World Tree MUSH

Something Shocking this way comes

A unique monster mutant has been attacking villages indescriminately. Survivors have been found with burns on their bodies, babbling about a 'Ghost' that 'burned with St. Elmos Fire' and called lightning down on anyone it saw. Rhodes Island has dispatched a small team to investigate this creature.

    Boss Fight scene, a much belated Halloween spookytime.
Character Pose
    A general call has been put out by Rhodes Island. There's a big beast running rampage around the local small settlements. It doesn't seem to be targetted, just the rampaging of a mindless beast. Still, it needs to be dealt with as its slowly creeping closer to the mobile city of Lungmen, which is in no state to repel something like this while it's in the process of packing up to relocate.

    Enter our team. Scavenger sits in the APC enroute to the location, running a drystone along her blade to sharpen it. Anyone joining would have been picked up, unless they had their own mode of transport. Either way they're provided with communication devices to listen to the briefing.

    "Only gonna say this once. So listen carefully. Something big came out of the local Catastrophe Zone, and has been making its way toward Lungmen for the last few weeks. The Catastrophe Scouts couldn't track it down, leading to its codename: Phantomime... yeah yeah, snicker about it. I didn't come up with it." she huffs. "Anyway, a survivor of an attack described it as a nearly see-through 'ghost'... the shape of it outlined with what they described as 'St. Elmo's Fire'. The survivor had burn and stryation marks consistant with an electrical discharge, so we've been provided with insulation inserts for our armour and gear." she then pauses and shifts tone. "Do not rely on this to save your life."

    The APC jolts to a stop. <"Scavenger, we've found it... or it found u---AAARRRGH!"> The radio crackles, discharges a high pitched shriek as the sending side shorts out, and the APC's internal power dies.

    "Okay, looks like it's go time. Move move move! Get clear of the vehicle!"
    Your every day friendly local farmer slash anticapitalist explosives enthusiast is in the APC. Claire's brought along enough pumpkin pies for everyone, and what may well be enough artisanal explosives to blow up the APC from the inside should something go wrong. When the APC comes to an abrupt stop, she hauls her explosives and jumps out, followed up by prepping her slingshot and putting one of the bombs ready to be flung at the first sign of hostiles.
    Catra sits in the APC with her hands up behind her head, leg crossed over the knee. "Soooo some kind of big electroghostbeast?" she asks, eyes slowly moving down to where Melog is laying at her feet. The creature with the transparent blue mane and tail looks up at her innocently. "What?" she asks it. "Don't get jealous on me, I'm not trying to make a new friend here!" she playfully swats at the creature but instead her hand settles on its head and she ruffles its ears.

    Then her own ears go flat, not just at the static squeal of the radio, but the entire situation. "Great, there goes our ride until we can sort this thing out," she huffs but nods to Scavenger, piling out with her companion. "So how do we /fight/ something like this?" she calls out, still carrying a whip, her old stun baton, and the standard-issue knife she was given during the last op. "I can only dodge lightning bolts for so long," she quips.
    Marceline is totally going to take advantage of the ride; never been in a tank or anything that was actually still functioning! She quickly learns to appreciate her prior ignorance, though. APCs and most armored vehicles aren't exactly the nicest riding things ever put on wheels. Still, it's better than trying to cover a large distance under the sun. Which of course she didn't really dress for; jeans over a sleeveless red leotard, western-style boots and a boonie hat with one side pinned up.

    She's propped her red axe bass between her knees, the neck against her chest while she taps at the fingerboard idly. "Yo, if this thing's really a ghost I'm not sticking around for that griz. Can't really do much about those; I'm a vampire, not an exorcist. Or whatever."

    She can think of one solitary thing she /could/ do but ugh. No.

    "Anyway- I- Oh. Hey, the bus' broke. Guess it's showtime, dudes." She casts a wink to all assembled, then turns to try and figure out the hatch. Or, failing that, a way to force it open.
Benedicta Cornell
The al'miraj girl is wondering once again how she found herself in this mess. Beacon Society was trying to establish new off-world contacts and she's volunteered to try and take her mind off the problems. "It sounds like some a will-o-wisp or something along those lines. But I don't think they have access to EMP. Man, I hope one of the Cabal's experiments didn't make it off world." She didn't need them doing business elsewhere.

Benedicta's attention then turns towards Marceline, "Hey, Grateful Undead, this isn't a concert." She didn't want the woman to get the wrong impression about why they were here.
    On exiting the APC, the group is met by an eerie sight. The creature has almost glass-like properties. Eight segmented, armoured legs, eight glowing red eyes, fangs dripping with some kind of acidic venom and a scintilation of electricity beneath the transluscent surface. The outline of the beast can be made out with a wispy 'flame' as it moves.

    It stands about the size of a semi trailer, and emits a staticky screetch as it rears its two front legs up in an aggressive posture. Lightning arcs between the limb-tips, before it lashes forward and rakes a 'beam' of electricity toward the group.

    "Melee combat may be dangerous. Try and take out its legs... that stun baton might only make it stronger, or just piss it off... Here!" Scavenger tugs one of her back-up swords from its place on her back, hucking the still sheathed blade to Catra. "It'll give you a bit more reach than the knife." The Vanguard when breaks cover and charges in, arcing around to the right and bellowing to draw the spidermonsters attention.
    "REALLY? A SPIDER?!" Catra grouses loudly. "Melog! Try to distract it!" she shouts, springing out of the way of the lightning beam and righting herself just in time to catch the sword hucked at her. "Whoa! Hey! Nice!" she hooks the sheath on her belt, shoving it down next to the whip before drawing the blade. "Hey, thanks, I'm keeping this!" she winks, teasing. She does, unfortunately, lack any real ranged options and her Horde stun baton is definitely more likely to either piss it off or make it stronger--or both.

    So she does what she does best, runs! And not runs away, but tries to use the terrain to her advantage to get closer to the goddess-damned thing! Meanwhile, Melog seems to melt away into invisibility, and soon it creates a large illusionary mirror of the spider itself? Except this one is a different color! It's likely that the illusion is only going to be useful for so long, but at least it's something for these crucial starting moments.

    Melog itself is certainly keeping out of harm's way.
    Claire's immediate response is to back off slightly and let loose that explosive on her slingshot, aiming for one of the leg joints it's rigged to detonate on contact, and Claire immediately stows away the slingshot to draw her sword. "Stay behind me!" She instructs the others as the farmer volunteers to play tank.
    The APC is escapable! Excellent. Marceline spares a look to Benedicta. She flashes a devil horns hand sign, "It's always a concert when I'm around. Screams can be music too~" She leaves that thought with a malicious-sounding cackle, then it's on to the outside and the unknown THING waiting.

    She whirls out of the APC under the beam, though her hair sizzles and smokes from the closeness of that snap shot from the monster... machine? "You- My HAIR!" She plants her feet, takes a step and by the time she's taking her next her mass makes the ground tremble ever so slightly. Anyone watching would be treated to the awful sight of her eyes becoming slits, her skin darkening and sprouting fur while her limbs elongate, develop considerable bulk and tip themselves with curved claws. Her next declaration comes out as a bellow from a mouth lined with extra long, extra nasty fangs. "Freak! Science fair reject! Die!"

    She's so big that her guitar strap only just fits around her neck, letting the weapon-instrument dangle like some silly pendant. With a beat of batlike wings, she launches forth as if to pounce atop the thing and try to, what, smash it? Surely she's not crazy enough to bite it!

    Yes, very inelegant.
Benedicta Cornell
"Oh, that's great to know. I'm going to have ask Baron Spideress if one her pets got loose. Then again it would be hurling tornados at us if that were the case. Got anything I can throw at it, I don't typically carry guns and getting close doesn't seem like a good idea." She notices the explosives that Claire has before grabbing a few. Not her first choice of weapon but they'll have to do.

"Just don't scream in my ears." She doesn't need her body to lock up during combat. She watches at the vampiress charge the beast, "Dammmit don't get so close to it!" Then again she's not sure if the woman can be poisoned. For now the al-mir'aj is going to play keep away, because she certainly doesn't want to get attacked directly.
    Man, it sure would suck if something were to go wrong while everyone was fighting the strange electrical spidermonster. Something, like, say a sudden and unwanted display if violence and aggression from a third party.
    Hah hah hah, that would really be pretty lousy, right?
    Yeah well, that's what's happening.
    The small figure in the armored silver suit that suddenly appears from out of freaking nowhere just kind of... Well, she appears from nowhere.
    And quicker than a bolt of lightning, moving faster than a blur, the small figure- because they're smaller than Claire- clears the distance between herself AND Claire with a miniature sonic boom.
    "Get behind you? Nah. You're going to want to run now."
    That's the voice of a young girl. A young girl who heaves a haymaker aimed for the farmer with the force of a mack truck.
    The spidermonster bellows and starts to turn when Scavenger challenges it. The beast goes to lunge, but is caught and staggered by the explosive from Claire. It turns and seems to come up short as it sees the illusion. It looks confused for a moment, then rears up and shrieks a challenge and squares up on the illusion. The little things aren't a threat. This thing is!

    Marceline's assault doesn't seem to faze it, though it does jolt on impact... its focus more on the illusion than anything else right this moment.

    "Now, while it's distracted!" calls Scavenger, as she pivots and goes to assault one of the legs near the back... leaping to hit one of the joints near to the body.
    It's a Tuesday Night Kaiju Fight! Or something. Or it would be if the secondary spider was anything but an illusion. Still, the second giant electric spider looks more like it's going on the defensive, trying to avoid attacks leveled its way lest the creature find out that it's not tangible in the slightest. It does, however, put on a good light show!

    Catra runs parallel to Scavenger, moving up to go for the joint on the opposite side of the creature's body. She's no Princess of Power but she can wield a sword like one, using both hands to give it a solid swing while her catlike agility gives her enough lift with a leap for aiming for that joint.

    Bell's untimely arrival earns a stare, though, "Oh this is not the time for this!" she hisses, coming down in a half-crouch, blade in one hand, other palm against the ground. Still, the bigger creature is capable of more collateral damage... right?
    The thing doesn't seem to react to anything but a large threat like that wild trick from that... She's really gonna have to follow up and find out more about these people instead of taking another power nap on the way to the fight. Huff. Marceline gets her moment of grudging respect for Melog's work out of the way quick and decides the legs are the right call; digging into it's face like she /wants/ to would only make a problem for all these other nice peeps putting themselves in harm's way. So, following Scavenger's and Catra's lead, she seizes ahold of the limbs they've attacked, trying to haul on them with her great furred arms, layers of muscle building up beneath her hide as she tries to pile on enough strength to make something break; or at least destabilize the thing she's riding like a total idiot.

    Despite her focus, she side-eyes Benedicta, then- A long, batlike ear swivels toward Claire and her assailant. Did she hear something? ... Nah. Could be anything.
    "Hey, kiddo, I assume your bosses are listening in, right?" Claire is thrown back as she blocks the haymaker with the flat of her sword, which only servs to mitigate the attack, it still hurts, and the farmer scrambles to get up. "Kiddo's bosses, if you're listening, child labor is not ok. Child soldiers are even less ok. Got that?" The farmer hesitates, pointing her sword at Bell, "I don't want to hurt you, but if you insist, I will. Abandon your paymasters, you've got nothing to lose but your chains."
Benedicta Cornell
"So, now we're attacking it directly?" Benedicta's already used up the bombs she grabbed and rushes in to attack. Her horn glows yellow and tentacles burst grow out of her back. She still doesn't want to touch it personally, but that's the best distance-option she has for now. "Man, even the vampiress transforms into a beast better than I can." She tries to ensnare the spider monster so the others can take it out without getting hurt in the process.
    "It's the PERFECT time for this." Bell casually replies to Catra as she cracks her gauntlet-clad knuckles. Though when Claire blocks her assault the Shadowpuff Girl whistles appreciatively as she sets her hands on her hips. She listens to the farmer quietly for a few beats before she looks at Claire. She looks at the sword levelled her way. She turns her head to look at the spider-beast.
    "Paymasters? Nah, you've got this all wrong! I'm not getting paid anything!" She chirrups brightly, jerking a thumb over her shoulder at the monster. "I wanna bring that thing home as a gift to daddy."
    With that summary explanation given, the girl smiles behind her helmet's visor and thumbs a control on her suit's wrist computer.
    [Now playing: Ass Kicking Playlist]
        [Song: A Stranger I Remain - Sly Shinobi Mix.]
    Suddenly, she's off like a bullet, contrails of white light blazing in her wake as she lunges. She's fast- blindingly so- and already unleashing a flurry of merciless swings.
    It's fast, it's brutal, but it's also smooth and elegant as she slips into a seemingly well-practiced Wing Chun kata of punches and kicks to try and take Claire as out of the fight as fast as possible so she can wreck somoene else's day.
    The spider bellows in pain as its back two legs come off, Scavengers Buster and Catra's sword severing the weak joint segments. It finally lashes out with an electric beam... which passes straight through the illusionary spider... this jars it back to the little bugs crawling over it... but not before Marceline rips off another leg, sending the thing drunkenly staggerskittering as it tries to regain balance.

    Benedicta's tentacles lash out and tug one of those legs out, sending the thing sprawling out as it loses traction and thuds heavily to the ground.

    That's about when the 'flames' start to grow brighter and the scintilation of electricity beneath its chitinous outer shell increases. It then pulses out with a wall of force, attempting to knock everyone away from it as its severed limbs leak a glowing green fluid.

    Bell and Claire don't get away from its ire, as it targets the high-speed silver streak with an electrical arc, while it gets legs back underneath it to turn and try to bite one of those that were nearby.
    Catra gives the sword a twirl as she stands back up. "I mean if you two wanna duke it out, whatever!" she grunts, backing up as the beast staggers. She winces as Melog's illusion is dispelled, but it served its purpose. Her shadowcat-thing stays to the shadows itself, away from the APC and keeps itself cloaked in case Catra needs something further--or if the others need a convenient 'smoke bomb', as it were. "THIS thing needs to go before it eats a bus full of orphans or something!"

    She looks up just in time to see the growing electrical pulse. Catra manages to shield her face with her arms but the blast sends her flying back several yards, her form agile and light, not meant for holding ground! Still, the cat lands on her feet--relatively speaking--as she digs the sword into the ground to stop her from tumbling. Her hair and tail are all frizzed up and she growls, eyes narrowing.

    "Oh that is IT! You're too big to kill in one shot and you're too DUMB for me to taunt!" she grits her teeth and rushes in at full speed, blade in both hands again. This time, though, she's looking to slide in close to the carapace and look for a place to jam it into the weaker chitin.
    Claire is... not as good at fighting as Bell, she's managing not to get herself stomped into the ground largely by virtue of fighting almost entirely on the defensive. A few attempts to strike, but they're hesitant so as to not forgo her defense, and she's taking hits. She gets clipped by the arc that's going for Bell, and has an idea. Trying to cover moving her hand behind herself as flinching, she reaches into her bag of explosive ammo and activates one, trying to pass throwing it on the ground as though it merely fell out of her bag while she is being pushed back by Bell. It might not work, and even if it does she'll still be in the blast radius herself.
>> GAME >> Claire spends an Edge for: Sometimes you just need to hit yourself with your own bombs.
    Marceline comes away with one of the legs she'd grabbed, costing her leverage over the other she'd grabbed onto and spoiling that attempt, though yet another leg being yanked out from under it allows the thing to spill to the ground. She catches herself and hovers, wings thumping heavily in the air.

    The sudden surge of activity makes her hesitate; holding onto the thing felt about like one of those crazy plasma balls except way less pleasant and tickly. Then that wave of force hits and shoves her higher, disrupting her wing beats and surely sending her- wait, no, she's hovering just fine without using her wings. What in the.

    "Way to go, Jo-Bunny. Now it's going to explode and kill us all!" She shoots Benedicta a thumbs up anyway. She's only joking! "Ooop, the distraction's gone. No more time for funnin!"

    Catra's running in too so the big demon-bat-monster Marceline has become dives in too, moving to take that nasty bite head on if she has to! "Nuh uh, roach sucker!" She finally rakes at that face with a clawed hand. Not a finishing blow like the cat's going for but hopefully enough of an enraging attack that she'll create that pefect opening!
Benedicta Cornell
Benedicta does her best to push against the wall of the force and she attempts to grapple with her tentacles to avoid being knocked away. The girl pulls herself up onto the creature as she try not to get caught in the green liquid. She claws at the monster trying to find an exposed spot to strike that won't result her getting shocked. "Shut up and finish it off already!" She wishes right now that she was stronger.
    Lightning strikes! Bell takes it full on and it halts her for a moment as electricity surges through her suit and shorts her circuits.
    "Ghghghghghghghg...!" It leaves her open for Claire's gambit, and when that bomb goes off... Hoo boy.
    To her credit, Bell takes the explosion standing. But her armored suit is torn to shreds and her helmet visor is cracked. Tearing it all off in one swoop, the girl is left standing in a pretty little white dress.
    What's not pretty is the scowl on her face and the blood creeping down her forehead.
    "I'll deal with you later." She practically snarls at Claire before her attention shifts.
    Aw man they're killing the thing.
    Can't let that happen.
    Wheeling around, the pintsized terror suddenly bolts, running so fast that she leaves furrows in the ground in her wake as she attempts to bull-rush Catra in a flurry of blows.
    Scavenger gets knocked back by the blast. She lands far less gracefully than Catra does, but digs her buster blade into the ground to arrest her motion in much the same way. Yellow eyes flick from Catra, to Marceline to Benedicta... then to Claire and Bell as the bomb ignites, and doesn't finish the armoured girl off. Catra should be able to handle herself while the others finish off the spider... that's their target, after all.

    Scavenger can't help but hate herself just a little for not moving to help the Etherian, instead running back in as her eyes flash brightly, a rush of energy surging off her as she triggers her Arts.

    Benedicta is clawing at the things armoured back... but finds a scute segment where the legs all join just in front of the large thorax. Claws manage to get a grip and rip something loose.. a surge of electricity arcing out of the break in its armour... along with another spray of that glowing green fluid.

    The spider rears its forelegs up again, aiming to fire another pair of lesser lightning arcs at Bell and Catra... but gets a face full of Marceline. Literally. Those claws rake across its eyes, gouging out three in one swipe and making it flinch and shriek in pain... before it lunges to bite at the bat-monster.
    The rush at that giant spider-thing is interrupted by a... what? A girl in a white dress? Catra's quick on the defensive, bringing her sword up to block much like Claire had only to... jump over her? The felinoid does an elegant backflip and comes down in a fencing pose with a smirk on her face.

    "Is that it? Are you all bull and no bite? Come on, I've fought cows with better coordination!" she goes straight from 0 to trademark snark all over again, idly twirling her sword in one hand, other held behind her back--idly unlooping her whip.

    "Seriously though, Etherian cows are no joke," she says with a quirk of her brow and a purse of her lips. "But thing's almost dead, go find your own giant electric spider to put a leash on, we got here first!"
    Claire ... is not in great shape. Bruises, burn wounds, and the lot, but she's not entirely out of commission yet. She stumbles towards her crate of bombs, grabs the biggest one she brought and lights the fuse, then rolls it towards the giant electric spider, before falling down to take cover. She doesn't have the strength to push herself back up after that.
Benedicta Cornell
"Kid, now's not the time and like the catlady said this one's almost dead." Benedicta just wants to finish this monster off and it get over with. The noise from Claire's bomb forces her to stop attacking and she puts her hands over her ears to avoiding being deafened by the explosion.
    Then with a blur, that finishing blow we were hoping for stopped by- "What the dump? Rrrrgh, it's on you!" Benedicta being on the thing's back is nice and all and she's doing work but damn! Her claws have some serious cutting power but it's only enough to really, actually gain the spider thing's attention. Another air-splitting lightning blast is averted and she only realizes that she never let go of the one leg she'd torn away from the beast.

    So, she shoves one arm into the path of that bite and with her other she swings up, trying to skewer the side of that head before the bite can completely take her blocking arm off.

    Whatever serves as venom for the thing hurts, though and she can't help it. Sorry, peeps with sensitive ears, but it totally coaxes a pained scream out of the vampire turned freakish monster. It's enough that it forces her back into a more humanoid form where with one hand she's already scrambling to unstrap her axe bass while her other is a gruesome wreck of healing-dissolving-healing- Let's just backpedal to gruesome and leave it there for now. Still, she's on her feet-sort of, hair writhing behind her like an angry mass of snakes. She's still a threat and still in front of the thing! "C'mon you ugly butt!" Despite her bravado, she's still very much suffering. Oh dear.

    Marcy squints, preparing for the worst from that explosion. She hopes it's not gonna be too spicy but she's not got a lot of time to react to something like that.
    Annnd Catra sailed clean over her. Skidding to a halt, Bell wheels right around, fire blazing in her eyes. She is already more than a little annoyed after nearly getting blown up by Claire.
    "DON'T you think for one minute I don't have any bite!" She snaps. "And that's FINE." She doesn't seem to care that the monster is almost dead. "A few cybernetic parts'll look good on it ANYWAY."
    So about her eyes. Those silver eyes are blazing. No. Seriously, they light up, red pin-pricks of light forming in her pupils before-- A pair of superheated laser beams lance from her eyes, tearing across the ground and glassing the earth on a course aimed to cut Catra down.
    The spider gets launched into the air about half its height from the bomb going off underneath it... it lands with a wet sounding crack and more of that green ichor spills from its broken carapace. Scavenger moves in to bring her buster blade down on its thorax, right where a crack formed... as Marceline staps the things own leg through its head. It spasms, legs flailing as it tries to attack, stand up and run away all at once, before the legs all shudder and curl up tight as the glow fades from its remaining eyes... and the electricity fades from its now flameless form.

    As the monster dies, a faint crackling of electricity can still be heard from within its thorax region... which Scavenger helpfully cracks open. A device spills out, encased in a sheath of that glass-like chitin... it looks like one of those plasma globes, but small enough to fit in the palm of the hand... then another rolls out, two, five, a dozen... eggs perhaps, or some kind of mutation that went near-cancerous. One may never know.

    "It's over. Girl. Your prize is dead and you are outnumbered. Run away to 'daddy'. And tell him how you failed so completely."
    "It sure doesn't SOUND fine!" Catra laughs. "Look, I know impotent rage when I see it, and girl you've got--laser beam eyes." The felinoid sighs and her ears go flat. "You really need--" and then she's cut off by the beams. Literally. There's a scream of agony and Catra's form just... bursts! There's nothing left, not even the sword! 

    And that scream... is from off to the side of Bell. And it turns into racous laughter. It's Catra. Melog is sitting next to her, looking smug, and the girl is doubled over laughing, pointing. " really need... to aim better... seriously you just... why'd you even gaze a line at me? I mean, it wasn't even me but... come on, misdirection? Tactics? Look someone in the eye when you laser them!"

    Then CRUNCH! There goes the giant bug. Crackled, crunched, and ended. "Yeah come on, go home before you actually get hurt. Go build your own spider and bring it back next time!" she winks and then... she and Melog just vanish. And re-appear moments later next to Scavenger and the giant bug.
    Claire just lays down on the ground. She's done. Exhausted, bruised, burnt, hurt. She relaxes when she realizes the spider is dealt with, and allows her consciousness to fade.
Benedicta Cornell
"Look, if your dad cares about you he wouldn't want you want in serious danger right?" Benedicta tries a different approach with the girl. After what happened with Shel she knows not to underestimate kids. Besides she doesn't want to her to go off and do something that'll get herself killed.
    Of course, Marcy's self-healing is fighting like crazy to purge the corrosive venom though, eventually, she hugs her arm to herself and covers her face with a hand that darkens, fingers lengthening again into something scaly and bestial. The spider's dead. Fantastic. But cripes she's in pain, she's pissed, even!

    All that's left is the raging laserbeam runt that tried to cut down the sassy cat girl that honestly looks like she's handling things pretty well. Still, she's kind of Done With This and doesn't say anything. She just peers through her fingers and fixes the sadistic little Puff with a Look.

    You know, the death stare kind.
>> SUMMARY[Marceline] >>
    For a moment. For a brief moment. Bell looks pretty smug when she cuts Catra down.
    Right up until it turns out to be that she cut down nothing but an illusion.
    Oh no. Oh she does not look pleased, not in the least. Especially when her prize *dies*.
    Gritting her teeth as everyone turns on her, the silver-haired shadowpuff snarls.
    Telltale Game Prompt: Bell will remember that
    Because as she makes her declaration, she launches herself skywards, taking off with the force of a sonic boom as she flies off.
    Scavenger shields her eyes from the blastwave of Bell's take-off... then looks skywards with a frown. She then lifts her rebreather over her mouth and speaks into it. "Rhodes Island. S.W.E.E.P. Actual. Target Phantomime neutralized. APC and crew K.I.A. Need evac. Pinging coordinates to GPS."

    She drops the mask and looks to the others... moving over to provide some first aid to Claire from her field kit. Marceline's going to have to either wait for the transport, or heal it off on her own... not much can neutralize acid-venom.
    Catra keeps a smug look on her face all the way until Bell is out of sight--and earshot especially. Then her shoulders slump and she sheathes the borrowed sword. Her eyes sweep over the area, and her allies, and she frowns at Melog. "What the hell was up with her? I know I used to be that obnoxious but ... wow," she puts her hands on her hips and watches Scavenger rush over to Claire. She follows, wringing her hands. "She uh, didn't look like Reunion. Or anyone I've seen..."

    The feline trails off. She's not exactly well-versed in any kind of healing. She just sort of sits down and Melog lays down in front of her. Catra folds her arms and lays her chin on them. "...let me know if I can do anything to help, okay?"
Benedicta Cornell
Benedicta can't help but to sigh a bit as Bell leaves. She could and try and fly off after her, but she's pretty sure she wouldn't be able to keep up. "Someone needs to have a talk with her father, but I have a feeling he's the type to try and expirement on me. I don't think she's from my world either." She has no idea where the girl's from.
    Marceline will be fine! She'll just need a few minutes until the active components of the venom have fizzled out. She finds a place to just drop herself in the grass, then she pokes at one of the plasma ball egg things as she sweats and shivers.

    No matter how strategically unkempt she looks she can always manage to be a little more raggedy after a sufficently ugly ruckus. Fracas. Words.

    "Yeah, that kid's mad banaynays. I know plenty bout bad father figures donkin up your dome piece, though. Rrrgh. Yo, what about these weird thingies?" She flicks one of the plasma-globe things away from herself, then rests her guitar across her lap.
    "We're taking them back to Rhodes Island... Kal'tsit wants to examine them... I think they'll be useful to power small items, if they maintain their active state." remarks Scavenger, as she finishes tending to Claire. "The rescue team will take a while... we can shelter in the APC until they get here." she adds, moving to pick Claire up with surprising gentleness considering her surly demeanor. "Good work..." she says generally, not looking at anyone in particular.
    "Can you eat them?" Catra blinks, looking over at the plasma spheres. "...dare you to try..." she grins at Marceline, and then slowly stands up. "Hey, yeah, let's get some cover. Melog's still got some energy left, wrapping up the tin can in an invisibility blanket shouldn't be an issue..." She ruffles Melog's weird ethereal mane some and follows Scavenger and Claire. "I haven't fought something that big since the.. snow.. thing.. wow that was a lifetime ago."
    Marceline raises her eyebrows at that thought. She glances at one of the spheres, leans over to scoop one up as she inspects the thing. "Power source, huh." Well, she supposes it's not the craziest thing she's ever heard. Her look goes flat at Catra's suggestion but then she laughs, "Dang. Alright, let's check it out." She opens her mouth, all fangs and forked tongue, then simply touches the tip of her fang to the glass. Any red hue from the plasma is gradually stripped away, leaving that sphere in particular looking somewhat more grey than the others, though otherwise totally unchanged. She drops it back in the grass, smacks her lips.

    "Bleh, feels like I just licked a battery." She hops up off of the ground, bends her legs and floats along toward the APC.

    "You gonna be OK kicking it in there with your croaked buds?"
    "I've been through worse." remarks Scavenger flatly, settling Claire across one of the side bunks after folding the seats up, then thunking down heavily on the deck beneath. "Settle in, we're going to be here for an hour, maybe more." she adds. "Try not to think about it."
    "Eh, I uh, I'll be outside. Someone needs to keep watch, you know?" Catra lingers near the APC's hatch and jerks a thumb at the roof. "Don't worry, Melog and I won't go anywhere. Nobody's gonna see us, either. Or the vehicle." She shrugs, "You know, in case that kid comes back with a giant robot spider or something.." she grins. Maybe she just wants some fresh air. Or. Whatever the air is like out here.
    "Mmm. Fair, not gonna think about it." Marcy just reclines by the entrance to the APC, humming softly and picking at her bass, though out of consideration for the close quarters and sensitive ears of folks, she does keep the volume down. "Hey, tell your magic dog or whatever nice job. Y'know, with the spider copy thing."