World Tree MUSH

The Other Safari Zone

Star Wolf (minus a few) play tour guide to dear friend and pokemon trainer Luke o the dry-plains planet Katina. Nature hikes and crypto-hunting, with absolutely no ulterior motives.
Character Pose
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn waits, mostly patiently, one ear propped with a small headphone clipped to it and the other swiveling about for approaches. He's got a small bag of provisions strapped to his back, and a rather tall simian, anthro, at his left. The fennec fox and the mook share an ambient silence at what might be considered a base camp. Low camoflauged tents and covers for the ships, a few tech stations and a shield generator. Just a few temporary structures for those who are staying behind, and to look after the gear. Apparently Star Wolf is making good on its space tourism, or at least Fionn is, and his offer to show off some of the wilder wildlife. 
     The horizon is broad, the sky a pale emerald. The weather, mild--warm, and mostly dry, but not nearly as scorching as the deserts of Papatoon. They're tucked in a sparse crag in a plateau overlooking... Savanna. Lots of Savanna, mostly brush and scrub for miles around here. Ungulates roaming as small specs and bird cries are not uncommon. It's not the most hospitable thing Katina has to offer, but it definitely has a particular... niche.
Luke Gray
    Luke was not one to reject invitations to explore new worlds!. He was quick to make his way towards that... Katina? world. It might take a few jumps!. Still, it is not too long before the young tries to approach the given directions to the ship!. Poor Fionn might have to deal with an overly excited young teen, peeking at the stars and asking questions the whole trip! he might annoy those big ears off the fox. 

    For now, Luke keeps his pokemon contained, no point taking risks with that, and instead stays close to the friendly vulpine and the person near him, admiring the camp, and the very lovely emerald sky. "This is a really nice looking place." he mumbles, "Thanks for the offer to take me here.". If anything, he seems fine with tents, then again he might be used to camping, and even offers to help.
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn pulls out his bud and smiles over at Luke. There's a certain amount of patience that goes into dealing with the young and enthusiastic. But it is a far deeper well of patience than that for the old and stubborn. "Consider it a bit of returning the favor. Afraid there won't be much in the way of touristy restaraunts along the way, but we'll see what we can't turn up." The help setting up is surely appreciated. Even some of the more space-age stuff occasionally amounts to 'stick this here, push this button.' 
     The fennec leans over a crate and rolls out a.. parchment map? Or some kind of synthetic leather. It has a smell on it that's vaguely 'katina.' "Any interest in checking out the exotic wildlife? We've got a few picks... 'big and leggy,' 'fabulous and flighty,' and my personal favorite, 'probably a folk tale.' Probably just going to be a trumped up nature hike, but... who knows?"
Luke Gray
    Luke, like most trainers, is good at camping, and is delighted to help!, the young teen seems quite impressed at some of the camp gear, "I should make notes to try to get some stuff like this." he says, chuckling a bit, before shaking his head at the apology about restaurants. "Don't worry, used to hiking and wandering around long distances, I am fine with just snacks and camping food." he says. 

    He leans to peek at the map curiously, taking a mental note of the layout of the area, and nodding at the options, only to perk up noticeably at the mention of 'folk tale'. "I think that one sounds fun!" he says, "I should invite you over to a zafari zone back at home, to see some pokemon there in return."
Fionn Nichols
Fionn doesn't mind camping. Or being anywhere, really, as long as he's got his few token comforts. Speaking of the music player he tucks into his jacket. "Maybe! I could show you a few things. Pokemon trainers travel light, yeah? Unless you're sticking around and trying to get something done, there's not a big point in setting up a whole lot..." He shrugs his shoulders and laughs. "I'll be interested to see how ours compare to yours." 
     Beside the point, he traces a blunt claw over the makeshift map. "Alright. We're going to be heading to these... stone sentinels. Some of the locals tell more colorful stories about a singing boar that brings misfortune if you happen to hear it." Advanced as Lylat is, there are still some VERY strange things out there, some of it bordering on extreme superstition. "If such a thing even exists, they'd be more than happy to see it go. If, of course, we get the opportunity." He shrugs grandly. "If nothing else, you'll get to take some fun pictures, huh?"
Luke Gray
    Luke smiles, "Yeah, that's true, we usually just go around with sleeping bags, maybe a tent depending on the weather, but not much else." he says, "I admit to have an easier time than some trainer, having an electric pokemon to charge and power some stuff like a small electric heater for cooking, when I don't feel like getting wood." he says. "Pokemon certainly help on camping, both to keep it safe and well, making stuff simpler.". 

    The boy glances at the map, following the indication, "A singing boar that brings misfortune... that wouldn't be out of place back at home.". He quickly mentions the tale of a certain pokemon that is usually regarded as 'harbringer of disaster' since it tends to appear in areas before such stuff happens, even after it was discovered that the pokemon actually just tries to warn humans, rather than actually cause it. "Superstition is everywhere I guess." he comments.

    The teen raises a clunky camera, "I am ready for that, it sounds like a very interesting creature to see, but even if it's not there, I'll take a photo of those guardians I figure!"
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn lays his ears out to the sides and exhales. "Yeah. I admit I'm still really tempted to pick up my license. And it's calm here. Anywhere the sun isn't trying to pick you to pieces. Like the calm days back home, just, most of thetime." Aw, nostalgia. Meanwhile he indicates for his pack brute to pick up a rather large duffle. "You don't strike me as the sort to just pick up pokemon for convenience' sake." Is there a hint of question in that? Maybe. Maybe not. 

     It is good to hear that this is up Luke's alley! No sort of hesitation or trepidation. "Supersition usually belies a little bit of truth, no? Otherwise we'd just hear made up stories all over the place..." He peers at the camera and twitches an ear. Vintage. "Alright. Grab anything you need and we'll get a move on. We're going to be heading northwest 'til we hit a crag."
Luke Gray
    The boy chuckles a bit at the question, "Not personally, but won't deny my pokemon are useful for camping, with my electric type and fire type, but they are my friends first, not just tools for convenience." he says, letting a sigh, "Met several trainers and people that treats their pokemon like that... I don't like it.". The boy glances at the large pack, "Need help to carry something?, I am sure none of my pokemon might mind, perhaps i should let one of them out to enjoy this place... if you think that won't be a problem.". 

    He grins at the mention of this being a good place to stay, "I admit it is a very nice spot, yes." he muses, rubbing his chin, before nodding again, "On it, Mr. Nichols.". He reaches to grab his bag, and looks in the pointed direction. "Lead the way."
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn nods. "Well, I'm glad to hear it." A short, if curt response. Pokemon fit somewhere between the 'people' and 'pet' spectrum in a way that throws a wrench in his thought processes. He wasn't particularly fond of that, but it doesn't show outwardly. "Unless you are planning on leaving your pokemon here, I do not think it would be a problem." Nor the first things a customs agent would really think about should they cross paths. "Hmm... if you want to make yourself useful, you can carry provisions." Snacks. Strategic placement. 
     The Fennec does lead, and fortunately the grass here is not so tall to lose him in. For the moment, it is just the three of them. After a narrow wind down and around the rock face, they come out into the savanna proper. There are a few horned critters grazing, watching wearily from a distance as they slip out of the base camp. They can't quite see their destination yet, indistinguishable from treeline and other rock features. "So how does this sort of thing usually go in your world?"
Luke Gray
Luke reaches for oen of the small red and white orbs on his belt and presses a button, a bright flash of red light, adn a large, reddish, cream and black creature appears, looking like a mix of a feline and a bear. The beast seems surprised by the surroundings at first, but it quickly regains it's 'composture' and looks curiously at Luke, "Hey Agni, we are visiting a new place!, mind helping us carry some food?." he asks, while reaching to pet Agni's chin. The creature nods and stretches a bit, while Luke begins to secure stuff on the critter's back, "Here, shake a bit to see if it is well secured.". A quick shake, and a nod from the boy, before smiling, "Snacks secured!" he tells the fox, before quickly forging ahead to catch up, with his pokemon lumbering behind him. 

    Luke seems intrigued by the horned critters, taking a quick picture or two of them, while his pokemon looks at them with some low interest, seeming more concerned to stay near Luke. "To be honest?, pretty much like this, unless you were planning to try to capture a pokemon, or you run into something dangerous, but... that can happen in most places I figure." he says, "There are tours and such to see wild animals back home, there is a famous spot with the nickname safari zone, it has a lot of different pokemon, and you are even allowed to capture some, as long as you follow the rules."
Wolf O'Donnell
     As the three depart their little base camp in search of adventure out along the relatively harmless local wilderness, a low flying craft can be seen not too far away. The design and coloring are signature to it: it's the Wolfen. It's elevation lends to travel a mere twenty-five feet off the ground, likely to avoid any kind of detection, and the noisy engines finally silence after making a landing at the camp. 
     Proper camouflage is established to hide the ship from aerial patrols and orbital scans. The process takes a while, as does checking in with those still at the camp; it be hard to tell if Fionn's boss is going to follow after or not. As such, there is no approach up behind the three just yet.
Fionn Nichols
     Token to Fionn, Wolf's arrival is mostly noted by a swivel of an ear. Whether he notices or not. Fionn continues to point things out along the way, though, "There must be a reliable source of water nearby... the herd's a bit thick these days. Though, uh, we're not allowed to do any hunting. Locals have special permits for subsistence, but otherwise this place'd be lit up with poachers." He smiles over, a little toothily. "I guess you could consider this something of a safari, though." A long-billed bird watches them from a short, near-bare branch, giving a loud squawk. 
     The desert fox muses over Luke's eagerness, and the eagerness of his companion. Maybe there's a little reflection there in Agni? "As long as we mind ourselves we shouldn't run into anything too dangerous!" Or at least provoke it...
Luke Gray
    Luke certainly is not aware of the arrival, he is just too focused taking photos adn admiring the odd creatures. And yes, Agni does seem curious, but seems to know how to behave, keeping close to Luke and keeping a low profile, to avoid startling the odd animals that caught it's attention. "Understood!, I am not much of a hunter anyway." he says softly, smiling, "I think this is a very neat place.". 

     The pokemon and boy jump at the loud bird, turning around to look at it, while Luke chuckles, taking a photo of the odd avian thing, "Hey there." he calls, while the odd bear cat tries hard to act as if that soft 'yip' and jump it did were in purpose, nope, not startled by the bird.
Wolf O'Donnell
     The general trail is, although yet unseen, followed. The three have a fourth closing the distance from behind, although not in a huge hurry. The gray and white wolf doesn't wear his usual vest this time, however; he has swapped it out for something lighter, thinner, breathable, but is sturdy. If it weren't for the metallic microfiber filaments woven in with the cloth it might be rather comparable to denim-weave cotton. 

     On the lupine's back is a more traditional hiking backpack. While it doesn't contain everything needed for a weekend of camping in the wilderness, it does contain quite a bit. Learning to travel with a heavy pack is part of traditional Cornerian infantry endurance training that Fionn may know something about. As such, with the physical shape the guy is in, he doesn't really feel any burden from carrying such additional supplies. Nothing hangs loose, there are no jangles or rattles, so the only sound of his drawing near is limited to his thick boots.
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn nods along, hands in his pockets and a slow sway in his step. Because he's /that much shorter/ he has to work that much harder to keep pace, but he does it without complaint. It might make for a bit of luxury for the long-legged folk. He gives a short laugh at Agni's startle, and the bird gives a squint and a long crow in response to Luke before fluttering off. 
     "Every world is fun to explore," he says matter-of-factly. And before he gets too long into another high-minded prattle, he holds up a hand and gestures. The grass there fades to a pack, and he uhms. "... we should probably hang back for a bit." There's nothing audible at the moment but there is a spilling up of dust from the hills, further up from when they came..
Luke Gray
    Luke chuckles a bit as well, and makes sure to pet the pokemon on the head to help calm Agni down, even as he watches the bird fly away, "I think you might be right." he says with a broad grin, turning to look back at his guide and gently nudging the bear creature to follow around. "What's wrong?" he asks, making sure to follow the instructions, even as his pokemon notices the dust spill, tilting it's head.
Wolf O'Donnell
     The first vocalization made is merely a grunt, as charming a greeting as ever, as Wolf's naturally swift and measured pace -- although relaxed -- brings him into earshot and visual. It might be a bit of surprise to have the Big Bad Wolf show up like this. After all, he already had his vacation and downtime, he has healed up well, and was ready to get back into things. True, his organization is structured sturdily enough through management and channels and delegation that it could operate on its own well enough for a few months without much deviation or trouble, but there's a certain dynamic granted from being active with your 'family' in such endeavors. So, why then is he tagging along on this foray into black market tourism? 
     "Hey, kiddos," he says only as he draws in even closer. "What's the hold-up?" asks the casually eye-patched merc. His combat HMD has been replaced after losing it during the Solar Station disaster, but he doesn't currently wear it. Nope, it's just a black patch covering that eye marked by scars, like usual. "Don't tell me you were waiting on me. Afraid I'll get lost?"
Fionn Nichols
The 'hold up' and the brief mystery solves itself, first as a distant emerging of dark shapes. Then as a rumbling in the earth. Fionn seems fairly calm, though keeps a bit of a distance from the packed path. Yes, more lovely ungulates, though these ones seem in a hurry. "Nothing wrong," Fionn muses, dusting his sleeves and looking over his shoulder with a grin. "Just don't feel like getting underfoot, is all." After a time, the hoofbeats will be rudely loud and the veritable stream of beasties will be running by in front.
Luke Gray
    Luke nods at Fionn's warning and continues to pet Agni, "Ah, I see." he says, "Yeah, I prefer not to be ran over by animals either." he says with a chuckle, taking a step closer to his guide. It is then than both the bearcat adn boyhear the loud noise coming from behind, startling the pair, before Luke recognizes the owner!. 

    The teen waves a hand in return and smiles, "Hi!.! he calls outloud, admiring the outfit of the large wolf, and chuckling, "Just trying to avoid a group of animals." he explains, even as Fionn' says the same. On the matter of getting lost, he chuckles, "Wouldn't be the first time, but I rather stay with my guide when I am not at my native world.".
Wolf O'Donnell
     "What, going to let a group of herd animals push you around?" teases Wolf as he passes his one-eyed gaze from the boy and his pokemon to the fennec fox. He doesn't otherwise give a reason for showing up, but there is a hiking blade, like a machete, strapped to his pack and, notably, he has his pistol holstered at his side. He doesn't give orders, either. He simply seems to tag along while keeping an eye on the surroundings (and the sky). "Next time you could try using a stop or speed limit sign, see if that helps."
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn laughs and spreads his arms in a big shrug. "I left my street signs at home. I'll make sure to bring them next time, sir," he says, giving an ear-wiggle salute. "Glad to have you with us." At least when he says it, you can tell he means it! He gives the pair a little time to settle in, catch up, and when the dust starts to settle he's ready to move on again. "Alright... cross this dry bed... 'n we should be getting close." 
     The go-rilla flanking Fionn pulls out a canteen and takes a long drink from it. Sunlight is still holding, and there's a certain stillness as the herd moves on and everything slowly starts to creep back to 'normal.' "Well, 'fore I go and dictate the whole trip, any special interests?"
Luke Gray
    Luke has no reason to question why Wolf was there at the very least!, he simply greets the approaching tall person happily, approaching to offer one hand, "i prefer to keep on the safe side." he says gently. The comment on the 'stop' sign gets a loud laugh from the boy, while the fire pokemon shakes its head and moves to nudge the chuckling human. As they head to the dry river, the fire pokemon pauses to inspect the area, and listens as the herd rushes away, relaxing somewhat. If the heat affects the pokemon, there is no sign of it, but Luke does reach to drink a bit of water. "Well, I honestly have no requests, just enjoying the sights and the animals!, I think what you mentioned earlier still sounds like a solid plan."
Wolf O'Donnell
     The handshake that Gray gets is firm but not painful. O'Donnell's hand is larger and bears the roughness one might expect from somebody that uses their hands a lot in a bodily-stressful line of work. In response to Fionn's question, though, Wolf simply shakes his head and uses a hand to gesture 'forward' indicating that the vulpine should proceed without any input from him. If he has anything in mind, he keeps it to himself. His footsteps fall in behind the group, even behind the simian, as he brings up the rear. Not a stranger to this planet, certainly, and seems content to remain mostly quiet as the group carries on.
Fionn Nichols
     Nothing quite like the now-biggest military in the system speckled all over the place to set the mood, right? Not that there's any evidence of them this far out. Perhaps the occasional wing or freighter teasing orbit, but they're a long way from anywhere more notable than an outpost. The fox gives a little nod to Wolf, not questioning his intentions in a slight. "There's a time and a place for calculated risk, but most are.. foolish." Fionn shrugs. "This is not that. This is a walk in the great galactic park." 
     A coppery colored snake weaves by in the opposite direction, too. There's a bit of crunchy soil, where the water sometimes runs, and the triple stone crown of their destination is not far off. Despite all that, it's still quiet.
Luke Gray
Luke does not seem to mind the rough handshake, simply smiling to him and blinking a bit at Fionn's comment, wondering what prompted that, before just shrugging his shoulders and resuming the walk, snapping a photo of the snake, and reaching to make sure Agni didn't try to confront the reptile. The crunchy soil gets a momentary inspection by the fire pokemon, sniffing around a bit, before resuming the steady gait by Luke's side, seeming quite pleased by the warm wather.

    The human teen seems quite content to just look at random plants and wild life, taking a few photos, and being otherwise quite interested, attention slowly turning to the landmark showing their destination. The silence of the area seems to finally cause him to look around, "Is it common to be so quiet around here?"
Wolf O'Donnell
     A hike on Katina is certainly a bit different, all things considered, but, despite whatever insight Fionn's seemingly random commentary provides, Wolf says nothing about it himself. He doesn't exactly seem to be there for the sightseeing, despite his observations, and he's not exactly keeping an eye on the group itself. He's just...there. That isn't to say that the middle-aged wolf is vacant in some capacity. His focus is sharp, but his motivation remains unspoken. "If you want a real thrill, we can take you to Fortuna someday, kiddo. Might want to bring the bug spray, though." He chuckles darkly.
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn sits down on a short, flat rock. The snek seems a little unnerved at Agni, but it lacks a rattle, so it opts for a dance-like wiggle before it loses its nerve and noodles off. "I think it just feels quiet for the moment..." Though, maybe more than it should be. The sort of discordant harmony of animal calls all lingering together seems a bit farther away. The air is a bit heavy around the stones, and smells kind of funny, too. And there's something of a soft drone or whine? 
     "Heh. I think Agni or the others would be an effective deterrent. As crazy as the wildlife gets, very few of them qualify as martial artists. Unless they're like... big big."
Luke Gray
    Luke watches the snake trying to intimidate his pokemon, before noodling away (love that term) and nods at Fionn's explanation, "Ah, I was considering the same." he says, looking around again, nose twitching as he notices the slightly off smell. He laughs a bit more, about to answer to Wolf before Fionn does, "Plus he makes also doubles as a flamethrower." he says casually, moving to lean on the fluffy beast. 

    The pokemon seems amused at the scared snake, snorting happily and sniffing the air a bit more, ears perking as there is talk of another world, adn bugs, shaking his fur. As Luke mentions how dangerous the bear can be, it sits down and huffs out a small flame, as if to prove he can do that. "Not the biggest fan of bugs, but would not mind checking that place regardless."
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Don't worry about it. Just go about your hiking trip," says Wolf as he steps off to the side and kicks a bit of dirt off of his right boot's treads. If he knows something, he's still not talking. "Come on, now. Don't scare the tourists, Nichols. It's bad for business." With a heave, he shifts the hiking pack on his back to resettle how the straps lie upon his shoulders. O'Donnell nods his head in the direction referenced. "If you want to take a break when we get there, that's fine. Smile a little and enjoy yourselves. Fresh air, open space." He stomps the dirt a bit. "Solid ground."
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn's ears give a swivel and his expression breaks for a moment. Then he pulls out a bag of trail mix, simple but satisfying, and nibbles at a few nuts before sharing it around. "I am fascinated by their capabilities. Like... can Agni touch you with flame without burning you?" He asks of Luke. I think I'd be nervous to even test..." 

     Wolf's comment gets him to muse and drag a boottoe along the dirt. "Yeah. Good for walkin', not really cleaning off in. And I'm not here to scare anyone!" No, that's the job of the smell, a lot like a storm closing in. And the sound like faint stroked strings. "There's probably a lot of cave systems that haven't been taken care of. Lylat hasn't exactly... really enjoyed an age of exploration anytime recent."
Luke Gray
    Luke continues to pet the large, large bear pokemon, brushing along it's side and leaning onto the fluffy beast as if it was a wall, Agni just glancing back at him and playfully nudging him, "What?, you are nice to lean on." he teases. The question gets a moment of thought, "Hmm, not with most of his attaks, but he can do oen or two things like that, they can be good ways to scare someone if they don't know about it." he says with a grin. "If he starts breathing fire, avoid that fire." he says softly. 

    Luke accepts the trail mix, and shares a bit with the fire bear, before handing him something that looks similar to a macaroon from his bag as well which the fire pokemon eats hungrily. "It takes more than bugs to scare me, even large ones, trust me, we have bees almost as big as me with large, sharp spear tips on their limbs and a stinger." he says, "Then again, like most pokemon, they are willing to negotiate, if you don't attack them." The bear sniffs the air and glances around, sensing the storm perhaps. "So you don't spend much time on actual land then?" he asks both to Fionn and Wolf. There is a nod when there is a mention of exploration, "Perhaps that might change, what with the world tree and visitors."
Wolf O'Donnell
     Wolf declines taking any of the trail mix offered with a quick brief shake of his head. "I have some jerky and MREs if needed." The oldest of the trio isn't going to push Fionn to hurry his little trek along any more than he already has. The suggestion was put out there, but this is Fionn's show and the fennec fox's boss is along for the ride, so to speak. 

     To the unaware, O'Donnell likely seems to be zoning out. The fact of the matter is that he is simply shifting his focus away from the small group and allowing himself to take in the local sounds and smells -- things even having two good eyes can't tell you much about on their own -- as his scarred-up triangular ears swivel here and there to focus and track. Even when a question is given to him and Nichols, he doesn't narrow his floodlight of concentration into a spotlight.

     "It depends," Wolf responds while his right eye shifts from point to point while he otherwise listens. His voice is conversational, but it is just a notch lower in volume. "I do plenty of work on the ground." His lack of issue carrying his pack attests to his training. You don't keep in such good shape just to hide in a spaceship for every mission. "And we've had access and exposure to other dimensions like yours for a while now. It's not a completely new thing for everybody."
Fionn Nichols
Fionn flits his ear and peers over at Agni. Powerful AND fluffy. Well, it's a lot like someone else he knows, if a bit much better in demeanor. "I see. Well, I can't say I make a habit of jumping into flames to begin with." He muses. "I suppose it's something to consider, but I fear for all that it may be theoretical..." 
     Then there is the matter of Lylat. "We get around plenty. I just mean in terms of... mm. Even with the technology these planets are dangerous. Drones get lost. People get lost. Expeditions are... rare in the wake of all the conflict, and not likely to be prioritized in recovery. I suppose it's ample opportunity for just about anyone walking in to make a difference... or a lot of cash."
     The owner to that ripple makes itself known like a lightning strike. One moment it is not there, and the next it is, after a doppler-echoing crack of thunder and a few raised scortches on one of the stone pillars. The beast is oughly pony sized... except that it is mostly porcine. Its tusks jagged, its natural fur almost bristle-like in a 'hawk that runs from violet snout to dark purple tail. It's difficult to discern or look at too long, because its body appears to be made up of pure energy of some sort. At least at a glance. And any electronics this close, well, they just sort of... give up. The chirping and crackling of electricity reaches a pitch and the creature does not look too terribly happy.
Luke Gray
    Luke seems focused on the conversation, "Well, if info about such gets out in my world, you might get a lot of pokemon trainers wanting to take a chance at earning that money, I mean... I might actually give it a shot, I would use the funds." he says softly, smiling to Fionn, "Trust me, me neither, but remind me to show you that one trick when we are back at home base and we won't freak out anyone." he says with a nod. Agni seems to sense the ripple with ease, fur standing on end from the static, and growling in the direction of the electric boar. 

    Luke was already reaching for one of his pokeballs, just in case, so the electric interference seems to focus on the rest of them, and Luke's poor phone and pokedex, whihc starts to ramble random information as the screen flickers between different pictures and statistics. "What's going on? what is that pig?" he asks, eyeing it cautiously, while Agni slowly moves to face the arrival.
Wolf O'Donnell
     And...there it is. All of that wide-angle focus is brought back together into a single point of obviousness. The hiking-pack wearing wolf steps forward twice to put himself half in front of the kid of the group but soon thereafter exhales sharply and raises a hand to his face. In fact, there is a moment of grimacing as if afflicted with a sudden headache before O'Donnell slides a single finger underneath the patch covering his left eye in a way that would, no doubt, place the position of his sharp claw somewhere inside the socket of his eye to one side. 

     Whatever he does seems to make things better, but it also, unspokenly, reduces his depth-perception. Sliding a hand back to his pack to grasp at the tucked-away machete-like blade, Wolf's other hand moves to make sure his personal shield is active. The force shield itself is otherwise invisible to the naked eye, but as such pieces of gear are powered by smaller G-Diffusers the sheer output of power can usually compensate for these kinds of electrical interferences. Otherwise, what use would they be?

     "Heads up, Nichols. Watch it, kiddo."
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn rolls his shoulders into a shrug. "If they want to risk life and limb, that's their own business. Adventurers before scientists, I suppose..." He rubs at the top of his snout and smiles a bit. "nothing wrong with that, of course. And I am always keen for a good trick..." 
     It is, though, Fionn's turn to play pokedex. He throws one leg over the other and considers the electroboar, who despite traveling at lightning pace seems to lumber about before a charge. "Ah. Codename Bulben. Some of the locals call it cute things like Night Opera and the electric stalker. Even the nomads have a fair reliance on tech for enviornmental manners. Its natural electric field would prevent most accessible means of documentation, and capture for that matter. Fascinating. I don't think this is a bioweapon or anything..."
     Eccentric Fauna. The fox looks back and forth almost expectantly, calm despite the rumbling onslaught of the incoming beast.
Luke Gray
    Luke watches the pig from behind the tall bear, and the certainly not small wolf, both seemingly trying to protect the kid, "That's... an electric animal." he muses, glancing at the one pokeball in his hand, "Is it dangerous?." he asks, "I mean, if we should attack.". Meanwhile, Agni notices the fact Wolf grasps something , likely a weapon of some kind, and glances back at the pig, ready to charge at it.

    The mention of disrupting tech stuff gets him to pick up the babbling device, "Oh no... I hope this is not broken..." he groans, fiddling with the device until he manages to turn it off. "If we were back at home I'd be trying to capture it already... it looks so much like a pokemon...". he seems intrigued about the boar, more than anything.
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Sure would be worth a pretty penny if we could capture it," adds Wolf who is, undoubtedly, the first to step forward and ahead of everybody else -- after a good two hard steps of boot-against-ground, O'Donnell's pace quickens. He seems to be meeting that charge in return, if just to provide a more prominent target to the immediate danger. 

     Capturing it somehow would technically be poaching in this part of the planet, but that possibility doesn't detract away from the serious nature of self-defense from an irate animal. There's no way even a hardened merc like Wolf could go hand-to-hoof with a creature that size, is there? There is a plan, though, as Wolf does a quick three-step spin to unsling the large pack from his back and toss it forward. This isn't done to throw it -at- the boar as much as it is done to provide an obstacle to help break that charge or perhaps to leap over it...and provide an opening.

     "Okay, Porkchop, show us how well that bacon sizzles!"
Fionn Nichols
     "Mmhm. Of course, in terms of 'wild' wild animals, most famous are probably the plasma birds out on Solar..." Whatever those are called. Hard to beat firebirds living on the actual sun. Fionn has to raise his voice to be heard over the chirp and drum of hooves on the ground. The beast continues its charge, not hesitating at the large pack but its gait is thrown off enough to cause it to swerve. Not exactly going to get a full charge with that momentum. A rake of sparks almost incidentally races through the dirt nearby. 
     "The locals do have a bounty out for its removal," Fionn muses. "Something of a villain by nature. Now. I suggest one of you handle the disabling, and the other one of you handle the capture... with whatever is handy." He smiles and steeples his fingers. "This is right up your alley, right?"
Luke Gray
Luke Gray watches the animal curiously as Fionn casually talks of other, even more exotic things, "Wish pokeballs worked on things besides pokemon." he muses, even as the fire grizzly roars to the charging animal, taking advantage of the distraction and disruption from Wolf's actions, raising one meaty paw to attack the beast. It seems Agni noticed the fact teh boar IS sparking and emiting power, since some purple/dark energy gathers on the raised forelimb, taking the shape of some sort of gauntlet, an even larger paw made of dark (ghost energy) that swipes at the animal. 

    Luke meanwhile is already fiddling with another pokeball, hoping it still works as there is a loud click, a flash of red, and a large, round creature not unlike a tiger materializes right next to the teen, glancing around in confusion, fur sparking in response to the energy emitted by the boar. Dynamo needs a moment to orient himself, even with Luke pointing at the pig, so it can't do much beyond standing there and trying to turn to face the electric rival.
Wolf O'Donnell
     The disrupted stride allows Wolf enough time to sidestep the charged charge with another three-step rotation, fully exposing the beast to any attention or attacks from those behind him (which may put the bear into the main focus instead), but this comes with, hopefully, a chance to strike. 

     Now, the slash with that blade -- a perfectly mundane metal blade with an insulated handle -- is glancing at best as it comes both in the middle of his spin and Wolf's judgment on distance can be off. He won't risk overextending the swing to compensate, and the effectiveness of the machete-like blade might be questionable anyway, so potentially glancing blow it'll have to be...directed at the boar's flank, possibly a hind leg, totally for exposing weakness only.

     "Alley-oop," calls out O'Donnell, apropos to the situation, as his initiative and forward charge overall is simply meant as a set-up for a follow-up for, perhaps, Gray's combo.
Fionn Nichols
     Lets one mistake Fionn for a COMPLETELY lazy, dettached fox, he is murmuring a bunch of arcane nonsense to himself. "... oh, yes. If that technology could be adapted. But, then, it's a part of what keeps your friends as marvelous and unique as they are." Unique from even the lightningboar. The phantasmal attack and the swipe from the blade shear off a bit of fur, that looks like bristle wire when it scatters onto the grass. There's a whine and a discharge of electricity. 
     Wolf's emphasis on evasion over greedy hits sparse him the swipe of a tusk, for now, though the proximity makes his fur stand on end. Fionn finally gestures to the gorilla at his side and beckons for the pack. "I'll need the wire mesh, ball-bearings, a G5 distributor... alternator chip... ooh, and some LEDs." In short order, he turns that rock into a mini workbenc while the others have it out. And their new friend is hurtling towards Dynamo this time... despite being outnumbered, it just seems to be thrown into more of a fury.
Luke Gray
    Luke smiles a bit to Fionn, even if he seems a bit concerned by the situation at hand, watching how even the fur seems full of energy. Thankfully, Lukeis paying attention to the charging boar, so he is quick to steer out of the way of the now rushing animal!. Agni growls, unable to keep up, and instead rushing to Luke's side to protect the boy. 

    The electric tiger's fur seems to poof out somewhat as power built on the round creature, eyes focused on the hurtling beast, yet making no motion to get out of the way yet... the feline waits until the last moment, before jumping to one side, the electric boar grazing his fur, as it cirmly brings a set of very real, sharp claws into the flank of the animal, apparently unaffraid of teh potential discharge.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Wolf seems in no particular hurry to rush back over into the excitement. Rather, he first checks his blade, then half-jogs back over. His mohican mane already sticks up, so there's nothing puffball about him overall, but it may make his ruggedly-furred tail appear a bit more thick. That personal shield, from the proximity to such an electric charge, lessens the overall bodily effect -- in addition to the light jacket he wears with that metal micro-filament mesh woven into it acting as a Faraday Cage to protect him from such static ambiance -- but is visible as a ghostly shimmer around the lupine as he moves as it works. 

     If this were an actual threat, Wolf could help end it with that pistol holstered at his side, but that would defeat the efforts of trying to capture the creature for...scientific purposes. "Okay, kiddo, let's see what your cat can do." He's not close enough to try to launch any sort of follow-up attack yet.
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn smiles right back warmly as if to say, 'you got this!' And they probably do. A veteran and a pokemon trainer versus a singular, if powerful beast that seems to now have taken most interest in the tiger above all the others. There's a simple matter of instinctual hierarchy, and the violet eyes brighten to near white fury. Claws rake, tusks drag, and sparks fly as the pair face off. Indeed, the worst that the 'mon might take is mitigated by pure elemental resistance. That doesn't mean it's harmless, but it's still in the realms of a wild bout. The creature seems to have given up on charging and instead intends to wrestle with boar, claw, and its mighty weight. 
     The Fennec seems to have arrived at what looks like a simple throwing net. How pedestrian. "Try to give it just one good hit. Daze it, maybe knock it out?"
Luke Gray
    The cat is big, but not quite as big as Agni, so it has some trouble physically wrestling the large, electric boar. IT seems quite able to handle the discharge at first, if anything, it seems as if the interference caused by the pig is reduced, with the electric pokemon clinging onto the struggling beast, snarling and trying to hold onto it. That peace lasts for few moments, until Dynamo lets out a loud, pained snarl, the muted sparking on its fur growing wildly. 

     "Agni!, quick, while Dynamo keeps it controlled!" he calls, the bear charging at the distracted pig from one side, "Rock tomb!" The bear perks his ears as the attack is named, growling loudly and taking a high leap, both forelegs wrappign in white energy as it closes both 'hands' and slams the ground, the energy discharging into the ground, followed by a loud rumble that seems focused under the struggling electric types. "Now!" calls Luke, the tiger disengaging from the struggle, giving the boar another free hit, shaving some fur, perhaps a shallow cut.

     The ground under the boar cracks and shakes before large rocks suddenly shoot from the ground around the beast, scraping and pressing against the big animal, landing in a tight circle around the beast, trapping it there, at least momentarily. Both Agni and the electric cat panting.
Wolf O'Donnell
     This -- this is why having Gray and his Pokemon around are handy. However, the strike and physical capture of the beast by the very ground itself will only go so far. But, see, this is where Wolf comes in. Perhaps 'alley-oop' would fit better here considering the vertical element, but it's already been said once already. 

     Agni's descent and impact with the ground creates an opportunity for the lupine to hop up onto the bear just as those rocks come up underneath and around the electric boar. It might even appear, as a bit of an illusion to an outside observer, that the sprouting stone shooting upward from the soil helps to launch Wolf higher into the air. Pure timing and eye-trickery, though, as Agni's bulk serves as a springboard for the one-eyed predator to leap upward.

     Lips drawn back to expose teeth, throat rumbling with a snarl of attack, the airborne wolf uses the planet's gravity to assist in the sudden aerial strike. The blade held in his hand is brought down hard, handle first, so that the impact aimed at the boar's noggin will take the most force from the fall. Notably, contact made causes his shielding to light up in immediate drain in order to protect its user from electric discharge.
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn plucks up the mesh and stands atop the flat rock, which grants about five inches to his already charitable height. He watches, this time for an opening. Luke's handling of its electro field and brute presence is deft, though scanners, comms and the like just barely function. The sight of the tiger grappling with the boar is truly legendary... well, perhaps not as astonishing in the Pokemon world. But even then the ground cracking and the dust roiling has its own sense of power and awe. 
     The rocks from the attack crack up around the boar, holding it in place and further dampening its abilities. More, its stamina does not seem as otherworldly as its appearance might suggest. It cracks off a few of the imprisoning slabs before taking the hilt straight to the head, letting out a much more primal scream, and then stuttering.
     It's almost comical that Fionn throws the net over in the end, after its strength is all but spent. The wires drapes around and cling to the filament-like fur of the beast. A series of LEDs along the side dot up red, flaring a bit as the electrical field quiets. The sound stops, the movement stops, and the boar slumps, not unconscious but appearing almost drugged.
     Fionn claps his paws and grins. "Well. Excellent job, you two. It would have been quite a mess with you, Luke. But I think the surrounding caravans will sleep a lot sounder with this bugger out of their yard..." There's still the matter of creating a containment field. And Luke, if familiar with electric types, might notice that it isn't unconscious so much as having its magnetic field so thoroughly screwed that it acts like something of a sedative. (Mind, if he'd just tried that outright, it probably would have torn right through it...)
Luke Gray
    Luke seems honestly impressed by Wolf's manneouver, if only perhaps he still can't get used to... non pokemon doing things like that, even after this time. He cheers as Wolf knocks out the thing and moves to check on his pokemon!. He reaches into his backpack and produces some kind of collar, filled with some leds, "Ok dynamo, try to be still.". The electric type seems to be struggling with a bit of overcharge, but manages to stop sparking like the boar was long enough for the collar to be attached to it's neck. The boy moves quickly, connecting a group of what seem like small devices with 'Sylph co' written on them to said collar, and flicks a switch. There is a soft humming noise and a short pause pause before tiger seems to relax and sit down, still panting, but no longer looking as if he was trying to hold back from exploding. 

     Finally, after that, the boy checks on the net and the boar, "Is that net messing with the electric field of teh boar?" he asks, smiling at the mention of them doing a good job. "Thanks, it was quite excitin." he replies, before finally checking on Wolf, "And that was a great move, are you ok?" he asks, seeming a bit concerned. "Dynamo will be ok, just needs a moment."
Wolf O'Donnell
     The broken stone on the Bulben's behalf of trying to escape the sudden prison provides O'Donnell with an easy out to jump free and out of the way of Fionn's turn at the combined efforts to bring down the menace. As predicted, the operation is smooth enough and over with in a short amount of time. 

     Wolf slowly walks away from the scene as Fionn does his thing and Luke tends to his Pokemon. He needs to fetch the pack he used to try and break that initial charge. Thankfully, everything was strapped together and secured well. The damage should be minimal. Picking up and dusting the hiking backpack off, Wolf goes through the mundane process of strapping the blade back where it once was; he uses this time relatively alone to sneak a finger back underneath his eyepatch in a similar fashion as he did earlier before hefting the heavy thing to carry back over to where the others are located.

     "Hm? I'm fine. Like I said before, I've dealt with my fair share of problems on the ground." O'Donnell pauses as he walks by and glances over his shoulder toward Luke. "Good job, kiddo. Without your help that attack would have left us with no option but to put the beast down."
Luke Gray
    Luke moes a bit closer, "Still, wanted to be sure, that looked dangerous." he says, rubbing the back of his head at the praise for the work, "Thanks I guess, glad I was able to help." he says with a grin, "Glad it worked out like this." he says, petting both of his pokemon, "So, there are creatures like this all over this place?, I mean dangerous animals like that boar?"
Wolf O'Donnell
     "The Universe is a scary place, kiddo. Life is scary. I've seen the things the beasts in your dimension can do; are you really so surprised? Like Nichols said, we have life somehow thriving in the plasma of the red dwarf Solar dancing around with Lylat in the sky. So, yeah, we have all manner of creatures. Even in space." Especially in space, it seems. "What makes something 'dangerous', however, is completely up to your personal definition, pup." 

     At this point, the expedition has a minor halt to it. The care and transport of the creature to remove it from the 'problem area' takes priority, but thankfully this is something that Wolf and the simian lackey are able to work together to accomplish. Fionn probably wants to keep an eye on it to make sure nobody turns it into a large roast, but Wolf has just as much of an investment in the welfare and well-being of the boar.

     The hike may be paused for the moment, but it doesn't have to be over.