
World: Destiny 2-1
Actual Age: 600+ Centuries
Apparent Age: ??
Quote: "Ah, just shoot it!"
Role: Restless Hunter Vanguard
Species: Exo
Theme Song: "The Gambler" - Kenny Rogers
Voice Actor: Nathan Fillion


The most laid back of the Vanguard trio formally in charge of the last City on Earth, Cayde's been around for centuries and prefers being out in the field to being stuck advising freshly minted Guardian Hunters. A gambler and perhaps somewhat of a hoarder, he'd spent his earlier, freelance days traveling and exploring the terraformed worlds of the known solar system, hiding many a cache of equipment and weapons with the expectation of some day returning to collect them. Definitely more of the shoot-or-stab-first and ask questions later sort, he's not above cutting corners and going around standard protocol (and the rest of the Vanguard) if he's convinced that he knows better.


Guardian: Chosen by the Light of the Traveler, virtually immortal protector of humanity.
Chosen and blessed by the Light of the Traveler, reborn to protect people from the corrupt forces of the Darkness and beyond. They are not indestructible, but so long as they have their Ghost, they are virtually immortal, capable of resurrecting from death so long as the Light remains. Unfortunately the same does not apply for the Ghost, being the weaker vessel of the pair. A Guardian can only be healed or revived so long as their Ghost is functional and within close proximity.
Hunter: Proficient in both ranged and melee weapons, and can ghost-step through things.
Proficient in both ranged and melee weapons. Cayde can use a variety of firearms, and although the only obvious melee weapon on him is a knife, it's not to be easily dismissed. Good Hunters can dispatch enemies with a knife with just as much efficiency as a gun. Their skills are superhuman, capable of leaping farther, running longer and even ghost-stepping (blinking) briefly through targets and spaces.
Exo: Created to be a robotic warrior, Cayde's sturdier, stronger and more agile.
As an Exo, Cayde's body is robotic, although even Exos do not know nor understand how their own inner workings function. All such knowledge has been lost with the Golden Age's Collapse. It seems only fair to assume that he can hit a little harder and take more physical stress than a body of flesh and blood, at the very least. Not having to worry about breathing in space is nice too.
Golden Gun< Edge >: Gunslinger Trademark. Engulfed in amber flames, his gun fires powerful blasts.
By making use of solar elemental energy, Cayde can also use what's called the Golden Gun, which engulfs him in and his weapon in gold flames and super charges his gun, allowing him to fire off high-powered blasts, although for only a brief span of time, usually good enough for three to six shots. But sometimes one shot is all it takes.
Sparrow: A hovering speeder bike for quick travel.
A hovering speeder bike for quick travel. Cayde sometimes has the habit of misplacing his.
Walking Arsenal: Loaded with firearms that vary in class, and elemental affinity and firepower.
It's typical for Guardians to be a walking weapons cache, equipped with plenty of firearms that range from handcannons to rifles and shotguns, elemental attuned or just plain packed with firepower.
Blade Barrage< Edge >: Solar-charged knives hurled for fun and profit! A true Hunter is never unarmed.
Part of a Gunslinger's knife-wielding repertoire. Similar to when using the Golden Gun, instead of channeling solar energy into gun shots, it's instead transferred into throwing knives, making for six deadly projectiles that can be flung in multiple directions, if only all at once.


Sundance< Feature Named F-Tier >: Cayde's Ghost, vital companion and digital swiss army knife of many trades.
Little Light born of the Traveler. Sentient in itself, it is an excellent hacker, flashlight, caddy, library, mechanic, healer and a Guardian's only means of being revived from death. For some, the occasional voice of reason, although Cayde's managed to find in his Ghost a partner just as daring and bold as he is.


Gambler: Apparently he hasn't learned his lesson for all the debts he's racked up.
You win some, you lose some. It's no secret that Cayde's a bit of a risk taker, whether it comes to battle, crucibles, or casual wagers. It's because of a lost dare that he's been saddled with the position of Hunter Vanguard.
Lone Wolf: Most Hunters prefer to work alone, and Cayde's no exception.
In general, Guardians of the Hunter class prefer to work alone, with the exception of their Ghosts. Before becoming part of the Vanguard, Cayde enjoyed being out in the field and on his own, doing as he pleases. In regards to being a team player, it's a toss-up, really. Naturally, any chance he gets, Cayde will fall back on old habits and slip off on his own, whether it's to pursue curiosity or potentially foolhardy tactics.
Shoot First: Cayde likes solving things with his gun when applicable. Even when it is not.
Act first, question later. That can't possibly go wrong, can it? Cayde prefers action than talk, but if he's got specific duties, he will see to them. He just might work his way around things and find loopholes as he can if he thinks his way might be better.
Pass the Buck: Why do something when you can get someone else to do it for you?
"You ever figure procrastination is your brain's way of stopping you from making a terrible mistake?" Maybe he's gotten too used to bossing Guardians around at the Tower, but all's fair when you're technically not allowed to leave your day job, right? Cayde likes to think of it as not giving himself the chance to mess up by dropping the responsibility on someone else. Besides, he might have better things to do!

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
666 End of Days Jun 02 2020
665 Alternate Solutions May 26 2020
661 Apprehension May 12 2020
658 Unforseen Consequences May 05 2020
602 Valley of the Fallen Star Dec 05 2019
567 When Vampires Attack Sep 13 2019
560 On Wings of Light Aug 28 2019
514 Blackout Jun 05 2019
506 Lethal Protector: Unusual Underground. May 30 2019
345 Just a small job... Nov 19 2018
See All 28 Scenes


Title Date
A Moment For Things Unsaid Sep 02 2018
When Thoughts Run Deep Nov 19 2018
See All 2 Cutcenes