Claudia Kinborrow (Dropped)

Claudia Kinborrow
World: Final Fantasy Tactics-1
Groups: Harvesters
Actual Age: 35
Apparent Age: 35
Quote: By Ajora's grace, we shall be dogs at the noble's heels no longer!
Role: Rabblerousing Templar
Species: Hume


Claudia is a Temple Knight of the Church of Glabados. Once a soldier in the 50 Years War to avoid starvation as a peasant, she gained a solid reputation as a monk and white mage. After a disastrous battle where her entire unit was left to die so that a noble could retreat, she was left disfigured and tossed out of the army without promised pay. Taken in by the Church she would find a new calling in advancing the Church's agenda, to free Ivalice of the control of noblemen and their treachery. A zealous follower of the Church and true believer in the conspiracy, she uses her skills without restraint as a Templar, while unaware of the corruption within the ranks. Brooking no heretic or heathen gods, she now fights for the oppressed in other worlds as well.


Temple Knight: A Templar, she finds housing, travel, and equipment easily in her world.
As a full fledged Templar, Claudia can always expect entry into any church on her world aligned with Glabados, lodging, supplies, equipment and other generally mundane means of being able to operate within Ivalice and beyond. Seen as defenders of the Faith and well liked by the common people, she's also welcome in most homes amongst the underclass as having a proper Templar for the night is seen as proof that one's house is holy. This rarely extends off of Ivalice however.
White Monk: Warrior of holy fists and magic healer.
Claudia is trained in the arts of the White Monk, a Templar-made fusion of the arts of the monk and magic of the White Mage. She is superhumanly strong and deadly with her fists through infusing them with her faith and chi. Currently she has the ability to rend the earth with holy magic and strength in a punch to attack at range, strike multiple targets with one blow so long as they're close, smash walls, and destroy (ordinary) steel weapons and armor. She's able to pray and heal herself and others through white magic as well as purge many battlefield and other minor poisons, diseases and curses. Her attacks notably have a holy quality, and will appropriately damage those weak to such things.
Iron Body: Impressively difficult to take down.
Claudia, through doggedness, experience in combat, and her healing abilities is a difficult person to take down. Shrugging off injuries that would kill most people through magic and knowing how to take even the worst of blows, in a pitched fight she is very rarely the first to fall. She has the stamina and toughness to fight for days with only the briefest of rests, and has an unfortunate streak of watching her allies die in front of her.
Soldier Training: Claudia is skilled in riding, small unit tactics, and survival.
Claudia spent many years in the military, fighting during the 50 Years War. She's learned small unit tactics, field medicine, camp setting, chocobo riding, and all the other little skills it takes to survive as a squad leader.
Throw Rock: Toss a stone. Hard.
Like many a soldier, Claudia isn't above tossing a fist sized stone at an enemy. Given her strength, this is a surprisingly good ranged technique, and more than one foe has fallen off a cliff to their doom thanks to a well timed chucking of loose geology.
Rabblerouser: Helping others rise up through violence, and easily learns common languages.
Claudia's role in the Conspiracy, when not outright taking missions for the Templars, is as a low-borne rabblerouser. She knows how to speak like the common person and how they think, as she /is/ one on her world. She's also swift at picking up new tongues and mannerisms to better ingratiate herself with the poor and downtrodden. She's also a fiery orator, and knows how to best arm, recruit, and at times lead rebellions against nobility and royalty.


Templar Soldiers< Basic D-Tier >: Skilled retainers and soldiers of the Church.
Skilled soldiers and warriors beholden to the Church of Glabados, mostly squires of the Templar or warriors pledged to the Church's service, but as able as your average knight on the field of battle. Strong in groups and can use melee or magic, though these are at mid-tier levels at best.


Disfigured: Sensitive about her looks.
The right side of Claudia's face is heavily scarred and burnt, as is much of her torso and right arm. If she doesn't take pains to mask it, initial impressions range from horror, to disgust and pity. This has made her sensitive about her looks, and thus strong reactions like pity, disgust, and general insults easily has her flying into a rage. She also tends to wear mostly conservative clothing when not in her battle gear, and thus becomes very nervous and shy if forced to wear something more revealing like a dress.
Hates Nobles: Openly common blooded, she hates nobles and many find her ways unpleasant.
She's a commoner, acts like one, and talks like one. She's direct, to the point, overly friendly and obnoxious. All of the etiquette of the nobility of her world and others Claudia rejects with almost as much fury as she does nobles themselves. She's rarely welcome in their houses and wants nothing more than to kill nobles as soon as she learns of them. They're the chains that bind good men to her, and that hatred often runs both ways. Highborn places are often closed to her, and she closes even more of them by choice.
Zealot: Faithful and unyielding.
Claudia is a faithful follower of the Saint Ajora Church, to an extreme. Other Gods and worshipped spirits are blasphemy to her. As a Templar, she takes great pleasure in hunting them down and ruthlessly breaking them for their crimes. Anyone declared a Heretic or who works with a Heretic is her enemy, and she's brutal in seeing them brought to justice. This leads her to conflict with those of a far more compassionate heart.
Tech Inept: Not good with above-medieval technology.
Coming from a medieval world, modern and advanced technology is both fascinating and frightening to Claudia. She's unlikely to call it Heresy, but she will never have beyond basic skill in any sort of post-medieval technology, due to her deep belief in Ivalice's ways. She's simply inept, and will always prefer to use older methods to get a task done even when tech could do so far more easily.
Brickhouse: Too big and solid for acrobatics, has problems fighting swift opponents.
Claudia is an impressively tall, strong woman thanks to training and fighting. She is not, however, the most agile person in the world. She can leap impressively, but won't be doing backflips, walk tightropes, or other such feats of pure agility and dexterity. When facing swift and agile opponents, she has to rely on taking wounds and getting her hands physically on them in order to best fight. She also is terrible at swimming in deep water, as she has a tendency to sink as though she were wearing armor.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
225 Under the Moonlight Aug 31 2018
73 We Definitely Started the Fire Aug 30 2018
67 AL1-8A8A And The Forty Sleeves Apr 01 2018
60 Slipping the Noose Mar 25 2018
59 Suddenly Goblins! Mar 24 2018
52 Good Morning, Now Get Out Mar 17 2018
51 Heretical Imports II Mar 17 2018
49 Rancor in the Fog Mar 15 2018
47 Heretical Imports Mar 13 2018
45 Race you to the magic time bomb! Mar 13 2018
See All 10 Scenes


Title Date
Stick The Lot of Them Mar 15 2018
See All 1 Cutcenes