World Tree MUSH

Rivet Town Expedition

After a respite, as little or as much as was able to be gotten, the group reunite with Bronya, who was taking watch outside the hotel. A leisurly stroll and catching up session turns sour, when Natasha and Seele can be heard talking about needing supplies from the Fragmentum-tainted Rivet Town.
Character Pose
    The night and day down in the Underworld blend together. No sunlight reaches down here, and the towns maintain a general level of light, so the Overworlders, and those unaccustomed to life below ground would likely find themselves unable to relax and sleep. Stelle is one of them, as she trudges out of the hotel room and can be heard muttering about some kind of weird dream. Reaching the outside, Bronya has stood guard, as she promised and turns in a ready stance. "Who goes there? Show yourself!" she challenges, before noticing who's actually approaching. "Oh, it's you... don't sneak up behind me next time. Lucky for your I wasn't armed." She looks over the others. "No sleep for you either, huh?"

    "I'm just worried about the future." replies Stelle, glancing around at the others before looking back to Bronya.
    Someone else can't sleep.
    Though Rebecca has stocked up on ammunition since her last outing, that doesn't help much when no one dims the damn lights and there's nothing to shoot.
    "Ugh. Ugh. Ugh." The smolo seems pretty testy about this, with tired bags under her cyber eyes but an inability to pass the hell out.
    "Chill chica, it's just us." She says apparently also out and about with Stelle and yawning HARD. "Oh my god can someone SHUT THE FUCKING LIGHTS OFF?"
    Yeah that's not gonna happen any time soon.
Bi De
    Being down here for too long is really bothersome for Bi De. The rooster is visibly agitated and listless, getting moreso by the day, and constantly fidgeting now. It's a far cry from the calm demeanor the martial artist normally projects, but even the avian body can't hide his discomfort from the extended stay without the sun to greet the morning, nor the moon that he studies at night.
    "The future is at least something we can influence," he says, trying to keep a positive attitude... but with how he's feeling, he's not particularly chatty today, even if it's clear he's worried and listening. "I see I am not the only one stressed by being here."
    It wouldn't be said that Jessica is chipper, but she does seem to be handling this better than the others. Life on the move, multiple times in shelters hiding from a Catastrophe or something, has left the feline Ancient much more well-adapted to living like this for an extended period.
    The worries and the comments get her to look up from reassembling the pistol that Rebecca gave her - from cleaning it, not just taking it apart - and smiling. "Ah, well I guess all we can do is try to go in a little more careful next time?" Yes, careful. Like her.
Talia Kyras
    And here Talia thought cyborgs didn't need to sleep nearly as much. She sips some tea from a thermos as Bronya demands answers. "Lovely to see you too." She says with a pleasant smile. When Rebecca keeps complaining, Talia simply offers the smolo a sip of tea. "This should keep you up a bit." The Jedi says.

    "I've got a bad feeling about this." Talia muses, feeling something off about the situation.
    Bronya nods slightly, looking down and aside briefly. "I know what you mean." she says to Stelle. "I don't like feeling that I'm not in control. And now..." she trails off with a sigh, before shifting track. "Actually, since it's only us around, can I ask you some things?" she turns her grey-brown eyes across the group, including them all in the question.

    The Guard Captain doesn't exactly wait for an affirmation, though Stelle does nod quickly... which seems to be enough for Bronya. "This Stellaron you speak of... if you were to find it, how sure are you that you could stop the Eternal Freeze?"
    "I don't wanna be up I wanna be down." Rebecca pouts, but takes a sip of the tea gratefully if only to feel less like tired garbage.
    "So like I don't know a lot of this Stellaron business, but I'm pretty sure Stelle has that covered. And if she says it'll stop the freezy cold nasty business, I'll believe my choom ten times out of ten."
    Jessica doesn't know the answer, but she has AN answer. "What do you lose by trying?" She gestures, "Wouldn't it be nice to be able to go out without freezing? Life is short and hard, why not try to make it easier? I know I'd jump at a chance to stop the Catastrophes of my homeworld."
Talia Kyras
    It's good tea. The kind that was made naturally by some local herbalist from Sorgan. It's also delicious, not like the overprocessed caffeinated stuff Rebecca is used to. One has to wonder if it'll affect her much beyond a placebo effect.

    Talia shrugs a shoulder. "I don't. But i'm not opposed to taking a leap of faith if it means bettering the situation."
Bi De
    Feathers puff as Bi De just sits, his deep voice only interjecting after some thought. "It is not as if Stelle is unable to make a mistake... I couldn't guarantee the answer. I believe that she, at least, believes that it can do so. And that is enough for me to try, as what makes one great if not to reverse an unwanted destiny?"
    Stelle listens to the others speaking up, then looks pensive before she responds with a simple, "I don't know." It's terse, and probably not what Bronya wants to hear, but the future Guardian does look slightly relieved. "Then we'll find out togehter, won't we?" she assures, her stern face softening slightly. "It's not like helping a child make a snowball, but what important things in life are?" she once again turns away, looking pensive herself. "You know, it was difficult for me to believe you. Some of the words you use are too alien for those that have lived in Belobog their whole life." Her brow furrows. "As far as I was concerned, Madam Cocolia's order to arrest you sounded reasonable... but, I don't understand why she didn't issue it immediately."

    "She must have realized something about you... something I haven't yet been able ot percieve for myself, and that bothers me."
    "Hey that's... Not half bad." Rebecca mutters in regards to the tea. "I mean it's not sweet and full of chems like *real* tea, but not bad herbal shit I guess." Oh dear the poor girl has never had real tea.
    But then she scowls. "It was totally UNreasonable!" She says. "I didn't even do anything to break the law! ... This time."
    Yeah, Becca was being good.
Talia Kyras
    Talia fights the urge to scowl beyond a mere twitch of her eyebrow. The urge to rip into Rebecca's taste in tea is great, but the Force is greater. Also they've got bigger fish to fry.

    "There's something about her she's not telling anybody." Talia muses. "Cocolia has an ulterior motive, and I want to find out what it is."
    Jessica perks an ear. "Well... trouble does seem to find us lately. Maybe it's something about you, Stelle?" She shrugs, not too worried about it really, but the click of the borrowed sidearm finally falling into place distracts her, and she does a quick check that everything is clean and together properly. "Or maybe she's threatened? Or knows something about this that nobody else knows?"
Bi De
    Another fluff of feathers, and Bi De cracks open an eye, regarding the speculation thoughtfully. "To those in power, the status quo is often desireable to an unknown, but perhaps her motives are less sinister than that."
    Stelle looks pensive again, or maybe she's never stopped looking pensive. Her hand moves to cover the center of her chest... Rebecca probably remembers what Welt said to her, back on the Express. Jessica should remember also. That Stelle harbours a Stellaron herself, housed within her own body. Stelle says nothing of this to Bronya though.

    Bronya, for her part, is still musing. "What must have transpired to cause her such a drastic change?" she listens to the others though, glancing at Bi De and Talia in particular. "Mot-- Madam Guardian is tasked with the Preservation of Belobog... Preservation is inherantly rigid, for better and worse." she explains then shrugs. "Still, orders are orders. It's not for soldiers to question their superiors." she adds, a bit glibly.

    Stelle perks up at that. "Only a fool follows orders blindly." she says firmly, causing Bronya to look back with a soften expression, though a scowl still mars her face. "I don't need you to remind me, and I didn't have every confidence I was doing the right thing. But the sense of duty to carry out an order is bound to prevail with me." she remarks.
Talia Kyras
    Talia tightens her jaw briefly. "'Good soldiers follow orders.'" She mutters to herself. She steps forward with Bronya, her expression grim but gentle. "But any soldier who is faced with an order that is judged immoral is to be refused. You cannot hold yourself to the authority of superiors whose judgement is questionable at best, surely you know this."
    Becca's taste in tea is the worst.
    Though it's probably a good thing she chooses this moment to hold her tongue on the topic of orders and duty, but she levels a pretty flat look at Bronya.
Bi De
    Bi De holds up a wing toward Talia. "This person has kept the population safe for many years, remember. It is natural that they would follow her. While there may be something dark at the root of all this, I do not think that most here have evil intent. Let us presume overcaution rather than sinister motives." He pauses. "Though neither should we dismiss the possibility, I think."
    Jessica agrees with Bi De, reluctantly, "Well... I guess it makes sense. When life is hard you aren't really ready to take a lot of risks. Unless it's hard because you're a fighter, but most people don't really want to be warriors, I think."
    Bronya looks back at Talia. "Again, I don't need to be reminded of this. However, duty and order are paramount to me." She doesn't miss Rebecca's stink-eye, and turns to look up at the Furnace Core looming to the ceiling so high above. For underground, it doesn't feel all that claustrophobic from a simple space viewpoint. There's only a few places where the walls close in, but those rapidly expand back out into vast caverns and grottos. "In the past," begins Bronya, "Overworld soldiers on the front line would lose their lives in droves, and yet the Fragmentum's advance would remain unaffected." Bronya's eyes fall to the cobble street. "Nevertheless, that was her reason for deploying the Guard to the front... the transport lines for supplies and Geomarrow remained open, but she ordered the passage of anything else sealed off... passage between the Over and Underworlds ceased." she looks back at the others then. "I approved of that decision." she closes her eyes. "I never thought such ruin and strife would befall the Underworld without the Guard... perhaps mother was wrong on that... But, how can I change her mind? She won't listen to me, even though I've tried... I just, don't know how to get through to her."

    Stelle steps closer, and places a hand on Bronya's shoulder. "YOu should take over as Supreme Guardian. You have a good heart, and a strong mind."

    Bronya looks like she just got scalded. "You mean..." she jolts away then. "... what was I thinking?! No... I shouldn't... that was a diabolical thought!" She, almost seems to be struggling, mentally, against something. "The more I think about it, the more disoriented I get, which just makes me think about it even more." she shakes her head, as if she can dislodge some kind of blockage that's pressed into her mind. "I just want a better life for the people of Belobog. Above and Below ground."
    "You should totally do it." Rebecca says. "Take over as the supreme guardian. Maybe think for yourself a little more and do better when you're in charge."
    Wh- why is Becca handing a spare pistol over to Bronya?
    Is... Is it symbolic? A peace offering?
    Or is she saying Bronya should kill her mother and take her place?!
>> SUMMARY[Rebecca] >> Go, do a crime.
Talia Kyras
    Talia stares at Rebecca in open mouthed awe. "I-" She sighs. "I guess I'm already involved in one coup d'etat." She says, rubbing her face. "But this is just ridiculous."
Talia Kyras
>> SUMMARY[Talia Kyras] >> Becca, NO.
Bi De
    Bi De stirs again. "One option is to offer to be the liason for these people, perhaps she would be more willing to open communication with someone she trusts in charge of it. But humans have a way of making things more complicated."
    Bronya is thoughtful for a long moment. "I... I need more time to think this through." she remarks to everyone's suggestions, eying Rebecca's offered weapon dubiously, but not taking it. "Your words may be prophetic, depending on what is to come in the following days." she remarks softly, then turns. "Come, walk with me. Let us forget our problems, at least for a while."

    Bronya heads deeper into Boulder Town, making her way through from the hotel, towards the town center, near to where Natasha's clinic, and the entrance-way to the Great Mine can be found. She starts talking about this and that, how to balance compassion with justice, how the Vagrants must be desperate to attack the miners like they did.

    "... How much longer can you last with your current supplies?" comes a familiar voice from the top of a flight of stairs leading to the central plaza, where the group first met Hook.

    Bronya perks a bit. "Is that, Seele? Lets go take a look." as she starts off at a jog.

    Sure enough, Seele is talking to Natasha, the two women in some deep discussion. "... I know. I'll got to Rivet Town and bring them back for you." Seele again, hands on her hips as she starts mentally planning out her trek to the fragmentum-blighted town.

    Natasha, knowing Seele would ignore her warnings, says instead. "It's too dangerous to go alone. Get Oleg to send someone with you."

    Seele shakes her head. "The rest of Wildfire have barely gotten any sleep the last few days. They'll be fighting fatigue, and slowing me down." She leans forward then. "Besides, didn't you say some miners were gravely injured? Lives are on the line."
    Rebecca holds the gun out a moment longer. But then sniffs and huffs when Bronya doesn't take it.
    "Fiiiiine we'll walk." she says, folding her hands together behind her head as she follows along.
    "Huh. What're they talkin' about?" ... "Should we like volunteer?"
    "Or are we gonna get voluntold anyway?"
Talia Kyras
    "Get the feeling it's going to be the latter." Talia whispers. She's tempted to interject, but hangs back. This has to be approached carefully, lest they throw innocent lives into the incinerator.
    "I mean..." Jessica looks at the other two. "Do you have anything better to do? Um... don't get me wrong, it sure sounds nice to be able to sit back and relax, but I doooon't think you're the kind of person to just lay around while people are dying. You'd either want to help or..." She peers at Rebecca...
    "Or get bored."
Bi De
    The rooster clucks, "I am in poor condition to contribute." He straightens up. "But likely still better than a random person from the town. I am still a cultivator, weakened or not." He huffs, "Yet I do hope we return to the surface soon."
    Stelle steps right on up, getting into view of the two Underworlders. "Sounds like we arrived just in time. How can we help?"

    Looks like you're getting voluntold, Becca. Get used to it.
    Seele frowns. "Aren't you all meant to be sleeping? What're you doing out here?" She then turns a frowning glare at Bronya. "... Up to no good, perhaps?"

    Bronya's hackles raise as she glares back. You can almost see the 'Anger Lightning' clashing between the two. "We're just out for a walk, none of us could sleep. You can recind your baseless accusations."

    Seele makes a dismissive gesture. "Walk somewhere else then!" but comes up a bit short when Natasha speaks up. "Easy, Seele. Maybe they can help."

    "Always happy to help Miss Natasha." chirps Stelle, in an almost March-like tone.
    Becca pauses.
    She looks at Bronya, Seele, Stelle, and then pointedly to Jessica.
    Rebecca's MASSIVE mechanical hand raises and ruffles Jessica's hair.
    Looks like Becca's in.
Talia Kyras
    Talia takes a breath. Welp, looks like they got voluntold. "We couldn't sleep." Talia says to Seele. "We're always eager to help." She echoes Stelle. Looks like Talia can't keep her nose outta this either.
    Jessica FLAILS and sputters, "That's not what I meant!" But she also doesn't really protest too much, blushing when the shorter girl ruffles her and not pressing the issue, because Becca is a bit volatile... so if she's in right now, best not to push it!
Bi De
    While Bi De is not normally one to grumble, he does point out, "Sleeping is difficult without the sun and the moon above, for this chicken." He sighs, stepping forward. "We are merely restless."
    "Well, look at you, swaggering in like the protagonist of your own story." remarks Natasha impishly... before her face hardens and she gets to business. "Here's our situation. The clinic's been packed with injured since the incident in the mines... as you all helped us out, Seele and I have been busy taking care of them." she explains, "Unfortunately, since the Underworld is already lacking supplies at the best of times, and with this sudden influx of injuries, the clinic is running out of medical supplies. We need to find more, somehow."

    Stelle frowns softly. "Are there any other towns in the Underworld? Maybe they have supplies spare we could trade for?"

    "Boulder Town's the last major settlement, outside of the Mines and the Robot settlement where the Vagrants congregate." explains Seele. "They're not likely to help us, especially after the mines incident..." the scythe-weilder gives Rebecca a reproachful look, since she roshamboe'd that one Vagrant thoroughly.

    "The Fragmentum spreads, swallows up peoples homes, entire towns... supplies get left behind as people run for their lives from the monsters that follow. That's why the Vagrants invade the mines, and..." she's getting worked up, which causes Natasha to interject. "... easy now, Seele. Anger isn't good for ones health." Natasha picks up. "Long story short I had a practice in a nearby settlement called Rivet Town... before it was swallowed up by the Fragmentum. In our haste to get the children to safety, we left behind a lot of supplies, medical gauze, tape, painkillers, bandages... some of it will be no good anymore, dissolved away, or broken down into unusable component chemicals, but anything will be better than the near-nothing we have right now."

    Bronya, much like the others, is quick to jump in. "Investigate a corroded town to find resources? I'm in."

    Seele looks insensed. "Hold up! I never said you could join us!"

    "Lives are at stake. Why would you turn away willing hands? Besides. I have some experience with Fragmentum. I'm sure I can be of use."
Talia Kyras
    "Sounds like there's no time to waste." Certainly not wasted arguing that's for sure. Talia nods. "I agree, we need to do this sooner rather than later. Besides, Bronya knows the territory doesn't she?"
    "What? WHAAAAAAT?" Becca huffs when she gets that look.
    "That guy TOTALLY had it coming to him!" She crosses her arms over her chest and scuffs her toes indignantly.
    "ANYWAY I'm going too. Because Jess voluntold me to."
    Natasha nods a bit. "Sounds good. Come to the clinic, I'll get a list of what we desperately need. Make sure you come back safely... but just by going with Seele, you're putting my mind at ease." The doctor turns to the clinic, and returns a few moments later with a list of items to look for.