World Tree MUSH

A picnic at Night(City_

Character Pose
 Night City was weird...even for someone from Etheria. Sure it was a different kind of weird, and strangely enough it was still better than the Fright Zone she'd grown up in, but there was a lot to adjust to. With that in mind Adora had ventured out again, trying to get herself used to the place that at least for the moment had become the 'home' for Catra and herself. But walking and exploring for miles had a byproduct: she was hungry as heck. 

Now? She was getting herself an -Armload- of snacks she'd laid out on an improvised picnic blanket, spreading them out while the blonde looked out at the craziness of the skyline.
Arrienee Quickfoot
Night City definitely is weird, even for a gobbomuffin! Though not as weird as it could be. Beyond the tech level. Still, Arri had heard about contracts that were a decent possibility of earning money! ... ... Except that most of the fixers she'd tried to pick up contracts with simply... weren't willing to give her much. After all, what was a 'little green child with a slingshot' supposed to do against cyberpsychos and the likes of maelstrom? 

Which is why Arri was currently wandering. At least the trash here was interesting, and people seemed to have a penchant for just leaving stuff around on the grounds all over the place in this 'city of dreams'. ... Honestly, the giant trash pile outside the city was almost more of a city of dreams to Arri. The goblin is pulled out of her thoughts when she notices something. Someone laying out snacks on a picnic blanket. Hmmm. And the blonde seemed... distracted! Arri carefully, quietly started to attempt to approach Adora. One could almost see little stars in the goblin's eyes at the prospect of what she seemed to perceive as an 'easy meal'.
Benedicta Cornell
Of course a futuristic city was also unusual for someone from present day Earth. The rabbit girl had been chasing a member of the Cabal through the vines when she had ended here. This place was more advanced then even Silicon Valley, "Crap, I think I lost him..." Of course Benedicta needed to figure out how to get back to Sunset Road, but the last vine she had climbed down was some distance away. "I hope I don't stand out too much here..."

She then notices the short goblin girl and wonders if she's lost as well, "Hey kid, are you from around here?" This certainly didn't look like the safest place for a child, but she's not quite sure where to take her or if she would even listen to her.
 The idea of money was still...novel to Adora. It's not that she wasn't aware of it, it was just that she'd grown up a soldier, then a friend of a Princess...then a champion of a people...she'd never really had to ponder the idea of a day job. Of course, Catra had taken to it easily, but eventually Adora had found some of the underground pit fights where people with Cyberware punched the crap out of each other for money... 

Given the haul she had before her. People hadn't thought betting against someone with no cyberware could possibly go wrong! Who'd expect magic after all?

Fair being fair, she -hadn't- spotted Arri at first, but Benedicta's call did plenty to draw a turn of her head, a little blink at the would-be theif.

"Oh...hi there."
Arrienee Quickfoot
As Arri continued her slow creep, someone... noticed and called out to her, causing the goblin to immediately freeze in place, looking towards Benedicta and then straightening up. "Ah? Kid? What kid? Y'talkin' to me? I'm not a kid, I'm a goblin. I'm /14 years old/." That doesn't really stop that perception of her being a kid, but at least she's not lying. Though it sounds like to her 14 is pretty old! 

Look goblins aren't necessarily great at living long lives. "Uh. Anyway. Nah. Not from around here." She waves her hand dismissively. "Heard there were lots'a jobs around here, but seems people 'round here aren't willing to give jobs to a proven goblin adventurer like myself." Huff. Ah yes. Proven adventurer. Definitely what this raggedy little goblin looks like. Yep.

Ha ha ha anyway she was definitely being paid attention to now by Adora. "Uh. Hi! I uh. Just uh. Thought your hair looked nice so decided to come get a closer look. It's very nice hair. Makes you look like some sort of noble or something!" Arri gives a quick nod, big ears wobbling a little with each movement. Yep. She's just an innocent little goblin. Don't mind her.
Benedicta Cornell
Well, they didn't freak out upon seeing her that was a plus, "Oh, you're not from here either. How about the blonde girl? I don't suppose you live here? An adventurer huh?, I'm guessing you've been a lot of places then." Benedicta knows not to underestimate the goblin. "What kind of work are you look for? A goblin wouldn't stand out much where I live." She's kind of curious what she's good at now.
 A goblin? That would be strange...for most people in Night City anyway. Adora? Not so much! Giving a little grin at the momentary flustering she turns to glance up at her tied back hair and giving a little soft laugh. "Thanks, I your ears? They're cute?" 

Well done Adora. Well done...

Was she fooled by the innocent look? Maybe...maybe not, it didn't really matter when she lifted one of the packets of crisp-like treats. "Did you want some? I sort more than I intended."

Codeword for the machine jammed and she'd hit it, causing it to spew out an uncomfortably large amount of snacks.

Onwards to Benedicta addressing her, she tilts her head to the side. "Do I stand out that much? Yeah, I'm to town?"
Arrienee Quickfoot
     "Uhh... adventuring kind! Like, y'know. Goin' to dungeons and clearing it of monsters to like, get back stolen shite or whatever." Arrienee responds to Benedicta. A giant bunny is kind of strange, but not the weirdest thing from her world. Giant dragon people are a thing there, after all! "What about you? What kinda work're you lookin' for? I mean, why else would you come to the 'city of dreams', right?" 

Adora complements her ears! Arri shifts her ears a little bit, bobbing her head up and down a little. "Thank you! I try t'take good care've them. At least as much as you can on the road!" A package of food is offered to Arri, and she doesn't even hesitate slightly, reaching out to quickly grab the offered food, break it open, and start snacking on it. "Mmf..." Crunch! "Fank you." She says, one hand lowering as she chews a mouthful of crisps to dip into a half-curtsy in thanks. At least she kind of sort of has manners. Nevermind the talking with her mouth full.
Benedicta Cornell
The lop-girl looks a bit embarassed at Adora's comment, she figures she was talking to the goblin but you never know. "I'm not looking for work here, I was chasing someone who was causing trouble on my world. Dungeons? Are you from some medieval place or something? I mean the closest thing we have are prisons, but those are full of criminals not monsters." Then again she is a goblin after all. Her stomach growls a bit, all the running does make one hungry after all.
 Adora herself doesn't seem to have an immediate answer, a bite of her own flash-heated burrito and the blonde heroine shrugs her shoulders lightly. "We haf boff!" she offers, apparently proving that Arri wasn't the only one quite comfortable talking with her mouth full. Who cared about table manners in the fright zone?
Arrienee Quickfoot
"Ooh, trouble!" Arri responds to Benedicta, her eyes sparkling ever so slightly. "What kind of trouble? And uh. I guess our world's what some other worlds call 'fantasy', yeah. Medieval... maybe... I guess. I mean... sounds like prisons are a good place t'go grinding in though, lots of criminals, which frequently are monsters." Smirk! Chew chew. 

"You have dungeons and monsters? Why're you here then, your world probably has plenty of stuff to do then!" The elf nods energetically. "y'look like you could be some sort of hero or something, so like... sure there's no shortage of jobs for you." The goblin takes another bite of the crisps. And a nibble on the bag experimentally. Hmm. Not very tasty, but not the worst thing she's had.
Benedicta Cornell
Benedicta digs through the pile of food and tries to find something healthy before coming up with a granola bar. "Someone using fire magic to commit arson. Dungeons and prisons? You figure they would just throw the prisoners in the dungeon. Not that I support such a thing." She wonders why somewhere would have both. "It sounds like her world is more along the lines of what you're look for. Just be careful, not all prisoners are bad people."
 "I'm still getting my head around this world," Adora muses aloud before Arrienee's attempt to nibble the bag is met with the blonde human reaching out to tug the bag back...and offer one of the hot-pocket like treats instead before looking up at Benedicta and gesturing to the haphazard collection of snacks. "Go ahead. Like I said, way too much."
Arrienee Quickfoot
     Slow blink. "If they weren't bad people why would they be in prison? Either they're bad at their job or they're bad and either way they'd probably not initiate a fight so they'd probably be spared anyway. I'm not a monster!" Says the goblin. "Anyway, fire magic arson, huh... sounds like a sorcerer who got bored." Arri muses out loud. 
     The bag is tugged out of Arri's hands. She actually blinks a bit at that, but then it's replaced with more food. Well. That's just the way to Arri's heart right there, and she's outright just plopped down to sit next to Adora, chewing on the snacks. "Mmf. Yeah? S'weird, huh? Too much metal in people. And guns. But like. At least you have food, food's good."
Benedicta Cornell
"Political prisoners, people who've been framed, people who've been turned into I need to go on...?" Benedicta takes a bite from the granola bar, it's edible at least. "Neither am I..." She sighs a bit at that and takes a seat next to the pair. "Metal in people? Like cyborgs and robots?" She thought this world looks rathered advanced but that just confirms it.