Bell (Dropped)

World: The Powerpuff Girls-1
Groups: Keepers
Actual Age: Not 11
Apparent Age: Looks 11
Quote: "Oh hello, I'm Bell. And I'm here to... BEAT THE HELL OUT OF YOU!"
Role: Keeper WMD
Species: Android
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Aoi Yuuki


A weapon of mass destruction made by a mysterious member of the Groundskeepers, Bell was created for the sole purpose of invading worlds and causing as much damage as possible in order to make new Thorns. Created by the enigmatic Dr. X, she is an android modelled after a trio of young superhero sisters, with superhuman powers, martial arts skills, speed, strength and a nasty attitude. Bell is bratty, sadistic, and ill-tempered outwardly, but on the inside she is a girl who wants nothing more than to make her father and creator happy, no matter what the cost. To this end she will level cities and crush anyone or anything in her path for the sake of doing the Keepers' work as an instrument of destruction; a perfect little girl.


Android: Durable, armored, does not have human needs.
Despite having the appearance of a young human girl, Bell is an android made by super advanced science. She is hardier than the average human and armored enough to withstand sustained battle with superpowered individuals. She does not need to eat, drink, sleep, or even breathe, though she CAN do these things if she chooses. She is not affected by biological illnesses or poisons, though can fall victim to computer viruses and cyber attacks of sufficient strength.
Shadowpuff Girl: Superhuman strength and speed.
Bell was made to counter a trio of super sisters. Thusly she has super powers of her own. She has the physical strength to lift and fling cars and buses with relative ease, and is capable of breaking the sound barrier at full speed.
Flight: Bell can fly at high speeds with great skill.
Bell is capable of flying at high speeds, with the skill and precision of an ace airshow pilot.
Martial Arts: Highly skilled hand to hand combatant.
Bell is a master of hand-to-hand combat and is programmed with a myriad of unarmed martial arts styles that she combines into her own mixed style.
Kinetic Energy Absorption< Edge-E >: Able to absorb incoming blows and damage to fuel herself and attacks.
Bell's body is not only designed to take punishment, but she is able to intake kinetic energy from attackes thrown at her and store it up. This does not prevent her from taking damage, however the more physical punishment she takes, the more force she is able to dish out as a result. By spending a point of Edge, Bell may reduce significant damage to herself through the use of this ability.
Energy Projection< Edge-E >: Laser/heat vision eyes, can shoot energy blasts from hands.
Bell is able to fire high-energy, high-heat lasers from her eyes. She is also able to gather energy to her hands and shoot energy-based projectiles from them. She may empower these blasts with the stored kinetic energy in her body from damage taken, with a point of edge.


Dr. X's Creations< MotW D-Tier >: Combat capable monsters and machines to perform villainy.
Bell's father, Dr. X, is a genius mad scientist. He can create machines and monsters, and usually lets Bell take them out with her on her outings to perform acts of villainy for the Keepers. Though they are not numerous in nature and can only be deployed one or two at a time, but they have a great amount of brute force in strength, resilience, and speed.


Petty Brat: Don't get on her bad side, she'll hold a grudge.
Bell was programmed with the personality of a young girl. Even worse, she's not a GOOD girl by any stretch of the imagination. Angering her is a surefire way to earn a grudge that Bell will hold for a good long time until she has 'gotten back' at the person who she feels slighted her. She will go out of her way and even drop more important objectives or ignore bigger threats for the sake of getting back at her perceived enemies.
Daddy Issues: Wants to make daddy proud. Jealous of others getting paternal affection.
With her creator constantly distracted as he is by various scientific projects, Dr. X has very little time to spend with Bell. This leaves her constantly lonely and jealous of other people whose fathers are more active in their lives. If she so much as thinks comeone else gets more love from their father (or father figure) than she does, she will be driven to almost irrational levels of jealousy which can spur her to be specifically crueler to such people either verbally or physically if in combat. She wants nothing more than to please her father and as such wholeheartedly devotes herself to her purpose as a literal weapon of mass destruction. Bell will also not suffer jabs against her creator and will fly into a rage if someone were to insult ot threaten Dr. X.
Friendship Woes: Overprotective of the few friends she DOES make.
Though it is not easy to win a path to her heart, for those that do, Bell is a very loyal and devoted friend. Incredibly loyal and devoted actually, to the point where she will go out of her way to defend her friends from any threat to the point of being overprotective. This can be especially jarring and cause Bell to hesitate and even become indecisive if her friends are trying to stop her evil acts.
Attention Seeker: Bell wants attention. As much as she can get.
Bell will go out of her way to get as much attention as possible whenever she can, from anyone who will give it, by almost any means necessary.Usually this is done by lashing out and acting out violently to get what she seeks. She also tends to do things in a big flashy manner even when more subtlety might be required. Not giving her what she wants is a surefire way to anger her.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1097 Something Shocking this way comes Nov 08 2022
1077 The Old Ways Sep 04 2022
1054 Dead Men Bell No Tales Jul 22 2022
1036 Flames and Shadows Jun 03 2022
1032 Bell In A Cell May 27 2022
1027 Hell's Bell May 20 2022
See All 6 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.