World Tree MUSH

Eradication Protocol

Peace Talks with Svarog disintegrated faster than candyfloss in a puddle. Now the group need to fight him off.
Character Pose
    "Prototype number 3, monitoring automaton Svarog, extermination protocol launch: Successful. Annihilation permitted!" the tall machine lifts its right arm, and fires a laser bolt out of an emitter on its palm at Talia. "Initiating bombardment." he says next, pointing his left hand forward, as ports open on his back. Micromissiles pour out, and bombard the area indiscriminately... apart from a wide area surrounding where Clara's currently hiding.

    That's when a voice comes from the direction the group entered from. "How can you put up your best fight without a doctor on the battlefield?" it asks. Natasha striding up as if the pockmarked arena didn't bother her in the slightest. "Stay focussed. I'm right behind you." she adds... as Sampo smarms his way up and gives a little bow, as if to say: See? I'm helping.

    "Looks like you guys had a bad talk, luckily Sampo Koski's got your back~." he says, before Svarog interjects again. "Base breached. Armed Wildfire personnel within inner perimeter. Assessing: All subjects are high-risk individuals. Commencing complete annihilation!"

    And thus, the fight truly begins.
Talia Kyras
    And so it's fighting time. Talia, lightsaber in hand glowing with emerald green light, really compliments her skin, and she remains stoic as Sarvog menaces the squad. "Your move." She says confidently, and Sarvog acts without a beat missed. A laser bolt of sorts being fired at her prompts Talia to act, she moves to block the bolt with her lightsaber, knocking it out of the air and bouncing it harmlessly into the floor.
    To her credit... Rebecca kept her trap shut during the negotiations...
    She was chomping at the bit but boy did she exercise some SEVERE incredible force of will to not speak up and ruin everything.
    And yet things went south anyway.
    "Ah crap crap crap...!" The solo hisses.
    "C'mon man don't make us do this..." She says, pleading.
    It's... It's not like Becca to turn down a fight. But there are other factors in play.
    Factors named Clara.
    Clara, who Rebecca-- well she doesn't have to kneel to get on the child's level.
    "This... This isn't going how we planned it little choomba. You might wanna get clear-- go. Hide." She urges the girl to get clear of the fight before it starts, as Becca moves to join her allies.
    There's a grim look on the edgerunner's face as she draws an assault rifle from her stash.
    And then. Svarog unloads a torrent of missiles.
    To her credit, Becca tumbles, ducking, rolling, and baseball slides her way out of extreme danger, but she doesn't get away unscathed as she stands up, jacket smoldering, skin burned and scorched as she raises her gun just in time for Sampo to show up with backup.
    "CRIPES WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Becca snaps at the man while aiming off-handedly at Svarog. She's... She's not shooting though. Not yet.
    "You don't have to annihilate shit! JUST LISTEN TO US, DAMMIT."
    Oh no, the giant robot is attacking! Jessica whines as the others join her, "Ohhhh... I should have known this would happen!" The catgirl tumbles away, looking in panic for cover! Her arms flail around a bit before she draws her pistol, but at least she isn't going to aim to destroy this one. She starts firing off shots intermittenly while looking for a better vantage, mostly to keep him busy-

    A missile explodes right next to her, rattling the catgirl with a squeal! She tumbles over, then scrambles to her feet. "This happens EVERY TIME I try to avoid confrontation!"

    *BLAM BLAM!*
Bi De
    That didn't go well. Now missiles and blasts are going all over the place! "This is a tactical error," he calls out. "I would have expected more from someone supposedly ruled by logic. You would do well to take advice from a Magistrate I know."

    But he knows he's also quite weak right now, compared to his normal self. He's just been underground too long! Not to mention this is an artificial lifeform, not someone with Qi meridians he can feel and judge. So the rooster is less aggressive right now, focusing more on evasion with a swift dash to the left, and also to the right.

    He's split into two, one rooster hard to see, black as night, and the other a shimmering brilliant one shining like moonlight.
    Svarog makes a gesture, and a hug robotic hand floats in from somewhere deeper in the compound. It floats beside the robot, as incoming attacks sprang off his armour. Jessica's Originium bullets cutting gouges in the plates, but failing to penetrate... whatever Svarog's made out of, it's a tougher alloy than the other robots.

    Natasha tosses something over at Rebecca, the ampule rupturing and splashing a green liquid over the cyborg. It absorbs into the skin quickly, releaving pain from the burns and even repairing some of the damage.

    Stelle, March and Dan Heng enter the fray, March channeling her Preservation power into a shield for Jessica, the energy field forming like a golden bubble to deflect incoming attacks.

    Dan Heng engages at melee range, comboing with Stelle with spear and bat.

    Meanwhile, Svarog weathers the assault, "Analyzing variables. Target selected." he says, pointing at Talia, which sends the hang zipping over to attempt to lock her inside a force barrier
    Jessica isn't sure how strong this is, but it's better than nothing! "Thanks!" She calls out, changing out a magazine in a hurried, yet smooth and practiced motion. Her ears are twitching, her face a mask of panic and concern and trembling lip. As if she herself doesn't realize how quick and smooth her actions are.

    Now that she has cover and a full magazine, the catgirl hunkers down and takes her shots more carefully, noting the thick armor and instead aiming to destabilize, or to just keep his attention. It worked once before, maybe Bi De can pull off a surprise killmove again! Team tactics just occur naturally to her, really.
    The shattered ampoule hits Becca and there's a soft hiss of relief from the solo as her burns tend to themselves. But this isn't going in a direction she's liking. Between Svarog summoning that mechanical hand and the others already laying into the boss robot himself, Rebecca curses loudly to herself.
    It's as the hand moves to envelope Talia that the solo shifts her attention off Svarog and starts opening fire, storming towards the big mechanical mitt, she unloads her assault rifle, drops the gun, pulls out a pair of pistols, unloads them, drops them, pulls out a high caliber precision rifle and starts laying into the hand with heavier rounds.
    Shot after shot after shot she pummels into the hand unit as it tries to envelop Talia until it either backs down, is forced to release the jedi, or destroyed, the edgerunner doesn't care which as she grits her teeth.
    "Talia, do something! We gotta get this guy to calm the fuck down!"
>> GAME >> Rebecca spends an Edge for: HANDS OFF THE SPACE MONK. :|
Bi De
    Jessica may be putting faith in Bi De, but while Bi De doesn't have the catgirl's confidence issues, he does have some doubts about his weakened state being able to duplicate his earlier feat. He may try... if he can spot an opening. This is a much tougher robot!

    Also, the rooster isn't looking to permanently disable... but the twin moonlight chickens are blitzing around to the flanks, witholding an attack so they can analyze again. Qi senses probably don't work all that well, but maybe he can at least get an idea of energy pathways or something, or some visible clue of a weakness. With luck it won't take too long, because he can see the others are already in trouble.
Talia Kyras
    Talia getting hit by the Force barrier leaves her completely immobilized. She struggles but nothing works, she could scream into the void until she went hoarse for all the good it'd do. Eventually she does see Rebecca doing a thing. C'mon, Becca, help a choom out.

    But Becca does indeed help. For all the differences they have about doing things, Talia can't help but appreciate the help. "Thanks..." She says after catching her breath, and she reactivates her lightsaber. She rushes towards Sarvog, leaping into the air and slicing down on him with her saber.
    Jessica's aiming for joints, or gaps. She finds one in the knee, plugging a round into the servo motor and forcing the robot to stagger, its leg failing to support it and sending him down to a kneeling position.

    Rebecca's fusillade on the big metal mit manages to mangle its manipulators, marking a multitude of marionette mishaps. The construct jerks, jitters, then slams palm-up into the ground, before detonating in a shower of debris. It's low velocity, just a few bits being launched by the anti-grav unit failing.

    Talia breaks free thanks to Rebecca's assault, and leaps up to try and slice through Svarog's crippled form. His optic flares, and his beam-hand lifts to CATCH THE LIGHTSABER, grabbing the blade like it were a physical one. "High-Risk individual." he states in that menacingly calm voice. His emitter fires, disrupting Talia's blade, before he hauls back to fling a metal mitt punch at the Jedi in return. His hand is scarred from the contact with the lightsaber, a charred mark across the palm and fingers... but not showing the workings beneath.

    Bi De's circling doesn't go unnoticed, and those micromissiles launch out again, trailing the twin birds as they run.
    Jessica huffs and ducks back again, to reload. "That's something! Press the advantage!" She isn't normally one to give orders, but this group has not been super coordinated until recently, so the normally shy catgirl is giving her own opinions finally!

    Seeing Svarog going for Talia, Jessica panics! She snaps a shot off, but not at random... she takes aim and is going for the 'wrist' joint. Not really to disable, she doubts she can do that with just a bullet or two, but even a moment of hesitation to guard or adjust would give Talia an advantage.
    "Dammit I didn't mean try and take his head off!" Becca snaps as Talia goes in with her saber. But then Svarog CATCHES the blade.
    "... Oh shit."
    Rebecca's never anything stop a jedi lightstaber, and she's been around both Talia and Lian Kamoya.
    It's as the bigass robot hauls off to deck the Mirialan that the solo lunges in.
    "HIGH-RISK THIS, YOU STUBBORN TIN CAN." She snarls, dropping her weapon as she reels back her own arm.
    Svarog's metal fist meets Gorilla Arm and for a moment the impact is so solid, so hard, and so jarring on both sides that, for a split second, time seems to freeze.
    Before Rebecca is reeling back from the blow, her arm shattered to the elbow, as the metal components that mame up her hand and forearm crumble and crumple away to reveal sparking wires, carbon nanotube musculature and the metal mechanical 'bone' of Rebecca's shattered elbow as she staggers back.
    It could have been worse. If Jess hadn't taken those shots at Svarog's wrist, Rebecca's whole arm to the shoulder might have been shattered and Becca probably taken out of the fight completely.
Bi De
    Okay, not quite stealthy enough! Bi De's two halves are fast, and running around toward one another behind Svarog... the missiles making a trail of explosions behind them! Hims? Whatever. Danger of cooked chicken!

    The two trails meet in the middle and with a flash of silvery light, they... vanish into an explosion. The dust clearing, leaving a slightly cooked rooster there, breathing hard, with the fading light of his moonlit Aegis shield to protect him from the worst of the explosion. Unfortunately he can't keep being defensive like this if he wants to be of help, so he braces for some action...
Talia Kyras
    The lightsaber should be able to cut through most materials like butter, melting through with barely any resistance. Talia's cut through solid steel with it and then some, turning war droids into slagged junk with ease and people in melty pieces of meat.

    This...was an exception to that rule. Her eyes go wide as Sarvog catches her lightsaber, and Talia braces for impact before Jessica and Rebecca jump in to help her out. The sight of Rebecca's arm falling apart makes Talia wince, but at least she's not been socked into the next dimension by that punch.

    She focuses in deep before lashing out with her hand, blasting Sarvog with a force push comparable to a cannonball at point-blank blast, shouting "ENOUGH!" at the top of her lungs.
    "Impact detected. Compensating." intones Svarog, the impacts knocking his swing off just enough he only breaks Rebecca's cybernetic arm, instead of the whole Smolo. "Recoil Absorber, peaking. Purge initiated." vents open on his upper arm, and steam erupts in a huge gout around him, before he finally finds his feet again. "Stability matrix restored. High-Risk individuals, threat index: Critical. Deploying countermeasures." right before getting nailed by a cannon-pulse of Force power. "... Family..." he says, falling over with a hard thunk, some plates of armour falling away, as sparks start scintillating across his body.

    Slowly he gets back into a kneeling position, voice glitching as he goes through a diagnostic sequence... oblivious as Natasha walks up with a grenade launcher, leveling it at the downed robot.

    That's when Clara leaves her hiding spot, and dives in front of her adoptive father, holding her arms out to the side. "Wait... WAIT! Please don't hurt Mister Svarog!" she cries, lifting a determined glare up at the group, tears welling up in her eyes.
    Still reeling from the impact, Rebecca staggers backwards, gritting her teeth. Though she draws another pistol in her remaining hand once she's regained her balance and rallies, she's still hesitant to actually open fire on Svarog.
    Talia hits him with The Force.
    And when the big mechanical lug topples to a knee, it looks like everything's over.
    Until Natasha aims her gun at him.
    And of course, of all people, Clara lunges to interpose herself between Svarog and Natasha's very loaded, very primed, very deadly weapon.
    "SHIT! CRAP CRAP CRAP, CLARA!" Rebecca near shrieks in a litany of profane terror as she takes a vaulting leap to put herself in front of the small child and a loaded gun, hunching her back towards the grenade launcher and gritting her teeth.
Talia Kyras
    Talia's force blast manages to knock Sarvog on his ass, once Talia see the fight was more or less over, she's quick to deescalate. "I think negotiations have failed." She says, her lightsaber turning off and clipping to her belt. It's when Natasha jumps in that Talia reaches out to grab the weapon out of her hands.

    "No." She says, ice cold. "He's already beaten. This is meaningless." The Jedi is in full peacekeeper mode, and she won't let go of that launcher.

    Poor Clara's puppy dog routine might be swaying Talia's desire to keep Sarvog alive. Even if he's been a total dick this whole time.
    Jessica needs little convincing. She was doing mostly distraction work anyway! Though the grenate launcher is met with alarm! "Don't do that! You have no idea if he'll explode and take everything out with him if you do that!" That's her warning even BEFORE Clara gets involved in this mess, but the important thing here is she isn't shooting.
Bi De
    Breathing hard, Bi De hops up, but it looks like others are handling the immediate. "This Bi De regrets to inform you that your 'father' was already broken. We came in peace, attempting to convince him. Rather than attempting to convince us we were wrong, he attempted to kill us. Perhaps he should reconsider who is really the greatest threat to the underground, if that is how peaceful overtures are met." He bows his head. "I will not attempt to further harm him, but he must realize this cannot go on."
    Clara seems appreciative of Becca diving in too. She thinks it to help protect Svarog. "Mister Svarog can't fight anymore, please... please don't hurt him!" she pleads, holding her position. Natasha, even without Talia grabbing her weapon, comes up short when two people dive in front of her shot. "Clara... Miss Rebecca... you..." she stammers.

    "Cla... ra..." glitches Svarog, his body shuddering like the other robots, his internal repair system taxed to fix the damage, making him jitter and spark.

    "Mister Svarog, can you tell them what you know?" asks the girl in red. When the robot doesn't answer, she presses. "You said you were willing to make all my wishes come true, right? My biggest wish right now is for everyone to work together. Like... like family. I recently learned something new... Calculation results can't always bring people happiness." she reaches out to place her hands on Svarog's knee. "Even if the world outsode the cage isn't beautiful... people still want to know what it's like."

    There's a pregnant pause, as everyones words, Bi De's, Jessica's, Clara's and Talia's seem to sink in. "Assessment system reset... successful. Processing variables... Variable 1: Clara's request... Variable 2: Outsiders' intentions." his optic housing lifts, looking across Stelle, Dan Heng and March, then to the other offworlders who are in front of him currently. "... Updateed assessment result: Transference of decision-making authority to outsiders. Outsiders are granted access to Stellaron intelligence."
Talia Kyras
    Talia lets out a breath as she drops the launcher and kneels in front of Clara. "I'm sorry we did that." She says to Clara, and Sarvog too. "I wish we could've avoided this, I truly do."
    "It sounds like he needed a reset," Jessica says as she holsters her weapon. "Um... probably could have found a less painful way to do that though. Let's make sure we don't mess this up at least, okay?"
    FINALLY weapons are lowered.
    "JESUS." Becca huffs, releasing the breath she had been holding for to long. "FUCK, I thought..."
    It doesn't matter what she thought as she sets her remaining hand on Clara's head. "You okay, little choom?" She asks, checking on Clara first and foremost while she catches her breath.
    "... I know what it's like to find your family." She mutters before toppling back on her ass while Clara asks Svarog to spill the details.
    Oh looks like he'll cooperate now.
    Rebecca half-heartedly raises her arm and her stump arm.
    "... Woo..."
    Seele sighs, "Is... Nat? Wildfire, the Underworld... did... did we win?" she asks. Natasha shakes her head. "No Seele. Our fight... THEIR fight." she looks at the offworlders. "Is only just beginning."

    Stelle, and the Nameless approach Svarog, as he slowly stops jittering, and begins to stand up again. He's clearly still damaged, but whatever self-repair system he's got stashed in that outer shell, it's working quickly. Bronya also steps up to listen. "Finally... We finally made it to this point." Seele steps up beside herr. "What? You nervous all of a sudden?" Bronya shakes her head. "No... but I do have an aching feeling in my chest."

    Stelle looks at Bronya seriously. "It's up to you to decide who's lying now." she says.

    Natasha kneels beside Rebecca, looking the solo over. "There's nothing I can do about your prosthesis... it's far beyond our technology to replicate or repair, but I can salve your other wounds, so long as they're in actual flesh, and not metal." she says, uncorking the large ampoule of that green liquid she keeps around her neck. "Just show me where it hurts."

    Bronya looks at Stelle, then nods. "I'm ready. Reveal the truth. I'm listening."

    Svarog looks across the assembly. "I have finished collating the Stellaron data and records. Do you wish to proceed, outsiders?" he asks.