World Tree MUSH

Sandy Training at the Beach

Character Pose
     Since it's the weekend, and thus she has some free days that she doesn't have to spend part of at school, Suiren is taking advantage of the time and has headed over to Big Wave Beach, since it's the closest to her home, and tended to have fewer people sunbathing and swimming than the other beaches on Melemele Island. What it did have, was Mantine surfing, so there were people out in the water riding and doing tricks on the large manta Pokemon. Sandy the Eevee was watching them for a moment, with Iona the Popplio by his side, while Suiren let Kaiko, her Lapras out of his Pokeball so he could swim around a bit. She already knew that Sandy knew how to use Tackle, it was pretty basic and he used it against the Pokemon of the Team Skull grunts that were trying to catch him before Suiren ended up adding him to her team instead. Today she wanted to see if he could do something a little more advanced. 

     "Ok, Iona, I want you to make several small balloons, make them fairly tough too. Sandy, I want you to pop them, but I know you are quick and nimble, I want you to use that to attack very quickly with a burst of speed. Ok?" Suiren asks of her Pokemon with a warm smile. Both Iona and Sandy nod, with the former barking out 'Pop' and the latter responding with 'Evoi!' Iona then begins making water balloons, spacing them out and trying to bounce a few of them upward so they aren't all at the same level. Suiren smiles at her partner's creativity. Sandy soon goes on the attack, springing forward and attacking the balloons head on, causing them to pop. It wasn't quite the quickness of a true Quick Attack, but it was at least a fast tackle, so Suiren applauds the Eevee's attempt. "That's great, you were definitely quicker than before. We'll keep practicing and I'm sure you'll learn Quick Attack, no doubt."
Luke Gray
    Of course, Suiren is not the only trainer in the area that cares about keeping their team into shape... not even the only one wanting to work on a newer, or less skilled member of their party!. Seems Luke is making his way to the beach with a similar idea, flanked by multiple of his pokemon now. IT might be an unusual display, if only because so many of his pokemon are certainly not from the Region!. An Electiger, a large... and quite round looking creature padding on his right side, tail twitching as it looks around, while on the other side, an even larger pokemon, Dynabear, walks as well, moving on all fours, already taller than the trainer, the orange and cream figure apparently just enjoying the sand. "Come on you two, we are here just to relax and help Pangshi start his training seriously... should have done that a while ago." 
    Meanwhile, Pangshi had once again slipped out of sight, further ahead, floating and wobbling around, when it stumbles into the display of Suiren's training!... and Iona! and a new guy it hasn't met yet!. The little panda ghost simply zooms closer, waving casually, ignoring the mess of bubbles. In fact, it simply floats in front of Sandy's next target in time to get slammed by the next... wait, no... the Eevee just phases through... with a delighted chirp from the ghost!
    It's a casual Saturday afternoon on the beaches of the Alola region, albeit one of the lesser-frequented ones. Crowded beaches can be annoying in many ways, after all. But there are a few people out, enjoying the warm sand and waves quietly lapping against the shoreline.

    Quite abruptly though, there is a small commotion near some of the rocks behind the beach. It seems a small group of people have gathered there and are pointing at something and talking in puzzled yet excited voices.
     Suiren is focused on training her Pokemon and doesn't notice Luke's approach, at least, until she sees Pangshi, and chuckles as Sandy passes right through it since it's a ghost type and normal moves have no effect. Sandy seems a little surprised by the sudden appearance of the ghost panda though and shakes his fur out a bit. Suiren heads over to gently pat him on the head. "It's ok, that's Pangshi, one of Luke's Pokemon, he's a friend." Iona is already heading over to greet Luke's other Pokemon, playfully blowing a few more water balloons and bouncing them around Luke, Electiger, and Dynabear. For a moment Sandy almost goes over to join in, but he hears something and heads off toward the sound of the puzzled and excited voices. 

     "Sandy, where are you going?" Suiren questions before following the Eevee. Soon she sees the gathering of people and what they are reacting to. She tries to push her way through the crowd so she could get a better look at whatever they were gawking at.
Luke Gray
    Dynamo seems to like the bubbles and in a rather kittenish manner, begins to bat and try to pounce on them, especially if they prove to be resilient. Agni, the Dynabear seems a tiny bit more cautious, being a fire type, but does growl cheerfully at the Popplio, while Luke laughs. "So that's why PAngshi ran ahead." he replies, and even reaches to pet Iona if he can catch up. It was mid pet that he notices the group of people, "What's going on there?".
    Pangshi seems delighted to see a new friend, adn fearlessly approaches to pet the scruffy normal type a few times, making more happy noises, and waving to Suiren once again, only to turn to the conmotion adn follow the 'vee around, intrigued on where the new friend was going!, wanted to play!
    As the two of them get closer and gently push past the small gathering of people, there appears to be an odd creature huddled into one of the crevices in the rocks. It resembles a large black bird, but its feathers are tattered and smell of fire as if it had been burnt. Similarly, its eyes glow a fiery red color, and its body looked emaciated and gaunt as if it hadn't eaten in weeks.

    Some of the other onlookers had tried putting some food on the ground in front of it. Various things...leftover picnic food, mostly. But it doesn't seem interested in any of it, just seems to be trying to cram itself further into the crevice that is too small to fit its entire body.
     Suiren blinks as she spots the avian creature that honestly looked like it had seen better days. It certainly didn't look like any Pokemon she'd ever seen or heard about, but it could be something undiscovered, what was clear is that it looked hungry and scared, but didn't seem interested in eating what the crowd had offered it. "I think it's scared, let's back up and give it some space." She comments as she backs up to stand several paces back from the crevice, and motions for the others in the crowd to do the same. Whether they'd listen to a little girl is the question. Seeing that Pangshi had joined her and Sandy, she reaches over to pet the ghost panda.
Luke Gray
    Luke leaves Dynamo and Agni to play with Popplio, since they seem happy there, and instead moves closer to the crowd and Suiren, seems safe enoguh, no one is screaming or in risk, so feels safe to approach. "Hey Suiren... what..." he manages, only to see the poor, blackened creature and hear the warning. "She is right, it might be dangerous to make it more scared than it is, for it and us." he says to the crowd, befoer turning to Suiren, "Should we try to get a nurse here?, I know first aid but not sure that might help right now... seems more starved than wounded.". Meanwhile Pangshi seems torn between the odd winged thing... and pets!. Perhaps thankfully for everyone, petting wins, pushing into the friendly hand, and reaching to pet Sandy in turn.
    When Suiren encourages everyone to step back, most of them actually do listen and take a few steps back. Perhaps it's the commanding tone in her voice, she sounds like she knows what she's doing, after all. Once that has happened, the creature seems to come out of the crevice a bit, if cautiously. Indeed, it looks pretty terrible. Missing feathers, and the ones that are there are tattered. It's like skin and bones...and are the bones actually -showing- in some places?

    Some of the crowd, which has grown somewhat in the past few minutes, gasp at the awful sight of the thing. "What do you think it is? Is it a new Pokemon?" Someone asks.
     "I'm not sure if it's a Pokemon, if it is, it's not one I've heard about..." Suiren responds to the person who asks, then adds to Luke. "It does look like it could use some help though, maybe getting Nurse Joy wouldn't be a bad idea, but it does look more starved than injured, and we have no idea what it might eat. Did anyone see a vine open up when this creature appeared?" She asks the crowd. Sandy leans into Pangshi's petting, while Iona continues playing with Luke's other Pokemon, nuzzling Dynabear to try to reassure that she wouldn't hurt the fire type with her bubbles.
Luke Gray
    Luke tries to move the others aside, "Just in case, let's all leave some distance, if it gets up and approaches, we can check it closer." he insists to the crowd. "Did anyone try to contact a doctor or something to check on it?" he asks to the bystanders, before turning to Suiren again. "That's why I'd say... get a doctor or something to give us an idea, perhaps they can figure something?" he offers. He pets both Pokemon too because, it's too cute to resist!. The Fire type is not upset, or affraid, just being lazy on the sand, and clumsily patting on the seal with a large, ursine paw. The electric type keeps trying to capture bubbles, bouncing around.
    "Not sure if there was a vine or not, we just found it like this." Another girl about Suiren's age answers. "I think you're right, if you know a doctor, maybe you could contact them and see if they could help."

    The creature peers at Suiren and Luke, then begins to approach them, making an odd wailing sound and staring at them pleadingly.

    "Hm," the other girl says. "It seems to like you." Maybe because they already have a bunch of other animals around them, who seem to be happy and well-cared for.
     The bubbles Electiger chases are resilient and difficult to pop for what they are, but with enough abuse, they do burst with a splash. Iona leans into the ursine petting, clearly not bothered by the roughness as she nuzzles the large bear. Suiren nods to the girl, but doesn't know any doctors beyond her own and the aforementioned Nurse Joy. Still, as the creature approaches her Suiren stays still, with Sandy watching closely and standing in front of Suiren, and would sniff the avian curiously if it got close enough. Suiren isn't sure what else to do while waiting for help to arrive, so she reaches into her pack and pulls out a sitrus berry, a yellow pear-like fruit with darker specks. She cuts it in half with a small pocket knife and offers it to the bird.
Luke Gray
    Luke tries to appear calm when the figure approaches, simply reaching into his bag for some first aid and food supplies, but otherwise, does his best to seem harmless to the creature, he is sure if something happens, the other pokemon will react. Pangshi follows the Eevee's example, moving around, but not being 'menacing'either, simply looking at the avian, letting out soft, cute sounding noises. "Huh." eh muses, curious about the approach. The other two pokemon seem to enjoy the simple playing, and the electric tiger just gently swats the rubbery things around, but the fire bear turns to glance at Luke and Suiren curiously, even if it keeps cuddling the adorable seal.
    When Suiren offers the fruit, the strange bird takes it willingly, devouring it eagerly and happily. Then it seems to try getting acquainted with Sandy and Electiger, peering at them curiously. Any sniffing of the creature would very distinctly demonstrate that it smells like smoke and fire as if it had been in a fire recently. It also seems interested in the playtime Dynamo and Popplio are having, approaching cautiously as if to request if it could join in the cuddles and games, too.

    The gathering of people closes in a little bit, now that the thing seems to have calmed down and wants to join in on the playtime, so to speak. "Oh, look! It wants to play with your Pokemon!" the same girl from earlier says with a giggle.
     Suiren smiles as the creature takes the offered fruit, and her smile only grows as she watches it approaching both her own and Luke's Pokemon. "Seems it does, guess it is just a little shy." She responds to the girl, watching as the bird approaches Iona and Dynamo, and the Popplio greets the avian playfully by balancing on her front flippers and waving her tail flippers a bit before clapping them together a little. Otherwise, she doesn't approach, letting the other creature come to her when it feels comfortable.
Luke Gray
    Luke makes mental note of what hte bird eats and searches for other similar snacks in his bag, making sure to put them on a small plate and slowly leaving them closer to the 'bird' as it approaches the other pokemon!. Pangshi doesn't seem too bothered, even if the smell is weird, and slowly follows after the stranger. The lazy fire bear just lingers there eyeing curiously at the new arrival as well, but makes no other motions to disturb it, doesn't quite look like a threat!. Finally, Dynamo lets out a soft, amiable noise to the thing, and bats one of the surviving bubbles gently its way, just to play with.
    The creature happily approaches when Iona seems to welcome it to the party. It takes the food Luke offers, bobbing its head in thanks at him. When a bubble floats gently its way, it pecks at it in an amused fashion to see if it will pop. 

    By now, quite a few more people have gathered, finding this little show of animals befriending each other quite adorable and uplifting. Some people are taking pictures and/or video, and the girl Suiren was speaking to comes up to the group eagerly. "Aww, look at them, they're so cute!" she exclaims. "You guys really have a way with animals!"

    But even as she is still speaking, the bird suddenly lets out an unearthly screech, loud enough to rattle the bones. This is immediately followed by something huge abruptly diving out of the sky above. If that bird looked bad...this thing is absolutely hideous. Its face is pointed and bony, adorned with curved horns on both like a ram's, and its jaws are lined with sharp canines. Its wings resemble that of a bat's, only they are on fire and its claws are much sharper.

    It rapidly descends, and grabs the hapless girl who had just been talking in its talons before starting to make off with her. She screams and flails, trying to get free but to no avail. The crowd gasps, flying into a panic and scattering.
     The bubble that the bird pecks at bursts into a mist of water, likely already weakened by the abuse it had already endured thus far. Suiren just smiles, happy to see the bird was getting more comfortable and eating. She gives the girl a brief odd look as she says 'animals' instead of Pokemon, which for any native would likely still used to describe the creature unless it was confirmed to not be a Pokemon. She shrugs it off though and nods. 

     "Thanks, we're doing our best as trainers, Luke and I are really into being friends with..." She was about to say Pokemon but the screech of the bird distracts her, and then there is a large creature swooping down and grabbing the girl. Suiren's expression turns serious and she acts quickly, calling to her Pokemon. "Sandy, Tackle, Iona, Bubblebeam, Kaiko, Icebeam!" Kaiko may be too far away to be effective, but it was worth a try, particularly if the large creature strays closer to the ocean.
Luke Gray
    Luke smiles to the girl, "Thank you, it's just something you pick up once you become a pokemon trainer, I am sure you can...". The monster is a surprise, especially as it charges for... the girl?. Dynamo begins to react even as Luke reaches for his belt, rushing towards the large beast. "Careful, it has the girl!" he calls out, "Bewear, get ready to grab the girl when she falls!", Even as he speaks, the familiar large pokemon materializes from its pokeball and begins to run under the lifting creature, ready to try and rescue the poor kid. "Dynamo, try that new move Signal Beam!." The lighting (round) tiger snarls, energy gathering in an orb in front of it, before it is released in a rainbow colored beam of energy, aiming to hit on one of the beast's wings.
     At Suiren's call, Eevee rushes to leap into the air for a flying tackle attack, but he falls short as the monster has already risen out of reach. Iona sends a stream of exploding bubbles toward the monster's face, and Kaiko aims an ice beam at it's tail end.
    The beam fires into the air from the electric-type tiger Pokemon, then the a stream of water bubbles and a beam of ice also strike the demon on its back before it can get out of range. One wing is damaged by the energy beam, causing the creature to fall--and the girl with it.

    Now on the ground, the demon howls angrily and turns around to face Dynamo, Kaiko, and Iona its attention now fixated on the Pokemon who had struck it. It rears back and launches a large ball of fire at its opponents--and anyone standing nearby.
Luke Gray
    Bewear was sent specifically for this, the strong arm (and extremely fluffy) pokemon rushes behind the falling beast, right under the talons, trying to cushion the fall, and pry open the claws holding the girl. It... is a very not pleasant situation for the demon. 
    Dynamo now that the opponent is attacking, charges ahead while Luke jumps in front of Suiren, "Dynamo! defense!". The round pokemon jumps ahead of the pair, and scruffs the Eevee before rushing back, "Protect!". Once again energy gathers in front of the pokemon, before it spreads into a large circular, shimmering turquoise shield forming ahead, blocking the path of the fireball and deflecting the flames. "Suiren!, keep attacking!". He hopes the water pokemon can handle the flames on their own.
Luke Gray
>> GAME >> Luke Gray spends an Edge for: Using Protect to well... block for multiple characters.
     Now that the monster is back on the ground, Suiren hopes the battle will be easier, that they can end it quickly and help the girl who may have now been injured in the crash landing. But then the fireball comes. Before Suiren can even say a word, Iona and Sandy are running to get away, along with the others in the line of fire, they know they don't have anything to block that with. Kaiko might though, and he reacts as well, hoping to protect Suiren and her other Pokemon, along with everyone else, he quickly prepares a Hydro Pump attack, and before he can fire, Dynamo has already moved in to attempt to stop the fireball from hitting everyone else, and so he adjusts his aim and sends a powerful blast of water directly at the monster. 

     Suiren calls out to her other Pokemon as well now. "Iona, use Aquajet, Sandy, Tackle again!" They both nod, and Iona envelops herself in a stream of water, which moments later rockets her forward, flying headfirst at the monster's good wing. Sandy rushes forward as fast as he can go, leaps into the air, and springs off of Iona's back with another jump, aiming to tackle the creature right in the head.
    Bewear does succeed in wrenching the girl free. She falls to the side, unconscious but alive. The demon screeches and rakes its talons across the Pokemon's chest.
    The fireball collides with the shield, exploding against it. Good thing this was on a beach full of sand and not somewhere with a lot of grass or trees, otherwise it may have started a blaze.
    Iona, enveloped in water, splashes against a wing, putting out the flames and knocking the demon back just before Kaiko blasts it with a water jet. As Sandy rushes in at its face, it opens its toothy jaws and tries to chomp down on the Eevee.
     Sandy's eyes go wide and he lets out a cry as his flying tackle sends him right into the winged monster's mouth. Suiren also cries out for her Pokemon as she sees it happen. "Iona, help Sandy, hit that thing with everything you've got!" The little Popplio was already getting ready to unleash the strongest blast of water she'd ever mustered. She'd seen Kaiko use Hydro Pump several times, Hydro Pump was a similar attack, just with almost three times the power. The blast of water that comes from Popplio's mouth doesn't pack quite the punch of the attack that Lapras had used a few moments ago, but it's still like a firehose turned up to twelve, and it's aimed right at the monster's eyes. Meanwhile, Eevee struggles to get free from the beast's jaws.
Luke Gray
    The pokemon in question is extremely well padded, to the point it is one of its main characteristics, it will take a very well aimed slash to go through it, so large, sharp talons might push and scrape, even tear more fur, but the Bewear will live, holding onto the girl as it begins to retreat quickly, not wanting to push its luck.     There is not much his pokemon can do about Sandy jumping towards the maw of the demonic thing, but the electric tiger charges quickly towards it, suddenly picking up speed until it seems to almost vanish from sight, one moment its running charging towards the beast,then the next, it's slamming into the demonnic beast's stomach, not a very fancy move, but hopefully enough to take it out of balance, and free the poor Sandy.
    Once the demon has Sandy in its jaws, its sharp canines sink into him as it tries to rip him apart and simply devour him. But then it gets blasted in the face with an incredibly high pressure jet of water, and then slammed in the chest by Dynamo. It lets out one last ear-splitting screech before collapsing to the ground, its putrid innards spilling out onto the sand.

    Bewear is able to get the girl to safety, but as soon as the demon had breathed its last, the bird from earlier who had been mistakenly trusted, screams again--and this time, not just one but seven more of the same demonic monsters appear in the sky above.

    If there's anything to be learned about demons today, it's that where there is one, there is almost always more.
     Suiren quickly grabs the dive ball from where it's attached at her waist and holds it out, pressing the button on the front. "Sandy, return!" A red beam fires from the Pokeball and strikes the injured Eevee, pulling him back into the Pokeball as he too seems to be enveloped or converted into the same light. Then as the bird screams again and several more of the same beast appears, Suiren gives Luke a rather worried look. "Um, I think we're a bit outnumbered here, even with all our Pokemon. Do you think that bird creature is somehow calling these things here? They appeared each time it screeched, can't be a coincidence, can it?" She starts making her way closer to the ocean, where Kaiko would be better able to help fight, and she then also gets an idea. "I bet those things can't swim!"
Luke Gray
    Luke calls his Bewear to bring the girl close, now that she was rescued, hopefully this was over?. "Let's get Sandy to the pokemon...." he begins, only for the screech and swarm of things. "It seems like it!, shame, the thing was not that ugly." he says, staying next to his friend. "I'm sure we can handle it.". Luke seems quite confident, Agni finally trundling back to join them, but as they approach the water, Luke decides to return it ot a pokeball. "Dynamo!, get ready, charge.". Seems he is getting ready, "Zap any of those things that get close." he commands, with the big tiger now standing at attention, growling loudly at the flock of Demons.
    The seven flying demons are headed this way quite quickly, but as the two of them watch, yet another wave appears behind them. And another, and another... How many of these things were there?! There had to be at least several dozen of them out there now!

    But just as the leaders of the pack arrive on the beach, translucent barrier of golden light suddenly appears in front of them, and the creatures collide with it, falling to the ground. And before they even get a chance to recover themselves, they are introduced to the business end of El'druin, sword of Justice itself. Which can only mean one thing--yep, a brightly glowing being has descended out of the sky, slamming down on top of the second wave of demons as they continue their onslaught. Most of them are just flat out crushed, and the rest of them are either sliced to pieces or grabbed and thrown into their peers.

    Now, unlike most uncivilized monsters, demons are actually sentient to a degree. So when the rest of the horde sees just who has decided to show up and what he's done to the frontliners, they turn tail and flee right back in the direction they had come as fast as their fiery wings can carry them. Luckily for them, they hadn't gotten that close to the beach yet.

    The summoning bird of the tendrils of light coming from Tyrael's back reaches out and grabs the demon before it can escape, pulling it toward him before proceeding to decapitate it. With that done, he tosses the festering body aside.

    Then he turns that dark, blank visage toward Suiren and Luke. "Are you all right, mortals?" he asks, first and foremost.
     Suiren has a bit of renewed confidence as Luke assures her that they can handle it, at least until even more of the demons continue to show up, to the point that she's growing pretty sure that it's going to take something like a Legendary Pokemon, or an Angel of Justice, to take them all out. Thankfully the latter comes to the rescue, leaving Suiren wondering where Tapu Koko was when you needed it. She looks away after a bit though, as the way Tyrael dealt with the demons got a bit on the gruesome side and seeing them dismembered and all was starting to turn her stomach. When he asks if they're alright, she is still for a moment, stunned by what she's now in the presence of and what he had just done like it was trivial, but finally she nods, and stutters a little as she talks at first. "Umm... W.. we're f,, fine. One of my Pokemon got hurt, but he should be ok after some treatment at the Pokemon Center."
Luke Gray
#-1 ARGUMENT OUT OF RANGE not a fan of the violent... bloody display, but seems glad to receive some help regardless. His pokemon still zaps any stray that tries to get closer to Luke or Suiren. He reaches to pat the other trainer's shoulder a bit, and shift not ot see the bloody battle. "Yes, we are both fine, thank you." he says. He does look a bit better than Suiren, but not by much. "We are very grateful for your help, we should take her pokemon to be checked by a doctor..." Tyrael certainly made quite a display.
    Tyrael studies them, then looks back off in the direction the demons went, concerned. He then turns back toward the youngsters. "Tell me, what transpired here? Why did the demons attack this place?" he asks.
     Suiren blinks. "Those were demons? I hope they don't come back... Shortly after Luke and I... I'm Suiren by the way... Anyway we noticed a group of people gathered around something, which turned out to be that bird-like demon that you killed last. It was hiding from the people and we thought it was just some normal creature that was hurt or malnourished, so we gave it food after getting the others to back off a bit and give it some space. Later it started making a screeching noise, and that's when the other demons showed up."
Luke Gray
    Luke lets Suiren explain, giving her a hug, "Pretty much what she said, we found this, then another creature attacked... and after we stopped it, this one began to make noise and called the rest, but we don't know where this first one came from, or why."
    "Yes, and that is why it behaved as a helpless animal. They are very crafty." Tyrael shakes his head. "Never trust a stranger." he tells them.

    He nods at the introduction. "Suiren, and Luke. I am Tyrael. Pleased to be acquainted, only I wish it were under better circumstances. They will return, as long as the one who summoned them is allowed to live. Therefore I will find him and destroy him."
     Suiren nods at the warning, she's not sure she can turn her back on a creature in need though, Pokemon or otherwise. "We'll be more careful, right Luke?" Is the best she can really promise, as she hugs Luke back and then scoops Iona up into her arms, the little blue sea-lion looked pretty tired. Normally she would have offered to help track down and take care of whoever, or whatever had summoned the demons, but with two out of three of her Pokemon injured or exhausted, her next stop really should be the Pokemon Center, and it seems Tyrael wouldn't need help anyway after what he had just done moments ago. "Thank you for the help, wish I could offer you something for the trouble, but feel free to stay in Alola as long as you like, I can even show you around Melemele Island if you like."
Luke Gray
    Luke is quick to nod with Suiren, "We will be very careful." he repeats, and pets the cute sea lion as well, ebfore returning all his pokemon back to their pokeballs. "I will go with her, but I do wish you good luck on the search, hope you find that person...." he pauses and smiles, "Welcome to Alola by the way, if you decide to stay perhaps one of us might be able to show you the area."
    "If you see another creature with similar features, I trust you will stay well away from it, regardless of how much it begs, then?" Tyrael asks, concerned they may not know exactly what he means.

    There's a pause when a tour is offered. "...Yes, in fact. I would like that. It would aid me in my search."
     Suiren nods again. "Yes, we'll stay away if we see anything like that creature. And um, for showing you around, maybe I can meet you here after school tomorrow. Would that be ok? There are three other islands as well, but it'll take a while to show you each one if you want, I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind if I asked her."
    "Certainly." Tyrael replies, nodding. "Thank you, Suiren. You are most kind. If there is any other assistance I can provide, please enlighten me."

    "This is your home, I take it?" he asks, looking around at the scenery. "You've dwelled here your entire life?"
     Suiren smiles and nods once more. "You're welcome, thank you for taking care of the demons before they started swarming us. As for living here, yes. Allow me to welcome you to the Alola region, a small chain of islands in the middle of a large ocean on this world, and we're on Melemele Island, as I mentioned before. I came to this beach because it is closest to where I live, my house is just a short walk south from this beach in fact, right on the water. I have lived here my whole life, with my parents and twin sisters."
    "Then you must know it well. If anything or anyone of suspicious nature of behavior shows itself, you must inform me immediately." Tyrael tells her. He starts to float into the air a bit. "I will see you yet again tomorrow, Suiren. In this very place."
     Suiren waves. "See you in the afternoon then!" She calls before running off to the Pokemon Center which happens to be a little further down the route than her house, while also calling her mom to let her know she'll be home later.