World Tree MUSH

A Tale of Bots and Vagabonds

After intervening to save Bronya from some Vagrants pushing into Wildfire territory, Seele takes the Overworld Princess, and the other Outsiders to see Oleg, the leader of Wildfire. The group may find a dangerous situation in the Geomarrow Mines, from both Vagrant interlopers and Robots from the nearby Robot Encampment, led by Boss Svarog.
Character Pose
    The group walk, it's a fair ways to the mine entrance, past the Furnace Core and through Boulder Town. It's actually the route just outside of Natasha's clinic. Likely the clinic was set-up so any mining accidents just had to get out of the mine to get treatment, or someone just had to run a short distance to get the doctor.

    Seele turns. and looks at the group, while Stelle pipes up. "What's Wildfire doing in the mind?"

    Seele blinks, then knits her brows. "Didn't I tell you?" she sighs. "Long story short, the Underground used to have many mines. However, in recent years, some kind of corrosion, called 'Fragmentum' started creeping in, making many of the shafts trecherous at best." She looks down the route, as a few people with red ribbons around their upper arms rush past. Wildfire members perhaps. "The one we're heading for is, relatively, unaffected. A bunch of vagrants were making it their home after their old turf got consumed by the Fragmentum. Most of them are actually pretty honest folks, just trying to survive."

    The young woman shakes her head. "But like with most large groups, there's always troublemakers. Picking fights with the miners, stealing resources... but that's not the worst of it. This time, it's much worse. Two days straight of huge clashes between the miners and vagrants. It's not pretty."
Talia Kyras
    Talia raises an eyebrow as she follows along, producing a thermos of tea and taking a drink from it. She's been desperate for something to drink at this point. "Have there been any demands given by either side, or did they just skip to the violence?"
    "More fragmentum huh." Rebecca muses, hands folded together behind her head as she follows along.
    "So like what, we're supposed to break up the clashes? I mean... I guess that could be pretty easy. But uh."
    Well easy in the sense that there would be a lot of targets.
    "Maybe we might wanna call in someone with a little more finesse than me."
Bi De
    Bi De fluffs himself up lightly. Listening to the ideas, he nods his head, vaguely understanding the situation even with his alien viewpoint. There are some definite twitches to him, as opposed to his normal dignified bearing. Finally, when Stell finishes explaining, he speaks.

    "I do hope they respond to... speech. I am already uncomfortable underground, but going into an actual mine... I have poor experiences with those. I will not be able to help as much." He shifts from foot to foot, looking awkward for once.

    Well, awkward for a rooster hanging around humanoids.
    Seele looks around. "So far, no demands from either side. Just straight to violence... this mine is the lifeblood of the Underground. If we don't keep sending Geomarrow to the surface, we don't get any supplies... these people don't see that."

    She shakes her head. "Chief Oleg brought Wildfire in to quell the situation. He left me in charge of town security in his absence, but the situation's turned critical in the mine now. I need to back him up... as for you, the Chief'll decide what to do with you when we see him. C'mon."

    She turns then and takes off at a brisk jog, heading through groups of miners coming OUT of the mine, some sporting gunshot and slashing wounds, supported by others who look just a bit roughed up.

    Bronya, for her part, was silent until the last part. "Good, I've been wanting to come face to face with the leader of the Underworld." she muses aloud, earning a glare from Seele, "YOU'RE about to come face to face with reality, princess."

    Reaching the outer 'marshalling' area of the mine, where equipment is stored, ore is deposited and teams formed for shifts... March pipes up. "Hey, isn't that the doctor lady?" pointing towards the unmistakable form of Natasha amidst gathered miners and Wildfire members.
    Jessica winces at the arguing. "Aw... I wish someone from Rhodes Island were here, this is more there thing." She perks her ears up, "Don't worry, Bi De! I'll be sure to keep you safe if you have trouble!" She's earnest about that though, and then turns to scold Bronya, "You should probably listen to the locals who have been doing this a long time!"

    Then her pistol comes out with a quick check of the mechanism, as she moves forward to cover the others in case of incoming trouble.
Talia Kyras
    Talia doesn't bother giving Bronya any grief. She's so set in her ways, convincing her would take far too much time. Perhaps it's better to just let the Force decide whether Bronya will see the light or not. She does notice the familiar sight of Natasha, nodding. "Yes, it looks like she's with the miners and Wildfire." She says softly.
    "Wait so... They didn't even say what they wanted, they just started shooting?" Rebecca says. She makes a face briefly but... Well sometimes it can be like that in Night City too, so she's not too baffled. The solo hurries after Seele but then she...
    She just SCRUFFS Bronya by the back of her collar, hoists her up and holds her with one hand.
    Her Gorilla Arms give her the upper body strength needed to do this, you see.
    "Can you calm down about this underworld business FOR FIVE MINUTES?" She snaps. "I *SWEAR* I will shake you so hard it might rattle some sense into that gonkbrain." She will do it.
    She simply drops Bronya after this though when March points out the doctor lady. "We should probably go see what's the haps."
Bi De
    It's probably a good idea, yeah. Bi De bows, "Thank you, Jessica, I am in your debt." Or will be, if trouble happens. Ignoring the antics of Rebecca and Bronya, he struts up next to Talia, deciding once again that the stoic Jedi sort is where he wants to be. "Shall we see if they will be more willing to speak to someone else?"
    "What's Natasha doing here? It must be worse than I thought." remarks Seele.

    Bronya emits a shrill squawk of indignation as she's grabbed and practically dragged by the shorter solo, stumbling in the grip of Gorilla Arms... she doesn't respond when released, adjusting her ruffled outfit and flipping one of her hair drills like a preening peahen.

    Seele chuckles to herself at that, before putting back on the 'business face'. "Nat, I didn't think you'd be here! Where's Oleg?"

    The doctor turns at the voice, "Ah, Seele... and, Sampo's guests. I see you've already met. The miners say they saw Oleg take a group further in. I got here after he left. Anyway, I need to focus on the wounded. There's been a lot of fighting the last few days, and these people are all affected. Miners, their families. They want an explanation from the instigators."

    Natasha points to a collection of tents beside the minecart tracks leading further in. "There's a vagrant camp just up ahead, but they've sealed themselves off... probably afraid of getting caught in the crossfire, or from angry miners looking to take it out on someone."

    Stelle muses. "There had to be something to trigger off a clash this bad, right?"

    Natasha nods. "Well, I heard that First Mining Team found a Geomarrow vein of incredible density... they claim, at least on initial survey, that it's the biggest discovery of the last thirty years."
    Rebecca does in fact put Bronya down.
    "So... Are they fighting over the Geomarrow? Is that it?" she considers, rubbing the back of her neck.
    "Hey so like. Dibs on not being it but. Maybe if an outsider talked to the vagrants they might be more willing to open up? Except not me because I'm bad at that kind of thing. I vote Bi De or Jess do it."
Talia Kyras
    Talia nods to Bi De before she approaches the scene. "Doctor, what's going on here?" The doctor conveniently does fill them in, and Talia folds her arms as she listens. "I think perhaps I should go, Jedi are intended to be peacekeepers. The fact they've gone straight to violence tells me there's a sore need for intervention."
    "M-me?" Jessica looks at Rebecca. Blushing and splaying ears first, she coughs, "Y-yes, I am a little worried. Did they want a cut or something? Maybe they're expecting compensation for that much money? I know a lot of are more dangerous mercenaries expect lots of hazard pay..." She isn't going to refuse to speak, but definitely looks uncertain.
Bi De
    Normally Bi De would be all for playing diplomat, but when Rebecca suggests him, the rooster... twitches. He clears his throat - or rather, makes an 'ahem' noise because he speaks differently - and then clucks softly, "I am pleased to see how you've gotten a little less wary of me, Rebecca, but... are you certain?"

    The bird pauses as he walks forward, and points out, "The last time I attempted to de-escalate someone's problems, they started worshipping an evil god and attacked a school."
    "Well, the Vagrants have keen eyes, and keener ears. They caught wind of it, and a strike that rich? It'd cause problems if everyone knew... so the vagrants demanded hush money and... well, that broke the rock-crab's back."

    Stelle nods understanding. "Well, if you guys are all for it... lets go." she says. "We'll talk some sense into these people, or beat it into 'em if they won't listen."

    Seele frowns. "That's what got us into this mess to start with!"

    Natasha chuckles softly. "I believe we're dealing with kind-hearted people here, Seele. Maybe a bit overzealous, but kind none-the-less." she sighs. "There's been heavy casualties on both sides, so.. we'd appreciate it if you could help in any way."

    After some treking, heading up the ramps in the sprawling cavern of the Great Mine, the group would spot a woman leaning against the support of a major bridge, cradling a wounded arm. Seele perks up. That's Elaine, from First Mining Team, lets go see if she needs help!"
    Becca, not being privy to the fact that Bi De caused someone to spiral into Egyptian Satan Worship, goes right on like nothing is wrong. All she knows is that she won't get Avian Flu from hanging around him.
    "Yeah, totally, you got this, chicken-choom."
    "Wait what?" ... "Maybe the space wizard should go, instead."
    On to meet Elaine! ...
    "Ah geeze you don't look so hot. What happened?"
Talia Kyras
    "I just wish it didn't come to this." Talia frowns. She glances at Bi De with a puzzled expression, then looks at Rebecca with similar confusion. What the hell posessed the Solo into thinking a chicken and a sniper would be a good pick for diplomacy checks?

    Anyway. She notices Elaine and rushes towards her, "Are you alright?" She says with concern, producing a nustim cannister and preparing to inject it.
    Jessica isn't sure why she was picked, unaware that her normally timid demeanor probably gives people the wrong impression that she isn't ready to just shoot people even if told to 'keep it quiet and avoid confrontation' or something. But that's still not revealed! "Oh no! What happened?" she mirrors the question, though with much more whining concern than the more dismissive Becca.
Bi De
    Bi De hangs back a little bit. As he said, the chicken looks... well, not scared or nervous, but very uncomfortable. This must not be a phobia, but going further underground is definitely an issue for him. He clucks again as Elaine is examined, "Ah... I do wish my paramour were here, she is far better versed in these matters than I."
    Elaine perks up a little. "Seele! Thank goodness... I'm... mostly fine, just sprained my wrist and twisted my elbow."

    The injection causes her to grunt in surprise, but the SUPER BACTA starts working almost immediately. "... th-thank you." she says to the Mirialan. "You have good timing, the Vagrants were asking me about... the robots? But, I don't know anything."

    "Robots? I, don't understand." remarks Stelle as she steps up again.

    Elaine, looking much better now, tilts her head. "You, didn't know? The inner section of the mine's been seized by a band of robots! Neither the mining team nor vagrants can get anywhere near it."

    March chirps, "A New Challenger has appeared! It's about time, human-only conflicts are so boring." Dan chimes in himself. "Does anyone know where they came from?"

    Elaine shrugs. "At first, we thought it was a mass-fault in the mining equipment, but then we found out they don't belong to the mining teams. They came out of nowhere, pushed both us and the vagrants back, then blocked off the tunnels leading into the inner section... right where the geomarrow vein is.
Talia Kyras
    "No trouble at all." Talia looks confused at the mention of robots. "Oh, that explains why neither side can get to the mine."

    She helps Elaine to her feet, dusting her off as the super pre-bacta does its magic. "Is there some sort of malfunction, or is something controlling these machines?"
    Rebecca blinks owlishly.
    "Wait." She says. "When the hell did robots get added into the mix here?" She asks in the face of March's enthusiasm.
    Further pause.
    "Should we like... Scrap the robots? I think I might have some explosives or something in my duffel bag? Maybe?"
    Now things are just getting confusing. "Where did these robots come from? Wouldn't their maker know what to do? And if they are't around, then um... I don't know it just seems kind of out of the blue, I didn't even realize..." At least she knows what a robot is, but this has her totally baffled. "I guess we have to talk to them?"
Bi De
    Well... Bi De KIND of knows what robots are by now, but he clucks in distress, fluttering wings, "Now I really do not know how to handle them. I only know of such as humans of metal... what would a metal human want? Humans are already very complicated and hard to understand! I mean no offense of course."
    Seele shakes her head. "This can mean only one thing. Boss Svarog's behind it."

    March tilts her head. "That name sounds familiar."

    Dan nods. "From the Fighting arena."

    Stelle frowns. "So, what's his deal anyway?"

    Seele sighs. "Lets just say, he's not to be trifled with... lets keep going. Elaine, head back to the entrance, Nat's back there she can take a look at you, even if our... friend... gave you something for your wounds already."

    Bronya, as the group start moving again, frowns. "Robots, aligned against humans? I've never heard of such a thing. Machines should obey humans unconditionally."

    Seele snorts. "That's not the only thing you won't have heard of down here, princess."

    Up ahead, a pair of vagrants are trying, in vain, to get an elevator platform to work. It's locked out at the bottom, likely by the robots in the main shaft.

    "Wh-why isn't this elevator working? Is it broken?" asks one. While his friend palms his masked face. "Why're you worried about this hunk of junk? Do you /really/ wanna go down to be live fire practice for the 'bots?"

    The rather dense one retorts. "But if we run off, we'll be missing out on the haul!"
    "Look, you idiot, we'll steal what the minors got. They snagged some Geomarrow, we'll just take some of theirs! It's a perfect opportunity, especially while they're distracted."
    Seele steps up behind the two, and rests her scythe around the neck of the one planning on stealing. "Shameless. Still after the miners are you? How about I teach you a lesson?" she asks, pulling the blade just a bit, so it nicks into the flesh.
    Everything clicks into place for Rebecca now as the follows the others to the elevator. She's waggling a pistol menacingly(playfully(menacingly)) at the vagrants when Seele threatens them with her scythe.
    "You guys should really leave this kind of thing to professionals. Like us."
    She's just looking forward to blowing up robots now.
    "Not all robots are human-shaped, chicken-choom." She does point out, "And not all humans are either, I guess if they get modded enough." She does muse, rubbing her chin with her free hand.
    "A robot can be something on wheels or five legs or something," Jessica agrees. Five? She doesn't linger on that, but nods her head seriously, "They can be any shape! Any shape is robot shape! Like Bi De is shaped like a chicken but also friend-shaped."
Talia Kyras
    Talia fights the urge with herculean effort to roll her eyes. She nods slowly as Svorg is brought up. "Sounds about right. We'll need to pay him a visit later." She says grimly. Droids, she can handle. These dense idiots up ahead, however are a different story.

    "Gentlemen." She says with as patient a tone she manages, "We're here to resolve the matter of these hostile droids. Disperse, before my friends here get violent."
Bi De
    Friend-shaped? Bi De clucks at that, but it seems to have improved his mood a little. "It will all be handled. This small group is adept at both violence and diplomacy. Hopefully, a peaceful solution will be found, but in the event that it cannot, the problem will be resolved."
    Between the gun, the veiled threat from the jedi, Jessica's insane ramblings about friend-shaped, robot-shaped, five-legged robots, and Seele's scythe on top of it all, the Vagrants make a break for it. The one with the blade at his throat makes a surprisingly nimble twist and the pair bolt... but the dense one drops something in his pell-mell egress. It clinks to the floor, and March reaches to grab it. "Hmph. Running at the first sign of danger. That's all they're good for." snorts Seele, derisively.

    "Huh, what's this thing? Doesn't look like local te---WHOA!"

    A triangular robot forms in a flicker of blue-white light. "BEEP BEEP BEEP! Searching for potential user~." it chirps in a happy, slightly feminine tone. "Beep, beep, beep~. Voiceprint detected. Looking up corresponding identity information. OH MY! It's an alien."

    "It talks? And it knows we're not from this planet?" asks March.

    "Perhaps it's an antiquity, brought by other travellers long ago."

    The little robot seems insensed at this, as it pipes up with a lower pitched. "Beep, Beep, Beep." before emitting the most SMUG sounding retort. "Your MOM's an antiquity!"
Talia Kyras
    The droid is met as Talia draws her lightsaber, activating it and adopting a fighting stance! Only for the droid to start talking. "Huh, perhaps we can settle this normally." Talia says, stowing her saber. And then the droid proves her very wrong. Oh dear, it seems this droid was programmed with the humor sensibilities of a twelve year old boy.
    The vagrants run. That's good. But then a little beepy robot appears.
    "OH SNAP YOU JUST GOT TOLD, SON." Rebecca laughs, crowing when the strange robot thingy calls Dan Heng's mom an antiquity.
    She finds this absolutely hilarious for a good moment.
    "But seriously who lost this sassy little droid-child?" She asks because it definitely doesn't seem like one of Svarog's.
    Even Jessica has to giggle a little, covering her mouth and then splaying ears as she realizes she shouldn't be laughing at this. Then she approaches, and clears her throat, "How do you know we're aliens? Aside from Talia having a very um, strange weapon." Says the girl with the bizarre firearm. But at least it mostly looks normal! "What's your um, name?"
Bi De
    Well that's just immature. Bi De is still startled by such antics, and cants his head to let out a little cluck. "I suppose it is very easy to guess with me," he admits. "This is not what I had expected from what we were told."
    "I am Richard. The Home-Use Object Finder. Model information: Version 0.63. Professional model, Annual Deluxe package. Nickname: "Findie."" recites the little droid. "My brainwave scanner module is damaged. Please send me to an Interastral Peace Appliances retail store near you for free repair within the warranty period of 232 years, 84 days."

    March huhs. "Who knew the IPC made stuff like this?"

    Indeed, there's an IPC logo stensiled on the outer casing.