World Tree MUSH

Within this bleakness. (Whoaaa~aaa)

Sampo takes the group on a tour of the Underground, introduces them to various useful people... and finally, they find Bronya.
Character Pose
    "Lets get after him." states Dan Heng firmly. The trio of Nameless head outside, "He can't have gotten far, lets search nearby."

    Sure enough, Sampo didn't manage to get far before the group catches up to him, pinning him down in a dead-end alleyway.

    The blue-haired coward simpers, wringing his hands together. "O-Oh hey! It's you! I was just thinking to myself: Am I getting robbed? Why are these people following me?" So, you know, I started walking a bit faster, you started running, we ended up here... But if I'd just turned around, I could've thrown open my arms to say a big 'Hi' to my old friends." He chuckles nervously, the lies obvious.

    March frowns. "Save it, you saw us and got scared." Sampo tries to look shocked. "Me? Scared? Ahhahha, my friends, what do I have to fear?" he false-gasps. "Surely I've done nothing to offend, have I?" Stelle places hands on hips, putting on the moster serious expression she can muster... "Nah, we're just messing with you!" which earns stares from both Dan and March.

    Sampo almost deflates with the tension leaving. "Oh you nearly scared the daylights out of me! Don't do that again."
    March gently baps Stelle on the shoulder. "Hey, we're not done with you. Why'd you drag us down here?"

    "Let me list it off... we're wanted criminals on the surface, it's safe down here, since the Guards don't come down here. Sure the Underworld has its drawbacks, but look on the bright side!"

    "Be that as it may, did you have to poison us to do so?" asks Dan, arms folded.
    "Dangerous situation my friend, I didn't have time to think up anything fancy, and that was what I had to hand at the time!"replies Sampo
    "So, it wasn't to cover up anything? A secret you didn't want anyone to find out, us included?" counters Dan. This leaves Sampo sputtering, trying too scramble for an excuse.

    March looks confused. "What secret?" she asks Dan. "I'm not sure yet, but there's more to our 'friend' than meets the eye." replies Dan, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.
Bi De
    Calm as usual, Bi De finds this... mildly amusing, though the way he struts forward is a tad more aggressive than usual "Mmm, it is understandable to have secrets, sometimes, until one learns to trust... but holding them too long can be just as damaging. You should take care, lest you rouse the ire of even more." He carefully leaves out whether or not he's upset about this.
Talia Kyras
    Talia rushes out after Sampo with the others. She makes her best effort to look menacing as she storms up to Sampo, grabbing him by the collar...and then Stelle pulls that gag. She sighs. "And where I am convinced you were up to something." She mutters in exasperation.

    "But seriously, you knocked us out. I thought we were about to be kidnapped!" Be that as it may, Sampo DID technically rescue them from a seemingly unwinnable situation. It was just done in the shadiest way possible.
    Right so Rebecca made a killing at the bookies, and was busy counting bills... When there's THAT GUY.
    Freaking Sampo!
    "We totally DID get kidnapped." Rebecca points out to Talia as she follows the others out to confront Sampo. Who she is eyeing like a hawk.
    Jessica poits her fingers together. "That was really dangerous," she says with a little tremor in her voice as she catches up and hears what everyone is saying. "If one of us had been immune to it, we might have shot you or something! It was really scary!" Wait, THAT is her concern?!
    Sampo's hands go straight up as he's grabbed by Talia. "Alright, you win! I'll help you to the best of my ability -- Free of charge I might add! Just don't go spreading rumours about me!" He tries to extract himself from Talia's grasp, and steps back. "Look, to prove my sincerity, I'll introduce you to Wildfire. If you need anything down here, they're the ones you go to. Security, supplies, whatever."
Talia Kyras
    "Just this once." Talia snaps. "Or I won't be responsible for what Rebecca does to you." She releases him, but keeps an eye on Sampo carefully. "Who, or what, is Wildfire? And where can I find them?"
    "Sounds like a fence of some kind!" Jessica says in her lighter voice. The catgirl's ears twitch as if this is quite normal, despite her seeming innocence. She HAS been around the block as a PMC after all! "Or possibly an information broker, something like that? I didn't really handle that part of anything."
Bi De
    Unlike the others, Bi De really IS innocent about the seedy underworld that can exist in some places! The rooster clucks softly, but seems to relax as the others do. "It sounds as if it is some kind of alias," is all he has to contribute. "Hmm. Fences are useful but would it not be the job of the security here to keep unwanted animals out?"
    When she's used as the Bad Cop, Rebecca drags her thumb menacingly across her throat while staring dead as Sampo.
    "Wildfire huh. Okay, spill."
    Wildfire is a group of Underworlders who work together to keep the place running. Settling disputes, putting down conflicts, securing and distributing the supplies that comes down from the surface, ensuring the Geomarrow deliveries go up in exchange... I guess you could say they're like the Guard and the Architects rolled into one for the Underworld." replies Sampo.

    Jessica's supposition gets a snap and point. "That's part of it young lady! Though they kind of frown on artifact dealing... they say it makes people envious if you bring something nice in... and the Vagrants can get a bit uppity about it... not to mention the 'bots over in the Robot encampment." he sighs. "Anywy, they know things. Info? You got it, like that Stellaron thing you're looking for. If anyone has any idea about where to get hold of it? It'd be Wildfire."

    Dan still looks unimpressed. "You said I'd find a clue by becoming the Fight Club champion."

    Sampo stammers. "Uh, y--yeah! I mean, you won the final round, that earns you a lot of street-cred, so Wildfire won't even think twice about talking to you! I don't see a problem with that."

    Stelle muses. "No free lunches around here... why would they help us?" she asks. Sampo nods. "I mean, with your talents we're sure to give them a reason to help you! Nothing to worry about, my friends!"

    "A Fence, in this case, my feathery little friend, is a term for someone you can sell items to that other merchants wouldn't want." offers Sampo, giving the... sanitized... variant of the meaning.

    Rebecca's unsubtle threat makes the guy grin nervously. "Look, wherever you go, there's one rule to getting things done. Find the Demand. Y'know, supply and demand? Anyway, Underground's been sealed off for about a decade... do you think the people here have resigned themselves to their fate?" he shakes his head emphatically. Stelle sighs. "Just lead the way, and don't try anything."

    Sampo flourishes a bow. "Have a little faith! Like I always say: "Sampo never lets friends who've helped him come to harm... follow me~."
Talia Kyras
    Talia looks skeptically as she folds her arms, narrowing her eyes while he spills his guts before Rebecca does it for him. "Take us. Now." She demands, as she takes after him.
    "Aite, I think I get it." Rebecca says as she folds her big mechanical mitts together behind her head. But then she pauses.
    She wants to ask 'when have we helped YOU' but that might give the guy an excuse to sod off so she doesn't and just follows.
    Jessica smiles, "Well it sounds like we have a good head start! Besides, we're several heavily-armed mercenaries with nothing much to lose if we don't get what we want, I'm sure that will help us smooth over any problems, right?" She claps her hands, then gets a more quiet and reserved look, following in behind Rebecca who is almost as short as she is.
Bi De
    Look, Jessica, Bi De is shorter than you! Although he also is trying to look as dignified as a rooster can, and musing over what is said. "Ah, right. I do understand currencty and trade. I have been on a journey before, but never had a problem finding merchants to take my goods. Perhaps it was because the towns in the Azure Hills were so much smaller."
    Sampo takes the group on a grand tour of the Underworld. "Joshua? Huh, he's normally around here." March spots some Geomarrow in a crate.

    "Old Oleg's not here either?" another place, andother missing contact.
    "Hey, what's that big structure?" asks March, pointing to the large construction that reaches all the way to the ceiling.
    "Oh, that's the Furnace Core. People used to travel up and down that all the time... now only the Geomarrow does."
    "And you, it seems." points out Dan."
    "Hey, enough with the rumours would ya? Anyway, c'mon... there's one more place we could find someone."

    And that's when they come to a large open plaza up some stairs. There's a few mobile market stalls, and a large crowd of people. Some have Boulder Town attire, but some are wearing more rugged mining gear, and carrying some kind of tool that looks like an unholy amalgam of shovel, pickaxe and crowbar.

    In the midge of the crowd is someone who is clearly not local. Her flowing white and blue outfit, grey hair set in drills, and the way she carries herself.

    "Wait, is that Bronya?" asks Stelle.
    "Looks like she's in trouble!" points out March, as the miners form a half-circle, one lifting a makeshift rifle and taking aim.

    Sampo tries to move the group along. "Come on, don't just stand there. This drama doesn't need any more bystanders!"
    "It'd be nice to see you get in trouble for a change." grouses March.
    Dan sighs. "We should avoid attracting attention, but we can't just leave her."

    Stelle smirks to herself. "March's right, anyone have some popcorn?" she asks.

    March turns, "Lets help her!"

    And just then, the man with the rifle announces. "Alright Princess! Let's dispense with the pleasantries!" before pulling the trigger. Bronya tenses and attempts a dodge. But at that range...

    Then, something happens. The bullet flickers, like a film reel skipping in its track, then shatters as a purple ball of energy forms, and resolves into a young woman. She snarls, "You dare attack someone on our turf?!" she demands, as a small cloud of butterflies flutter away and wink out of existence while she stands and twirls her scythe. "Well, how about a few rounds with me?"
Talia Kyras
5R    Talia frowns as they see Bronya in danger. She curses herself for her gooder nature, compelled to join in when suddenly all time freezes. Talia is about to draw her lightsaber to intervene when someone attacks the vagrants, and it's not Bronya.

    "Isn't this getting interesting?"
Bi De
    Bi De ruffles feathers, "Indeed. I am quite happy to intervene in defending someone who needs it, but it would appear this area is already under protection. If they are like the cultivators of my homeland, then they can be somewhat... territorial in handling problems, perhaps we should simply stand by in case we are needed? Offer assistance?"
    OKay grand tour. It's nice and all but then there's Bronya.
    "OH SHIT IT'S THE 5-0!" Becca declares and tries to wwwwwwwaaaaalk away faster with Sampo.
    Then a gun goes off.
    Then there's someone new. Protecting Bronya.
    "No no. Nope. No. No no no. Nuh uh. No way. Not dealing."
    Rebecca holds her arms up, crossing them in front of her chest like an X.
    Jessica scratches at one ear while reaching for her pistol with the other hand. She stops short of pulling it out though, when another party poofs into existence to handle things. "Oh... well it does look like something else is going on. Maybe we should see who that is? It's always a good idea to know who the important people are, right?"
     "Darn it! Disperse! Run!" calls out the ringleader, as the rough looking group all turn tail in the face of the scythe-weilding woman.
    "Spineless thugs!" snarls the woman, before turning on her heel and glaring daggers at Sampo. The blue-haired man is trying to put on the smooze. "Oh Miss Seele! It's a good thing you showed up when you did! Those Vagrants have some ner--"

    "Shut it Sampo, this has 'You' written all over it. Wildfire has countless issues on its plate right now. We don't need a side order of Koski." This shuts Sampo down and he just smiles, nods and stays surprisingly silent.

    Seele then turns her attention onto Bronya. "I hear a Silvermane Guard is paying the Underworld a visit... that you?" she asks gruffly.

    Bronya is still on her high horse. "You kidnapped me and brought me here. What is the meaning of this!?"

    Seele chuckles mirthlessly, looking at the group and gesturing at Bronya. "Listen to her. She still thinks she some kind of Overworld Princess... Do you know what's become of us down here? While you've been living it easy on the surface? Do you even care?"

    Bronya looks affronted. "The Silvermane Guards aren't living it up on the surface! We're constantly engaged with the enemy, protecting both the Over and Underworlds from monsters!"

    Seele just scoffs. "Do you even hear yourself? You? Protecting the Underground? Redeploying the Guard to the surface and sealing off the eonly passageway... Protecting the architects more like it."
Talia Kyras
    Talia glances between the two women as they have their back-and-forth. "Goodness. They sure seem like they have history together." She mutters. "They sure do talk like it anyways." She's tempted to interject, but at this point that maybe a great way to either be arrested or cut to ribbons. So Talia passes on that.
    "Well I can... kind of see her point," Jessica says, speaking up for Seele. "Even if it's good intentions, seeing the protectors pull out is really not going to help morale, is it? These are people, you can't expect them to read everyone's mind."
    "HOLD IT." Rebecca snaps. "You kidnapped HER too?" She nearly shrieks at Sampo while pointing a finger at Bronya. "What is she even DOING here, what were you THINKING, you freaking gonkbrain idiot!"
    Yeah because that's the problem here.
    "... And who the fuck are YOU?" She finally asks looking to Seele.
Bi De
    Hmm. Bi De struts a little closer. "Well, kidnapped or not, she would appear to know the area at least somewhat." His feathers ruffle as he walks calmly toward the argument. "It would appear she is neither in danger, nor seeking to arrest us right now, but then again I doubt this is truly her jurisdiction. No real officer of the law would let an area of their jurisdiction be without protection, would they? So this must be an area she has no authority over."
    "The Madam Guardian has her reasons..." replies Bronya, then both turn on the peanut gallery. "Seele, from Wildfire." replies the purple-haired woman to Rebecca. "But enough talk, you're coming with me. Chief Oleg wants to see you and he's got more than a few questions." This is directed at Bronya.

    Sampo pipes up. "Perfect, Miss Seele! We were on our way to pay the Chief a visit outselves... mind if we tag along?"

    "Fully booked... who, are they?" Seele returns, finally noticing the peanut gallery properly and taking them in, one by one. "And what's with the bird?"

    Stelle steps up to the plate. "I'm Stelle. This is Dan Heng and that's March 7th. We're from the Astral Express."

    This, of course, makes Seele go crosseyed for a moment as the majority of that statement flies right into the ceiling above.
Talia Kyras
    Talia waves a hand casually. "I suppose we have a lot to discuss. Let's not keep your chief waiting, Ms. Seele." Talia says as she nods her head. "Talia Kyras, Jedi Knight. And formerly a fugitive it seems. I certainly hope there's no extradition policy to the upper city in place here."
    Stelle introduces herself to Seele who looks... Like that didn't get through to her. Rebecca helps, helpfully.
    "We came from the sky. Us: Magical sky people. You: Primitive ice rock people." She says very helpful.
    "You take us to your leeeeeader. Leader. You understand leader, choom?"
>> SUMMARY[Rebecca] >> Helpfully helping very helpfully.
Bi De
    "This Bi De greets you, Lady Seele," Bi De sighs, in direct contrast to Rebecca. He spreads his wings out and does a sweeping, practiced bow. Just, you know, on a chicken. "Apologies for some of my companions. We have had a very... trying experience dealing with the authorities of this place, and I am afraid some have short tempers that are becoming very spent with the situation at hand. Seeing the frustration of your home here, I am sure you can understand."
    Jessica opens her mouth, then... decides to close it as Rebecca gives a statement far different from Talia or Bi De. "Eheh... I think you should listen to the Knight and the um... chicken. He's very patient and intelligent, don't worry! I'm not really sure how."
    Seele recovers when Rebecca makes to treat her like some backward rube. "Look, pal. I might not really underrstand this, but I'm not some moron you can talk down to. Besides, pipsqueak, you're on my turf." retorts Seele to Rebecca.

    "So, basic jist is 'Outsiders'. got it... well I guess the Chief'll want to talk to you too... so, c'mon then." She turns, resting her scythe across her shoulders and trundles off... in the same direction the Vagrants ran off in. "Chief's over in the primary Mineshaft, some kind of disturbance has his hackles raised."
Talia Kyras
    Talia is mortified at Rebecca's ghastly attempt at speaking 'cave person'. "They might be cave people but they're not _savages_, Rebecca!" She blurts out in exasperation before she bows her head at Seele. "A thousand pardons, my companion here hasn't quite mastered the art of acting without using a firearm."
Bi De
    Bi De sighs, clucking lightly before he falls in to follow. He decides silence is a better way to handle it, since Seele doesn't seem to be holding it against the rest of them when Rebecca acts that way.
    "What? What? Don't look at me like that!" Rebecca says when Talia looks mortified.
    "You are LITERALLY a magical space monk from the sky!"