World Tree MUSH

Good Morning, Now Get Out

Character Pose
Terra Branford
    The smoke of battle has cleared, the casualties are being seen to and the damage to the town was overall minor. The militia is busy policing itself and rallying so nobody's come in pursuit of anyone quite yet, though the tensions of the town are no doubt going to be high, their actions colored with the spilled blood of their fellow townsfolk.

    The esper has long since been left to its rest and our focus shifts to a cottage resting on one of the higher tiers overlooking the down. An older gentleman pulls the last of his curtains closed and dims his gas lamps before turning to face the folk who chose to linger.

    "So nobody else was seriously hurt? Just the girl?" The big man shoulder past and toward the room where the strange green haired girl has been allowed use of the bed for a while. "The troops will be coming for her. No doubt for you lot as well and it's best I see you off before then." A beat, then he sighs, wiping at his brow. "Once I'm sure you're fit for travel." Though he's clearly concerned for all, the child in particular seems to pain the old man the most.
    "Hey wait whoah, what?"
    Rydia looks pretty offput on hearing the militia will be out for her, of all people. "I rushed in to help them, what the hell would they be after me for?" The small Summoner says petulantly. She wasn't keen on leaving the other green haired girl at the site of the esper, and now here she is.
    "She took a rock to the head. And the metal armor that she was riding got wrecked. The soldiers that were with her... Didn't make it." The girl notes to the old man. "Who are you, anyway, deciding to help us out, out of the blue?"
    Rydia of Mist; asking all the important questions.
Claudia Kinborrow
 "What, you mean the locals or the fecking Empire lot? Doubt the heretic-armor using wretches are going to leave this town alone once they figure out their lads and lass aren't coming home." Adds Claudia Kinborrow from one corner of the room. She shrugs. Still mostly in her gear, she's got her hood down and is occasionally sipping some sort of booze at the table she's kicked her feet up on. A glance to Rydia. Smirk. 

"Think about it for a minute, moppet! We're the outsiders here. Let me guess, the authorities are going to capture us and the girl, pin the whole mess on us. That's the plan, eh?" Her look is absolutely scathing towards the guard. She cracks her knuckles. Not /outright/ threatening the man, but the knightess looks ready to leap at him and break his neck if needed.

"What is your end to all this? Sudden, pious heart? Or you trying to play us?" Suspicious, this Templar. Her Ivalice roots are showing.
Terra Branford
    The old man tucks a handkerchief in his back pocket, glancing from two extremely varied guests. "You see, Narshe is a neutral party. The Empire had no reason to interfere with us and we had no reason to interfere with them. Now... I'm not so sure." A hand goes up, "The town guards? In all likelihood, you two will be expelled immediately. The girl- Oh, hey, not so fast!" He takes his handkerchief and, scowling, pulls at the girl's circlet as she unsteadily rises from the bed.

    The girl, for her part, makes no move other than to attempt to stand but once the circlet is off she melts into a heap on the floor, momentarily stunned.

    Setting the item aside, partly wrapped in cloth, the older man sighs, "Anyway, I'm Arvis. And in all honesty it's probably better for everyone if I get involved and help you three quietly out of town." Old man's no dummy and he picked up on that threatening tension. Still, there's someone on his floor that needs help. So, back to that.

    The girl, for her part, at least manages not to throw up or anything though she looks positively ill. Head trauma! "Where..."
    Rydia was already a feeling a mix somewhere between anxious and petulant, but Claudia gets a look shot at her. "That's a terrible plan and I am completely against having all of that blamed on me. So I'm fine with leaving as soon as possible." A pause. "And you need to stop calling me 'moppet'."
    Rydia is a grown girl. Emotionally, anyway. But she's instantly distracted as the girl starts to try and stand. "-Whoah not so fast." She tries to stop her but- Rydia winces when the circlet comes off and she watches the other girl just drop. "Claudia, there's no need to threaten him, he's helping us." She asides to the templar before kneeling at the girl's side.
    "Take it easy, you took a nasty hit to the head. Here let me look at you."
    Assuming she's not shoo'd away, Rydia starts trying to ease Terra's aches with a little white magic.
Claudia Kinborrow
 Claudia frowns, looking from Rydia as she applies Little Girl Sass to her, and then Arvis. She's still suspicious, but really the man has a point. With a sigh? She relaxes. 

"Fine fine. Right, best indeed to get out of this snowy waste in any case. Saint bless you for coming to our aide!" She almost sounds sincere with that last one. Almost.

Sorry old man, a good Templar is a paranoid one.

Back to Rydia. "It is exactly what anyone with half a wit in their head would do, my dear sweet Summoner. It sounds as though we are all in agreement my friends!" She adds cheerily. Then Terra's up!

The Templar walks over. Just in case Terra tries something funny. The Churchie is still not sure why they didn't just ice the obvious Imperial enemy. Oh well, can't be helped.

"Careful, lass! Concussions mess with the motor senses. Lucky you can stand at all." Smile. Smiiile.

She's so not sorry about that rock.
Claudia Kinborrow
 Peer back at Rydia. "I call them like I see them! Moppet."
Terra Branford
    The girl, rather than fuss and struggle, remains more or less seated on the floor, staring dimly as her brain struggles to catch up everything. Lights, sounds, faces and voices she doesn't remember. There's a momentary catch of her breath as she tries to remember something and fails, only to move on and fail elsewhere. Creates quite the sinking, overwhelming sensation. "Ah?" That explains the ache in her head, some of it at least, "Who are you all?"

    The old man kneels, "Friends. You were hurt pretty bad and the Empire was using a device to use you like a puppet. Animals. So-" Then there's a thunderous banging at the front door and the old man is back on his feet. "No time. Gather yourselves and whatever you need from my stores, then out the back. Quickly!" Then the old man is brushing past Claudia with a concerned side-eye before calling out, "I'm coming, by the Cursed Three I'm coming! What nonsense is it at this hour?!"

    The girl, at least canny enough to realize the pursuit is likely to involve her, has the good sense to look mortified. "Controlled?" No time to reflect, the guards outside sound angry. There's plenty of barking and the odd rattle and clank of weapons and armor jostling about. No time.

    The surviving catwalk should easily cross to the upper sections of the mines where the path may not be so clear.
    Rydia snorts at Claudia, but continues with her task of tending to Terra's head the best she can. At best, she can at least get the bruise down and lessen the pain, but that's about it.
    "... They were using her?" It makes sense if the girl can't remember anything, which seems to be the case, and the Summoner's expression hardens significantly at the thought. But she's putting on her best bedside manner for Terra.
    "Relax and try not to move too much. I'm Rydia. What's your name?"
    She damn near jumps out of her skin as the door starts to bang. "Oh shoot." She's up, and she takes Terra by the wrist. "Sorry, forget what I said about trying not to move too much. We all have to go now." She says, motioning for Claudia to help her, and head for the back door and catwalk.
Claudia Kinborrow
Claudia Kinborrow ignores that side-eye, but does react to what's been done to Terra. A crown that can control a person? That sends shivers down Claudia's spine. Fury wells up, but she chokes it down. She can't quite contain it though. "...Bunch of Heretics!" She snarls, but they really do need to go. She lets the girl handle the white magic. She needs the practice, and they might need a real white mage anyway. 

Up she goes, knocking back the last of the whiskey and moving to offer her arm to Terra. She looks the girl over for a moment. Hmmm. Smile.

"Try not to think too much, alright? Lean on me. I'll carry you if I have to. Everything is going to be right as rain now! Knight's promise, that is! We'll get you out of here and let you clear that pretty little head of yours!" She flashes a winning smile. For a commoner, her teeth are remarkably straight.

A glance back to Alvis, and it's out the door. "Rydia. If we need to split up, you take her, got it? I can handle myself. No need for you to go playing hero. A good and proper summoner like you dying at your age would be a shame. Make the espers proud, eh?" Translation, let the lawful evil knight be a knight.

Back to Terra. "Name's Claudia! Dame Kinborrow, if you are feeling particularly generous!"
Terra Branford
    The girl at least seems relieved by the healing, minor or not and at least the mark on her head doesn't look like it's going to bleed anymore! That's something. The matter of being used is enough to thoroughly distract her; so much that she almost doesn't react to Rydia's introduction. Her eyes focus and she starts to speak but instead startles when the door begins to bang loudly.

    The old man continues to take his time, thumping extra loud and offering a string of invectives at the guardsmen at his door. Plenty of noise to cover a hasty escape!

    Anyway, the door opens quietly and the chill outdoor wind swirls. The girl accepts the offers of help but stands easily enough, though she's hardly smiling. More like she's still lost in a fugue. When it's clear that they're fleeing, she juts puts her head down to brace against the wind and allows herself to be led out.

    The catwalk is long but adequately supported if not sheltered from the breeze and, as shouts below filter upward, it's clear they're not really sheltered from view either!
    Rydia is more than fairly disgusted by the notion of a headpiece that can put someone under the control of another. But she puts that aside for now due to the urgency of the moment. Leading out the back and onto the catwalk she already starts heading along the path.
    "I'd prefer not to split up. But I don't plan on making any desperate last stands, either. I'm kind of not built for it." She points out to Claudia. She still keeps a hand at the dagger on her belt anyway.
    "Quickly, before someone sees us." She hisses, wrapping her cloak more tightly around her shoulders to shield from the breeze.
Claudia Kinborrow
 Rydia gets a swift nod. "Smart girl. No heroics. Home in time for supper and a nightcap, we will be! Step lively now, lasses!" Claudia urges Terra on as the noise behind them fades. Out into the catwalks! The knight eyes the situation, frowning. 

"Right. No cover." Then, reaching for both girls? Yeah, she's basically trying to haul them into her arms and starting to run like a bat out of a necrohol. Those long legs can really put on some speed even laden with passengers.

Monk training is not to be underestimated in the physical department.
Terra Branford
    Then it's out the door! Into the wind! Terra wobbles ever so slightly but she seems to be mostly, physically at least, recovered from the previous ordeal. The catwalk is long, exposed and slightly slick from snow melting due to one of the steam pipes but proper railing- Becomes irrelevant as she's lifted along with the other green haired stranger and the monk's hands are suddenly occupied!

    There's a small squeak from her but she hangs on, looking down and somehow managing not to make herself dizzy.

    Somehow, nobody below notices and the entrance to the upper reaches of the mines is easily made. Like the main cut, these tunnels are well lit and relatively warm. The cut isn't as even and the first gallery is home to crates of tools and supplies and a few burly men who stop working to gawk at the intrusion of three females proceeding along in such an unusual arrangement. Then, helpfully, one calls out, "Hoy, careful of the floor beyond! It's eroded in places and likely to collapse if you blunder about! And the rest of you, back to work!"

    That was nice, but he didn't mention that the stone cut stares up are probably too narrow for this carrying nonsense to continue!
    That is the sound of Rydia being bodily lifted, hoisted, and carried bouncing along in Claudia's arms.
    That's a thing. That happens.
    "Put me down, put me down." Rydia says. Not because she's jolted by the ride but because the stairs are coming up. She can climb those herself.
    "We'll be fine, thanks." She says to the men and their warning. Yet again eroded floors make her wish she knew how to make people float, but her White Magic just isn't that good.
    "I'll go first. I'm the lightest so I'll find the safest path." She reasons, waiting to be put down so she can take point.
Claudia Kinborrow
 Luckily, they arrive unseen and the men are kind enough to warn them. This means that Rydia and Terra are unceremoniously deposited. Mostly so she can stop herself from running straight into a wall. Even then, it's close. Skiiiiid eeeeeerrrrk! Gasp gasp gasp! 

"Err. Thanks lads! Owe you a nip if I see you again!" She shouts back to the men with a grin. Right, up we go!

With a look of reluctance, she sighs. "Fine. But be careful, alright?" She offers to Rydia. She lets the girl go first, then right after. Just in case she has to catch the summoner. A glance back.

"As for you, use me as a shield if you have to. No telling what we are going to find in these mines, eh?"
Terra Branford
    Being handled like this certainly isn't something she expected! Though Terra handles it well enough for the relatively short trip, riding along without complaint and even offering a confused look to the miners calling out warnings when going by what little she knows, they should be at least suspicious. Right? Then she's placed on her feet and she lingers in place for a few beats as the order is decided.

    Then we're off and she only just realizes she has a sword of her own. She grips at the handle, more to stop the scabbard from banging and raking on the stone walls and begins to ascend with the rest of the group.

    The stairs terminate in another long corridor that branches off to the right and left. The left curves out of sight into darkness and the right seems better lit than the other way but it's rather difficult to see that branch of the tunnel at this angle. Since the going is somewhat slow due to the caution offered by the men behind, Terra pipes up again.

    "My name's Terra." We were interrupted before and she's been dwelling on it the entire time, apparently. "I think."
    Hopefully they'll be out of this damned town soon. Hopefully Rydia won't be back to see Claudia ow anyone a drink, anytime soon. The Summoner just wants to hit the edge of town, hop on her chocobo, and bail. For now, though she takes the lead of the group.
    "I'll be fine." A pause... "I should be fine."
    As long as she doesn't find a bad spot on the ground and fall through, anyway.
    "You *think*?" She asides to Terra, a look of pity furrowing the child's brow. If the mind control device was that bad to make someone possibly forget their name...
    She shakes her head. She has to focus. She slows her pace and leads the way, careful of the ground and trying to find the safest path for the other two. Her heart is pounding a little faster the whole way.
    "Mn. Right or left?"
Claudia Kinborrow
 Claudia considers! The two girls are down, Rydia is playing rogue, and at least Terra has a sword and a name. Hmmmmm. Into her pocket goes her hand, and she flips a gil. Smack. 

"Left we go! After you, tiniest little summoner in the land!" Shove! Get going, moppet!

"Pleasure to meet you, Terra! Shame about that whole mess. Why'd those Imperials have you all collared up? Not right to do to a man, no! Should at least have their own head about them if they're going to make bad decisions and assault a local garrison. Thought there was something queer about the way you were acting." She offers casually to Terra.
Terra Branford
    "I mean, I'm-" This isn't the time or place, she realizes so further words die on her lips for the moment. Then everything is decided with a coin toss? Even she has the good sense to be concerned about that but she says nothing again, simply frowning at the eagerness to proceed into possible danger. Behind a small girl, no less.

    Then Claudia blindsides her with a question and she stares for a moment before looking down and shaking her head. "The way I was acting?"

    For those that were present for the first part of the briefing from the gate guard, a series of skitterings and fluttering noises may jog the memory about the warning of Things haunting the mines. Something that even made a man with a rifle and a giant wolf uneasy. There's nothing visible, of course, but these mines no doubt carry sound from all over. Best to get a move on! The left path winds around in a long turn that opens up into a room supported by numerous natural columns that obscure the far side of the room, though at least there seems to be more light. Somehow.
    "Stop calling me moppet. Seriously!" Rydia hisses back, testy in no small part due to the anxiety of knowing the whole town is on high alert looking for the three of them. Claudia does the coin toss and picks the path. It's as good a decision as any, as she starts making her way leftwards, testing every step as though she were paranoid. It's slow going, even at her fastest, but she peers back over her shoulder. "You weren't yourself the whole time. Try not to think about it."
    It is, after all, easier to tell Terra to not think about the guards she had to kill on her way in.
    "There's light up ahead." She points out as she starts weaving through the stone columns. "Maybe a way out?"
Claudia Kinborrow
 Claudia doesn't comment after Rydia tells Terra to not think about it. Best to let the girl handle it. After all, not everyone's an Ivalician. With that settled, she follows along after Rydia. The young summoner gets a wink. So feisty! She'll grow up to be quite a terror in Claudia's opinion. Time to make sure that happens. 

Her eye darts about, and her ears are tense. Training her senses in case something ambushes them in the dark. For all her easygoing confidence, the monk is alert.

"Could be! Might as well keep going that way. You know, this reminds me of a patrol I was on during the War. Me and a bunch of my mates were after a fleeing group of deserters. Ran right into a cave! Next thing we know, they're all getting devoured by Behemoths! No lie! Big old beasties, they were, hiding in the dark like highwaymen on a moonlit road! Gnashing and nawing like those traitors were gruel! Almost lost a leg fighting off those lot. Still gives me shivers to this day." She says it all so cheerily. And is no doubt /not/ helping the mood.
Terra Branford
    "What's a moppet?" Terra can't help it and it seems like a point of friction between the girl and this frankly scary looking ladymonk. Hey, not everyone's Ivalician and besides, it's at least it's not something about what she did even if she has a dreadful feeling it wasn't good. 

    The room is strangely lit, shadows cast about without apparent light sources and there is a bit of tension in the air and not just from Claudia's awful story. Still...

    "I'm glad you didn't lose a leg but that sounded terrible. I'm sorry it happened but I don't think this place is that dangerous. I'm not sure why, though." Maybe someday, not today.

    The pillars conceal nothing but the source of the bizarre lighting and the entrance exiting this cavern, showing another stretch of irregular walls that terminate at an apparent dead end.
    Rydia stops. She has to. She has to just. Pause and stare dead at Claudia when she goes on down memory lane about a jaunt into some caves where behemoths were *eating people*.
    "Can you not tell stories about people being torn limb from limb while we're in a dark spooky cave? I'd appreciate it, thanks."
    Feisty she may be, but that does more than sour the mood, it's flat out scary. Not that she would admit to being scared but...
    Moving on. The source of the light is... Strange to say the least as they hit the dead end.
    "... Do we go back?"
Claudia Kinborrow
 Point! Riiiight at Rydia! 

"Her, of course! A little lass! Tiny one! Short and adorable! A child!" She explains to Terra. She doesn't try to lower her voice. She seems to enjoy annoying Rydia! Claudia thinks this is some sort of tough love.

Squint at Rydia. "Really? How would...stupid question, nevermind lass. How about we all just keep moving forward." Oh hey, dead in. Hmmmmm.

Turn. Hands to hips. Smile! "What? Afraid of a little war story? Now that's no way for a brave, eager summoner to act! We need to put some steel in your spine! Stand up tall now. Trust me, after that I can smell a behemoth a league away. And you're not being gnawed on, so no worries my little friend!"

Hmmmmm. Wall. Long way back. Claudia laughs.

Then her fists begin to glow white with holy chi. "No need! You two stand back now. Time for me to show what a Templar is capable of! RAAAAAR!" She charges the wall, ready to aim a flurry of stone crushing blows into it. That's right. The monk is trying to punch through a path out of this mountain.

Clearly Claudia is the straightforward sort.
Terra Branford
    Meanwhile Terra glances between the two as Rydia gets heated and, she supposes, for good reason, while Claudia laughs it off. To be fair, Claudia does seem to be trying to rankle the youngest member of the group. "It didn't sound little." Quite large and terrifying, she'd guess, but she lacks context. What's a behemoth? Anyway. "I..." Going back sounds monumentally dangerous but at the same time, that wall looks rather unyielding.

    So unyielding and made of stone that Claudia sees fit to challenge it.

    When the monk makes her move, Terra moves to interpose herself between the violence and Rydia. She's not sure what to expect, so best to play it safe. Maybe? She's not sure about a damn thing right now.

    Claudia either has incredible luck or a latent talent for discerning the unseen. The very first punch is met with stone that yields surprisingly easy - in fact, so easily that it might be deemed suspicious! Then with a dull boom, a section of wall shifts aside to reveal snow! And a view of the sky obstructed only by more snow!
    Rydia's expression sours. Claudia is not going to let it go. The girl is practically glaring now, but there's little left to do except figure out a new course. Go back, or--... Or the Monk can do what monks do best and punch the wall.
    And hit a secret switch.
    "You know what. I'm not going to look a gift chocobo in the beak and ask why there's a secret panel and door here." She decides, as soon as she sees the snow beyond. Rydia brings her fingertips to her lips and blows a sharp whistle. There is a reason she left her chocobo untied at the entrance of down.
    It's a sharp, commanding call. That has her chocobo- leading Claudia's chocobo- to the cave entrance.
    "I'll take Terra from here. I know a safe place where she can stay."
Claudia Kinborrow
 PUNCH. The wall slides out. Claudia...looks kind of saddened by the fact that she didn't get to chew through an entire wall of stone. Put out, even! She slumps. 

"Every time! Always with the secret passages! Old Claudia never gets to punch in a wall proper! Ahh, what would the old man think, seeing this?" Weirdo.

Still, snow, and Rydia's Calling their birds! Claudia happily mounts up, then pauses at the pair. A nod. "Right, best we split. May the Saint watch over you two. Owe you a drink and a dance when next we meet, Miss Terra! And as for you, tiny little summoner!"

Wink. A wave. "Remember to eat your vegetables! That way you will grow up big and strong like me! Been a pleasure. I hope we meet again soon! Just stop wandering into dangerous places, alright?" Point! Auntie Claudie glaaare!

Then she's flicking the reigns, ready to head off.
Terra Branford
    The sky! Snow! Terra looks about as thrilled as someone's bound to get when dressed as she is for winter weather. Those suits must have a heater or something! Anyhow, when the birds are called out to she looks on with some interest and even softly gasps at the sight.

    "Someplace to stay? Shouldn't..." What, she do something? It feels like there's something pulling at her but if she could tell anyone what it was it'd be a small miracle. Rather than linger in the cave, she emerges and stands by while the cave entrance begins to grind closed. "I wonder why there's an entrance like that?" Everyone else seems more or less fine with it, though, so she leaves off and instead tries to focus on what to do. Like offering an open hand toward Rydia's chocobo as if she might try to pet the thing. Someone get her moving or she might be here all day!