World Tree MUSH

Hearts will Never Bleed

The Trailblazers and allies are 'captured' by a local guard captain named Gepard. He takes them into the last city on Jarilo-VI, Belobog, to meet with the Supreme Guardian.

    But everything is not as it appears.
Character Pose
    "Welcome to Belobog, the City of Preservation."

    That's Gepard, as he crests a ridge, and the blizzard abates slightly, revealing a striking vista of the frozen city, like a giant clockwork mechanism, large cogs visible in the archetecture. A central spire rises far above the highest ring of flywheel-like building, and several bridges or aquaducts enter the city at various levels.

    The trip down to one of these entry points is uneventful, and on passing the gatehouse and entering the city's perimeter, the ambient temperature, while not becoming 'balmy' notably increases. The city is bustling, with archetecture reminiscent of Earth during the industrial revolution, and just after, with various anachronistic flairs of technology, like glowing crystals for light sources, orange glowing heaters set up in various places to give some ambient warmth to those passing by... toward the central square, as Gepard and the Silvermane troopers lead the group that way, is a hugh blue crystal like a giant ice shard, set into a fountain.
    March makes a note of the temperature increase, and Gepard explains. "Seven hundred years ago, invaders from the sky, setting the world ablaze. The conflict scorched the world, leaving nothing but ash and dust... the Eternal Freeze descended and froze the invaders. Belobog was the last remaining settlement, and under the eyes of the Archetects, and protected by the Supreme Guardian, our city has become the last bulwark against the Freeze."

Talia Kyras
    Well, Talia sure did bundle up. She's sporting a heavy coat and overalls with winter boots and those incredibly warm gloves with the fur underneath. Everything you need to survive the bitter cold of this planet. As she pulls her scarf and goggles off, she brushes her hair and listens as Gepard explains things.

    "How much life still remains outside of the settlement?" Talia asks along the way, as she gazes out at the large crystal in the middle of the massive city.
    The bizarre technology of Terra is very different from most worlds Jessica has been to, so the oddities here are in some ways comforting, knowing that her world isn't alone in having various unique artes. She shivers, but finally her hood can be pulled down while she walks, taking in the sights and keeping an ear perked.

    "Mm... I can kind of understand that..." Her world wasn't quite so bad off as this, but if the Cataclysms got worse, she could easily see a situation like this.
Bi De
    The large rooster strutting along with the group has feathers for warmth, but that isn't all he relies upon in this frigid environment! Cycling his Qi can help, but it's much better to have warmth. Fortunately he sports a fox fur vest, and with that a scarf bundling up around his neck and forming a little hood over his head.

    "Hmmm..." he says thoughtfully, as if reminded of something. "Old scars. Are the invaders gone for good, or merely held in an eternal slumber?"
    "Apart from the monster from the Fragmentum? Very little. There are a few... unique persons who seek to verify if any of our native fauna survive still, but is has been seven hundred years." replies Gepard to Talia, the new arrival didn't seem to phase the group, as some of the others seem to have just disappeared in transit. A quirk of Outsiders, perhaps.

    Jessica's comment earns a little smile from the normally taciturn Guard Captain. "I do apologize for the rough greeting, the Silvermane Guards have been stretched thin of late, fighting off the enemy in the old quarter, overtaken by the Fragmentum completely, as well as keeping the corrosion from spreading further. Our situation is looking fairly bleak, and after your meeting with the Supreme Guardian, I would like to consult with you on this matter."

    The talking chicken earns a few lingering stares, but in a world where birds can be made out of pure ice or flame... a talking chicken isn't exactly that far out of reason. "As far as we know, the Freeze has destroyed them, even if they survived in some kind of stasis for a while, the biting winds, harsh blizards and Fragmentum monster rampages have destroyed them enough to be rendered a non-threat." Gepard doesn't exactly seem so certain about this, however.

    The group reach the foot of a massive staircase, leading up to the central tower that stretches many meters skyward. "We're here, this is Qlipoth Fort, heart of Belobog and headquarters of the Archetects."
    Ears flatten as Jessica hears all that. "Ah, yes, times can be pretty tough and people get jumpy," she says. "I work with a medical group that goes into plague zones a lot, there are a lot of um... misunderstandings." That's a VAST simplification of her normal duties but it probably suffices.
Bi De
    Bi De tucks a wing up front and strokes his wattles thoughtfully at the hint of doubt he hears. "Hmm, I suppose it is not something to worry about," he admits. "It is not as if this frozen winter is vanishing any time soon, is it? Something to consider if it ever begins to warm, I think." Of course he does ponder the possibility of someone seeking out such power... humans do the most stupid things in their attempts to advance.

    Not that he was any better, once upon a time.

    "Well," the deep voice states. "Shall we meet with the Elders? I am sure the wise Masters of this settlement will understand the mistake." Idly strutting up toward the stairs.
Talia Kyras
    Talia frowns softly. "That's unfortunate. Not even a bit of life survived out there, then." She says forlornly. Bi De isn't paid much mind. Not that Talia doesn't care about the friendly chicken, but you know, she's seen weird things before. She's used to it!
    "In reverence for Qlipoth, who impulsed the Architects to create Belobog, and safeguard the spark of civilisation from the Free, we named this fortress after the Aeon themself. Under the Preservation's protection, the Architects have continued to lead this city forward, repelling all manner of disasters."

    Jessica's explanation of what she does earns a nod. "You will understand our plight well, then." replies Gepard. Who then gestures to the stairs, "The Supreme Guardian resides here also, follow the guards to the meeting chamber, she is expecting you."

    March can't help but pipe in here. "The Supreme Guardian?" her tone giving a 'really with this?' vibe to her words.

    Gepard nods. "The Supreme Guardian is the leader of the city, electect and appointed by the Architects. Their station has watched over this city for generations, sheltering its people from harm. The current Guardian is Madam Cocolia Rand. Every major strategic decision is issued by her."

    "Follow me, I'll take you to see her, have your words ready, her time is precious."
    "Oh, I'm not very good with words," Jessica frets, mumbling that a little. "Sounds important! Maybe we should let the chicken talk, he seems to know how tot talk to people!" This may or may not be the stupidest idea ever.

    She looks at Talia and Stelle hopefully. She does know that a talking chicken is maybe not the most... dignified of speechgivers, even if he is remarkably well-mannered.
Talia Kyras
    Talia follows the guards as well as the others, hands in her pockets after she peels her gloves off and stuffs them on her belt in a pouch. She gives Jessica a shrug. "I could try." She says. Wait, no that's stupid and not good enough.

    Either do it, or don't. A Jedi doesn't simply 'try.'

    Talia clears her throat and rephrases. "I suppose it's up to me to handle the brunt of this!"
Bi De
    The rooster hears this, and tilts his head in alarm. "Ah, while I am certain I can avoid giving offense, my knowledge of human customs is... limited. On Fa Ram, we devote ourselves wholly to our ways and the tending of the earth. The Great Master handles all such discussions with the outside world."
    Dan Heng, the tall, black-haired young man of the Trailblazer trio speaks up. "I will speak for the Trailblazers." he says. "As for the rest of you, I believe we are all considered 'Outsiders' here."

    Gepard leads the group through the grand halls, to a large chamber that seem like a combination of library, archive room and office. Bookshelves line the walls, crates of documents pile high in the corners and a raised platform backed by three large windows sits at the far end, with a desk atop it to give a commanding position to the blonde woman standing behind the desk.

    A younger woman with pale platinum hair in seemingly natural triple drills with a large ornate bow tying them together is speaking heatedly. "... But that's a meaningless sacrifice! How can you---" she's cut off by the older woman clearing her throat. "You may leave, Bronya. Visitors have arrived."

    Bronya tsks, seeming to choke back a rebuttal and turns sharply. "Yes, Mother." before stalking off, her heels clicking sharply on the stonework floor. She gives the group a side-eye glare as she passes.

    Gepard, unfazed, steps forward. "Madam Guardian, I have brought the group of Outsideres to see you."

    "The messenger informed me. Well done, Gepard. You may leave." Gepard does so without complaint or any further word.

    Once she is alone with the group, Cocolia offers smile that doesn't reach her eyes. "Welcome, visitors from beyond the Eternal Freeze... or perhaps I should say, from beyong the sky, no?" she chuffs a half-laugh, "I am Cocolia Rand. Belobog's supreme guardian. I would be grateful if you could tell me why you have come."
    Okay so for the record. Rebecca was here the whole time.
    "I mean. I can tell you why we're NOT here." The smart aleck solo says. "We're NOT looking for relics and stuff like that other guy was." She says. "If I'd've known he was trying to steal shit I would have shot him. I mean technically I threw a rock at him but he did some weird dodge juju to make it hit one of your guys" Pause. "So. Sorry, I guess?"
Talia Kyras
    "That's considerate, Dan." Talia nods as Dan volunteers himself instead. In any case, she enters the room with little pomp as she clears her throat politely. She bows her head to Cocolia respectfully. "I'm Talia Kyras, Jedi Knight. My friends and I have been answering a call for assistance on behalf of the Astral Express."

    Rebecca's contribution elicits a facepalm from Talia. It's no secret why the solo is hired, and it's not for her skill with the tongue...
    "Jessica," introduces the catgirl, keeping it short. Nervous as she is, she just shuffles a little while watching Bronya go, trying not to meet eyes of anyone and just... slink into the background, after Rebecca says such things. Oops. Even she knows maybe she should just keep her mouth shut. So at most she nods firmly when Cocolio says she's from beyond.
Bi De
    Bi De does a sweeping, elegant bow when Cocolia's eyes move to him. "Gratitude for taking the time to see us, Guardian of this Land. We mean no disrespect, and are merely explorers in your frigid lands. I am known as Fa Ram Bi De, First Disciple of the Great Master, on a quest to find my own way back to my home and reunite with my other disciples. If we have offended, please provide us a means to make amends." Yeah he thinks the Jedi has the right of it here.
    Dan Heng steps forward, but before he can speak, Rebecca chimes in, and earns a facepalm from all three of the Nameless.

    Cocolia, for her part, seems to take it in stride. "Mistakes are made, accidents happen. See to it they don't occur too often." she offers that icy smile again. Her lips move, but her eyes remain cold, the warmth never creeps far enough up to them.

    "Yes, I do not doubt your identities, nor do I have cause to. The Architects remember our history, lest we forget it. An Aeon connected out planet to other worlds, long before the Freeze or the Legion invasion. We once knew of the great possiblities of a boundless universe. This is how to came to know Qlipoth, the Amber Lord. Under their gaze, we built these walls."

    Bi De earns a nod of respect. "I can sympathize with wishing to reclaim something lost. My world, such as it is, is largely lost to us."

    "For seven hundred years we have recieved no outside communications from the stars. But we knew of your existence. Tell me why you've come."

    Dan finally speaks up, "We came here for something called a 'Stellaron'." This earns a quizzical repetition from Cocolia. Dan continues. "Objects that fell from the blue on separate worlds. Their appearance spelled disaster for many of these planets, the worlds suffering from the effects. You mentioned the Antimatter Legion... no long after they arrived, the Eternal Freeze descended and around the same time the Fragmentum appeared, correct?"

    Cocolia, looking around at the gathered, responds. "... Correct."

    Stelle then chimes in. "The Eternal Freeze is a product of the Stellaron." March expands, "Each stellaron brings a different disaster to each world. But all Stellarons create Fragmentum corrosion."
    Rebecca, to her credit, turns to Dan Heng and the rest of the crew and gives a big thumbs up and a huge shit eating grin.
    See? I totally got this, relax chooms." She says before turning back to Cocolia.
    "So yeah. We're totally here for the stellathingy." She says before turning back to the party to speak in a much more hushed tone:
    "Yo so like is it just me or is her smile colder than the snow outside?"
Talia Kyras
    Talia sighs. The team's so lucky that their host is gracious for the moment. It doesn't help Talia doesn't really know what happened before. In any case, she gives a big thumbs up as the topic of the Stellaron comes up. Yeah, that's what they're here for!

    She nods at Rebecca. "I've got a bad feeling about this." Talia whispers very softly.
    Jessica barely resists facepalming, but even if she knows Rebecca is being glip and lacking manners, she also doesn't trust herself to say anything on her own, mostly. The only thing she opines is, "I'm just a mercenary." Which is... technically true.
Bi De
    Being a chicken it is hard to see if Bi De winces, but he holds the bow for quite some time before tucking his wings in again and straightening. "Thank you, honored one," is all he says in response to her sympathy. To the rest, "I know little of this Stellaron myself, for it is alien to my experience as well. I am afraid I must allow the others to speak of such things."
    March continues, "Just think of us as, kindhearted interstellar public servants, lending a helping hand to worlds affected by Stellarons!"

    This earns a Look(tm) from Stelle, which March either doesn't notice, chooses to ignore.

    Cocolia makes a thoughtful sound. "Your.. analysis of our circumstances is clear. We have suffered these disasters, and some prove vexatious even today... but, why do you care?" she asks, though her demeanor changes very subtly as the others continue to whisper and show disrespected.

    "Even if this 'Stellaron' you speak of caused all this... I fail to see how you are connected. I simply fail to believe anyone would go to these lengths to help a world wholly alien to them, if they had nothing to gain by it."

    Dan nods, "You are right. Our reasoning isn't entirely selfless. If we don't seal the Stellaron, our vessel, the Astral Express, is trapped in orbit and cannot leave."

    Stelle steps a half-pace forward, placing one hand on Becca's shoulder. "Please... let us help you."

    "You, know how to seal the 'Stellaron'?" asks Cocolia.

    Dan replies, "We have the relevant means, yes."

    "Very well, I believe you. If the Freeze is indeed a result of this so-called Stellaron, then your arrival is the hope we've been waiting for. I am willing to assist you in locating it." she esighs softly. "It's getting late, and you must be tired after your journey. I will arrange accomodations for you tonight, we will reconvene at noon tomorrow to discuss this further. I will send someone to escort you back here."
Talia Kyras
    "Believe me, the lot of us have experience in aiding others without expectation of repayment. It is simply the right thing to do at the time." Talia says, nodding primly with a polite smile. "We Jedi make a habit of that, damn fool idealistic crusaders we are."

    She might be giving Rebecca a funny look as if to say "RIGHT?" Demanding payment to someone of this woman's status may be a great way to spoil the mood.

    When Dan, March, and Stelle speaks their peace, Talia nods, content to let the Trailblazers handle the discussion. It is after all their neck of the galactic woods, it seems.
    "Huh wha." Rebecca looks absolutely BEWILDERED by the look Talia gives her, staring at the jedi like a doe caught in the headlights.
    "Wait, shit. You really do stuff without expecting to get paid? Cripes, how do you live?"
    "I mean..." Jessica splays her ears, her tail drooping. "I do expect to be paid something, but my company offers discounted rates for those who are troubled, and long term contracts to those who have good standing and methods. And my world suffers horrible cataclysms far too often for me to not feel any sympathy. But since I ended up here by accident I'm okay working on credit."
Talia Kyras
    "Day by day, Rebecca, day by day." is all Talia can say, with that insufferably smug aura of someone with the Moral High Ground.

    Talia is just raking in the Light side points today.
Bi De
    "In truth, helping others can be its own reward," Bi De points out. "For the whole of a land is stronger for all of its people being lifted up. Just as the land of Fa Ram is strengthened by giving to it, so it returns and gives back its own kind of strength."
    Stelle smiles warmly. "Thank you, Madam Guardian."

    Cocolia chuckles softly. "No, it is I who should be thanking you, visitors from beyond the sky. I will go over our records, for any information connected to Stellarons. Please excuse me if I don't escort you further."

    The three Trailblazers turn to leave at that, the meeting over, though Stelle pauses, looking back for a moment before continuing. "... hmm..."

    A Silvermane Guard leads the group back to the stairs, where Gepard is waiting at the base. He seems much more open now. "You seem to have made a good impression, I have received orders that your movements in the city are not to be restricted, beyond what we expect from our own citizens."

    Stelle remarks. "She cuts a very impressive figure." which March chirps in with. "Definitely got that 'Queen of the castle' vibe going on!"

    Gepard chuckles. "I'm afraid I have my duties to attend to, so I must take my leave. Please, enjoy your stay in Belobog."

    March chimes in. "Oh, before you go, can you suggest some sights? It's not that late and we'd like to look around." Read 'I wanna look and will drag you all with me.'

    "Oh, there's the Gold Theatre, and History Museum, the Everwinter Monument is our cities pride and joy." he says, gesturing to the large crystaline statue. "Then there's sometimes outdoor shows at Neverwinter Workshop.. the owner is," he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You'll see."

    He then seems to remember something, "Oh, since you're staying at the Goethe Hotel, avoid the alley that runs next to it, the one with the Silvermane Guards stationed outside. It's begun showing signs of Fragmentum corrosion reecently, so we've had to seal it off."
Talia Kyras
    "We certainly know who's in charge around here." Talia agrees with March and Stelle, rubbing her chin.

    There is no chance Talia would be able to drag March out of sightseeing, so she might as well just go join her on this. "I suppose we're going out on the town tonight!" She says with a nod. "Shame I didn't bring anything more presentable, I'm going to be tracking snow all over the shop."

    Spooky alleyways, got it. Going to have to be wary of that.