ends.

Throwing her jacket back on, Anneka zips up the agency windbreaker (minus its patches) and stuffs her hands into her pockets. Her scarred grin is kind of hideous. It's too devil-may-care for a face so ravaged. "What a coincidence. I am off duty..." She checks her nonexistent wristwatch, "" A hand flicks in a casual salute to the others, waving. Unless someone else has business with her, she may as well check out Night City's nicest little tea shop.
    It takes a full minute, and gives Scavenger time to watch the other matches. She nods faintly as she gauges Hyouka's strength. Definitely out of her league there... maybe she could offer to... no... no you can't do that Hamelin, stop it.

    The minute clicks by, and her bracelet shifts back to green. She stands, and if her opponent hasn't gotten up yet, she offers a hand to help him. "Good match." is all she says, before pulling her suit back on, picking her rebreather up and setting it into place then turning to leave.
Hyouka Kiyama
    With her victory complete, Hyouka slides back up out of her chair, moving on with her night without batting an eye. She does, briefly stop long enough to give Sasquatch a polite, Japanese-style bow of gratitude for the complement. Off the group goes into the night, though - and when they come back out to find Catra giving the bouncer a hard time. "Catra, don't tease the poor kid too much," she chides in a playful tone.