World Tree MUSH

Off to Rivet Town

Allies gathered, supplies, for what they're worth, secured. Rivet Town awaits. A corrupted, twisted and monster-infested town that used to house an orphanage run by Natasha, and was home to Seele before the town was corroded.

    Investigation/Combat scene.
Character Pose
    "Okay, so I'm running low on bandages and metal plates for immobilizing broken bones. There's a market in the center of Rivet Town. There's also a stash of rubbing alcohol at the orphanage. I didn't bring it with me when I left, I hope it's still intact and usable." That's Natasha, listing off what she needs, looking thoughtful. "Lastly, painkillers. Thre's an old lab on the east side of town. Hopefully they're still there, and haven't been damaged or destroyed by the monsters. Be careful, and don't push yourselves too hard."

    With that, Stelle, Bronya and Seele turn to head toward Rivet Town. Seele speaks up. "It's north, a couple of hours through the mountain range. There's a pass through that'll take us straight there."

    Bronya frowns softly. "If we didn't happen to pass by, were you really planning on going into a Fragmentum on your own?"

    Seele shrugs, "Of course. Done it plenty of times before, what's the fuss about?"

    Bronya shakes her head. "So reckless. According to Silvermane Guard protocol, a squad of five is the bare minimum. Four troopers, and a communications specialist."

    "Silvermane Guard Protocols, exactly. Don't try applying that to us down here."

    The rest of the trek is largely silent between the two.
    Okay so a lot happened. Becca HAD to go back to Night City and see a ripperdoc about the damage she caused her arms, stock up on immunosuppressant drugs, and uh...
    She needed more guns.
    Nevertheless the smolo returns. With ANOTHER duffel bag of guns and 'supplies'.
    She is, in fact, popping an immunosupp pill or two when she reconvenes with the group. Just her usual dosage required to keep her body in shape and harmony with her cybernetic augmentations, nothing crazy like A CERTAIN SOMEONE who will remain unnamed.
    "Right, alcohol, bandages, splints, and painkillers. No big deal, we'll have everything you need in a jiff, Nat-Nat."
    So it's off to Rivet Town.
    "Yo so like. I'm not a Silvermane Guard either choom, I do what I want."
Talia Kyras
    Talia has been focusing on relaxing, meditating and maybe tinkering with ND just a bit. The little droid's been badgering her about getting a blaster, after having seen Rebecca in action Endee's wanted to get some iron of her own.

    "When we're done here, I promise." Talia always says, but Endee rarely believes her. The little droid buzzes irritably, knowing she can't do much about that yet. But maybe later.


    Talia likes to keep light. Maybe a neustim kit for medical purposes, tibanna gas cartridges for her blaster, some hand grenades, and of course her trusty lightsaber, are all Talia needs. Unlike Rebecca, Talia knows to be efficient with her inventory space. It just means she has more room for loot! 'sides, Force abilities don't take up inventory space. Though they do make the keyboard really cluttered.

    "We'll make do with what we have." Talia says to Bronya quietly.
Bi De
    Possibly one aspect of the droid's irritating buzzing is because Bi De is still listless and sluggish. At least he doesn't seem to be getting any worse, but he's definitely out of his element here. Also, he appears to have made himself a perch atop Talia's droid, and is currently snoozing there.

    Don't bother a sleeping rooster.
    Getting new ammunition was important! Jessica has managed to restock and refresh things. She has her gear on, a nice backpack, and of course her armaments! Complete with extra ammunition in case of a long haul.

    "Well, looks like long trips and hard travel are just a normal thing here!" She seems cheery!
    Bronya keeps her peace at those pointing out. She's come a long way in the short time she's been down here.

    The trek is uneventful, and Seele sighs softly as she crests a ridge and looks down into the corroded town. "This is Rivet Town..." she shakes her head, "Everything looks so familiar. Watch your step, Wildfire hasn't been this way in a long time so there's probably monsters around."

    The scythe-fighter strides down the little incline, following the tracks that once guided mine carts, or even mini train convoys between the settlements. "Searching from street level will be pointless, lets find some higher ground to get the lay of the place." she says.

    The main path ahead is barricaded off. Likely a remnant of the old townsfolks exodus, and trying to hold the encroaching Fragmentum monsters back while they fled.

    Stelle, meanwhile, pulls a little crystal seed out of one of her pouchs and drops it to the side of the road near the entrance. It hits the floor, then rises back up, growing a pair of extra crystals, cracking in the center crystal and forming two pairs of rings around the points. The Space Anchor chimes softly, and begins to glow with a faint blue-white light.
    Into Rivet Town and Rebecca has reached into her duffel and produced a garishly pink and green Mox paint theme'd assault rifle with a red dot sight. In an instant the solo goes from jovially walking through the fragmentum to the the low crouch-hustle of a professional operator, with her eyes and head on a swivel.
    "Dropping one of those anchor things huh?" She says. "Could be useful here, not a bad plan."
Talia Kyras
    Talia remains calm as she reaches for the hilt on her hand. She senses out with the Force, after briefly gawking at Rebecca's horrifically pink and green rifle. Good lord, that thing's...well, no accounting for taste. In any case, Talia focuses more on sensing for hostiles until she glances upwards for high ground. If she finds something, she'll begin to leap up onto the wall, bouncing from perch to perch until she gets to the top.
Bi De
    Of course Bi De can't sleep forever, and wakes up during the journey. He stays perched for a while, but as the town is entered, the rooster hops down, walking quietly alongside the group with eyes on alert now that he's well-rested. "While I was taught how to trade with humans, the specifics of it still elude me. It may be best for someone else to handle getting the things we need," he muses, stroking his wattles. "Now, what should we handle first, you think?"
    "It's too bad you can't properly fly," Jessica says of Bi De, but it looks like Talia is hitting the top. Jess watches for a second, then shrugs, finding a more normal way to do it. That is, searching for stairs or a ladder or something to climb. "I'm pretty happy being up higher anyway. Maybe I should start carrying rifles more often," she mumbles.

    Having a sniper might be nice for this group, huh? "Let's see if we can spot that lab, Talia?"
    Stelle nods to Becca, and falls in near the Smolo, summoning her bat into hand to provide melee support in case of ambush.

    Talia's senses don't detect anything nearby, except a very faint life force in one of the old buildings. Should she approach, she'll hear a weak voice a young child calling out for their sister.

    Seele heads for a staircase leading up to the overpass bridge, bypassing the blocked direct route into the town. She pauses on the bridge, across from the residence where that voice is coming from... seemingly unable to hear it. "See that big house at the top of the hill? That's the orphanage. When Oleg found me, he sent me there... I miss those carefree days as a kid." she says wistfully. Bronya frowns and makes a few pensive noises.

    "What? Nothing to say, princess?" asks Seele.
    "No, it's just... this place seems familiar, somehow." she shakes her head, as if to clear it. "Never mind."

    Seele rolls her eyes. "... Weirdo." she points then, "See that mess of broken stalls down there? That's the market. We'll probably find those supplies Natasha wants there."

    Stelle shrugs at Bi De. "Probably best to head to the market, since it seems we've only got one way to go." she muses, patting Becca's shoulder as she disengages from her 'support' position. The Trailblazer then looks at the rooster pensively. "... How're you holding up?" she asks him, probably the first time she's actually asked a question like that to someone. Weird girl.

    Jessica's suggestion of finding the lab earns Seele's attention. "The lab's near the orphanage. Nat said it was on the east side, but there's the easy way, past the orphanage courtyard, or a way that might be blocked, around the outskirts of town... last I heard that was sick with Fragmentum corrosion."
Talia Kyras
    Talia suddenly wishes she thought to pinch a rifle from Becca's bag. Not like the smolo doesn't have weapons to spare. But she nods to Jessica and produces some electro-binoculars before scanning. "No arguments here." She says with a little smile. She'll get to scanning the area, her eyes studying out to find anything resembling a lab. East side, near the orphanage. "What are the chances we find a big sign saying 'lab' on it?" Talia muses to Jessica.
    "How does a place underground seem familiar to someone's spent their life up top?" Becca can't help but ask as she takes to a knee and uses the slight magnification of her scope to get a better look at the house on the hill at first.
    "I'll take point." She does volunteer for heading into the market, though.
Bi De
    "I will be fine," Bi De says. "Getting out a bit helped. I just do not like being away from the sun and moon for so long, and it makes me... it makes it harder for me to use my full strength." He clucks, "Perhaps I should try what Tigu does, and take on a human form. But..." He trails off, then shakes his head.

    As for the familiarity, "Perhaps it is in the architecture, or perhaps... just a feeling in the air," to Rebecca. He falls into step behind her, tail feathers fanning out apprehensively.
    The group progress. The overpass bridge leads to a small area with resaurants and other places for people to gather an socialize. There's a few roaming fragmentum monsters, bird-like creatures made from flaming and icy elements, some former Guards corrupted with burning or freezing armour segments. Common foes easily dealt with by the combined power of the group.

    Bronya and Seele have their continued bickering. "Be careful." "I'm not a rookie." etc etc.

    "This was the most famous resaurant in town. Natasha would bring the kids who behaved well here for special meals." remarks Seele. Bronya asks, "Did she ever bring you?" to which Seele replies. "Do I look like a goody-two-shoes to you?" "Fair point."

    Entering the market, Bronya makes an observation. "The facilities seem to be in too good a shape to have been abandoned for years. Could someone still be living here?" Seele shakes her head. "That's... that's impossible."

    Crates are stacked up in back alleys behind former market stalls. Seele goes through them. "Empty... empty... how can they all be empty? Are the monsters gathering supplies now too?!" she growls in frustration. Bronya shakes her head. "Fragmentum monsters don't need the materials humans use. And if they /did/ take anything, this place would be much messier. Look, footprints, and they're fresh. Whoever did this might still be nearby."

The group would then spot the form of a young boy, probably about 9 years old, skulking in between the stalls, near a pile of crates the group hasn't touched yet. "... Eric?" asks Seele. "Hey, how could you come here all by yourself, it's dangerous here!" Eric seems shocked, but doesn't back down. "S-Seele? Y-you ain't the boss of me! I-I can go wherever I want, it's none of your beeswax!" Seele then glances at the crates. "Huh, you gathered the materials up from the whole market and hid them here? Impressive kiddo." she then frowns. "But if we hadn't taken care of the monsters nearby, you'd be stuck here shaking in your boots. What would you have done if we didn't show up?" Eric folds his arms. "I was just about to escape! I'd have found a way to get those plates outta here too... somehow."

    Stelle sighs. "Could you lay off a bit, Seele? He's just a kid." Seele scoffs. "Don't let him fool you! Everyone in the Underworld knows that this brat is a no-good thief! Even his clothes are stolen, if memory serves."

    "... 200..." his little voice cracks. "200 shield..."

    "Are you trying to negotiate?!" scoofs Seele.

    "It's just 200 shield, but I don't bring my coinpurse with me on missions." remarks Bronya. Seele looks insensed. "You're actually planning to give him money? It's the same old trick he uses---"

    Eric emphatically shakes his head. "NO! N-Not this time... I really need money this time... my daddy, he..." Seele seems unimpressed. "Trying to use your dad again? If he knew about this he'd--" "No..." Eric is about to break down crying, and for those who can pick it up, he's not pretending. His emotions are like a maelstrom.

    "... Seele, enough..." Bronya steps forward, kneeling down to get on Eric's level. "Eric, right?" She uncliips a medal from her uniform, offering it out. "Here, you can have this. It's a medal given to me by the Architects. See the blue stone in the middle? That's Geomarrow of the highest purity. Take this to a knowledable buyer and they'll know exactly how valuable it is."
    "Quitcher bickering." Becca snaps at Seele and Bronya.
    There's a slight pause at the restuarant, pursing her lips as Seele brings up old memories. But then she's back on her game.
    "If someone's been living here they either better not show up or be peaceful." She says trigger finger lingering on the trigger guard of her gun. But then.
    "So like... You can take on human form, chicka-choom?" The Solo asks Bi De while cautiously following the footsteps and then...
    There's a kid.
    Rebecca lowers her gun as the kid looks ready to start bawling.
    "... Huh..."
    "Someone's got a bleeding heart." She murmurs when Bronya gives the kid her geomarrow medal.
Talia Kyras
    Talia drops down when she has no luck. But it beats the hell out of Bronya and Seele's bickering. For someone so intent on proving she's not an oblivious fool, Seele has a habit of bad calls. Talia just rubs her forehead and begs the Force to give her strength to carry on with these two.

    Talia stops at the restaurant, glancing at Bi De, "I don't suppose you'd use that form to blend in more? Not every world's going to look at a talking bird and not go for their cooking pot." She points out with a crooked smile.

    Ignoring Seele entirely again, Talia smiles at the young boy. "Hello there. We're not going to hurt you." She promises, kneeling like Bronya does as she produces a ration bar. "And take this, you could use a snack."
Bi De
    Bi De struts along with everyone else, and his tailfeathers twitch a little. To Rebecca and Talia he answers, "... possibly. I have never tried. My 'sister' Tigu, a cat, did so some time ago, but initially had... difficulty changing back. I am wary of attempting the same thing, especially as I am so much stronger than she is, as a cultivator. Though she gained strength when she did so, I am unsure what the effect would be upon myself."

    He muses this quietly for a while, but then the revelations come! "Hmm. I make no judgements. My own disciple was seen as much the same, and now he is a respected member of the community. Perhaps the boy merely needs a lesson and an opportunity, but it is your wold, not mine." He perches on one of the containers. "I wonder how much effort would be needed to make this place a thriving town again?"
    At first taking the upper route, Jessica rejoins the others as they investigate the storehouse. "Oh no... but don't they need those bandages?" she's asking, even as an ear keeps twitching at Bi De talking about taking on a human form. Was this how her own kind came to be? The sharpshooter is so on edge that she nearly drops Eric when he appears, but then lowers her sidearm to listen, tail swaying.

    "Are you sure you want to part with that? Bi De, Talia, do you know any um, magic healing or something?" Wondering about an alternative, before shutting up as she realizes that may be a detour they can't do. She looks to the others to make sure.
    Bronya ignores Rebecca's jab. "But... you'll have to promise me one thing: You'll not steal other people's things again. Promise?" she asserts. Eric knuckles at his eyes, swiping away welling tears with his sleeves. "I-I promise! I'll never steal things again!" says Eric.

    Bronya seems satisfied by that. "Then it's a deal. If you go back on your promise, I'm going to bring my Silvermane Guards with me and catch you myself!" She smiles softly. "Here, take the medal and go back to town. We already took care of the threats on the way in. You'll be safe." Eric seems overjoyed. "Th-thank you, whoever you are! You guys can have all this stuff!" He turns to leave, then seems to remember something. "O-Oh, you need to be real careful though... there's something real scary up at the house on the hill... Oh! And the road across from the market is blocked. If you wanna get any further, take the shopping street."

    Bronya smiles again. "Got it. Thanks for the tip." she says, before standing and allowing the boy to scamper off at a god clip of speed... giving Jessica a wide berth. He saw that killing intent!

    Seele frowns. "That object was pretty important to you, right? Are you sure you're okay giving it to Eric, just like that?"

    Bronya watches the kid leave. "If it will make him change his ways, it's more than worth it." Seele chuckles dryly. "And what if he doesn't?"

    Bronya looks toward the ceiling. "From a young age, my mother taught me to be forgiving and to preserve the goodwill in people's hearts... Even if I am but a small glimmer of light in this world, I must try my best to shine brightly for others." She looks back at Seele, then to Rebecca, then Stelle, Jessica, Bi De and Talia, then back to Seele. "I must give him a chance, because other people can't."

    Seele gets that same glazed look for a moment that she had with Rebecca on first meeting... her focus snaps back quickly enough though. "I don't really get what you just said. Anyway," she clears her throat, "We should get moving! Eric said to take the shopping street... I think I remember where it is..." she looks around for a moment, getting her bearings. "This way." she turns to head in the proper direction.

    Finding the street, it's largely devoid of monsters. It has a few broken Robots lining the streets, some look like they could be repaired given enough time and effort. Bronya looks around though. "These shops and signs... Why do I feel like I've seen them before?" she muses aloud. "But... when?"

    At the end of the street, is a winding, set of staircases. Each leading to a landing-area with crates of abandoned Geomarrow, and other various items. "The path up to the orphanage is up those stairs... I wonder how the old place is holding up. Maybe some things will still look familiar."
    Becca is... Silent. It's a long and surprisingly somber moment for the solo.
    And while Seele gives that glazed over look, Becca...
    Gently rests a big mechanical hand on Bronya's shoulder.
    "... You're not bad, chica. Not bad at all."
    That said though as the boy takes his leave and says there's something super scary in the house, Becca quirks a brow.
    "So are we gonna check out the house then?" A pause.
    "And why is your sister a cat? You're obviously a bird." That's to Bi De, obviously.
Talia Kyras
    Talia smiles and pats the boy on the head. "You'll be okay, little one." She says, before letting him leave. She does frown when the mention of SPOOKY STUFF comes up. "Get the feeling sleeping dogs ought to be left to lie." Talia muses. The Jedi takes a breath and nods to Bronya next. She nods in approval, and leaves it at that.

    Maybe Bronya would make a hell of a Jedi, if things were different.

    The empty street's quite creepy. Talia has a bad feeling about this.

    Rebecca gets a sidelong glance, "Siblings of bond, not blood." She corrects gently.
Bi De
    Bi De has no argument against the choice made by Bronya, he's a harsh but kind rooster. Harsh in training, kind in heart. Though Bronya's musings make him ponder, before suggesting, "Perhaps when you were very young. Or a past life, or..." He trails off, his speculations not going too far.

    As he decides to lookin into the orphanage, Bi De answers Rebecca, "We are not related by blood. Neither is Ri Zu, another companion... whom I wish were here, as she is a healer of the sort that you would like, Jessica." He nods at what Talia says. "Surely you have those that you consider as good as family, who did not share your blood? Mine are closer than my actual children, who sadly did not inherit the spark from me."
    Jessica's tail sways, and she tries to give a reassuring smile, but she is still armed... oh well. Jessica also has some guesses about Bronya, but keeps her peace for now... it's just a guess, and if she were right it wouldn't matter, and if she's wrong it would cause undue stress. Her ear twitches at something. "Yes, let's just um... take a look around and try to find those supplies." Is something bothering the cat?