World Tree MUSH

Young Lady in Red

Epiphanies, supplies and a giant monster kill acquired, now it's time to head down to find the last things Natasha needs... it seems that the group isn't the only one looking for painkillers and other assorted medicine, a familiar face, in a red coat appears.
Character Pose
    "I'm... an undergrounder."

    Bronya's face is an unreadable mask of confused emmotions. "Why didn't I remember that until just now? My childhood memories are so... blurry."

    Seele frowns. "Wait, you're an undergrounder... and Cocolia adopted you? That means you're--"

    "Maybe Cocolia did something that made you forget?" suggests Stelle with a knitting of her brows. "No, mother would never do that to me... there's no possible way she would.

    "But, yes... I'm next in line to become Supreme Guardian. The Architects chose me... from everyone in Belobog." her composure seems to return a bit. "Their process can take years, or even decades. They select candidates from all children in Belobog, both above and below ground. During this period, they test these children, until only one is deemed 'worthy', and is chosen." she looks toward the ceiling, high above. "I... must have been chosen from among the children here and then taken to the surface."

    Seele looks pensive for a moment, then her face hardens a bit as her purple eyes lift to stare down Bronya... though her tone isn't hostile. "The kids at the orphanage are always coming and going... Never would'a thought we had a future Supreme Guardian among us!" she huffs softly. "Does Nat know? Could she have been hiding this, keeping it secret this whole time?"

    "I don't think so. The process is done in utmost secrecy, and the child must cut all ties to their past life... Reborn anew, in The Amber Lord(Qlipoth)'s light." she looks down again. "And thus, I became the daughter of Madam Cocolia. My only identity is that of guardian successor, but I'm... not good enough." she looks across the corroded town below, spanning out from the foot of the hill the orphanage stands atop. "Every day I see more and more Guard sacrificing their lives in the Fragmentum, and... I've never had the resolve to change mother's mind. The Underworld has been struggling, but I never tried to help! I didn't even know it was my own hom that had fallen into such a state!" her voice quakes with barely contained emotion... anger, sorrow, self-loathing. "In the end.. I haven't been able to guard anything... How can I be a worthy successor?" The silver-haired young woman is doom spiralling into self destructive loathing.

    Luckily, there's a very loud and blunt object hurtling toward her. Seele grits her teeth. "HEY! Are you done?" she asks. "Wah wah wah... so annoying! What? You thought I'd feel sorry for you after that little speech? You can hide in your ivory tower and fuss over Overworld problems. But it's not YOU putting your life on the frontlines. In the Underworld? We worry about where our next meal is coming from. If we'll even survive to see the next day!" She steps forward, her tone softening. "'Even if I am but a small glimmer of light in this world, I must try my best to shine brightly for others.' Isn't that what you said? Well, if you really want to protect everyone, what the hell are you standing here crying for? Get to it!"
    "Say what?" That would be Rebecca, waggling a mechanical finger at Bronya.
    "You mean miss prissy overworlder princess is actually an orphan from down here?" The smolo repeats the basic story beats she just heard, in the typical anime way of using repetition of dialogue to pad scenes out.
    "And they took her in secret... And some amber light shined on her and now here we are?"
    And now here we are, indeed.
    She's about to say something to Bronya when Seele whaps her with the character development bat.
    "... Yeah what Seele, said." Looks like this is in hand already.
Talia Kyras
    Talia has little to say, she just listens with arms folded while Seele seems to be handling the Character Development task quite well for all of them. "Could've sworn I heard a story like this back in the Temple." She muses to herself quietly.
    "So it isn't normal for this chosen one to forget where they came from, or it is?" Jessica murmurs. She scratches at the back of one ear, letting it twitch a few times. "Well... you know how tough it is down here now, so maybe you can get some inspiration?" She's not totally sure if this will be enough, and she is not exactly up on politics and that sort of thing... but she does know what being oppressed is like, from her various experiences.
Bi De
    While Bi De finds human politics beyond comprehension in many ways, he does have some insights, after seeing some of the cutthroat behavior of the various sects in his world. The rooster clucks softly as Bronya has the pity party, moving about to continue searching while he listens...

    And then, after others have put in their thoughts, he chimes in with his own. "Letting it be known in public that the Supreme Guardian was from the underground would give them more legitimacy in the eyes of those above ground. It would threaten their sense of superiority."

    That's just his theory.
    Bronya blinks, recoiling from the sudden rush of vitriol from the underworld warrior... but then seems to steel herself. "You're right... You're absolutely right, self-pity doesn't help solve anything." She turns to face Seele, and gives the others appreciative glances too. "THank you, Seele... everyone... Usually, when I feel sorry for myself, I'm met with gentle consolation. Nevere has anyone dared to be tough and make me snap out of it."

    Seele chuckles, lips picking up in a lop-sided smile. "Heh. I'm no good at consoling, but I can give you a few hard knocks now and then, no problem." she replies. "But, unlike you, Miss Overworld Princess, Future Supreme Guardian. my memories of childhood are crystal clear. Why don't we go over things, see if we can't get yours a bit cleaned up." Bronya nods. "I'll, indulge in the past with you for a little bit... Seele."

    Stelle indicates to the others. "Lets leave them to talk... I think I remember seeing a stairway going down the other side of the hill from where we came up." she says, pointing over to it. "We'll catch up with them after they're done."

    The most Stelle's ever said in one go spoken, the tall greynette strides off, leaving the future guardian, and the Wildfire warrior to chat.

    Heading down the stairs, a girls voice can be heard wafting up once the party gets down about half-way. "Oh! It's here, we found it! Thank you Perkins!" It seems familiar. A slightly deep, but still high pitched child-on-the-cusp-of-teenage girls voice. Another voice, clearly synthesized, and male-aspected responds. "BEEP -- Don't Mention it, Clara." Rounding the corner, the white-haired girl in the red coat from the Mines, can be seen beside one of those 'Traffic Lights On Legs' robots, which shifts instantly into a defensive posture when it spots the group approaching. "Warning. Warning. Danger Detected! Warning. Warning. Directive: Protect Clara. Initiating active defense protocols."

    Before weapons are drawn, Clara darts in front of the robot. "Perkins, stop! I've seen these people before... they're not bad..." she looks over her shoulder, "R-Right?"
    "... So we're just gonna let them chill and talk this out?" Rebecca says when the decision seems to be to check out some stairs while Seele and Bronya clear the air.
    So to the stairs.
    When Becca hears the girl's voice she pauses to peer down the stairs.
    Then she sees the robot thing with the girl.
    Weapons are drawn.
    But thankfully before Becca can start unloading the girl in red interposes herself between the party and the robot.
    "You might wanna move out the way little choom." She points out.
Talia Kyras
    Talia nods. "We can only push onwards. But we'll figure out your past soon enough, I have faith in it." She offers Bronya a gentle smile, patting her on the shoulder before giving her and Seele some space. As she heads for the stairs, Talia motions for everyone to get ready. The robot suddenly appearing gives Talia reason to draw her weapon, until the kid interjects.

    "What are you doing here?"
    Letting the others sort things out, Jessica is all too happy to flee the growing discomfiting situation. The mercenary is actually less on the alert than the others who jump at the robotic sentry leaping to protect its charge, squinting at it instead, then the girl.

    "Well... we are kind of dangerous, I guess," she reasons. "So it's not totlaly wrong. But it is kind of strange to see someone here, isn't this place supposed to be abandoned?"
Bi De
    For once, Bi De chooses to be silent. Might as well pretend to be a wandering rooster while the crazy robot figures things out. He remembers how difficult the other one was... between not being flesh and blood, and his own weakened state, he's not really in a rush to have another fight.

    So the rooster hops up on a rock, fluffing feathers and peering at Clara, then clucking softly to himself.
    It's tense for a few moments. Becca and Talia's drawing of weapons has the robot on edge... but Clara gave it a command. "Command received. Danger Removed. Deactivating Defense protocol." The traffic-light-on-legs shifts back into a more passive stance, but the weapon-holders can still feel it 'staring' at them, despite not having any obvious optics.

    Clara turns around, staying in front of her companion robot so Becca doesn't get the idea to just shoot it... even the little bean can tell your MO. "This place is dangerous... you should leave." she says, glancing at Jessica. "It is, but I have Perkins to protect me... I'll leave once I've gathered up these painkillers." She sees Stelle's brow knit slightly, and, perceptive as she is, picks up on it. "Uh... you're here for them too... aren't you?" she asks.
Talia Kyras
    ?Talia clips her lightsaber to her belt as the robot stands down. She does look down at Clara, "Dangerous? How so? We already killed the ice monster." She asks. "We're still waiting on two others, we're not leaving without them." The Jedi adds dubiously.
    Jessica points out, "The monster might be gone, but other stuff will come in here now that it's gone. Unless someone sets up some kind of protection. It is probably kind of safe for now, but it won't stay that way." She's seen plenty of opportunistic predators move in back home!

    Ahs, "You're here for the painkillers? We're having trouble finding supplies though... a lot of them are gone. Are you the one that's been raiding them?" She doesn't sound angry... scavengers will do as they can.
    Slowwwwwly Rebecca lowers her guns.
    This is when she gets a sudden and burning question.
    "Wait, what do you need painkillers for? I thought you hung out with robot-guy?" She asks of the small bean-- er Clara.
    Clara headshakes. "I guess that makes sense. I'm sure there were a lot of injuries among the Miners." she sighs softly. "If everyone could just get along, things would be easier..." She shakes her head at Jessica. "I just came to get painkillers for the Vagrants. They moved in neare to Mister Svarog's camp for Robots... it's safter there than them being split up and braving the Fragmentum or the tunnels between settlements."

    This should answer Rebecca's question too, then Clara opens the package of painkillers she's gathered, and splits the contents in about half. There might be a couple of pills in it, but she offers one half to whoever steps forward to take it. "Here... I hope this helps." she says, offering a smile that's small, but filled with genuine warmth and brightens her pale face up considerably.

    Stelle looks around, "Is Svarog here too?" she asks, receiving a simple, "No." in response. "... What's your relationship with him...?" Stelle asks next, kneeling down to be closer to Clara's level.

    "Mister Svarog, he... he's my, family. I met Mister Svarog when I was very little. He took me in and took care of me." She looks down, wringing her hands a little. "I'm really sorry about what happen in the Great Mine... Mister Svarog doesn't trust any humans except for me... esepecially anyone from Wildfire."
    "Oh." That does answer Rebecca yes.
    The solo shifts her eyes a bit and whistles innocently. Things didn't exactly go peacefully the last time she ran into vagrants.
    Stuff happened.
    But then...
    TThe girl opens up her own find and splits the stash of painkillers...
    And some say... Rebecca's heart grew three sized that day.
    "... Awwwww man. That'stoo good of you, little choom..."
    Jessica unslings her pack and steps forward, since unlike Bi De she has hands to accept the offer. "That's very kind of you! And um, no hard feelings. It isn't the first time there's been a fight or near fight from a misunderstanding. It happens!" She can keep pretty cheery about things.

    Good thing she didn't shoot first and ask questions later. But a nice girl like her wouldn't do that, right?
Talia Kyras
    In Clara's defense that is adorably sweet of her. But Clara needs it just as much. Talia isn't sure if she has it in her to actually refuse such a generous gift. But she gently kneels before Clara and puts her hand on Clara's, pushing it back gently. "You don't need to risk yourself for us. You have need of it too."
Bi De
    Bi De hops up closer and gives a bow, "We appreciate the offer." He rises up again and does a little cluck. "From what I have seen, this land is harsh and unforgiving. It does not respond to my offerings. One must do what they can to survive, yes?"
    "Mister Svarog just wanted to stop the fighting between the Vagrants and the Miners. Wildfire wants everyone to leave the underground, but Mister Svarog wants everyone to stay here. According to his calculations, the overground is already unsafe." Clara looks to Talia, but hands the offered medicine to Jessica without speaking another word to the Mirialan. She's a soff bean, but she's a determined one once her mind is made up.

    "Could there be an error in his system? A bug in his calculation software?" asks Stelle, taking a thoughtful pose. Clara shakes her head firmly. "No, there can't be, his system is always being maintained and scanned for glitches like that. He says that his responsibility is 'Preservation'. To do that, he must make decisions that best protect humanity." she looks down. "I know Wildfire want to talk to him, but he won't change his mind... Maybe one day I'll get through to him and he'll listen to me..."

    About then, Seele shows up. "Clara? What are you doing here?"

    "Oh, you're Miss Seele from Wildfire. I came here to..."

    Stelle and Clara recount for the two new arrivals what's been discussed.
Talia Kyras
    ?Welp, no talking Clara out of this. Talia respects the hustle at least, and lets it go for now. "We've been to the surface, it's how we got here." She does point out. Then there's a handy exposition dump for Bronya and Seele, to get them up to speed.
    Seele frowns, having heard the recap. "Why are you helping the vagrants look for medicine? If they're so great, how could they make a little girl go around running errands for them?" she asks.

    "It's not like that! They didn't make me do anything! It's just, their living conditions aren't great. There's not even a clinic in their camp... so I wanted to help them out. Also... not all of them are bad people. Everyone just wants to survive."

    Seele is silent, and Clara pushes forward. "Miss Seele, did this medicine belong to Miss Natasha?" a small nod from the Wildfire member. "Then... can you let me take some of it? The vagrants injuries are quite serious." Cunning girl this one.

    Seele relents, "We'll split the painkillers with you, then." meaning the two halves remain with their respective keepers.

    Clara nods. "I have Perkins with me, so I'll be fine getting out on my own. I still need to look for a few other things before I go. Take care of yourselves." she says.

    Seele, once Clara is gone, goes over the supplies gathered. "Metal plates and bandages... rubbing alcohol... painkillers, great! That's everything. Lets head back to Boulder Town."