World Tree MUSH

All That Glitters

Located between two vast empires, the Kingdom of Dalmasca plans on celebrating its independence by throwing a grand fete. There will be food and drink, entertainment from across the land, and royal treasures put on display for all to see and admire, and for residents of the small but fierce desert kingdom to stoke their sense of national pride.

...Also, there'll be sky pirates, but the Dalmascans don't know that yet.

OOC: This will probably be a social scene, but it could just as easily become a combat scene, depending on how energy levels are looking when things get started.

All posted times subject to change.
Character Pose
  Dalmasca is a small desert kingdom positioned between two large empires on either side of it: To the northwest, the Rozarrian Empire; to the northeast, the Archadian Empire. This eve marks the celebration of its independence from the Archadian Empire, and there's a royal bash of a fete to go along with it. Lots of food, lots of drink. Lots of treasures instilling national pride out on display. The whole nine yards. Tonight's hostess -- Queen Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca, widow-queen of the desert, she who won her kingdom back from the jaws of the Archadian Empire. Public opinion couldn't be higher; the people here truly love their leader.



Yep. Treasure. There's a wing of the royal palace that's been cleaned up and a hasty exhibit put together to showcase various and sundry Dalmascan treasures accumulated by its royalty over the generations. There are a lot of generations. Dalmasca is small, but it has a proud and very long history. Over time many valuable artefacts have found their way into its collections.

It's basically just sky pirate bait. There are a number of really nice sculptures in precious metals and queenly jewels on pedestals that glint and shine under their fancy magitech-powered spotlights.

There aren't too many tourists in here; most of them are in the main palace hall, where it's spacious enough to host the food, dancing, entertainment, and of course drinks. That's where the sky pirates are, actually. Seated at a table. Dressed nicely and drinking their drinks like normal guests.

If they're here to rob the place, they're not doing a very good job of being inconspicuous. They look pretty normal, actually, aside from the Viera's... Viera-ness. Both hume and Viera are dressed sharp, sharp enough to put most of the guests to shame. These sky pirates certainly do well for themselves.

Kinda weird that nobody seems to care that they're there, though. Weren't there wanted posters for those two a few towns away? Admittedly, the characters depicted in it were a little bit off the mark, but the gist was the same: A hume, a Viera, and a crime spree stretching from one continent clear through another.

Oh well. In any case, the place has been thrown wide open for offworlders to join in the celebrations. Dalmasca is going all-out to show just what an awesome place it is for tourists to come spend their money. Good food, good booze, excellent entertainment in the form of music, dancers, and highly trained acrobats; as well as a military parade complete with parade destriers; beautiful white chocobos imported from the Cerobi Steppes.

...Oh, and fireworks! What party's complete without a highly choreographed show of exploding rockets in the dark?
Duncan Ritter
A dark knight is a warrior who goes clad in their own pain, turning the sharp edge of their misery against those who would wrong the innocent so that none should suffer as they do. The darkness is their home, solitude their raiments --

Yeah screw all that, Duncan Ritter is having fun.

He does have his guitar with him, but it's strapped to his back in its case right now, since there's already music. He's dressed in a white long-sleeved shirt, tan leather vest, dark blue cravat, black pants, and black riding boots.

Duncan can be found over there near where people are dancing. In fact he's also dancing, and not alone! He's dancing with another partygoer, a pretty Dalmascan woman!
Misaki Sakai
Misaki is a bit out of her element here, but she needs a break. Why not a party. She's not bothered transforming, so she's wearing a simple dress and is making sure to stick to the well lit parts of the party, having a nice non-alcoholic drink and generally relaxing and people-watching.
Wolf O'Donnell
    While the appearance of the Viera is Viera-y, there are at least two beastmen outworlders wandering about the throng of party-going patrons and money-spenders. The black feline wears a tuxedo with a design native to his his home world, designed by a personal favorite tailor, in white silks and gold embroidery while golden accessories show off an amazing amount of wealth in the statement. Social elite that he is, the panther cradles a stemmed glass of wine in one hand and seems to be rubbing elbows with other socialites in a way that only those with assets to boast can. 

    There's a wolf person, too, with slick-backed headfur and a neat sleek grooming; this beast person doesn't wear something as flashy as a silk tux, but he does wear a purple three piece suit with a pink pocket square. No tie. Jacket unbuttoned. Black left eye patch. Less concerned with being social yet still enjoying the entertainment, this guy stalks the crowd with a neutral smile and seems to be getting a read on those present. A skilled eye would know casing an event if they see it. Though, for this wolf, it's second-nature. Don't pass up easy opportunities, yet never pass up a good time, either.

    It's certainly a good time.
Wolf O'Donnell
    "Truly, the sight of the plains of Katina at my Winter home, marked by the radiant bands of color across the sky when the suns set, is a marvel to behold, but the majesty here is breathtaking," can be overheard from the feline's conversation as the group turns to look over those dancing to the music along with Duncan. At least one person nearby barks laughter and a cheer with some casual, if brief, applause. "Truly a desert rose, this place. Hah, well, everybody is having fun. Look at them go." 

    The lupine, in turn, continues his walk among those seated and standing alike and passes very close to Misaki. No amount of cleaning up and grooming and looking slick can erase to scars on the wolf's face and ears, though. With a grizzled glance in slow passing, a smile is offered. "Enjoying the party, kitten?" is spoken as gently as such a tall suit-clad bruiser can manage with a hint of those pointed ears tipping just a little to each side in the following broadening of that warm expression.
Duncan Ritter
Dancing can only go on for so long before needing a drink. So eventually Duncan and his dance partner will go their separate ways. He bows and kisses at her hand before parting, of course.

He'll have gotten a drink by the time he hears the comment from the feline, and tilts his head. "A bit too hot here for my tastes," he notes. "But I agree, it's quite beautiful here."
Misaki Sakai
"I suppose." Misaki shrugs slightly as she takes a sip of her drink. "I don't believe we've met? I'm Misaki Sakai, offworlder." She offers, sizing up the two men, "And who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?"
Wolf O'Donnell
    "Still, nothing quite so stunning as these beautiful ladies," comments the panther with playful argument and, in turn, bids the lady on his arm direct compliment. "Son flores que no puede marchitarse del calor." He parts from her with a flourish, but slips one of the thorn-trimmed roses from his boutonnierre over her ear. "To remember me by," is whispered. Duncan then gets a hand offered in gesture. It's a fuzzy hand, but at least no claws are shown. "Panther Caluroso, buen senor. I assume you are not from around here? Who could resist the company and entertainment, no?" 

    Unlike the feline, the wolf doesn't offer a handshake. His grip is strong and his hand so rough and weathered that it tends to be too intimidating for such social occasion. "O'Donnell. Lord Wolf O'Donnell," is offered. The title probably fits even if his specific regional style of dress may be alien to the land, if just by design. "Also not from here. Nice music, though. What brings you here? The exhibits or the fireworks?" A casual point of a clawed finger gestures to Misaki's drink. "Probably not the dancing if you're having a drink." O'Donnell's stance shifts to regard Misaki Sakai with his good eye.
Duncan Ritter
Duncan chuckles at the mention of the ladies. "Ah, it IIS true that the most beautiful gems are often found amongst the sands," he agrees. Though he doesn't aim the comment at anyone in particular. The handshake from the panther is returned, though. "Duncan Ritter," he offers. "A pleasure to make your acquaintence."
Misaki Sakai
"A pleasure, Lord O'Donnell." The Japanese teenager bows, "And no I wasn't looking to dance, and I think you're a bit too old for me if you were offering. I'm just here to take a break and relax in between school and dealing with deadly peril. What brings you here?"
Wolf O'Donnell
    The gold jewel-adorned rings worn on the black cat's hand offer the only roughness to be had in the contact. While not an overpowering grip by any means, there is a bit of firmness there that betrays how delicate the hand otherwise is. "Charmed, no doubt. You have experience with this kind of terrain, Senor Ritter? You speak as if you have some travel experience. I find that it takes some exposure to truly know what isn't fully to personal taste, yet you clearly have no problem performing in public despite the temperature." An enchanting smile is given, exposing well cared for white teeth, as the observation is made not of the dancing, but of the guitar case. Rugged laughter peals dully from one section of those gathered a small distance away from Mr. Caluroso and Mr. Ritter; a rounded feline ear swivels at the familiar sound. 

    Head tipped back in the honest sound, O'Donnell reaches up to give his uncovered eye a slow rub. "A keen eye and bold enough to call me out on it without hesitation. I like that. But, no. Ha, no, just fishing for a conversational hook and, well, you delivered." One hand gestures to the party in general. "I'm here more for the cultural exchange than the party, else I'd be a few cups in already. I suppose that puts you ahead of me in that race, but you're going to need more if your school is as dangerous as you say." The wolf assumes that the teenager is drinking alcohol, it would seem, without a second thought or hint of beratement. Perhaps it's fishing for another humorous reaction.
Duncan Ritter
Duncan's hand is pretty much just the opposite of Caluroso's; it's the hand of someone who's grown up gripping a heavy weapon. But there's a delicateness in the grip itself -- an awareness and thoughtfulness of exactly what its own strength is -- that belies the otherwise rough appearance.

"The experience has been recent, I admit," Duncan offers. "I actually grew up in a more temperate location, though with a recent need to travel and no guarantee that these new worlds will be temperate at all, I've been learning what I can about traveling optimally in different climates. I have heard mentioned that traveling at night in the desert is a better idea, particularly in the open desert far from civilisation."
Misaki Sakai
Misaki doesn't bother to correct the misunderstanding about alcohol, "Oh it's not school that it's dangerous. It's my job." She doesn't clarify beyond that, as she takes another sip of her juice. "School is just, you know, school. So you're a lord, you say? What kind of lands do you rule?"
Wolf O'Donnell
    "That can be true," affirms Panther with a spreading apart of his hands in gesture after the handshake has ended. "But it very much depends on the type of desert, the condition of the atmosphere, and the distance from the suns." Plural. Caluroso quickly adds a correction: "Or, hah, sun if you only have one. Despite the time I've spent in my travels for trade negotiations, I still find it strange for most places to only have one." There is some following soft laughter aimed at himself. "Ay, perdon. Ultimately I find the dry air of most deserts to wreak absolute havoc on my fur, but one night here should still be suitable." A comment steeped in vanity it may be, but it fits the style of attire worn. 

    Wolf O'Donnell isn't nearly as comfortable wearing fancy clothing as his business partner is. There is a bit of adjustment made here and there: the smoothing of the waistcoat, tugging at the lapel of the coat, or pulling at the cufflink-detailed sleeves of the shirt. "A heck of a job, then. Eh, well, I run a trade center and professional cargo escort service out of Sargasso that I rule in Meteo. Very rocky terrain, dangerous to navigate without a guide. Profitable. Loyal people that live there. Not the most party-oriented, but it's a living." A hand lifts and a thumb points over his shoulder. "Makes these kinds of stops more worthwhile and, if I'm lucky, I might make a few new clients while I'm here."
Duncan Ritter
Duncan has traveled around enough for this talk of two suns to not faze him. He merely nods. "Indeed, my world has only one, that I am aware of," he confirms. "Sand does not hold heat well once the sun is gone, does it? That explains why it tends to be cold in the desert at night?" He's posing these as questions.

A chuckle at the mention of drying out his fur. "There is a difference between hair and fur, but I'm told lavender oils can help with dry hair," he recalls. "It may or may not work for fur."
Misaki Sakai
"Sounds like important work." Misaki finishes her glass, "Now if you'll forgive me, Lord O'Donnell, I would like to mingle with some more people. Perhaps we'll meet again?" She offers, before beginning to head towards somewhere to get more juice.
Wolf O'Donnell
    "Actually, you may be surprised at how well some forms of sand can serve as a battery for heat, Senor Ritter. In that, much like the conditions of the desert and planet, it depends on what material the sand is formed. Some civilizations focus solar radiation onto sand and use the heat to power steam turbines for power and the heat remains trapped in it throughout the night long after the suns have set. Es cierto." However, on the topic of hair care, Caluroso lifts a hand and spreads his fingers in a glamorous gesture regarding his self-judged handsome countenance. "Por la rosa, Duncan, there is a reason that they call them essential oils when it comes to remaining at one's best for the pleasure of our beauteous counterparts, si? You certainly know your self-care. I am impressed. Though, I admit, I am running low on my personal supply for travel. I will do the best that I can for such an auspicious event, but if you happen to know of any in the trade..." 

    Wolf watches the teenager make an exit. "Sure thing, kitten. Have fun, now." The tall bruiser crosses his arms and scratches lightly over his chin in thought before glancing over his right shoulder to eye the exit to the wing containing the treasures on display. Muzzle scrunching lightly, it seems to be pretty well populated, but it would take a feat of sabotage to really create an opening to make off with anything. This might well be a bust, but there will be other opportunities. Agents spread across the Worlds inform of that and this one is no less occupied by such spies.