World Tree MUSH

Frontier: Friend Find, Look Behind

Wesley, the young boy from the strange biomechanical planet, has been made home aboard the Sanctuary in an isolation wing, separate life support to Justina's segment, enough space to roam and access to things to not be bored. Having had time to acclimate, it's now time to question him, what happened? Why was his world so... strange.

    After nearly a year, picking this up again. Tag for interest! No prior knowledge needed.
Character Pose
Justina Thyme
    It's been a while, a few months at least, but the Sanctuary has had a second tenant for a while. The odd cyborg teen, Wesley, from that planet that had a strange amagamation happening, combining organic and technological things together into horrific creatures.

    The isolation wing opens directly into the hangar bay, allowing those arriving to walk straight in without going through decontamination. Justina, obviously, doesn't join the group in person, instead her voice echos through speakers, <Welcome aboard. Wesley, you have visitors, if you would join them in the conference room.>
    Morrigan is here! The Warlock has opted for her black cultist robes today, her ever faithful Familiar and shinki partner, Mary Contrary is perched on her shoulder.
    "Oh huh that kid is here? The one from the super oppressive COURT PLANET With the robot piranha things?" She sounds pretty surprised by this, but then shrugs and heads for the conference room.
    So yeah Morrigan is in a seat, kicked back with her heels on the table, Mary perched precariously on her shoulder now, wobbling and trying to not fall.
Talia Kyras
    Talia's joined the party it seems, "So it seems. How interesting." She sure hopes that planet didn't have a horrific power vacuum they caused inadvertently when they saved Minerva and Justina. Endee wheels along loyally after Talia as she enters the room, joining a seat with Morrigan.

    She also produces a jelly can for Mary. It's grape flavored.
    It's weird how often Belle has been ending up with space stuff. Guess it's just her luck! She's also got no clue what's going on, but that's mostly because she is so out of her depth. "Back at school we call this strange bedfellows, but our sponsor hates that."
Justina Thyme
    <Friend find, look behind~>, comes the familiar voice, the young man looks no worse for wear, he's actually looking a bit less mechanical than before. His eye is still mechanical, but closer to a normal eye with a camera-shutter for a pupil, and his arm isn't as 'dieselpunk' and is closer to a Droid replacement from Talia's world. Same with the legs, less chunky, more streamlined. <Looks like I find good friends today~> he adds with a big smile, plunking down into a chair across from the Jedi and Warlock, his glance turning to Belle for a moment as she wanders in too.
Talia Kyras
    Talia perks up as she hears Wesley and she turns to beam at him warmly. "I see you've gotten some upgrades, they look good on you." She says, before looking at Belle to explain helpfully. "This young man helped us rescue Minerva and Justina from a rigged trial. We wound up fighting a great number of bestial droids, ugly things those."

    Endee beeps and trills before producing her shock prod menacingly, waving it around before it returns to her boxy frame and the panel closes up. She seems to be exaggerating her contributions to the battle somewhat.
    "Oh thank you." Mary says when Talia passes her a jelly can, uncorking it and taking a sip while Morrigan teeter.
    "Oh hey Belle." She says when the teen comes in. "Tee Ell Dee Arr: There was like this court planet where if you were innocent you got fed to piranhas and if you were guilty worse stuff happened. He was there." She says motioning at Wesley.
    "He's... A good kid I guess."
    He fixed Morrigan's wrecked car. That's high praise coming from her.
    "Oh," Belle replies, the whole weirdness of it washing over her. She's used to weirdness, but that does get a frown from her because that's bad weird, not good weird.

    "Well, glad you got out of that, then," she says, which may sound pretty... casual but is pretty sincere anyway!
Justina Thyme
    <Upgrades? No. Downgrades are these. Away from Seed the source of the Creed.> remarks Wesley as he sits back up, looking at Belle again. He then, closes his eyes, and seems to focus for a few moments, the flanging effect from his voice suppresses down to a much lower level. <Correnck not always like that. Was peaceful. Before Seed came. Then Court rose. Lost many first days. Fewer later. Less people to sacrifice.> He leans on the table, and looks at the trio. <Found out. Seed came from space. Ship passed through system. It name 'Dobrev'. Can tell where it was going... if allowed to stay.> he looks down. <Don't want to go back.>
    A funny look crosses Morrigan's face.
    "Seed? Creed?" Court she understands, and the rest of what that entails there considering the way that court operated.
    "So the source came from offworld, huh. Well it's on Justina whether or not you get to stay but I smell another high space adventure if we follow it."
    Morrigan purses her lips thoughtfully at this.
    "Normally I'm more of a fantasy adventure type but if skintight space suits are involved I COULD be convinced..." She looks smug there. "I happen to think I look good in them~."
    Belle blinks, then squints at Morrigan. "I mean, I did just wrap up a space adventure on a giant colony ship, but I guess this can be my thing, sure. Not a lot of the club gets to go into space! Except that whole thing with the diving bell on the moon, that was pretty weird I admit," she rambles a bit.
Talia Kyras
    Talia raises an eyebrow. She and Endee exchange a confused look. Wesley's voice changes and he seems to adopt a completely different cadence. "I suppose we need to finish what we started." The Jedi muses. Morrigan gets an amused look. "You DO look good in those, I admit."
Justina Thyme
    Whatever Wesley's doing, it seems to take a lot to maintain, he looks up and a golden glow flickers behind his mechanical eye. To Morrigan, he replies <Seed came from outer space. Creed were group. Worship Seed. Prophecy. Seed land, Creed get stronger... take over.>

    Justina's voice speaks up. <I can assure you safe passage to any planet you wish to go to. Or station. I cannot house you here indefinitely, but I will not force you to return to a place you do not wish to be.>
    Morrigan sloooooowly looks to Belle and mouths the words 'Diving bell on the moon???' as the girl rambles.
    "... What are you kds UP to that you're having more adventures than I did before I turned fifty?" She demands to know, flinging her hands up in the air with a huff.
    Belle glances at Morrigan, but then frowns at what Wesley says. "So they're worshipping some alien space god that's probably using them to spread itself further around space like some parasitic organism, I bet." This is her guess anyway!

    Then back to Morrigan as she shrugs, "I don't know, I guess not having as many adventures is how you got so old."
Talia Kyras
    Talia gives Belle a befuddled look. Endee trills something. "That's definitely not how it works." She agrees with the droid. She has to admit, Morrigan looks great for fifty.
Justina Thyme
    Wesley looks relieved at Justina's response, but then the others carry on their own conversation. He falls silent, but smiles softly. It must have been a long while since he had any kind of 'normal' interaction... for as normal as Spirit Chasers, Warlocks and Jedi can be.
    Morrigan balks. Like. Her jaw fucking DROPS and her green-glowing eyes blink rapidly.
    "Buh." Is her initial response.
    "By the gods what ever did I do to YOU, Belle?" She blurts. "First off that was a low blow just because I worship I giant space flea from nowhere. Second off, ow that was a low blow because I am NOT old!"
    Mary Contrary holds up her hands, a tiny hologram screen appearing over her palms.
    It displays a .gif of the Guilty Gear DESTROYED logo for when characters get absolutely freaking destroyed with a one-hit kill move.
    Belle shakes her head at Talia, "What? That's exactly how it works! Fewer adventures, less chance for horrible unexpected death!" As Belle points that out, she looks back at Morrigan.

    "You're over fifty, and I'm seventeen! Don't worry, I get it. I respect my elders! There's nothing wrong with having the wealth of experience!" She really does seem like she's trying to help things out!

    Then, back to Wesley, "Anyway, uh, it's great to meet you, but I'm pretty sure we won't make you go back if you don't want."
Talia Kyras
    Talia puts her head in her hands, sighing. "I think we're desperately getting off-topic. Yes, we need to look into this."
Justina Thyme
    <You get ship and I get trip~> Wesley's voice shifts back to that sing-song cadance. Seems it's his normal, but it's clearly limited for communication. He looks between the others, and beams a big smile.