World Tree MUSH

Catching Wild Pokemon? Results May Vary.

A couple Team Rocket grunts are trying to capture a rare and potentially undiscovered Pokemon while causing a scene near Beryl City in the Hawthorn Grove Park. Luke Gray and Asato investigate. Confusion ensues.
Character Pose
     Not too far away from Beryl City is a great picnic spot for all types to visit. Whether you're with your sweetheart, with your favorite pokemon, or just enjoying the peaceful atmosphere by yourself, Hawthorn Grove Park serves as beautifully landscaped area for people of all ages. A man- and pokemon-made pond exists amidst the field of green attracting a number of all kinds of wild pokemon to visit while benches and a simple bark-lined walkway provides a walking path for those visiting from the city. 

     The sky is partly cloudy, yet otherwise clear and sunny, providing respite from the sun in small bursts. People are having fun and children are playing, eating ice lollies, or sipping lemonade. It's not a very busy place, but it's a well-liked place. One little girl runs up to her mother with a small sob. It seems she tripped and skinned her knee a bit, but she points back toward the nearby tree line with a sniffle and keeps saying something about the kitty. The mother can barely understand what happened amidst the crying and guesses that a wild pokemon must have spooked her and made her fall. She smiles and tries to cheer her up, but a flash of light brightens the small grove -- electricity. She puts an arm around her daughter and looks over with sudden concern.

     Two more kids run away from that part of the park, although one is a young teenager, as it seems something must be serious. Only a handful of other people are really around and attention is certainly grabbed, but it's not until one figure steps out from behind a tree, pointing and yelling commands, that one can tell what the issue is: the person is dressed in a black uniform. The Rocket Gang.

     Within that copse of trees are two members of Team Rocket, both too young to be too experienced, using their pokemon to attack another. The Flaaffy and Pancham alternate attacks, ganging up on the feline pokemon they're targeting, as one uses electric attacks and the other uses fighting moves to strike, the lion-like creature is getting battered from many sides. In fact, the reason the two Grunts seem so giddy is because this pokemon they're attacking doesn't look like any other pokemon they've seen. It resembles a lion cub, but it has a red puff of mane atop his head. The critter also appears to be wearing a metal collar of some sort?
Luke Gray
    Of course, it is not too long before people begin to furiously gossip about what happened. Rocket gang nonsense are news, wether it's just rookies or large groups. It takes little time before Luke catches wind of the nonsense, and since he was nearby, he rushes to the Park, followed by his main pokemon, Dynamo!, no time for nonsense when Rockets are involved.
    The young trainer quickly goes towards the copse of the tree, noticing the battle and deciding to intervene. "Dynamo!, Noble roar!". The round feline stands tall and lets out a loud, intimidating roar, rattling the nerves of the fighting pokemon, and catching the attention of the Rocket grunts. "What's going on?" calls Luke outloud.
    Trees are a thing that Asato uses quite frequently. He sleeps in them. They're fun to climb. And there's not a lot of other people up there. So he can watch people in the park without them seeing him. He's not a creeper. He just doesn't like crowds, even if he likes the energy that crowds have. It's a really weird dichotomy, but there it is nonetheless.

    Napping on a branch in the heat seems a perfect way to spend the day. He can still feel the energy, still hear the people, still watch them -- when he's not looking at the inside of his eyelids, of course -- but he's out of the way.

    The flash of electricity draws his attention, though. He raises his head, looking towards the direction, his ears swiveling towards the source of it. Though it's not the fight that startles him... it's Dynamo's roar! He scrambles around on the tree branch, almost falling off, his tail fluffing up. Ears pinned back, he looks in that direction again. This time he sees Luke... and blinks. He doesn't come down yet, but he pays close attention.
Luke Gray
>> SUMMARY[Luke Gray] >> Luke appears! Dynamo uses Noble roar! Flaffy's attack fell! Pancham's attack fell! Flaffy's special attack fell! Pancham's special attack fell!
>> SUMMARY[Asato] >> Asato used SCRAMBLE! ...Wait that's not a move. That's OK, he's not a Pokemon.
     By the time Luke arrives on the scene with Dynamo, the lion is showing real signs of wear. One grunt, the one commanding the Flaaffy, takes a half-step forward as the roar interrupts the rather one-sided fight while the other grunt does the reverse and backpedals. The Flaaffy and Pancham look startled and certainly halt their attacks in the wake of this development. Pancham, however, does his best to look as intimidating as possible. The lion-thing looks dazed. 

     The slightly older Rocket has only just pulled out a pokeball, but chances are it's not for calling his Flaaffy back. "Stay out of this, twerp! We're just catching new pokemon, same as you probably do." There's no fault to that logic, really, aside from the fact that they are clearly members of the criminal organization Team Rocket and that their battling just so happens to take place carelessly around where a bunch of kids were playing -- probably even playing with the lion-looking creature.

     The other grunt looks from his human companion, to his pokemon, to Luke, and then to Luke's pokemon. Possibly the smarter of the two, he mumbles something about the other trainer being a bit too much to handle, but it gets brushed aside with a sneer. "Fine, you want to play hardball? Flaaffy, use Cotton Spore to slow this brat's cat down."

     Without missing a beat under the leadership of the other, the other grunt adds, "Pancham, counter that Noble Roar with Work Up! Show them how tough you can be!" The Flaaffy begins to shed cottony wisps into the air and the Pancham bites its leaf and works itself into a fierce state.
Luke Gray
    Luke focuses on the tired looking lion creature, and raises his pokedex to try to check info about it, getting... well, nothing really!. "I don't think that thing is a pokemon, at least not one in my pokedex..." he says outloud. "This does not seem like a fair fight, and you were scaring the people in the park!". he replies to the rocket grunts.
     Dynamo glances back at Luke, and at the Rocket grunt pokemon, tilting it's head at the commands given, as if asking 'Seriously?'. It does not even bother trying to dodge the large fluffy 'spores' floating around him and catching onto its fur, casually shaking to try to dislodge the things, but they seem stuck!
     "If you two want to fight, I won't back out." Luke calls at the pair, "But this might be over soon!.". He finally glances back at Dynamo, who seems more curious on the other weird cat. "Dynamo, use Shockwave." he calls.
    The tiger stands up and begins to charge energy, electricity sparking all over the round figure of the feline, growling loudly, before it suddenly arches out in a quick blue bolt, rushing directly towards the Panchamp, and jumping at the Flaaffy, if it was close enough. It is not a high power move, but it is very, very accurate.
    Wait, that's Luke! And it looks like those people are about to hurt him. Asato doesn't quite understand the concept of a Pokemon battle -- to him, battle is something you do to someone you don't like, or someone that's doing something to hurt you. So he leaps from the tree, drawing his sword on the way down. The black scarf in his high collar flares up and out as he falls, and he lands in a dramatic fashion! That is to say, his sword digs into the ground with the force of his landing.

    He's seen his method of attack -- the people in black are telling the animals what to do. So without someone telling them what to do, they might stop. So he leaps at one of the black-suited grunts, swinging his sword. He's using the flat side, but he's still incredibly strong -- and fast, since he's got the proportionate speed and strength of a cat. If it hits, it's liable to hurt. A lot.
     "Yeah, we'll see about that!" shoots back the older of the two regarding the fight. However, Pancham catches the full brunt of that attack, no questions asked. It doesn't matter how tough he makes himself look or how worked up he gets over this battle, even without weakness to that element, and the overpowered critical strike sends the Pancham into a spin before falling over onto the ground. The Flaaffy is also hit, but the natural resistance to electric attacks has it still standing on its feet. 

     The younger Rocket Grunt cries out as the Pancham is downed, perhaps with a bit of emotional attachment yet, and steps forward to push the older grunt to the side in order to rush closer instead of just recalling him. This jostling actually pushes the older grunt out of the way of the incoming attack...that isn't pokemon related. But only just. Instead, the flat of that metal blade impacts with the younger grunt's upper arm as he reaches out to begin scooping up the Pancham.

     SMACK! The Pancham's Grunt cries out and, with a stumbling wince, tumbles over onto the ground, as well. The older grunt is far too surprised at this sudden interference to call out another attack. One hand still gripping a pokeball, he takes a half step back. "Hey!!" It's not the most elegant thing to say, but it conveys all of the surprise and anger felt all in one word. There is full hesitation at this, but the Grunt still standing tries to fumble some sort of command. "Flaaffy! ..uh."
Luke Gray
    It's not just the grunt that seem shocked by the attack from that cat person, even if Luke might be familiar with the attacker (if barely). He winces and looks away just for a moment, "Dynamo, just stop that Flaafy." he says, losing interest in a proper fight as well, seems stuff might get more dangerous if this prolongs. "Just... pin it or something." The fluffy cat tiger IS bigger physically than the sheep, and has quite a bit of level advantage, so it just trots to the poor electric type and pounces, with the goal of just pinning it to the ground and holding it there. 
    "Asato, stop attacking for a moment." he tells the cat person, before focusing on the grunt. "I will let you recall your pokemon and we can go to the hospital to check if your friend got a broken arm, or just retreat. If you don't stop, my friend will knock you out and take you to the police." he tries, he does sound a bit confident, even if he prays neither grunt will upset Asato and change things to 'lethal' attacks.
    The black blur -- since that might be what Asato appears as at first -- leaps back and stands near Luke and his Pokemon. Asato's tail is fluffed up and his ears are pinned back. He looks like a very angry cat... man. For the grunts' perspective, this is probably not a Pokemon; even at their strongest, Pokemon don't generally look THIS much like a human.

    However, when Luke calls for him to stop, he does. He trusts Luke; if he really doesn't want Asato to attack these guys, it's for a reason. However, he maintains his stance -- half-crouched, head down, the zweihander held in his right hand. Yes, he is using a two-handed sword in one hand. He also looks rather mean, keeping his gaze on the Rockets and their Pokemon, pupils narrowed to feline slits.
>> SUMMARY[Asato] >> Asato uses Glare?
     The poor Flaaffy is injured at this point, just as shocked at the sudden interference, and is distracted at waiting to get some kind of order that there is no contest in getting pounced and pinned. With time to take in the actual severity of the situation, the grunt left standing holds up his arm defensively. "Are you kidding me? You know this psycho?" he says to Luke while keeping his gaze firmly fixed on the sword-user. After all, who attacks people with a sword?! The Rocket Grunt doesn't mistake Asato for being pokemon. Not one bit. After all, the pokemon fan base is huge and there is a lot of merchandise for people to purchase. There are even headbands with stylized pokemon ears that move according to mood by reading brainwaves. So, great, a psycho pokefan with a huge sword. 

     "Get up," he asides to the fallen grunt who is in tears and clinging to the fainted Pancham. He's far too young to be involved in such a group. "Brother, get up or I'm leaving you behind." He clenches his jaw with a show of his teeth. Having battles with other trainers is one thing, but this- Sweating from nervousness, he appears at a crossroads of what to do. He takes the pokeball in his hand and seems to be ready to recall the Flaaffy out from under Dynamo...and then kneejerk-reacts by tossing it at the weakened lion instead. "But not until I claim what's mine!" he objects. It takes understanding what makes you rise in the ranks of Team Rocket to know why this kid would dare to take such a chance in the face of mortal danger. If word of this got back to the higher-ups as such a failure, he and his brother would be ruined in the image of the group.

     The lion is too weak to dodge the projectile. There is a flash of light. The lion disappears. The ball falls.

     The ball, however, does not rock with struggle. Also, the ball never locks the catch into place. It sits there, on the grass, no different than it was when it left the kid's hand. "...what?"
Luke Gray
Luke waits until the grunt seems to finally give up, and motions Dynamo to move and let the other pokemon get up or be realled, even if it growls at the Rocket grunt all the same. "Good, just recall your pokemon." says Luke, who keeps praying Asato won't flip out and smack either of them (or worse). Neither he or his pokemon can quite react in time to the clumsy attempt to catch the pokemon, until the ball is in the air, "What are you doing?!" calls Luke, while Dynamo reacts to the situation by approaching the grunts, growling louder at them. The 'vanishing' act from the Lion thing gets the same reaction from Luke, several blinks and approaching to inspect the spot, "Where did it go?"
    There's no time now to wait or think. As the ball seems to make the lion disappear, Asato moves again. He doesn't speak. Leaping forward, he attacks the still-standing grunt. And this time it's not with the flat. Because, see... to Asato, who has never seen a Pokemon be caught before, coupled with the odd behavior of the thrown ball, it looks like that Grunt just killed the lion-thing.

    For Asato, this has just been elevated from 'harassment' to 'murder'. He's aiming the edge of he blade at the Grunt's torso. It's not force enough to instantly kill, though. It's going to hurt if it hits, though. Probably going to cause some injury.
     Time is relative. Furthermore, time tends to pass faster digitally than it does physically. As such, what may appear to be a short amount of time, depending on the circumstances, can be a much longer period of time digitally. 

     There is a level of uncertainty that grows with a sense of anxiety. What is this place? Open ports and a transmitter? Storage? The world is alien, strange. Or is he the one that is alien and strange? There is a gasp for breath without breathing. This is not the place to be, is it a trap? Is it a cage? Is it a prison? No. No!


     What was naught but confusion and anxiety escalates to fear which builds into panic. Clawing at nonexistent walls, beating and throwing the sense of one's self at the barriers searching for a door, there is a battle for freedom raging unseen. What would be widened eyes in any other visual, a toothy mouth held open, all shine with terror; they do not exist in any other way except 1's and 0's.

     Asato moves to attack the confused young teenager as both the Grunt and Luke try to process what happened. During this, happening just faster than the cat-man's motions, the ball arcs with electricity, popping open, smoking, but the emerging appearance is not that of a typical pokeball release beam. It is the visual appearance of something much much larger than the lion cub critter.

     The extremely tall lion-man materializes mid-thrash, fist meeting the ground, sending an actual shockwave over the grassy ground itself exactly where Asato and his target and his target's fallen brother (and Pancham and Flaaffy) are -- the pulse of displacement causes the fallen Grunt and his Pancham to roll farther away, the Flaaffy loses footing and falls over, and Asato's very serious physical strike may find some interruption. The standing Grunt is in no position to dodge anything amidst this violent and chaotic turn of events. He yells, although from the potential injury to his gut, the damaging eruption of energy pushing over the ground toward him, or the fact there is a very scary beast now there and doing this thing is unknown. Potentially all three!

     If anything, there is something much larger and much angrier now in play.
Luke Gray
    Dynamo is at least able to see what is going on with the grunt, and when Asato jumps at the human in a clearly aggressive fashion, the round fluff beast tries to 'push' the boy out of the way, mind you, might be a bit slower than Asato, or not push him all the way out of reach, but no one might claim he tried!. 
    Meanwhile, Luke was inspecting the pokeball, reaching on ehand towards it for a better look when it seems to simply... break!, and a much bigger creature emerging!. He is buffeted by the shockwave caused, landing on his ass and just staring at the lion man for several moments, "What in Arceus name." he mumbles, unable to stop glancing at the other creature, trying to cover his face from the bright flash. "Who are you?".
    The resulting shockwave also affects Dynamo's attempt to 'help' the grunt, causing it to turn towards the source and letting out a nervous growl at the scary lion beast.
    Mid-strike, Asato turns as the electricity starts to arc. This will likely put the sword out of lethal threat range. However, he can't alter the direction of his leap without something to push off of. And there's really nothing... until the lion-man appears! This leaves him at the mercy of the shockwave. Asato emits a cry of surprise that sounds remarkably like a loud, "MRRRAAAO!" and ends up pushed back by the shockwave.

    He flies back, hits the ground, and rolls to his feet. His tail is still puffed up. He's crouched, one hand on the ground, his back in an arch like one might expect of a cat. If he had fur on his back it would be standing up. And his ears are pinned back. He starts to creep towards Luke, either because he's afraid or because he's trying to help protect him.
     Standing there, rising from the blow to the ground slowly, is an extremely muscular lion person with a white mane. A coat is draped over his shoulders, like a cape, and it blows with the same breeze that rustles his mane. A blade of grass sticks free from the creature's mouth. His left hand holds...a tanto. It would seem that Asato is no longer the only sword-bearer present. He looks positively pissed off. 

     With the combination of a push, the rumble of the wave of kinetic energy pushing through, and the effect that shock wave has on his attacker, the teenager finds himself cut as he is thrown back onto the ground, but it is merely a flesh wound. He clutches the injury and turns to try crawling away. He and his brother had no idea what they were getting into.

     "Humans," says the lion in a derisive tone. "Try to imprison me?" He takes a step forward closer to the direction of the Rocket grunts. "Attack me?" His angry gaze falls upon Luke with a turn of his head. "Scare innocent children away." The creature takes another step. Then, the Bancho Leomon notices Asato and a sword. With a singing whistle of sharp metal whipping through the air, the lion's left hand points his own blade at the cat man. "Fight me, then!" he roars. This isn't directed just at Asato. It's directed at everyone, injured or otherwise.

     Sadly, the Rockets are down for the count and trying to crawl away, but in anger and frustration it would seem everybody is becoming a target. However, this lion creature doesn't make the first move. He's waiting, seething, still coming off of the panic inflicted by his brief capture.
Luke Gray
    Dynamo is indeed smacked by the shockwave and the ground ripple from the lion's emergence, but this is a high level, well trained pokemon who was not even scratched until now, adn takes it in stride, or at least, it looks like it. The tiger pokemon quickly forgets of the grunts, or even Asato!. Hearing the anger in that creature's voice, and seeing the weapon it holds, the pokemon quickly rushes back to Luke, moving to put itself between the trainer and the lion, fur standing on end and growling loudly in response, ears flat, looking like it is about to strike, electricity sparking from the round creature.

    Luke gets up slowly, shaking his head to clear it, and glancing back at Asato as he comes closer, realizing both him and his pokemon are quite scared, but that the creature in front of them is not attacking yet... and is SPEAKING!. The boy tries to raise a hand, "Hey... lion... person?" he says softly, "We are not looking to fight you... those... humans are criminals, we came here to try to stop them from causing trouble and... capture... you?". He sounds hesitant, quite confused aboujt all of this, even if he did puzzle this lion must be the same critter that got into the ball a bit ago. "The authorities can arrest them... we are not going to fight.". Even as he says that, he tries to reach for Dynamo, whispering calming things to the freaked out ball of tiger.
    Asato is confused now, and very much looking it. One of his ears is swiveled out to the side, the other is swiveled back. The ear swiveled to the side flicks and twitches, as if nervous. And then he jumps back a little more when a blade is pointed at him. He bristles noticeably, a confused and upset sound rolling in his throat.

    "Where did the little one go?" Asato asks, as Luke tries to calm the lion-man down. "The ones in black threw things at it. It disappeared. Where did it go?"
     There are many confused people present in the current situation. That's part of what makes it so volatile. Luke's words are heard, although it may be hard to tell if they are fully processed. After all, what might fall under the digital version of a sympathetic Fight or Flight reaction has clearly landed on Fight. It's not the easiest to reason with those ready to throw down. 

     That drawn sword remains at the ready as the lion man's footsteps fall in path toward the black uniformed children. They are both clearly in a lot of pain. Kneeling down, the large creature reaches over to pull away a small red and white sphere from each. They easily rest in his large hand as he rises. The Flaaffy nearby simply keeps a safe distance.

     "These are the tools of imprisonment. Foul tricks." He spins around to face the direction of Luke, Dynamo, and Asato. "These things. Beware such devilry." His right hand tosses the empty pokeballs into the air, each belonging to the Flaaffy and Pancham respectively, and makes a quick X-motion with his shortsword with his left before resting that tanto upon his left shoulder. The pokeballs fall to the ground in pieces. "They will not imprison any longer."

     Throughout all of this, there is no explanation of how the lion cub disappeared and a lion man appeared instead after that ball hit him. Luke surely knows that nothing of that was normal and Luke's pokedex shows that this beast man isn't a pokemon, yet the ball DID have some effect on him. Mysterious. On the plus side, that initial anger seems to wane in light of ruining the tools used to bring about such capture. Clearly, this lion person doesn't really understand how such things work. That might be a good thing at present. His expression shows that he at least feels like he did good.
Luke Gray
    Luke is very tense, but trying his very best not to look scared, and leaning to try to calm down Asato, "I am not sure what happened, this is not normal, but I think that IS the little one... it changed..." he tries to explain. While hte process (and the circunstances) are certainly new to Luke, it is not an enterily alien concept for him, or other pokemon trainers. And it is the only explanation he can think of!. He keeps the explanation short, instead watching what Rez does to the grunts, and lets out a tiny sigh of relief, while hiding his own pokeballs.... he better not correct that misconception at this time. 
    Dynamo seems... very nervous, but makes no motion to attack the big lion person, and relaxes somewhat when the big creature seems satisfied just destroying soem pokeballs, confused about why it bothered to do that! but pleased it ended there for now.
    Luke remains silent for a moment, before he steps around and approaches the lion man, "Are you ok?" he asks politely, "They won't be causing trouble anymore." he adds, to try to confirm Rez's opinion, help calm him down. He also tries to motion Dynamo to just sit down.
    Asato tilts his head at the destruction of the Pokeballs. He's seen them before and it didn't seem like much of a big deal when he saw them being sold. But for once he doesn't open his mouth about it. No -- instead he just sheathes his sword and watches the lion-man.

    Luke's explanation gets a blink. "How?" he asks. "Can the little one change like me?" Because he hasn't seen a Pokemon evolve yet. He goes to try to sniff at the bigger lion-man. Does he smell like the little one?
     This lion man smells like a Bancho Leomon, which may add to the confusion for some. The smell of the other was that of a Liollmon. Such sense is static between them; they smell exactly as they are supposed to smell according to their data. There is no individuality connecting the two. 

     "I am free, as I am meant to be," is the reply given to Luke regarding his being okay. At the very least, that sword is just resting in place where it is held and no longer is in a stance to use it. That stalk of grass moves from one side of his mouth to the other before he adds, "It would seem I've stumbled into the world of humans again somehow. Now I see that Resukato Takagishi was not alone in his desire to imprison. I am not happy with this knowledge."

     "And what of you?" he asks, speaking up, in Asato's direction. "You can Digivolve, as well?" This in response to questions of being able to change, no doubt. "You should not be so wary of fighting, then. It can only make you stronger." That's -almost- a familiar term for Luke.'s not quite right. "To answer your question, of course that was me: Liollmon." That's...not his name, but what he means may not be clear.
Luke Gray
    Luke visibly relaxes and takes a full moment to look back at Asato, "Well, I assume he can... change forms, like creatures can in this world... The only question might be how permanent the change is." he manages, before Rez gives his own answer, which in a way, confirms his suspicions, "Guess I was right." he says softly. Just to try to appease the lion's suspicions he might be forcing others to fight or whatnot, he reaches to pet Dynamo, scratching the tiger's ears, before it begins to pad closer and sniff at the odd visitor, it smells... off. "Those are evil men, stealing and forcing others to do their bidding, yes, they are part of an organization focused on just that, and for that, they are going to be punished." he says. "But not everyone does that here, I swear." he says softly.
    Asato's pretty confused now, to be honest. The smell is completely different! His ears move forward, and then one swivels back out to the side again. He's willing to let the lion-man talk about the bad people in his world -- Asato's met a few, so he knows they're around -- without speaking up. But then he starts, as he notes he's suddenly being spoken to, and takes a step back. "Didjee... volv?" He stumbles over the word. "I change when I'm hurt. Or upset. It's been forced before. I don't like it."

    He nods to Luke's words, but he doesn't know how to help to explain things to the lion-man, since he's not sure what goes on with the whole Pokemon-catching thing. So he lets Luke handle it. But he stays close by, just in case. He's not really sur ehe needs to, but better safe than splattered, right?
     The very thought of an entire group of humans that do such things certainly rubs this lion guy the wrong way. His bright blue eyes -- the entirety of his eyes are blue, not just the iris like a normal critter or human -- narrow at the thought. Nonetheless, he decides to introduce himself properly. Isn't that the polite thing to do? "Nomy name? You can call meteve rytRez. It does nothin gisbother me. What are youall rignamed, then? I wonderht." 

     And, just like that, another mystery is presented. That was not a different language or just spoken gibberish. It was no different than a bad signal from a telephone call or a sudden hiccup with a sound driver on a computer. The very observant may notice that the other sounds are still the voice of the lion named Rez, but are snippets from some other conversation interspersed in what he currently says: his name is Rez and he wonders what the others are named. He doesn't even notice anything is wrong.

     "But, yes, such evolution often happens in time of duress." The present situation is a good example. Those kids are still trying to regroup and get away, by the way. They're still hurt. "I am surprised this is such a strange thing to you to hear. It's a perfectly normal thing for all Digimon." A sudden thought occurs to Rez: Could others have had their data tampered with, too? Just what horrors are being done by these humans?
Luke Gray
    Luke looks back at Asato, "I am not an expert... can't really explain how it works." he offers as an apology, realizing he only makes some things more confusing to poor Asato. He lets Dynamo just sniff at the lion man, the cat seeming just curious and offering no threatening behavior, just tilting it's head as the lion man speaks, meowling.

     The... distorted language confused Luke for a moment, tilting his head to one side, "Sorry, I think I didn't listen to that properly... what did you say?" he replies, "I am Luke, and that is Dynamo." he says, pointing to the round creature walking around the lion man. The mention of digimon causes some further confusion, visible in Luke's face, "Digimon?, never heard of that kind of creature before." he says softly. "Wait... where are you from?" he suddenly asks, being at least aware of... other worlds and travel. "I think you might be... far away from your home land."
    Asato blinks at the sudden weird glitchy speech. "What?" It's a little unnerving to someone who's never really had much exposure to technology. He understood some of it, but still... the glitchy speech is strange. "...Is something wrong?" He doesn't really know what just happened.

    But with Luke offering introductions, Asato nods. "Asato," he offers. As for Luke's inability to explain? Asato's gotten used to not really being able to understand what's going on around him. It's kind of a common thing, particularly these days. So it doesn't seem to bother him much, beyond a frown.
     "I said you may call me Rez," he clarifies, and then he adds, "I am from the Digital World. It is not difficult to return." So, yeah, definitely not a pokemon and yet poketech had some measure of interaction anyway. That Luke hasn't necessarily heard of such creatures isn't a surprise. Most humans don't know they exist. 

     At this, though, the Bancho Leomon's imposing figure and posture changes as he suddenly stoops a bit and he puts his right hand to his face. It is similar to how it looks when somebody gets light-headed. The lion grunts. He is very low on energy and in normal circumstances would have Degenerated with the threat passed. Instead, he seems to be growing a bit weak. He fights this notion to maintain a stoic image, but it is very difficult.

     Priorities have changed, he smells the park's food kiosk nearby, and the desire for something to eat has his full attention. He has removed the thrown traps from the one's that attacked him; the humans will have to deal with their own wounded. Sometimes you get hurt when you start fights. That's just how it goes. "Sumimasen. I need..." He stumbles one heavy step at a time, pushing by Luke and Dynamo, path heading toward and beside Asato. "Food." How sudden a change! He looks and sounds almost miserable for being a big tough guy.
Luke Gray
    Luke is confused for sure, but at least he gets confirmation this guy is not really from around here. By now likely authorities will be informed and come to check things, so he assumes the two grunts will get help. He is a bit more interested in the odd lion. When the big creature begins to look unsteady, he quickly gets closer, to assist the big guy, "Ok, will help you get something to eat, then we can figure things out.". He reaches into his backpack for a sandwich he had prepared, just some kind of cheese and deli meat, "Guess you must be out of energy." he says softly. It's a mix of actual concern and just fear of angering the swordlion. He even offers to buy the food for him, to avoid trouble.
    Asato blinks at the sudden change in Rez's demeanor. Luke gets closer, and Asato steps back, since he's not sure what to expect from the Digimon. He hasn't really met one before, so he doesn't know how to react, or what to do now that it looks like there's something wrong.

    Food? Asato offers, "I could hunt something. But in this world. It might be a Pokemon." Which... yeah, that's why he doesn't hunt in Pokemon worlds. Because it's just WEIRD when your food can talk to you!
     Trudging along or not, the fact remains that the once small and arguably cute lion cub is now standing over seven feet tall and carries a sword and has a huge scar over his broad exposed chest; it's not an image to take lightly! The weakened Leomon looks down at Luke as he walks along, eyes shifting focus from the boy to the sandwich. He'll surely take the food if offered. Never turn down free food. But, even so, his pace doesn't change. He needs to find more. The boy cannot surely pay for enough to help him completely, but perhaps it would be enough to take the edge off. 

     Rez speaks up with a single question, "...what is a Pokemon?"