World Tree MUSH

(not) Pocket monster rampage

Character Pose
Luke Gray
The stories were all over the news at Luke's home world, sudden apparitions of massive pokemon attacking towns, causing lots of damage on stores, buildings and threatening the public, and just as suddenly, vanishing after some time. On the not so public side of things, there have been stories of a certain organization being behind those strikes, and rumours ranging from 'just testing potential pokemon technology' to 'using the attacks as cover for stealing valuables'. 

    There have been reports of a group calling themselves 'Team Rainbow rocket' now claiming to be the ones behind those attacks, and leaving an open challenge for the police, saying they plan to strike Quartz city, which happens to have a pokemon lab, and some Sylph co. Offices. The authorities decide to consider the threat real enough to begin posting for help from the higher ranking trainers, and even over the world tree, searching for people willing to potentially battle those gigantic pokemon, even offering bounties for those skilled enough to capture some sneaky pokemon trainers and thieves moving amidst the chaos.

    It's at this point that Luke is now waiting at the edge of the town, next to Dynamo, scanning the area nervously and checking on his phone slash handheld for updates on the situation.
Serrah Delany
    Serrah lets out a yawn as she sits next to Luke. She hurriedly puts her hand over her mouth to hide her fangs, since they tend to creep people out. "Bet you a million Hartford bucks this 'Team Rainbow Rocket' is the same jokers we ran into in Alola," she says. "Can't say how the 'giant pokemon' fit into this, but at this point nothing surprises me anymore. I'm ..." She chuckles. "I, Serrah Delany, declare that I am officially not surprised by anything in the World Tree." (She leaves out the 'Countess of House D'Ambrosio' part, because screw that part.)
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia would have gladly accepted a request from Luke to fight weirdness and villiany in Luke's own world. After all, the pokemon trainer has been dragged into the weirdness and villiany of her own world. She's brought Zero along, since her familiar can walk around in giant metal lion form without attracting undue attention in Luke's world. Aurelia herself is in her civilian clothes for now, hanging around Luke, Serrah, and Dynamo.
    "Team 'Rainbow Rocket', huh?" She sounds a little skeptical of the name, then shrugs. "I guess it's not too different from 'The Obsidian Cabal' or 'The Order of Hermes Trimegustus' in silliness." She says.
    "What happened in Alola?" Aurelia asks of Serrah.
Wolf O'Donnell
    "Hey, kiddo." 

    A few heavy footfalls approach Luke, Dynamo, Aurelia and Serrah. The figure emerging from behind a tree stands tall compared to the average human yet is clearly not human. A stream of smoke is exhaled from the canid's mouth while the cigarette responsible for it is casually held aside and tapped to remove ashes from it. Leather, chains, spiked armor pieces, a large handgun on the thigh, and two other much larger guns rest slung and flush against the wolf's back -- somebody seems armed for battle.

     "You helped my team and me on that excursion a few months back; consider this a repayed favor." The combined stare of a purple-colored eye and a fancy blue lens covering the other eye regard the others that are present. "You make friends easily," is observed of Trainer Gray. To Serrah and Aurelia, "Name's Wolf O'Donnell. Heya. Enjoying the suspenseful wait?"
Luke Gray
    Luke smiles to Serrah, "I'm not sure, at points they seem just a petty gang stealing random stuff, and then you hear rumors of them doing impossible things." he muses, "Some people say they saw a guy dressed in red that commanded one legendary pokemon, using it to defeat a group of police as they robbed some technology from the region of Kanto." he mumbles, "They mentioned it as the leader of team magma, but that's impossible, that group was disbanded a while ago, and they failed at gaining control of Groudon, according to reports, heard he was arrested." the boy just shakes his head, before smiling to Aurelia, "Oh, we ran into some thieves dressed in black claiming to be part of team rainbow rocket, they at least seemed a bit above random thieves, so who knows." 
    Dynamo perks up as another set of footprints approach, turning to face the tall humanoid, momentarily tense until it recognizes who it is, and then resumes it's more calm vigilance, greeting it with a chuff, before greeting Aurelia's metal lion. The boy seems happy enough to see Wolf, so this is likely a friend of his, "I just tend to help a lot of people, and get along easy with most." the boy admits, smiling to the space wolf, "I appreciate you coming over to assist, I am not sure what to expect from this, but it's great to have your help."

    Said polite conversation comes to a halt, as a loud noise fills the air, and a communication is broadcast on all able devices in the area, including Luke's handheld. A person dressed in a simple but elegant ensemble, black suit, white shirt underneath, black pans. There is a grey shield with a rainbow capital R on his chest. "Greetings people of Kansai, my name is Giovanni, I am the leader of Team Rainbow rocket." the man offers in a soft, polite tone, "I have to admit I was starting to get dissapointed at the lack of resistance to our... tests with out latest project, so it is interesting to see a group of offworlders teaming up to face us this time, instead of the usual police.". As he says this, Luke begins to look around, "This world tree is full of surprises, haven't seen a... what is it, wolf person? before, one wearing unusual technology... and neither seen a pokemon like that metal one near the Electiger, perhaps this will be a better test of what our latest project can do, I promise you won't be waiting much longer before seeing it." the transmission halts moments later, to a R logo, and then fades.

    The boy begins to look around some more, "Wait, how is he seeing us?"
Serrah Delany
    Serrah smirks up at Aurelia and shakes her head. "Nothing seems weird to me anymore, either. Even the fact that some worlds 'don't have magic'." She says this in the tone of someone saying that a world 'doesn't have weather.' "... mostly," she adds under her breath. "But, uh, yeah, in Alola, we ran afoul of a couple of grunts who ... didn't know how to handle offworlders."

    She chortles at Wolf's greeting. "Hey, O'Donnell," she says. "I'm a vampire, we're ambush predators, there's no such thing as boredom as far as that goes ..."

    Her voice trails off as Giovanni makes his announcement.

    Serrah frowns and gets to her feet. One hand goes down to the sports bag that's always at her hip. "I dunno," she answers Luke, "but he just announced his next attack. Everyone, get ready!"
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia looks up at the sudden announcement. "Dunno, maybe he's got drones?" In response to Luke wondering how Giovanni can see the group that intends to thwart Team Rainbow Rocket. She looks around anxiously for signs of imminent attack, Zero prowling around a bit and sniffing.
Wolf O'Donnell
    "It's not that difficult to employ surveillance." Aurelia's words gain agreement from Wolf, "Drones of varying shapes and sizes are the most convenient, for land, sea, or air. People work just as well, too. Satellites. Or just aircraft." 

    The last word spoken by the facially scarred wolfman is accompanied by a glance upward. His own craft isn't in the air at present so he has no way to actively engage countersurveillance. Raising his voice, Wolf speaks up in case the mystery man can hear as well as see: "I know a self-created military commander when I see one. This move is yours, Giovanni, so you'd better make it a good one or else nobody will ever take you seriously again." O'Donnell's right eye shifts from one peripheral to the other before he gives the individuals nearby a rapid shake of the head.

    "Always wanted to meet a vampire," comments the lupine mercenary while reaching to withdraw his energy handcannon from its holster. The end of the heavy gun appears to have a dagger attached to it; it's a gunblade. Thick fingers with sharp claws close about the grip firmly with a squeak from the leather of the glove. "No idea what a vampire is, but I can cross that off the list, at least."
Luke Gray
    The attack seems fairly obvious at least, there is blast of light in the outskirts of the small 'town', purple stormclouds forming as a pair of figures quickly grow in size in front of them. Whoever this Giovanni is, likely has a sense of humour. One of the figures might pass as a classic Kaiju, a gigantic creature, mostly green with a silver diamond on it's stomach, and spikes on it's back, letting out a loud, deep roar.(just a giant version of ) 
     Next to it... is a similarly massive figure, this one looking more like a super sentai monster, while the first one looked like... maybe a dinosaur, of some sort, this one seems more like a 'living building' glass panels resembling windows, and odd 'arms' ending in 4 digits.
    Dynamo answers the loud roars with one of his own, even if the attemtp is drowned by the noise coming from the beasts. A keen eye might notice someone standing on the beast's heads, and that they seem slightly... dazed. "The one on the left is a Tyranitar... and I think the one on the right is called Duralodon... they are supposed to be natural enemies." he muses, "I heard of stuff like this happening, but only in Galar." he muses, "Dynamax." he muses. While the others comment on surveilance, a small drone casually buzzes closer, followed by a quick reply from a speaker, "That's correct, normally such a thing is limited to very... special areas of the Galar region, and for very limited time,but of course, that just won't do, so we are experimenting on how to induce that state without so much trouble, and we are hoping to see if these pokemon might be useful to us."
    As the voice speaks, the two pokemon begin to advance, winds starting to kick off around the Tyranitar, seems just moving is causing a furious sandstorm to form in the area!.
Luke Gray
    Luke is quick to react, reaching for dynamo, "Dynamo, return now!" the tiger letting out a frustrated noise as it is quickly forced back into a pokeball in a flash of light. "Agni, come out!". A tall ursine appears, orange, cream and black fur all over, and what looks like a tuft of orange fur on it's forehead, that moves around like a small flame. "Sorry Serrah, need to stop that sandstorm... Agni! Sunny day!". The bear growls and roars in response, rearing up on it's hindlegs. Agni's hands become surrounded in a golden energy and it raises both of its hands into the air. It then fires two golden beams of energy from its hands into the sky. The two beams of energy fly high into the sky and twist around each other, forming a bright sun over the are around them, for some reason the area illuminated by the fake sun seems to clash with the winds from the Tyranitar, stopping the blasting sand after a few moments.
Serrah Delany
    Serrah snorts at Wolf's comment, and pulls a baseball out of her bag. "It means I'm dead, and I drink blood," she says. "Also I'm dramatic as hell, but that's the only part I'm not constantly fighting."

    She raises her eyebrows at the sight of the two-hundred-foot-tall pokemon. "... Well, uh. That's ... that's a thing. Wow."

    She looks up at the drone, and almost casually throws a baseball at it at the speed of a car on a freeway, intending to shatter it and cut off Giovanni's immediate surveillance. She grimaces as Agni activates Sunny Day, but doesn't seem too bothered. "Nah, it's good, I'm still fine!" she hurriedly answers Luke. "At least I'm not half-asleep this time."

    With that, she launches herself into the air, and starts throwing baseballs at the Tyranitar's face. She holds back from stopping time; it wouldn't really give her an advantage in this case, and Giovanni seems like the exact opposite of Vincent, which is to say, he'd figure out what the deal was fairly quickly. And in this case, stopping time is an advantage which is too great not to keep it up her sleeve for now ...
Wolf O'Donnell
    The appearance of two growing creatures is one thing, but when monsters Twenty Stories Tall begin to advance it's likely going to make the ground shake. O'Donnell widens his stance with a thoughtful frown. This is something he should have brought a handful of fighters to help deal with. "My advice: keep mobile and unpredictable. If this is more than you can handle, get clear!" Wolf is familiar with dangers of such imposing size. Both Cornerian construction tech and Venomian military tech can create robotic constructs equally large (for very different reasons each, although one did lead another). Furthermore, the binary star system he's from has a number of biological creatures that can reach dangerous sizes, too. Normally those things can be handled with aircraft or tanks, not infantry! 

    That doesn't stop O'Donnell. His form lurches into what might be an impressive sprint for somebody of his size and weight. Running right in an anti-clockwise direction regarding the hostiles, away from both the gathering of defenders and the general position of the Tyranitar relative to the other large beast, a lifted blaster fires a few shots. The discharge speed may be very slow compared to Serrah's powerful pitches and the searingly bright projectiles may be about the size of baseballs that travel around the same speeds as the vampire's thrown attacks, but the impacts are anything but physical. Wolf aims for the window-like facade on the Duralodon's lower front in his shooting. First thing's first; he's going to try to separate them enough so that it's harder for them to team-up against smaller units.

     O'Donnell, in this flurry of attacks, notices the oddities of something atop the creature's. His HMD displays a number of reticles, gauges, metrics, and imaging. That doesn't mean he can tactically make sense of everything all at once, though. FF-SHOOF! FF-SHOOF! He fires again in succession. "Over here!"

And one rather diminutive woman with blonde pigtails has been running around in circles this whole time trying to find where the battle is happening. It's not like she can see over all these darn buildings, after all! Jeez, why do they have to be so tall? It's like every single one of them is a royal tower or something, but they're for peasants! It's really weird.

However, following the sounds of stomping and roaring and general giant monster-iness, she eventually makes her way to where Luke and the others are, panting to catch her breath as she drags the oversized hammer behind her. She just looks like any other ordinary human denizen of this world, albeit wearing some rather thick and definitely hot steel armor... although there are many ways to pierce the glamor to see the blue-skinned, pointy-eared, snaggle-toothed fae creature beneath.

"P-Poppy... whoof... here... just gimme a minute..." she chokes out between breaths, wiping some sweat from her brow with the back of a gauntleted hand.
Luke Gray
    The two kaiju sized pokemon seem sluggish, half awake, at least at first, only Tyranitar's natural sandstorm powers being the immediate danger to the defenders, and that was momentarily neutralized by Agni's fake sun, giving the defenders a chance to strike first!. 

    The heavy caliber baseballs hit home with a resounding smash, causing the Tyranitar to stagger back, and if Serrah is close enough to spot, there seems to be a person settled on top of it, controlling some kind of glowing device and barking orders to the pokemon. The beast tries to counter attack, stomping the ground, causing large pillars of rock to raise up at high speed, taller than even the beast itself, before they collapse back down, trying to smack the vampire.
    On the right side, seems the blaster fire has some effect as well, the 'glass' front on the belly of the pokemon cracking with each impact, causing deep, loud screams from the beast, that glares down at the source of the strike and begins to lumber towards Wolf, one arm smashing the ground, metal flowing from it in a straight line, large metal spikes emerging from it, trying to aim at wolf!. The attacks from either beast are slow enough it is too hard to move away, at least while the beast is far away, but might cause havoc in the city, or if they get closer to their intended targets. Since it is leaning down to 'reach' for the space fighter, Wolf's special optics might have better chance to spot the human perched on it, and the devices attached.
Luke Gray
    Seems the fake sun from Agni seems to have other effects beyond blocking the sandstorm from reaching Luke and whoever is nearby, the fire bear seems to be feeding from the radiating light, the tuft of fur on it's forehead lighting up in proper flames, almost like a fuse, heat radiating from it's form visibly now. "Agni, help Wolf, get close to that Duraludon and use Lava Plume!." The pokemon, taking advantage that neither of the giant beasts seem to be paying it any attention, charges towards the building monster, before it explodes, sending a shower of smoke and flames around, given the height differences, it doesn't reach too high, but it seems to engulf one of the building pokemon's legs, causing it to roar and stumble back again, burn marks appearing on the solid surface of the limb, the ground heated to the point of looking like lava, even if it is cooling quickly.
Serrah Delany
    Serrah is plenty mobile-and-unpredictable. However, she wasn't expecting an earth-attack to go that high. She tries to dodge, but she lets out a yelp as one of the stone pillars hits her, and she goes flying through the air. When she manages to right herself, her left hand is hanging limply at her side.

    She stares at the injury as if regarding a shattered milk bottle. "Shit," she says. "Not again!" She materializes a very makeshift-looking sling, and grimaces as she puts her arm into it.

    She then charges forward towards the top of the Tyranitar. Okay, looks like she has a target. "HEY YOU!" she calls out to what she can only assume is the trainer. "CATCH!" She throws a baseball directly towards the device the trainer is holding ... or at least, she makes the attempt. Her aim and stability are generally lacking at the moment. It's slightly slower than the throws she aimed at the Tyranitar itself before ...
Luke Gray
    The arrival of Poppy is welcome, Luke blinking as he hears a familiar voice, and turns around for a few moments, smiling to the heavily armed 'human', "Poppy!, glad you would make it, we need to stop those things from getting to the city!". the boy says, fairly casual despite the two Kaiju beasts stomping around not too far from the spot he is in, either confident about how it is going on, or just careless.
     After catching her breath, Poppy finally notices that the sun seems /unusually/ bright. Strange. More importantly, she notices that everybody's already fighting the giant monsters, and she takes a deep breath. "Hoookay. Here we go, Poppy. Just like the other ones." she says to herself, then hefts the hammer into the air and brings it down with a resounding CRASH that causes earth pillars to erupt from the ground back at the Tyranitar. Maybe too late to save Serrah, but perhaps it can trap the big lizard thing or even trip it up!

"Oh, heya uh... Luke? Long time no see." she also greets Luke after finally realizing she /has/ met this kid before. She even gives him a big, toothy smile, just to let him know that she totally didn't forget what he looked like before. That would just be embarrassing.
Wolf O'Donnell
    Double ground-crashing attacks of different types! At the very least Wolf's withdrawal to one side of the now-battlefield helped to prevent that from being a double whammy against a clustered group and allows a temporary zone of safety for the new defender to arrive. As metal pools along the ground rapidly, metal spikes shooting randomly about on approach, Wolf changes his path. He's seen similar moves before; though they are not quite on the same scale, it's somewhat predictable. Wolf charges toward the attack. A swift bounding from side to side avoids a few spikes from nearly impaling him... 


     Within the area of effect, the mass of such metal rises with astounding speed and nearly fully impacts the mercenary, yet it contacts an unseen barrier that crackles sharply in defiance. Absorbing the brunt of the force, the result is the lupine figure getting flung through the air. Is he hurt? Is he dead?!

    Using that forward momentum and the push from below, Wolf O'Donnell uses the Max Steelspike to launch himself into the air toward the monstrosity just as Agni assists. The clawed merc latches onto the side of the giant pokemon with claws and boots in a way that can't be comfortable..and begins to climb.
Luke Gray
    The person on top of the Tyranitar didn't seem to expect someone to charge at it, and tries to duck away from the attack, it is just a human for better or worse, and the small device seems to take the hit from the baseball, before exploding in a burst of sparks and shrapnel, holding onto the head of the monster not to fall down. Poppy's counter to the earth move seems to work quite well, the ground pillars surging around it, causing the beast to stumble back and fall down. The person on top of the Tyranitar seems to eb screaming, "No, no no no!" as the beast begins to shake it's head and the confused, somewhat lethargic movements it was having before seem to stop, the pokemon's mind clearing... and spotting a thing that is usually considered it's rival. The beast slowly gets up, starting to smash the remaining earthen pillars, it's attention fully focused on the Duraludon, roaring louder. 

    The building pokemon is certainly distracted by having one of it's legs burned by Luke's pokemon, and roars down at the small figure on the ground, not even relizing Wolf was launched away, and up to it's side!. Now the steel dragon focuses it's attention on the fire pokemon, and launches another move, purple aura building around it, before it roars and stomps the ground, energy blasting around it's feet and lower body, (so wolf and Serrah are unscathed), the blast sending Agni away several feet,due to the closeness, and likely enough to perhaps push Poppy, armor and all back a bit, the mix of wind and energy seeming to extinguish Agni's little head fuse, at least momentarily. On top of the building beast, the person begins to frantically talk with someone on a mobile, and poke at the device he was using, noticing the Tyranitar was now free of whatever control they were using to keep it in check.
Luke Gray
    Luke's attention, also goes to the Tyranitar, noticing something different about the encounter,a nd now wishing he had Serrah's phone number, or a megaphone or something to ask just... what happened, the boy was also pushed back by the blast of 'wind' from the angry steel/dragon beast, but was not really harmed thankfully. There is a pause as Agni retreats back, "I think Serrah did something with that Tyranitar, we need to stop the other creature." at least the boy helpfully points to the beast he was naming, since otherwise, it might be hard for Poppy to actually figure what the kid is talking about. 
     "Agni, Flamethrower, get its attention, and make sure it doesn't approach this way.". The ruffled, now dirty and certainly worn out fire bear does as told, taking off to the side, and pausing only to launch a blast of fire towards the already cracked 'glass' stomach of the giant pokemon, the area of impact starting to glow orange from the impact, and causing the full attention of the giant to remain on it, giving Wolf free reign to keep climbing, barring the lumbering 'walking' motions.
    The sandstorm from the Tyranitar seems to continue, as the small 'sun' from his pokemon begins to fade away, being a rather short lived effect.
Serrah Delany
    Serrah stares at this new development. She comes to the rational conclusion that she doesn't want this guy to fall off to his doom. "Shit. Uh ..." She flies up and grabs the trainer in a one-handed fireman's carry, and flies a ways away from the battlefield, settling down out of range of the blast from the building-pokemon.

    "Arright, wise guy," she snarls; she doesn't realize how scary she probably looks now, notwithstanding her broken arm. "This Giovanni character didn't seem like the kind of guy who'd idiotically send you out here without a backup plan." She gestures vaguely with her good arm. "You guys are the ones who figured out how to arbitrarily activate this ... Gigantamax thing; how the fuck do we turn it off?"
     Poppy watches the Tyranitar start going after the Duraludon, and says, "Uh... is that good? That means they'll stop trying to trash the city or something, right?" However, the blast of wind and energy from the building monster forces her to brace herself, a wall of golden magic suddenly popping into existence around her to take the brunt of the... attack? Surely it has to be an attack, and not just the thing stomping around like giant monsters always do.

In any case, she scuffs across the ground a few inches even with her magical barrier, and when she lowers it to prepare for a counteroffensive, she nods to Luke. "Got it!" is all she responds with as she charges toward the Duraludon with her hammer spinning above her head in a whirling flash of bronze, then slams it down on the ground again... this time, launching /herself/ into the air an impressive height. By sheer coincidence, she ends up near Wolf, gripping the monster's side with her unusually strong fingers while sliding her hammer back into the straps on her back.

"Oh, hi there. I don't think we've met yet. I'm Poppy. Are you a Vastayan?" she greets the mercenary with a curious gaze while she climbs.
Wolf O'Donnell
    Finding a handhold to brace onto, Wolf unslings one of the guns on his back and cradles it while taking aim. FOOMP! ...FOOMP! No energy projectiles this time; two explosives are launched from the side of the Duralodon toward the Tyranitar for a bit of extra antagonizing. Surely those things are going to sting! 

    When the Duralodon stomps an attack, however, O'Donnell loses his footing and the explosives launcher as he, for a moment, dangles by only one arm. Any bad words he spouts in response to this upset are lost beneath the roars of the giants. With little choice in order to regain stability in his ascent, Wolf unsheathes the Lylat equivalent of a KA-BAR tactical knife and stabs at the giant beast. Regaining a foothold, this allows him to continue his climb of which he does with haste. He doesn't want to be clinging to the side of one monster when the other arrives. What a surprise, then, to be joined by another.

    With a grunt, the white-muzzled lupine scales the living skyscraper with the tactical effort that would make Fisher and Boss proud. "Eh, name's Wolf. Not sure what that is, either, but I'm not Vastayan around down here to ask," remarks he with a touch of tired Southern-drawl. "I spotted a strange reading atop this beast -- hnnh! How about we tag-team the hell outta whatever it is?"
Luke Gray
    The persin on Serrah's arms doesn't seem quite as scared of the vampire as one might expect, squirming and trying to reach for one of his pokeballs, even as he listens to an earpiece, "I don't have to answer to you, what do you think Giovanni might do to me if I said something like, 'turn off the machine we are hiding in the woods' or 'remove the receiver on the pokemon head'.?" He seems brave, defiant and sure of himself, until he says the last couple words and suddenly goes pale, "I mean... there is nothing you can do to stop it!". He picks that second to finally fumble the pokeball open, a large, four winged bat beast appearing and screeching at Serrah, trying to grab onto the captive to move aside, while the man tries to nudge Serrah's wounded arm in an attempt to get dropped, the guy clearly fears his boss more than Serrah's potential reaction. 

    If the Tyranitar needed any further encouragement to try to smash the large building monster, those 'attacks' seem to do the trick, it is in pain, confused, with a headache, and sees it's natural rival around, and just got attacked!. The Tyranitar finally breaks free from the final pillars and roars, starting to charge towards the other pokemon, the ground trembling even more than normal, as the surface under the building pokemon seems to give under the weight, causing it to sink a bit, trapping it in place!.
     It is a slow motion, so unlikely to dislodge either, but instead, causing confusion on the lethargic beast, being attacked from two fronts!. It resorts to trying to stop the Tyranitar by attacking it, opening it's 'mouth', a bright, silver beam of energy shooting towards the Tyranitar's chest, which... slows down a bit.
Luke Gray
    Luke is now left... unsure of what to do, beyond keeping the pokemon busy!. AT least they are focused on eachother, rather than marching to the city!. He orders Agni to keep attacking the now trapped steel pokemon, seems to be keeping it a bit off balance still. Now with TWO people clinging on the building pokemon, he has to try to slow down the Tyranitar, 
    "Agni, return, Bewear!" he calls, bringign up his third pokemon. "Hit that Tyranitar as hard as you can! Swords Dance, then Super Power." The pink and blank pokemon nods, letting out a squeaky roar, blue swords seeming to appear in thin air and spinning around it for a moment, before it slams the ground, breaks a car sized chunk of stone, and throws it at the Tyranitar's torso with frightening speed, it slams on the kaiju's chest, causing it to stumble back even more than it did from the previous silver beam, stopping on it's charge and glaring at the source of the impact. "Ok... get away now!"
     Poppy is climbing purely through the strength of those small fingers of hers, gouging dents in the building monster's side with each handhold. "Heheh, I get it." she remarks at Wolf's pun, giggling in a genuine, girlish manner. And snorting. Oh yes, she gigglesnorts. "Anyway, uh, we should probably focus on getting to the top of this boy. Tag-teaming sounds like it would probably be pretty effective, so... take my hand?"

As she reaches toward Wolf with her free hand, the intent seems clear. Such power in those small limbs could certainly help him clear the rest of the way...
Serrah Delany
    Serrah smirks. "Okay, I'll find out about the machine in the woods on my own," she says dryly. She yelps as he jostles her injured arm, and just drops him. "Well fuck off, then!" she snaps.

    An idea suddenly strikes her -- an idea for hiding her timestop-power. "... gonna be awkward to do this one-handed ..." She holds her good hand out, and starts twirling around. "Teleport!" she exclaims, and transforms into a shadow with a grunt of pain ... and then vanishes in the gloom.

    An instant later (because she stopped time -- she can't really teleport), shadows gather near the fighting, and Serrah flows out and reforms. "Ow!" She runs over. "Guys!" she calls out, waving with her good hand. "There was a dude on top of the, the dinosaur-guy with a machine that was controlling it! And I think there was a receiver on their heads for the Gigantamax effect!"

    Giovanni's probably listening in with a more carefully-hidden drone, she realizes. Well, let him. He'll probably see this coming regardless.
Wolf O'Donnell
    Wolf O'Donnell actually cracks a crooked grin despite the danger of the moment when Poppy laughs at his side remark that was, indeed, a pun. Nearing the top, but still not quite there, Wolf notices the offer and weighs the options. If this Poppy is strong enough to scale the giant creature without claws, pickaxe, or other gear then she's probably quite able to do what is clearly being offered. He prepares himself for the potential of having his shoulder slip from the socket in the maneuver, but hand meets hand anyway. "Things are looking up," he quips. 

     Boosted higher from the Tag Team Toss, O'Donnell lands atop the building monster and gets quite the view. He sees the back of a person there, talking, using some sort of device. He sees the Tyranitar advancing, yet being slowed, as if there is a measure of effort undertaken to keep the two giants from clashing. Keeping on one's feet atop such a thing with the movements and blows must take quite a bit of skill. There's something to said about that.

    There's also something to be said for the mercenary's light-footed crouch-walking to close the distance before striking. Clawed hands reach out to grab the person by the head, to pull it backwards with a jerk to set them off-balance, before following this with a downward yank to meet an upward-driving knee to the spine. If successful, definitely brutal, and yet, it's still a lot more gentle than he could be. It's not fatal. It shouldn't cause permanent injury. But, still, it's a firm bit of CQC meant to immediately neutralize a hostile.

    It's definitely NOT playing by Pokemon rules.
Luke Gray
     The Crobat swipes and catches the team rocket person when it is dropped,and flies away at a rather respectable speed, it doesn't seem to be rushing either to the forest or the city, but rather just in a straight line away, perhaps to make sure it is not being followed, before planning how to return to base, or avoid repercussions from the slip up.
    Unfortunately for the other trainer, having to deal with keeping his balance, try to keep the pokemon under control, and just... watching what was goign on,means he is distracted enough Wolf gets an easy shot, and once again, this is not a particularly... well trained person, so the precise maneouver does wonders to effectively.... let's say neutralize him, dropping the controls.
    Luke seems quite happy to hear Serrah's quick comment about the receiver, and makes sure to send that info to the authorities that very instant, "That's great!... maybe we should try to break them before those two finally get going." he says, "We can slow them down but it might be dangerous unless they get back to normal." the trainer says. The sandstorm from the angry Tyranitar finally overpowers the Sunny day, and it hits the area, dirt, small rocks... even sand, stinging the eyes and scraping at exposed skin. "Think you can take down the one on the Tyranitar now that it is distracted?".
Serrah Delany
    Serrah's eyes widen as the sandstorm overpowers the sun. Well, on the bright side (badum-tss), she's at full power again. "On it, coach!" she says, saluting to Luke. Once again assuming that Giovanni's watching, she twirls around in a circle. "Teleport!"

    She transforms into shadow and timestop-teleports up to the top of the Tyranitar, makes a show of looking around as if she hadn't gotten the opportunity to look around while she was flying up the long way, and spots the receiver. Without deactivating her flight ability, she swoops down and unleashes a punch-flurry on the device. Her fists hit like trucks, and they hit multiple times per second. "POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW --"
     Poppy can't quite see what Wolf's done, but she can at least see that he's landed safely. With that knowledge, she starts climbing again... only to start being pelted by a sandstorm! "What? How is... it was bright and sunny a minute ago!" she complains, or tries to, but gets a mouthful of dirt and rocks for her trouble.

Erecting that golden magical barrier again to keep out any further stinging earth particles, she spits out the stuff in her mouth and unslings her hammer again, wielding it in one hand while clinging to the side of the monster with the other. "Alright, I have no idea what's going on, and I can't hear what that blood mage is yelling about down there, so I guess I'm gonna have to get a lot closer to the ground... and you're coming with me!" she says to basically nobody as she's pretty much alone on this thing, and rears her arm back, hammer extended to its full length.

The mighty blow that is then struck is like pounding a massive gong, the force of it so sheer as to generate shockwaves made visible by the sphere of sand being blown back from where the hammer strikes against the Duraludon. Maybe it's enough to knock it off balance, maybe not, but it'll definitely get some attention at least.
Wolf O'Donnell
    Stepping over the fallen Rainbow Rocket goon, Wolf pauses long enough to pick up the control device that was being used by the now blacked-out operator. "Huh. What is this thing?" This, however, seems to immediately coincide with the return of the sandstorm. Wind, debris, and sand whip about which makes being two hundred feet up in the air a real hazard (for most). Wolf raises an arm to shield his face, protecting his right eye, leaving him to only have his HMD-augmented vision to take in the perilous surroundings. 

     "Was this creep somehow controlling this monster like a kid playing a video game?" he calls out through the roar of the stinging wind.

    There's a sound that cuts through the storm, resonating through the air as much as the creature on which O'Donnell stands. "What the heck?!" Toppled or not, there will no doubt be some recoil from the pain inflicted to the Duralodon. This is going to upset the precarious positioning atop the athropomorphic skyscraper. Dropping to a knee to steady his balance the best he can, Wolf uses his free arm to snag the operator and keep them from sliding away. He huddles his form over the fallen human so that his weight can keep them in place and he can have a free arm once more.

    His augmented vision is having trouble at first; it tries to track movement, but there's a LOT of movement in the air! "Wolfen auto-precept, engage three five five six. Lock on, 30 percent thrusters, disengage shields on proximity. ...damn it, I'm getting too old for this shit." Picking up the operator and hefting them over a shoulder, Wolf begins to shakily lumber toward the edge.

     Wolf O'Donnell, holding onto his limp prisoner, jumps.
Luke Gray
    The destruction of the device on top of the pokemon's head seems simple enough, it IS relatively sturdy, likely by design, no risk of it accidentally dislodging or breaking just from normal motions!. But soon enough, the constant smashing finally breaks it down. Within moments, whatever power fueling the change on the Tyranitar exhausts itself, the purple glow fading, and the dinosaur simply shrinking down to it's 'standard' height of 6 feet!. The angry dinosaur, seems to collapse right there, is it... sleeping?. 
    That leaves the other pokemon still standing, that seems confused at the sudden lack of commands, and also, by getting smashed on it's side by surprise!, the thing growls again, blinking a few times, stumbling around under the strength of the hit and jostling Wolf around for sure, especially if he is holding someone, but on the plus side, seems there is no immediate risk of it attacking.
Serrah Delany
    And out from the dissipating sandstorm flies Serrah, wrapping her arm around Wolf and the operator! She doesn't seem to have much trouble carrying two people one-handed. Of course, she is making a beeline for the ground, slowly and carefully enough that the impact won't be painful (except possibly to her, given her broken arm).

    "And what the fuck are you doing!?" she snaps, practically in Wolf's ear. "Jeez, don't throw yourself into danger like that, or else I won't rescue you again!"

    ... Yeah, she was jumping to conclusions, and has no idea that Wolf just summoned a ride for himself.
Wolf O'Donnell
    It's a reliable maneuver. This is a thing that Wolf has done many times. The Wolfen's predictive algorithms allow it to 'think' for itself when given basic commands for the sake of following those commands. As such, even if Wolf were to err in calculation, the vehicle itself is able to compensate to a degree. All he has to do is jump -- and he does -- and he'll land on a wing with enough roll to ease the effect of gravity without getting dumped off. There is no hesitation in the jump. It simply happens. 

    Wolf doesn't land on the Wolfen's wing. He winds up in the arm of the self-proclaimed vampire and is taken down to the ground. O'Donnell opens his mouth express surprise and offer a bit of thanks, but not a word leaves that muzzle. Instead, he gets an earful. His ears flatten a bit in mute annoyance. Of course, throughout this rescue, right as Serrah finishes admonishing Wolf for his actions, something akin to a strangely shaped fighter jet loudly buzzes by. Close. So close, in fact, that it has to turn sharply with a rapid aileron roll to keep from impacting with the Duralodon. Purple engine trails seem to linger for a moment before fading.

    "Disengage auto-precept three five five six, return to landing Zero-Niner," he says, softly, without taking his HMD-covered left 'eye' off Serrah. His right eye is closed and watering from the invasive sand. Storm gone or not, sand is everywhere. Everywhere! "I'm sorry, kitten, were you saying something? Here I got you a gift and everything. I suppose I should just hand them over to the authorities instead. Wouldn't want to be yelled at for human trafficking, too."
     Well, the hammer blow had /some/ effect, as Poppy notices. Didn't knock the thing over, but it caused some pain at least. However, it seems like Wolf has gotten down with the help of that hemomancer lady, and just now it finally hits Poppy how bad an idea it was to try to topple this giant monster with her and at least one other person on it. "Oh. Okay, well, not gonna do that again. Now how do we get-"

Just then, the Wolfen passes by, its close shave managing to snag Poppy's hammer as it goes, and with her powerful grip, she comes along for the ride. Dangling from one of the wings, she holds on for dear life. "-DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN!"
Luke Gray
    One of the pokemon is down, the person that was 'monitoring' it ran away, the other monster is still up, but they captured the person controlling it, and they have the 'remote'!. It seems the higher up in charge of the experiment decides to cut their loses, aware that the devices with the tyranitar are broken. Rather than let others figure out what the machines do, they trigger a simple failsafe!. The handhelf that Wolf rescued from the Rocket 'grunt' breaks down, internals self-destructing via a remote signal, while, on the head of the stunned steel dragon, a similar process happens to hte receiver device powering up the change (and perhaps receiving orders from that control device), turning into useless scrap, even as the large dinosaur stumbled away from the ship, weakly trying to swat at it. Similarly to what happen to the Tyranitar, as soon as the energy feeding the change stops, the pokemon returns to a far more maneagable size, and seems to fall unconscious within seconds, another dragon just falling asleep in the middle of the now smaller, but still ongoing sandstorm caused by the Tyranitar.
Serrah Delany
    "-- CHRIST!" Serrah jumps back in surprise. -- Actually, what it looks like happens is she starts to jump back, and then she's several feet away, as abruptly as a video skipping ahead.

    And then she gets an earful from Wolf in return. She grins sheepishly. "Okay, yeah," she says, "that one's on me, sorry."

    She jumps again at the sound of the self-destruct, and furrows her brow at the anti-Gigantamaxed pokemon. "Well, that was convenient," she says dryly. "Saved me a trip ..." Yeah, she's clearly still embarrassed and trying to cover it up.
Wolf O'Donnell
    "Seriously, though, good work, people. Good work. Mission accomplished. Sorta. I wouldn't chalk this up as a victory just yet, however," muses O'Donnell while rubbing at his iritated right eye. "Us defeating these threats wasn't the point of this, I'm sure. Not sure who this Giovanni guy is but I'm sure I'll learn more. Wait-" 

     Turning to look over the passed out once-giant pokemon, Wolf furrows his brow. "Where's that other person?" Poppy likely gets a swift ride back to a nearby landing point behind some trees, but nothing is as rude as the craft finally landing and engaging docking shields. It could give her a rather abrupt push to the side onto the ground!
     The Wolfen comes in for a pretty gentle landing all things considered, but just as Poppy is about to climb down, she gets rudely shoved off by the shields, landing flat on her back with the hammer missing her head by inches. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she raises an arm and calls out, "I'm okaaaaay..."