
World: Dungeons and Dragons (5e)-1
Actual Age: 50+
Apparent Age: 20's
Role: Psycho Witch
Species: Half-Elf
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Brianne Siddall


A half-elf born to a prestigious magical bloodline, Morrigan Lor'osa's family held no love for their half-breed daughter when it was discovered that she had almost zero actual skill for magic beyond academic learning. Constantly treated with spite for her magical ineptitude and half-blooded heritage, Morrigan grew up embittered and full of hate for the notions of bloodlines and wizardry. After forging a pact with a being from beyond the world, she struck out on her own as an adventurer. The Great Old One, Xel'Yaoth, granted her the power she sought, but at a price: Morrigan is now beholden to her Patron's dark will. Morrigan now uses her very potent dark magical abilities granted to her in her Patron's name, to perform strangely backwards acts of violent and maliciously compliant heroism despite her own viciously evil and conniving nature.


Basic Training: Light armor and use of basic melee weapons.
Morrigan can wear lighter armors that don't restrict her movement, and has a decent level of skill with most melee weapons that do not require specialized training, such as daggers and the like, for use in emergency situations.
Adventuring Equipment: Sundry survival equipment, basic healing potions, can drive land vehicles.
Morrigan carries basic survival supplies on her at all times. A good length of sturdy rope, climbing pitons, a skinning knife, cook set, and bedroll. She also has bandages, salves, and lesser healing potions. She can actually drive most mundane land vehicles from horse pulled wagons to cars, and can usually find a way to get herself a vehicle in a pinch.
Awakened Mind: Researcher and linguist. Close-range telepathy, ignores language barriers.
Morrigan is a surprisingly excellent academic researcher. Regardless of the field, if she is given a library of information and some time, she can find pertinent and detailed information that she needs. She is also fluently capable of speaking, reading, and writing in many of the more common languages of the Tree. With telepathy, she is capable of touching the minds of any creature she can see within close range of her, and communicate with them. As long as the creature can understand one language, she can bypass any language barrier and speak with them.
Eldritch Invocations: Protection from mental effects and sleep. Water breath. Sight through illusions.
Morrigan's mind cannot be read by telepathy or other means unless she allows it, she is also bolstered against psychic attacks, mind control, and charm spells. Morrigan can see perfectly in both normal and magical darkness for a moderate distance. She can breathe underwater and she does not need to sleep. At all. In fact, it is literally impossible to put her to sleep by any means, magical, pharmaceutical, or otherwise. She can also see the true forms of creatures concealed by all but the most powerful of illusions, within short range of her.
Offensive Spells: Vampirism, ranged psychic/force attacks with weakening debuffs. Can cause sleep.
Morrigan's bread and butter spells are offensive in nature. At long range she can fire deadly rays of agonizing energy. On impact she can forcibly push or pull living targets towards or away from her regardless of their size and is capable of sapping the strength away from her foes, making them move sluggishly and with less vigor. Up closer, she can perform life draining spells to heal herself as well as psychic assaults on her target's mind. She may call upon slithering acidic tentacles to attack for her as well. With a glance she can make any creature she casts her gaze upon fall asleep, become terrified of her, or be hideously sickened and weakened by her gaze.
Utility Spells: Household spells, basic illusions, magical darkness, countermagic.
Morrigan can perform basic magic tricks such as flavoring and heating or chilling food, lighting or snuffing out light sources, and creating instant and harmless sensory effects. She can mend small broken mundane objects in an instant, and can summon a magical spectral hand that can perform telekinetic tricks upon lightweight objects within short range. She can also create non-physical visual and auditory illusions of medium-sized still-standing objects, voices, or even creatures, however a simple investigation will reveal their fake nature. With a spell she can bathe a space in impenetreble magical darkness, counter and cancel out an opponent's spell, or disrupt magic around her to nullify it.
Teleportation: Teleport self or other creatures from world to world. Attempt to banish foes.
With the spell Plane Shift, Morrigan can teleport herself and several willing creatures from one world to another on the Tree via insertion into a Vine, thusly taking her and her party to the destination world. She can also attempt to reach the general location of a place she knows the location of assuming it is un-warded, or even more dangerously attempt a blind leap to another world. A weaker version of this spell called Banishment can forcibly attempt to teleport an unwilling creature to a harmless demiplane of existence for a very short duration of time, before it returns to its original place.
Foresight: Glimpses into the immediate future to enhance prowess in and out of battle.
For a short time, Morrigan can grant herself or one other creature limited glimpses and snippets of the direct and immediate future. They may use this foreknowledge of events to come to gain the upper hand over foes in battle, or to augment their noncombat skills by knowing the outcome of their immediate endeavors ahead of time and working to change them. With the blessing of her patron, she can also grant a much weaker version of this to herself or others, for an even shorter duration.


Mary Contrary< Named E-Tier >: Flying tiny robot familiar. Linked senses, can cast spells through her.
An MMS Type Tentacles, Maryceles shinki made by the Multi Moveable Systems company, Mary is a one foot tall helper robot that lives to serve. She can fly, is equipped with a tiny sword, and multiple mechanical tentacles to grab and grapple targets. Morrigan has magically pacted herself with the little shinki in such a way that she can see and hear through Mary's sensors. Morrigan may use Mary as a conduit and cast certain basic offensive or supportive spells through her if she is within range of a target. Morrigan and Mary always know where the other is as long as they are on the same plane of existence or world. If the two are separated, Mary can be re-summoned with a spell. If Mary is destroyed, Morrigan may summon her remaining parts and must manually repair her.


Nobility Issues: Morrigan does not like anyone who identifies as 'noble blooded'.
Despite her own noble magical lineage, Morrigan has an intense dislike of nobles and their ways. Usually being around anyone who considers themself as such will make Morrigan hissy and belligerent, unless they manage to make her warm up to them- which will take quite some work.
Malicious Compliance Heroics: Goal oriented heroics. The Ends Justify The Means
Morrigan swore a pact with her outer being patron. She must perform deeds that promote the benefit of the Tree in order to keep her Patron happy. In spite of her blatantly evil ways and motivations, Morrigan must promote and perform acts that will bring about the 'greater good' for the Tree itself. This means she must perform acts and deeds of heroism. However, as she is a bad person, she believes that the ends justify any means she may use. And she tends to use very vicious means to get the results she wants, which may cause friction between her and other, actually heroic type, individuals.
Vindictive: Forms grudges easily and holds them for a long time.
Morrigan tends to form intense grudges and she holds them for a very long time. This can really impact how she interacts with others, especially if they're on her bad side.
Murder Hobo: Adventurer: Noun. Definition: Nosy meddler from offworld.
Morrigan is an adventurer. It is her job to go from place to place and pick up odd jobs that put money in her pocket and food on her plate. But she also tends to stick her nose into other people's business where it doesn't belong, when looking for said work, and will interject herself where she can to join adventuring parties. She may do this even when it's a particularly bad idea to meddle, and sign on for deadlier than normal quests, or make new enemies by inserting herself into the wrong person's affairs.
Team Player?: Will actually look out for fellow adventurers.
Despite being a horrible person, Morrigan views other adventurers with a bit more respect than the average commoner. She will listen, contribute, and work well with laid out plans, and will actually go out of her way to keep members of her party alive, if she has to. Other adventurers are usually a key element that stands between life and death, and they are far more useful to her alive than dead.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1241 Frontier: Friend Find, Look Behind Aug 26 2024
1228 The Derelict Jun 17 2024
1197 Terminus Post Quem Dec 13 2023
1192 Frontier: Quintessence Nov 20 2023
1178 Formation Process Oct 11 2023
1162 Frontier: Caretaker Jun 28 2023
1161 Primary Context May 31 2023
1143 The Sherd Mar 12 2023
1138 A Warlock's Visit Mar 07 2023
1137 Under the Sand and Branches Mar 03 2023
See All 61 Scenes


Title Date
Morrigan's Notes: The Dream Eater Dec 14 2021
See All 1 Cutcenes