World Tree MUSH

A Perfectly Normal Walk Home

Character Pose
Ochako Uraraka
    It's afternoon! School's let out, Ochako has said her goodbyes to her friends and it's off toward the apartment her parents rented for her straightaway. Well... Maybe not.

    Along the way, she's changed her route up to duck away from crowds and things. She's taking the opportunity to get a little exercise, save a bit of money by skipping out on public transit and this way has a small shop she really likes for the quaint little retro games and the extra thrifty prices on snacks.

    Anyway, almost there, the student grasps the straps of her backpack and with a new spring in her step, makes a turn toward a shortcut between two short apartment buildings. "Huaaaah, I can't think after all that stuff we were supposed to learn." She hangs her head back, shuts her eyes and just counts off the steps. Total. Autopilot.
Yumi Tachibana
    After having met Deku and Froppy, Yumi has found herself... curious. She's already confirmed there's no sort of magic in this world (although Quirks can, apparently, get pretty ridiculous), but the simple fact of the matter is...

    It's a world of superheroes.

    Something about that resonates with the young lady, somehow. So here she is, backpack over her shoulder, wearing a foreign school uniform so she /sort of/ blends in (or at the very least, so she won't get asked 'young lady why didn't you go to school today'). It ends up that she's not too far behind Ochako; and seeing the girl turn down an alleyway, she can't help but stopping at the entrance to stare down that way in curiosity.
Sasuke Uchiha
     As Ochako made her way down that new short-cut route to avoid the crowds and Yumi has ended up tailing her, They'll both find a mysterious man walking through the streets and not even bothering to hide. Whether it was his piercing black eyes, or the eway his hair covered up his left eye completely, or the cloak that enshrouded his entire appearance aside from his head, it's not exactly an immediately friendly appearance. Though Sasuke doesn't appear to even notice Ochako or Yumi as he looks around. 

     No, instead he seems to just be exploring a little bit.

     Judging from how he looks on with a curiousity that's effectively visually expressed in a deadpan's not hard to see that he doesn't quite belong there. Is he from another world? Is he friendly?
Ochako Uraraka
    Totally not suspiciously, Ochako takes a moment at the entrance of the alley. Just a moment to sneak a guilty look over her shoulder as her grip changes on her backpack. Someone might notice Something Up with that little situation if they really really look hard!

    Still, she catches a look at Yumi. Hnh. Never seen that uniform before and then her eyes wander toward Sasuke. Huh? Wow, they look super lost.

    With a little inward sigh, she abandons the pursuit of her guilty pleasure and turns from the alley, lifting a hand and waving, "Heeeeeey!" There's a pause while she waits to see if that got the guy's attention, "Are you lost?" Seems she's doing a fair bit of being helpful to people that have gotten lost lately. So, okay! "Do you need directions? Ah..." Again, she glances to Yumi. Then again, maybe that girl needs directions too?
Yumi Tachibana
    Well, he's not hiding himself; Yumi's senses are at /least/ good enough to pick up someone incongruous like Sasuke, as long as they're not hiding. But unlike her, that girl over there is a local, and she doesn't know this other guy's deal at all, so she'll just... let Ochako take the lead on this one. But she's being looked at too? "-oh! No, don't mind me, I'm fine."
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke looks to Ochako, pausing as she tries to greet him politely. He does't even smile, doesn't even say hello. He simply answers exactly to the question he was greeted with. "I'm exploring. What is this world?" Sasuke asks curiously in an emotionless voice. Nevertheless, those cold eyes, despite what warmth may be underneath, lock directly onto Uraraka. 

Then his eyes look to Yumi. Though he doesn't greet her either, as if he was curious as to what both of these ladies were even doing at this time of night. Though he says nothing. "I'm exploring. Though thanks for the concern." Well, atl east he's not being a jerk...yet.
Ochako Uraraka
    Wow. Well. Not everyone's bound to be as friendly as Ochako tries to be, sure but... A hand goes to the back of her head, "Right! Sure, so this is Earth. Eh, an earth? I don't really know much about the other worlds but this is just one of 'em!" Though she does get a weird sort of vibe there's nothing overtly menacing so she doesn't feel afraid. More awkward than anything, really.

    To Yumi, she nods. At least she's still managing a friendly smile! "Kyaaah, my friends are better at this stuff than I am. Sorry!" She holds out a hand, then makes a fist and strikes a bold pose. "But if you need to know where to find stuff cheap I know where /all/ the best deals are at! And today-" She points down the alley. "My favorite candy store has the best deals for today! Oh! Oh! I almost forgot! I'm Ochako Uraraka!" She bows. Wait, did her backpack just kinda... hover for a sec? "Nice to meet you- You too," she nods to Yumi.
Yumi Tachibana
    Sasuke asks a question that Yumi isn't very well-equipped to answer, so she leaves that one to Ochako. Instead, she listens intently, especially to- "-candy?" The redhead's eyes light up... then fall slightly. "Oh wait, no, that's- that won't work. Even if they use the yen here." There are several issues with Yumi making a purchase here, but they're irrelevant. "Oh, ah, I'm Yumi, Yumi Tachibana." A formal, polite bow of greeting. "I'm from offworld, but I met a couple of students from here a couple weeks back. I thought I'd come take a look around. So I guess I'm in the same boat as him," she adds, pointing to Sasuke with a thumb.
Sasuke Uchiha
     Sasuke watches Ochako as she seems to go on a completey different tangent than what he asked after she gives him a rather vague answer. So this world doesn't have a name either other than 'earth' huh? He ponders if simply the names were just lost to time, but...who can say? Though what's really interesting is the way how Ochako's backpack floats. Does she have some kind of power? He's noticed that others don't rely on chakra or other means as he does so....very interesting to see. 

     His eyes then shift to Yumi as she introduces herself. Seems she's also an offworlder? Well, at least Sasuke has at least -one- thing in common with someone in this world. "I am Sasuke Uchiha." No 'nice ot meet you young ladies', he's very straight to the point. "I see news about these people called 'Heroes'. Can you explain them to me? I believe they are slightly different from where I hail from."
Ochako Uraraka
    Ochako doesn't notice her own little slip until she straightens and feels the bump of her bookbag settling into place. Nobody here seems offended or anything so it should be fine! Momentarily distracted by thoughts of candy, though, she nods eagerly! "Yes! The deals are so super good I have to stop by once a week to stock up! Oh wow, really, you too? Some of my friends have met people from offworlds, too! Er, is that an alright way to put it? Anyway! Wow, maybe you met someone I know!"

    Sasuke gets a surprised look at the mention of heroes but she doesn't appear to mind. She nods, "I'm going to school to become a hero too, eheh. Still, heroes are everywhere here! They stop villains and rescue people in trouble and the very best ones make lots of-" Pause. Dial it down Uraraka. "-people happy by smiling while they do it! So are you, like, a hero too? I mean." Yeah, she's kind of reminded of her own homeroom teacher. Oh, wow, yeah. Except this guy doesn't look /as/ tired.
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi thinks for a moment. "Well, I dunno if you'd know them or not, but I think they're around our age, at least. A Midoriya and an Asui, they were there to help with this... it was kind of a weird hostage situation, I guess." She folds her hands together in front of herself. "Back home, heroes aren't anything more than fiction, so having worlds show up where they're real is... it's pretty amazing, actually. So I really wanted to come take a look," she admits.