World Tree MUSH

Do You Know The Way to Damcyan?

Character Pose
    Since the failed attempt to make it ot Damcyan, Rydia has remained in Kaipo. Mostly for the sake of ease, rather than return as fast as possible to Snowpeak, but also because she has other reasons.
    She hasn't exactly vetted Tellah with Zelda to see if the old man can come back to the hidden fortress in the mountain. And at the moment, she IS rather interested in learning what he may be able to teach her.
    Right now, though, it's a bit of some down time. The Kaipo inn's common area is buzzing with a few travellers, and that is why Rydia is out back, by the oasis. Having resumed her duties of helping out around the inn to earn her own keep, the girl is currently scrubbing away at the bedding, both to kill time and to stick to light activity by the cool water, while the beating heat of the desert sun is slowly sinking off into the horizon.
  After ensuring there was nothing more for her to do in Snowpeak Garrison, Princess Zelda had packed a few things and left for the village of Kaipo, somehow remembering the way despite the circumstances of her last visit.

Notably, she didn't walk, this time. She had been working with that giant horse of hers for some time now, and this point, she had felt confident saddling the monster. It wasn't the first time. She'd recruited help from her friends the first time just in case he'd turned violent.

So it is that the sound of big, broad hooves trudging in the sand might reach Rydia's ears. Zelda sits easily in the saddle despite the urge to wilt in the heat; riding clothes and her mourning cloak protecting her from the sun. She draws up the reins, lifting a hand to the summoner with a half-smile. "Grew tired of the cold mountain air, did we?" It's a joke. She knows why Rydia hasn't come back. "I needed to get away for a little while. Let me put him away, and I can help you, if you like?"
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil looks a lot different without his armor... and far less threatening. He isn't cleaning the sheets or anything, but he is helping in another way, if not with Rydia. Carrying some water for a local, that's all. And now returning, he's following behind Zelda, having caught the horse in his eye.

    "I was going to head up and see how Yumi is doing," Cecil notes, "But you know how one thing leads to another."
Terra Branford
    It's a big horse, okay?! Terra is also quiet and has nowhere near the presence Zelda has and so she's easily missed if you aren't looking for her rather bold color scheme.

    She slides from atop the tremendous horse and steps away, looking from Rydia to Zelda, she bobs her head, "Hello, again!" Then the matter of putting the horse away out of the elements is brought up, "I'll help as well! If..." Well, she doesn't have apples so she's unsure of how much the horse will actually put up with her.

    Also, she doesn't seem terribly bothered with the heat. Perhaps just a little uncomfortable but she's so pale and unburned. It's not fair, is it!?

    She turns as Cecil speaks up and lifts a hand in quiet greeting. She's still a bit weird like that.
With age comes privilege. Rydia is working to earn their keep, whereas Tellah opts to stay indoors where the sun creates less punishment. That isn't to say that he is spending his afternoon napping. Rather, he has taken the time to review entries in his spellbook and getting to know his companions. At least the ones who are comfortable casting magic.

Any interaction he has with Cecil is courteous, but otherwise brief. It's almost as if they have nothing in common. Not yet, anyway.

The 'thuppida-thuppida' of a large four-legged creature attracts his attention from inside his room. He takes a moment to walk over to a window, and see what in the world it might be. That is when he sees the convergence of Rydia, Cecil, Zelda, and Terra. Seizing the opportunity to regroup with everyone all at once, he literally seizes his cane that leans against the desk. He'll close the spellbook with a semi-loud 'fwop' before hastily leaving his room. In another minute, he will be outside making his way over to the rest.
    That horse...
    Rydia recognizes the hard stamping gait by sound alone as the easily enraged equine makes way into Kaipo with princess and esper atride his back. Rydia knows better than to just approach and take the reins though, like she would for most other traveler's mounts. Not only does Zelda have the beast well in hand, but the fact of the matter is... Rydia likes remaining un-trampled.
    "It's fine, I was almost done." She comments to the princess when Zelda, of all people, offers to help with the laundry, along with Terra to boot. It speaks volumes about a royal who is willing to do simple tasks on their own- let alone for altruism's sake. It's one of the reasons Rydia legitimately likes her.
    The Dark Knight, without his armor, is a sight Rydia has gotten used to. But then again, no longer does she seem put ill at ease by his dark, brooding, and bulked out appearance, when he IS clad in that black plate of his, so used she's grown to his presence. "I sent a message to Yumi that we'd be here if she wanted to come look for us. Considering our trip to Damcyan didn't go as planned.
    Tellah, for the most part, she has tried to not disturb, keeping to occasionally poking in on his room in the past day to see if he needed anything, or otherwise listen if the old Sage had something to say, but she hasn't actively harassed him during the oppressive heat of the day.
    Wiping her hands dry on her tunic she sets her washbasin aside and dips bare feet in the water, before flopping back in the sand. It was a hot day, and if people she knows are going to start arriving then it is officially break time from inn work.
  Sliding from the saddle, Zelda takes her horse by the reins and makes her way to the stable. She's well-acquainted with the stable, having looked after Link's horse for some time there.

It doesn't take her long, thankfully. She's got the beast well in hand in spite of the rocky start; she even keeps him from trying to mangle anybody along the way! Hooray?

When the princess comes padding back across the sand, she settles beside the oasis, shrugging out of her cloak and kicking off her boots to dip bare feet into the cool water. After a moment she leans forward, scoops up a handful of water, and dumps it over her head.

Three or four more scoops follow, and she lets it soak into her hair and run down the back of her collar.

That's better.

She sighs, leaning back and folding her arms over her knees; resting her head on her crossed arms. "Well," she says, not bothering to pick her head up, "it's nice to see Kaipo without bleeding out." She continues in a slightly smaller voice. "Merciful Hylia, I do /not/ remember it being this hot here."

Picking her head up, she looks over to note Cecil, raising a hand to him in formal greeting. "Sir Harvey. It is good to see you again." She looks to Rydia again. "We travelled without incident, and I do not believe we were followed. I would like to speak with this 'Tellah.' If he can be trusted, I would like to invite him to Snowpeak Garrison. Perhaps, if he is willing, he may be able to help us--"

Oh. There's Tellah. The princess falls silent, guarded once more and eyeing the old man quietly. As before, she looks exceedingly plain in her riding clothes and with plain, unadorned chestnut hair braided loosely. Only her eyes suggest there may be more to her than meets the eye -- soft summer-blue, and frighteningly clear and wise for her apparent age.
Terra Branford
    Terra looks on, settling down near the water with Rydia as Zelda takes the horse. The Princess seems to know where she's going so the half-esper is willing to let her handle that on her own. "I hope everything's been alright?" She looks to Rydia. Not everything, probably. The trek through that cave was a bust but at least there are friendly faces about!

    Her gaze sweeps up once more to Cecil. He really does look different now. Unable to think of much more to say, for the moment, she hushes up until everyone joins the little waterside gathering.

    Zelda returns, gets comfy and she briefly contemplates a dip in the water but no, she didn't think about doing something like that on the way. So she curls her legs and leans forward a little. She almost misses Tellah's approach, but others taking note of him catches her eye and she looks. Oh, that man from the cave. Again, words fail her so she keeps her trap shut for the time being.
Tellah approaches the collective with his cane thumping into the ground with every step that he takes. It is a rhythm that is done by choice, punctuating his presence and announcing his approach. His glasses seem to be even darker in the evening sun, completely obscuring his eyes from those assembled. Despite the weather, he is still wearing his robe as well as his long pants. Either poor circulation keeps him cold at any temperature or there is something he knows about keeping cool that he isn't sharing with the rest of the group.

At any rate, he is within earshot.

"It is nice to have everyone together again," he says to those assembled. "Rydia. Terra. Sheik. Cecil Harvey the Dark Knight."

The man without armor, more like. Even Tellah can tell a significant difference. But he doesn't linger on the polarizing shift between the Dark Knight and the seemingly affable man underneath of it. Instead, he continues with, "Back once again. Perhaps we are considering an alternate route to Damcyan in the immediate future?"
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil shrugs back, with a wry smile to Terra. "It has been calm enough, but it worries me that we're further delayed to Damcyan. With how the Red Wings have mobility, I am concerned about Baron's designs..." he trails off as Tellah approaches, letting the elderly man catch up.

    "We could trek through the mountains," Cecil admits. "Or attempt to find an airship of our own. There are certainly some available in the wider realms of the tree. I worry about attracting the attention of Baron's air force though, or worse yet making Damcyan assume an attack from us."
    With everyone choosing now to arrive or step out into the cooler evening air, Rydia has definitely earned some break time. If anything, she remains laying right where she is, almost curiously watching Zelda cool herself down with those several scoops of water.
    This does not seem to surprise her. Especially with how the princess has stated Hylia is venerated in water, then the simple act of dousing oneself to cool down is completely practical, in comparison to praying while waist deep in a pool.
    "The summer season is hitting hard." She says mildly. "It was a lot cooler than this, year round, in the valley of Mist, though." She points out to 'Sheik'.
    Considering how quiet Kaipo is, even with the failed trip to Damcyan, this has practically been a VACATION for the little Summoner as she glances sidelong at Terra. "Mm. It's kind of relaxing here. Even with all the work to do.
    And then, there's Tellah.
    Instantly the girl is sitting up, jade eyes turning on the wizened Sage as he emerges from the inn and makes his round of greetings. Cecil tackles his question though, but it makes the girl frown.
    "Yeah... Wouldn't an airship just get the Red... ... The Red uh..."
    What? Who expects a girl raised in a secluded valley to know the name of a vast military power's airforce?
  The Hylian straightens up at the distinctive approach of the old man, looking up. She inclines her head politely when he acknowledges her, but it isn't the gesture of a common traveller. She's some kind of aristocracy, even if she passes herself off as a servant of the royal family.

Settling down cross-legged, 'Sheik' folds her hands in her lap, regarding Tellah curiously. Rydia catches her attention, though, and she briefly pulls an unprincessly face. "There is only one desert where I come from, and we have not been there. I am not used to this kind of heat."

She glances back to Cecil when the Dark Knight offers his opinion, before shaking her head. "There are no such things in my homeland, but I would imagine if they have supremacy over the skies, travelling by air would only attract undue attention, yes?"

Her gaze gradually tracks back over to Tellah. "I am unfamiliar with the ways of this world. The others called you a sage. Does that have any particular connotations in this realm, or is it simply a term for a learned man? Such a term has significance in the place I am from." Zelda studies Tellah carefully, looking for a reaction. "I am curious, though perahps it is a slight divergence from the topic at hand..."
Tellah is splitting his attention between those assembled when they seem to focus on him. He'll wait for a convenient break in the distortion of social dynamics to say what needs to be said, and answer the questions that have come his way.

"An airship would get us close enough to Damcyan such that we could walk. They would not consider it an attack if we were to land, rather than fly overhead," he offers to Cecil. "But, Dark Knight, I don't know for certain if air ships are plentiful. Baron has the lion's share of them, if I remember correctly." With Tellah, that is a toss of the dice.

Sheik's question as to the validity of a sage draws Tellah's attention next. His fingers curl around the top of his cane as he says, "A Sage is one who has devoted their lives to studying both hemispheres of magic across numerous schools. For ease, we refer to these hemispheres as White and Black magic. Some busy themselves with White Magic. Others--" He surreptitiously motions to Rydia, "--are more suited to Black Magic. I would like to believe that being a Sage has tremendous significance here, but I cannot be certain it is the same significance as you have in your home. Did I adequately answer your question?"
Terra Branford
    Yes, perhaps splashing water on herself or stripping out of anything is best left for another time. Besides, Terra isn't particularly harried by the heat. Anyway, talk gets serious and she turns her body to better face the group as a whole.

    "Red Wings," Terra repeats for Rydia's sake, nodding up at Cecil, then shifting her gaze to Tellah. Then 'Sheik', then back. "Good evening."

    Should she stand? There's a tiny prickle of an urge to stand rigidly at attention in the presence of more than a few of her companions. The subconscious urge only makes her rub her arm uncomfortably. "I'm sure there's another way. If flying could risk detection perhaps it's best if we don't unless we have to. Perhaps a Vine from elsewhere could connect us to the place we wish to go?" It's a thought, though she shakes her head and lowers her gaze. "I suppose that's counting far too much on good luck." Which is historically lacking when it comes to most of the people assembled here. "Sorry."

    Tellah's take on everything offers a bit more perspective, perhaps and she even begins to wonder if an airship might actually be a good idea. She manages to look thoughtful but decides once more to save her thoughts; surely everyone else has something more useful to say!
Cecil Harvey
    "Yes, the Red Wings," Cecil confirms, also clarifying for Rydia. "And it's true Baron has most of the airships here, but an offworld ship could likely make the approach. The risk is in finding one and then Baron seeing it as a threat. It would put that ship in danger of the fleet. We might find someone willing to do that anyway, but..."

    Cecil shrugs, indicating that's up to luck, just like the Vine one. "The Vine passage might be more useful... if we can find one. Navigating to an uncharted world seems to be more luck than anything else."
    The Red Wings. Them. Yes. Just bringing Baron up makes Rydia's cheeks puff up. There's a hardness in her eyes, flashing for only the briefest of instants before they soften when she looks to Cecil.
    As much as she blames Baron for the destruction of her home, not everyone from that land is evil; as the Dark Knight, of all people, has shown. Still, everyone seems to be of the opinion that catching the attention of the Red Wings is pretty bad.
    "He said he was from Mysidia." She adds to Tella's explanation of what a Sage is. "I've never been there, but mom used to tell me that it was a place full of people who study a lot and know strong magic. Harley's from there too, and she's one of the smartest people I know."
    But she trails off faintly. She caught Tellah's motion in regards to her potential for Black Magic, and it makes the girl's lips purse in brief contemplation.
  "Yes, I believe that is a satisfactory answer." 'Sheik' inclines her head again, gracious. "Thank you, Sage."

The Hylian falls silent as the others discuss the best way into the Kingdom of Damcyan. She has no input here, and so she busies herself with tugging apart her braid, carefully picking it apart where she has to, and occasionally plucking a twig or leaf from it and tossing it aside. Hazards of the road.

Pulling a wooden comb from her belt, she sifts through the tangles, listening in silence. She might look distracted, but she's taking in every word, eyes flicking back and forth between speakers with her head tilted sideways.

She doesn't comment on the nature of magic. There is more important business afoot. If she wants to discuss magic theory, she'll have to seek out Tellah later. The idea is half tempting.

Zelda pats the ground beside herself, silently inviting Terra to join her, since the half-Esper looks incredibly awkward just standing around there. Maybe it'll answer Terra's silent question of whether to stand at attention or not.

She herself isn't a stranger to magic. That aura of divinity attends her no matter how normal she looks, like the shadow of the iceberg that lurks below the tiny and unassuming top. She nods briefly at Rydia's explanation, evidently satisfied by it. So, Mysidia is a nation of scholars. That place might be worth visiting, someday...

"Perhaps the Sage is correct, and we might travel partway by air and continue the rest of the way afoot. It may yet attract some attention, but it would cover a great deal of ground for us. And perhaps it may not hurt to investigate local Vines and see if something more convenient presents itself, yes...?"
Tellah looks askance to Terra. He had greeted her before, but it seems he has had very little to say since then. It hasn't been much in the way of dialogue between them, ever since he looked at her and mysteriously uttered the word 'soon'. But in this instance, he locks eyes with her and says, "You needn't apologize for trying to help."

That said, Tellah turns his attention back to those assembled. The plot thickens for their options to get to Damcyan. There hasn't been much in the way of explaining why anyone else must needs to get there, but it doesn't matter. He has his reasons, and they are paramount.

He thumps his cane twice into the ground. "We do not have an airship that we know of," he says, deflating his previous proposal. "Unless Cecil Harvey Dark Knight can divine one from the ether, we may have to resort to the vines. It is unfamiliar territory for me, but I would be eternally grateful if someone would lead us to Damcyan from them. I still have a sickening premonition of what may happen, and it involves my daughter and a detestable bard."
Terra Branford
    Terra shrinks down to the ground beside Zelda gratefully. It was an effort of will not to seem weird and awkward just then but appears she may have failed. At least she seems okay with letting that go, taken up for the moment with getting at least somewhat comfortable.

    It also does her some good that her thought is well received and she relaxes ever so slightly as a result. That relaxation slides away as she thinks of something else. She steals a glance at Tellah but maybe she's just a bit intimidated. What did he even mean before!?

    "My world has airships as well." She drums her fingers on her knees, "I believe they're all military assets, though." So, about as helpful as the Red Wing's airships right? "I don't remember much so perhaps they weren't often used?"
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil shakes his head, "If you can find one, I can pilot it... but I'm afraid I have no real idea of how they are made. And there is no equivalent to the Serpent Road like Baron and Mysidia had," he adds, looking to Tellah. The sage should know what he means. "The Vines may be our best bet, or someone who is very, very good at teleporting. I haven't met anyone like that..." he frowns suddenly.

    "At the least," he continues, "We should search out someone with solutions. Perhaps Athena, or Aloy? Someone from another world." He smiles to Tellah. "I think you will have quite the experience."
    Regardless of how the group decides to get to Damcyan, one thing is certain. It's not happening right now. With the cave in blocking off the waterway, and the skies being too much of a risk, the only option is to deal with the process of navigating the Tree itself and hoping to find a path. That might take a while.
    For now though, there's little to do about it, and when Terra joins her and Zelda at the edge of the water, Rydia shifts slightly. It is a surprising show of trust, that the smaller green-haired girl quietly slips herself into the half-esper's lap without a word. "Athena or Aloy have both seen a lot. They'd be good to bring along in just about any situation." She idly muses.
  The Hylian is mostly quiet, her eyes tracking between the others as they discuss various options regarding a world she has very little familiarity with. In this she is content to let Rydia and Cecil take the lead. Both have proven themselves more than trustworthy.

Zelda does not offer to try to find the right Vine, nor does she offer to lead the way. That's for the others to decide, and the Triforce of Wisdom appears to be silent on the matter. There is no benefit in this to her people, and these people appear to have the matter well in hand. Challenging what appears to be the injustice within the Kingdom of Baron is not her duty.

If the day comes that her friends issue a challenge, she will certainly stand with them.

But that day isn't here, not yet.

"You care for your daughter very much, to go to her aid under such duress, and from such distance." Zelda's observation is soft and quiet. There is pity in her eyes, though she still doesn't commit herself or the others to anything in particular. It's not her place.

Instead, she focuses her attention on Terra, briefly checking to make sure the half-Esper is situated comfortably. Or at least as comfortable as she can seem to get. That girl is more nervous than a cat on a hot tin roof most of the time. What is it that vexes her so badly?

Thoughts for another day, though. Zelda glances back to Cecil, arching a brow. A pilot, too? "You have many hidden talents, Cecil Harvey." She sounds impressed. To the logistics, though, she can only shake her head. Most of her magic relates to healing and protection, not mobility, and she's never heard of anybody who could do that.

Zelda leans back, reaching over in what seems like a casual gesture -- and ruffles the hair of Rydia once she settles in Terra's lap, with a small and secret smile reserved for both green-haired girls. It's meant as an encouragement. We'll get through this, it seems to say.

"That would be a logical beginning." Zelda inclines her head, briefly, settling back into the sand as comfortably as she can. "I have not spoken with either too much, but both seem well-travelled and knowledgeable. They may be able to help us."
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil smiles. "I was Captain of the Red Wings. I can't say I am an expert pilot, but I can make the ship go the way I want it to. The job was more than just barking orders." The smile fades then, the Dark Knight going back to brooding a little... though the way Terra and Rydia have bonded seems to catch his attention enough to lift an eyebrow.

    "Regardless, Sage Tellah, we have our own reasons to hurry. It sounds as if you do as well," he notes. "We will move as fast as we can, so you can meet your daughter as well."
Tellah walks over to the small pool where everyone appears to have congregated, making a sound as he bends one knee to get closer to the water. He touches his fingers to it, testing the temperature upon contact. His moustache twitches, and he seems unable to help himself. He starts to mutter something sotto voce while moving his hand in a circular motion. He'll then stick his fingers back into the water, and something beneath the surface seems to discharge. In moments, the water feels to have gotten colder. Not ice cold, but noticeably more chilled than it was in the warm sun.

He'll look back over to Zelda when she mentions his daughter, more specifically the care he has and the effort he expends. "It is a pittance," he tells her. "I would give everything I have and anything I know to have my Anna back. She is the most significant magic that I have ever been witness to, and the only family I have left." He speaks of these things very casually, but even his tone does not gloss over the gravity of the words. "You all have experienced a sense of importance and attachment before. She is my sense of importance. My attachment." He splashes the water with his hand again, then starts to rise back up to a standing position.

"Thank you, Cecil Harvey Dark Knight," he says to the other man. "Should we be successful, I will find some way to repay you."
Terra Branford
    Yeah, good. Facing her previous handlers is a terrifying thought. So, she heaves out a little sigh and then- Then she makes a small noise as Rydia shuffles over onto her lap. A moment's confusion reigns before being replaced by something more tranquil. Rydia gets a squeeze for her trouble.

    Noticing the looks from around the group, she squirms just a bit- more from the scrutiny than anything.

    "Did they elope? I've always wondered..." She stops, letting her eyes swivel in Tellah's direction. He's so determined, maybe that was an awful thing to say. "I'll do everything I can to help you find your daughter." There's a weird thought in her head that maybe there's a misunderstanding but then she thought the same about Copen a few seconds before he nearly beat her to death. So she knows not to trust her hopeful attitude completely. That sad thought leads her to squeeze Rydia again. Other people here have been through far worse! She needs to keep that in mind. Everything seems to vex her to some extent!

    "What is it you're doing to the water?"
    Rydia gets about as comfortable as she allows herself to be at any given time. Unfortunately, Terra will learn all too well, that even from the safety of the half-esper's lap in a town untouched by strife, Rydia is still a tense, nervous, wreck. It's easy enough to feel just from the proximity, though the squeeze seems to mitigate that somewhat. It's all ruined, however when Zelda musses the Summoner's hair, causing the girl to squirm and shoot the princess-in-hiding a tiny huff.
    "Wait, you were Captain?" She asks Cecil, surprised. "What happened? You came walking into Mist through the southern cave, why didn't you, of all people, just come flying over the mountains then?"
    But then she purses her lips. Too many people are separated from the ones they love in this world, huh. And hearing the wizened Sage speak so solemnly about his missing daughter makes the Summoner's chin dip to her chest as the old man retires for the evening.
  "Oh." Zelda seems to deflate just a little when Cecil relates that he was the Captain of the Red Wings. It's disappointing not because of the information, but because she simply hasn't had the chance to talk to him and get to know him very much just yet. "I see."

...It's also strange to see Cecil smile. It isn't unwelcome, but it's still kind of strange. He spends a lot of time doing the broody Dark Knight thing and Zelda's gotten rather used to that; like having a Darknut hanging around or something, with all that armour and brooding. It's nice to see him in a less ominous light, although Zelda still looks faintly baffled by his expression.

Zelda looks on quietly as Tellah answers her. Her own expression shifts, although it's such a subtle change that she may not even be aware that it does. Yes, it seems, she has indeed experienced a sense of importance and attachment. She still does even if it's far away and distant; there's a flicker of pain behind those summer-blue eyes. Just as quickly, her expression seems to shutter, as she recognises the sliver of pain and stifles her reaction.

Her people still need her, even as she wastes her time here... but it's not really wasting time if it's helping somebody, is it?

"I understand, Sage," she says softly, gaze sliding away from the Sage of Mysidia, like water around a stone.

The princess reaches up and back, to something at her shoulder; a ragged parcel of some kind bound in linen. It's the very old harp that she withdraws, unwrapping it carefully and laying it over her lap. Fingers pluck at the strings idly as she falls into a brooding silence of her own as the Sage of Mysidia takes his leave; her gaze flits between the group members, but she only shakes her head and drops her gaze to the strings.
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil looks away uncomfortably, shrugging again. "A man's family is important..." To Tellah, of course, but his discomfort is over Rydia's question. That is an interesting one, isn't it?

    "I was demoted," he answers bluntly. "I objected to one of my recent missions, as I thought it was unnecessarily violent, and asked for clarification. My best friend Kain defended my insubordination, and was likewise sent on that mission as... it was a punishment, I suppose. And then with what happened I wonder now if I was even supposed to survive, but the King was like a father to me. It's why I want answers."
Terra Branford
    Terra chews on Cecil's words a bit longer. His situation is close enough to hers, she supposes, that she feels guilty having no words of comfort to offer. Not words that really satisfy her own idea of what it might take to ease the pain. "At least here you're among friends."

    "We're working to perhaps get to the bottom of this situation and then... Perhaps..." She can't offer much there, either. She doesn't really know what's going on, certainly not if even the people directly involved are likewise not clued in.

    Her look swings around at the group, "Should we continue to cool off by the water or perhaps talk more over food? If you've been working all day you should eat." Rydia gets a nudge at that. "I'm sure we'll be able to come up with something and, I suppose, we have something to go on now. Right?" Two possible but difficult approaches to a terrible problem.
    Seeing Cecil smile is weird even for Rydia. Regardless of how much she's grown used to the Dark Knight's presence, and in spite of knowing that under all that brooding there's a generally good man, it still makes the Summoner blink. But then she feels guilty about pressing him with such a thoughtless question, neck shrinking into her shoulders like a tiny turtle.
    "Your king sounds like an ass. If he'd do that to you after raising you."
    She'll opt to blame everything on another target, as children are prone to do. But it is Terra's nudge that does remind her...
    Yes, eating is a thing. She should go do that. "Yeah. I'll see about getting dinner served for all of you, first." She decides, picking herself up from the half-esper's lap to slip off and go do that.
  The princess looks at Cecil but offers no comment. There is no judgement in those eyes. From all she can glean, he is a decent fellow, and more upstanding than she might have assumed. His sword makes her teeth itch, but the warrior himself is unquestionably a good man.

Zelda dips her head at his blunt answer and sighs through her nose. So much misfortune and strife to befall these people. None of them deserve such trauma.

She offers no words of comfort. What can she say? All she can do is shake her head as she mutes the harp strings with a touch. She cradles it carefully, wrapping it again and stowing it over her shoulder. To Terra's question, Zelda only shakes her head.

"I can but pray to the Author of Law for answers," she offers quietly, once Tellah is out of earshot. The princess climbs to her feet. "Aside from my bow or blade, that is all I can offer. Go, and eat. I will come later. I will walk the sands for a little while; I need to think."

There's a long pause, as though she were going to say something else, but the princess eventually shakes her head and pads across the town square without another word.