
World: Spirit Chasers-1
Actual Age: 17
Apparent Age: Late Teens
Role: Monster Hunter
Species: Human(?)
Voice Actor: Michelle Ruff


By most accounts, Belle Gagnon is a relaxed, kind of dorky young teen in high school with some weird hobbies. She's actually a girl with supernatural heritage in her distant past, and after an incident with her little sister being crippled, now hunts the monsters that prowl in secret. Drawing upon her ancient monstrous heritage, she is stronger and faster than most humans, and an excellent shot with a bow. Easily flustered but not unfriendly when not on the job, she's surprisingly reliable as a monster hunter, and doesn't want to admit she's gotten something of a passion for the thrill of the chase.


Bestial Senses: Hearing, smell, and sight are all sharper than normal.
Thanks to her animal ancestry, Belle's hearing and scent are both superb, especially scent, allowing her to distinguish people by scent alone, and hear frequencies well beyond what most humans can. Her sight is also sharper than a normal human's, but to a much less extreme degree than the other two. Her ancestry doesn't include anything with extremely sharp eyesight, though her night vision is slightly better than a human's.
The Sight: Belle can see spirits, magical energy, and many unseen things.
Like many with supernatural blood, Belle can see magical energies and immaterial spirits. This is limited to only 'active' effects, so she can't immediately tell an item is magical unless it is being used somehow, or if it is very powerful. Similarly she cannot identify anything about the kind of magic unless it is extremely obvious, like a sword that is said to radiate evil power. She can also see things normally invisible, but only if the invisibility is a side effect of their nature, like that of a ghost or spirit. Things that are invisible specifically as a means of concealment cannot be detected this way, though her nose may be able to sense them that way. Like many her age, the ability to see spirits is less distinct than it used to be, requiring special glasses to achieve full performance, though her normal eyesight is as sharp as ever.
Primal Ancestry: Increased physical abilities, and even more with a bestial transformation.
Although she tries to hide it with her scrawny build and a lack of sports, Belle's physique is supernaturally strong and tough and fast. She's very slightly above peak human condition in strength and speed, and considerably tougher, healing much faster than a human, but lacking any true regeneration. She doesn't scar easily though. When getting serious she can even release her more bestial form, growing in size and becoming obviously more animalistic, with small claws and fangs, but gaining a boost in all physical attributes.
Archer: Very good with a bow and arrow, including crafting arrows.
Having practiced countless hours on the range and used a bow in actual combat, Belle is very good at archery. She is extremely accurate, and can even do a few trick shots, though not to the degree of a true master. She can maintain bows as well, and craft custom arrows, understanding the aerodynamics and weight distribution needed.
Scrapper: Excellent unarmed combat skills.
Belle has tried various martial arts sports like judo and karate and others, but never stuck with one long enough to learn anything significant. Most of her experience is hands-on in combat, leading to a quick, brutal, and effective style of takedowns and disabling an opponent, but one that is very unpolished and clumsy-looking despite making excellent use of the environment.
Dryad's Bow: Summonable bow that can shoot signals, basic tricks, and hit immaterial foes.
A magical bow granted during an earlier adventure. The Dryad's Bow is normally a small decoration like a bracelet, but can expand into a fully functional yew bow, meaning it can be smuggled into places with weapon restrictions. It can summon arrows of light, but normal arrows are just as effective and can be customized. The only advantage of these arrows is they can hit immaterial beings. She can also fire normal arrows with specialized heads, but can only make heads for mundane uses like rope-cutting, signalling, blunt-tipped, or changing materials like silver heads.
Monster Hunter: Experienced at hunting 'monsters in hiding' and researching weaknesses.
While she doesn't have encyclopediac knowledge of monsters, Belle has been hunting them for a long time, and is very good at guessing typical patterns they use to stay hidden among populations. She's also quite good at picking up on monster behaviors and reading between the lines of myths and legends to figure out weaknesses and habits. This skill in research is sadly mostly focused on hunting monsters that attempt to blend in with other populations, and doesn't seem to help her grades much, or more general research.


Not a Planner: Acts on impulse, and tends to not look into things before acting.
Perhaps because of her more wild blood, Belle doesn't tend to make long term plans. She tends to leap before she looks and act on feeling and instinct when confronted with a new situation, and doesn't usually try to do research or think things through until she's gotten pretty badly beaten once or twice. She's also just bad at thinking ahead in general. She doesn't know what she plans to do when she graduates, rarely has any plans for the next month, and it's unusual for her to know what she's doing next weekend. She tends to forget appointments and planned engagements without constant reminders.
Sensitive Nose: Sharp sense of smell can disgust and make her ill.
Sadly Belle can't turn off her ultra-sensitive nose. Normally it's just mildly annoying, but anything that is particularly disgusing, or operates on scent, is far worse for her. She'll tend to avoid lingering in areas with lots of bodies or rot, and sometimes instinctively goes around areas with a powerful scent without realizing it, if she's not looking for it.
Impatient: Constantly looks for trouble and doesn't follow instructions well.
By her very nature Belle is a very active girl. She'd be in sports more if she weren't trying to hide being supernatural. She tends to need to be doing something, and is constantly fidgeting. She's very bad at waiting or being told to hold off, and more complex plans don't tend to work with her because she'll get frustrated and rush off to handle some more immediate problem. She basically needs constant prodding to stay on task for anything, and isn't great at coordination beyond 'handle this target and don't get in the way of teammates' or similar basic plans that require no planning beforehand.
Overprotective: Can be stiflingly protective of people she regards as 'weaker' than her.
When Belle identifies someone as being 'weak' or less capable, she will tend to hover over them when she's around and try to take care of everything. This can be very bad in a situation where people have defined roles, and often gets in the way of someone doing their job because Belle just won't leave them alone. It can take a lot to convince her that one of her 'charges' is competent and can be left to fend for themselves even temporarily, especially if her first impression wasn't that good. She's also very quick to anger about bullying, so will tend to leap to defend the perceived underdog in a fight without checking to see what the full situation is.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1241 Frontier: Friend Find, Look Behind Aug 26 2024
1232 The Warden: Asteroid Assault Jun 30 2024
1231 The Warden: Anchors Away Jun 26 2024
1183 A Haunting In Dudleytown Nov 01 2023
1174 The Warden: Interlude Sep 20 2023
1172 The Warden: First Assault Sep 13 2023
1169 Local Heroes Aug 30 2023
1167 The Warden: Backup Plan Aug 16 2023
1164 The Warden: Deal with the Devil Aug 02 2023
1162 Frontier: Caretaker Jun 28 2023
See All 20 Scenes


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