Eggman (Dropped)

World: Sonic the Hedgehog-1
Groups: Harvesters
Actual Age: ???
Apparent Age: 50s
Role: Destitute Megalomaniac
Species: Human
Theme Song: 'E.G.G.M.A.N.' Doc Robeatnix Remix -


The self-proclaimed genius Doctor Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik, greatest threat the world has ever faced... has found himself lost on the World Tree, without any of his resources exept for a pair of mostly-worthless robotic assistants. He seeks to expand his resource base and continue his quest for world domination - upgraded to World Tree domination now. With his genius intellect, knack for incredibly advanced technologies, and extraordinary strength and endurance, he has a fairly good chance of reaching his goals. Unfortunately, he is also incredibly lazy and bombastic, and he doesn't really work well with others...


Unparalleled Scientist: Eggman is a master of investigation through experimentation and observation.
If a phenomenon exists, and is repeatable, then it stands to reason that said phenomenon can be understood as a physical process. And Eggman, of course, is convinced that with the right testing and experiments, he can understand ANY physical process. He has already mastered normal physics, as well as Chaos Energy and Hyper Go-On Energy, and can incorporate them into his inventions with ease. Given a lot of study and experiments, he can also learn to understand other exotic power sources, although it only extends to deriving power from them, or detecting their presence. And maybe eventually actually understanding how they work.
Robotics Savant: Eggman is a true master of robots, from service droids to gigantic war machines.
Eggman can design and build almost any robot imagineable. He can create robots that can react to various stimuli as easily as a child can paint with their fingers. His robots run the whole gamut of service and worker droids, shape-shifting nanomachine clouds, human-scale robotic soldiers and gigantic piloted or even self-motivated war machines that can level cities. He is also well versed in a wide variety of weapons to quip these robots with - some wield lasers, while others fire solid projectiles and still more use explosives or exotic gravity weapons. More still wield a staggering array of melee weapons, both conventional and very much not. Unfortunately, these wonderful machines take both resources and a lot of time to build - he can't just whip them up on the spot.
Inventor Extraordinaire: Eggman can build things other than just robots, but robots are his main focus.
Eggman can create vehicles, fiendish traps, and even space habitats if given enough time and resources. He can create scanners capable of picking up all sorts of exotic and not-so-exotic energies, and can even create devices that warp the fabric of space-time to create bigger-on-the-inside storage spaces or cause gravity to point in the wrong direction. Many of his more superscientific inventions require Chaos Energy to work. Due to a lack of his ridiculous resource base, it takes him time to scrape together the parts for any of his wonderful toys, and he doesn't have a stockpile of gadgets to pull from.
Superhuman< Edge >: Eggman is stronger and tougher than he has any right to be.
When desperate, Eggman can pull out all the stops and remind the world that it's not just his mind that's superhuman. Eggman is tough enough to take a hit from a supersonic hedgehog and, if not stay standing, then at least stand back up quickly. He's strong enough to punch through steel barriers and several feet of solid ice, and can lift several times his own considerable body weight. He can also run at an impressive speed, although he doesn't have much stamina for long-distance running.
Egg Mobile Mk. XIV: Eggman's multipurpose hovercar is an essential tool in his arsenal.
This egg-shaped hovercar is designed to integrate with all of Eggman's mechs in order to function as the cockpit. On its own, it can fly at a respectable clip - it could do mach 1 if only it had an actual canopy - and is quite nimble, capable of propelling itself in any direction at top speed. It incorporates a number of minor weapons, such as lasers and various saw blades, and is also capable of mounting a single 'super' weapon, like an ultra-dense wrecking ball or a ridiculously large cannon. Inside the vehicle, Eggman can clash with enemies as a C-tier - but outside it he's a D-tier.
Surprisingly Effective Mentor: One of his degrees is, amazingly, a TEACHING degree.
Eggman is an abrasive jerk, and isn't the first person you'd think of when you hear the word 'teacher', but he does actually know how to impart wisdom and knowledge onto impressionable minds. Naturally he excels mostly at teaching various sciences and practical engineering concepts. The most practical aspect of this skill is, of course, the ability to train up assistants in short order, but he could actually produce some staggeringly gifted scientists and engineers if he set aside the time to train them. And thought them worthy enough of his greatness.
Archaeologist: Eggman doesn't actually have a degree in Archeology, but he's good at it anyway.
Eggman knows how to plunder him an ancient tomb and strip it of all its precious resources and mystical energy sources. He ALSO knows how to actually study an ancient ruin carefully and figure out what it was for and something about the people who made it. He doesn't believe archeological artifacts belong in museums though. Except if the museum is his own personal collection.


Cubot and Orbot< Named F-Tier >: A pair of bumbling robot sidekicks. They aren't very useful.
Cubot is the dumb but obedient one shaped like a cube, while Orbot is the intelligent but snarky one shaped like a sphere. They're not very strong, but they can fly and can manipulate light objects at least, as well as interface with technology and pilot any war machines the doctor decides to give them. They're very ineffectual in combat otherwise.
Copy Robot< C-Tier MotW Copy-T >: Some of Eggman's robots imitate the heroes he faces, even some of their powers.
After analyzing another PC's fighting style and abilities - usually a hero he fights against, but sometimes also an ally - Eggman can create a 'robotic duplicate' of them. These Copy Robots have names like 'Metal X' or 'X Android' or the like, and are clearly meant to resemble their counterpart but are always obviously robotic, at least when they start fighting. These robots are usually equipped with thrusters to match the speed of their counterparts; weapons such as claws, copies of a counterpart's melee weapons, or various sorts of guns; and often weird superscience gadgets to imitate some of their counterpart's more esoteric abilities. For instance, a Copy Robot based on a hero capable of manipulating flame will likely have some manner of 'Flame Manipulation Beam' in addition to flamethrowers and heated claws. These 'duplicates' often have sophisticated AI, but not usually to the level of full sapience like Cubot and Orbot.


Megalomaniac: Eggman is convinced that he, and he alone, knows how the worlds ought to be run.
Eggman wants to be in charge. He believes it's his right to be in charge of everyone, and hates playing second-fiddle to others. He will always try to push himself into the forefront of any cooperative gambit, and will claim more credit than he truly deserves when they succeed. And, of course, when they fail, it was totally his allies' fault. Whenever he helps he expects compensation and is really planning on stabbing everyone in the back and taking over the moment they show enough weakness.
The Path of Least Resistance: Despite how driven he is, Eggman is inherently a very lazy person.
Eggman prefers the easy way over the efficient way. He is wasteful to the extreme and generally doesn't put too much effort into anything he does. He'd rather rely on a gang of slave-bots to do physical labour for him despite the fact that he'd probably be good at it if he bothered. Despite being a genius he is also intellectually lazy - if someone offers him an idea he's pretty likely to latch onto it rather than come up with something entirely novel, and often recycles his own failed schemes with slight modifications. He dislikes taking orders, but rather than argue he usually begrudgingly goes along with it.
Best Enemy Recognition: Eggman has an odd habit of growing fond of those who oppose him.
The more Eggman struggles against someone - especially a heroic individual - the more used to them he will become. He will often create obstacles that his personal nemeses can overcome with effort using their specific skills, although he's just as likely to create traps that prey on their weaknesses as well. It eventually reaches the point where, though he certainly wants to succeed at his goals, he will gain a grudging respect for heroes who 'play fair' and doesn't really want to get rid of them permanently.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
287 A Declaration of Intent. Oct 11 2018
285 Pleasant Hill: Harvest Festivities Oct 09 2018
175 Tax Dodging Jul 03 2018
74 Mine, All Mine Apr 08 2018
See All 4 Scenes


Title Date
New Opponent Combat Data Analysis: Goku Apr 08 2018
Mission Analysis Oct 11 2018
See All 2 Cutcenes