Arrienee Quickfoot

Arrienee Quickfoot
World: Dungeons and Dragons (5e)-1
Actual Age: 14
Apparent Age: 14
Quote: "Hey, you gonna eat that? No? Awesome, I'm eatin' good tonight! ...What's wrong with eating giant beetles? They taste like nutty chicken."
Role: Goblin Ragamuffin
Species: Goblin
Voice Actor: Michaela Jill Murphy


Arrienee Quickfoot, or Arri as she tends to go by, is a goblin descended from a scout tribe in her world. However, generally the best you can hope for is to be a good cook or delivery girl and neither of those were appealing to Arri. Wanting something greater, she fled to a big city which very quickly wore down those delusions of grandeur she'd had. But in their place she learned how the seedy underbelly worked, and how to get along with even the roughest of crowds. Once a naive young goblin with hopes of becoming a great hero, now Arri has become somewhat more jaded and sarcastic in response to many situations. But hidden under that sarcasm is a somewhat caring and occasionally even kind goblin who clings to a few small shreds of hope for the future. For now, making use of a fair amount of street smarts, sticky fingers that tend to get her into trouble, and a trusty slingshot to get her out of most trouble... she's just trying to survive in this crazy world.


Street Smarts: Knowledge of cities, near-instinctual sense of danger, good at scrounging.
Her time on the streets have taught Arri how to handle and navigate the social situations that a street rat might find themselves in. She's developed an almost instinctive sense for dangerous situations, and has a strong nose for BS when it's going on around her. She also has the general knack to figure out the best places to get food for cheap -- or free, even if it might involve doing things most people might struggle to stomach.
Iron Gut: Arri can eat just about anything without ill effects.
Both as a child and living in the city, Arri has had to eat some... questionable... meals, which has forced her to develop a particularly strong stomach and immune system. Most illnesses or diseases that one might normally encounter when eating off food, or foods that are inedible, Arri generally can shrug off with relatively minor effects, and she has been known to even eat inedible objects during desperate times, such as 'stone soup'. This extends to a minor degree to digested poisons, which while she's not /immune/ to, she may have reduced effect from the more common poisons. Anything exotic is still likely to affect her.
Quickfoot: Arri is extremely dexterous and quick, difficult to trap and an escape artist.
An aptly-named tribe, Arri is from a tribe of goblins that excels at being messengers and scouts, and Arri is no exception. Arri is quick on her feet and incredibly nimble, capable of an almost supernatural run speed and able to do feats of dexterity that would make an elf jealous. She has ended up being particularly good at putting that dexterity to use escaping bonds and escaping attempts to entrap her.
Improvised Weapons: Arri is skilled at using just about anything as a weapon.
When you can't afford real weapons, sometimes you have to make do with what you have available, and Arri has ended up having to use particularly awkward weapons at times. Arri has become particularly good at making use of the area around her in combat, be it knocking a chair into the way of a combatant to trip them up, or breaking a leg off of it to use as an improvised club. She particularly likes pieces of broken glass, which make for good temporary daggers. Of course, due to their improvised nature, usually these weapons tend to be functional at best, and likely to break on her after one attack at worst... even if she can usually scrounge up something new fairly quickly.
Shot Specialist: Arri is practiced at the construction and use of slingshots.
Unlike her other improvised weapons, Arri tends to put a lot more care into the creation of slingshots for use in combat, and she's rarely seen without one, though it's rarely the same one as she constantly is making new slingshots as others break or wear out. Usually her slingshots are crude, yet effective, and she's known to shoot whatever she has on-hand towards attackers, with a particular fondness for pepper shakers.
Darkvision: Arri can see well in near-complete darkness.
An innate ability of all goblins, Arri can see in the dark almost as well as others can see in the daylight, though she still requires at least a little bit of light to be able to actually see, so complete darkness will still blind her.
Fury of the Small: Able to use dexterity to strike weak points in large enemies. Mad because small.
In general, goblins are trained to use their small stature to their advantage against larger enemies. Trained to use her speed and agility to let her get at weak points for sudden, highly effective attacks even against larger enemies such as ogres or trolls, taking advantage of high ground or even the enemies themselves to get to those weak points. When pressed by an enemy that is taking advantage of her height and belittling her for it, she can even be, temporarily, consumed by a spurt of anger and andrenaline that many of the taller races call "The Small Rage".
Rogueish Abilities: Good at picking locks, sneaking, disabling traps, stealing and scouting.
Due to her time on the streets, Arri has picked up many of the abilities of a thief/rogue. In particular, that's the ability to pick locks, take advantage of shadows and blind spots to avoid enemy detection and sneak around when stealing, and even disabling traps used to protect homes against intruders(Though more exotic or magical-based traps are going to be difficult to handle, especially high-tech ones.). A part of being a rogue is also, at times, to scout, so she has learned what to look for when scouting an area and pointing out hidden things that the less observant is likely to miss. She particularly prides herself in her ability to pick pockets for small goods and money, though there have been many times this has gotten herself in trouble when she got in over her head doing this.


Sticky Fingers: Arri has an impulse to take things that don't belong to her.
Even in situations where it's not appropriate, such as at a friend's home or in a base of an ally, Arri has a constant impulse to steal anything that catches her eye as being something she wants or needs. This has lost her friends in the past, and may make it difficult to maintain friends in the long run, even if she's not outright a bad person. Sometimes, this can become even more awkward when she tries to /return/ stolen items out of guilt.
Noodle Arms: Arri is all dex and very little strength.
While she's not particularly weak for a /goblin/, goblins are not known for being strong to begin with, and if she is faced with feats of strength instead of feats of dexterity, she is going to /highly/ underperform. There are times where the doors of larger races can even cause problems when they're made out of particularly heavy materials, and she /definitely/ isn't going to be forcing open any giant stone ruin doors any time soon.
Mistrusting: Arri's lack of trust leads to selfish or cowardly decisions when in danger.
Living on the streets breeds a certain level of mistrust in people. You rely on their good will, but it has a tendency to backfire when someone decides to take advantage of you instead. Arri has been burned in the past, and it makes her struggle to trust even the most trustworthy of people, and while friendships are possible, it takes her a long time to even truly trust friends. This can lead to her making incredibly selfish decisions at times, such as endangering allies by running because she decided a situation was too dangerous. Why should she be trustworthy if nobody else is, after all?

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1225 A Criminal of Many Hats Jun 09 2024
1125 A picnic at Night(City_ Jan 10 2023
949 The Silvyr Tower Dec 30 2021
See All 3 Scenes


Title Date
Part-Time Gobbo Underling Feb 27 2022
See All 1 Cutcenes